AbsoluteSuccessCoaching Vol1

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Copyright 2012 Success Vantage Pte Ltd

All rights reserved.

Published by Chris DCruz
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permission of the author.
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Individual results may vary.

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................... 6

Belief Is Fundamental ................................................................................................................ 8
You Have Your Weaknesses ..................................................................................................... 10
Changing Personalities ............................................................................................................. 12
Finding Harmony ....................................................................................................................... 16
CHAPTER 2: KNOWLEDGE IS POWER .......................................................................................... 19
What Is Power?......................................................................................................................... 20
Creating Your Power................................................................................................................. 21
Using Your Power .....................................................................................................................23
CHAPTER 3: THE THOUGHT PROCESS ........................................................................................ 24
Receivers And Transmitters .....................................................................................................25
The Ether ...................................................................................................................................27
Thought Transfer ..................................................................................................................... 30
Using Organized Knowledge....................................................................................................32
CHAPTER 4: THE HARMONIOUS MIND ...................................................................................... 34
Mind Chemistry ........................................................................................................................ 35
Great Minds Think Alike ............................................................................................................37
The Spirit Of Harmony ............................................................................................................. 40
Healthy Mind, Healthy Body .................................................................................................... 43
Are You A Leader Or A Follower? ............................................................................................ 46
The Premise Of Cause And Effect ........................................................................................... 49

CHAPTER 5: THE SOURCE OF POWER .........................................................................................57

Organization ............................................................................................................................. 58
Combined Effort....................................................................................................................... 60
The Revival Mentality .............................................................................................................. 63
CHAPTER 6: EXPLORING THE LESSONS LEARNED .................................................................... 68
Avoid The Poison ..................................................................................................................... 69
Recognize Your Obstacles ........................................................................................................ 71
Know Your Enemies ..................................................................................................................72
CHAPTER 7: A SUMMATION OF THOUGHTS ...............................................................................77

Before you proceed in this course, it is important for you to know some of the basic
principles used as its foundation. Having at least a minimal understanding of the
fundamentals will allow you to absorb this information more readily and you will find more
benefit from what you learn. In addition, you should know what this book will give you in
terms of benefits as well as what it cannot do for you. You will have to realize that there is
no miracle that will give you the success you want unless you are willing to work for it.
There is no wonderful AHA! that allows you to have all that you want in a day. And even
with the best information available, if you do not use it, it will not benefit you at all.

First of all, you will benefit from this course only if you follow it to completion. Winners
never quit, and quitters never win. Although one section or another will give you that
insight that creates the proverbial light bulb in your mind, you will not have all of the
information you need to create your ultimate success in life. Each part gives you insight into
different methods and thought processes that put the tools in your mind to let you benefit
from them in life. If you quit half-way through the course, you will miss some of the most
valuable information in finding your success. By the time you are done, you will have found
a different thought process that will propel you forward in finding your success in life. Each
step in the course offers you a new way to change your life in the way you think, act, and
react to events in your life.

What this book cannot do for you is make you pay close attention to the information given.
Only you can determine how much you will really get from the information presented.
Furthermore, this book cannot define your success, since success is relative to each

individual person. You cannot compare your personal success with that of another person.
For example, your neighbors success might be something as simple as paying cash for the
new roof he put on his house, while yours might be that you have $1 million by the time you
retire. No matter what your definition of success is, everyone else will find a different
meaning. If you think about it, a childs success is saying they are Ten and a half. Some
people have simple goals that are easily reached, while others challenge themselves more.

However, even with the knowledge you gain from this book and the subsequent course, you
have to make sure that goals to success are realistic. Face it, not everyone can be Donald
Trump or Bill Gates. Their success is theirs. You have to find your own. Although you may
not have billions of dollars, your success could be the home of your dreams, a family, and the
finances to live in comfort. Sometimes it is in realizing your small dreams that lead you to
searching for your bigger success. Ultimately, this process is up to you what you gain from
the information given is purely your own. You have to remember that another person will
find something different in the concepts given here, according to their own definition of

This book will not define your success for you, but rather help you in defining it. You have to
keep your goals and dreams in mind as you absorb this information. It will show you some
of the principles that you will need to employ in order to find your own success, and show
you how to avoid some pitfalls in the process. Of course, as stated, your definition of
success will be different than someone elses, and it is important that you keep that

No matter what your definition of success is, you will only achieve it if you believe that you
can. If you doubt your own abilities, you will not achieve what you want to achieve. Along
with your own thoughts, if you believe others when they say that what you are pursuing is
not possible, then it wont be. As you follow the information presented in this book, you
have to have an open mind, and decide what you want, and set your resolve in reaching your
goals. You have to remember that it is you and only you that can determine how much of a
benefit you will get in this information.

There is no one else that can determine that for you. It is in your thoughts and actions that
you will find your success. It is important that you follow your heart in your decisions while
allowing your mind to soar in finding what you want in life. You will be making some pretty
big changes in your life, so it is important to keep some notes and refer back to them to see
if you are moving forward in your endeavors, or staying stagnant in your thoughts and

The first thing you have to do in following the information contained here is to find what
your beliefs and ideals are. If you read something you dont really care for at this time, is it
something that is strictly against your beliefs, or is it something that indicates a change in
your life that you can make? A lot of people are slow to accept change, so they put it off.
Ill try that tomorrow. But there are times when that tomorrow never comes.

If you never step outside of a comfort zone, you will never know if something new can
improve your life. Being comfortable is always the human tendency, leading people to
believe they have reached their point of success. But that is not always the truth. You are
human, and as such, you will always want more in life. It is natural that people NEED
challenges in their lives in order to be useful and show others a path in life. They want to not
only find success, but teach others to find it, too. They need challenges to keep their lives
interesting and let them feel useful. In using the information in this book, you are not only
being useful to yourself and others, but finding your personal success.

There is a fable of a woman that would not open her windows to nature, believing that bad
elements would enter her home. One day, a dear friend came to her, and told her how
beautiful the day was, with the sun shining bright, flowers in bloom, and the birds singing
their songs. You have to see for yourself. Her friend opened a window, and let those
good things flood the room. The woman was amazed and overcome by what she had been
missing for a long time. From that day forward, she embraced the changing of the seasons,
letting new things come into her home. In other words, she had learned to embrace
change. She believed in those changes, and allowed them into her life.

Just as the friend said, You have to see for yourself. Only you can open that window to
your mind, and find the belief in yourself that will allow you to benefit from what is shared
here, and to find your own success. If you refuse to open that window, you will not get the
benefit that you should from these teachings, and will have wasted the time you have taken
thus far. So open a window, get a breath of fresh air, and move on to learn more.

Along with the belief you have in your own abilities and strengths, you have to explore your
weaknesses and be rid of them, if possible, in order to move forward. This will take some
self-exploration, which can be difficult for some people. Although change is inevitable, most
people would rather stay with their old ways of doing things and their old ways of thinking.
When they make a mistake, they blame it on someone elses failures or the new stuff that
doesnt work. But is that really a fair assumption of the way the world works?

Most likely, it isnt. Some things, of course, should not be changed. For example, no matter
what other changes occur in life, you still have to bake a cake at a certain temperature for a
set amount of time. Something like that never changes. But others need to change in order
for us to live and grow. When you make mistakes (like not setting the correct temperature
for that cake), it is important to acknowledge them and correct them if you can. It is only in
those corrections that you learn your weaknesses. Mistakes can be large or small, but all of
them need to be addressed in order to make changes in your life.

No man has a chance to enjoy permanent success until he looks in a mirror for the real
cause of all his mistakes. Napoleon Hill. You have to be able to look at the mistakes in
your past in order to learn what will work in the future. Since you are human, you do have
some weaknesses that you may not be aware of. They are not your fault, but not changing
them can be. Just as Mr. Hill states, you have to look in the mirror, discover your
weaknesses, and be rid of them. Once you acknowledge a weakness, you will be mentally
aware of when you fall into its trap, and will be able to avoid it.

There are some very common weaknesses documented. Throughout the ages and through
many a philosophical teacher, they have been found to be the weaknesses that people fall
prey to time and time again. It is in recognizing what they are that you can battle against the
temptation of incorporating them into your life. Some of the most common are spending
more than you earn, reaping what you do not sow, lust, greed, suspicion, revenge, jealousy,
conceit, impatience, and egotism.

There are more, but these will suffice in showing you that you are human and prone to
weaknesses. It is a sure bet that you have fallen prey to at least one of these weaknesses at
one time or another. More than likely, you were not fully aware of what you were feeling
and doing at the time. This is because you were not conditioned to see them. You have not
made yourself aware of their existence in your mind, and you did not make an effort to
prevent them from affecting your life. This book can help you to recognize them so that you
can get past their influence.

You have to realize that weaknesses affect your life in general, not just your business life and
not just your personal life. For instance, if your mind is seeing suspicion, you may think your
mate is cheating on you, or in business you may think your coworker is after your promotion.
Either one of these can be detrimental to relationships, thus dampening your chances for
success. So then it becomes necessary to make some changes in your life. This is where
some people will balk at the whole idea of this book. All changes, even the most longed
for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to
one life before we can enter another. Anatole France.

Have you ever been having a bad day at work, and just when you are under the most
pressure, a coworker asks you what seems to be a stupid, useless question that they should
already know the answer to? You turn and snap at them that you just dont have the time to
handle something so silly. Well, if you were a salesperson, and that was a customer, you
would have just lost a sale as well as a repeat customer. And all of this drama is because you
were impatient. (Read above for some of the human weaknesses.)

There is something that you have discounted in this whole equation. It could be a possibility
that you didnt know about it in the first place. Because of your weakness, you did not see
where you could turn it into a personal strength. You only saw the employee with the stupid
question instead of what you should have seen: The personality of success. Instead of
hearing a stupid question, you should have seen the opportunity to sell yourself in giving
an appropriate answer.

The fact is that people buy a personality as much or more than the product they buy. In your
personal life, they buy that personality versus what you are saying to them. When you are
talking to your relatives, they really dont want to hear about your conquests in the business
world. They want to hear about YOU your personality, you likes, your dislikes, and how
you are doing personally. It is up to you to sell who you really are, and not a falsified
version showing who you want to be. In business, things are different.

