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H.O. Human Resources Development Department

5 Floor, Bank House, 21 Rajendra Place, New Delhi-110008
Tel No. 011-25716407; Fax. 011-25723793; E-mail:
Staff Circular No. 2853
: Date: 9th February, 2012
Code No. of the Department
: H-9012
Number of pages of Circular
: 21
Running Circular No. of the Bank
: 83 /2012


Reg: - MASTER CIRCULAR - Policy regarding Residential Accommodation

to Officer Staff in terms of Regulation 22 & 25 of Punjab & Sind
Bank (Officers) Service Regulations -1982
This is in supersession to Staff Circular No. 2500 dated 28.02.1998, Staff Circular No.
2629 dated 24.09.2002 and Staff Circular No. 2809 dated 15.06.2010 on the captioned
We are pleased to inform you that Board of Directors have approved enhancement/
revision in the rental limits for Leased Accommodation for eligible Officers staff,
subject to the following conditions: -

All officers irrespective of their Basic Pay and place of posting are eligible to be provided
with the facility of residential accommodation leased by the bank. However, Officers
promoted from clerical cadre to officer cadre in JMG Scale I and posted at same Station
from where they were promoted from clerical cadre and not transferred to another station
are not eligible. If such promotee officer on their promotion from clerical cadre is posted
to a station other than the station from where they have been promoted are eligible.
Provided that officers on temporary transfer shall not be entitled for Banks leased
accommodation at the place where temporarily transferred. An officer in JMG
Scale I and above would be given the facility of accommodation hired by the bank
only if he does not have his own house at his place of posting.

Reg: - MASTER CIRCULAR - Policy regarding Residential Accommodation

to Officer Staff in terms of Regulation 22 & 25 of Punjab & Sind
Bank (Officers) Service Regulations -1982
Provided further that where an officer is not in a position to occupy his house as the same
is not vacated for his occupation by the tenants, the sanctioning authority may, entirely at
its discretion and depending upon facts of the case provide the concerned officer with
Banks leased accommodation. However, the Competent Authority must ensure that the
officer has taken positive steps including legal, and is vigorously pursuing the same, for
obtaining vacant possession of the house/ flat. The facility of Banks leased
accommodation may be withdrawn after the officer succeeds in obtaining possession of
his house/ flat or it becomes clear that he is colluding with the tenants etc. in not getting it
Further, no officer should be allowed to lease his own house to the bank for residential
purposes for himself.
NOTE: - Own house would include a house owned by an officer in own name or in the
name of his wife or a dependent child.
Officers entitled for residential accommodation facility as per the above eligibility
criteria will be provided with residential accommodation in terms of Regulation 25 of
PSB Officers Service Regulations -1982 subject to recovery of 1.20% of basic pay at the
minimum of the scale in which an officer is placed or the standard rent for the
accommodation whichever is less.
Officers who are not eligible for residential accommodation under the above criteria, will
continue to draw HRA in terms of Regulation 22 of PSB (O) SR -1982.
In case, officers provided with banks own/ leased residential accommodation
subsequently purchase/ acquire/ possess their own house, it shall be obligatory on their
part to inform the bank (Competent Authority) within 15 days from the date of purchase/
acquiring/ possession, whichever is earlier, of acquiring the own house along with all
relevant details and banks residential accommodation is to be vacated within three
months from the date of such purchase/ acquisition/ possession of own house (The officer
himself will give a notice of vacation to landlord of the house occupied by him
immediately after acquiring his own house in terms of lease deed/ rent agreement).
Any officer who does not inform the bank with regard to above within stipulated period
will be committing an act of misconduct and would be liable to disciplinary action under
Regulation 20(3) of PSB Officers Employees (Conduct) Regulations 1981. Besides, rent
paid by the bank for such residential accommodation will be recovered from the salary of
the officer, for the period banks residential accommodation is retained, over and above
the period mentioned above.

Reg: - MASTER CIRCULAR - Policy regarding Residential Accommodation

to Officer Staff in terms of Regulation 22 & 25 of Punjab & Sind
Bank (Officers) Service Regulations -1982
Rental Limits (Effective from 1st April 2012)
The revised rental limits effective from 1st April 2012 are as under: Scale

Major A Class

Scale I
Scale II
Scale III
Scale IV
Scale V
Scale VI
Scale -VII


Area I &
State Capitals

Area II


(Amount in Rs.)
Area -III


The rental limits indicated above are the upper limits for acquiring of leased
accommodation. However, all efforts should be made by the officers to secure residential
accommodation at lower rentals wherever possible for economy in the expenditure.




