GCE Ordinary Level
GCE Ordinary Level
GCE Ordinary Level
This article is about the secondary school leaving exam 1 Current usage
once taken in the United Kingdom. For the equivalent
exam in Sri Lanka, see GCE Ordinary Level in Sri Lanka.
1.1 Bangladesh
For the CIE O Levels taken in Singapore, see SingaporeCambridge GCE Ordinary Level.
In Bangladesh, the O Level qualication is oered, with
The O Level (Ordinary Level) is a subject-based qualiexaminations conducted by Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) and Edexcel under the board of British
Council. O Level qualication has become a replacement for the matriculation qualication (SSC) oered by
the Government boards of education.However,due to the
high costs associated with O Level qualications, their
reach is limited to middle to elite class families. It is
common knowledge that the CIE qualication are more
rigorous than their alternatives that exist in the country.
1.2 Brunei
In Brunei, the O Level qualication is oered, with examinations conducted by Cambridge International Examinations (CIE).
A number of subjects, including English Language, Bahasa Melayu, Malay Literature, Islamic Religious Knowledge, Ulum al-Quran, Hafaz al-Quran, Tafsir al-Quran
(Asas), History, Geography, Arabic, Art and Design, offer exam papers and syllabuses unique to Brunei. AddiO Level logo
tionally, the Mathematics (Syllabus E) subject previously
oered an exam paper and a syllabus unique to Brunei,
but this has since been retired and the regular syllabus
cation conferred as part of the General Certicate of Ed- used worldwide is oered. This is equivalent to secucation. It was introduced as part of British educational ondary education now.
reform in the 1950s alongside the more in-depth and academically rigorous A-level (ocial title of qualication:
General Certicate of Education - Advanced Level) in 1.3 India
England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Those three jurisdictions replaced O Levels gradually with General Cer- In India, Cambridge International Examinations (CIE)
ticate of Secondary Education and International Gen- GCE Ordinary Level qualications are oered at private
eral Certicate of Secondary Education exams over time. and international schools as an alternative to the conven[3][4]
The Scottish equivalent was the O-grade (replaced by tional Indian School Certicate (ISC).
the Standard Grade). The O Level qualication is still
awarded by CIE Cambridge International Examinations,
the international counterpart of the British examination 1.4 Malaysia
Board OCR (Oxford, Cambridge & Royal Society of
Arts),[1] in select locations, instead of or alongside the In Malaysia, the O Level qualication is oered (SPM),
International General Certicate of Secondary Education with examinations conducted by Cambridge International
qualications. Both CIE and OCR have Cambridge As- Examinations (CIE). The English Language subject was
sessment as their parent organisation.[1] The Cambridge previously oered with an exam paper and a syllabus
O Level has already been phased out, however, and is no unique to Malaysia, but this Malaysia-specic qualicalonger available in certain administrative regions.[2]
tion has since expired, and the regular English Language
exam paper and syllabus used worldwide is now used Malay, and Tamil, and also the Combined Humanities
within the country.
(Social Studies) subject.
A number of subjects, including English Language, English Language (Syllabus B), History, Mathematics (Syllabus A), Mathematics (Syllabus D), oer exam papers
and syllabuses unique to Mauritius. Additionally, the subject of Art and Design, the oering of which is restricted
to a limited geographic region, is available in Mauritius. 1.9
Sri Lanka
with the Hong Kong Certicate of Education Examination (HKCEE) which was then replaced with the Hong
Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE). The
HKCEE was previously benchmarked against the O Levels for comparable subjects, but with the introduction of
the International General Certicate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) qualication the Hong Kong equivalent
qualication was then benchmarked against the IGCSE.
United Kingdom
See also
GCE Ordinary Level (International) (O-Level)
GCE Ordinary Level (United Kingdom)
Ordinary Level (Sri Lanka)
Cambridge International Ordinary Level (Singapore)
Cambridge International O-Level subjects
Certicate of Secondary Education (CSE)
Certicate of Secondary Education (United
General Certicate of Secondary Education
(GCSE), which replaced the O Levels and CSE
International General Certicate of Secondary
Education (IGCSE), which is oered with or
instead of O Levels internationally
General Certicate of Education (GCE), which
comprises O Levels and A-levels
School certicate (SC), predecessor to the GCE OLevel and CSE qualications
School Certicate (United Kingdom)
School Certicate (Australia)
School Certicate (New Zealand)
4 References
[1] http://www.rm.com/generic.asp?Cref=GP1286643
[2] Cambridge O Level subjects.
[3] http://www.jirs.ac.in/aca_cie.htm
[4] http://www.misktm.edu.np/a-level
[5] British council School Examinations Council About.
SriLankan School Examinations Council. Retrieved
[6] Zimbabwe School Examinations Council About.
Zimbabwe School Examinations Council. Retrieved
GCE Ordinary Level Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GCE_Ordinary_Level?oldid=684937605 Contributors: Bearcat, DragonySixtyseven, Huaiwei, Discospinster, Giraedata, Alansohn, SidP, Rjwilmsi, Pburka, Mais oui!, Bwiki, SmackBot, Mauls, Rrburke,
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