Neuropsychological Studies of The Frontal Lobes
Neuropsychological Studies of The Frontal Lobes
Neuropsychological Studies of The Frontal Lobes
D. Frank Benson
Department of Neurology
University of California, Los Angeles,
School of Medicine
This review summarizes the current state of knowledge of prefrontal lobe functions
as derived from studies and observations of adult humans following frontal lobe
damage. Following an overview of the neuroanatomy and neuropathology, frontal
lobe activities are presented under the following headings: motor functions; sensory,
perception and construction functions; attention; abnormal awareness; flexibilityperseveration; language; memory; cognition; personality; localization; and hemispheric activity. Six specific prefrontal functions are suggested as the principal
disorders underlying many if not all of the described manifestations.
In 1928 the American neurologist Tilney
suggested that the entire period of human evolutionary existence could be considered the
"age of the frontal lobe." A great deal of indirect evidence supported such a claim. Specific knowledge of frontal lobe functions, however, has remained relatively limited and hypotheses concerning these functions remain
controversial, a state reflected in the wellknown description of activities of the frontal
lobes as a riddle (Teuber, 1964). Some authors
credited frontal association cortex with the
highest intellectual and moral functions (Halstead, 1947; Rylander, 1939), whereas others
were unable to confirm exclusive roles for this
cortical area (Hebb, 1945; Mettler, 1949; Teuber, 1959; Weinstein & Teuber, 1957).
Several reasons can be rioted for the continuing riddle, Many frontal lobe lesions produce no primary neurologic deficits; therefore,
possible subtypes of frontal lobe dysfunction
cannot be readily demarcated by neighborThis study was supported in part by Grant #NSO6209
from the National Institutes of Health to Boston University
School of Medicine,-the Research Service of the Veterans
Administration,' University of Ottawa Faculty of Social
Sciences Grant, the National Research Council of Canada,
the Ontario Mental Health Foundation, and the Augustus
S. Rose Endowment Fund. The library search assistance
of Francine Sarazin is gratefully acknowledged. Bonita
Porch is thanked for the preparation of the manuscript.
Requests for reprints should be sent to Donald T. Stuss,
Human Neurosciences Research Unit, RM 2166, University of Ottawa, 451 Smyth Road, Ottawa, Ontario K1H
8M5, Canada.
hood neurologic findings. Because these deficits cannot be subclassified, the term frontal
lobe syndrome is used to refer to an amorphous, varied group of deficits, resulting from
diverse etiologies, different locations, and varir
able extents of abnormalities. A second source
of confusion stems from inappropriate assessment procedures, lack of adequate control
groups, and interinvestigator variations in test
procedures. In addition, frontal lobe pathology
is often misinterpreted as a psychiatric problem. When the subtlety of deficits, the wide
variations of symptomatology, and lack of
clarification from neurologic, psychologic, and
psychiatric disciplines are considered together,
the reason the activity of the frontal lobes remains a riddle becomes clear.
This review will briefly view the current
state of knowledge of frontal lobe functions.
Somewhat arbitrarily the frontal lobe activities
will be presented as phenomenological units
with the major focus on behavioral changes
that occur in adult humans following acquired
frontal lobe damage. Reference to the animal
literature will be limited to corroborative evidence, except for the section on neuroanatomy, where nonhuman data is the basis.
Neuroanatomical Considerations
Anatomically the frontal lobes are the massive cerebral area anterior to the rolandic fissure and above the sylvian fissure. There are
two roughly symmetrical lobes, each of which
can be further divided into three main areas:
dorsal-lateral, medial, and basilar-orbital. Actually, the frontal lobe may be divided in a
number of ways.
First, using Brodmann area numbers, three
major subdivisions are noted. Area 4, the precentral gyrus, is the primary motor area, with
Area 6 and the posterior part of Area 8 called
the premotor area. Areas 44 and 45, also
known as Broca's area, are considered part of
the premotor area (Jouandet & Gazzaniga,
1979). Area 8 represents the frontal eye fields.
