Misbah Thesis

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Hierarchy of management

Management and risk control of financial institutions

A Thesis Presented

A Thesis Presented
The Committee on Academic Degrees
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
For a Degree with Honors
Of M.Com

Business School,
The University of Lahore
(January, 2010)


Dedicated to my beloved parents and those friends & teachers

who helped me with their precious ideas regarding this study


I am so grateful to Almighty Allah for helping me in the completion of

this task. I am too thankful to my parents who brought me at this
stage and supported me in every walk of life and I would like to thank
our respected teacher Sir Usman saeed for his role played in our
studies and I am sure that their work will prove itself as an asset in
our practical life and it will have a lot of benefits for us in our future

Table of Contents
Table of Contents.............................................................................................4
Chapter NO (1).................................................................................................6
Chapter NO ( 2)................................................................................................8
Literature review........................................................................................8
Chapter NO (3).......................................................13
Levels of Management by (Robert Anthony)..................................................15
Strategic management:...........................................................................15
Quality management:.....................................................................................17
Identifying a problem .................................................................................17
Goals.............................................................................................................. 20
Types of goals .........................................................................................20
Functions of management .............................................................................21
Planning and performance.............................................................................22
Types of plans..........................................................................................22
Types of departmentalization.........................................................................24
Measuring actual performance ......................................................................29
Comparing actual performance against standard ...................................29
Chapter NO (4).......................................................31
Risk ......................................................................................................... 31
Types of risk ............................................................................................32
Mitigation of Operational risk ......................................................................34
Market risk .................................................................................................... 40
Examples of market risk:.........................................................................41
Chapter No (5)................................................................................................41
Financial institutions................................................................................41
Basic functions ........................................................................................44

Hypothecation ...............................................................................................47
Chapter No (6)..........................................................................47
Risk control of financial institutions ..........................................47
Risk management plan...................................................................................49
Risk reduction................................................................................................ 50
Chapter NO (7)...............................................................................................51
Stock markets..........................................................................................51
Introduction of the KASB securities limited :..................................................52
Principal Purpose for the Offer:................................................................53
Future Prospects............................................................................................53
Risk Factors....................................................................................................54
Chapter NO(8)................................................................................................57

Chapter NO (1)


Risk control of financial institutions is a big term which behind a very big meaning in
its nature. It means to measure and manage the risk of financial institutions. The risk
management is a term describing by a wide variety of techniques typically starts
rather automatically in different business lines within a financial institutions. To
compare these techniques however one has to come up with on overall standard to
measure risk. Risk is a concept that is given different definitions. Risk is a
unacceptable lass which you have to bear. Risk concerns the expected value of one or
more future events technically the value of those results may be positive or negativity.
However general usage tends focus only on potential harm that may arise from a
future event which may occur either from incurring a cost or by failing to attain some
beneficial. Means risk is expected result of future results or the result of these events
may be positive or negative. You don’t know about certainty or uncertainty you only
estimate but you cannot estimate the exact true situations you know the word the
higher risk higher profit butt we can not know our gain or loss. However general
usage tends occur only on potential harms that may arise from a future event. Which
we have to bear by bearing a cost or sometimes we can not attain benefits that we
expected from the business. The risk management can be considered the
identifications and assessment of risks. Risk from comes from certainties in financial
markets , project frailer ,legal liabilities credit risk accidents natural causes and
disasters as well as deliberates attacks from on adversely. The strategies to manage
the risk include transferring the risk to another party avoiding the consequences of a
particular risk. Management is that cording works activities. So that they are complete
the work effectively and efficiently. The risk management is a protestations process is
followed where by the risk with the greatest loss and greatest possibilities of
occurrence a loss is handled first and risk which lower probability of occurrence of
loss are handled in descending order. The process can be very difficult and balancing

between risks and with a high probability of occurrence can offend be mishandled
means if risk is controlled in prior period the risk can be a higher risk. Intangible risk
management identifies a new type of a risk that has a100%probobilities of occurring
but is ignored by the organization due to a lake of identifications abilities. For
example when deficient knowledge is applied to situation a knowledge risk
materializes. Relationship risk occurs when ineffective collaboration occurs process
engagement risk may be an issue when ineffective operational procedures are applied
these risks directly reduces the productivity of knowledge workers decrease cost
effectiveness. Professionally services quality reputations bond value and earnings
qualities resources spent on risk management could have been spent on profitable
activities. The ideal risk management minimizing spending while reductions of the
negative effects of risk. Financial institutions provides services for its clients or
members probably the most important financial services provided by financial
institutions is activity as financial intermediaries most financial institutions are
usually regulated by gorvtment. There are three types of financial institutions.
Deposits these institutions include banks credit unions, trust companies and mortgage
loan, trust companies and mortgage loan companies. Insurance companies and
pensions funds, brokers, underwriters and investment funds.

Chapter NO ( 2)

Literature review

Morton (1990) explored that overall objective of regulating of financial sectors should be
to ensure that the system factions effectively in helping to transfer and allocate resources
across time and space under conditions of uncertainty .however actual regulation attempts
to accomplish several objects beyond facilitating the efficient allocation of resources in
fact at least four relations for financial regulation may be defined safeguarding the
financial system against the systematic risk protecting consumers for enhancing the
efficiency of financial system and achieving a wide range of social objectives .He also
explores the systematic risk may be defined as the risk of sudden unaccepted event that
damage the financial system. Such shocks means such type of losses originate inside or
outside the organization and may include the sudden failure of a major participation in
the financial system a technological breakdown or payments or a political shock. such
events can disrupt the normal functioning of financial markets and institutions by
disturbing mutual trust that lubricates most financial tranactions.He also explored that
competition policy not only by the concern to protect consumers from monopolistic
pricing but the basic aim of these markets forces to enhance the efficiency of the
allocation within the financial sector and the financial rest of the economy. He also
explored the consumers of the financial services practically unsophisticated consumers
have to face to difficulty to evaluate the quality of financial information and services
provided to them means unsophisticated faced problems about the evaluation financial
information such as prices of different products purchase and sale of securities and
services provided to them. many financial institutions must often be made in the current
period in exchange for benefit that are promised means such as debentures and securities
are soled in the stock market and different companies sell their securities through
different banks and financial institutions. The question is that when these sold in current
period but their benefit is for future period so consumers faced difficulties about their
financial information and services provided to them.

Herring and Litan (1995) explored that reserve requirement means why companies
maintains reserve requirements and capital requirements and liquidity requirements
means (cash securities debentures and bonds etc) designed to insure that firms face loss
during their business periods .The reserve requirement an d capital requirement will be
able to honor its liabilities to its customers means they will be also in a position to
complete the liabilities of their customers and safe guard the systemic risk. He also
explored Government also make policies for socials development of country. Most of the
countries subsidize financing for export sometimes through special guarantee such as in
Pakistan through credit guarantee scheme because exports are made through private
traders so these private traders feel hesitation to start exports business because they feel
risk to before the start of export business because they consider the point in their mind if
their export their products in foreign countries the traders of foreign countries cannot
make payments of their products so to remove this risk the Government of Pakistan has
take an action and started the export guarantee scheme. In this scheme the Government
give guarantee to traders to start the business the Government is responsible for their
every risk if the foreign traders cannot make payment so through this scheme the traders
are honored and exported are encouraged besides this many other steps have been taken
by the Government to increase the exports such export bonus scheme, trading corporation
of Pakistan played very important role for increasing the exports of Pakistan.finaly many
members of the organizations for economic corporations and development have imposed
repotting requirements on banks and some other financial in an effort to combat money
laundering associated with the drugs trade and organized crime. Means there is a lake of
consensus amongst even the developed countries about with criminal. Money laundering
is the conversations of profits derived from illegal activities into financial assets with
consequently appear to have leg mate assign. Many countries of organization for
economic corporation and development have imposed repotting requirements on banks.
Such as in Pakistan only money laundering measures have been taken by the
Government. Specific emphasis on the policy knows your customer. Antimony
laundering unit established at stat bank. The Government of Pakistan has passed
antimony laundering act. Replacement of money changes by exchange companies.

