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Examination in ENGLISH 9

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Dominican School of Calabanga

San Francisco, Calabanga Camarines Sur

First Quarter Examination
English 9
S/Y 2015-2016
Name : ____________________________________ Section _____________ Date: ________
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on the
space provided before the number.
______1. The author who became popular because people loved the musical quality of his
A. Robert Frost
B. H.W. Longfellow
C. O. Henry
D. William
______2. Which of the following may be a form of a lyric poetry?
A. sonnets
B. stage plays
C. fables
D. myths
______3. Like paragraphs in prose, poems also have a way to organize ideas into units. However,
unlike the paragraphs
of prose, _________ in a poem have a fixed length and share the same pattern of rhyme and
A. line
B. sentence
C. stanza
D. syllabication
______4. A systematic arrangement of stressed and unstressed syllables in poetry is called
A. rhythm
B. rhyme
C. intonation
D. meter
______5. Which of the following is TRUE about the poem of The Seven Ages of Man?
A. has an unrhymed iambic pentameter lines
C. has a more regular
B. emphasizes the first syllables of words
D. it contains fewer rhyming
______6.What characterizes the last age of The Seven Ages of Man ?
A. foolish sentiment
C. a reputation for courage
B. intellectual development
D. childishness
and forgetfulness
______7. How is a mans last stage of life described?
A. seeking the bubble reputation
C. sighing like a furnace with a
woeful ballad
B. full of wise saws and modern instances
D. second childishness and
mere oblivion
______8.The speaker in the poem, The Seven Ages of Man, holds the opinion that all people
A. are foolish and make many mistakes
C. are like actors playing roles
B. will see the seven ages of man
D. are quick to quarrel
______9. The general theme of the poem The Rainy Day is _________.
A. friendship
B. hope
C. melancholies
D. depressions
______10. What kind of day was described by Longfellow in the poem, The Rainy Day?
A. dark
B. bright
C. fresh
D. foggy
______11. The message of the poem, ATime to Talk is ____________.
A. about friendship
C. the value of time spent with
B. the value of a friend
D. the overcoming of friends problem
______12. What is the dominant mood of the poem, A Time to Talk?
A. hopelessness
B. friendly
C. weary
D. dark
______13. What word formation is used in the following sentences?
I present my research in the class.
I give my best friend a birthday
A. conversion
B. derivation

C. compounding

D. acronyms

______14. How do the words below form?

1. prof ( professor)
2. lab (laboratory)
3. demo (demonstration)
A. clipping
B. acronyms
C. compounding
______15. Which of the following could not be used for reformulation?
A. that is to say
B. namely
C. however

D. borrowing
D. in other

______16. Which word is formed through compounding?

A. combination
B. throwback
pizza pie
______17. Which of these is NOT a blended word?
A. biopic
B. coon
C. webinar
______18. This is a creation of a new word based on existing word.
A. conversion
B. derivation
C. compounding
D. borrowing
______19. The waves beside them danced, but they outdid the sparkling waves in glee. This is
a/an ___________.
A. metaphor
B. hyperbole
C. personification D. onomatopoeia
______20. Sweet scented stuff. This line is an example of _________.
A. alliteration
B. parallelism
C. assonance
______21. I can hear the raindrops beating pitter-patter on the rooftops. This is an example of
A. hyperbole
B. metaphor
C. alliteration
______22. A feature of speech choirs is the combination of the light, medium, and dark voices in
the choir is ______.
A. voice combination
B. voice quality
C. voice blending D. voice
______23. The two types of speech choir are the conventional and the _________.
A. dynamic
B. theatrical
C. traditional
D. postconventional
______24. A piece of writing, often a poem, that can be performed vocally but rather than being
sung in a traditional
choir manner and spoken with theatrical effect is _________.
A. speech
B. speech choir
C. chorus
D. jazz chant
______25. Which of the following sentences has the correct comma placement?
A. You are I am sure, joining the quiz bee, contest.
B. You are I am sure joining the quiz bee contest.
C. You are, I am sure, joining the quiz bee contest.
D. You are, I am sure joining the quiz bee contest.
______26. Which of these has the correct semicolon placement?
A. I requested a schedule for the educational field trip last month; therefore, I requested
the financial
assistance of the school.
B. I requested ,a schedule for the educational fieldtrip last month therefore, I; expected
the financial
assistance of the school.
C. I requested a schedule for the educational field trip last month therefore, I; expected
the financial
assistance of the school.
D. I requested a schedule for the educational trip last month, therefore; I expected the
financial assistance of
the school.