The revised rental limits shall be applicable with effect from 1st April 2012 for
the fresh leased accommodations only.
The lease offer shall be accepted for a minimum period of 3 years. However,
where the lease is already entered into for 3 years or less than 3 years, the
revised rent shall not be applicable in such cases before completion of 3 years
lease period excepting outstation transfer cases.
Where officers have already been allowed the Banks leased accommodation
over and above the rates fixed by the bank prior to 1st April 2012 and are
paying the difference out of their salary may be allowed the benefit of revised
rental limits w.e.f. 1st April 2012. However, the existing tenure of the lease
shall not be terminated for getting the benefit of higher rents.
Directly recruited officers during the period of their probation are entitled for
leased accommodation.

Reg: - MASTER CIRCULAR - Policy regarding Residential Accommodation

to Officer Staff in terms of Regulation 22 & 25 of Punjab & Sind
Bank (Officers) Service Regulations -1982

The residential accommodation on behalf of the bank shall be provided to the

officers for their residential purposes and in the event of their using it for any
other purpose or not vacating the premises as per the terms of the lease and
conditions of service with the bank, they render themselves liable for
disciplinary and legal action. The agreement is reached between the bank and
the landlord on the basis of letter of offer given by the landlords and by giving
the letter of acceptance to the landlord as per the proforma already approved
by the Board. The officers enjoying the facility shall also be required to
furnish application cum declaration letter as per proforma prescribed
(enclosed with the Circular) for using the leased premises for their residential


For the purpose of calculating Standard Rent in terms of Regulation 22 of Officers
Service Regulation, Standard Rent will be calculated on the basis of living area of the
accommodation as per the following norms which will be applicable on all India basis
through out the Country: Norms for determining Living Area are as under:
Main Building

Rooms, Kitchen, Bath, Latrines, Store

and enclosed Veranda
Veranda, Corridors and Barsati

Courtyard Pucca

100% of the floor

25% of the floor area
12 % of the floor
5% of the floor area

Out House


25% of the floor area

12 % of the floor

For servant quarters and garages, allotted independent of the regular accommodation,
the following flat rates may be recovered:
a. Servant Quarter
b. Garages

Rs.36 per month

Rs.22 per month

Reg: - MASTER CIRCULAR - Policy regarding Residential Accommodation

to Officer Staff in terms of Regulation 22 & 25 of Punjab & Sind
Bank (Officers) Service Regulations -1982
Computation of Standard Rent
Based on the above norms, following flat rates of Standard Rent, per month, will be
applicable through out the Country: Sr.No.


Range of Living Area

Upto 50
51 to 60
61 to 75
76 to 90
91 to 105
106 to 120
121 to 150
151 to 180
181 to 225
226 to 300
301 to 400
401 to 550
Beyond 550

Standard Rent
Revised (Rs)

(1 = 10.76 sq. ft.)

Accordingly, standard rent on the above basis may be determined in respect of Banks
own/ hired accommodation (including leased housing accommodation) provided to
officers from the date of providing such accommodation and recoveries be made.
Respective sanctioning authority designated for sanction of Leased Accommodation/
Banks own accommodation shall determine the standard rent. For the purpose of
calculating standard rent officers may submit particulars of living areas in the leased
housing accommodation provided to them on the enclosed format (Annexure A & A-1)
to their respective lease sanctioning authorities through proper channel. For officer staff
working in branches, the correctness of particulars submitted shall be verified by the
branch Incharge. The sanctioning authority in all the cases shall ensure that the
information supplied is correct and verification of the same has been got done to the
satisfaction of the sanctioning authority.
A format to be used for the branches/ offices for obtaining approval with regard to the
Standard Rent is enclosed as Annexure B.