The remainder of the frontal lobe, including
Areas 9, 10, 11, 12, 46, 47, 13, 14, and 15, is
called prefrontal cortex, and can be further
subdivided into basal-medial (9-13, 24, 32),
dorsal-lateral (9, 10, 11, 12, 46, 47), mesial
(9, 10, 11, 12), and orbital (10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
15, 47). Functional differences between these
sections are not clear, but some postulates will
be discussed.
As a second approach, three main cytoarchitectural divisions can be outlined in the
frontal cortex. Agranular cortex refers to the
motor area (Areas 4 and 6), in which the external pyramidal layer (III) and internal pyramidal layer (V) are so large that they become
one deep layer, with virtually no internal granular layer (IV). In the prefrontal cortex, on
the other hand, Layer IV, the inner granular
layer, reappears producing a distinct granular
cortex. Lying between the granular and agranular cortices is a third, transitional area called
the dysgranular cortexthe frontal eye field.
A third anatomical definition of the frontal
lobe concerns thalamic-cortical connections
(Akert, 1964; Goldman, 1979; Nauta, 1971).
The motor cortex receives projections from
the ventral lateral nucleus and the premotor
area from the medial ventral anterior nucleus.
The prefrontal cortex is directly connected to
the dorsal medial nucleus of the thalamus and
appears to be divisible into several distinct
regions. Important connections also exist between frontal and nonspecific thalamic nuclei
(Goldman, 1979; Scheibel & Scheibel, 1967).
Territories of vascular distribution provide
yet another means of subdividing the frontal
lobes. The dorsal-lateral convexities are primarily served by the middle cerebral artery,
the medial frontal areas by the anterior cerebral
artery. The lateral orbital surface is middle
cerebral territory, whereas the medial orbital
area is fed by the anterior cerebral.
cortex. This reticular system is generally divided into two parts (Benson & Geschwind,
1975)the brainstem reticular formation,
which modulates and modifies arousal (Bremer, 1954; Moruzzi & Magoun, 1949; Rossi
& Zanchetti, 1957), and the interlocking but
essentially antagonistic system, the diffuse
thalamic projection system (DTPS), which
controls phasic activity. It has been suggested
that this frontal-brainstem reticular system
(including thalamus) is an apposed but complementary selective gating system, providing
control of the most complex forms of conscious activity (Scheibel, 1980).
Three main brainstem connections to dorsal-lateral prefrontal and cingulate cortex,
corresponding to known monoamine pathways, have been reported (Porrino & Goldman-Rakic, 1982). These connections are from
the ventral midbrain, the central superior nucleus and caudal portion of the dorsal raphe
nucleus, and from the locus coeruleus and
proximal medial parabrachial nucleus. Approximately similar projections to the orbital
prefrontal cortex were also noted. The prefrontal cortex is closely linked with the brainstem areas of sleep and arousal.
Frontal-tectal connections are derived not
only from frontal eye field zones (Astruc, 1971;
Kuypers & Laurence, 1967), but also from the
middle third of the dorsal bank of the principal
sulcus (Goldman & Nauta, 1976). In addition,
there are connecting pathways between the
principal sulcus and the nearby frontal eye
Knowledge of prefrontal-striatal pathways
indicates that the frontal cortex projects not
only to the head of the caudate (projections
are maximum here), but also to the entire
caudate (Goldman & Nauta, 1977a). It appears
that cortical zones that are connected with
each other also have projections, at least in
part, to the same area in the caudate (Yetarian
& Van Hoesen, 1978).
At best, this brief synopsis of the anatomy
of the frontal lobe and its connections suggests
a possible cognitive globe on which our
knowledge of frontal lobe functions may be
mapped. Although cytoarchitectural specificity
appears lacking, some degree of functional definition to the different frontal regions and the
related frontal systems may be inferred from
their anatomical connections.
The wide variety of etiologies that can produce frontal lobe dysfunction constitutes a
major element in the riddle of the frontal lobes.
Only a brief synopsis of the many recognized
problems can be described here and these will
be subdivided, somewhat artificially, into the
following three groups for ease of discussion:
primary neurologic disorder, frontal brain
trauma, and frontal psychosurgery.