______27. Which of the following sentences has the correct use of colon?
A. The Philippine flag play has 4 colors red, blue, white, and yellow.
B. The Philippine flag play: has 4 colors red, blue, white, and yellow.
C. The Philippine flag play has 4 colors: red, blue, white, and yellow.
D. The Philippine flag play: has 4 colors red, blue, white, and yellow.
______28. Which of the sentences below is an example of a reversal normal word order?
A. We came earlier than you.
C. For us wonderful is the night.
B. Wonderful is the night for us.
D. The scenery is lovely.
______29. Which of the sentences below is an example of fronting?
A. Gracious is the woman.
C. I sit at my window this
B. His father was a widower.
D. He wrote poetry.
______30. Oh, we did not expect you today. The underlined interjection expresses
A. pain
B. hesitation
C. impatience
D. surprise
______31. I cant explain, uh, exactly how it happened. The interjection expresses __________.
A. joy
B. happiness
C. hesitation
D. disgust
______32. What interjection could be used in this sentence? _______, we lost again.
A. Aw
B. Ah
C. Tsk
D. Uh
______33. What interjection could be used in this sentence? _______! How good it is to see you!
A. Ouch
B. Tsk
C. Goodness
D. Whew
______34. What interjection could be used in the statement below?
__________. Do you want to see one?
A. Gee!
B. Well!
C. Hey!
D. Um!
______35. What interjection is best to use in the statement below?
________, we wont know for certain if we dont ask, so lets go.
A. Um
B. Oh
C. Uh
D. Well
II- Rewrite each of the following quotes in natural word order.
36. Before the march of the flames were flung picket lines of soldiers.
(Jack London, Story of an Eyewitness: The San Francisco Earthquakes)
37. Never have I seen a greater, or more beautiful, or a calmer or more notable thing than
you, brother.
(Ernest Hemingway, The Old Man and the Sea, 1952)
38. There on the tiny stoop sat Pecola in a light red sweater and blue cotton dress.
(Toni Morrison, The Bluest Eye Holt, Rivehart and Winston, 1970)
39. What they talked of all evening long, no one remembered next day.
(Ray Bradbury, Dandelion Wine, 1957)
III- Write on the blank in each box below the stages of mans life
according to the poem, The Seven Ages of Man then discuss the importance of each
stage to your life. (40-48) 8 pts.
The Seven Ages of Man
William Shakespeare

First Stage:

Second Stage:

Seventh Stage: ______________________


The Road Not Taken
Robert Frost
TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay

In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

49-50. Write the main idea of each stanza in the chart below from the poem, The
Road not Taken.

First Stanza
Second Stanza
Third Stanza
Fourth Stanza

Main Idea

Answer the following questions based on the poem above.

51. What do you think would have happened if the traveler made a different choice?
52. Does his choice influence his behavior in life? Why?
53-54. Recall a worthy experience wherein you encountered a situation in which you
had to make a choice. Do you make the right choice? Was the outcome favorable or
55-56. Discuss an experience wherein you have to choose something over another.
Tell about the outcome and how it affect you. Write your answer below.
57-60. Relate the poem The Seven Ages of Man to The Road not Taken in terms
of its theme and how to perform effectively in life.

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