Internal Control

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Internal controls can be detective, corrective, or preventive by nature.

1. Detective controls are designed to detect errors or irregularities that may have
2. Corrective controls are designed to correct errors or irregularities that have been
3. Preventive controls, on the other hand, are designed to keep errors or irregularities
from occurring in the first place.

1. Limitations of Internal Controls

No matter how well the internal controls are designed, they can only provide a
reasonable assurance that objectives will be achieved. Some limitations are inherent
in all internal control systems. These limitations include:

• Judgment - the effectiveness of controls will be limited by decisions made with

human judgment under pressures to conduct business based on the information
available at hand.

• Breakdowns - even well designed internal controls can break down. Employees
sometimes misunderstand instructions or simply make mistakes. Errors may also
result from new technology and the complexity of computerized information

• Management Override - high level personnel may be able to override prescribed

policies or procedures for personal gains or advantages. This should not be
confused with management intervention, which represents management actions to
depart from prescribed policies and procedures for legitimate purposes.

• Collusion - control system can be circumvented by employee collusion.

Individuals acting collectively can alter financial data or other management
information in a manner that cannot be identified by control systems.

2. Internal Control Objectives

Internal control objectives are desired goals or conditions for a specific event cycle
which, if achieved, minimize the potential that waste, loss, unauthorized use or
misappropriation will occur. They are the conditions which we want the system of
internal control to satisfy. For a control objective to be effective, compliance with it
must be measurable and observable.
Internal audit evaluates the College’s system of internal control by accessing the
ability of individual process controls to achieve seven pre-defined control objectives.
The control objectives include:

1. Authorization,
2. Completeness,
3. Accuracy,
4. Validity,
5. Physical safeguards and security,
6. Error handling, and
7. Segregation of duties.

• Authorization - the objective is to ensure that all transactions are approved by

responsible personnel in accordance with their specific or general authority
before the transaction is recorded.

• Completeness - the objective is to ensure that no valid transactions have been

omitted from the accounting records.

• Accuracy - the objective is to ensure that all valid transactions are accurate,
consistent with the originating transaction data, and information is recorded in
a timely manner.

• Validity - the objective is to ensure that all recorded transactions fairly

represent the economic events that actually occurred, are lawful in nature, and
have been executed in accordance with management's general authorization.

• Physical Safeguards and Security - the objective is to ensure that access to

physical assets and information systems are controlled and properly restricted
to authorized personnel.

• Error Handling - the objective is to ensure that errors detected at any stage of
processing receive prompts corrective action and are reported to the
appropriate level of management.

• Segregation of Duties - the objective is to ensure that duties are assigned to

individuals in a manner that ensures that no one individual can control both
the recording function and the procedures relative to processing a transaction.

A well designed process with appropriate internal controls should meet most if not all
of these control objectives.

3. What Can Happen When Internal Controls Are Weak or Not Exist
When we recommend improving controls within a department, we often hear three
basic arguments for not implementing our recommendations:
1. There is not enough staff to have an adequate segregation of duties;
2. It is too expensive; or
3. The employees are trusted and controls are not necessary.

These arguments represent pitfalls to unsuspecting management. Each argument is in

itself a problem that needs to be resolved.

The problem of not having enough staff or other resources should be discussed with
your supervisor. In most cases, compensating controls can be implemented in
situations where one person has to do all of the business-related functions for a

If implementing a recommended control seems too expensive, be sure to consider the

full cost of a fraud that could occur because of the missing control. In addition to any
funds that may be lost, consider the cost of time that would have to be spent by the
department during an investigation of the matter, and the cost of hiring a new
employee. Fraud is always expensive and the prevention of fraud is worth the cost.

Finally, consider the issue of trust. Most employees are trustworthy and responsible
and this is an important factor in employee relations and departmental operations.
However, it is also the responsibility of administrators to remain objective.
Experience shows that it is most often the trusted employees who are involved in
committing frauds.

Departments conducting research are good examples of areas where sound internal
controls are needed. Research departments that have grants and contracts with
outside sponsors are at risk that inappropriate charges will be posted to a project
account, perhaps affecting current or future funding. Each department not only has
the responsibility to ensure that all of their transactions have been processed properly
but also to ensure that other researchers are not "hiding" improper transactions in the
department's accounts

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