The first of these subgroupings is the most
difficult to discuss because it contains a myriad
of widely different disorders. Some of the disorders are widespread, affecting much of the
brain, but show some degree of predilection
for frontal structures (e.g., general paresis of
the insane); others involve subcortical structures primarily, affecting frontal function only
secondarily. Nonetheless, they are often listed
among frontal disorders (e.g., Huntington's
disease, multiple sclerosis). Cerebral vascular
disease is only rarely a purely frontal phenomenon. With the exception of the relatively
uncommon obstruction of the anterior cerebral artery, most strokes that involve the frontal lobe also cause damage to deep structures,
to more posterior structures, or both. Even
brain tumors, which can arise totally within
the frontal lobe, almost always produce distant
effects (pressure phenomena, vascular insufficiency) before being recognized as a frontal
disorder. Primary neuropathological involvement restricted to the frontal lobes is rare;
most consequent behavior is contaminated by
distant effects. Nonetheless, most of the accepted descriptions of frontal phenomenology
derive from such clinical sources. In particular,
much of the masterful work on the frontal
lobes produced by A. R. Luria over the years
(1965, 1966, 1969, 1973) was derived from
his evaluations of patients with frontal lobe
tumor and, despite the recognized limitations,
represents some of the best clinical-pathological observations currently available.
Trauma to the brain deserves separate consideration. Whereas closed head trauma tends
to have widespread cerebral consequences,
some open head injuries, particularly those
produced by high velocity missiles or shrapnel,
can produce relatively localized frontal damage. Because of the large size and comparatively great distance from essential, more cen-
ries of reports have been published of neurological, neuroradiological, and a comprehensive battery of neuropsychological tests administered to a small number of individuals
who had undergone prefrontal leukotomy 25
to 30 years earlier (Benson et al, 1981; Naeser,
Levine, Benson, Stuss, & Weir, 1981; Stuss,
Kaplan, Benson, Weir, Naeser, & Levine,
Motor Functions
Of all frontal lobe functions, the control of
motor responses is the most obvious. It has
long been recognized that the frontal portion
of the brain subsumed motor actions, in contrast to the sensory activities of the parietal,
temporal, and occipital lobes (Meynert, 1872).
Bianchi (1895) posited that the frontal lobe
not only initiated the "final common pathway"
for brain responses but served to integrate information from other parts of the brain and
thus to modulate the final response. The resulting frontal motor activities are complex
and must be subdivided for study. Two of the
most significant portions of the frontal lobe,
the pre-central and the pre-motor areas, have
been well studied. Their motor functions are
described in all neuroanatomy texts and need
not be detailed here. The remaining motor
activities, those stemming from prefrontal area
participation, are far more complex and, to
date, defy specific descriptions. It is from this
system that sophisticated motor responses to
a variety of high-level stimuli are coordinated.
In global terms, the description of motor
function after prefrontal damage from any
etiology has been crudely separated into two
types, reflecting Kleist's (1934a) localization
differences. The hypokinetic patient is slow
and apathetic, responds in an automatonlike
manner, and demonstrates little initiative or
spontaneity (Blumer & Benson, 1975; Goldstein, 1944; Kleist, 1934a; Lishman, 1978;
Walch, 1956). Lesion localization tends to be
maximal in the prefrontal convexity, but this
"apathetico-akinetico-abulic" syndrome is
most typical of massive frontal lobe damage
(Luria, 1973). The second type, with major
pathology involving the orbital area, shows
hyperkinesis, restlessness, and impulsivity
(Feuchtwanger, 1923; Kleist, 1934a). Such patients may explode into action, respond ap-
Another major disturbance, the participapropriately, and then relapse into a constant
multidirected restlessness. Although both'types tion of prefrontal areas in praxis abnormality,
have been described frequently, the pathology is also controversial. Some exclude the frontal
is seldom so well localized as to provide pure lobes from any involvement in ideomotor,
ideational, constructional, and dressing
Examination of patients using different apraxia (Hecaen, 1969; Hecaen & Assal,
motor tasks led Luria (1965,1973) to postulate 1970). Others state that constructional and
at least two major types of motor disorder dressing disturbances are not truly apractic
following frontal lobe pathology. The first, phenomena (Benson & Geschwind, 1971).