Reg: - MASTER CIRCULAR - Policy regarding Residential Accommodation

to Officer Staff in terms of Regulation 22 & 25 of Punjab & Sind
Bank (Officers) Service Regulations -1982
Whenever a proposal for hiring accommodation for leased housing purposes is submitted
by Branches/ Offices, they may also calculate simultaneously standard rent in respect
thereof in accordance with the above norms and seek approval thereof from the
concerned authority.
Please note to add perquisite value in the salary of an officer while calculating Income
Tax as per existing Income Tax Rules, where Standard Rent or 1.20% of the pay in the
first stage of the scale of pay of an officer in which he is placed, is being recovered on
account of leased accommodation provided to him.
Eligible officer may apply on the proforma enclosed as Annexure F along with
following papers/ documents/ information in respect of the accommodation they want to
occupy to the respective sanctioning authority through proper channel.


Letter of offer from the landlord/ landlady as per proforma enclosed as

Annexure C along with proof of ownership of property.
a) Report of assessment of rental value of the accommodation from any Govt.
approved valuer/ reputed property dealer of the area.
b) Such report duly verified by the recommending authority.
c) Relationship with the landlord/ landlady, if any.
d) If any relative of landlord/ landlady is working in our Bank, relation,
his/her name, designation and station of posting (it is also to be confirmed
by landlord/ landlady in his letter of offer.
e) Carpet area of the premises to be occupied along with copy of map and
f) Complete details of the accommodation.
g) Whether any housing loan has been taken against any premises, if so
details thereof.
h) Whether the official has any house in his own name or in the name of his
wife or dependant child. If so, give its address and confirm that it is not
located at his place of posting.
The accommodation should be taken for a period of 3 years.
The accommodation should be taken on rent in the name of the bank. In case
landlord/ landlady insists on mentioning the personal name of the officer of
the bank in the letter of offer, the following clause can be added: The accommodation will be used for the residence of Sh. ________________
Officer/ Manager of the Bank.

Reg: - MASTER CIRCULAR - Policy regarding Residential Accommodation

to Officer Staff in terms of Regulation 22 & 25 of Punjab & Sind
Bank (Officers) Service Regulations -1982
Here it may be noted that official enjoys the possession of the residential
accommodation in his capacity as an officer of the bank and not as a statutory tenant.
The right of statutory tenant shall not accrue to him.


The bank will issue the allotment letter to the officer concerned authorising
him to use the accommodation in his capacity as occupant of the house/ flat as
per proforma prescribed by the bank (enclosed as per Annexure E).
The authorised occupant official shall be required to sign an undertaking/
declaration for vacating the premises as per conditions laid down in the
proforma (enclosed as per Annexure- F).


Where residential accommodation is attached to the branches, the branch Incharge should
ordinary live in the said accommodation, if the said accommodation is available. The
charges for water/ electricity payable by the officer occupying the residential
accommodation will be as per the meter or sub-meter in the premises. In no case, the joint
meter is to run.
Rent shall not be altered or re-fixed until completion of the full period of the rent
agreement (including renewal) and other terms and conditions laid down in the agreement
except in accordance with the terms of the lease.
On transfer, an officer may be allowed to retain his previous accommodation till
completion of the present academic year of his children, if he so desires to do so.
However, he may also be allowed to have an accommodation at his new station of
posting. Deduction of two times of 1.20% of his basic pay (i.e. 2.40%) at the minimum of
the scale or standard rent (fixed for each accommodation) whichever is less will be made
from his salary in such cases.
Officers who are allowed to retain the previous accommodation at the former place shall
not be eligible for House Rent Allowance at their new place of posting even if they do
not avail the banks leased facility at the new place of posting.

Reg: - MASTER CIRCULAR - Policy regarding Residential Accommodation

to Officer Staff in terms of Regulation 22 & 25 of Punjab & Sind
Bank (Officers) Service Regulations -1982
Brokerage is normally not payable. However, in exceptional cases, sanctioning authority
may permit brokerage maximum of 15 days rent. In such cases, brokerage will be directly
credited in the account of broker/ property dealer through NEFT on production of receipt
of a reputed broker, subject to deduction of TDS as per Income Tax Rules. In no case,
reimbursement of brokerage is to be permitted to the officer.
In the event of termination of services or cessation from banks employment or voluntary
retirement of an officer, he shall handover the possession of the premises to his next
superior authority within the same month of termination/ cessation of banks employment
or voluntary retirement.
In such cases where the concerned officer does not vacate the premises as stipulated, his
terminal benefits may not be released till he hands over the vacant possession of the
premises to the bank.
However, the entire rent and other expenses of the bank, for the period he overstays after
the expiry of specified period, in the premises shall be recovered from his terminal
If an officer enjoying accommodation facility dies while in service, the family of the
officer will be allowed to reside in the same accommodation till the end of the succeeding
calendar month or till the end of the current academic year of the children of the deceased
whichever occurs later without collecting the amount of 1.20% of the first stage of
erstwhile basic pay of the deceased official or the standard rent.
Normally, an eligible officer is entitled for banks residential accommodation with limits
prescribed by the bank. While the policy of the bank is also to provide residential
accommodation to eligible officers within prescribed limits of rent but in exceptional
cases, officers may be permitted to take on rent residential accommodation over and
above their entitlement of leased limit provided:

Reg: - MASTER CIRCULAR - Policy regarding Residential Accommodation

to Officer Staff in terms of Regulation 22 & 25 of Punjab & Sind
Bank (Officers) Service Regulations -1982
That the rent over and above the entitlement is borne by the officer himself/
herself and the same is deducted from the salary of the officer as per his/ her
That the carry home salary of the officer must not be less that 40% of his
gross salary at any stage i.e. total deduction from the salary inclusive of
statutory deduction should not be more than 60% of their gross salary.
In terms of Regulation 22 of PSB (O) SR -1982, the area classification for the purpose
are as under: Major `A Class Cities : Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Ahmedabad,
Bangalore & Hyderabad.

Area 1 Cities

: Places with population of more than 12 lac

Area II

: All places other than those included in Area I which have

population of 1 lac & more

Area III

: All places not included in Area I and Area -II




If both the spouses are working in our bank as officers and are eligible to be
provided with housing accommodation under Regulation 25 of PSB (O) SR 1982 and one of the spouse is provided with banks accommodation, the other
spouse shall be eligible to draw minimum HRA as per his/ her entitlement at
the same station of posting when they are living together in the banks
If an officer working in our bank is staying in an accommodation provided to
Govt./Administration/Private Sector, the concerned officer will be eligible for
minimum House Rent Allowance.
On expiry of the lease period, officer will be required to vacate the premises
until and unless the lease period is extended/ renewed with the consent of the
landlord. The office/ branch shall maintain a due date diary for the expiry of
lease agreements executed with the landlords and must ensure that suitable
steps are taken well in advance so that the lease agreement is either renewed/
extended or terminated on the expiry of lease period. The concerned occupant
official, at lease 3 months in advance shall take suitable steps either for
renewal of lease or termination of tenancy and vacate the premises at the
expiry of the lease period.

Reg: - MASTER CIRCULAR - Policy regarding Residential Accommodation

to Officer Staff in terms of Regulation 22 & 25 of Punjab & Sind
Bank (Officers) Service Regulations -1982


In case the occupant official, without any sufficient reason to the satisfaction
of the sanctioning authority, does not vacate the premises or does not get the
lease extended/ renewed, he will be subject to suitable departmental action.
For the period the occupant official overstays in the banks leased
accommodation, the entire rent (including the enhancement, if any demanded
by the landlord) for the said period shall be recovered from the salary of the
official concerned for payment to the landlord, together with all expenses of
the bank whatsoever beside the departmental action as may be deemed fit
which may be initiated against the occupant official.




On receipt of the request letter from the officer for taking of residential
accommodation, the sanctioning authority shall consider the case on merit and
convey its sanction to the forwarding authority who after approval shall issue
a letter of acceptance to the landlord/ landlady in token of having accepted the
offer to complete the contract of tenancy on the proforma enclosed as per
Annexure D.
Rent will be directly credited in the account of the landlord/ landlady through
NEFT subject to deduction of TDS as per Income Tax Rules.
In no case, deviation from any terms & conditions (as laid down in the letter
of offer) are to be permitted.
While considering the cases of revised/ enhancement of rent, following points
are to be noted: i) All the information/ documents, as mentioned above for sanction, are to be
ii) Enhanced rent is to be allowed only after assessment of the rental value of
the premises and revised/ enhanced rent is to be allowed strictly after
verification of rental value.
iii) Where there is a clause of option of renewal of the rent agreement on the
same terms and conditions, option is to be exercised and rent agreement is
to be renewed on the same terms & conditions.
iv) The enhancement of rent is to be permitted as per terms and conditions of
the rent agreement and as per entitlement of rent of officers. No
enhancement contrary to the terms & conditions of the rent agreement and
beyond the entitlement of rent of officers is to be permitted. Enhancement
of rent is to be permitted only after present terms of lease along with
option for renewal has expired.

