Agra - Gsis Law
Agra - Gsis Law
Agra - Gsis Law
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 8291 "(h) Secondary beneficiaries The dependent parents and,
subject to the restrictions on dependent children, the
AN ACT AMENDING PRESIDENTIAL DECREE NO. 1146, legitimate descendants;
COVERAGE AND BENEFITS OF THE GOVERNMENT "(i) Compensation The basic pay or salary received by an
SERVICE INSURANCE SYSTEM, INSTITUTING REFORMS employee, pursuant to his election/appointment, excluding
THEREIN AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES per diems, bonuses, overtime pay, honoraria, allowances
and any other emoluments received in addition to the basic
SECTION 1. Presidential Decree No. 1146, as amended, pay which are not integrated into the basic pay under
otherwise known as the "Revised Government Service existing laws;
Insurance Act of 1977", is hereby further amended to read
as follows: "(j) Contribution The amount payable to the GSIS by the
member and the employer in accordance with Section 5 of
"SECTION 1. Title. The short title of this Act shall be: 'The this Act;
Government Service Insurance System Act of 1997.'
"(k) Current Daily Compensation The actual daily
"A. DEFINITIONS compensation or the actual monthly compensation divided
by the number of working days in the month of contingency
"SECTION 2. Definition of Terms. Unless the context but not to exceed twenty-two (22) days;
otherwise indicates, the following terms shall mean:
"(l) Average Monthly Compensation (AMC) The quotient
"(a) GSIS The Government Service Insurance System arrived at after dividing the aggregate compensation
created by Commonwealth Act No. 186; received by the member during his last thirty-six (36)
months of service preceding his
separation/retirement/disability/death by thirty-six (36),
"(b) Board The Board of Trustees of the Government or by the number of months he received such compensation
Service Insurance System; if he has less than thirty-six (36) months of service:
Provided, That the average monthly compensation shall in
"(c) Employer The national government, its political no case exceed the amount and rate as may be respectively
subdivisions, branches, agencies or instrumentalities, set by the Board under the rules and regulations
including government-owned or controlled corporations, implementing this Act as determined by the actuary of the
and financial institutions with original charters, the GSIS: Provided, further, That initially the average monthly
constitutional commissions and the judiciary; compensation shall not exceed Ten thousand pesos
(P10,000.00), and premium shall be nine percent (9%) and
"(d) Employee or Member Any person, receiving twelve percent (12%) for employee and employer covering
compensation while in the service of an employer as the AMC limit and below; and two percent (2%) and twelve
defined herein, whether by election or appointment, percent (12%) for employee and employer covering the
irrespective of status of appointment, including barangay compensation above the AMC limit;
and sanggunian officials;
"(m) Revalued average monthly compensation An
"(e) Active Member A member who is not separated from amount equal to one hundred seventy percent (170%) of
the service; the first One thousand pesos (P1,000) of the average
monthly compensation plus one hundred percent (100%) of
"(f) Dependents Dependents shall be the following: (a) the average monthly compensation in excess of One
the legitimate spouse dependent for support upon the thousand pesos (P1,000);
member or pensioner; (b) the legitimate, legitimated,
legally adopted child, including the illegitimate child, who is "(n) Lump sum The basic monthly pension multiplied by
unmarried, not gainfully employed, not over the age of sixty (60);
majority, or is over the age of majority but incapacitated
and incapable of self-support due to a mental or physical "(o) Pensioner Any person receiving old-age or
defect acquired prior to age of majority; and (c) the parents permanent total disability pension or any person who has
dependent upon the member for support; received the lump sum excluding one receiving
survivorship pension benefits as defined in Section 20 of
"(g) Primary beneficiaries The legal dependent spouse this Act;
until he/she
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"(p) Gainful Occupation Any productive activity that "SECTION 5. Contributions. (a) It shall be mandatory for
provided the member with income at least equal to the the member and the employer to pay the monthly
minimum compensation of government employees; contributions specified in the following schedule:
"(q) Disability Any loss or impairment of the normal "Monthly Compensation Percentage of Monthly
functions of the physical and/or mental faculty of a member
which reduces or eliminates his/her capacity to continue Compensation Payable by
with his/her current gainful occupation or engage in any
other gainful occupation; Member Employer
"SECTION 3. Compulsory Membership. Membership in "(b) The employer shall include in its annual appropriation
the GSIS shall be compulsory for all employees receiving the necessary amounts for its share of the contributions
compensation who have not reached the compulsory indicated above, plus any additional premiums that may be
retirement age, irrespective of employment status, except required on account of the hazards or risks of its
members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines and the employees' occupation.
Philippine National Police, subject to the condition that they
must settle first their financial obligation with the GSIS, and "(c) It shall be mandatory and compulsory for all employers
contractuals who have no employer and employee to include the payment of contributions in their annual
relationship with the agencies they serve. appropriations. Penal sanctions shall be imposed upon
employers who fail to include the payment of contributions
"Except for the members of the judiciary and constitutional in their annual appropriations or otherwise fail to remit the
commissions who shall have life insurance only, all accurate/exact amount of contributions on time, or delay
members of the GSIS shall have life insurance, retirement, the remittance of premium contributions to the GSIS. The
and all other social security protection such as disability, heads of offices and agencies shall be administratively liable
survivorship, separation, and unemployment benefits. for non-remittance or delayed remittance of premium
contributions to the GSIS.