caused by lesions in pre-motor zones, results Glossokinetic (melokinetic) apraxia was
in a problem in the execution of dextrous thought to involve Areas 4 and/or 6 exclusively
movements such as rhythm tapping or drawing (Fulton, 1937; Kleist, 1934b; Nielsen, 1951)
a series of symbols requiring an alteration of and may be more of a motor deficit than a
design. If the lesion also extended deeper to true apraxia (Hecaen & Albert, 1978). As such,
involve the basal ganglia, compulsive repeti- glossokinetic apraxia may be better described!
tion of an initiated action resulted. Thus, if as Luria's premotor syndrome.
the patient is asked to copy a circle, the moveThe frontal lobes do participate in some
ment is completed correctly but cannot be practic functions, however. Bucco-linguo-facial
inhibited, and a series of repetitive circular apraxia has often been described with lesions
movements ensue. This response suggests in- involving the left frontal motor association
tact motor programs allowing the patient to (i.e., premotor) cortex, although supramarcarry out the specified action; damage to the ginal gyrus and unilateral right hemisphere
control aspect of motor behavior, however, re- lesions have also been reported (Geschwind,
sults in the inability to cease the behavior.
1965; Goldstein, 1909;Hartmann, 1907; Rose,
The second major type of frontal motor dis- 1908). Unilateral limb apraxia has been reorder is more frequently associated with mas- ported after frontal' lobe lesions, and two types
sive prefrontal pathology in which the motor can be differentiated. Sympathetic or ideoprogram itself is disturbed so that the scheme motor apraxia (Geschwind, 1967; Liepmann,
of action is replaced by an inert stereotype. 1905), usually associated with Broca aphasia,
Luria devised many tasks that demonstrated apparently results from a lesion destroying the
this latter type of frontal motor control defect. origin of motor fibers in the dominant hemiFor example, if such a patient is asked to draw sphere that cross the corpus callosum to the
a circle, the movement is completed correctly homologous nondominant motor area. Anwithout superfluous lines. If then requested to other type, unilateral, kinetic apraxia of the
draw a cross, the patient draws another circle. magnetic type (Denny-Brown, ,1958) is said
Similarly, when asked to do the opposite of to occur with pathology in superior or medial
the examiner or to perform a conflicting action frontal cortex of either hemisphere, with or
the patient echoes the examiner. For instance, without involvement of the corpus callosum.
if told to tap twice when the examiner taps
There is a need for much further research
once and vice versa, these patients soon do in the motor difficulties that follow frontal lobe
exactly what the examiner is doing, even damage. Drewe (1975), for example, suggested
though they can still correctly verbalize the that the go/no-go task is not unitary in nature
requirements of the task. Imitative action is and that lesions in different frontal lobe regions
not lost and, in fact, is so strong that it over- could subserve different aspects. Motor deficits
comes the well-understood verbal directions. of the kinds described above could not be elicIn contrast, patients with promoter pathology ited in patients with large prefrontal leukotomy
are more likely to tap perseveratively, failing lesions (Benson & Stuss, 1982). Future reeven to imitate correctly. A third variation is search will require precise localization of lea go/no-go task requiring the patient to re- sion, sophisticated motor testing, and attention
spond to one signal but not to a second signal. to compensatory capabilities.
Inability to inhibit responses to the no-go sigIn summary, the motor functions of the
nal is frequently seen following prefrontal pa- frontal lobe are manifold and current knowlthology.
edge of any except the most primary functions
shows that frontal and/or frontal system pathology can produce an apparent sensory loss
on the contralateral side.
Supportive evidence for the involvement of
the frontal lobes in sensory-perceptual functions has also been developed from psychological research. For instance, deficits in visual
search are commonly observed after frontal
lobe damage (Luria, 1973). With bilateral
frontal damage, inertia of gaze is so great that
visual attention can be focused on only one
aspect of the visual field. With lesser degrees
of pathology the deficit is better described as
disorganized visual search and can be demonstrated by monitoring eye movements during a patient's examination of a thematic picture (Luria, Karpov, & Yarbuss, 1966). When
asked to tell the meaning of a thematic picture,
frontal damaged patients would give an answer
based on their first visual fixation with little
attempt to monitor additionally with a full
examination of the picture. Eye movement
measurements verified this observation, revealing that whereas the eye movements of
normal subjects were directed and organized,
those of frontal lobe patients were haphazard.
