2 Filipino Values
2 Filipino Values
2 Filipino Values
What are Filipino values? What is distinctly Filipino in our value system? The Filipino value system
arises from our culture or way of life, our distinctive way of becoming human in this particular place and
time. We speak of Filipino values in a fourfold sense.
First, although mankind shares universal human values, it is obvious that certain values take on for us a
distinctively Filipino flavor. The Greek ideal of moderation or meden agan, the Roman in medio stat
virtus, the Confucian and Buddhist "doctrine of the Middle", find their Filipino equivalent in hindi labis,
hindi kulang, katamtaman lamang.
Secondly, when we speak of Filipino values, we do not mean that elements of these Filipino values are
absent in the value systems of other peoples and cultures. All people eat, talk and sing, but they eat
different foods, speak various languages and sing different songs. Thus, we easily recognize Filipino,
American, Chinese, Japanese or any other foreign food, language or music. The difference lies in the way
these elements are ranked, combined or emphasized so that they take on a distinctively Filipino slant or
cast. For instance, in China, honesty and hard work may rank highest; Chinese and Japanese cultures give
great value to politeness and beauty; American culture to promptness and efficiency; and Filipino culture
to trust in God and family centeredness. In this sense of value-ranking and priority of values, we can
speak of dominant Filipino values.
Thirdly, universal human values in a Filipino context (historical, cultural, socio-economic, political, moral
and religious) take on a distinctive set of Filipino meanings and motivations. This is true not only of the
aims and goals, beliefs, convictions, and social principles of the traditional value system of the lowland
rural family(4) but also of what Fr. Horacio de la Costa, S.J. calls the Filipino "nationalistic" tradition
(pagsasarili, pagkakaisa, pakikisama, pakikipagkapwa-tao, and pagkabayani.(5)
A Filipino value or disvalue does not exist alone, in isolation or in a vacuum. Filipino values like bahala
na, utang na loob, hiya, pakikisama, pakiusap are clustered around core values like social acceptance,
economic security, social mobility, and are always found in a definite context or set of circumstances.
Both positive values and negative disvalues together form a characteristic constellation in school
(aralan at dasalan [studying and praying], kuwentuhan at laruan [story telling and game], inggitan at
tsismisan [envying and gossiping]), which differs from the configuration found in government offices
(pagkakaisa [unity] , pagkabayani [heroism], intriga [intrigue], palakasan [show of power], sipsipan
[bribery], palusot), in business firms (palabra de honor [word of honor], delicadeza [finesse],
"commission", "kickback", padulas [grease money], lagay [bribe]), or in the barrio barangays (paggalang
[honoring], pagdadamayan [comforting], bayanihan [cooperation], bahala na [come what may], utang
na loob [gratefulness], hiya[shame]/pakiusap[appear], palakasan [show of power]). To change a
framework of values, it may be necessary to change the constellation and context of those negative values
that hinder Filipino and Christian development.
Fourthly, we can speak of Filipino values in the sense that the historical consciousness of values has
evolved among our people. The Filipino concept of justice has evolved from inequality to equality, and to
human dignity; from the tribe, to the family, and to the nation (6). Filipino consciousness of these different
values varies at different periods of our history. It is only in the last two decades that the Filipino people
have become more conscious of overpopulation and family planning, environmental pollution (Kawasaki
sintering plant) and wildlife conservation (Calauit Island), and the violation of human rights (Martial
Law), active non-violence and People Power (1986 non-violent Revolution).
the Filipino character would help in recognizing the traditional and positive Filipino values that should be
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Stan_Mckey
Values of Modern Filipino
Faith - Madonna and Child epitomize the kind of faith every Filipino carries in the heart an assurance
that the Divine Being watches over each and every one of us.
Faithfulness - Resembling marriage bands, this arrangement celebrates the modern Filipino hero's
faithfulness to husband or wife, as well as faithfulness to country and all the ideals for which our
Republic stands.
Nurturing - Every Filipino child grows and learns under the wing of a mentor who instills in the child the
sense of love, compassion, heroism and courage.
Industry - The Fruits of the earth spring forth only through our industry and it is only through our work
that we will be able to achieve the rebuilding of our mother country, the task of every one of us, modern
Philippine heroes all.
Courage - Stalwart and firm in idealism and goodwill, the modern Philippine hero stands by his or her
values and ideals.