"SECTION 4. Effect of Separation from the Service. A
member separated from the service shall continue to be a "SECTION 6. Collection and Remittance of Contributions.
member, and shall be entitled to whatever benefits he has (a) The employer shall report to the GSIS the names of all its
qualified to in the event of any contingency compensable employees, their corresponding employment status,
under this Act. positions, salaries and such other pertinent information,
including subsequent changes therein, if any, as may be
"C. SOURCES OF FUNDS required by the GSIS; the employer shall deduct each month
from the monthly salary or compensation of each employee
the contribution payable by him in accordance with the
schedule prescribed in the rules and regulations
implementing this Act.
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"(b) Each employer shall remit directly to the GSIS the awarded under this Act or other laws shall be excluded in
employees' and employers' contributions within the first the computation of service in case of reinstatement in the
ten (10) days of the calendar month following the month to service of an employer and subsequent retirement or
which the contributions apply. The remittance by the separation which is compensable under this Act.
employer of the contributions to the GSIS shall take priority
over and above the payment of any and all obligations, "For the purpose of this section the term service shall
except salaries and wages of its employees. include full time service with compensation: Provided, That
part time and other services with compensation may be
"SECTION 7. Interests on Delayed Remittances. Agencies included under such rules and regulations as may be
which delay the remittance of any and all monies due the prescribed by the GSIS.
GSIS shall be charged interests as may be prescribed by the
Board but not less than two percent (2%) simple interest "SEPARATION BENEFITS
per month. Such interest shall be paid by the employers
concerned. "SECTION 11. Separation Benefits. The separation
benefit shall consist of: (a) a cash payment equivalent to
"SECTION 8. Government Guarantee. The government of one hundred percent (100%) of his average monthly
the Republic of the Philippines hereby guarantees the compensation for each year of service he paid
fulfillment of the obligations of the GSIS to its members as contributions, but not less than Twelve thousand pesos
and when they fall due. (P12,000) payable upon reaching sixty (60) years of age or
upon separation, whichever comes later: Provided, That the
"D. BENEFITS member resigns or separates from the service after he has
rendered at least three (3) years of service but less than
"SECTION 9. Computation of the Basic Monthly Pension. fifteen (15) years; or
(a) the basic monthly pension is equal to:
"(b) A cash payment equivalent to eighteen (18) times his
"1) thirty-seven and one-half percent (37.5%) of the basic monthly pension payable at the time of resignation or
revalued average monthly compensation; plus separation, plus an old-age pension benefit equal to the
basic monthly pension payable monthly for life upon
"2) two and one-half percent (2.5%) of said revalued reaching the age of sixty (60): Provided, That the member
average monthly compensation for each year of service in resigns or separates from the service after he has rendered
excess of fifteen (15) years: Provided, That the basic at least fifteen (15) years of service and is below sixty (60)
monthly pension shall not exceed ninety percent (90%) of years of age at the time of resignation or separation.
the average monthly compensation.
"SECTION 12. Unemployment or Involuntary Separation
"(b) The basic monthly pension may be adjusted upon the Benefits. Unemployment benefits in the form of monthly
recommendation of the President and General Manager of cash payments equivalent to fifty percent (50%) of the
the GSIS and approved by the President of the Philippines in average monthly compensation shall be paid to a
accordance with the rules and regulations prescribed by the permanent employee who is involuntarily separated from
GSIS: Provided, however, That the basic monthly pension the service due to the abolition of his office or position
shall not be less than One thousand and three hundred usually resulting from reorganization: Provided, That he
pesos (P1,300.00): Provided, further, That the basic has been paying integrated contributions for at least one (1)
monthly pension for those who have rendered at least year prior to separation. Unemployment benefits shall be
twenty (20) years of service after the effectivity of this Act paid in accordance with the following schedule:
shall not be less than Two thousand four hundred pesos
(P2,400.00) a month. "Contributions Made Benefit Duration
"SECTION 10. Computation of Service. (a) The 1 year but less than 3 years 2 months
computation of service for the purpose of determining the
amount of benefits payable under this Act shall be from the 3 or more years but less than 6 years 3 months
date of original appointment/election, including periods of
service at different times under one or more employers, 6 or more years but less than 9 years 4 months
those performed overseas under the authority of the
Republic of the Philippines, and those that may be 9 or more years but less than 11 years 5 months
prescribed by the GSIS in coordination with the Civil Service
11 or more years but less than 15 years 6 months
"(b) All service credited for retirement, resignation or
separation for which corresponding benefits have been
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"The first payment shall be equivalent to two (2) monthly "SECTION 15. General Conditions for Entitlement. A
benefits. A seven-day (7) waiting period shall be imposed member who suffers permanent disability for reasons not
on succeeding monthly payments. due to his grave misconduct, notorious negligence, habitual
intoxication, or willful intention to kill himself or another,
"All accumulated unemployment benefits paid to the shall be entitled to the benefits provided for under Sections
employee during his entire membership with the GSIS shall 16 and 17 immediately following, subject to the
be deducted from voluntary separation benefits. corresponding conditions therefor.