Blakt al (1975) explored that a sudden unanticipated withdrawn of deposits that funds
longer term illiquid loans can give raise to instability means illiquid loans can give rise to
instabilities in the economy. Means if loans are made to traders they buy stock and keep
it black when these are storage of stocks in the markets. They make monopoly and sell
things at high prices the consumers had pay high costs so inexpedient allocations of
recourses results from instability and effects economics growth and instability in banking
system can understand confidence in the financial system and disrupt role in facilitating
the efficient allocation of recourses.Latin etol(1987) explored that insured deposits be
invested only in start team treasury bills or closed substitute banks would also issue non
guaranteed financial instruments such commercial paper such as cheque. bill of exchange
letter of credit securities treasury bills to funs conventional bank loans. Just as finance
companies and learning companies and how do they explored that if banks were to hold
not only short term treasury bills but also other assets they are regulatory traded on well
organized markets and can be marked to market daily. This could be implemented in two
ways the secure depository approach in which institutions would be required to form
separately incorporated entities taking insured deposits approach in which institutions
would be required to form separately incorporated entities taking insured deposits and
holding only permissible marketable asset. Bestonetal(1989) explored that capital
requirement for secure depositing would be set to reduced the insolvency between daily
markets to markets points. This is also protect the deposit insuring agency from
loss.Kawomoto (20001) explored that the enterprise risk management is overall risk of
the organization are managed in aggregate result then independently. Risk is also viewed
as a potential profit opportunity rather than as some thing simply to be minimized or
eliminates means the higher risk the higher the profit. He also explored that the level of
decision making under enterprise risk management is also shifted from the insurance risk
manager. who would generally seek to control risk to that chief executive officer a board
of directors who whold be willing to embrace profitable risk opportunities means they
take a risk of those besides this the control management mostly take a risk of those
business which have profitable risk opportunities. he also explore that the risk first risk
management text presentably titled risk management and the business was published in
1963 after six years of development by Robert in this text the objective management is to

maximize the productive effectively of the enterprise. The basic purpose of this text was
that risks should be managed in a comprehensive manner and not simply insured.
Financial risk s begins to be dressed much later and by a separate business segment of
most organizations this field also developed own terminology and techniques for
addressing risk. Independently of those that used in traditional risk management Smith
and Witt (1985) explored that most of the companies face financial risk as a result of
failure to manage their hazard risks effectively. He explored that in it has been estimated
in 1970 that financial risk because an important source of uncertainty for firms and hence
this time tools for handling financial risk were developed these new tools allowed
financial risks to be managed in such a ways that pure risks had been managed for
decades. D, Arey (1999) explored that fixed income assets and investment which has
been made in foreign currency and operating results are moistly affected by inflation and
foreign exchange rates represents probabilities in a business they represented speculative
risk. Means when big traders save stocks for future selling their stock in such time when
there is shortage of that product they saved in a stock. But by occurrence of deflation and
people had no money to buy the set prices and substitute also available suddenly their
estimation is wrong they have to face a risk. This risk is called speculative risk. Smithson,
(1998) explored that the basic tools of financial risk management are forward contracts.
These contracts all termed derivatives since their values derived from some other
instruments value farward contract are entered into today in which the exchange will take
place at some future. The terms of the contract price the date and the specific
characteristics of the underlying asset all are determined when the contract is made no
money changes hands when the contracts is initiated. At the specified date each party is
obligated to consummate the transaction since each forward contract is individually
negotiated between the two parties there is considerable flexibilities regulatory the terms
of the contract. He explored that the future contract were developed to address the credit
risk and liquidity concern of forward contract. Similar to forwards and futures are
interred in to today for on exchange that will take place out some future date. The terms
of contract are determined when the contract is entered in to and no money changes
hands when the contract is initiated. However there are server significant differences
between forward and future contracts. Molnar (2000) explored that when disaster strikes

the company will suffer a loss to its property means when any unlucky incident takes
places in a company the company will suffer a loss to its property but the higher volume
of telephone traffic that typicality follows a major disaster will help offset this loss. he
also explored that enterprise risk management involves so money different aspects of an
organizations operations and integrates of wide variety of different types of risks no
person is likely to have the expertise necessary to handled this entire real in most of cases
team approach is used with the keep of a team drawing on the skills and expertise of a
number of different areas. Including traditional risk management financial risk
management and management information system, auditing, planning and line operations
the use of team approach through, does not allow traditional risk managers to remain in
focuses only on hazard risk means traditional managers does not focus only hazards risk.
He also explored that for team effectiveness each area will have to be understand the
risks and the approach of the other cases besides this the other areas besides this the team
leader will needs to have a basic understanding of the steps involved in the entire process
and all the methods involved in to contract the risk factors mostly understand by the team
leader because all success depends upon the team leader.Ackerman (2001) explored the
steps of enterprise risk management these are the steps which has been explained by
Ackerman identify the questions identify the risk. Risk measurement Formulate
strategies to limit risk. Implement strategies. Monitor results and repeat. Means fist of all
the question should be identified what type of risk occurs such as hazard risk traditional
risk financial risk and what are the measures have been taken when risk occurs and offer
this prepare strategies means prepare strategies means prepare long term planning to
limit the risk, or to control the risk and when these strategies are prepared implemented
them and monitor the results and respected them means every step to control the risk has
been respected to know that what method which gives useful result deposits it. ARI
(2001) explored the steps which have been taken by the risk control manager to control
the risk Identifies risk on our enterprise basis measure it formulates strategies and tactics
to limit. Execute those strategies and tactics means he explored that to control the risk the
control risk manager have to identify the risk on enterprise basis means identifies the risk
according to the nature of the business and measure it means which type of volume the
risk occurs in business and formulates strategies means strategies are prepped according

to the volume and nature of the risk and apply these strategies and then the results. Smith
and wilfored (1995) explored on entire chapter to motivating financial risk management
as a value enhancing strategy, He also describe the approaches accepting the notion that
the volatility of performance has some negative impact on value of the firm leads
managers to consumer risk mitigations strategies there are three generic types. Risk can
be eliminated or avoided by simple business practices. Risk can be transferred to other
participants and risk can be transferred to other participants and risk can be activity
managed at the firm level. Means risk can be eliminated or avoided by simple business
practices means in every small type business practices means in every small type of risks
big risk can be eliminated easily risk can be transferred to other participants means if a
team is prepared to control the risk the team leader should inform the every team member
he explain the risk can be the activity manage day a firm level.

Chapter NO (3)


Getting things done by the people selecting, training and motivating the people. The
business manager is also resource manager. How uses all the recourses to produce
maximum output without wasting them.

Business resources

Business resources are as follows

• Financial resources

• Human rescores

• Material recourses

• Information resources

• Technology resources

Another definition of management is that coordinating work activities so that they are
completed efficiency and effectively with other people. Management means to complete
the organization work effectively and efficiency.


Efficiency means getting maximum output from minimum inputs or resources.

Resources: means money, equipment, asset etc.

It means doing the work and perform activity in the right way it will help the organization
to achieve its goals.


They are objectives of the organizations that should be most specific and smart.

Another definition

In all business and organization activity the management is the act of getting people
together to achieve the desired goal and objectives.

Michmccrimmon (2007) explored that management is the organizational function that

like investment. Get thingseffciently and effectively to gain the best return on all
resources which we can use. It means management is a faction where we invested capital
and get profit to use the all recourses effectively and efficiently. He also explored that
management is an organizational factions, like sales, marketing or finance. It does to
manage the people. We can manage our self with the help on management and done our
work that is assign to us very well. Its means that we do our job in a well organized and
well manner.

He also explored that management is like investment where manager have resources to
invest their time and human resources. The goal of management is to get the best return
on such recourses by getting things done efficiency and effectively.


Levels of Management by (Robert Anthony)

• Top management/ strategic management

• Middle management/ technical management

• Operational management/ functional management

Strategic management:

Strategic management purely concern with developed of strategic as well as instructions

for the functionality.

The strategic management can control the whole organizations and make plan and
strategy for organizations its functions is to make strategy and plan for present and future
period the strategic management play a vital roll for the success of the business and to
manages the organization and also make the goals to achieve the objective of the

Middle management:
Middle management is concerned with work allocation according to strategy means
they needs to play tasks by understanding the qualification experience of operational
manager so that they can disturb the work according. Its means middle management can
divide the person according to their skills, knowledge and experience and divide to their
region for planning the task or for doing work on these methods and goals that is a given
by the strategic management.
Operational management:
Operational management is operating with work. Its means the management that is works
on tactics that is given by the middle management and play the tasks or work.


It is the general statement of long term objective and goals and methods by which those
objectives can be achieved.
Strategic planning:
Strategic planning is the process of formulation and evaluations and selections of
appropriate most suitable adoptable strategy out of all possible options or substitute for
making long-term plan to achieve the target and goals. its means strategic planning is the
process of build and judge the options that is related and suited and that is uses and help
full for making long-term plan and for making goal that is used to achieve the target of
the organization

Levels of strategies:

There are three levels of strategies

• Corporate level
• Business level
• Operational level

Corporate level:

Corporate level is concerned with entire or whole the business strategy which covers
entire the business as a whole. Corporate level strategy comprises all the basic factions or
module of a business in detail (it is concerned with head office) its means the strategy
that is cover the whole business or the strategy that is made in main office by top level
management is called the corporate strategy.

Business level

The strategy for a specific area or region or a product is called business level strategy. It
means the strategy that is different in all regions or area is called the business level.

Operational strategy:
Operational level is concerned with the factions or the departments.

Quality management:

it is a philosophy of management driven by continual improvement and responding to

customer needs and expectations. Its mean the customers needs and improve the quality
of goods. Quality management is improve and expand the quality of products of
organizations product and services internally and externally .It is the objective of an
organizations to control the cost and to provide the best quality products at lower cost. It
is competitive advantage of organizations. In organizations effectiveness and efficiency
are due to the decision and the actions of the managers. It means the decisions of the top
level management is depend upon the performance of the business a good managers
anticipate change, explit opportunities, correct the poor performance and leads the
organization towards the goals of the organization.

A decision is a choice from two or more alternatives. It means to select one or more
reliable goals from two or more than two alternatives. The top level management make
decision about their organization goals, They make decision that new market developed
and what product or services to be offered. Although decision making is typically
describes as choosing among alternatives.

