Cyber Law Sept 2005
Cyber Law Sept 2005
Cyber Law Sept 2005
June, 2005
Table of Contents
Online Contracts................................................................................................................2
Information Security.........................................................................................................16
Intellectual Property.........................................................................................................21
Along with the explosive growth of the Internet come many difficult legal questions. This
law module will allow you and your students to explore and understand cyberspace, its
development, dynamics, norms, standards, and need or lack thereof for laws and
The following information has been compiled as a tool to guide you in setting up a
Cyberlaw module to be used in courses such as business law, e-commerce, web design,
computer applications or as a stand alone half unit course.
This guide is not all inclusive but a beginning of what is an interesting and dynamic field of
study for you and your students. Begin with a brief history of the Internet and the World
Wide Web Cyberspace: and then continue with an
interesting study of Cyberlaw using the topics and cases within.
A. E-Commerce: Electronic Commerce that is conducted over the Internet.
B. Review of Standard Contract Terminology
1. Essential elements
Mutual assent
Competent parties
Legal purpose
Proper form
C. Express and Implied Warranties
D. Unique Issues with Online Contracts
Online Payment Systems (i.e. PayPal): A secured on-line account that enables user
to transfer money from buyer to seller.
Case: Comb v. PayPal, Inc.
(United States District Court, Northern District of California) (2002)
Rule: Contract law.
Issue: PayPal, Inc. improperly held or removed funds from nonsubscriber/subscribers accounts triggering various penalty fees by the plaintiffs
banks and other damages. PayPal returned the improperly withdrawn funds to the
plaintiff, but would not reimburse bank fees that Combs bank charged him.
PayPals contracts required that the plaintiff submit the claim to arbitration. Plaintiff
claimed that the arbitration clause and other terms of the user agreement were
unconscionable. The contract was a contract of adhesion. The arbitration clause
prohibited any consolidation of consumer claims.
Conclusion: The United States District Court ruled for Comb. The user agreement
contained so many unfair terms that the court found the agreement unenforceable
against the consumer (only binding on a small part of California).
E. The Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act (UCITA): The UCITA is a set of
proposed laws that establish uniform rules that govern software contracts and
licensing, internet access, and transfers of information via computers. The UCITA
has been passed in only a few states.
For more information on the UCITA go to:
Issue: Total News was providing links to other news organization websites and
articles. When someone clicked on a link, they viewed the link in a framed
window. The framed window had Total News links and advertisements
surrounding the page content. Washington Post Co. claimed that by framing their
content, this caused violations of plaintiffs rights under the doctrine of commercial
Conclusion: This case was settled out of court. Total News agreed to stop framing
links to outside content. Total News was given permission to use clean links to
Washington Post content.
A. "Right to Privacy"
B. Common Law Torts for Invasion of Privacy
The tort of "invasion of privacy" consists of four separate rights:
1. The unreasonable intrusion upon the seclusion of another.
2. The appropriation of anothers name or likeness.
3. The unreasonable publicity given to anothers private life.
4. Publicity that unreasonably places another in a false light before the public.
C. The Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) of 1986: Sets out provisions
for access, use, disclosure, interception and privacy protections of electronic
communications. The law covers various forms of wire and electronic
communications. ECPA prohibits unlawful access and certain disclosures of
communication contents. Additionally, the law prevents government entities from
requiring disclosure of electronic communications from a provider without proper
D. The Internet Service Provider and Privacy Issues
1. Types of Transmission
a. Listserv: A means of allowing distribution of comments about particular
subjects of interest to a group of people.
b. Chat Room: An on-line forum that enables an individual to communicate in
real time with others as a group.
c. Personal E-Mails: The ECPA makes it unlawful for someone other than the
intended recipient to read or disclose the contents of a private e-mail; this
does not apply to work situations.
If the sender is attempting to damage the system or harm another user
If the sender or recipient consents to the inspection or disclosure; many
ISP's require this upon signing up
If the e-mail system is owned by an employer
If the ISP is required in response to a court order or subpoena
If asked for under the USA Patriot Act
E. Online Tracking and Monitoring
1. Cookies: Small text files that a server can store on the users computer to track
the users Web viewing habits.
Case: DoubleClick Inc., v. Privacy Litigation
(United States District Court, Southern District New York) (2001)
A. Defamation: Oral or written false statements that wrongfully harm a persons
B. Libel v. Slander
1. Libel is malicious defamation, expressed either in writing or published form.
Libel can include signs, pictures or effigies that would expose a person to public
2. Slander is oral defamation.
C. Liability of ISP's for Defamation
Case: Cubby, Inc. v. CompuServe Inc.