"The GSIS shall prescribe the detailed guidelines in the "SECTION 16. Permanent Total Disability Benefits. (a) If
operationalization of this section in the rules and the permanent disability is total, he shall receive a monthly
regulations implementing this Act. income benefit for life equal to the basic monthly pension
effective from the date of disability: Provided, That:
(1) he is in the service at the time of disability; or
"SECTION 13. Retirement Benefits. (a) Retirement
benefit shall be: (2) if separated from the service, he has paid at least
thirty-six (36) monthly contributions within
"(1) the lump sum payment as defined in this Act payable at the five (5) year period immediately preceding
the time of retirement plus an old-age pension benefit equal his disability, or has paid a total of at least one
to the basic monthly pension payable monthly for life, hundred eighty (180) monthly contributions,
starting upon expiration of the five-year (5) guaranteed prior to his disability: Provided, further, That if
period covered by the lump sum; or at the time of disability, he was in the service
and has paid a total of at least one hundred
eighty (180) monthly contributions, in addition
"(2) cash payment equivalent to eighteen (18) months of his to the monthly income benefit, he shall receive
basic monthly pension plus monthly pension for life a cash payment equivalent to eighteen (18)
payable immediately with no five-year (5) guarantee. times his basic monthly pension: Provided,
finally, That a member cannot enjoy the
"(b) Unless the service is extended by appropriate monthly income benefit for permanent
authorities, retirement shall be compulsory for an employee disability and the old-age retirement
at sixty-five (65) years of age with at least fifteen (15) years simultaneously.
of service: Provided, That if he has less than fifteen (15)
years of service, he may be allowed to continue in the "(b) If a member who suffers permanent total disability
service in accordance with existing civil service rules and does not satisfy conditions (1) and (2) in paragraph (a) of
regulations. this section but has rendered at least three (3) years service
at the time of his disability, he shall be advanced the cash
"SECTION 13-A. Conditions for Entitlement. A member payment equivalent to one hundred percent (100%) of his
who retires from the service shall be entitled to the average monthly compensation for each year of service he
retirement benefits in paragraph (a) of Section 13 hereof: paid contributions, but not less than Twelve Thousand
Provided, That: pesos (P12,000) which should have been his separation
(1) he has rendered at least fifteen (15) years of service;
"(c) Unless the member has reached the minimum
(2) he is at least sixty (60) years of age at the time of retirement age, disability benefit shall be suspended when:
retirement; and
"(1) he is reemployed or
(3) he is not receiving a monthly pension benefit from
permanent total disability. "(2) he recovers from disability as determined by
the GSIS, whose decision shall be final and binding; or
"SECTION 14. Periodic Pension Adjustment. The monthly
pension of all pensioners including all those receiving "(3) he fails to present himself for medical
survivorship pension benefits shall be periodically adjusted examination when required by the GSIS.
as may be recommended by the GSIS' actuary and approved
by the Board in accordance with the rules and regulations "(d) The following disabilities shall be deemed total and
prescribed by the GSIS. permanent:
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"(2) loss of two (2) limbs at or above the ankle or "(2) if separated, he has rendered at least three (3) years of
wrist; service and has paid at least six (6) monthly contributions
in the twelve-month period immediately preceding his
"(3) permanent complete paralysis of two(2) limbs; disability.
"(4) brain injury resulting in incurable imbecility or Provided, however, That a member cannot enjoy the
insanity; and temporary total disability benefit and sick leave pay
simultaneously: Provided, further, That if the disability
"(5) such other cases as may be determined by the requires more extensive treatment that lasts beyond one
GSIS. hundred twenty (120) days, the payment of the temporary
total disability benefit may be extended by the GSIS but not
to exceed a total of two hundred forty (240) days.
"SECTION 17. Permanent Partial Disability Benefits. (a) If
the disability is partial, he shall receive a cash payment in
accordance with a schedule of disabilities to be prescribed "(b) The temporary total disability benefit shall in no case
by the GSIS: Provided, That he satisfies either conditions (1) be less than Seventy pesos (P70.00) a day.
or (2) of Section 16(a);
"(c) The notices required of the member and the employer,
"(b) The following disabilities shall be deemed permanent the mode of payment, and the other requirements for
and partial: entitlement to temporary total disability benefits shall be
provided in the rules and regulations to be prescribed by
the GSIS.
"(1) complete and permanent loss of the use of:
"SECTION 19. Non-scheduled Disability. For injuries or
(i) any finger illnesses resulting in a disability not listed in the schedule of
partial/total disability, as provided herein, the GSIS shall
(ii) any toe determine the nature of the disability and the
corresponding benefits therefor.
(iii) one arm
(iv) one hand
"SECTION 20. Survivorship Benefits. When a member or
(v) one foot pensioner dies, the beneficiaries shall be entitled to
survivorship benefits provided in Sections 21 and 22
(vi) one leg hereunder subject to the conditions therein provided for.
The survivorship pension shall consist of:
(vii) one or both ears
(1) the basic survivorship pension which is fifty percent
(viii) hearing of one or both ears (50%) of the basic monthly pension; and
(ix) sight of one eye (2) the dependent children's pension not exceeding
fifty percent (50%) of the basic monthly
"(2) such other cases as may be determined by the GSIS.