It is a set of eight steps that include identify the problem, selecting an alternative, and
evaluating the decisions, effectiveness.

 Identification of a problem
 Identification of decision criteria
 Allocation of weights to criteria
 Development of alternatives
 Analysis of alternatives
 Selection of an alternatives
 Implementation of the alternatives
 Evaluating decision effectiveness

Identifying a problem
Decision making process starts with the existence of problem or more specifically its
mean before decision making we identify the problem of the organization.

Identifying the decision criteria
When a manager has defined a problem the decision criteria is important to resolving the
problem that must be defined or identified. The manager must determine what’s relevant
For making decision

Allocating weights to the criteria

The criteria that we define in decision making criteria are not equally importance. The
decision makers must weight the items in order to give them the correct priority in the

Developing Alternatives
It requires the decision maker to list of alternatives that could resolve the problem.

Analyzing alternative:

When the alternatives have been defined or identified a decision maker must critically
analyze each of alternatives.

Selecting an alternative:

In this step the decision maker choose the best alternative from among those considered.

Implementation the alternative
It is concerned with putting the decision into action. This involves conveying the decision
to those affected by it and getting their commitment.

Evaluating decision effectiveness:

The last step in the decision making process involves evaluating the outcome of the
decision to see if the problem had been resolved.

Decision making conditions:

There are three conditions managers may face as they make decisions certainty, risk and

A situation in which a manager of the organization can make accurate decision because
all outcomes are known.

A situation in which the decision maker is able to estimate the certain outcomes or


A situation in which a decision maker has neither certainty nor reason probability
estimates available.

Decision making styles

The four making styles are

Directive style

A decision making style in which the decision maker characterized by low level of
tolerance for ambiguity and a rational way of thinking. This is used for make fast
decisions and focus on the short run. The minimum information and alternatives.

Analytic style

A decision making style characterized by a high to level tolerance for ambiguity and
more information before making decision.

Conceptual style

A decision making style characterized by a high tolerance for ambiguity. It is very broad
in their outlook and look at many alternatives. This decision making style is focus on the
long run and are very good at finding solution of the problem.

Behavioral style

A decision making style in which decision makers work well with others. They are
concerned about the achievements of those around them and are receptive to suggestions
from others they often use meeting to communicate although they try to avoid conflict
acceptance by others is important to this decision making style.

Describe outcomes for individual, groups or entire organizations its means that goals
objective, mission statement and objective of the organization it is important for
organization to achieve its goals. The goal of the organization should be smart and
specific it must be measurable and attainable.

Types of goals

There are two types of goals

• Stated goals
• Real goal

Stated goals

Official statement of what an organization says and what it wants it various stake holder
to believe its goals. Its means what is the mission and statement of the organization.
However stated goals which be found in an organizations charter, annual report public
statement made by managers.

Real goals

Goal that an organization acutely peruse as defined by the actions of its markets. Its
means the actually or in real term that is defined and also action on these goal. its means
when we make the goal and how we can implement it and how we can work on it and
what result is taken from it if the goal is not very well implemented and achieved it is
very difficult for an organization to run the business in well manner so the goal must be
prepaid effectively and efficiently.

Functions of management

Batsman Snell (2007) explored that the position that managers provide in planning,
organizing, leading and controlling. It is necessary for a business the manager must
organize these functions to reach ands achieve the organization goals.


Planning is a logical thinking though goals and making decision as to what needs to
accomplished in older to reach the organization objectives. The managers use it for
forecast or future planning and decide to take an action. He also explored that the
planning is the first step of management and it is essential to facilitate and control the
variable decision making process.
Planning is involve define the organizations goals, establishing an overall strategy of the
organization for achieving the organizations goals and developing a comprehensive set of
plans to integrated the organizational work.

Formal planning means the goals of the organization must be specific and defined the
period to covering the goals. These goals are written and shared with organizational
members and specific action programs exist for the achievement of these goals.

Purpose of planning

Planning provides direction, reduces uncertainty, minimize waste and set the standards
used in controlling. Its means planning the goal s of the organization must be specific and
defined the period to covering the goals these goals are written and shared with
organizational members and specific action programs exist for the achievement of these
goals. Planning provides direction, reduces uncertainty, minimizes waste and set the
standards used in controlling. It means planning is a process to get maximum out with
minimum resources means cash stock etc. planning provides direction to managers and
no mangers alike when employees know where the organization or work unit is going and
what they must contribute to reach goals, can coordinate their activities, cooperate with
each others. Do what it takes to accomplish those goals without planning, departments
and individuals might work at cross purposes, preventing the organization from moving
efficiently towards its goals. It means what manager takes place to accomplish those
goals and what activity they perform.

Planning and performance

o Planning is an association with higher profits, higher return on assets and other
positive financial return.

o The quality of planning process and its approaches implementation of the plans
contributes more too high performance.

o Its means the main objectives of planning is to earn high profit and contribute
higher performance of the organization.

Types of plans

Following are the types of plans

• Strategic plan

• Operational plan

• Long term plan

• Short term plan

• Specific plan

• Directional plan

Strategic plan

Plans that apply to the entire organization or whole organization it established the
organizations overall goals and seek the position of the organization it term of
environment of the organization is called the strategic plan.

Operational plans

Plans that specify or describes the detail that how we can achieve overall goals. It is the
methods to achieve the goals or objectives of the organization operational plan mean how
we implement the plan in to the organization is called operational plan.
Long term plan

Plans with a time frame beyond three or five years. Long term plan means the plan for
more than one year is called long term plan.

Short term plan

Plan that is made for one year or less than one year is called short term plan.

Specific plan
The plan that is clearly defined every plan should be clearly defined it should be
understandable and in easy to lean it is called the specific plan.


The Bestman, snell (2007) is explored that the organizing is achieved through
management staffing and setting the training for employees. For acquiring the resources
and organizing the work is called the organizing.

Organizational structure

The formal arrangement of job with an organization is called organizational structure.

Organizational design

When manager change the structure of the organization they are engaged the
organizational design. The organizational design is the process that is involves in
decisions about six key elements. Work specializations. Departmentalization, chain of
command, span of control, centralization and decentralization and formulation.

Work specialization

The degree to which tasks in an organizations are divided into separate job also known as
division of labor. It means divided the work in to separate duties.

The basis by which jobs are done in grouped together. It means the divided of job in to
group of people not individual person. For example in collages and universities the
groped are made for making project. It means corrective activity of two or more people
not individual person.

Types of departmentalization

• Functional departmentalization

• Product departmentalization

• Customer departmentalization

Functional departmentalization

The function that is performed by the grouped of people or group of employee is called
the Functional departmentalization.

Product departmentalization

Grouped perform them jobs by product line. It means each major product area is placed
under the authority a manager who’s responsible for everything having to do with that
product line.

Customer departmentalization

Grouped jobs are done on the basis of common customer. Its mean make the product and
provides the services according to the customer needs and customer behavior. Some
people can not perform work individually in very well. So the management can make
group of these people to enhance the work or tasks.

Chain of command

It is a authority that extends from upper level of organization to lower level and clarifies
who report to whom. it is responsible.

o Authority

The right inherent in a position to tell the people are employee what to do and to expect them to
do it.

o Responsibility

The obligations or expectation to perform the duties that is assigned them by the
management is called responsibility.

Unity of command

The management principal or rules that each person or employee should be report to there
work only one manager.

Span of control
Span of control the number of employee that a manager can be managed with efficiency
and effectively.

The degree to which decision making is concerned at a single point in the organization,


The degree in which the lower level employee provides input and actually decision


The degree to which jobs with in the organization are standardized and to which
employee behave is guided with rules and procedures of the organization.


Allen G.(1998) explored that if managers can motivate to their works to fulfill the goal of
the company and out-perform their competitors. They also have day to day control with
work and leads their using open communication and able to them to give the direction
individually as well as with in teams department and divisions. The management aims to
inspire the subordinates or employees to solve the problem.

Alien Gemmy (1998) explored that the quality of leadership is that

‘A leader can be a manger but a manager is not necessary a leader. He also explored that
‘A leadership is a power of the people to take actions towards the goals of the company.

The Bestman,snell (2007) Explored that leadership involves the interpersonal

characteristics and skills of a managers position that includes communications and close
contract with team members it means leadership is a quality to inspire or motivate the

 Personality

The unique combination of psychological characteristics that effect how a person react
and interact with other. It means the personality of leader is inspirable. His personality
inspire to other.

Evaluative statement either favorable or unfavorable concerning objects people or events.
A leader show favorable attitude toward its employee or team. The behavior of leader
show the cencerty towards its teams and goals.


The action of the people towards a leader. The action or perception of the people toward
its leader must be positive, favorable and trustable.


The process of organizing and interpreting sensory impression in order to give meaning
to the environment. Its means a leader can motivate and inspire the people so the

perception of the people toward a leader should be sincere and also give an impression on


Any relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs as a result of experience. Its
means the permanent change in the behavior of people or team on the basis of results or
experience or knowledge.

Types of leaning
There are two types of learning
• Operant conditioning
• Social leaning

Operant conditioning

A type of learning in which desired behavior leads to a reward or prevents a punishment .

