Key Performance Indicators (Kpis) For Healthcare Accreditation System
Key Performance Indicators (Kpis) For Healthcare Accreditation System
Key Performance Indicators (Kpis) For Healthcare Accreditation System
Dila Agrizzi
Ebrahim Jaafaripooyan
Faizollah Akbarihaghighi
Purpose This paper aims to propose valuable performance indicators for evaluation
of an accreditation programme, as an effective external assessment scheme in health
Design/methodology/approach The paper is based on an exploratory research
which has used semi-structured interviews to collect data from a number of health
care accreditation experts. The respondents were selected from different universities
and accreditation-associated institutions in developed and developing countries
including Iran. They were chosen through snowball sampling technique.
Findings Thematic content analysis of the data provided the following key
performance indicators (KPIs) which are hoped to be influential in evaluating the
performance of healthcare accreditation programmes. For example; the effect of
accreditation in a society, cost of accreditation for all participants (e.g. hospitals,
accrediting bodies), tangible improvement in the outcomes of patients care or
satisfaction after accreditation, satisfaction of different stakeholders with the
accreditation results, and a focus on features and requirements of local health care
economy by accreditation programme.
Originality/value This study is deemed to be unique and novel at ascertaining a
number of invaluable dimensions for evaluating the performance of accreditation
programmes in public sector, specifically health care. It has sought to contribute to the
knowledge in the area of performance measurement and improvement in the public
Accreditation is argued to be one of the most influential systems for assessing and
improving the performance of service delivery processes in health care (Hirose et al.,
2003, Nandraj et al., 2001). The term accreditation reflects the origins of systematic
assessment of hospitals against explicit standards (WHO, 2003). It has been defined
as an external evaluation mechanism which assesses the performance of healthcare
organizations (HCOs) through investigating their compliance with a series of preestablished standards aiming at continuous improvement of quality rather than simply
maintaining minimal levels of performance (Pomey et al., 2005, Shaw, 2004a). It is de
facto public recognition emanated from the achievement of accreditation standards by
a healthcare organisation, which is demonstrated after an independent external peer
assessment of the organisations performance (Shaw, 2004b).
It has been emphasized that the accreditation owns a number of specific features that
make it more preferable for regulators, providers, third parties and customers to rely
on than other existing quality measurement and improvement programmes, such as
ISO and EFQM, in health care (see for example, Australian Council on Healthcare,
2003, Heaton, 2000, Roa and Rooney, 1999, Shaw, 2000). The main characteristics,
as have been mentioned frequently in the literature (e.g. Scrivens, 1997, Donahue and
Vanostenberg, 2000, Heaton, 2000, Shaw, 2000), briefly include:
Performing a comprehensive assessment of healthcare organizations;
Suiting healthcare peculiarities because of originating from this sector;
Containing improvement besides mere review aspects; and
Assessment by trained and healthcare oriented surveyors
evidence upon the effectiveness of this scheme. Therefore, owing to the dearth of
studies focused specifically on establishing performance dimensions for an
accreditation scheme, this paper attempts to explore a number of key performance
indicators (KPIs) for healthcare accreditation programmes. These dimensions are
intended to present a generic and practical framework for assessing the performance
of these programmes. This paper is structured as follows. The first section reviews the
related literature concerning the performance measurement of the healthcare
accreditation (e.g. Pongpirul et al., 2006, Greenfield and Braithwaite, 2007). The
second section is devoted to describing the research methods employed in this paper.
The empirical findings are presented in the next part, followed by discussion and
conclusion in the final section.
A variety of studies have called for research into accreditation effectiveness and
performance measurement (see for example: Mays, 2004, Ovretveit et al., 2002,
Braithwaite et al., 2006, Pomey et al., 2004, Shaw, 2001, Shaw, 2003, Walshe et al.,
2001, vretveit, 2005). Two distinctive avenues for evaluating accreditation
programmes have been mentioned (Scrivens (1997, p.6). The first is the objective
indicator approach, in which tangible measures of success, mainly in the form of
performance indicators, are developed or extracted from reviewed organizations. In
the next step, an attempt is made to establish and examine a relationship between the
accreditation and those indicators. Within this approach, any change in the quality of
services delivered by accredited HCOs is investigated and the positive changes are
tried to be attributed to the proper and effective function and performance of the
accreditation programme and seen as a confirmatory sign of the accreditations impact
on the organizations. The second way is called the experience or perception
approach, in which perceptions of different groups, involved or related to
accreditation, are elicited relative to accreditations functions or components
(Scrivens, 1997, p.6). Both of these approaches have their own strengths and
weaknesses. Whilst perception approach is accused of being mostly superficial and
judgmental (Scrivens, 1997), criticisms about first approach in the literature are
mostly in connection with difficulties of measuring performance in health care (see
e.g. Eddy, 1998).