For example, if you are selling the best kitchen sponge to come along since the discovery of
the ocean sponge, you will not make a sale if you simply knock on someones door and say,
Buy my product because I need the money. People dont want to be sold on your
product. They want to be sold on YOU. Of course, a good product is always the best way to
go, but ultimately it is the trust and connection that someone feels with you personally that
makes a difference.

Whether you are selling a Number Two Pencil or a Million-Dollar Mansion, it is not always so
much WHAT you are selling versus WHO you are selling. There is a man that once said, I can
sell an Amish man a complete home stereo system. If you know anything of the Amish
faith, they do not have electricity and do not believe in collecting material things that are not
necessary to live or that do not provide joy in the memories of their lives.

Therefore, to buy a stereo system is contrary to their beliefs. But this man is an excellent
salesperson. The reason wasnt in the product he was selling (the stereo) but rather who he
is as the seller. It is in the personality and the knowledge imparted that make a difference to
people. This concept is not only in selling a product or service, but in your life in general.
Are you selling falsified information about yourself, or are you being honest in giving
others a feeling of who you really are?

Keep this fact in mind: Ninety-nine percent of people that buy a life insurance or auto policy
from their local insurance agent are not even aware of what their policy contains, and what
is more startling is that most people do not seem to care. Why? Because they bought the
personality and the trust they have in their agents. As long as the agents are reputable, the
people got what they needed, even though they do not know or care about the specifics.
What they bought was the reputation and personality of the agents they came in contact

with. The same thing happens in every business, if the associates there are paying attention.
It is not the product that the store offers (a person can find it anywhere) but rather the
customer care people that make a difference. The same can be said for personal
relationships. Your mate probably doesnt care about your small faults as long as they are
satisfied with the personal aspects of your personality and what they find in your mind and

It is important to learn to be a people person, and change your personality to serve others
rather than only yourself. In learning the art of persuasion through service you will grow
both personally and professionally. Self-exploration will help you in this endeavor. It is a
good idea to take notes along the way, so that you can gauge your progress as you change.
As thoughts come to you throughout this book, write them down. Some will seem
nonsensical when you read them later, but it is important to write them down now, since
they are what is reflected in your thoughts as you are starting your journey. Those small
thoughts lead to bigger revelations in your lifes changes, and deserve their merit in finding
your path to success through the teachings given here.

Your business is LIFE, and as such you need to succeed. Therefore, it is important that you
immerse yourself in the ideas and processes that will help you the most. It goes without
saying that some things work better for other people and not for you, but it is important
that you try them and give them the time it takes in order to evaluate their effectiveness.
Document each stage of these explorations, so you can gauge their effectiveness. If you
find that something does not work for you then move on to another. But you have to be
sure that you are giving a fair evaluation of every process in changing your personality to
obtain your success. You have to give each process the appropriate time and level of
attention that it deserves in order to know if it works for you or whether the change
suggested will be detrimental to your journey.

There are some that you may revisit, finding that they apply at a later time in your journey,
instead of the particular stage of the course you are in. That is the importance of keeping
notes as you progress through this course. You have to have a guideline in showing your
progress or lack of it, and whether some methods and processes apply at a different time
for you. Remember that this is a journey that is never the same for any two people, but
rather a path chosen through given knowledge that is individual.

One of the biggest keys to finding success in life is in building a pleasing personality that
allows you to find harmony with others. Whether your thoughts and opinions are different
from theirs or not, it is in finding your personal harmony that allows you to find a harmony
with others. In other words, whether their facts are wrong, or you do not agree with what
they say or believe, you can still leave the conversation or situation with their admiration and
respect. In addition, you have to be at peace with your own thoughts, feelings and opinions.

To put it in different terms, You only wake up with yourself. You need to be at peace with
the thoughts and actions that you have in your daily interactions with other people in order
to find harmony. You have to have the facts in order to reach your determinations in finding
a harmony with someone else.

This concept is not always easy, since the natural instinct for a person is to defend what they
know and what they have learned. Here is a key point to remember: At this point in time,
you will have to change some of your beliefs and what you have learned in life in order to be
successful. (You may want to put that in your notebook in capital letters.) The facts you
have may not be the same as the ones that someone has found in their search for the truth.
It is in the perception and interpretation of information that creates differences between
people. It is your mission in life to find the facts that either support or dispute what other
people have knowledge of. (The concept of knowledge is important in the teachings you
will find in this book.)

The biggest concept here is to find harmony in your thoughts combined with the thoughts
of others. Sometimes you will agree with what other people say, do, and feel. At other
times, you will feel at odds with them. Their opinions are not your own, and you may not
agree with some of their actions. You probably feel differently about a lot of things. Thats
alright. You are an individual, just as they are. That is one of the biggest concepts you have
to accept. You will learn how to negotiate your way through life without the destructive
effects of friction and disagreement that contribute to the failure that many people face
every day.

You should look at every concept outlined in this book as the imminent transformation that
will take place in your personality and your path toward success. If you get nothing from
these concepts, perhaps you should start again and take a closer look at yourself and the
people around you. If you have not learned the harmony you need, you will not be able to
move on. It is imperative that you know that you will never enjoy power without the
personality that can influence others to cooperate with you in harmony. (This is another
point that should go in your notebook.) In other words, if you are not willing to face change
of any kind, you will not learn a single lesson in the information given here.

There are many other concepts that you will learn, but harmony is one of the most
important. If you have a highlighter marker, go ahead and mark that word for as many times
as you have written it down or have seen it in this text so far. It is one of the key words you
will see throughout this book. Keep marking it, because it is one of the concepts that will
lead you to success. It is one of the most important concepts that you will learn throughout
this book and through the entire course on finding your success.

There are a lot of other things that you will learn that will change the way you think and do
things. But the common thread will be in finding the harmony that brings you and other
people together. You will learn the bigger importance of this concept later in the book, so it
is important to keep it front and foremost in your notes. That being said, it is time to move
on to even more changes in your life and personality.

Many people have heard this mantra in the realm of promoting education and for good
reason. It is absolutely true. The more you know about a subject, the better you are able to
express your opinions and knowledge about it. If there is a subject you are not well-versed
in, but have a passion for, you will want to share it with others. Therefore, you will learn
even more about it in order to show your passion as well as a newly-found expertise. What
you have learned is that the more you know about your subject of choice, the more power
you have in persuading people to believe in it and the better you are at allowing them to
learn about it, also. In other words, you will have a method of finding harmony with
someone else. (Did you notice that harmony comes into play again?)

Knowledge is not only what you know on the surface. For example, you know that when
there are heavy clouds in the sky, it will rain. On the surface, you know that because
someone taught you. But underneath, in the depths of your mind, you know that fact
because you can feel it. Your mind and your body automatically notice a change in the
weather due to the pressures that change in the atmosphere. This is also another concept
that you should keep in mind. (Put that in your notebook, and refer to it later.) The weather
is not the only atmosphere that emits changing pressures. It is in your knowledge and the
ability to obtain it and share it that changes those pressures.

Since you know that knowledge leads to power, you should know how power leads to your
ultimate success. You should know the definition of power and how it applies to your goals
in reaching success. Then you will see the importance of gaining knowledge in the stepping
stones toward everything you want in life.

Power is the use of knowledge in the persuading of people to find harmony with you. It is a
way to convince others to see the sensibility in what you know without any type of mental
alienation or confrontation. You state your facts, they accept, and there is harmony. At
least that is your aim. But this is a learned art that will come later in this guide. For now, it is
important that you have the concept of what the terms are and how they apply to you in
your journey to finding success. There are times that the exchange of knowledge needs no
spoken words, but rather is exchanged through other means.

Power is not only knowledge, but in its application. Teach by example. Use what you
know to show people the knowledge you have. That is how you can demonstrate power. It
is not in being able to lift 500 pounds, although that is an impressive accomplishment, but in
being able to influence people with what you know, what you learned, and what you want
to learn from them. Influence is a key factor in power. Only in the demonstration of
knowledge can you have influence and gain the power you need to move forward in life.

Another class of power is in the use and understanding of natural laws. Natural laws are
those that man cannot change, and in most cases cannot influence. Instead, they find ways
to use them to a benefit in finding success. Throughout history, man has studied the laws of
nature and how they affect our environment, our physical being, and our minds. Gaining
that knowledge has helped us in using those laws in the creation of our own individual

The biggest thing in creating your power is to gain knowledge. There are two main sources
of knowledge that you can take advantage of. One is in life experience. From the time you
are born, you gain knowledge in this manner. For most people, the first bit of knowledge
they learn is the loving touch and warmth of their mother, and the continued love of family.
However, some of the knowledge you gain could be negative, but if you know how to
process it into being a learning experience, you can change that knowledge into positive
knowledge to file away for another time.

For instance, as you are watching your grandmother frost a cake, you dip your finger into
the frosting of course, she slaps your hand away. Although that little slap was negative,
you also learned the positive lesson that greed is wrong. You should not have taken what is
not yours and that you were not invited to have. Later, your grandmother gives you a slice
of the cake she so carefully protected from your greedy finger, showing you that containing
your greed gives you the reward that is worth waiting for.

Everything that you experience in your daily life is a source of knowledge. Even a quick trip
to the grocery store can teach you something, even if you dont realize it. You see many
different types of people there, each gathering products that you may not even consider
buying. You realize that each person is different, and you mentally note those differences
for another time. You even notice some of their lifes habits by what they buy.

For example, you know that the lady in the black coat has small dog because of the type of
dog food she buys, that the guy in the red sweater owns a cat. Given the number of
cleaning products that Blue T-shirt Lady is buying, she is either a very clean person or she
cleans for other people. Our minds gather knowledge constantly, storing away each small
piece of information for later retrieval. Seeing those people shows us small bits of
information that we use later in processing the minds that we come in contact with.

The second source of knowledge is organized knowledge. These are the facts that are
gathered, organized, and classified by other people. It is the knowledge gained through
your own conscious study of those facts in order to gain an understanding of particular
events and circumstances. Quite often this is a focus on a particular area of expertise,
enabling a person to learn a tremendous amount of knowledge on a single subject. For
example, you want to learn more about animal husbandry or gardening. No matter what
your interest is, you make a conscious decision to gather that information and to learn from
it. Whether or not you pursue those interests has no bearing on the fact that you have
gained that knowledge and it is stored in your mind, ready to share with others.