In this theory we learn the behavior of the people we lean what people want and get
something that they want and avoid from those who they not want in I this study we
judge are see the desired of the people about things and their behavior.

Social leaning

It is a theory of leaning that says people can lean though observation and experience the
leader. Its means people can lean and judge the leader on the basis of observations so the
personality of a leader must be inspire the people though his knowledge and experience.


Allen G (1998) explored that control are placed on employees by requiring the
completion of daily work and responsibilities and guidelines, by possibility taking
dispensary action when it is necessarily. Managers and supervisor given a work for
evolution and for the assessment of performance and take collective action on it. Ha also
explored that evaluation step is takes place on regularly or daily basis.

what is control?

The process of monitoring the activities of people or employees to ensure that they are
completed the work or tasks as planed and correcting any significant deviations.

Types of control

There are three types of plan that is described as follow

• Market control
• Bureaucratic control
• Clan control

Market control

An approach to control the emphasized the use of internal markets mechanisms to

eatables the standard used in the control system. Its means to control the market
mechanisms is set some standard and make some polices and procedures that is used to
control the market system.

Bureaucratic control

An approach to control the organizational authority and relies on admistrative rules and
regulations, procedures and polices.

Clan control

Clan control an approach that is used to control the employee behavior towards the
organization culture such as its rules, tradition, polices procedures etc.

Control process

Three steps is including in process measuring actual performance, comparing actual

performance against a standard and taking managerial action to correct deviations or
inadequate standards.

a) Measuring actual performance

b) Comparing actual performance against standard
c) Taking managerial action

Measuring actual performance

To detriment how we manage or measure the actual performance the information that is
collect about it its means for measure the performance the sources will used observation,
report and written report.

Comparing actual performance against standard

The acceptable parameters of variance between actual performance and standard

Taking managerial action

The final step in control process is managerial action. Managers can choose among tree
possible courses of action.

i. They can do nothing

ii. They can correct the actual performance.
iii. They can revise the standards

i. They do nothing

Doing nothing is fairly self explanatory.

ii. Correct actual

Correct actual means to correct the problems .it means the source of performance
variation is unsatisfactory work the manager must correct the unsatisfactory work.

iii. Revise the standard

It’s the standard that needs attention on their goal. See standard to raise the sales. So they
set the goal controlling to their standard and then work

Hierarchy of management

Chapter NO (4)


Risk is as the effect of uncertainty on objectives whether positive or negative. Risk
management considered risk is come from certainly in financial markets project familiar,
legal accidents natural causes and disasters as well as deliberate attacks from on

Risk concerns the expected value of one or more than one results or one or more than one
future events.

Risk is an unexpected loss which you have to bear.

Types of risk

a) Operational risk

b) Enterprise risk

c) Financial risk

d) Credit risk

e) Market risk

Operational risk

The loss that is occurring to failed the internal or external system of the organization.
The risk that is occurs due to the internal and external events of the organization.

Its means this risk is occurring due to inefficiently or ineffectively used the resources.
Such as if the organization system failed the loss is occurring. If the employee can not
work properly then loss is also occur.

Other definitions
The risk or loss resulting form inadequate or failed internal process people and system or
from external events. Its also include the strategic risk. Loss that is arising due to week
strategy and week planning

U.S department described the risk

• Accept risk when benefits out weight the cost
• Accept to unnecessary risk
• Anticipate and manage risk by planning
• Make risk decisions at the right level

Accept risk when benefits out weight the cost

Its means to accept the risk at that limit which meets our cost if we take a very high risk.
We may be getting higher benefit but we suffer a loss we have lost our every thing.

Accept to unnecessary risk

Accept no unnecessary risk means the risk which results from loss or the doubt in our
mind that it will give us a lower benefit. We can not accept it.

Managed the risk

The risk can be managed with decision making, assessment the risk with the help of
management planning to use the all rescores with effectively and efficiently.

Make the decision at right level

The management should make plan to control the risk with right way to assess the risk
and then make some standard rules and polices to control the risk. The manager must
assess the example risk when he make plan and then managed it in a right way with
effectively and efficiently and the manager should accomplished the mission or objective
effectively and safely

Examples of operational risk

Computer failure;
• Mistakes in record-keeping;
• Poor compliance of members/employers with earnings declaration and contribution
• Inaccurate allocation of expenses between branches;
• Inadequate staffing to maintain operations satisfactorily, for example because of
Recruitment problems or uncompetitive salaries;
• Strikes and other staff unrest;
• Weak management;
• Fire, earthquake, hurricane or flood compromising the head office;
• Fraudulent transactions;
• Hostile hacking into the main computer database;
• Failure to implement an element of the legislation;
• Failure to warn insured persons of an impending change in coverage or benefit
• Unexpected fiscal liabilities;

• Litigation challenging disability award decisions;
• Failure of risk controls on delegated authorities;
• Poor risk management est.

Mitigation of Operational risk

It is a continuous process which includes risk assessment risk, decision making and
implementation of risk controls which result in acceptance, mitigation or avoidance of
risk. Operational risk management can therefore be considered or described the
identification, assessment and prioritization of the risk. It is the act of minimize, monitor
and control the probability of uncertainty in financial markets, project failures, legal
abilities, credit risk accidents, natural causes and disaster as well as risk management
standards have been developed including the management. It means to set standard and
make procedures and polices to control the risk.

The Navy (U.S) that critics the risk management in four steps model.

There are three condition of assessment

i. Task leading
ii. Additive condition
iii. Human factors

i. Task loading
It refers to the negative effect of increase the work or task and what effect on the
performance of the worker. For example if an organization can increase the working
hours so what effect on employee performance.

ii. Additive condition

It aware the situation of a communicative effect of variable. its means we can aware the
effect of change then what effect on our assessment.

iii. Human factors

Its is refer that limitation of the ability of the human body and environment. Such as if we
can increase the working hours so the employee’s performance might be week because
they feel tied situation. The environment of work and the nature of the job also depend
upon the perform of the employee.

Balance your resources

Balance the resources this means to evaluate all information, labor, equipment martial
Communication with right people

Use the right style communication style gets the specific results from a specific situation.
Its means our communication style is always right the other person can impress with you.
For listing your communication and he also easily understand your talk or your speech.
Always use easy wording
Take action and monitor the change

We can evaluate and rewired the mission to see that is completed well. To make plan for
future performance improvement.

Credit risk

Credit risk is a commitment to repay debt or bank loan default occurs when borrow can
not future the financial obligation. Such as they can not pay interest on loans. In the event
of default, if lender or banks suffer a loss. They will not receive all the payments
promised to them.

Measurement of credit risk

For the measurement of credit risk the credit risk premium. It is the difference between
interest rate that a firm pays when it borrows and the interest rate on a default free

Who is affected by credit risk?

Credit risk affects any party making or receiving a loan payment a debt payment some
example bound issuers, bound investors and commercial bank.

Bound issuer

Bound issuer are effected by the credit risk because there cost is depend upon on the
default borrower who issuer the debt may face risk in future.

Bound investor

Bound investor also suffers the credit risk. They reduced the uncertainty to increase their
credit premium.

Commercial banks

Bank also expected to risk that borrower will may default on their loan the credit risk is
highly suffered by the banks because they mostly issue loans to the industries where the
chance of insolvent is higher.

Credit swap

Credit swap is used to reduce the credit risk. It is mostly used by the banks who credit
risk is higher because they granted learning to the industries or firm where the chance of
insolvent is higher.

Credit derivatives

The largest risk of using credit derivative is operational risk. Operational risk is that when
trader use speculation instead of hedging.

Counter party
Second of credit risk is the counter party risk. It means the risk in which transaction id
default. Transactions mean the thing dealing with two is more persons.

Koyologue and Hicknan (1998) explored credit risk is a techniques from three séance
Finance, economics and actual sciences into a single framework.

There are three basic components.

• Treatment for joint default behavior

• Conditional default
• Distribution for independent

Default risk means when we enter into a contract with other party and at the expiry date
the other party can refuse to pay the money is called the default risk.
He also explored that the default component of portfolio credit risk and concentrate a
loss distribute and change in value of distribution.

Metorn (1974) explored that firm defaults when the value of asset of a companies comes
to down to its liabilities. The credit risk default means once a company become the
insolvent when they are continuously suffering loss and come to that stage when its asset
value fall down to its liabilities then the directors sells the asset of the company and to
overcome its liabilities.

J.P .Margans is explored that the problem to the distribution of return of most financial
assets the distribution of daily return of any risk factor would in resulting typically show
the significant amount of positive. This leads to further trail and occurring much more
frequently then would be predicted by norms distribution which would leads to an under
estimation of var.

Examples of credit risk

When the customer of the bank can not pay the money it is called credit risk defaulter
when lending is on boom the bank take exec vie risk. When lending on the boom the
asset side of the bank balance sheet is likely to cause the bank risky project.
Reinhart(1999) is argue that recently the banking sector face the problem that the asset
side of bank balance sheet is increase than liability side due to increasing in non
performing or non receiving loans it is the worldwide problem that is faced by banks. For
example in the period of Niwaz Shareef Government the cousins of Niwaz Shareef can
take loan millions rupees from Habib bank limited and can not pay back so Habib bank
can face millions of rupees credit loss.