Reg: - MASTER CIRCULAR - Policy regarding Residential Accommodation

to Officer Staff in terms of Regulation 22 & 25 of Punjab & Sind
Bank (Officers) Service Regulations -1982
v) In all cases, the accommodation to be taken on rent must be well defined
and independent in nature meant for the exclusive use of member of staff
and his family (family as defined under PSB (O) SR -1982)
vi) Sanctioning Authority shall have a practical/ reasonable approach while
increasing rent at the time of renewal of lease agreements.

All the officers shall stay at their place of posting only so that they may put
their best for the overall development of the Bank. Therefore, the lease
sanctioning authorities are advised to sanction lease to eligible officers only at
their place of posting. GM (HRD) is the only Competent Authority to allow
any officer to live other than his place of posting (Staff Circular No. 2634
dated 01.11.2002).

Zonal Manager

For Officers in JMG Scale I, MMG Scale II &

III and SMG Scale IV working in Branches/
Zonal Offices

Head of the Department

For Officers in JMG Scale I, MMG Scale II &

III working in HO Departments

HO Premises Department

For Officers in SMG Scale IV & above working

in HO Departments, Zonal Managers and Officers
in SMG Scale V working under Zonal Offices

We hope that with this enhancement of rental limits, all the officers would put in their
best and work with more zeal, vigor and devotion to achieve the corporate goals of
the Bank.

(G.S. Bindra)
General Manager (HRD)


(A Govt. of India Undertaking)
---------------------Punjab & Sind Bank,

Dear Sir,
Reg: - Flat/House No. ____________________________________________
I have been provided by the Bank, housing accommodation as above.
In this connection, I enclose herewith Annexure 'A-1' showing particulars of
living area in respect of the accommodation provided to me. On the basis thereof,
Standard Rent in accordance with Staff Cir. No. _____dated .02.2012 comes
to Rs. ________ per month.
You are requested to fix Standard Rent for the accommodation provided to me
and recover/adjust the same from my salary accordingly.

Yours faithfully,

(Name of the Officer)

Date :__________________
P.F. Code No.:__________


(A Govt. of India Undertaking)
a -Room(s), Kitchen, Bath(s),
Latrine(s), Store & enclosed

: 100% of floor area

b - Verandah, Corridors and Barsati

: 25% of floor area

____________ Sq.m.

____________ Sq.m.
c - Porch

: 12 1/2 % of floor area

____________ Sq.m.

d - Courtyard Pucca

: 5% of floor area
____________ Sq.m.

a - Room(s) etc.

: 25% of floor area

_____________ Sq.m.

b Veranda

: 12 1/2 % of floor area

_____________ Sq.m.


_____________ Sq.m.

C- Standard Rent chargeable on the

basis of eligible living area
worked out above.

: Rs. __________

D - Flat rate chargeable for Servant Quarter

: Rs. __________

E - Flat rate chargeable for Garages

F - Total Standard Rent chargeable
(C + D + E)

: Rs. __________
: Rs. __________

I certify that the above particulars in respect of the residential accommodation provided to me by
the Bank are correct.
Place: ____________

Signature _______________

Date: _____________

Name of the Officer______

Designation _____________
Grade/Scale _____________
P.F. Code No. ___________


(A Govt. of India Undertaking)

1) Name of the Officer

: _______________________

2) P.F. Code No.

: _______________________

3) Grade/Scale

: _______________________

4) Contractual Monthly rent paid by the Bank

: Rs. ___________________

5) Entitlement of Officer for leased

housing accommodation (i.e. maximum
permissible ceiling)

: Rs. ___________________

6) Amount of Standard Rent chargeable

on the basis of particulars furnished
by the officer (copy enclosed)
(Here Branch Manager/Dept. Head
will enclose a copy of particualrs
as per Annexure 'A' submitted by
the Officer)

: Rs. ___________________

7) Date from which Standard Rent is


: _______________________

8) The particulars furnished by the officer, regarding the living area of the
accommodation hired by the Bank have been verified and found to be correct.