In gaining knowledge, no matter what its source, you are creating your own personal power
to be used in finding your success. There are times that seemingly inconsequential pieces of
information are discounted as being knowledge, but you have to realize that everything

your mind absorbs is knowledge. Knowledge is power, therefore, power is not only physical
but mental as well, and learning how to use it in both respects is your surest path to being

It goes without saying that it is nonsensical to create your personal power if you never use it
or never know how to use it. However, there are some other concepts that you will need to
know in order to effectively use the power you create. Unless you have a basic
understanding of the forces that create your power, you will not be able to use it to bring
your success to fruition. The above sections just slightly touched on the definition of power
and how to create it. So the next sections will explore the concepts more in-depth so that
you have a better understanding of them. First, it is important to realize that power from
any source does have its beginnings in physical matter. Although it sounds rather contrary
to creating power through knowledge, there is a definite connection.

Very simply put, everything in the universe is made of molecules that are a combination of
atoms. Those atoms are comprised of electrons that are in motion at all times, even though
a physical item may appear to be inanimate. Without giving a complete lesson in the nature
of physical matter, electrons also create what is considered a fluid energy. This fluid
energy creates vibration, and it is the speed of this vibration that creates what is not always
visible to the human eye, like some sources of light, sound, and heat. Your power resides in
these electrons and their vibration. Although this sounds like a foreign concept at this point,
keep reading. The idea of the universe revolving around vibrations sounds simplistic, but it
takes more than one paragraph to tell you exactly how this works.

It is no secret that the human brain uses neurons that produce electrical impulses that make
our bodies function. Again, this is a subject too vast for the scope of this book. However,
this should give you a clue in how electrons affect your thought process and the power you
create. More than likely, you have seen static electricity at work. Even though you cannot
see it, you see its effects in small sparks when a person touches something metal, or in the
fly-away hair that stands out from a persons head. There is a similar process that
happens in your brain, but in a more miniature scale and more frequently, generating your
body movements, thoughts, and even allowing you to breathe. The electrons that are
created in the brain are what allows your body to function and ultimately creates your

Scientists have worked for decades to study the thought process, to discover exactly how
the brain works and why some people are more receptive to outside forces. You may
notice that some people have thoughts and ideas that do not seem to be their own, or that
they even acknowledge them as coming from someone else through their minds. Although
this seems to be a foreign concept, there is an explanation. Some people will not be
receptive to this concept, but there is some scientific background that suggests its truth and
validity. Have you ever said to someone, This idea just came to me.? Most people have.
You are never really sure where that idea came from, but you just accept that you have it. In
some cases, it is an idea based on something you never knew before, but seem to know well
(or at least have the basics of). You never question it, but add it to your minds file
cabinet of knowledge.

The brain is miraculous in its functions, considering how many processes it takes care of in
any given moment, even when you are asleep. Your brain takes in the information from
your bodys senses and unscrambles the signals received to make sense of them. For
example, when you hear a sound, your brain processes it and from other experiences, you
know the sound you heard is a barking dog. Once you recognize that sound, you express
your frustration at the noise by admonishing the dog. In other words, you transmitted a
reaction to what you received. This is the basis of communication in todays world. But
there is more to that process of communication. Your conscious brain registered the
meaning of that sound and reacted to it.

However, there is another aspect to your brain being a receiver and a transmitter. Have you
ever had a thought just pop into your mind, and you realize it really is a good idea to follow?
You are never sure where it came from, but you pay attention to it, since it is foremost in
your mind at the time.

Most people simply call that an inspiration, but it really is more than that. It is your brain
receiving the atmospheric electrons in your environment. Just like the barking dog, there is
another method of acquiring knowledge that is at play. The thought that you have that
inspires you comes not from the dog, but in other parts of your environment.

On the reverse, once you receive that inspiration, your brains activity increases, sending
signals to different centers of thought. With that increased activity, you are emitting
electrons into the atmosphere. That means that you are transmitting your thoughts and
emotions into the environment around you. In other words, you received inspiration from
one source and begin giving it to another.

If you are a pet owner, you may notice that sometimes your pet knows when you are sad or
when you dont feel well. They tend to cuddle you to give you comfort. When you are
happy and excited about certain events or news, they are also excited doing their own
happy dance around you, and lavishing you with their affection in return for the affection
you are giving them. When you are angry with them, they are also aware of that emotion,
slinking away or laying at your feet hoping for your forgiveness for their wrong-doing.

Did you ever wonder why your pets seem to know your thoughts? Its actually a rather
simple premise. Since their brains are more primitive than yours, they are more in tune
with the environment. As a part of their survival instinct, they use the information the
environment gives them to help them determine how to react to any given situation,
determining whether they should defend themselves, run, or remain and take some wanted
admiration. In other words, they feel your thoughts and react appropriately. You transmit
what you are thinking and feeling into their environment, prompting their reaction.

Just as your pets use their environment in following instincts, so do you. For example, when
you meet someone new, or enter into a place you have never been before, do you get a
sense of uneasiness? At times, this is your subconscious mind telling you that something in
the environment is just not right. It could be that you feel a negative feeling about the
surroundings, or that the person you are meeting is presenting to you with feelings of

After some moments, your brain processes whether you are safe in the situation or whether
to initiate your fight or flight response. But you are never sure why this happens.
Although there is an explanation, it cannot be given in a sentence to two. There are some
explanations due to you, so that you have a better understanding of what you need to learn
in finding success.

The ether is the medium of conveyance for the vibration that is light, sound and heat.
Therefore, it follows that other vibrations such as thought and emotion can travel in the
same medium. Much like the nerves inside of the body that physically carry neurons in order
to direct bodily function and create physical and emotional sensation, electrons move
through the ether and are received by another being. If there is no being within the reach of
those electrons, they bounce aimlessly as atmospheric energy.

To be clear, the ether is not the anesthetic used in surgeries in years past, nor the chemical
used in cleaning and sanitizing metals. The ether, in the context of this book, is the empty
space between the nucleus of an atom and the protons and electrons that circle it, much like
the planets revolve around the sun. This empty space is able to allow vibrations to easily
pass through it and to store electrons that go astray.

As an example, you can hear your neighbors television through the walls of your apartment
because of the ether between the atoms and particles that comprise the physical mass of
the walls. The vibrations of sound gather there and transfer themselves to your auditory
senses. In other words, the ether moves those electrons through your ears to your brain,
allowing you to hear your neighbors television.

The entire universe is comprised of electrons, which combine to form atoms. Electrons are
either positively charged, or negatively charged. It is their various combinations in atoms,
and the combining of different atoms that create different physical materials that we use
every day. They even create some of the things that we use as a matter of survival that are

not seen, felt, or touched. For instance, most people have heard of H2O. That is the
chemical listing that denotes two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen in other
words, water. O2 is the symbol used for what you breathe every moment of your life:
Oxygen. Those are just two simple examples of the combination of electrons and atoms
that comprise what you know as the physical world.

In every atom, even in the air you breathe, there is that empty space that is the ether. The
universe does not ignore this fact. It has taken many years for man to discover this fact, but
now that the discovery is made, it does help to answer some other questions that have
plagued mankind for many years. For example, years ago, scientists didnt know why sound
could travel through some barriers while others effectively blocked it out. Why can you hear
your neighbors television, but someone else can create a sound-proof booth?

It is in the layers of different atoms. To further specify, it is in the combination of atoms that
form a material that has less of the ether, not allowing the vibrations of sound to pass
through it. The wider the empty space between the atoms is, the more vibrations that can
occur, meaning you can hear that television through an apartment wall, whereas you may
not hear anything through cement or fiberglass.

For example, when you are in an empty room and speak a sentence, you can hear the echo
as your voice bounces from the walls and returns to your ears. Once you fill that room with
furniture, place rugs on the floors, and pictures on the walls, you no longer hear those
echoes when you speak. The common explanation is that these items absorb sound.
However, that isnt really the truth. It is not that they absorb sound, but rather the lessened
ether they contain prevents its creation.

Given the facts above, you must realize that your pets are not the only ones that receive
your thoughts and emotions, nor are you the only one that transmits thoughts and
emotions. The premise is that you are susceptible to different disturbances in your
environment, much like your pets are. When you are near to someone, or enter a room
shortly after they leave, you experience the energy in the form of electrons that they have
left behind or are emitting at the time.

Hence that new idea that simply pops into your mind. There are times that you will find that
even though you know little of a subject, an idea involving that subject will seem very logical
to you, and you simply know that the new idea will work. But how do you know these
things? It isnt because you consciously studied the new subject, or even that another
person told you it would work. Consider another possibility: You are obtaining the
knowledge that someone else has gained through a method that does not require speech,
physical contact, or even that the person be in your presence at the time.

Perhaps to some people this brings up images of a bad science fiction movie where walking
zombies read your mind and know everything that you do, allowing them to anticipate your
every move. Although that is a good idea for a horror movie, it is far from the truth. No one
will ever know everything that you do. Whether you think they can read your mind or not is
up to your own beliefs. This book deals in the facts of the matter, and not the science fiction
or the what-ifs of a situation. The ether is a scientific fact, and not the imaginings of a
great author.

Given the explanation of what the ether is, it follows that electrons that create different
vibrations are able to pass through an area of space. If you are in close proximity to
someone that is in a tremendous creative moment, you are inspired to be creative also.
Their electrons are in the environment, being emitted at or just before the time when you
are near them. Even when they leave the room, you still have an inspiration that you did not
have before. It is because electrons emitted by them are still passing through the ether in
the area. You are still receiving them.

To follow, just as you received the electrons from someone elses creative process, you emit
your own. Perhaps you reciprocate to the person that inspired you at one point, or you
inspire someone totally different. Either way, your electrons are in that atmosphere. Every
place you go becomes a literal library of knowledge that you obtain from and give to others,
whether through the electrons (energy) they leave in the space, or through direct
communication. You have to imagine the power you can gain from every place you go.