"SECTION 21. Death of a Member. (a) Upon the death of a
"SECTION 18. Temporary Total Disability Benefit. (a) A
member, the primary beneficiaries shall be entitled to:
member who suffers temporary total disability for reasons
not due to any of the conditions enumerated in Section 15
hereof shall be entitled to seventy-five percent (75%) of his (1) survivorship pension: Provided, That the deceased:
current daily compensation for each day or fraction thereof
of temporary disability benefit not exceeding one hundred (i) was in the service at the time of his death; or
twenty (120) days in one calendar year after exhausting all
his sick leave credits and collective bargaining agreement (ii) if separated from the service, has at least three
sick leave benefits, if any, but not earlier than the fourth day (3) years of service at the time of his death and has paid
of his temporary total disability: Provided, That: thirty-six (36) monthly contributions within the five-year
period immediately preceding his death; or has paid a total
"(1) he is in the service at the time of his disability; or
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of at least one hundred eighty (180) monthly contributions (d) For purposes of the survivorship benefits,
prior to his death; or legitimate children shall include legally adopted and
legitimate children.
(2) the survivorship pension plus a cash payment
equivalent to one hundred percent (100%) of his average "SECTION 22. Death of a Pensioner. Upon the death of an
monthly compensation for every year of service: Provided, old-age pensioner or a member receiving the monthly
That the deceased was in the service at the time of his death income benefit for permanent disability, the qualified
with at least three (3) years of service; or beneficiaries shall be entitled to the survivorship pension
defined in Section 20 of this Act, subject to the provisions of
(3) a cash payment equivalent to one hundred percent paragraph (b) of Section 21 hereof. When the pensioner
(100%) of his average monthly compensation for each year dies within the period covered by the lump sum, the
of service he paid contributions, but not less than Twelve survivorship pension shall be paid only after the expiration
thousand pesos (P12,000.00): Provided, That the deceased of the said period.
has rendered at least three (3) years of service prior to his
death but does not qualify for the benefits under the item "FUNERAL BENEFITS
(1) or (2) of this paragraph.
"SECTION 23. Funeral Benefit. The amount of funeral
(b) The survivorship pension shall be paid as benefit shall be determined and specified by the GSIS in the
follows: rules and regulations but shall not be less than Twelve
thousand pesos (P12,000.00): Provided, That it shall be
(1) when the dependent spouse is the only increased to at least Eighteen thousand pesos (P18,000.00)
survivor, he/she shall receive the basic after five (5) years and shall be paid upon the death of:
survivorship pension for life or until he/she
remarries; (a) an active member as defined under Section 2(e) of this
Act; or
(2) when only dependent children are the
survivors, they shall be entitled to the basic (b) a member who has been separated from the service, but
survivorship pension for as long as they are who may be entitled to future benefit pursuant to Section 4
qualified, plus the dependent children's pension of this Act; or
equivalent to ten percent (10%) of the basic
monthly pension for every dependent child not (c) a pensioner, as defined in Section 2(o) of this Act; or
exceeding five (5), counted from the youngest and
without substitution; (d) a retiree who at the time of his retirement was of
pensionable age under this Act but who opted to retire
(3) when the survivors are the dependent under Republic Act No. 1616.
spouse and the dependent children, the dependent
spouse shall receive the basic survivorship pension "LIFE INSURANCE BENEFITS
for life or until he/she remarries, and the
dependent children shall receive the dependent
children's pension mentioned in the immediately "SECTION 24. Compulsory Life Insurance. All employees
preceding paragraph (2) hereof. except for Members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines
(AFP) and the Philippine National Police (PNP) shall, under
such terms and conditions as may be promulgated by the
(c) In the absence of primary beneficiaries, the GSIS, be compulsorily covered with life insurance, which
secondary beneficiaries shall be entitled to: shall automatically take effect as follows:
(1) the cash payment equivalent to one (1) for those employed after the effectivity of this Act, their
hundred percent (100%) of his average monthly insurance shall take effect on the date of their employment;
compensation for each year of service he paid
contributions, but not less than Twelve thousand
pesos (P12,000): Provided, That the member is in (2) for those whose insurance will mature after the
the service at the time of his death and has at least effectivity of this Act, their insurance shall be deemed
three (3) years of service; or renewed on the day following the maturity or expiry date of
their insurance;
(2) in the absence of secondary
beneficiaries, the benefits under this paragraph (3) for those without any life insurance as of the effectivity
shall be paid to his legal heirs. of this Act, their insurance shall take effect following said
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"SECTION 25. Dividends. An annual dividend may be "SECTION 31. Appeals. Appeals from any decision or
granted to all members of the GSIS whose life insurance is award of the Board shall be governed by Rules 43 and 45 of
in force for at least one (1) year in accordance with a the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure adopted by the Supreme
dividend allocation formula to be determined by the GSIS. Court on April 8, 1997 which will take effect on July 1, 1997:
Provided, That pending cases and those filed prior to July 1,
"SECTION 26. Optional Insurance. Subject to the rules 1997 shall be governed by the applicable rules of
and regulations prescribed by the GSIS, a member may procedure: Provided, further, That the appeal shall take
apply for insurance and/or pre-need coverage embracing precedence over all other cases except criminal cases when
life, health, hospitalization, education, memorial plans, and the penalty of life imprisonment or death or reclusion
such other plans as may be designed by the GSIS, for himself perpetua is imposable.
and/or his dependents. Any employer may likewise apply
for group insurance coverage for its employees. The The appeal shall not stay the execution of the order or
payment of the premiums/installments for optional award unless ordered by the Board, by the Court of Appeals
insurance and pre-need products may be made by the or by the Supreme Court and the appeal shall be without
insured or his employer and/or any person acceptable to prejudice to the special civil action of certiorari when
the GSIS. proper.