Branch Manager
Department Head

Zonal Manager or Head of the Department.


(A Govt. of India Undertaking)
Punjab & Sind Bank

Dear Sir,
Reg: Letting Out of Residential Accommodation to the Bank
I/ we understand that the Bank requires residential accommodation for the use of its
Officials. I/We offer to let out the residential accommodation No. _____ situated
at __________________________________________________________
to the Bank. The detailed particulars are as under:1) Address of the Premises

2) Description of the Accommodation

3) Carpet area of the Accommodation

4) Monthly Rent

5) Period for which Accomodation


6) Date of possession to be given

7) Name and address of the landlord

of the house (enclose proof of ownership)

8) Relationship, if any, with any employee

of the Bank, if so, the name, designation
& station of posting

9) Telephone/ Mobile number


-2I/We offer the house on the following terms and conditions:i) The Bank (as tenant) shall pay a monthly rent of Rs. ________ to the landlord/
landlady every month regularly by 5th day of each calendar month of aforesaid
ii) The payment of electricity & water charges shall be paid by the occupant of
the house as per actual consumption during the period of tenancy for which
separate meter has been provided. But the house and other taxes shall be
paid by me/us (the landlord/landlady) i.e. all taxes whatsoever other than
the electricity & water consumption charges shall be paid by me/us
iii) White washing, necessary repairs, painting of doors etc. shall be done by
me/us (landlord/landlady) at the time of giving the possession of the house
and after lapse of every ____ years. In case of any reason, white washing and
necessary repairs are not effected by me/us, bank(the tenant) shall after
serving 30 days notice in writing to me/us, be entitled to effect them at
my/our cost and deduct the cost so incurred from monthly rent payable to
iv) The Bank (lessee) will be entitled to the renewal of contract of tenancy on the
same terms & conditions as contained in this contract of tenancy for a further
period of _______ years and the Bank shall be entitled to exercise its right of
renewal for _____
options on same terms and conditions.

In case bank wishes to terminate the contract of tenancy, it shall give one
month notice in writing to me/us or rent in lieu thereof.

SIGNATURE ____________________
Place: ___________
Date : ___________


(A Govt. of India Undertaking)



Dear Sir,
Reg: RESIDENTIAL ACCOMMODATION NO. _________________________

We are in receipt of your letter of offer dated ___________ for letting out the above
premises for the residence of official of our Bank. We hereby accept your offer at a
monthly rent of Rs. _______ on the terms and conditions as specified in the letter
of offer with effect from the date of possession of the house is handed over.


CC: _____________________________________ for inforamtion.


(A Govt. of India Undertaking)
------------------------------------------------------------Dear Sir,
Reg:- Allotment of Bank's Leased Accommodation at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This has reference to your application dated ______________ for allotment of
Bank's leased accommodation. We are pleased to advise you that it has been
decided to allot you flat/House no.__________ situated at ______________
________________________________________________________________ for
period of ___ years with effect from _________ to _________ . This allotment is
subject to the conditions laid down in the lease agreement and also the following
conditions which shall be strictly followed:1. You will be entitled to stay in the said premises during the course of your
employment having regard to the conditions laid down in the lease accommodation
agreement or as desired by the Management of the Bank.
2. The allotment of the said premises will not create any rights of whatsoever nature
in you or any person claiming through you.
3. You will bear electricity charges/water charges actually consumed as per the
4. You will keep the House/Flat in good condition and maintain it properly to the
satisfaction of the Bank.
5. Any damage and/or leakage caused to the flat/house should be reported to the
6. You will not be entitled to part with the possession or sublet it to any person
except with the written permission of the Bank.