Teuber, Battersby, and Bender (1949) also
examined visual search in patients with focal
frontal lobe damage. They used a task with
an array of 48 patterns scattered randomly
over a screen with a duplicate of one of the
patterns projected in the center of the field.
The subject was requested to actively search
for the match. Frontal lobe patients had prolonged search times with greatest difficulty in
the visual field contralateral to the unilateral
lesion, independent of any gaze paresis. The
investigators suggested that this could result
from disinhibition of occipital fixation mechanisms following loss of the (inhibitory) action
of the frontal eye fields. Patients with lesions
invading the frontal eye fields were also impaired in inhibiting initial saccades at a potentially distracting stimulus (Guitton, Buchtel, & Douglas, 1982). Cogan (1966) stressed
the importance of the frontal lobes in Balint's
syndrome, citing frontal influence on voluntary occular movements (to verbal command)
as well as an inhibitory effect on occipital centers. A similar explanation has been suggested
in a recently published case of Balint's syndrome (paresis of gaze on volition, optic ataxia,
and decreased visual attention) with both bifrontal and bilateral occipital pathology
(Hausser, Robert, & Giard, 1980).
The importance of the frontal lobes in sensory-perceptual tasks was given considerable
impetus by the research of Teuber and colleagues (Teuber, 1964). Despite nonimpaired
performance on tests of general intelligence,
attention, and memory, specific frontal lobe
deficits were demonstrated on sensory-perceptual tasks. Thus, using variations of the
Aubert task (tilting chair test), Teuber and
Mishkin (1954) did four experiments that
clearly disassociated frontal from parietal patients. Patients with frontal lobe damage were
most impaired when their body was tilted
while they attempted to set a line straight.
Parietal-damaged patients were most impaired
when the line was tilted against a conflicting
visual background. In general, frontal patients
made more overcompensatory mistakes,
whereas posterior patients and normals had
less overcompensation, possibly because their
intact frontal lobes could monitor and correct
sensory-motor imbalances.
Using the Necker Cube Test as an extreme
case of reversible figures, Cohen (1959) and
Teuber (1964) independently demonstrated
that frontal lobe lesions in either hemisphere
caused a significant decrease in a number of
reversals achieved in comparison to other
brain-damaged groups and normal subjects.
Dissociation between subject groups was also
achieved on a perceptual orientation task.
Right frontal-damaged patients were more
vulnerable on personal orientation tasks but
parietal lobe patients were inferior at tasks
involving orientation in their surroundings
(extrapersonal space).
Other visual-perceptual tasks have been
shown to be sensitive to frontal lobe pathology.
Although all patient groups performed poorly
on the picture arrangement subtest of the
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS),
frontal-damaged patients (especially right)
tended to leave all or many of the pictures in
the presented order, compensating with loosely
connected explanations (McFie & Thompson,
1972; Walsh, 1978). On a measure of visualized relative movement, Albert and Hecaen
(1971) demonstrated that although more deficits occurred in the right hemisphere damaged
first considered an impairment of short-term patient is alert and may be able to follow commemory (Jacobsen, 1935). Subsequent studies, mands, yet is bewildered, distractible, and ofhowever, implicated a basic impairment in di- ten poorly oriented. With continued decrease
rected attention; for example, placing monkeys of the level of consciousness, a state of stupor
in the dark to eliminate distracting stimuli or coma is reached in which the patient has
produced improved performance (Isaac & De no meaningful interaction with the environVito, 1958; Malmo, 1942). Several concepts ment.
The clinical state that most clearly reprehave been postulated to explain the attention
deficits: hyperactivity (Orbach & Fischer, 1959; sents a primary disorder of attention or arousal
Richter & Hines, 1938); hyper-reactivity (Buf- is akinetic mutism in which there is an intact
fery, 1967; Ruch & Shenkin, 1943); and a def- sleep-wake cycle but little measurable cogicit in habituation (Grueninger & Pribram, nitive function. In this state no gross alteration
1969; Kimble, Bagshaw, & Pribram, 1965). A of sensory-motor mechanisms exist, but the
variation proposed that hyperactivity was patient lies inert and speechless (Bricolo, Turreally a disorder of cortical inhibition (Ko- azzi, & Feriotti, 1980; Segarra, 1970). Two
varieties of akinetic mutism have been pronorski, 1967).