The earlier definition of organized knowledge is the knowledge obtained by someone else.
It is assimilated, categorized and organized for use. In some cases, it is documented in
written documents or by digital means to share with others in the form of articles, blogs,
white papers, or full studies of data. But in the sense and scope of this book, it is the
knowledge that his held within the human brain.

For example, the scientist that is currently working on an important laboratory experiment
has facts and figures that are stored in his or her brain in order to digest the information
they are learning. Regardless of whether the information is in tangible form or not, it is still
emitted into the atmosphere where the scientist does most of his or her quiet thinking as
well as the most active information processing.

Organized knowledge can be in many forms, but the key (especially in the definition given in
this book) is that you are actively seeking the knowledge. You are taking a proactive
approach to gaining knowledge in order to create power. In other words, you are seeking to
find specific people to be near in order to obtain a higher level of knowledge from them as
well as to impart the knowledge you have with them.

The process is never a one-way street and should never be perceived as such. Organized
knowledge is never for one person to keep, but rather to share in the effort to reach the
common goal of finding combined success.

Now it is time to explore the ways and means by which you will gain the most from the
knowledge available to you. You have to first start with the way you organize and classify
the information you obtain. There are times that your brain will file things away in areas
of your brain that prevent your instant recall of details. In order to get that instant recall
back, you have to associate important details with images, sounds, smells, or touch
sensations that mean something in connection with the details you need to remember. This
power of recall is a small key in finding your harmonized mind.

Even in knowledge that you obtain from other sources, it is important that you are able to
use it and share it. When an idea strikes you, make it real to you. Write it down, or make a
physical marker of it in order to keep a method of recall. Memories and knowledge are
intangible portions of the ether that can quickly pass through and escape you if you are
unable to find them again. Without them, your Harmonious Mind could escape you, too.

It is a sure bet that you are wondering exactly what the Harmonious Mind is. Remember
earlier in this book when harmony was mentioned? Highlight it again. The Harmonious Mind
is an abstract term. The most simplistic definition is the alliance of two or more minds
forming one Harmonious Mind. But there is so much more to explore. It is at this point that
you must dispel any preconceptions you have and realize the bigger potential to that
simplistic concept.

Your mind is comprised of the same universal fluid energy that constitutes the ether that
fills the universe. The constant churning of electrons keeps a consistent flow of energy at
any given point in time. This means that your mind is forever changing and yet some of
those electrons stay the same. It is also a given fact that some minds clash the moment they
come in contact with each other. Conversely, there are minds that find a natural affinity for
each other in those first moments. Between the extremes of natural antagonism and
natural affinity is a whole range of possibilities for the reaction of mind upon mind.

Everyone has heard of love at first sight. This is the extreme of natural affinity, with some
minds naturally adapted to each other. Other times there is an instant dislike in the first
moment of a meeting, with a sometimes violent antagonistic reaction. All of this occurs
without a word being spoken and with no evidence of the signs of love and hate acting as a

Since your mind contains the same energy as the ether, it follows that when two minds
come close enough to each other to form contact that there is a mixing of the electrons.
This causes a chemical reaction that creates the vibrations that affect both individuals either
pleasantly or unpleasantly. There are also times when the contact between the two minds
creates a neutral bond, with no real affinity or antagonism at all. This is a bond that usually
never really is cemented in the mind, but rather let go as a wrinkle in time that has no
consequence. However, it seems that the effect of this meeting of the minds whether
friendly or not is caused by the disturbance in the electrons of the mind while they rearrange
themselves as a result of the meeting.

With having this simple explanation of mind chemistry, the foundation is set for
understanding the cause and effect of the meeting, or coming in close contact, of two
minds. While it isnt so important to understand the cause of the reaction, it is in the effect
of the reaction that you will find the meaning of a Harmonious Mind.

The creation of a Harmonious Mind through the blending of two or more minds in a spirit of
total harmony (got your highlighter?) creates a third mind that is used by one or all of the
individual minds. The Harmonious Mind stays intact for as long as there is still a friendly,
harmonious alliance between the minds that blend. However, it will disintegrate and all
evidence of its existence will disappear if that friendly alliance is ever broken. This principle
of mind chemistry is the basis of the premise of the eternal triangle and soul-mate
terms. It is one of the greatest of Natures laws.

Everyone knows that the first two or three years of marriage are filled with a whirlwind of
harmonious accord as well as disagreements mostly of a petty nature. These are the years
of adjustment in the pairing. If the marriage survives this period of time, more than likely

it will become a permanent alliance. The couple will have effectively formed their
Harmonious Mind. In this example, you can see the effect without knowing the cause.
However, you cannot dispute that the result is true.

During those early years, the lack of total harmony is due to the slowness of the mind
chemistries to blend. In other words, one or the other (or both) are not overly friendly, nor
antagonistic in the first meeting. But with continued association they eventually adapt to
form a harmonious blend. It should be mentioned that there are those rare cases where the
opposite happens. Instead of that harmonious blend over time, it evolves into open hostility
between the two minds with one repelling the other until a blending of the minds is totally
impossible. This is usually when divorce between couples comes about. The hostility is
quite evident is the actions taken by each party of the divorce, displaying the lack of mind

It is a well known fact that after a couple has lived together for ten to fifteen years that they
become so accustomed to each other that it seems they cannot live without each other.
Even though they do not openly display affection, or it appears that they no longer love
each other, they still have their Harmonious Mind. In fact, that third mind has such a strong
bond that they begin to think alike and even look alike in their facial expressions and some
physical movements.

They acquire the same interests and tastes, and even develop the same goals and dreams.
When one is ill, the other becomes ill. And in the case of the death of one, the other may
shortly follow, being unable to survive without that Harmonious Mind that has been

developed through the years. If the other does survive, in some cases they close their mind
to forming other Harmonious Minds, wanting to keep the residual knowledge they have
gleaned from their loved one. However, this is not always the way it remains. Even with no
close emotional bond to another mate, they may still form a blending with other minds.

This phenomenon is also seen between siblings, at least until the time that they strike out on
their own to form different Harmonious Minds with others. However, that bond formed in
their youth still remains as long as their relationships stay intact. Everyone has heard about
the studies done on the mind connection between twins. There are times when they finish
each others sentences and even complete each others projects as if they are one person.
Even twins separated at birth seem to carry the same mind as their sibling, following similar
paths in a career and even having the same tastes in clothing styles and home dcor. When
they finally see each other after a lifetime of separation, it is as if looking in the mirror. They
can see their own mind in their sibling, not being sure how this happens but they are sure
that it has.

The Harmonious Minds formed between couples and siblings are the obvious examples,
given the time they usually spend together. But the same can be seen between friends.
Given the fact that each person considers the other a friend, there is evidence that a
meeting of the minds has already occurred and is in a state of harmony.

This harmony lasts throughout the years, even though the friends may not see each other
for long periods of time. Even through periods of separation, they still think and act alike.
When they finally meet again, it is as if no time has passed. Their mannerisms are the same,
they have the same shared knowledge, and a blending of minds is still present. The only
thing that has seemed to change is the events in their lives that they wish to tell each other
about in order to renew their emotional attachment.

It is also not unusual for Harmonious Minds to form between coworkers. Even though there
is no evidence of an emotional bond or friendship, there is still an alliance of harmony is
sharing their creative solutions to situations in the workplace, as well as sharing the need to
get projects completed. Most times, no direct spoken communication is needed, but the
fact of the blending between minds becomes evident in their similar thoughts and actions.
The coworkers work as one unit in order to complete a common task, seemingly without
outside direction from any figure of authority. They automatically know what needs to be
done, and how to accomplish the tasks, and display a friendly accord in any contact they
make with each other. In other words, they have found their Harmonious Mind in their
work, rather than on a personal level.

There are even times when a Harmonious Mind is formed with a complete stranger. For
example, in times of great stress such as a natural disaster, you will see two strangers come
together to do what seems to be an impossible task. They may not ever know each other,

even in the sense of being an acquaintance, but they have found harmony in having a
common goal. If they do meet again at a later time, that harmony will still be there, even
though neither party will recognize that a bond exists. Because there was a blending a
minds in harmony, a blending of minds and energy still exists and they will eventually
recognize that quality in each other, perhaps leading to an emotional attachment of
friendship or a personal and more intimate relationship.

Every mind has an electric field. The nature of this electric field can change from time to
time, based on the mood of the person. For example, if you are having a bad day and your
attitude is less than friendly, you may not be able to find a Harmonious Mind with another
person that particular day. However, if you are having a great day, you may find that a
blending of the minds with several people, either individually or in combination, is possible.

You have to realize that everyone can change the nature of their field, either emitting
electrons of affinity or those of antagonism. Your field is a result of your physical heredity
and the nature of the thoughts that dominate your mind. For example, if you are primarily a
positive person, your electric field will more than likely emit electrons conducive to affinity.
If you tend to see the bad in everything and everyone, more than likely you will repel most, if
not all, blending of the minds with anyone. In other words, you can voluntarily change your
field to attract and please people, or repel and antagonize them, all without the spoken
word, facial expression or other bodily demeanor or movement.

Now it is time for you to revisit the definition of the Harmonious Mind. It is a mind that
grows from the blending and coordination of two or more minds in the spirit of perfect
harmony. That is the significance of the word harmony in this book. Two minds will not
blend or find cooperation unless perfect harmony is achieved. Therein lies the secret to
success or failure in all private, social, and business relationships.

For example, every manager or leader knows the importance of having a spirit of common
understanding and cooperation in the attainment of success. This mass spirit of harmony
and cooperation is brought about through discipline, either voluntary or forced, in such a
way that many individual minds blend to become one Harmonious Mind. Each leader has his
or her different way of bringing about this blending. One will use force while another will
use persuasion. One plays on the fear of penalties while another uses the anticipation of
rewards. Whichever method is used, it is meant to reduce the individual minds of a group to
blend into one mass mind with a common goal success.

Nature has endowed some leaders with a combination of mind chemistry that is a favorable
attraction for other minds. For example, Adolph Hitler possessed the magnetic type of mind
chemistry that attracted nearly all of the minds he came in contact with. He had not only his
mind chemistry, but the tools of charisma, persuasion and manipulation on his side. His
soldiers would engage in battles, aware of facing certain death, without complaint, due to
the nature of his personality and the forcefulness of his mind. He could gain knowledge
from others in forming Harmonious Minds and use the knowledge to his advantage, but
ultimately to his own downfall.