effectiveness; for instance, Baker and Dunn (2006) in the education sector and Hurst
(1997), Jaafaripooyan (2003) and Pongpirul et al. (2006) in health care. In their
studies, Hurst,(1997) Jaafaripooyan and Pongpirul et al. solicited professionals such
as hospital staff, accreditation managers, surveyors and clinicians to provide their
opinions on performance of their running accreditation programmes in terms of the
accreditation standards, surveyors and implementation processes. In a seminal work
on the performance of accreditation programmes, International Society for Quality in
Health Care (ISQua)[1] has published a series of standards and principles for external
evaluation organizations in health care which can be used by all the organizations for
improving and assessing the performance of their programmes (ISQua, 2007b,
2007a). However, because of the importance of accreditation programme in ensuring
the quality of health services (Shaw, 2001, Jovanovic, 2005, Dickson and Nicklin,
2008) and in response to increasing and multiple concerns about ensuring quality in
health care sector (Ovretveit and Gustafson, 2002), the endeavours for finding a more
effective mechanism or innovative way for evaluating accreditation performance has
not been thus far stopped. This paper has sought to build up a framework composed of
a number of key performance indicators (KPIs) for assessing the performance of
healthcare accreditation programmes in order to contribute to the current knowledge
in performance measurement and improvement in public sector and specifically health
This paper is based on an exploratory research approach which has utilised the
interview method in order to collect related data. Around 30 experts of healthcare
accreditation from several universities (from a number of countries) and accreditation
Potential advantages of this technique, some have been mentioned below (Foster,
1994, p. 93), has made it highly capable for fulfilling the objectives of this study.
Electronic mail is far less costly than physical mail, telephone or personal
They can also decide whether to participate or not, and if they contribute, the
timing is completely at their discretion
The responses come back in a form which is fairly polished and readable
Various themes surfaced after organizing, consolidating and analyzing the data from
the questionnaires and the participants follow-up responses, which formed, in turn,
the dimensions (tables 1 to 4). The resultant dimensions are anticipated to give a
rather clear picture of the performance and quality of accreditation programmes in
health care, from the perspective of experts interviewed in this research.
Accreditation is one of the most known and applicable methods for assessing the
performance of healthcare organizations and ensuring the quality and safety of care
delivered to patients (Jovanovic, 2005, Sunol et al., 2009). However, performance
assessment of this system itself has not been considered as much as its applicability
and popularity in health care and only a few studies (e.g. Scrivens, 1993, Braithwaite
et al., 2006, Luptom and Doran, 2006, Rooney and Barnes, 2001, Al Tehewy et al.,
2009, Greenfield et al., 2009) have embarked on examining the performance of
accreditation and various adopted approaches to this evaluation process (Greenfield
and Braithwaite, 2009, Sunol et al., 2009). Most of those approaches have relied on
the outcomes of accreditation programme in terms of its impact on the hospitals
services, such as Rooney and Barnes (2001), Luptom and Doran (2006) and Al
Tehewy et al. (2009). However, assessment of accreditation performance in that way
has not been a straightforward and reliable process owing to difficulty in measuring
long-lasting, probable and intangible outcomes in health care (Eddy, 1998, Loeb,
2004, de Bruijn, 2002). As such, Ovreveit and Gustafsun (2002) have articulated that
it is difficult to prove that the outcomes in health care are due to a specific programme
or intervention and not to something else, because of peculiarities of health care.
Therefore, because of the complex nature of the sector, there is much more inclination
to utilizing perception approaches (Scrivens, 1997, Pongpirul et al., 2006), and to
resorting to related and knowledgeable or involved people for identifying pertinent
dimensions and assessing the performance of accreditation programmes. The
approach of this research, i.e. appealing to experts perspectives, could provide a
generic range of dimensions which are hoped to be useful for evaluating the
performance of accreditation programmes in different contexts, specifically health
care. The identified dimensions are presented in four tables (1 to 4) on the basis of
their relevance to different aspects of accreditation.
acceptability in a society, given the fact that in health care due to an information
asymmetry between consumers and providers (Montagu, 2003), stakeholders are more
amenable to rely on such programme.