Many observations of attentional deficits posed, based on lesion location (Benson &
have been made in humans suffering frontal Geschwind, 1975; Plum & Posner, 1980). One
lobe damage. Frontal tumors classically result type has the appearance of somnolence; the
in confusion, disordered arousal and alertness, patient is immobile with eyes closed. The reand impairment of attention (along with other sponsible lesion is classically described in the
deficits) (Hecaen, 1964). Frontal trauma may low neuro axis, primarily in the mesenceproduce similar results (Goldstein, 1936, phalic-diencephalic area. In the second type,
1944), as can frontal lobectomy (Angelergues, coma vigil (Benson & Geschwind, 1975), the
Hecaen, & Ajuriaguerra, 1956; Rylander, patient is immobile but the eyes freely follow
1939). Most of these clinical observations have visual stimuli, suggesting some level of vigibeen based on deficient responses to testing lance. The lesion for coma vigil involves the
or demonstration of easy distractability. The posteromedial-inferior frontal areas and/or the
concept of attention as a higher order phe- hypothalamus. The pathology underlying
nomenon deserves consideration, also. Atten- coma vigil, although usually accepted as being
tion has been described as the adoption of most severe in the frontal area, almost certainly
specific cognitive strategies in response to involves other cortical areas, also (Plum &
stimulus demand (Moscovitch, 1979). By this Posner, 1980).
The disorders of attention produced by
extended definition, many of the frontal deficits described by Luria (1973) can be consid- pathological involvement of the brainstemfrontal system can be conceptualized as exered deficits in attention.
Some human attention disorders have been isting on three levels: the reticular activating
categorized as specific clinical entities. They system providing tonic levels of arousal and
are usually described on two levels: arousal alertness, the diffuse thalamic projection sysand attending. Arousal reflects two factors: tem correlated with phasic levels of alertness,
first, the ability to be awakened and to main- and the frontal-thalamic gating system retain wakefulness; second, the ability to follow sponsible for selected and directed attention.
stimuli or commands. Another level, attention, Based on neuroanatomical and clinical corsignifies the ability of an alert individual to relations, this tripartite division provides a
direct effort and concentration for specific pe- conceptual aid for understanding the function
riods of time to specific tasks. Brain disease called attention. The brainstem-frontal system
may lead to varying degrees of altered arousal can be viewed as a unified and integrated comand attention (Plum & Posner, 1980). One plex with pathology in the brainstem reticular
form is a clouding of consciousness with im- activating system influencing the tonic states
paired alertness as the major defect. Such a of alertness (Benson & Geschwind, 1975). Sepatient cannot think quickly and is easily dis- vere pathology results in coma or somnolent
tracted, even though oriented. Another state akinetic mutism. A lesser degree may show
has been called confusion. In this state, the "drifting attention" if phasic alertness is intact.
Two facts are important. First, despite popular belief, perseveration and inflexibility cannot be considered exclusive hallmarks of the
frontal lobe (Critchley, 1953; Hecaen & Albert,
1975). These symptoms may reflect the size
of the lesion rather than the location (Goodglass & Kaplan, 1979). In addition, Luria
(1973) notes that elementary motor perseveration, the inability to inhibit a movement
once begun, occurs primarily in patients whose
premotor lesion extends sufficiently deep to
involve the basal ganglia, suggesting that at
least this one type of perseveration requires
specific frontal-subcortical damage.
Secondly, it appears that the term perseveration may be too global and that more specific analyses are required. The uninhibited
motor response of a patient with frontal-basal
ganglia involvement may be qualitatively different from the inability of another frontal
lobe patient to overcome a previously established response pattern on the Wisconsin Card
Sorting Test (Milner, 1964). Also, the qualities
of the perseverated act may be controlled by
environmental-reward contingencies. Pribram,
Ahumada, Hartog, and Ross (1964) suggested
that when a reward situation was constant for
the duration of a problem and then changed
to an equally consistent reinforcement pattern
(similar in many ways to the Wisconsin Card
Sorting Test), frontally lesioned monkeys perseverated the response that had been successful
in the immediately preceding condition. If,
however, the reward situation varied from trial
to trial within the condition, the monkeys responded with increased variability. This extended random search behavior itself seemed
to become a perseverative tendency. In this
manner the task itself affected the presence
(and possibly the type) of perseveration.