No group of minds can be formed into one Harmonious Mind if there is one or more
negative-minded, repellent or resistant individuals in the group. Like oil and water, the
negative and positive minds will not blend to form a Harmonious Mind, even for a short
while. Instead, an atmosphere of total chaos and discord can result, defeating every goal a
leader has formed. In situations that are deemed negative by a positive-minded person, he
or she will not be forthcoming in a blending of minds, more than likely blocking a union of
minds when he or she senses a negative influence. Instead of contributing to the mass
Harmonious Mind that is desired by the leader, he or she could actually pull mind blending
away from the group. Forgetting this small piece of information has brought down many
otherwise able leaders in different areas of life.

Leaders that understand the principles of mind chemistry are able to at least temporarily
blend the minds of practically any given group of people to form a Harmonious Mind to
reach certain goals. However, the composition of that mass mind will disintegrate almost
the exact moment that the leaders presence is removed from the group. Some people see
this as loyalty toward the leader, but is due to the severance of the friendly, harmonious
affiliation that was formed. The leaders influence and knowledge is no longer available to
the mass mind, since that affiliation has been severed. However, if that same leader returns,

new blendings of the mind are formed and the group will take up where they left off when
the leader left the group.

Another point to ponder in regards to the mass mind formed is why some companies
require weekly meetings in each company department. Although a manager will tell you it is
in an effort to maintain open communication between management and employees, the
reason is actually more subtle it is to stimulate the individual minds to continue the mass
mind for that limited time between meetings. The human mind is similar to a battery in that
it tends to weaken over time. As the mind weakens it loses a connection to Harmonious
Minds or the mass mind formed in a group. It is necessary to find a way to keep that
connection for the knowledge it provides, lending to the success of not only the individual,
but also the group. The meetings allow each mind in the group to recharge and reconnect
with other more vital minds, continuing the mass mind that benefits not only the workers,
but also the company.

Whether your Harmonious Mind is with one mind or many, that period of recharging is
necessary in maintaining the success you acquire. For example, seeing a good friend after a
long period of separation allows both of you to revitalize your Harmonious Mind, and get
back into a synchronization that was present in the past. The knowledge that both of you
have gained during the separation is shared between the two of you, adding to the benefit
of that close contact. All of this occurs without any conscious effort, but only through the
chance to reminisce with a dear friend.

There are other ways that people recharge their Harmonious Minds, including sexual
activity. Couples use this intimacy much in the same way as friends use a chance to visit with
each other, but on a more regular basis. It seems to be a strange premise, but a lot of the
most influential people in the world are highly sexual by nature, sharing a Harmonious Mind
with their mates that keep them fully charged and receptive to the knowledge around them
to be obtained. It should be mentioned though, that any flippant sexual contact with a
person that you have no emotional attachment to can actually devitalize your mind, instead
of increasing your level of mind energy.

Studies throughout the years have shown another trend: The mind can actually heal the
body. Most modern-day health practitioners will tell you that it is in a persons attitude and
thoughts that can make a difference in their health status. People with a strong and healthy
mind tend to have fewer, if any, illnesses. It is when the mind is devitalized and weak that
the body displays signs and symptoms of illness. People that have a fully vitalized
Harmonious Mind are, for the most part, immune from the illnesses that can plague other
people. For example, those people suffering from economic hardship, and not yet finding
their success or a Harmonious Mind, are prone to illnesses related to stress, anxiety, and

However, when someone finds a strong, vital mind to blend with and form their Harmonious
Mind, the signs of symptoms of illness fade away, leaving a healthy body in combination
with a healthy mind. It is in the strength of the Harmonious Mind that each person finds an
inner strength to not only lead to their success, but to remain in a physically healthy state as
well. Use of some medicines, the laying on of hands, faith, chiropractic, and physical
therapies all depend on the mind of the individual when a cure comes about. Those
methods are merely aids to Nature, while the chemistry of the mind does its work. Without
the proper attitude and mind set, a person will continue to cling to their illness, not being
aware that they themselves have the power to heal their own bodies.

It has been shown that some people that are given a placebo instead of an actual
medication can have the same results in a cure as someone that received the medication.
Why? It is because they believe that they are taking the medication. They have decided in
their minds that they will be cured, and so they are. In some small way, this attitude
revitalizes the individuals mind, allowing them to also revitalize another in their Harmonious
Mind while they are curing their own body.

If a person has this attitude in their mind before they become ill, the illness itself will most
likely be avoided. Instead, they will have a stronger immunity to any illness, having a strong
and healthy mind to blend with others. Although some people are skeptical of this theory,
they have to be reminded of some of the miraculous cures that have been reported in the
news. People that should have perished from their illnesses and conditions have been cured
and move on to have lives blessed with happiness and success. It is because they have made
a decision in their minds that they will survive, and have drawn knowledge and power from
their Harmonious Minds that sustains them through their time of healing.

In the traditional world, most people want to be the leader. They want to be out in front, on
the cutting edge of everything. They want the power of being able to lead others to success
while those others propel them to success. Basically they see the top rung of the ladder,
climbing each rung on the hard work of other people. This theory seems practical, but does
not work for reasons that will become clear later on in this lesson. But to briefly mention
some of the drawbacks of this type of mentality, the first is that you would be acting under
the premise of greed. In other words, you are trying to use the minds of others toward your
own means without the sharing of knowledge and power, thus the sharing of success that
should occur.

The next fault in this mentality is vanity. If you think that you are leader, you are vain. It is
not what is in your own mind that makes you a leader, but also what is in the minds of
others. Although you may have a natural propensity to guide others in different areas of life,
it does not make you a leader. You have to remember that each mind that blends with yours
can retreat and refrain from sharing the knowledge that they have accumulated. In other
words, that Harmonious Mind blending goes away when your greed and vanity are

Conversely, if you think that you are only a follower, you are also wrong on that premise.
In that case, you do not give yourself the credit you deserve, and you are not taking full
advantage of what a follower really is. A follower is someone that is aware of the
knowledge to be gained from the blending of minds with others, and uses that fact to their
advantage as well as sharing with others. There are times that the knowledge gained allows
you to have leadership qualities. Being a follower and a leader is the preferable state of
mind to be in.

In the sense of the Harmonious Mind, you are both a leader and a follower. The definition of
a leader is the mind that can give a direction, give a solution to a problem, or inspire others
to greatness. The follower is the one that takes that direction, applies solutions to
problems, and rises to greatness on the inspirations given. In other words, it is not the
individual mind that finds success, but rather the blending of minds. It is not in the
knowledge of one mind that success is obtained, but in the gathering of knowledge from all
sources and the sharing of it.

Some people just naturally stand out as a leader in the minds of others. This is due to their
charisma. But even they are sometimes the follower, finding their inspiration from others
and applying it to finding the Harmonious Mind that will keep them moving forward in their
quest for success. The people that are considered followers still find their own success,
benefiting from the knowledge obtained from their leaders and at times becoming
leaders themselves.

For example, Martin Luther King, Jr. was considered one of the most charismatic leaders of
our time, influencing many people with his forthright speeches of pacifism and change in the
civil rights of the people considered to be minorities. He influenced many people around the
world, but he was not only a great leader. He was also a great follower. He found his
Harmonious Mind with many people, having great insight into how they felt and thought
about a myriad of events in their lives. He knew of their strife as well as their
accomplishments, and shared them in his role as leader, while using his role as a follower to
gain knowledge.

Even though, for the most part, he was not aware of the power he possessed, he was a very
successful man. Make no mistake: The man did have a lot of power. But he shared that
power with the multitudes of people that believed in him. His success was not in a selfish
hoarding of his knowledge and power, but rather in his sharing it with the world. He learned
from many, and many learned from him. Even though his mind is now silenced, there are
many that still benefit from the Harmonious Mind that he created with them. He was a
positive mind that knew the value of being able to follow others as well as how to lead

Whether you are able to reach that level of power and success or not, it is in finding your
Harmonious Minds and in the blending of knowledge that propels you forward toward your
own success. You cannot label your mind as a leader or a follower in your quest, but instead
as a collaborator with those minds you blend with. Their success is your success and vice
versa. There are some notable examples throughout history of people that have built
success out of what can only be considered adversity. In finding your Harmonious Mind, you
can also do the same.

With every event in life, there is a cause. You may not be aware of it, or you may know there
is a cause but you do not know exactly what it is. For example, a shelf on your wall sudden
falls to the floor, shattering the knick-knacks that were on it, one of them being a gift from
your favorite aunt. You know that the shelf fell, and you are aware that a valuable item has
been broken. That is the effect of the situation. But do you know the cause?

The fallen shelf is the cause of the breakage of your prized possession, but you may not
know why the shelf fell in the first place. In a lot of lifes events, it is not always important to
know a cause, but rather you should focus on the effect in order to learn from it and even
change the overall outcome of a situation. If a cause if found, then it can be corrected to
prevent a future occurrence. For instance, you will remember to use the larger screws in
securing your shelf the next time you put it up.

But that, in a nutshell is the premise of cause and effect. For every cause, there IS an effect.
One does not exist without the other. Everything in life has a reason why it happened, and
also has the results of it happening. This is another law of Nature that cannot be ignored.
Some people will see a negative connotation with this premise, but if you continue to read
on, you see how this law of Nature can work for you in the use of your Harmonious Mind.

The Study of Effect

It may seem a bit backward, but you will be exploring the effects of a Harmonious Mind
before you get more into the cause of it. To do this, it is important to take a look at the lives
of three influential men and how they came to be the champions in life as we know them

The first is Henry Ford (1863 1947), who developed the famous Model T car that was, at the
time, the most affordable automobile in the industry. Other companies such as Nash,
Studebaker, Cadillac, and Packard had automobiles on the market, but some were not
manufactured in the same region as Fords cars were, and they were much more expensive.

Although making the automobile more affordable to the average consumer is in itself is
quite notable, it is not the most spectacular fact about Mr. Ford. The reason why his
automobiles were less expensive than others is the fact that he introduced the assembly

line, having each worker specialize in installing one piece of each automobile as it moved on
a conveyor. Not only was the assembly of each machine faster, but workers were able to
earn higher wages, being given a share of the profits made as reward for their hard work.