"SECTION 27. Reinsurance. The GSIS may reinsure any of "SECTION 32. Execution of Decision. When no appeal is
its interests or part thereof with any private company or perfected and there is no order to stay by the Board, by the
reinsurer whether domestic or foreign: Provided, That the Court of Appeals or by the Supreme Court, any decision or
GSIS shall submit an annual report on its reinsurance award of the Board shall be enforced and executed in the
operations to the Insurance Commission. same manner as decisions of the Regional Trial Court. For
this purpose, the Board shall have the power to issue to the
"E. ADJUDICATION OF CLAIMS AND DISPUTES city or provincial sheriff or its appointed sheriff such writs
of execution as may be necessary for the enforcement of
"SECTION 28. Prescription. Claims for benefits under this such decision or award, and any person who shall fail or
Act except for life and retirement shall prescribe after four refuse to comply with such decision, award, writ or process
(4) years from the date of contingency. after being required to do so, shall, upon application by the
GSIS, be punished for contempt.
"SECTION 29. Facility of Payment. The GSIS shall
prescribe rules and regulations to facilitate payment of "SECTION 33. Oaths, Witnesses, and Production of Records.
benefit, proceeds, and claims under this Act and any other When authorized by the Board, an official or employee of
laws administered by the GSIS. Payments made by the GSIS the GSIS shall have the power to administer oath and
prior to its receipt of an adverse claim, to a beneficiary or affirmation, take depositions, certify to official acts, and
claimant subsequently found not entitled thereto, shall not issue subpoena ad testificandum and subpoena duces
bar the legal and eligible recipient to his right to demand tecum to compel the attendance of witnesses and the
the payment of benefits, proceeds, and claims from the GSIS, production of books, papers, correspondences, and other
who shall, however, have a right to institute the appropriate records deemed necessary as evidence in connection with
action in a court of law against the ineligible recipient. any question arising under this Act. Any case of contumacy
shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of
Section 580 of the Revised Administrative Code.
"SECTION 30. Settlement of Disputes. The GSIS shall have
original and exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute
arising under this Act and any other laws administered by "F. FUNDS OF THE GSIS
the GSIS.
"SECTION 34. Funds. All contributions payable under
The Board may designate any member of the Board, or Section 5 of this Act together with the earnings and accruals
official of the GSIS who is a lawyer, to act as hearing officer thereon shall constitute the GSIS Social Insurance Fund. The
to receive evidence, make findings of fact and submit said Fund shall be used to finance the benefits administered
recommendations thereon. The hearing officer shall submit by the GSIS under this Act. In addition, the GSIS shall
his findings and recommendations, together with all the administer the optional insurance fund for the insurance
documentary and testimonial evidence to the Board within coverage described in Section 26 hereof, the employees'
thirty (30) working days from the time the parties have Compensation Insurance Fund created under P.D. 626, as
closed their respective evidence and filed their last amended, the General Insurance Fund created under Act
pleading. The Board shall decide the case within thirty (30) No. 656, as amended, and such other special funds existing
days from the receipt of the hearing officer's findings and or that may be created for special groups or persons
recommendations. The cases heard directly by the Board rendering services to the government. The GSIS shall
shall be decided within thirty (30) working days from the maintain the required reserves to guarantee the fulfillment
time they are submitted by the parties for decision. of its obligations under this Act.
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"The funds of the GSIS shall not be used for purposes other determination of the Board, redound to the benefit of the
than what are provided for under this Act. Moreover, no GSIS, its members, as well as the general public;
portion of the funds of the GSIS or income thereof shall
accrue to the General Fund of the national government and (f) In debt instruments and other securities traded in the
its political subdivisions, instrumentalities and other secondary markets;
agencies including government-owned and controlled
corporations except as may be allowed under this Act. (g) In loans to, or in bonds, debentures, promissory notes or
other evidence of indebtedness of any solvent corporation
"SECTION 35. Deposits and Disbursements. All revenues created or existing under the laws of the Philippines;
collected and all accruals thereto shall be deposited,
administered and disbursed in accordance with the law. A (h) In common and preferred stocks of any solvent
maximum expense loading of twelve percent (12%) of the corporation or financial institution created or existing
yearly revenues from all sources may be disbursed for under the laws of the Philippines listed in the stock
administrative and operational expenses except as may be exchange with proven track record or profitability over the
otherwise approved by the President of the Philippines on last three (3) years and payment of dividends at least once
the basis of actuarial and management studies. over the same period;
"SECTION 36. Investment of Funds. The funds of the GSIS (i) In domestic mutual funds including investments related
which are not needed to meet the current obligations may to the operations of mutual funds; and
be invested under such terms and conditions and rules and
regulations as may be prescribed by the Board: Provided,
That investments shall satisfy the requirements of liquidity, (j) In foreign mutual funds and in foreign currency deposits
safety/security and yield in order to ensure the actuarial or foreign currency-denominated debts, non-speculative
solvency of the funds of the GSIS: Provided, further, That equities and other financial instruments or other assets
the GSIS shall submit an annual report on all investments issued in accordance with existing laws of the countries
made to both Houses of Congress of the Philippines, to wit: where such financial instruments are issued: Provided, That
these instruments or assets are listed in bourses of the
respective countries where these instruments or assets are
(a) in interest-bearing bonds or securities or other evidence issued: Provided, further, That the issuing company has
of indebtedness of the Government of the Philippines; proven track record of profitability over the last three (3)
years and payment of dividends at least once over the same
(b) In interest-bearing deposits or securities in any period.