Perseveration occurs commonly in patients
following frontal damage, but it can also be
seen in patients without any frontal damage
and is not present in all frontal-damaged patients. Whether perseveration indicates size of
lesion, correlation of frontal damage with basal
ganglia damage, a special environment/reward
correlation, or some mixture of these is currently unclear. That inflexibility and perseveration are important findings in many individuals with frontally determined behavior
problems is clear, however, and these findings
pervade many of the other frontal signs.
The occurrence of language defects with
frontal pathology has been recognized since
the revolutionary demonstrations of Broca
(1861, 1865), and like so much of the field,
frontal communication disorders have been a
source of controversy. Marie (1906) challenged
the notion of language in the frontal area, suggesting instead that anarthria, a speech defect,
occurred following damage there. Although
never totally accepted, his suggestion has only
recently been disproved, and there remains
more mystery than accepted fact in the speech
and language functions of the frontal lobes.
For discussion of frontal language activities,
some long accepted but unproved concepts
must be used. Most investigators accept the
language dominance of the left frontal lobe
and, for convenience, the comparatively wellaccepted terms of classic aphasiology will be
used for this discussion. In this system Broca
aphasia, transcortical motor aphasia, aphemia,
and the aphasia of the supplementary motor
area are the language disturbances germane
to discussion of frontal communication disorders. Although these syndromes are not accepted as specific entities by all investigators,
the basic features have been well described.
Broca Aphasia
This generally accepted aphasia syndrome
has always been associated with pathology involving the frontal lobe. Primarily an expressive disturbance, Broca aphasia is characterized by a nonfluent (sparse, effortful, dysarthric, dysprosodic, and agrammatic) output,
relatively good comprehension, poor repetition
and troubles with naming, reading, and writing. Traditionally, involvement of the posterior-inferior frontal lobe (Broca's area) of the
dominant hemisphere is said to underly Broca
aphasia but most recognize that considerably
bigger lesions, particularly deep into the insula,
are necessary for the entire syndrome (Kleist,
1934b;Mohr, 1973; Mohretal., 1978). Along
with the aphasia there is usually a right hemiplegia and a number of other behavioral findings may be present,
damage as the Porteus Maze, but with most, Frontal patients, however, are unable to
frontal patients will show specific qualitative "change responses in accordance with varying
errors. Although the patients apparently un- environmental stimuli" to overcome previderstood and could repeat the rules, they were ously established response patterns (Milner,
unable to follow them or use knowledge of 1964). There is a tendency to perseverate preincorrect performance to alter their behavior vious responses, seemingly replicating the ten(Benton, Elithorn, Fogel, & Kerr, 1963; Milner, dency to perseverate seen in frontal animals
(Harlow & Settlage, 1948; Mishkin, 1964;Pri1964; Walsh, 1960).
Perhaps the most widely accepted measure bram et al., 1964). There is a curious dissoto show executive functional deficit is the sort- ciation between knowing and doing (Luria,
ing task. One unpublished study, reported by 1973; Milner, 1964; Teuber, 1964), such that
Shallice (1982), stated that the category sorting verbalization no longer controls active behavior
task was the only one of 10 tests for frontal (Luria & Homskaya, 1964). Frontal lobe paskills that produced significant anterior-pos- tients know their errors, but are unable to use
terior difference. Sorting tasks are not pri- that knowledge to modify behavior (Konow
marily tests of abstraction or concept for- & Pribram, 1970). This thought-action dismation but, under certain methods of admin- sociation has been described as a disconnection
istration, measure application of rules rather of feedback-feedforward systems so that
than knowledge of facts. Although some degree knowledge of errors cannot be utilized (Priof abstraction is required, performance in bram, 1971). Milner (1982) suggests that this
sorting tasks can be severely impaired in pa- characteristic frontal disorder is a more general
tients who readily recognize and verbalize (ab- problem in the use of external cues to direct
responses rather than a selective verbal regstract) all of the underlying concepts.