While Mr. Ford was still perfecting his Model T, he allowed for advanced sales of the cars,
and in 1927 the total ordered was reported to be 375,000 cars at an average price of $600
per car. To make it clear, Mr. Ford earned a total of roughly $250 million before a single car
was delivered. It was because people had faith in Mr. Fords abilities and values.

Keep Mr. Fords accomplishments in mind as you read on to the next influential man: Mr.
Thomas A. Edison (1847 1931). Mr. Edison was a philosopher, scientist, and inventor. He
prided himself in his study of Natures laws, and made use of them. For example, he was the
first to realize that the human voice could be recorded and heard with the use of a needle
and a piece of revolving wax. Thats correct: He invented what was known as the
phonograph. That invention alone has had a great impact on the world today. Then he
went a step farther and created the worlds first moving pictures. What was the last movie
you watched? How many CDs and DVDs does the average household have? They are all
because of the intuitive inventions of one man.

Another of his accomplishments and the harnessing of another of Natures laws was in the
invention of the light bulb. Although the concept of electricity had been around for quite
some time, no one was sure how to make practical use of it in the average home. Look
around you today, and count the number of light bulbs in your home, and think of how much
you take them for granted. Again, this is an invention given to modern society by one man,
Mr. Thomas A. Edison.

Onward to our third influential man, Harvey S. Firestone (1868 1938). Mr. Firestone started
out simply enough, being a high school graduate of Columbiana High School in Columbiana,
Ohio. He worked at the Columbus Buggy Company until he struck out on his own, making
rubber tires for buggies to smooth out the ride. This evolved in making rubber tires for
automobiles, and the rest, as they say, is history. The Firestone Tire Company is still a strong
contender in the market today, manufacturing not only tires but other auto accessories. Mr.
Firestone died at the age of 69, but was later inducted into the Automotive Hall of Fame in

After reading about the great accomplishments of only three great men, you are wondering
why they are mentioned here. First of all, hearing of their accomplishments that gave you
what you have today should inspire you to find ways of improving the lives of others. That is
part of your aim in creating a Harmonious Mind. It is not only in the improvement of your
own life, but that of another as well. But there is more to this story, and a more specific
reason for their mention in this book. Although there are many other great people that
have made strides just as important, the three mentioned here illustrate a point that needs
to be brought to your attention.

A Look at Cause

Take another look at the accomplishments of Mr. Henry Ford. They are quite impressive,
given the period. He is considered to be the most powerful of the three men featured. It is
unheard of that a single man can earn what he did without having delivered a single product.
However, he did deliver them, and made his fortune. He was one of the first members of
the Millionaires Club. Believe it or not, he was not a well-educated man when he made
those accomplishments. The highest education he had, and it was considered well-educated

at the time, was some bookkeeping at Goldsmith, Bryant & Stratton Business College in
Detroit, Michigan. Other than that, he knew how to repair watches and steam engines. He
was a simple man with big visions, and made them come to fruition.

Next, take a look at Mr. Thomas Edisons accomplishments. While you are looking at those,
remember what you have in your life right now. The music you are hearing on the radio, that
favorite CD that is in your car and the movie you plan to watch tonight are all thanks to this
mans inventions. Now remember this: His school teacher considered him an addled child
in school that did not have an attention span conducive to learning. In fact, he was removed
from school and home-schooled by his mother. His official public schooling was only a
period of three months. He developed hearing problems at a young age, and actually found
comfort in creating things that others thought would never work. He was a man with vision
and drive, and went beyond his adversities.

Finally, we come to Mr. Harvey Firestone. In the years in which he lived he was fortunate in
that he had a high school education. In those years, that education included reading,
writing, and arithmetic. But that did not give him much of an advantage in the area in which
he lived. It was expected that a man should work any job available in order to support his
family, and that he did. But he also found a way to go beyond that concept. He struck out
on his own, and is still well-known today, with his company thriving on the coat tails of the
automotive industry, since automobiles need tires Mr. Firestones specialty.

In exploring the lives of these three influential men, you are probably still wondering why
they should be mentioned here. In case you have not gathered the facts for yourself, the
given facts and others will be summed up here. There are several reasons:

All three of these men had limited, if any, education.


All three of these men started with little or no capital funding.


All three of these men were members of the Millionaires Club.


All three of these men contributed to what we still have today.


All three of these men came from the same region of the U.S.


All three of these men were close friends.

If you did not catch the implications of that last point, you have not been taking notes thus
far. (Get out your notebook and check. If you didnt write it down, do so now.) All three of
these influential and very successful men had a Harmonious Mind with the others. All of
them, by todays standards, are considered well-educated and accomplished feats that make
our lives what they are today. Can you get by without your telephone, a light bulb, your car,
or the tires and wipers that are on it? Most people refuse to do so. There are a lot of things
in our lives now that would not be possible without the inspiration and innovation from
those men.

So you have to consider how it is that all three of these men came to know what they did
that propelled them to be leaders in the Nations industrial age. It is a given fact that all
three of these men were close friends for many years. In fact, they used to plan a time when
they got away to a secluded place together in order to share some time of friendship and
relaxation to get away from the pressures of their lives. In having this close friendship, they
had created a blending of the minds that lasted throughout their lives.

They had their Harmonious Mind that shared the knowledge that each one had, enabling
each other to become successful. In coming together in their secluded place for time with

each other, they revitalized themselves, continuing the blending of minds that is the
Harmonious Mind.

Consider the fact that Henry Ford made automobiles. His dear friend, Harvey Firestone,
knew how to manufacture rubber tires. His friend Thomas Edison knew the workings of
electricity and light. Now consider the automobile of years past and even those of today. It
was in that collaboration of minds that created them, and still improves on them today. To
some, the Big Three means Ford, Chevrolet, and Chrysler. But look at that Big Three a
bit differently: Ford, Edison, and Firestone. The Big Three should be seen as the first
three influential men that brought about that revolution through their Harmonious Mind.

Looking in another direction at the Big Three, Edison knew about sound and electricity,
Firestone knew the properties of rubber, and Ford knew about the construction of a body
that could diminish vibration of sound on the inside while focusing sound outwardly. Their
theories in combination evolved into what you know as stereo speakers. Their Harmonious
Mind continues to live on in the inventions and innovations they have given us, even though
these gentlemen have passed from this world.

It should also be noted that each man, given their level of education, found knowledge in
Natural laws that enabled them to accomplish what they did without any trickery or mind
games on other people. In forming their Harmonious Mind, they actually were able to see
and use the laws of Nature in ways that benefited not only themselves, but mankind as well.
What they gave the world was in tangible product, not in mind games and smoke
screens. They were not magicians or artists of illusion, but rather men of their word and
genuinely using their Harmonious Mind for the good of all. Their success actually came as a

side effect of their minds blending, leaving them humble in all they did while giving benefits
that they did not totally realize while they lived.

To be clear in the point here, the Harmonious Mind can influence greatness in anyone. The
cause of their success was in the blending of their minds, and the effect was that they had
become recognized for the great innovations they made. Again, if you dont find that high
level of success, it is in finding the success that is relative to you. These examples are given
to show you that sometimes your Harmonious Mind is not obvious. You can find greatness
in others and yourself without being the next best thing to sliced bread.

You dont have to be well-educated, you dont have to be rich and famous, and your
definition of success does not have to be huge in order to be what you desire in life. All you
have to have is a desire to find your path in life, and allow the blending of minds that will
give you the knowledge you need to accomplish what you want to do as well as sharing your
knowledge with others, enabling them to do the same.

The source of power is in the knowledge you gain throughout your life, and through the
minds that you blend with. Although this principle sounds easy enough on the surface,
there is more to it. As indicated your source of power is not just in your own mind, but in the
knowledge of other minds. The Harmonious Mind can be compared to connecting a string
of batteries together with one wire.

The more batteries there are the more power there is traveling through the wire.
Additionally, when one battery begins to weaken, it can draw strength from the other
batteries. In the same fashion, when your mind becomes depleted, you are able to draw
knowledge and power from the Harmonious Mind. You are able to be revitalized and you
are given the opportunity to reconnect with others of the Harmonious Mind.

The more minds that are blended in a spirit of perfect harmony, the more knowledge there
is for each mind to draw upon. Someone that knows little or nothing of a subject may one
day be highly knowledgeable in the subject with no apparent explanation. This is due to the
fact that someone else that is blended into the Harmonious Mind has that knowledge
already, and the person draws upon that knowledge.

It is also noted that people whose minds are blended to a Harmonious Mind have a
heightened level of their own personal knowledge and the presence of what is commonly
referred to as a sixth sense. They are more observant of small details in life and

instinctively know certain things before they occur or that they have not yet come into
contact with. This fact alone makes them powerful and successful in most endeavors.

This sixth sense is not supernatural or magical, but rather a method of anticipating actions,
reactions, and outcomes of people and events. In using this heightened awareness,
business people are able to see trends before their competitors are aware of them, giving
them an advantage in being successful. It is the blending of minds to the Harmonious Mind
that brings about that advantage, especially for the people that have learned these

One of Natures first laws is that of organization. From the smallest electron to the largest
star in the universe, everything has an order and a purpose. The same is true of human
thought and knowledge. There is no bit of knowledge, no matter how small, that is
unimportant since all knowledge has its purpose. This fact that a lot of people are unaware
of, and therefore have not learned to use to their advantage.

A person may be an integral part of a Harmonious Mind without even realizing it, and never
questions the source of their knowledge. They do not recognize the real nature of their
discovery, having stumbled upon it by accident. Although they are still able to become
powerful and successful, they have not learned the full potential of the law of organization
and the Harmonious Mind.

However, the person that is aware of the power of the Harmonious Mind knows the
importance of it, and learns to organize his or her knowledge in order to gain great power.
In learning the principle of mind chemistry, many people are consciously making use of it in
developing power through the blending of minds. Although a blending can occur without a
person realizing it, when someone seeks out the preferred minds of collaboration, the
blending becomes more powerful. It is in this manner that the person educated in the
principles of the Harmonious Mind is able to find the full potential of them. Essentially, they
use the law of organization in pulling together the perfect blending of minds to combine the
most needed knowledge, giving more power and success to the people involved.