(United States District Court, Southern District of New York) (1991)
Rule: Internet content liability
Issue: The plaintiffs claim that CompuServe should be held liable for defamatory
statements that were made in Rumorville. This publication was available in an
electronic library service provided by the defendant.
Conclusion: The United States District Court ruled in favor of CompuServe. The
Court stated that the defendant had no control or knowledge of the contents of the
publication; it was merely a distributor and could not be held liable as a publisher.
Case: Stratton Oakmont, Inc. v. Prodigy
(State of New York Supreme Court) (1995)
Rule: Internet content liability
Issue: Allegedly, defamatory statements about Stratton Oakmont, Inc. were
published on Prodigys Money Talk financial bulletin board. Prodigy did employ an
agent and software screening programs to monitor the bulletin board.
Conclusion: The New York State Supreme Court ruled in favor of Stratton Oakmont,
Inc. The Court ruled that Prodigy was a publisher of the statement rather than a
D. The Communications Decency Act of 1996: Eliminates the potential liability of
service providers and users for defamation whether they qualify as distributors or
publishers of internet material.
The ability to control access to computers, networks, hardware, software and data.
A. Two Categories of Security
1. Firewalls: A program or hardware device that secures the computer system
from unauthorized access.
2. Commercial Security Systems
a. Password Protection
b. Biometrics (authenticate users by characteristics i.e. face, iris, retina, voice,
c. Cryptography: Securing data by coding or scrambling data into a different
Case: United States v. Shakour
(United States District Court, Eastern District of California) (2003)
Rule: Accessing computer network without authorization and credit card
Issue: Shakour was accused of committing a series of unauthorized
computer intrusions. At one of these sites he obtained credit card
information, which he then used to make unauthorized credit card purchases
totaling $7,167.
Conclusion: Shakour pled guilty to committing fraud and related activity. The
United States District Court judge sentenced him to prison for one year and
one day, further ordered him to pay restitution of $88,000, and restricted his
computer use during his three year term of supervised release.
Case: United States v. Leung
(United States District Court, Southern District of New York) (2002)
Rule: Accessing computer network without authorization.
Issue: Washington Leung, a former employee of Marsh Inc., allegedly
illegally accessed Marshs computer system and deleted hundreds of
computer records.
Conclusion: Leung pled guilty, in The United States District Court, to one
count of accessing a protected computer without authorization. Leung was
sentenced to 18 months in prison and ordered to pay $91,814.68 in
restitution to Marsh Inc.
A. Types of Crimes
1. Fraud
a. Retail Sales (misleading customers, counterfeit goods)
b. Financial transactions
c. Payment cards (Identity theft)
For more information go to the FTC Site on Identity Theft:
Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act of 1999: This act empowered
the Federal Trade Commission with the jurisdiction to process identity theft
complaints and to assist victims of identity theft by directing them to the
appropriate law enforcement agency.
2. Threats to Others
Case: United States v. Baker and Gonda
(United States District Court, Eastern District of Michigan) (1995)
Rule: Transmitting threats to injure or kidnap another, in private e-mail
Issue: Private e-mail messages were exchanged, via the Internet, between
Baker and Gonda. The messages contained portions of a story published on an
electronic bulletin board available on the Internet. The story named one of
Bakers classmates and described the torture, rape and murder of this woman.
Conclusion: The United States District Court ruled in favor of the defendants
Baker and Gonda. The Court ruled that the messages in the e-mails did not
meet the standard of true threat.
7. Worm: A computer program that can replicate itself. It can add or delete
programs from a computer without the computer owners consent.
8. Web Spoofing: Setting up sites to look like other sites. Internet users are
funneled to the spoofed site, allowing the attackers to monitor and collect
account numbers and passwords.
9. Software Piracy: The act of duplicating and distributing copyright-protected
materials without authorization from the copyright owner.
Case: United States v. Sablan
(United States Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit) (1996)
Rule: Computer fraud.
Issue: After being fired by the Bank of Hawaii, Sablan entered the closed bank,
went to her former work site, used an old password to log into the banks
computer system. The prosecutor claimed that she changed several files and
deleted others. Sablan appealed her conviction.
Conclusion: The United States Court of Appeals upheld her conviction on
computer fraud.