Halstead (1940, 1947; Shure & Halstead, ulation deficit. There is, in addition, a dis1958), using the Halstead Category Test, dem- tinctive lack of self-criticism that has been deonstrated that frontal lobe patients had greater scribed as "a general loss of some feedback
impairment than patients with lesions else- mechanism, a disturbance in signals of error,
where in the brain. This differential effect was or an inadequate evaluation of the patient's
not replicated with Grant and Berg's (1948) own action . . . a deficit in matching action
modification of the Weigl (1941) Sorting Test carried out with the original intention" (Luria
(Teuber, Battersby, & Bender, 1951). These & Homskaya, 1964). Superimposed on this
authors found that frontal damage after missile problem is a basic unconcern, a common feawounds resulted in less impairment on this ture in frontal lobe disturbance.
test than did damage in parietal areas. Their
A study of cognitive function in prefrontal
modification of the test, however, did not allow leukotomy patients illustrates some of the imbuildup of the prior correct response before portant distinctions that must be considered
criterion change. Milner (1963, 1964), using (Stuss et al., 1983; Stuss, Kaplan, & Benson,
patients who had lobectomies for seizure ther- 1982). Three groups of leukotomized schizoapy reasons, used the same test (Wisconsin phrenic patients were compared with two conCard Sorting Test) but changed the criterion trol groupsa nonleukotomized schizowithout warning after 10 consecutive correct phrenic group and a normal control group.
responses. With this technique, frontal lobe Four tests were administered: the Wechsler
patients were more impaired than patients Adult Intelligence Scale, a test of comprehenwith damage elsewhere. These findings have sion in metaphorical language (Winner &
been replicated frequently in patients with pa- Gardner, 1977), a visual-verbal test of abthology in frontal systems from many etiol- straction (Feldman & Drasgow, 1,960), and the
ogies (Drewe, 1974; Walsh, 1978) including Wisconsin Card Sorting Test. The results
Parkinson's dementia (Bowen, Kamienny, clearly demonstrated that some patients with
Burns, & Yahr, 1975).
very large bifrontal lesions could perform adSeveral factors underlying impairment in equately on general intellectual tests such as
Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) perfor- the WAIS. These patients could also perform
mance can be discriminated. Subjects nor- basic tests of abstraction competently. They
mally verbalize the three underlying criteria. had difficulty, however, in verbalizing abstract
deterioration of memory and intellectual abilities, although these are often said to be more
apparent than real. There appears to be
suppression or actual inability to produce
imaginative or original thinking; there is a distinct diminution of spontaneity and initiative.
Inattentiveness, distractibility, and ineffective
or careless working habits are frequently observed. Apathy, dullness, indifference, and
slowness of thought are described as-part of
the syndrome. At times drowsiness, lethargy,
and general retardation may be present, most
often in progressive tumor situations. A vacancy of facial expression has been observed,
as well as a tendency to be careless in dress,
to eat gluttonously, and be unconcerned. With
progressive frontal disorder, complications
such as generalized convulsions, dysphasia,
grasp reflex, forced groping, and frontal motor
disturbances may all be seen. Through all of
this, there is almost constantly a striking lack
of insight. Descriptions of frontal lobe personality, therefore, cover a vast variety of
symptomatology and there is considerable
variation among patients.
The first report of change in personality following frontal injury dates-to 1835 (Blumer
& Benson, 1975) and describes an adolescent
with a self-inflicted frontal gunshot wound.
Although the patient became blind, the patient
was described as happy, vivacious, and jocular.
The most widely recognized early case of frontal personality alteration is that of Phineas
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injury without basic neurologic disability but,
in the words of his fellow workers, "he was no
longer Gage." Harlow (1868) described Gage's
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The equilibrium or balance, so to speak, between his intellectual faculties and animal propensities seems to have
been destroyed. He is fitful, irreverent, indulging at times
in the grossest profanity, manifesting but little deference
for his fellows, impatient of restraint or advice when it
conflicts with his desires, at times pertinaciously obstinate,
yet capricious and vacillating, devising many plans of operation, which are no sooner arranged than they are abandoned in turn for others appearing more feasible. A child
in his intellectual capacity and manifestations, he has the
animal passions of a strong man. (pp. 339-340)
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