Mitigation of credit risk

For mitigation of credit risk the banks maintain the reserve criteria. Different bank
demand some securities for lending of money as a reserve such as pledge moorage and
hypothecations five methods are also used by banks

(1) Modifications of deposit insurance pricing structure to remove miss-pricing;

(2) Modifications of the insurance contract;
(3) Changes in insolvency resolution mechanics;
(4) Elimination of uncertainties about the quality of the federal deposit guarantee; and
(5) Changes in responsibilities related to the lender-of-last-resort function

Financial risk

The risk that a company will not have adequate cash flow to meet financial obligations.
The risk that a firm will be unable to meet its financial obligations. This risk is primarily
a function of the relative amount of debt that the firm uses to finance its assets. A higher
proportion of debt increases the likelihood that at some point the firm will be unable to
make the required interest and principal payments.

Financial risk is the additional risk a shareholder bears when a company uses debt in

addition to equity financing. Companies that issue more debt instruments would have
higher financial risk than companies financed mostly or entirely by equity.
Financial risk management is a process that entails companies setting up guidelines to
define their policy on accepting financial risk. Individuals that work in financial risk
management do not make investment decisions for a company. Instead, those individuals
create the guidelines that the risk-takers must follow when analyzing investments they are
considering for the company.

Examples of financial risk:

Central banks, reserve banks and commercial banks faces the financial risk because
commercial bank gives the loans to borrowers and charge interest on loans so they face
the financial risk if their customer can not pay back the loans and they become insolvent.
for example if the state bank can make policy to collect money on lower rates of interest
and then depositor can not deposits the money then bank can not lend the money.
Commercial banks also face the financial crises so some time they can not meet their
obligation accordingly. For example, the customer may become insolvent and unable to
pay the contract fees; the service provider may cease to carry on business; or either party
may have insufficient funds to support an indemnity.

Financial risk mitigation:

Value-at-Risk (VaR) is a widely used measure of financial risk, which

provides a way of quantifying and managing the risk of a portfolio as a
key component of the management of market risk for many financial
institutions. It is used as an internal risk management tool, and has
also been chosen by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision as
the international standard for external regulatory purpose. Recent
years, non-bank energy traders and end-users have begun to use VaR.
Now the majority of major oil companies and traders are using the VaR
method for risk measument.There are many approaches to measuring
VaR. Any valuation model for computing VaR simply represent of a
possible reality or a possible outcome, based on certain probability and
confidence percentage parameters. VaR measures the worst expected
loss over a given time horizon with a certain confidence – or probability
– level. VaR allows management to see the probable risk their
company is taking, or, in the case of companies hedging

There are two methods to mitigates the financial risk

o Hedging using correlation of stock/ CAPM
o Using derivative

The most commonly and frequently used methods is CAPM its means portfolio or
correlation between two financial assets. Financial assets mean stock, debt etc. and
derivatives means equity stock or share capital etc.

It is a practice that is created by the financial instrument (bill of exchange, letter of credit
etc) it is required to manage can be quantitative and qualitative. It is focus on hedge using
financial instutrument. Financial risk prescribed trust a firm should take on a project
when it want to increase share holders when we applied financial risk management it
implies that the manager of the firm should not hedge the risks that an investor can hedge
them self at some cost it mean when we give the loan to any person. We can demand to
hedge his property for security. The firm manager perform the very of the share holder
using financial risk management techniques.

Enterprise risk :
According to the Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS), enterprise risk management
Is defined as:

"The process by which organizations in all industries assess, control, exploit, finance and
monitor risks from all sources for the purpose of increasing the organization's short and
long term value to its stakeholders."

A risk defined as a possible events or circumstances that can have a negative effect on
the enterprise its impact can be on the very existence the recourses (Haman and capital)
and product or customers of the entries as well as external impact on security such as on
security market or the environment in the financial institution, enterprise normally
through the combination of interest rate risk credit risk. Market risk and Operational risk.

Examples of enterprise risk:

Remember that your investment actually own p pace of your business it is depend upon
how they invest you give up central region so you have to aware when you agree to take
an investor debt financing institution and banks only expect there loan rapidly. The bank
also gives many facilities to its customer. Such as on line transfer of money overdraft

Mitigations enterprise risk :

Its means hoe risk will be managed and plan how we make plan and include task,
responsibility, activity and budget. Enterprise risk management is simply a practice of
systematically selecting cost effectiveness approaches to minimize the cost and
maximized the quality of tour product. It is also competitive advantage of the firm to
reduce the cost and improve the qualities of product the firm should focus on customer
needs and devolved the product according to customer need and demand. It is necessary
to make effective plan and implement on the organization and evaluate the plans.
Communication is also necessary to reduce the risk of the business communicator
involved how to reach the intended audience response to the communication etc the main
goal of the communicating is to improve collective and individual decision making. To

manage the risk we can implemented the control and set the standard and procedures. The
risk management of enterprise is used for threat to realization to the organization.

Market risk

Market risk is defined as the possibility of losses owing to unfavorable market

movements. Such losses occur when an adverse price movement causes the market to
market revaluation of a position to decline. It can be due to a large number of risk factors,
including fluctuations in interest rates, exchange rates, equity prices and
Commodity prices, as well as changes in volatility of these rates and prices that affect
The values of options or other derivatives, as well as changes in correlations between
Those risk factors.

Market risk and Asset and Liability (ALM)-risk are narrowly related. Both types of
Risk is defined as ‘the risk of adverse movements in market factors (such as asset prices,
foreign exchange rates, interest rates) and their volatilities and correlations’.
The term market risk is typically used by banks and refers to trading, usually a short term
Activity, and focuses on changes in market/fair value. The term ALM risk is used by both
banks and insurance firms and relates to the consequences of changes in market factors
for all asset and liability items of the balance sheet. In banks ALM risks typically refers
to interest rate risks in banking books with a focus mostly on accrual earnings where long
term assets are funded by short term liabilities. Insurance companies face the opposite
problem. Typically the liabilities are longer than the assets and the asset portfolio may
include some equity investments. Furthermore, both banks and insurance companies have
increased ALM risks due to embedded options in their assets and liabilities. Its means the
risk that is occurs due to inflation or deflation in the economy when the prices of goods
increase and interest rate increase and the value of money decreased. The most suffer the
market risk the speculators that speculate that the prices are increase in future and they
gain profit but unfortunately the prices of goods comes to down due to the deflation so he
suffer or bear the loss this type of loss is called the market risk when we can do the
transaction with foreign country the exchange rate is use it is also effect on the market
prices the changing in the exchange rate also cause the market risk.

Click and plumm (2005) explored that for the traction with foreign country. The problem
is that to convert the local currency in to foreign currency from the most perception of the
investors the common currency that is used for foreign trade is U.S $ some of the
movements in stock price indse3x may be reflect their foreign exchange he describes that
the listed company the local currency is preferable in comparison with foreign currency.
The researcher control the exchange rate variations to remove the hesitation of the
investors and the listed company which involves in foreign trade and use the exchange
rate on daily basis.

Examples of market risk:

Market risk means changing in prices of shares foreign exchange, according to financing
of my analysis. I have come to know that efficiency in stock market is not strong enough.
This is all because of indicators but strong rules. The main reason of economy down
towards politically instability uncertainty investors avoid to invest the money in financial
project. In Pakistan all indicators method interaction we need extra rules and regulations

Mitigations of market risk:

It is mitigation that is used to control the market risk. Such mitigation that takes
contingent claims whose financial settlement is depend upon uncertain variables. The
methods that are used to reduce the market risk with risk sharing agreement. For example
for selling of share through public offering risk the third party is involve such as bank to
reduces the risk we can hedge the price risk by purchasing a financial contract that pays
different between some settlement price and market price. If the price of the shares goes
down the payoff from this contract and loses are occur due to decline of share so we
contract the option. So fluctuation prices with long term contract due to fluctuating of
prices. Development of market instruments, markets and institutions for risk trading and
risk sharing. Such development should be viewed as “Market Engineering” which builds
on the “physics” of markets explored by social sciences (including economics) but
focuses on the harnessing of market forces and human behavior to achieve a desired

Create mechanisms for transforming involuntary private risks to voluntary risk so as

to empower individual choice. Without individual choice market based risk mitigation is
not possible.

Remove regulatory and institutional impediments to the exercise of individual risk

Develop decision analytic methodologies that integrate expert risk assessment with
market based pricing of risk (e.g. decision theory, real option theory, financial
engineering methods)

Develop pricing and portfolio analysis methods for valuation and optimization of risk
mitigation options.

Chapter No (5)

Financial institutions

Sklos pieme (2001) explored that financial institutions provides services for its clients or
members probably the most important financial service provided by financial institutions
is activity as financial intermediaries most financial institutions are usually regulated by
government tree types of financial institutions
• Deposits: these institutions include banks credit union, trust companies and
mortgage loan companies.
• Insurance companies and pension fund
• Brokers, underwriters and investment funds

Financial institutions provide service as intermediaries of the capital and debt markets.
They are responsible for transferring funds from investors to companies, in need of those
funds. The presence of financial institutions facilitates the flow of money through the
economy. To do so, savings are pooled to mitigate the risk brought to provide funds for
loans. Such is the primary means for depository institutions to develop revenue. Should
the yield curve become inverse, firms in this arena will offer additional fee-generating
services including securities underwriter ting, and prime brokerage.