The second groups of KPIs are concerned with the nature of accreditation survey and
standards (table 2). As to surveyors, Greenfield et al. (2008) refer to surveyors as a
core part of a health care accreditation program to an extent that they take surveyors
into account as the eyes, ears and hands of any accrediting organisation, without
which the accreditation process is unsustainable. Therefore, the importance of this
group as the executable arm of an accreditation programme is overly obvious.
According to Greenfield et al. (2009) reliability for an accreditation programme might
be achieved through employing a detailed training program with mentoring for new
surveyors and defined surveyor selection criteria.
Standards are a main part of accreditation systems, against which HCOs are assessed.
The primary objective of these standards is to improve safety, effectiveness, cost and
efficiency for the benefit of the whole community (Scrivens, 1995). de Walcque et al.
(2008) point out that use of standards is an important way for systematically
reviewing a complex system and measuring improvements in the processes of
delivering health services. Therefore, it is important that the standards are
concomitantly reviewed and keep pace with improvements in care and remain
relevant to the service or organization which is being measured. There are various
dimensions also should be heeded while evaluating accreditation standards. For
instance the rate of clarity and feasibility of standards for healthcare organizations
implies that standards at first sight should be understandable for those who perform
accreditation (i.e. surveyors) and whom are being accredited. As a case in point,
Accreditation Canada [2] believes in optimal, but achievable (within the current state
of the art) and surveyable standards within the confines of resource constraints.
Application of a consensual process for developing the standards is also another
important KPI which is recommended by experts. Incorporation of stakeholders
voice in different stages of accreditation programmes is receiving growing attention
among accreditation agencies, see for example O'Connor et al. (2007). Inclusion of
clinical indicators in the accreditation standards has increased the clinician
involvement in different stages of the accreditation process (Collopy, 2000). The
existence of a regular review and update system for whole process of accreditation
programmes, specifically the standards, is widely reflected. In JCAHO, standards are
reviewed every year for hospitals and every two years for other HCOs and
Accreditation Canada reviews its standards every two years. Interview, documentary
analysis and observation are three main methods used for undertaking accreditation
and gathering required data concerning HCOs improvement practices. Accordingly,
an emphasis on documenting by HCOs in accreditation standards could be a KPI for
evaluating the appropriateness of accreditation standards.
The other group of the KPIs relates to the outcomes accreditation programmes are
supposed to generate the HCOs indicated in (table 3). There is evidence from the
literature indicating a link between accreditation and improved healthcare outcomes.
For example, Sunol et al. (2009) quote from those directly involved in the
accreditation projects, that accreditation can contribute to improving health care and
service quality. Similar claims are made by Chen et al. (2003) and Devers et al.
(2004). The latter authors found that a quasi-regulatory organization (e.g., JCAHO)
can be a primary driver for hospitals patient-safety initiatives. However, the
existence of such a connection has been also doubted (see for example; Griffith et al.,
2002, Beaulieu and Epstein, 2002, Grasso et al., 2005, Snyder and Anderson, 2005).
Greater safety for patients and staff and fewer adverse events
Table 3 exhibits the dimensions for tracing the impacts of an accreditation programme
on HCOs. Actions taken by accredited organizations following evaluation by the
programme may direct towards identifying the real impact of accreditation on HCOs.
These dimensions can give a clearer picture for measuring the usefulness of
accreditation programmes. Table 4 finally displays valuable indicators intended to
judge the overall nature of accreditation programmes. Transparency of all stages of
accreditation programme for public and those under assessment and responsiveness of
these programmes for their decisions can turn them into an evidence-based
programme (Greenfield and Braithwaite, 2009). Flexibility of an accreditation
programme to changes in the environment and to the feedback of different
stakeholders may maintain its sustainability and relevance.
As for the prioritization of the performance dimensions (except for very few
respondents who considered dimensions such as inclusion of patient safety and
outcome indicators in accreditation standards much more important in accreditation
of hospitals), most of the interviewees were of the opinion that it is difficult to
prioritize the performance dimensions. Some stipulated that it is a sort of political
decision to prioritise the dimensions based on their importance, because the
dimensions may become important given local priorities or policies. For instance, one
interviewee mentioned:
Final Considerations
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