-27. The said accommodation is allotted to you for your residence only and not for any
other purpose and no outsider shall be allowed to live in the same except your
family members.
8. You will vacate the premises on the expiry of lease period or as directed by the
Bank. Further, cancellation of allotment shall be within the absolute discretion of
the Bank.
9. The residential accommodation on behalf of the bank is provided to you for your
residential purposes and in the event of your using it for any other purpose or not
vacating the premises as per the terms of the lease and condition of service with the
Bank or as directed by the Bank, you shall be liable to pay the entire rent (including
the enhancement and damages etc, if any, demanded by the landlord) for the
period you overstay in Bank's leased accommodation, together with expenses
whatsoever. Beside the departmental/ legal action, as deemed fit, may be initiated
against you.
Also you shall be liable to pay liquidated damages for unauthorized and
illegal occupation as fixed by the Estate Officer under the provision of Public
Premises (Eviction of unauthorized occupants) Act notwithstanding other
consequences such as disciplinary and other legal action under the law.
10. As per our Officers' Service Regulations, during such period as the flat/house
remains allotted to you, you shall not get house rent allowance and an amount
equivalent to 1.20% of your first stage of Basic pay in your scale or the Standard
Rent whichever is lower shall be deducted from your salary.
11. This letter is being issued to you in duplicate and you are requested to send us
the duplicate copy duly signed by you in token of your having accepted all the
terms and conditions.
12. If you fail to vacate the premises on the expiry of lease period or after the
licence to occupy is terminated by the Bank, the entire rent/expenses/damages
calculated as mentioned in clause 9 hereinabove shall be adjusted against the
salary, perquisites, gratuity etc. payable to you and the confirmation of these terms
and conditions shall be your written consent of the same.
Yours faithfully,
Accepted all terms & conditions

---------------------------(Signature of the authorised
Occupant official)


(A Govt. of India Undertaking)
Punjab & Sind Bank

Dear Sir,
The undersigned is employed with the Bank as ____________ and presently working
at Banks office at ____________________. In terms of bank's policy for providing
residential accommodation to its officers, I am enclosing the letter of offer dated
_________ received from Sh./Smt ___________________(landlord/landlady) for letting
out the premises situated at ___________________________ to the Bank for my
residential purpose. The other requisite information/documents are also enclosed. You
are requested to accept the said offer and advise me and Sh./Smt. ______________
(landlord/landlady) accordingly.

In connection with the taking over of the above said premises on lease by the Bank for
my residence, I hereby solemnly affirm and declare on this _________ day of 20___ as
I hereby solemnly agree, declare and undertake to vacate the aforesaid residential
accommodation on expiry of the lease period or on ceasing to be in service of
employment of the bank for any reason whatsoever or on my transfer to another place
or being asked to vacate the premises by the Bank at its absolute discretion.
2) I also hereby agree, declare and undertake that I will never at any time claim to be
a tenant of the said premises and consequently claim or attempt to claim protection of
the Rent Control Act or any other legislation now or hereinafter to be enacted giving
protection to tenants or occupants of premises against eviction or ejection. All the
tenancy rights shall vest with the bank.



3) I further agree and undertake that if for any reason whatsoever, I continue to
remain in the aforesaid premises after ceasing to be in the service or employment of the
Bank or after the expiry of the lease period, on or thereafter, I shall pay and make
good to the Bank any loss or damage sustained or incurred by the Bank as also all costs,
charges and expenses and further also to pay the bank the entire rent of the premises and
my liability shall in this behalf unconditionally continue until such time as I vacate the
premises and handover vacant possession of the said premises to the Bank.
4) I also hereby agree and undertake that until such time as I vacate the said premises,
the bank will be entitled to retain all monies that may have become due to me either
during the tenure of my service or employment or the cessation thereof, or becoming
due to me consequent upon such cessation and also all other monies that I may have
deposited with the bank.
5) I also hereby irrevocably appoint the Bank to receive any amount that may become
due to me in my Provident Fund a/c.
6) The amount so retained or received as mentioned above by the Bank may be
appropriated by the bank towards and on account of my liability under clause 3 above.
7) I also hereby agree and declare that I shall vacate the premises on the expiry of
the lease period or earlier in case Bank authorities ask me to vacate the premises. In the
event of non-compliance and during the continuance of my service with bank or
thereafter the non-compliance of the above order for eviction shall be treated as
misconduct as defined in Bank's Services rules and shall also be liable for disciplinary
proceedings and penalties prescribed as major penalties for misconduct.
8) The Bank will not in any way be held responsible or liable for any loss and/or damage
to life or limb of any person occupying the said premises or visiting the said premises as
an invitee or loss or damage to the property, however, such loss or damage may occur
including by reason of any accident, theft, fire or other cause, either from such order or
similar or different nature.

Yours faithfully,

DESIGNATION: ________________
BRANCH/OFFICE: ______________
PFCode No _____________

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