Financial institutions exist to improve the efficiency of the financial markets. If savers and
investors, buyers and sellers, could locate each other efficiently, purchase any and all assets
costless, and make their decisions with freely available perfect information, then financial
institutions would have little scope for replacing or mediating direct transactions. However, this is
not the real world. In actual economies, market participants seek the services of financial
institutions because of the latter's ability to provide market knowledge, transaction efficiency, and
contract enforcement. Such firms operate in two ways. They may actively discover, underwrite,
and service investments made using their own resources, or merely act as agent for market
participants who contract with them to obtain some of these same services. In the latter case,
investors assemble their portfolios from securities brought to them by these same firms. In light
of the two ways in which institutions may operate in the financial sector, several issues
immediately arise.
First, when and under what circumstances should these firms use their own resources to provide
financial services, rather than offering them through a simple agency transaction?

Second, to the extent that such services are offered through the use of the institution’s own
resources, how should it be managing its portfolio so as to achieve the highest value added for its
stakeholders.ting, and prime brokerage?

Intermediating involves the simultaneous issuance and purchase of different financial claims by a
single financial entity. It occurs when an institution purchases one type of financial instrument for
its own account and finances the transaction by issuing a claim against its own balance sheet.
Three types of such financial intermediation activity are common.
These are

i) insurance underwriting whereby the issuer assumes the policy's contingent liability,

ii) loan underwriting, whereby the intermediary uses its own resources in extending
credit to a borrower, and

iii) Security underwriting which involves buying securities as principal to distribute to


Financial Institution's balance sheet is different from a non-Financial firm; consider how
an industrial firm wields capital machinery (asset) and the loans (liabilities) it used to
finance that asset. The line is blurred in Financial Institutions, which must hold deposit
accounts (liabilities) to fuel the issuance of loans (assets). The same accounts are
considered loans as they are held in ownership not of the bank, but of the individual

The overall of regulation of the financial sector should be ensure that the system can perform the
function efficiently and effectively in helping deploy, transfer and allocate the resources means
cash, securities, asset etc across the time and space under the condition of uncertainty. Hewer
actual financial regulation attempts to accomplished many objectives beyond facilitating the
efficient allocate of resources. There are four broad retinal for financial regulation may be

• Safeguarding the financial system against system risk.

• Protecting consumer from opportunistic behavior
• Managing the efficiency the financial system
• Achieving the broad range of social objectives.

Its means safeguarding the financial or organization system to control the risk we should
implement the control on the system to protect from uncertain events for example to protect the
information and personal data for theft or illegal used the firms used the login and password to
control the system risk some time system may be damaged and theft so companies can implement
the plan to control the system risk.

Customers also are the asset of the company so it is duty of the company to protect the customer
and try to provide the best services and to know the nature of the customer and then make product
according to the demand of the customers.

It is the responsibility of the company to manage the system efficiency and affectivity for the
betterment of the system.
Its means provides the services and doing the work for the purpose of social welfare such as
banks provides the services and doing work for social welfare such as provides the loans to the
people and deposits the and provides the services to the people.
Its means these institution accept money from the public for safe custody which will repayable on
demand by cheque or by drafts and these institutions making loans to other people means by
taking deposits from public and making commercial loans to industrial sector, against sector
institutions trust companies means financial institution accept ornaments important documents in
a bank on trust business. Bank demand some amount for these services financial institutions also
called mortgage loan companies. Banks advances loan against immovable property. Means

against land building or the completion of property the immovable property con be retuned to the
A bank is a financial institution which deals with money and credit. it accepts deposits from
individual firms and companies at a lower rate of interest and gives at higher rate of interest to
those at which it lends forms the source of its profit. A bank thus is a profit earning institute,
according to crowthe, “A bank is a firm which collect money from those who have it spare. It
lends money to those who require it” In the words of Mr. Parking, “a bank is a firm that takes
deposits from house holders and firms makes loans to other households and firms”

Webster’s dictionary (1974) defines the word “bank” as “a body of persons whether
incorporated or not who carry on the business of banking”.
Definition by judiciary “ the words banking may bear different shades of meaning
different period of history and their meaning may not be uniform today in countries of
different habits and different degree of civilization. It was said that there were two
characteristics usually found in bankers today.

a) they accept deposits of money from and collect cheques for their customers and
place them to their credit
b) They honor ceruse or order drawn on them by their customers when presented
fore payment and debit the customs accounts accordingly.

In the court of appeal the majority of judges identify certain absolute characteristics
usually found in banking business.
a) keeping some form of current and running account for the entries of customers
credit and debit
b) The acceptance of money from and collection of cheiques for customers and
placing them to the customers credits.
c) The honoring of chequies and orders drawn on them the banks by its customers
when presented for payment and debiting customers account accordingly.

Functions of a bank
A commercial bank performs a variety of functions. These functions are classified under two
main heads

• Basic functions
• Secondary functions

Basic functions

The basic functions of a commercial bank are

a) accepting of deposits and

b) advancing of money

i. Accepting of deposits

The first important function of a bank is to accept deposits from these who can save but
cannot make profitable use of their savings themselves. In order to attract the savings
from different persons and institutions the bank maintains the following three types of
accounts. Such as current account, saving account and fixed deposits account

ii. Making loans

The second major function of a commercial bank is to make loans businessmen traders,
exports, households etc. These loans are made against documents of title of the goods
marketable securitioes personal securities of the borrowers at etc of all the functions of a
modern bank advancing and lending is buy for the most important .the advances
comprises a very large portion of a banks total assets .the assets of the bank the strength
of the bank prelemi judged by the soundness of its advances. The lending of the money
may be in any of the following farms such as loans cash credit overdraft discounting of
Secondary Functions
The secondary functions of a bank are classified as
• Agency functions

• Utility functions

Agency functions

Banks act as a agent of their customers in various ways as collection of cheques

collection of dividends purchase and sale of securities execution of standing instructions
And acting as trustee or executor

General utility services

The bank perform a number of other general services to its clients which are summed as
foreign exchanges business act as referee, issue of travelers cheque supply of trade
information export promotion cell, advise on financial maters and save custody of

Sources of bank funds

A bank is a business firm. Its main aim is to earn profit. In order to achieve this objective
it provides the services to the customers. it offers a variety of interest bearing
obligation. .These obligations are the sources of funds for the bank and are shown on the
liability sides of the balance sheet if a commercial bank. The main sources which supply
funds a to a bank are as follows

• Banked own funds

• Borrowed funds

Bank own funds

nks own funds are mainly three types reserve funds and portion of undistributed profit
Borrowed funds
The bank borrowing deposits ,bank collects the three types of deposits current demand
deposits and fixed and time deposits the larger will be its funds for employment and so
higher are its profit. Borrowing from central bank, other sources and deposits

Modes of lending

A lien is the right to retain property in its possession till its (bankers due are cleared. Lien
gives a person only a right to retain the possession of the goods and not the power to sell.
Thus lien is

a) A right of retaining property belonging to the debtor

b) Till all dues due to the borrower are cleared.

A pledge is a contract where by a goods is deposited with the lender as security for
repayment of the loan. The delivery of goods may be made by transferring the goods
from the owners go down to a bankers go down or the keys of the owners go down be
handed over to the lender. The delivery of documents of the title relating to goods also
creates a valid pledge. The person delivering the goods as security is called the pledger.
The person to whom the goods is delivered is known as pledge.


A mortgage is the transfer of an interest in a specific immovable property for the purpose
of securing the money advanced by way of way of loan, an existing or future debt. The

person in whose interest the property is transferred is known as mortgage. The person
who transfers an interest in property against a debt is called mortgagor.


Hypothecation is defined as a legal transaction whereby goods may be made available as

security for a debt without transferring property or the possession to the lender. The
advance of loans against goods without taking their possession is very risky on two main
• As the goods are in possession of owner, the borrower may take the goods
without informing the bank.
• The bank does not have a legal claim as it does not have a valid charge over the

Chapter No (6)

Risk control of financial institutions

Risk management is a protestation process is followed by the risks with the greatest loss
and the greatest probability of occurring are handled first and risks with lower probability
of occurrence and lower loss are handled in descending order. Impractical the process can
be very difficult and balancing between risks with high probability of occurrence but
lower loss versus a risk with a high loss but lower probability of occurrence can often be
mishandled means if risk is controlled prior big risks can be controlled but if risk is not
controlled in prior period the risk can be a higher risk. Intangible risk management
identifies a new type of risk that has a 100% probability of occurring but is ignored by
the organization due to a lack of identification ability. For example when deficient
knowledge is applied to situation a knowledge risk materializes. Relationship risk occurs
process engagement risk may be an issue when ineffective operational procedures are
applied these risks directly reduced the productivity of knowledge workers decrease cost
effectiveness. Profitability services quality reputation brand value and earnings quality.
Recourse spent on risk management could have been spent on more profit availabilities.
The ideal risk management minimized spending while minimizing the reduction of the
negative effects of risk.