Case: Steve Jackson Games, Inc. v. United States Secret Service
(United States Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit) (1994)
Rule: Privacy Protection Act.
Issue: Members of the United States Secret Service executed a valid search
warrant and seized a computer which operated an electronic bulletin board
system (BBS). The BBS stored private e-mails for its members. The district
court held that the Secret Service violated the Privacy Protection Act. The
Secret Service appealed.
Conclusion: The United States Court of Appeals affirmed the district courts
Case: United States v. Morris
(United States Court of Appeals, Second Circuit) (1991)
Rule: Computer worm and the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act
Issue: Morris released into the Internet a worm that multiplied and spread,
causing site crashes at various educational and military web sites. Morris was
convicted, by a jury, in a District Court. He was sentenced to three years of
probation, 400 hours of community service, a fine of $10,050, and the costs of
his supervision. He appealed.
Conclusion: The United States Court of Appeals affirmed the ruling of the
District Court.
A Copyrights: Exclusive right granted to an author to exclusively publish and sell their
work. For more information go to:
Length of Copyright
Registering a Copyright
Fair Use
The Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 makes it a crime to traffic in
devices that are primarily designed for the purpose of circumventing
technological protection measures (anti-piracy devices).
For more information go to:
5. Copyright Infringement on the Internet (File sharing)
Case: A&M Records, Inc. v. Napster, Inc.
(United States Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit) (2001)
Rule: Copyright Infringement; File Sharing.
Issue: The plaintiffs alleged that Napster, through the use of their peer to peer
file sharing software and web site, allowed their users to copy and transfer
copyrighted musical recordings without express permission of the rights owner.
The District Court issued a preliminary injunction against Napster from
facilitating others in copying copyrighted material. The Court ruled that the
music file sharing system Napster committed repeated infringements of
copyright law. Napster appealed.
Conclusion: The United States Court of Appeals upheld most of the District
Courts findings. They entered a temporary stay of the preliminary injunction
pending resolution of the appeal.
Case: RIAA v. Diamond Multimedia Systems, Inc.
(United States Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit) (1999)
Rule: Audio Home Recording Act of 1992
Issue: The Rio portable music player is a digital recording device that allows a
user to download MP3 audio files from a computer, and to listen to them
elsewhere. The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) contends the
Rio player violates provisions of the Audio Home Recording Act.
Conclusion: The United States Court of Appeals affirmed the District Court
decision. The Court stated that the Rio is not a digital audio recording device
subject to the restrictions of the Audio Home Recording Act.
Case: RIAA v. Verizon Internet Services, Inc.
(United States Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit) (2003)
Rule: Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998
Issue: The RIAA demanded that Verizon reveal the identity of a Verizon Internet
subscriber who allegedly used peer to peer software to share music online.
Verizon refused, claiming the provision did not cover alleged copyright infringing
material that resides on an individuals own computer. The D.C. District Court
ordered Verizon to disclose the subscribers identity. Verizon appealed.
Conclusion: The United States Court of Appeals ruled in favor of Verizon and
vacated the order of the District Court.
6. Using Portions of Other's Websites
a. Fair Use Doctrine: is a statutory limitation on the exclusive rights of a
copyright owner. The Copyright Act describes four nonexclusive factors to
be considered.
Purpose and character of the use
Nature of the copyrighted work
Amount and substantiality of portion used
Impact of the use upon the potential market for or value of the
copyrighted work
Case: Kelly v. Arriba Soft Corp.
(United States District Court, Central District of California) (1999)
Rule: Digital Millennium Copyright Act
Issue: An Internet search engine website copied Kellys photos off the
Internet. The photos were converted to small-scale thumbnail images.
Clicking on the thumbnail would open a page that took the user to a fullsize copy of the photo.
Conclusion: The United States District Court ruled that the conversion of
Internet photos to thumbnails is fair use. However, copying full-size images
onto a website is not fair use.
Court Cases on Fair Use:
Rule: Trademark infringement; trademark dilution; unfair competition.
Issue: Bally is a registered trademark of Bally Total Fitness. Andrew Faber
designed a web site The web site is dedicated to
complaints about Ballys health club business. Ballys claims ball sucks
infringes and dilutes their Bally trademark.
Conclusion: The United States District Court ruled that the health club had valid
protectable mark in Bally, but, the designers use mark did not infringe or dilute
mark. It did not create likelihood of confusion in minds of consumers.