Quenched and Tempered Bar
Quenched and Tempered Bar
Quenched and Tempered Bar
In-line quenching and tempering
has allowed CMC Steel Arizona
to have a higher-ductility bar at
higher strength levels compared
with classic rebar production,
with a substantial reduction in
alloy consumption. The results of
implementing this process have
ranged from improved bundle
quality to combined nigh-strength
and high-ductility steel.
J a c o b Selzer
plant metallurgist and quality assurance
CMC Steel Arizona, Mesa, Ariz.
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Etchant: Nital 3%
Mag: 500x
Figure 5
Figure 7
Figure 6
WiWSSm :
Etchant: Nital 3%
Mag: 500x
Tempered martensite.
Etchant: Nital 3%
manufacturer to increase the strength of the bar without sacrificing ductility of the bar.
Figure 8 is a micro etch of a QTB-treated bar showing the surface and the microstructural transition
from surface to core. This sample is 3 /4 inch, grade
60 rebar with chemistry conforming to AISI 1026.
Starting at the surface of the bar, the microstructure
is tempered martensite. Moving toward the center of
the bar, the tempering becomes more pronounced,
which is viewed as a "softening" of the microstructure.
At the transition from martensite to ferrite, approximately 0.035 inch below the surface, there is some evidence of mixed bainite. The pearlitic structure begins
from this point through to the center of the bar.
Implementation in Production
Implementation in production requires good water
quality, a pumping system capable of handling the
required volumes and pressures of water to achieve
martensitic transformation, and a delivery system
capable of evenly distributing water pressure and flow
around the surface of the bar. Water must be delivered to the bar with enough pressure to prevent boiling of the water, generating steam at the bar surface.
The part responsible for water delivery is commonly
called a "cooler." Figure 9 is a schematic showing the
water delivery to the bar for one cooler.
The cooler shown in Figure 9 is supplied with highpressure water and is capable of sustaining high flowrates of water. In practice, multiple coolers are placed
in series in order to obtain the desired quenching
power of the system, as shown in Figure 10.
Water must be supplied with sufficient pressure to
avoid steam generation commonly called a "steam
barrier." Steam acts as a thermal insulator and reduces
the rate at which heat is extracted from the bar, which
can prevent formation of martensite. Several considerations are needed to maintain effective quenching. A
pumping system must, be installed that can maintain
the pressure and flowrates to create martensite on the
surface of the bar. Second, the coolers must be sized
appropriately for the bar being produced. In general,
Mag: 100x
Mag:100x s
Figure 8
-s:-----1.-- .-- r
Etchant: Nital 3%
Mag: 100x:
Figure 9
Rolling Direction
Figure 10
Hoi Sto-'l
Quenched Steel
Figure 11
Q u e n c h e d Steel
Dried Steel
August 2012
Figure 13
Table 1
C o m p a r i s o n of Typical Properties: Q T B vs. Fully A l l o y e d A615, Grade 60 Rebar
average sample
(no spec)
(no spec)
(min. 90 ksi)
(min. 60 ksi)
(min. 9%)
T/Y ratio
(no spec)
Fully alloyed
106 ksi
68 ksi
103 ksi
86 ksi
Figure 13
Q u e n c h d e p t h cross-section.
Figure 14
Q u e n c h d e p t h longitudinal section.
Table 2
A d v a n t a g e s a n d Disadvantages of QTB
The author wishes to thank all of his colleagues within
Commercial Metals Company, Danieli Corp. and
METL Testing Laboratories.
/ r j
m s r
U. S . Steel
On 28 June 2012, AIST staff had the opportunity to tour the Pittsburgh-area
plants of United States Steel Corporation's Mon Valley Works. The Works consist
of four facilities: the Edgar Thomson Plant in Braddock, Pa.; the Clairton Plant in
Clairton, Pa.; the Irvin Plant in West Mifflin, Pa.; and the Fairless Plant in Fairless
Hills, Pa. Thirty of AIST's 38 employees participated in the tour.
The tour commenced with a video introducing Mon Valley Works and providing
an overview of the entire steelmaking process, from raw material to finished goods.
The group was taken first to the Edgar Thomson Plant, followed by the Irvin and
Clairton Plants.
Mon Valley Works has an annual raw steel production capability of 2.9 million
net tons. Edgar Thomson Plant, located about 10 miles southeast of Pittsburgh
in Braddock, Pa., is where basic steel production takes place at Mon Valley Works.
Raw materials are combined in blast furnaces to produce liquid iron, which is then
refined to create steel.
Edgar T h o m s o n Plant
Top-blown basic oxygen process (BOP)
Dual-strand continuous slab caster
Irvln Plant
80" hot strip mill
84" and 64" pickle lines
84" 5-stand cold reduction mill
Continuous annealing line
Batch and open-coil annealing facilities
84" temper mill
52" hot-dip galvanizing line
48" hot-dip galvanizing/Galvalume line
Continuous terne coating line
Clairton Plant
Coal unloading facility on the Monongahela
Coal blending and storage
No. 8 and No. 9 coke batteries
Tar storage tanks and coal chemical facility
Irvin Plant, located in West Mifflin, Pa., rolls and treats steel slabs produced
at the nearby Edgar Thomson Plant to meet customer specifications. Major sheet
products manufactured at the Irvin Plant include hot rolled, cold rolled and coated
sheet, in addition to products for special applications, such as embossed sheet, vitrenamel sheet and commercial bright sheet.
Clairton Plant is located approximately 20 miles south of Pittsburgh in Clairton,
Pa., and sits along the west bank of the Monongahela River. The largest coke manufacturing facility in the United States, Clairton Plant operates 12 coke oven batteries and produces approximately 4.7 million tons of coke annually, serving customers in the commercial coke market as well as U. S. Steel's steelmaking facilities.
For many AIST employees, it was their first time in a steel mill of any kind. AIST
staff who had experience in steel mills were able to help explain the various steelmaking areas and answer any questions along the way.
Jean Madeira, one of AIST's newest staff members, having joined the company
in June 2012, said, "The most surprising thing about the tour was the heat." Krista
McGhee, copy editor and graphic design assistant, who joined AIST in September
2011, noted, "It gave me an idea of the size of a steel mill, and a visual representation of what people are talking about."
Chris McKelvey, board services advisor, who has been with AIST since February
2011, was grateful to everyone who helped organized the plant tour. He said,
"Seeing the processes involved in steelmaking first-hand really provided an understanding of, and an appreciation for, the hard work that men and women in the
industry do. We saw sophisticated technology integrated with basic principles that
have withstood the test of time. I think what impressed me the most was the equipment and machinery that are capable of withstanding extreme temperatures."
AIST would like to extend a special thank-you to United States Steel Corporation
and all the U. S. Steel employees who took time out of their schedules to provide
this tour to our staff.