domestic bank doing business in the Philippines: Provided,
That in the case of such deposits, these shall not exceed at "SECTION 37. Records and Reports. The GSIS shall keep
any time the unimpaired capital and surplus or total private and cause to keep such records as may be necessary for the
deposits of the depository bank, whichever is smaller: purpose of making actuarial studies, calculations and
Provided, further, That said bank has prior designation as a valuations of the funds of the GSIS including such data
depository for the purpose by the Monetary Board of the needed in the computation of rates of disability, mortality,
Central Monetary Authority; morbidity, separation and retirement among the members
and any other information useful for the adjustment of the
(c) in direct housing loans to members and group housing benefits of the members. The GSIS shall maintain
projects secured by first mortgage, giving priority to the appropriate books of accounts to record its assets,
low income groups and in short-and-medium-term loans to liabilities, income, expenses, receipts and disbursements of
members such as salary, policy, educational, emergency, funds and other financial transactions and operations.
stock purchase plan and other similar loans: Provided, That
no less than forty percent (40%) of the investable fund of "SECTION 38. Examination and Valuation of the Funds.
the GSIS Social Insurance Fund shall be invested for these The GSIS shall make a periodic actuarial examination and
purposes; valuation of its funds in accordance with accepted actuarial
(d) in bonds, securities, promissory notes or other evidence
of indebtedness of educational or medical institutions to "SECTION 39. Exemption from Tax, Legal Process and Lien.
finance the construction, improvement and maintenance of It is hereby declared to be the policy of the State that the
schools and hospitals; actuarial solvency of the funds of the GSIS shall be
preserved and maintained at all times and that contribution
(e) in real estate property including shares of stocks rates necessary to sustain the benefits under this Act shall
involving real estate property and investments secured by be kept as low as possible in order not to burden the
first mortgages on real estate or other collaterals acceptable members of the GSIS and their employers. Taxes imposed
to the GSIS: Provided, That such investments shall, in the on the GSIS tend to impair the actuarial solvency of its funds
and increase the contribution rate necessary to sustain the
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benefits of this Act. Accordingly, notwithstanding any laws (c) to invest the funds of the GSIS, directly or indirectly, in
to the contrary, the GSIS, its assets, revenues including all accordance with the provisions of this Act;
accruals thereto, and benefits paid, shall be exempt from all
taxes, assessments, fees, charges or duties of all kinds. (d) to acquire, utilize or dispose of, in any manner
These exemptions shall continue unless expressly and recognized by law, real or personal property in the
specifically revoked and any assessment against the GSIS as Philippines or elsewhere necessary to carry out the
of the approval of this Act are hereby considered paid. purposes of this Act;
Consequently, all laws, ordinances, regulations, issuances,
opinions or jurisprudence contrary to or in derogation of (e) to conduct continuing actuarial and statistical studies
this provision are hereby deemed repealed, superseded and and valuations to determine the financial condition of the
rendered ineffective and without legal force and effect. GSIS and taking into consideration such studies and
valuations and the limitations herein provided, re-adjust
"Moreover, these exemptions shall not be affected by the benefits, contributions, premium rates, interest rates or
subsequent laws to the contrary unless this section is the allocation or re-allocation of the funds to the
expressly, specifically and categorically revoked or repealed contingencies covered;
by law and a provision is enacted to substitute or replace
the exemption referred to herein as an essential factor to (f) to have the power of succession;
maintain or protect the solvency of the fund,
notwithstanding and independently of the guaranty of the
national government to secure such solvency or liability. (g) to sue and be sued;
"The funds and/or the properties referred to herein as well (h) to enter into, make, perform and carry out contracts of
as the benefits, sums or monies corresponding to the every kind and description with any person, firm or
benefits under this Act shall be exempt from attachment, association or corporation, domestic or foreign;
garnishment, execution, levy or other processes issued by
the courts, quasi-judicial agencies or administrative bodies (i) to carry on any other lawful business whatsoever in
including Commission on Audit (COA) disallowances and pursuance of, or in connection with the provisions of this
from all financial obligations of the members, including his Act;
pecuniary accountability arising from or caused or
occasioned by his exercise or performance of his official (j) to have one or more offices in and outside of the
functions or duties, or incurred relative to or in connection Philippines, and to conduct its business and exercise its
with his position or work except when his monetary powers throughout and in any part of the Republic of the
liability, contractual or otherwise, is in favor of the GSIS. Philippines and/or in any or all foreign countries, states and
territories: Provided, That the GSIS shall maintain a branch
"G. ADMINISTRATION office in every province where there exists a minimum of
fifteen thousand (15,000) membership;
"SECTION 40. Implementing Body. The Government