WaterhouseCoopers (PWC) in (2007) explored that key management in the financial

services sector believed a focus on compliance has produced better relationships with
regulators, a better relationship among customers, better and timelier data on internal
performance and improved returns relative to risks taken. Considerations While the

benefits are numerous, concentrating on risk management in the financial sector can also
lower profitability and reduce efficiency. Risk management in financial institutions must
figure out a way to concentrate on all major business-related risks. He also explored that
managers believed community relationships, attracting and retaining talent, the cost of
risk management, and competitive pricing have all suffered as a consequence of an
increased focus on regulatory risk.

Jene, mecking and Santo, mero in (1976, 1984) that risk is an essential ingredient in the
financial sector, and that some of this risk will be borne by all but the most transparent and
passive institutions. In short, active risk management has a place in most financial firms. They
exposure that if management is going to control the risk that is according in the business or
organization. The management must be established and set of the procedures to obtain or to
achieve the goals or objectives. in the financial institution this is referred as a firm level risk
management system. The goals are objectives of a firm are to measure and manage the risk which
is assessed and identified by the management. The firm applies the four step procedures to
measure and manage the risk of a firm. These steps are defined

(i) Standards and reports

(ii) Position limits or rules
(iii) Investment guidelines or strategies and
(iv) Incentive contracts and compensation

In general these tools and techniques are established or used to define the risk accurately. It is
helped or encourages the decision makers to manage and control the risk with manners that is
consistent with management goals and objectives.

Standard and reports

The steps of these control and techniques are to the setting the standard and financial reports.
They also explored that it is essential for management to understand the risk effectively and then
must be managed or absorbed the risk. The standardization of financial reporting is the next
ingredient. Obviously, outside audits, regulatory reports, and rating agency evaluations are
essential for investors to gauge asset quality and firm-level risk. These reports have long been
standardized, for better or worse. However, the need here goes beyond public reports and audited
statements to the need for management information on asset quality and risk posture. Such
internal reports need similar standardization and much more frequent reporting intervals, with
daily or weekly reports substituting for the quarterly GAAP periodicity.

Position Limits and Rules

A second step for internal control of active management is the establishment of position limits.
These are imposed to cover exposures to counterparties, credits, and overall position
concentrations relative to systematic risks. In general, each person who can commit capital has a
well defined limit. This applies to traders, lenders, and portfolio managers. Summary reports to
Management shows counterparty, credit, and capital exposure by business unit on a periodic
basis. In large organizations with thousands of positions maintained and transactions done daily,
accurate and timely reporting is quite difficult, but perhaps even more essential.

Investment Guidelines

Third, investment guidelines and strategies for risk taking in the immediate future are outlined in
terms of commitments to particular areas of the market, the extent of asset-liability mismatching
or the need to hedge against systematic risk at a particular time. Guidelines offer firm level advice
as to the appropriate level of active management - given the state of the market and the
willingness of senior management to absorb the risks implied by the aggregate portfolio. Such
guidelines lead to hedging and asset-liability matching. In addition, securitization and syndication
are rapidly growing techniques of position management open to participants looking to reduce
their exposure to be in line with management's guidelines. These transactions facilitate asset
financing, reduce systematic risk, and allow management to concentrate on customer needs that
center more on origination and servicing requirements than funding position.

Incentive Schemes

To the extent that management can enter into incentive compatible contracts with line managers
and make compensation related to the risks borne by these individuals, the need for elaborate and
costly controls is lessened. However, such incentive contracts require accurate position valuation
and proper cost and capital accounting systems. It involves substantial cost accounting analysis
and risk weighting which may take years to put in place. Notwithstanding the difficulty, well
designed compensation contracts align the goals of managers with other stakeholders in a most
desirable way. In fact, most financial debacles can be traced to the absence of incentive
compatibility, as the case of deposit insurance illustrates.

Bable and santomero (1997) is explored that the financial institutions indicate that risk
management which is not the inherent features of institutions engaged in managing risky asset
portfolios. So it is argued that if the financial institutions is done work well at least to evaluate the
underlying asset and its value. The challenge is to manage the value of firm and its risk is defined
or clear in concise or understandable or every way. However some time the management can not
manage the risk to use the methods and techniques.

Risk management plan

Select appropriate controls or countermeasures to measure each risk. Risk mitigation
needs to be approved by the appropriate level of management. For example, a risk
concerning the image of the organization should have top management decision behind it
whereas IT management would have the authority to decide on computer virus risks.
The risk management plan should propose applicable and effective security controls for
managing the risks. For example, an observed high risk of computer viruses could be
mitigated by acquiring and implementing antivirus software. A good risk management
plan should contain a schedule for control implementation and responsible persons for
those actions.
Methods that is used to control the risk
The ISO (31000) the risk management is to identify the potential risk (risks are the events
that cause problem) hence risk identification can start with problems or with the source
means (risk sources it may be internal or external system that is used to managed the risk

such as charting, common risk checking, taxonomy based risk identification and
objective base risk identification.

Assessment of risk
Once we have identified them they must be assessed as to their potential severity of loss
and its probabilities of occurrence. The assessment is make by best educated and by
knowledgeable persons. The difficulty in the assessment process is determined the rate of
occurrence the statistical information are not available.

Potential risk treatment

Once risk has been identified and assessed than following techniques is used to manage
the risk

• Avoidance (eliminate)
• Reduction (mitigate)
• Sharing (outsource or insure)
• Retention (accept and budget)

Risk avoidance

We can not perform the such activity or we avoided from such activity that could
carrying risk such as we have not entering in business to avoid the risk and we also avoid
from probability of earning profits.

Risk reduction

Its means introduced methods that reduced the chances of loss. Introduce met Modern
software development methodologies reduce risk by developing and delivering software
incrementally. Early methodologies suffered from the fact that they only delivered
software in the final phase of development; any problems encountered in earlier phases
meant costly rework and often jeopardized the whole project. By developing in iterations,
software projects can limit effort wasted to a single iteration.
Holds that reduced thee chances of loss.

Out sourcing

Out sourcing means we reduced the chances of loss we contract e with other party to do
activity or provided services for example a company may or heavy goods or customer.

Risk retention
Risk retention is a viable strategy for small risks where the cost of insuring against the
risk would be greater over time than the total losses sustained. All risks that are not
avoided or transferred are retained by default. This includes risks that are so large or
catastrophic that they either cannot be insured against or the premiums would be
Sharing of risk
The term of 'risk transfer' is often used in place of risk sharing in the mistaken belief that
you can transfer a risk to a third party through insurance or outsourcing. In practice if the
insurance company or contractor go bankrupt or end up in court, the original risk is likely
to still revert to the first party. As such in the terminology of practitioners and scholars
alike, the purchase of an insurance contract is often described as a "transfer of risk."
However, technically speaking, the buyer of the contract generally retains legal
responsibility for the losses "transferred", meaning that insurance may be described more
accurately as a post-event compensatory mechanism. For example, a personal injuries
insurance policy does not transfer the risk of a car accident to the insurance company.
The risk still lies with the policy holder namely the person who has been in the accident.
The insurance policy simply provides that if an accident (the event) occurs involving the
policy holder then some compensation may be payable to the policy holder that is
commensurate to the suffering/damage.

Chapter NO (7)

Stock markets

Stock markets is a public market for the trading of company stock and derivatives at an
agreed prices, these are securities that is listed on stock exchange as well as there only
traded privately means stock market is a market where we purchase and sale of securities
such as shares debentures bounds etc.

Risk in stock markets
According to one common phrase, when there is no risk, there is no gain. This verdict is
true for all those businesses where you make some kind of investment. Investing in
stocks is both risky and unsure. It is all about taking chances and making commitments
regarding the money you are putting for the business. There are many people in the stock
trading business that are making calculated decisions. They work with statistics while
investing on stocks as they know how to deal with the shares at the right time. They are
aware that holding the stocks long enough and then releasing them wisely at a favorable
market condition can be really fulfilling.
You cannot however say that everybody is safe and sound till the end of the investment.
With the fluctuations in the market prices, even the professional investors seize with
panic and shocks. They usually tend to make unwise and rushed decisions in the fury of
market confusions that ends up as a hasty loss. The term risk depends on the person as
well. It varies from person to person. Higher risking investment might seem easy to
somebody and challenging to somebody else. With age, experience, financial liabilities,
knowledge of market trends and risk sustaining capability you can determine the ability
of a person.
Market risks can be the ones that you might confront. It includes poor functioning of the
stocks that you brought from the market but due to the general market condition being
good, your stock might be getting appreciated. Industry risks in which a certain industry
gets exaggerated regardless of the general market performance. Regulatory risks that
involve menace affiliated with a company that is bound by certain conditions and laws.
Business risks take in account of the individual functioning of the company like its
products, strategies, market share, work force, management, etc. In order to avoid any of
such risk factors being involved in the investment plan while trading stocks, one should
take in consideration all the techniques and tactics to carry out the best stock trading

Introduction of the KASB securities limited :

KASB securities (khadim Ali Shah Bukhari Limited) it is a company that is approved by
the Exchange commition of Pakistan.(SECP) as required under section 62, sec 57 and
under the ordinance of 1984. The KASB capital limited has been obtained for the issue
circulation and publication of this Offer for Sale Document. It is listed with Karachi stock
exchange limited and it is offering the share and sells the shares. The register office of
KASB securities is in Karachi. The company shall stand provisionally listed for trading
and for quotation of its shares on stock exchange. In May 8, 2003. The KASB securities
limited was merged with the KASB bank limited was swapped with the shares of KASB
bank limited. KASB securities limited was owned by KASAB bank limited.