However, this is only one application of the law of organization in creating the Harmonious
Mind. There are times when you cannot pick and choose the minds of collaboration, but
instead must find a way to create a blending of minds in perfect harmony in order to reach a
common goal. Using the law of organization, you create a mass mind that draws upon the
knowledge of each individual mind, ultimately stepping up the strength of the entire

One of the most difficult tasks that a business owner or manager has to face is inducing
those associated with him or her to coordinate their efforts in a spirit of harmony. Although
it is nearly impossible to get the minds of an entire group, particularly one not chosen by the
leader, to form full cooperation on a task, it can and has been done. Even if a complete
blending of minds is elusive to even the some of the best leaders, there are times when this
blending does occur. When that Harmonious Mind comes into existence, the business
prospers in ways that seem impossible.

It is a given fact that power and success go hand-in-hand. One example of that is in the life
of Henry Ford. In understanding the law of organization and the principles of the
Harmonious Mind, he was one of the few business leaders that had created the mass mind
that propelled his business into the realm of the most successful. Even if you had taken
away all of his factories, his raw materials and his finished products, he would still have had
the power to duplicate his business again. In other words, he found not only the principles
of the Harmonious Mind, but the use of combined effort.

Everyone has seen the effects of combined effort at one point or another, not just in the
sense of the Harmonious Mind, but in physical effort. For example, in years past entire
communities would come together for a barn raising, helping one family accomplish a big
project. It was in the combined efforts of many, and not the work of only one, that
completed something that seemed insurmountable. While the people with muscle and
brawn did the most difficult physical work, others did what they could to help, including
feeding the masses that contributed to the work being done.

The same premise is used in business. Each person contributes the knowledge and work in
their area of expertise, with the result being the finished product that the business offers.
As an example, think of the assembly line that Henry Ford developed in building his Model T.
Each person on that line had a particular task, and when the last person did their portion of
the work, the result was the completed automobile. It was in this combined effort that Mr.
Ford made his biggest impression in the business world. His methods are still used today.

However, it was not just in the physical sense that combined effort gave Mr. Ford his
ultimate success. The workers themselves sang the praises of combined effort, finding a
comradery that seemed unconventional at the time. The mantra was one for all and all
for one in producing the product that gave them their livelihood, contributing to the power
of the company. This can only be attributed to the forming of a mass mind in the same
sense as the Harmonious Mind is formed. The workers themselves gathered as one in order
to accomplish not only their goals, but the goals of their leader, Mr. Henry Ford.

History is rife with influential leaders that were able to accomplish the forming of a mass
Harmonious Mind that created a spirit of combined effort. President John F. Kennedy
influenced almost all of an entire nation in the combined effort of bringing peace and

prosperity the United States. It is even noted that Jesus Christ used the principle of the
Harmonious Mind and combined effort in his interactions with the Apostles. (This is a
reference in history, and not meant to infer a religious belief. Instead it is evidence of the
use of the principles outlined in this book.) But there is a caveat in the mass mind and
combined effort principles.

If you are leading a group of five people and one of those people is a negative person or
influence in the group, that blending of minds will not take place. That fifth person will
seem to be a radical mind, not believing in the premise of combined effort, but rather an
individual process that could be contrary to a common goal. As the old saying goes, One
bad apple can spoil the barrel. In other words, a business can fail when its workers are not
of one mind and one goal. The sharing of knowledge and vital energy will be lacking, and
there will be no Harmonious Mind, since that blending of minds has not taken place. Even if
the other four people in your group express concordance with the business vision,
principles, and goals, a blending may not take place due to the implantation of doubt and
negativity from the fifth person.

In essence, this person becomes the historical Judas Iscariot that broke the blending of
minds between Jesus Christ and his Apostles. (Again, this is a reference to history, and not
intended as a reference to religion.) The recorded history, whether believed or not, states
that the results in most ways were catastrophic, resulting in the complete disintegration of a
Harmonious Mind. But it should be mentioned that according to history, that disintegration
in the Harmonious Mind between Jesus and his Apostles did not necessarily crumble the
mass mind that was created. (This is evidenced in the creation of organized religion, which
is still in existence today.) The minds of others contributed to a continence of a mass mind
that continues to perpetuate itself.

It has been shown that leaders of merit can bring about a mass mind for at least a short time
in order to meet a goal. When that blending is broken, the leader tries to revitalize the
group in order to form that temporary blending once again. But this process forms a circle
that is never-ending, and in most cases, may lead to failure. Although a blending comes
about for that short time, a repetition of the process sometimes can cause a persons mind
to reject a blending, making them subconsciously feel as though they are a pawn in a game
of success or failure.

At other times, as demonstrated in organized religion, that revitalization of combined effort

and a blending of minds can be achieved repeatedly with success. Depending on the
common goal that is presented, a lot of people may seek out that blending of minds in order
to find their own personal successes, thus giving them the power they need to continue in
life. Although they do not realize it, they have stumbled upon the principles of the
Harmonious Mind.

There is a common present-day premise known as group-think that means people that
gather ideas from each other begin to think alike. Sometimes this is only a power of
suggestion, whereas at other times it is the effect of the Harmonious Mind. For example, if
a coworker speaks up in a meeting and states that it would be more efficient to have electric
staplers in the office, more than likely the rest of his or her coworkers will agree. They are
faster, efficient, and long-lasting. So that decision makes sense.

The opinion that electric staplers are the best decision in making the office more efficient is
a group think prospect everyone that hears the suggestion finds it to be a good idea.
However, if they had never heard the idea, more than likely there wouldnt be an electric
stapler forthcoming. The same holds true in discussions of politics. If one person has an
opinion, and you value the thoughts and insights of that person, more than likely you will
adopt the same opinion. You may also form an opinion on the words of a public speaker.

The public speaker does their speeches in stages. In the first ten or fifteen minutes, they are
in a warm-up period, gauging the reaction of their audience and seeing if there is a
possibility of a blending of minds. In that short period of time, the speaker can determine if
there are people in their audience that may prevent them from imparting the message they
came to give.

If there is a person that becomes a heckler, in other words a person that is not susceptible
to a particular message, the speaker will not be effective (for the most part) to the entire
audience. He or she will have failed in delivering the message, since there was a force of

If there is a receptive audience, the speaker may find inspiration in the reaction of the
audience in the form of interaction, applause or comments. It is at this stage of the speech
that the message is delivered. Depending on the content to be delivered, the speech could
be less than an hour or up to four hours. It is in the content to be delivered.

A normal tutorial or the presentation of business statistics is usually an hour or less, so most
people will sit through it. But whether they are getting your message or not is another
matter entirely. It is in the dynamics of the subject matter and the speakers talents and
charisma that makes a difference.

For example, you have to consider meetings that are considered revivals. In most cases,
this has to do with religious gatherings. But they can also be gatherings that inspire people
in their business and personal lives. For the purpose of proving this point, we will use the
Revivals that occur for religious purposes.

When you first enter the forum, you will notice the energy from the group that is gathering
to hear the speaker. This energy feeds your mind, and your mind feeds those of others in
the group. In other words, there is a harmony of minds among the devotees of the speaker.
This occurs before he or she even presents themselves to the group.

When the speaker finally comes forward, given their status as an authority in the subject of
the speech, he or she already has the blending of minds that fuels the power of what is
about to be imparted upon the group.

This is called the Revival Mentality, since there is already an anticipation of what will
come. In other words, the group is prepared to form a blending of minds before each
individual arrives to the forum. Their minds are open to suggestion, and the speaker then
has an easy job of imparting their message.

With this blending of minds, each individual finds an inspiration and revitalization that
powers them for some time to come. Their Harmonious Mind stays strong, and when there
is another chance to find that group again, they do so. They find their knowledge and
strength of mind not only in the people they know personally, but also in the company of
strangers that have a like mind and a strong sense of energy.

However, there are times when this revitalization and blending of the minds is only
temporary. When the speaker is finished with their message, some individuals will leave the
group without maintaining that blending of the minds that was felt within the forum they
attended. It is believed that the revival mentality is based purely on emotion, and not an
actual blending of minds.

In years past, the speakers of Revival Meetings were considered false prophets of their
time, using the emotional leverage of the meetings to sell their snake oil and potions.
However, those days are gone, replaced by meetings based in organized religion. The
emotional reactions seen and some blending of minds is seen in them, so they cannot be
totally discounted in forming the Harmonious Mind.

However, relying on the Revival Mentality as a source for a blending of the minds for
ultimate success is not the wisest of decisions. In some instances, this can be contrary to the
laws of Nature, and in being such can cause you more harm than good.

In the realm of business, the Revival Mentality will afford you some time (temporarily) in
meeting the goals and objectives you are aiming for. But a practice such as this may also
prove harmful in a business sense when your followers lose all trust in you, seeing only your
snake oil instead of the true intentions that you should impart upon them. In other
words, you have to be totally sincere in creating your blending of the minds, or you will not
have a true Harmonious Mind.

It is important that you know that there are some simple things to remember in finding your
absolute success. The principles outlined in this book are only the beginning of your
process. Although the information given here has put you well on your way to finding your
success, it is not the full guide that you need. You must continue in your studies of these
principles in order to obtain the full spectrum of the information available to you.

The human brain has direct connection with a constant flow of information and energy, both
incoming and outgoing. Mans power to think depends on this flow of energy, and some of
that energy is derived from the minds of others. There are some people that will not believe
in this theory, but such is their loss in what they could gain from it. It is not only in the
electrons that float freely in the ether of the universe, but in the organized knowledge that
each mind contains and has to share with others. It is in finding that blending of minds that
builds the Harmonious Mind that can benefit you as well as anyone that you blend minds

In seeing this example in a more simplistic light, think of the combinations of food you eat
during a meal. There are some foods that blend well with others, and some that do not.
There are spices that complement each other while others can ruin the entire taste of dish
or a complete meal. For example, when you order a pizza pie, you expect that the toppings
on it will complement each other, adding to the spectacular flavors that you encounter.
Although there are some exceptions as what some people will put on a pizza, for the most
part, adding pasta, rice and potatoes to a pie ruins the decadence of that taste treat.
Instead, several types of meats and cheeses are added for their proteins, instead of the light

carbohydrates of the noodle and potato ingredients. In other words, the pizza pie you eat
has the meat of the deal, instead of skirting around the issue and finding only the
temporary blending of minds that has no long-term benefit.