Service Insurance System as created under Commonwealth (k) to borrow funds from any source, private or
Act No. 186 shall implement the provisions of this Act. government, foreign or domestic, only as an incident in the
securitization of housing mortgages of the GSIS and on
"SECTION 41. Powers and Functions of the GSIS. The account of its receivables from any government or private
GSIS shall exercise the following powers and functions: entity;
(a) to formulate, adopt, amend and/or rescind such rules (l) to invest, own or otherwise participate in equity in any
and regulations as may be necessary to carry out the establishment, firm or entity;
provisions and purposes of this Act, as well as the effective
exercise of the powers and functions, and the discharge of (m) to approve appointments in the GSIS except
duties and responsibilities of the GSIS, its officers and appointments to positions which are policy determining,
employees; primarily confidential or highly technical in nature
according to the Civil Service rules and regulations:
(b) to adopt or approve the annual and supplemental Provided, That all positions in the GSIS shall be governed by
budget of receipts and expenditures including salaries and a compensation and position classification system and
allowances of the GSIS personnel; to authorize such capital qualifications standards approved by the GSIS Board of
and operating expenditures and disbursements of the GSIS Trustees based on a comprehensive job analysis and audit
as may be necessary and proper for the effective of actual duties and responsibilities: Provided, further, That
management and operation of the GSIS; the compensation plan shall be comparable with the
prevailing compensation plans in the private sector and
shall be subject to the periodic review by the Board no more
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than once every four (4) years without prejudice to yearly premiums or contributions in favor of the GSIS arising from
merit reviews or increases based on productivity and any cause or source whatsoever, due from all obligors,
profitability; whether public or private. The Board shall demand
payment or settlement of the obligations referred to herein
(n) to design and adopt an Early Retirement Incentive Plan within thirty (30) days from the date the obligation
(ERIP) and/or financial assistance for the purpose of becomes due, and in the event of failure or refusal of the
retirement for its own personnel; obligor or debtor to comply with the demand, to initiate or
institute the necessary or proper actions or suits, criminal,
(o) to fix and periodically review and adjust the rates of civil or administrative or otherwise, before the courts,
interest and other terms and conditions for loans and tribunals, commissions, boards, or bodies of proper
credits extended to members or other persons, whether jurisdiction within thirty (30) days reckoned from the
natural or juridical; expiry date of the period fixed in the demand within which
to pay or settle the account;
(p) to enter into agreement with the Social Security System
or any other entity, enterprise, corporation or partnership (x) to design and implement programs that will promote
for the benefit of members transferring from one system to and mobilize savings and provide additional resources for
another subject to the provision of Republic Act No. 7699, social security expansion and at the same time afford
otherwise known as the Portability Law; individual members appropriate returns on their
savings/investments. The programs shall be so designed as
to spur socio-economic take-off and maintain continued
(q) to be able to float proper instrument to liquefy long- growth; and
term maturity by pooling funds for short-term secondary
(y) to exercise such powers and perform such other acts as
may be necessary, useful, incidental or auxiliary to carry out
(r) to submit annually, not later than June 30, a public the provisions of this Act, or to attain the purposes and
report to the President of the Philippines and the Congress objectives of this Act.
of the Philippines regarding its activities in the
administration and enforcement of this Act during the
preceding year including information and "SECTION 42. The Board of Trustees; Its Composition;
recommendations on broad policies for the development Tenure and Compensation. The corporate powers and
and perfection of the programs of the GSIS; functions of the GSIS shall be vested in and exercised by the
Board of Trustees composed of the President and General
Manager of the GSIS and eight (8) other members to be
(s) to maintain a provident fund, which consists of appointed by the President of the Philippines, one (1) of
contributions made by both the GSIS and its officials and whom shall be either the President of the Philippine Public
employees and their earnings, for the payment of benefits School Teachers Association (PPSTA) or the President of
to such officials and employees or their heirs under such the Philippine Association of School Superintendents
terms and conditions as it may prescribe; (PASS), another two (2) shall represent the leading
organizations or associations of government
(t) to approve and adopt guidelines affecting investments, employees/retirees, another four (4) from the banking,
insurance coverage of government properties, settlement of finance, investment, and insurance sectors, and one (1)
claims, disposition of acquired assets, privatization or recognized member of the legal profession who at the time
expansion of subsidiaries, development of housing projects, of appointment is also a member of the GSIS. The Trustees
increased benefit and loan packages to members, and the shall elect from among themselves a Chairman while the
enforcement of the provisions of this Act; President and General Manager of the GSIS shall
automatically be the vice-chairman.
