What Is Health?
What Is Health?
What Is Health?
Public Health
Mental Health
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"a resource for everyday life, not the objective of living. Health is a
positive concept emphasizing social and personal resources, as well
as physical capacities."
Physical health
For humans, physical health means a good body health, which is healthy
because of regular physical activity (exercise), good nutrition, and
adequate rest.
As a country's or region's people experience improved nutrition, health
care, standards of living and quality of life, their height and weight
generally increase.
In fact, most people, when asked for a definition of health talk about
physical health. Physical health relates to anything concerning our
bodies as physical entities. Physical health has been the basis for active
living campaigns and the many nutrition drives that have swept the
industrialized world. People are exposed to so much "physical health"
data these days that it is hard to decide what is relevant and what is not.
Mental health
Mental health refers to people's cognitive and emotional well-being.
A person who enjoys good mental health does not have a mental
disorder. According to WHO, mental health is "a state of well-being in
which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the
normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to
make a contribution to his or her community".
No matter how many definitions people try to come up with
regarding mental health, its assessment is still a subjective one.
People have always found it easier to explain what mental illness is,
rather than mental health. Most people agree that mental health refers to
the "absence of mental illness". For some, this definition is not enough.
They argue that if you pick 100 people who do not suffer from any
What is wellness?
The term wellness was first used by a doctor called Halbert L. Dunn,
USA, who published a small booklet entitled "High Level Wellness" in
1961. The term is much more widely used in North American than in the
United Kingdom.
According to the Mickinley Health Center, University of Illinois, wellness
"is a state of optimal well-being that is oriented toward maximizing an
individual's potential. This is a life-long process of moving towards
enhancing your physical, intellectual, emotional, social, spiritual, and
environmental well-being."
The University of East Carolina defines wellness as "the integration of
mind, body and spirit. Optimal wellness allows us to achieve our goals
and find meaning and purpose in our lives. Wellness combines seven
dimensions of well-being into a quality way of living. Overall, wellness is
the ability to live life to the fullest and to maximize personal potential in a
variety of ways. Wellness involves continually learning and making
changes to enhance your state of wellness. When we balance the
physical, intellectual, emotional, social, occupational, spiritual, and
environmental aspects of life, we achieve true wellness."
Public Health
Mental Health
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Knowledge center
Determinants of health
The health of individual people and their communities are affected by a
wide range of contributory factors. People's good or bad health is
determined by their environment and situations - what is happening and
what has happened to them, says WHO. WHO says that the following
factors probably have a bigger impact on our health than access and use
of health care services:
Where we live
Our income
Physical environment - if your water is clean and safe, the air you
breathe is pure, your workplace is healthy, your house is comfortable
and safe, you are more likely to enjoy good health compared to
somebody whose water supply is not clean and safe, the air he/she
breathes is contaminated, the workplace is unhealthy, etc.
A study carried out by researchers at Zuyd University, The
Netherlands, found that just an hour of sniffing car exhaust fumes
induces a stress response in the brain's activity.
Another study carried out at Indiana University-Purdue University
found that chronic lead poisoning, caused in part by the
ingestion of contaminated dirt, affects hundreds of thousands
more children in the United States than the acute lead poisoning
associated with imported toys or jewelry.
"The devil has put a penalty on all things we enjoy in life. Either we suffer
in health or we suffer in soul or we get fat." (Albert Eisntein)
Written by Christian Nordqvist