It is not easy for anyone to accept new ideas, especially on the word of someone they have
never met. In reading these words, it is possible that you are still saying, Why should I
believe you? It is not in whether you believe this author, but rather whether you believe in
the information given. It is in whether you are willing to exercise your mind take a few
stretches and see where it leads. This book is the stretching phase of your mind exercises
and the building of your success through the blending of minds. Just as when you mix salt
and pepper on your food for taste, you will choose the methods in these teachings that
bring you to that point in life where you want to be.

There are elements in your life that when blended, work as though they were always meant
to be. For example, in some pairings of couples, it is as if one person has known the other all
of their lives. There is saying that says, Behind every successful man is a woman.
Although this scenario is rather outdated, it is true that there is another person, or rather
their mind that is behind the success of another. However, there are times when pairings
can be detrimental to a path to success.

As mentioned previously, there can be a blending a minds that is not optimal for either
person, or even an entire group. Sometimes that blending can create an antagonism that is
not only the blocking point to finding success, but can be the downfall of someone that has
already found success. Even is an antagonism isnt apparent, the downfall of even great
leaders can ensue.

For instance, Adolph Hitler was mentioned previously as a leader that used a blending of
minds as a tool of manipulation to his own ends. It is recorded in history that he was
ultimately responsible, and in some fashion still is, for the White Supremacy Movement
that for the most part is shunned in todays society.

However, it was not in his beliefs that were his downfall, but in his actions in following them.
By giving leadership in the example of his own beliefs, the minds he blended with did the
same. Adolph Hitler formed a mass mind by way of intimidation and threat of penalty. After
the passage of some time, some of those minds departed from what was his Harmonious
Mind, and they were, in the actions of certain people, Mr. Hitlers downfall from power and
loss of a Harmonious Mind in the sense of its definition. In other words, he had rapidly lost
the perfect harmony that is required in the blending of minds and the power it imparts.

In finding the minds you purposely blend with, it is important to know whether or not the
ideals and values of that person match your own. Although there are times of unknown
blending of minds, if you are aware of these principles, you are able to control the blendings
that occur. It is not only in your goals and dreams in life that should be your guide in using
this information, but rather in what you can give back to others as well. Knowing that there
are people in the world that are selfish in their blendings and drawing of knowledge, it is to
your benefit that you are studying this information.

There are those minds that are always the weak battery, drawing from you instead of ever
giving back. Those are the blending of minds that should be avoided if it is possible. There
are times when you can feel that those connections are not what you need, and are in fact
detrimental your goals and general values in life. Therefore, it becomes necessary for you to
surround yourself with the people, and hence the minds, that fuel you in a positive way.

Along with learning how to recognize those outside influences that can help or harm you,
you have to be able to look inside of yourself to find what can propel you forward or hinder
you in your efforts. You have to explore your reasons for desiring the blending of minds that
you seek. Is it for your own ends, or to form a mutual bond and blending of resources for
the health and success of all involved? You must question your own motives and be sure
that they are pure in your endeavor. In addition, you must closely scrutinize the motives of
others in obtaining the knowledge you have and the knowledge you have access to.

You have to remember that your knowledge and your mind is not all that is shared in a
blending of minds. You also have to realize that any negativity or obstacles to success in
your mind will affect those of others. And you have realized that there are obstacles that
can affect anyone, not just you. Those obstacles can prevent a blending of minds or sever
one that already exists if they find their way into your personal psyche which is the human

In having obstacles present in your mind, you also make them present in someone elses
mind. This can create a blending of negativity and harm to others, as demonstrated by
leaders such as Adolph Hitler, Karl Marx, and Jimmy Hoffa, all of whom had fallen in the lieu
of the negative forces they had formed in the blending of minds that they developed. It was
not in the minds that they blended with, but rather in their own mental obstacles that
created the negative influences that ultimately brought them to their failures as leaders.

Therefore, it is important to look within your own mind to see what your obstacles are, and
to overcome them. Only in clearing your mind of them will you ever find success in any
fashion, with or without the blending of minds.

The term of enemies, in the scope of this book, is neither in the people that are plotting
against you nor in the people that intend to or actually do you harm. Instead it is in the harm
that you can do to yourself in harboring these mental enemies. The first, and the main
theme throughout learning the methods of your enemies, is the concept of FEAR. Although
a person can have many fears, it is the ones that can affect a forward movement toward a
goal that are the most harmful. It is a given fact that there are some people that have

irrational fears based in emotional or mental dysfunction. Those are not the ones that will
NOT be discussed here. Those are best left for professionals to dispel. Instead the focus will
be on the enemies of the mind that can be changed if a conscious effort is made. You have
to put aside fixed opinions and prejudices and take a look at each of the common enemies of

The first is the fear of poverty. There are a lot of people that fear a day when they cannot
feed their families, or that they will lose their home due to a lack of funds. In light of these
difficulties, man preys on his fellow man not bodily, but financially. Some people will do
anything, including outright physical theft, in order to alleviate this fear. In dealing with his
or her fear of poverty, a person will figuratively devour anyone in their path in order to gain
the riches and success they crave. In these instances, a blending of the minds is negative to
those outside of the personal mind of the person that feels deprived of riches.

The next in the list of lifes enemies is the fear of old age. This fear has several aspects to it.
First of all, to some people old age means a possibility of poverty, since their working years
are, for the most part, over for them. Physical limitations prohibit some forms of work, and

if a person is not well-versed or trained in other forms of work, they must accept what they
have left a public retirement fund, or what has been put aside in a savings for such a time.
Another aspect to this fear is that a person no longer has the appearance of youth, and is
therefore overlooked by many people in a period of a later search for a mate, or they are
seen as just an old person.

At times the wisdom they have to impart is ignored, sometimes to the peril of a younger
protg that discounts the knowledge freely being given. In addition to those aspects,
there is the loss of abilities, both mental and physical, that the person used to enjoy through
hobbies and creative outlets. Without them, the person feels, in a sense, lost in the world.
This leads to another concern in the fear of old age, being yet another fear whether young
or old.

The fear of ill health plagues many people. The middle-aged and elderly are the most prone
to this fear, but some of younger generations are also affected, with different
environmental factors playing a key role in the development of different common ailments.
The fact that some people are economically challenged, whether young or old, plays a key
role in the development of this fear.

Born of both social and physical influences, ill health is a matter of the thought process. In
other words, if you believe you will be sick, you will probably be sick. Society also dictates
this thought process. For example, when it is announced on your local news that it is
officially flu season, all of a sudden you get the flu. It is not only by happenstance that you
came in contact with the virus, but also the suggestion in your mind that you will get the flu.
After all, it IS the season. There are times that the power of suggestion is stronger than the
sense of reason. In other words, just because someone tells you so does not mean it is so.

Being flu season does not mean you have the flu, no more than the earth is flat means
that it is. It should be only in the evidence of a situation that you can begin to judge those

This fear is sometimes pushed aside in the mentality of a person, but is real none-the-less. It
is the fear of the loss of someones love. Throughout our lives we work to please not only
ourselves, but the people we love. We want our parents to be proud of our
accomplishments, and quite frankly, we want our siblings to be jealous. But one of the
biggest reasons for reaching our goals and finding success is have the undying love of our
chosen mate. If you lose that love, it can sometimes mean total defeat both professionally
and personally due to your own mental defect.

Many of the insane came to be that way due to the loss of what is considered the major love
interest in their lives. But this loss is survivable if your mentality and mind have already
found strength in others. Emotion is fickle in most circumstances, and sometimes totally
rational thought becomes nearly impossible. This is when you have to depend on the
blending of minds that you already have in order find your true path once again. In other
words, you are drawing on some of their strength in order to regain your own.

This next fear should be the easiest to overcome if you are of strong will and already have a
strong blending of minds. It is the fear of criticism. No one is sure how mankind developed
this fear, but it is a fear none-the-less. There is not one person on Earth that wants to hear
that they did not meet the standards in their work, or that they did not live up to the
expectations of another person. Some people have the personality where they give
criticism very little thought, but that is seen as a lack of effort to improve themselves.
Others see it as a personal attack, and take offense at any remarks they receive. However,

in the realm of knowledge and the blending of minds, criticism should be seen as a learning
opportunity. But for some people, even knowing this fact does not prevent the fear of it.

This next fear is one that has been prevalent throughout the ages, and probably will remain
so. The fear of death is considered the worst fear of mankind, since death is permanent.
When you pass from this earth, your mind no longer functions. In theory, there is no way for
you to contact those of your loved ones that remain in order to impart details of unfinished
business. Since no one person knows when their last moment will be, it then becomes
important to overcome that fear in order to finish the business you have in the present,
without thinking so much in the future.

After learning of the processes and concepts that will lead you to Absolute Success, as well
as knowing some of the fears that can hold you back, you must assess and balance this
information to get the right start in your journey. This book cannot tell you what you should
pursue, but it can tell you what there is to pursue. There are forces in the universe that a lot
of people do not understand, but this guide points you in the direction that opens a lot of

Some people will get to this summation and still toss aside the concepts presented. Still
others will see the value in them and pursue this avenue in finding their Absolute Success.
Ultimately, it is not up this author to tell you which avenue to take, but rather to point out
that there are times that what is not tried is never proven true or false, for that matter.
This book simply outlines the information you need to get started in this journey. It tells you
the advantages of investigating these concepts to more depth, as well as some things to
avoid in this journey.

Unless you explore these concepts, you will never know if they are true to their connection
in the Universe, or whether they are false and simply the imaginings of many people that are
studying and have been using them. In other words, you have to form your own opinion.

This particular book gives you the basic guidelines in using the concepts. For some people
this may seem to be enough to say, Ok, this does exist and can be used to my advantage.
But it is not enough to acknowledge the existence of these concepts, but also in learning
how to use them. One simple mistake in the understanding and use of them can prevent
you from finding the Absolute Success you are searching for. You are invited to continue
your study of these amazing concepts and techniques in order to fully understand and use
their power.

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