Principal Purpose for the Offer:

The purpose of this Offer is to invite the general public to subscribe to the Company’s
shares for broadening the ownership base, exposure to the group and further
strengthening the capital market.

Interest rate policy

None of the holders of the issued shares of the Company have any special or other interest in the property
or profits of the Company other than as holders of the ordinary shares in the capital of the Company.

Dividend Policy
The rights in respect of capital and dividends attached to each ordinary share would be the same. The
Company in a general meeting may declare dividends but no dividends shall exceed the amount
recommended by the Directors. Dividend, if declared in the general meeting, shall be paid according to the
terms of the provisions of the Ordinance.
The Directors may from time to time pay to the members such interim dividends as appear to the Directors
to be justified by the profits of the Company. No dividends shall be paid otherwise than out of the profits of
the Company for the year or any other undistributed profits. No unpaid dividend shall bear interest or mark-
up against the Company.

Management Structure

KASB Securities’ senior management and investment professionals have diverse

backgrounds with extensive industry experience. KASB Securities has a dynamic,
streamlined and entrepreneurial organizational structure with a management team with
several years of experience in the industry.

Future Prospects
KASB Group is planning international expansion. KASB Securities Limited believes
there is an immense amount of untapped potential in regional countries where KASB
Securities Limited can leverage its international network to attract a larger client base. In
addition, KASB Securities Limited plans to grow its business through the branches of
KASB Bank. KASB Securities will have a trained professional at every KASB Bank
branch offering to all customers the bouquet of services that KASB Securities offers.
With the expected increase of the number of KASB Bank branches from 35 to 73, KASB
Securities will have a presence in more than 15 major cities in Pakistan. Furthermore,
KASB Securities intends to focus on generating repeat business from high growth clients.
KASB Securities will leverage its unique capabilities to ensure it can continue to work
with clients as their products and services evolve. As KASB Securities continues to
expand the range of products it offers, it is expected that the share of brokerage business
from existing clients will increase. Besides, KASB Securities plans to launch a new

nationwide marketing campaign for KASB Direct that will make KASB Direct a house
hold name across Pakistan. With the rise in the literacy rate, per capita income and
increase in capital markets awareness online trading has a growing market that is largely
untapped to date. Moreover, KASB Securities will keep leveraging its relationship with
Merrill Lynch to increase its foreign and local clients. This relationship has been an
extremely successful one for both KASB and Merrill Lynch and with the current political
scenario improving it is expected that through Merrill Lynch KASB will be able to attract
a higher number of international clients.

Risk Factors

The Offerer wishes to highlight the following major risk factors, which may affect the
profitability of the Company:

Business Risk

The Company’s performance outlook, market activity and the larger economic picture
influence the price of a stock. When the economy is expanding, the outlook for many
companies will be good and the value of their stocks should rise. The opposite is also
true. Usually, the greater the potential reward, the greater would be the risk. For small
companies, startups, resource companies and companies in emerging sectors, the risks
and potential rewards are usually greater. Performance of the Company may also be
affected due to unexpected shortfalls in the information technology infrastructure and
inadequate risk management by the back office.

Business risk Mitigates

The Company is expected to mitigate the impact of business risk by employing adequate
risk management measures to ensure that exposures remain within prudent limits. In
addition, disaster recovery plans should help mitigate the impact of risk arising from
failure of information technology infrastructure. Corporate governance measures shall
also be employed to further facilitate this effort.

Operational Risk

Being one of the largest domestic equity brokerage houses itself serves as an inherent
source of operational risk due to potential of frauds and natural disaster. Increase in on-
line transactions will further increase operational risk.

Operational risk Mitigates
Management is aware of the need to significantly enhance controls. The Risk
Management and Compliance Department effectively addresses this concern by
maintaining a comprehensive system of internal controls, establishing systems and
procedures to monitor transactions, positions and documentation, maintaining key backup
procedures and undertaking regular contingency planning. Improvement in quality of
staff, regular training and accountability will ensure high standards of risk management
will continue to be maintained.

Regulatory Risk
Changes in regulatory framework, both domestic and overseas, may have an effect on the
profitability of the Company.

Regulatory risk Mitigates

KASB Securities Limited has mitigated the risk by managing its operations in accordance
with the risk management guidelines of SECP. The company has in place a strong Risk
Management and Compliance Department that monitors the compliance with the
regulatory requirements along with monitoring any pre emptive violations of the
regulatory parameters. This minimizes the risk and maintains compliance with regulatory

Competition Risk
The profitability of KASB Securities Limited may be affected due to risk of increasing
competition from other domestic and foreign brokerage houses.

Competition risk Mitigates:

KASB Securities Limited is well positioned to successfully compete in the brokerage
industry due to its wide market presence and brand recognition, large client base and
strong sponsor support. KASB Securities Limited managed to achieve high profitability
levels in 2007 despite the increase in competition. The Company has also invested in
superior technology thereby improving the service quality offered to clients.

Inflation Risk

The Company is open to inflation risk like that of the whole economy. Inflation risk may
be translated to erosion of values at the exchange, but commissions on brokerage are not
expected to be affected in a major way. However, there is a possibility that the value of
assets or income of the Company will decrease as increasing inflation shrinks the
purchasing power of the Pakistan Rupee.

Interest rates Mitigates

The expected inflation is not going to be a serious risk to the operations of the Company.
The Company is well placed to manage its inflation risk due to effective risk
management, future expansion plans in international markets and introduction of
innovative products.

Price Risk

This is the risk that the share price of the Company will decline due to bearish trends at
the Karachi Stock Exchange. In additions to that, this risk can get amplified if the
Company fails to sustain its impressive growth.

Price risk Mitigates

This risk is mitigated by impressive growth performance of the Company. KASB’s

expansion of its brokerage services will ensure that the growth momentum is maintained
and the share price offers an attractive return to potential investors.

Interest Rates Risk

Increase in inflation and 150 bps increases in discount rates by the State Bank of Pakistan
(“SBP”) has resulted in the increase of interest rates. KASB Securities Limited has
redeemable capital on its book and the recent increase in the benchmark interest rates
may affect the Company’s cost of funding adversely.

Interest rates risk Mitigates

The Company has shown an impressive growth over the last few years and is expected to
continue the top line growth in future as well. The impact of profitability is directly
linked with the operating cash flow of the Company. Hence we do not see any major risk
to the Company’s bottom line profitability due to recent increase in interest rates.

Liquidity Risk

This is the risk of the Company failing to settle its liabilities due to inadequate
availability of liquid assets.

Liquidity risk Mitigates

The Company has a paid-up capital of PKR 1,000,000,000. The Company’s cash per
share value is expected to be PKR 23/- per share by December 31, 2008.

Capital Market Risk

The shares of KASB Securities will be listed on the KSE and the shareholders of the
Company will be able to sell or buy shares only through the members of the KSE
subsequent to the Offer. Price of shares will depend on the stock market behavior and
performance of the Company. Hence, price may rise or fall and result in increase or
decrease in the value of shares to a great extent.

Capital market risk Mitigates:

The Company has performed well over the past five years which is evident from its
increasing revenues and profitability. The Company is likely to perform well in the future
due to its growing client base, strong brand name, experienced management and use of
superior technology. Improvement in overall performance of the Company will result in
higher returns to investors and a higher share price.

Under Subscription Risk

This is the risk that the OFS may get under-subscribed on account of lack of investor

Under Subscription Risk Mitigates

The issue price is attractively priced at PKR 67.5/- per share. The Company has an
impressive brand image. The probability of under-subscription is therefore considered
low. In our opinion, all material risk factors with respect to this issue have been disclosed
and that nothing has been concealed

Chapter NO(8)

Conclusions: implementing firm wide risk management practices entitles a

significant commitment of management and financial institution resources. It is focus on
central business of the organization where review of lending trading and intermediation
with a risk management perspective. In this process many guidelines and principles must
be maintained for successful implementation of organizational level risk management

practices. Participation agreed that financial system continue face the significant
challenges from regional economy to down word. Participations concluded on the need to
continue reforming the internal best participant in these area including with the supported
participants analyze that global financial crises might be effect financial system
supervision and regulation in the region going forward in particles improve regulation
and standing information disclose is important the IMF supervision also gives advices on
how changing in the global crises. Investors of investing in variances types of financial
markets. It is important to understand the degree of risk. The most investors that offer
more return and also asses the degree of risk. If the default risk is occurs in financial asset
was sold. Identifying potential risks are about events that cause problem hence assessing
the risk it is important to identifying the risk before it management. At the end the risk
management is very important for every business if the risk is managed at the start so it is
not cause problem but it is not managed so that if may cause different method for
managing the risk such as banks. The bank managed the credit risk with maintained the
resources or securities such as pledge mortgage and hypnotization. Others institution also
used different techniques to control the financial risk such as sharing of risk transferring
of risk to others organization of risk to others organization avoid ness of risk etc. the
management should identifying and mitigates these risk carefully with using the above

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