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Plyometrics For Golfers

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Ounceof Prevention

Introductory Plyometirc
Training Program for Golfers
Jason Brumitt, MSPT, SCS, ATC, CSCS,*D

any amateur golfers play

the game of golf for the
shear enjoyment of the
sport and for the benets of physical
activity. Despite the fact that golf is a
non-impact sport, both amateur and
professional golfers are at risk of sustaining sports-related injuries. Injuries to
the low back, the shoulder, the wrist,
and the hand are frequently experienced
by amateur and professional golfers (7,
8). An epidemiological study has found
as many as 57% of amateur golfers risk
injury in any one year period (1).

Table 1. Basic Plyometric Training Program for Golfers

Standing Horizontal Throws (each side)

1 3 sets x 10 repetitions

Seated Horizontal Throws (each side)

1 3 sets x 10 repetitions

Overhead Ball Throw

1 3 sets x 10 repetitions

Lateral Jumps over Barrier (or cone)

1 2 sets x 15 repetitions

Front-to-Back Jumps over Barrier (or cone)

1 2 sets x 15 repetitions

Jump from Box (small height)

1 2 sets x 8 repetitions

Each training program should include

plyometric exercises. Plyometric forms
of exercise consist of a rapid deceleration
of movement followed by a rapid acceleration in order to develop explosive
power (2). Research has demonstrated that the integration of plyometrics
into a golf training program increases
club head speed and driving distance
(4,5). Plyometric training may also help
to protect the body from potentially
injurious forces and loads, ultimately
reducing the risk of sustaining a golf
related injury.

The biomechanics of the modern golf

swing has been cited as the reason for
the high number of injuries experienced
by professionals and amateurs. High
torques, shear and lateral bending forces,
and compression loads to the spine
increase the risk of lumbar muscle strains
and disc herniations (6). Compression
loads alone are eight times ones body This article presents a basic plyometric
training program that is appropriate for
weight during the golf swing (6).
most golfers. In a forthcoming issue I
will present an advanced golf plyometric
Including Plyometrics in a
training program.

Strength Training Program

Participating in a comprehensive
strength and conditioning training program may help to improve the golfers
game and reduce his or her risk of injury.

NSCAs Performance Training Journal | www.nsca-lift.org/perform

Basic Plyometric Training

The program presented in table 1 should
be performed one to two days a week
with 48 to 72 hours rest in between sessions. Between each set rest for approximately one minute and rest up to ve
minutes between each exercise.
Standing and Seated Horizontal
Throws (Figures 1 & 2)
Position yourself perpendicular to a
rebounder approximately eight to ten
feet away. While standing (gure 1)
or in a seated position, throw a light
plyoball or medicine ball across your
body toward the rebounder. As the
ball rebounds back to you, catch it,
and quickly throw it back toward the
rebounder. Repeat this sequence for the
desired number of repetitions. When
sitting on a physioball (gure 2), maintain an upright, neutral spine posture.

Vol. 6 No. 5 Page 9

Ounceof Prevention

Jason Brumitt, MSPT, SCS, ATC, CSCS,*D

Overhead Ball Throw

Face the rebounder holding a light plyoball or medicine ball overhead. Throw
the ball towards the rebounder, catch
it o the bounce, and quickly throw it
back to the rebounder again. Repeat for
the desired number repetitions.
Lateral Jumps and Front-to-Back
Jumps Over a Barrier (Figures 3 & 4)
Place a cone or small barrier on the
ground (approximately four to six inches
high). As fast and as safely as you are able,
jump side-to-side (gure 3) or front-toback (gure 4) over the barrier/cones for
Figure 1. Standing Horizontal Throw
the desired number of repetitions.
Jump from Box (Figure 5)
Stand on the top of a six inch step or box
(gure 5). Take a step o of the box, land
on the ground with both feet, followed
by immediately jumping straight up as
high as you can. Repeat for the desired
number of repetitions.
It is recommended that before an athlete
performs lower extremity plyometrics
he or she should be able to perform ve
squat repetitions, squatting 60% of ones
body weight, in ve seconds. At the bottom of each squat, the thighs should be
parallel to the ground (3).

1. Batt ME. (1992). A survey of injuries
in amateur golfers. British Journal of
Sports Medicine, 26:63 65.

Figure 2. Seated Horizontal Throw

6. Hosea TM, Gatt CJ Jr. (1996). Back

pain in golf. Clinics in Sports Medicine,
15(1): 37 53.

7. McCarroll JR. (1990). Injuries in

2. Chu DA. (1998). Jumping Into the amateur golfer. The Physician and
Plyometrics 2nd ed. Human Kinetics, Sportsmedicine, 18: 122 126.
Champaign: IL.
8. Parziale JR. (2002). Healthy swing:

3. Chu DA, Cordier DJ. (2000). a golf rehabilitation model. American

Plyometrics in rehabilitation. In Journal of Physical Medicine &
Ellenbecker TS (ed): Knee Ligament Rehabilitation, 81: 498 501.
Rehabilitation. Churchill Livingstone,
New York.

About the Author

4. Doan BK, Newton RU, Kwon YH,

Kraemer WJ. (2006). Eects of physical
conditioning on intercollegiate golfer
performance. Journal of Strength and
Conditioning Research, 20(1): 62 72.

Jason Brumitt is an Instructor of Physical

Therapy at Pacic University in Hillsboro,
Oregon. He is currently completing
his Doctor of Science degree at Rocky
All golfers should consider participating
Mountain University of Health Professions.
in strength and conditioning training
His professional interests include epidemiprogram. Inclusion of plyometric exer- 5. Fletcher IM, Hartwell M. (2004). ology of sports injuries, training techniques
cises can not only improve facets of a Eect of an 8-week combined weights to prevent sports injuries, and sports and
golfers game, it can help to reduce the and plyometrics training program on golf orthopaedic rehabilitation. To contact the
drive performance. Journal of Strength
risk of becoming injured.
author email him at jbrumitt72@hotmail.
and Conditioning Research, 18(1): 59

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Vol. 6 No. 5 | Page 10

Ounceof Prevention

Figure 3. Lateral Jumps Over a Barrier

Jason Brumitt, MSPT, SCS, ATC, CSCS,*D

Figure 4. Front to Back Jumps

Over a Barrier

Figure 5. Jump From Box

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Vol. 6 No. 5 | Page 11

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