Board Minutes 02172010

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February 17, 2010

The Board of Directors of Micanopy Area Charter School met at 6:00 pm in the Landry Building at
Micanopy Area Cooperative School, Micanopy, FL. Present were John Eubanks, Beth Allerton, Robert
Cox, and Jim Walkup.

The meeting was called to order at 5:57 by Beth Allerton followed by the reading of the Mission Statement
by Robert Cox.

AGENDA APPROVAL Motion by J. Walkup Seconded by R. Cox

Moved to adopt the agenda for the meeting of February 17 , 2010.

Upon Vote: 4-0

APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by J. Eubanks Seconded by J. Walkup

Moved to approve minutes of Board Meeting for January 20, 2010

Upon Vote: Motion passed 4-0.


REPORTS Staff – See attached

Grants – Chris Feaster reported she is applying for a Friends of the
Library grant for a science/reading program and a beautification
grant to landscape the area outside the front office.
Human Resources – Anne Thomson reported that she met with our
BC/BS representative. HR committee will meet to discuss options
regarding changing renewal date.
Finances – Jim Walkup reported that the Finance committee met
and reviewed mid-year financial report. School’s finances are in
good shape due to the fact that the state funding has not decreased
this year as anticipated. Finance committee has submitted a
revised budget to the Board of Director’s for approval.
Curriculum – Anne Thomson reported that a new math curriculum
by McGraw-Hill has been chosen for the 2010-2011 school year.
Facilities – Anne Thomson reported that items identified by the
SBAC safety inspection have been repaired and the facilities
committee will meet to plan repairs and improvements for the
summer. One suggestion made was outdoor light for night events.
Community Involvement – The Micanopy Fall Festival committee
meets on the first Tuesday of the month. Ingrid Wasserfall has
volunteered to work with Jennifer Floyd in representing the school.
Mrs. Thomson explained that the seat on the committee allows the
school to share in the profit of the Fall Festival. The Fifth grade
safety patrol uses a booth at the Fall Festival to raise money for
their field trip to Washington.

Posted and distributed 3/9/2010 pb

SAC – Jennifer Johnson reported that the SAC will change their
meeting location to Olive Garden. The climate survey was opened
to parents today. An email was sent to parents with the link.
PTO – Chris Feaster – minutes from recent meeting are attached.
Publicity – MACS is advertising monthly in N. Florida School
Days magazine.


ITEMS OF DISCUSSION 1. The second reading of the By-Laws

No discussion

2. 09-10 Budget Revision #1

Motion by J Eubanks Seconded by J. Walkup


 Additional money that is available is a carryover balance

from 08-09 school year that will not be needed to meet the
budget since the funding has not been decreased this year.
The February FTE count was 121 students therefore our
funding will be adequate to cover all budgeted items.

 Monies issued from the Fall Festival committee, which are

derived from the booth rentals, are disbursed through the
Director’s discretionary fund. The fifth grade safety patrol
are given a free booth to sell any items they wish as a
fundraiser for their field trips.

 State funds new this year for a special needs student will
be included in the FTE money, but have not been received
at this time. Beth Allerton questioned dispersal of the
funds to the four employees who handle the additional
work. Jennifer Johnson informed the board the training
was free but the school was furnishing supplies for this

Upon vote: 4-0

ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:50 p.m.

Posted and distributed 3/9/2010 pb

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