(u) any provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding, to
authorize the payment of extra remuneration to the officials The Trustees, except the President and General Manager
and employees directly involved in the collection and/or who shall cease as trustee upon his separation, shall hold
remittance of contributions, loan repayments, and other office for six (6) years without reappointment, or until their
monies due to the GSIS at such rates and under such successors are duly appointed and qualified. Vacancy, other
conditions as it may adopt. Provided, That the best interest than through the expiration of the term, shall be filled for
of the GSIS shall be observed thereby; the unexpired term only. The members of the Board shall be
entitled to a per diem of Two thousand five hundred pesos
(v) to determine, fix and impose interest upon unpaid (P2,500) for each board meeting actually attended by them,
premiums due from employers and employees; but not to exceed Ten thousand pesos (P10,000) a month
and reasonable transportation and representation
(w) to ensure the collection or recovery of all indebtedness, allowances as may be fixed by the Board.
liabilities and/or accountabilities, including unpaid
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"SECTION 43. Powers and Functions of the Board of "SECTION 44. Appointment, Qualifications, and
Trustees. The Board of Trustees shall have the following Compensation of the President and General Manager and of
powers and functions: Other Personnel. The President and General Manager of
the GSIS shall be its Chief Executive Officer and shall be
"(a) to formulate the policies, guidelines and programs to appointed by the President of the Philippines. He shall be a
effectively carry out the purposes of this Act; person with management and investments expertise
necessary for the effective performance of his duties and
"(b) to promulgate such rules and regulations as may be functions under this Act.
necessary or proper for the effective exercise of the powers
and functions as well as the discharge of the duties and "The GSIS President and General Manager shall be assisted
responsibilities of the GSIS, its officers and employees; by one or more executive vice-presidents, senior vice-
presidents, vice-presidents and managers in addition to the
"(c) upon the recommendation of the President and General usual supervisory and rank and file positions who shall be
Manager, to approve the annual and supplemental budget appointed and removed by the President and General
of receipts and expenditures of the GSIS, and to authorize Manager with the approval of the Board, in accordance with
such operating and capital expenditures and disbursements the existing Civil Service rules and regulations.
of the GSIS as may be necessary or proper for the effective
management, operation and administration of the GSIS; "SECTION 45. Powers and Duties of the President and
General Manager. The President and General Manager of
"(d) upon the recommendation of the President and General the GSIS shall among others, execute and administer the
Manager, to approve the GSIS' organizational and policies and resolutions approved by the board and direct
administrative structures and staffing pattern, and to and supervise the administration and operations of the
establish, fix, review, revise and adjust the appropriate GSIS. The President and General Manager, subject to the
compensation package for the officers and employees of the approval of the Board, shall appoint the personnel of the
GSIS with reasonable allowances, incentives, bonuses, GSIS, remove, suspend or otherwise discipline them for
privileges and other benefits as may be necessary or proper cause, in accordance with existing Civil Service rules and
for the effective management, operation and administration regulations, and prescribe their duties and qualifications to
of the GSIS, which shall be exempt from Republic Act No. the end that only competent persons may be employed.
6758, otherwise known as the Salary Standardization Law
and Republic Act No. 7430, otherwise known as the "SECTION 46. Auditor. (a) The Chairman of the
Attrition Law; Commission on Audit shall be the ex officio auditor of the
GSIS. For this purpose, he may appoint a representative
"(e) to fix and periodically review and adjust the rates of who shall be the Auditor of the GSIS, and the necessary
interest and other terms and conditions for loans and personnel to assist said representative in the performance
credits extended to its members or other persons, whether of his duties.
natural or juridical;
"(b) The Chairman of the Commission on Audit or his
"(f) the provision of any law to the contrary authorized representative, shall submit to the Board soon
notwithstanding, to compromise or release, in whole or in after the close of each calendar year, an audited statement
part, any claim or settle liability to the GSIS, regardless of showing the financial condition and progress of the GSIS for
the amount involved, under such terms and conditions as it the calendar year just ended.
may impose for the best interest of the GSIS;
"SECTION 47. Legal Counsel. The Government Corporate
"(g) to approve and adopt guidelines affecting investments, Counsel shall be the legal adviser and consultant of the GSIS,
insurance coverage of government properties, settlement of but the GSIS may assign to the Office of the Government
claims, disposition of acquired assets, development of Corporate Counsel (OGCC) cases for legal action or trial,
housing projects, increased benefit and loan packages to issues for legal opinions, preparation and review of
members, and the enforcement of the provisions of this Act; contracts/agreements and others, as the GSIS may decide or
determine from time to time: Provided, however, That the
present legal services group in the GSIS shall serve as its in-
"(h) to determine, fix and impose interest upon unpaid or house legal counsel.
unremitted premiums and/or contributions; and
"The GSIS may, subject to approval by the proper court,
"(i) to do and perform any and all acts necessary, proper or deputize any personnel of the legal service group to act as
incidental to the attainment of the purposes and objectives special sheriff in the enforcement of writs and processes
of this Act. issued by the court, quasi-judicial agencies or
administrative bodies in cases involving the GSIS.
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"SECTION 48. Powers of the Insurance Commission. The "L. PENAL PROVISIONS
Insurance Commissioner or his authorized representatives
shall make an examination of the financial condition and "SECTION 52. Penalty. (a) Any person found to have
methods of transacting business of the GSIS at least once participated directly or indirectly in the commission of
every three (3) years and the report of said examination fraud, collusion, falsification, or misrepresentation in any
shall be submitted to the Board of Trustees and copies transaction with the GSIS whether for him or for some other
thereof be furnished the Office of the President of the persons, shall suffer the penalties provided for in Article
Philippines and the two Houses of the Congress of the 172 of the Revised Penal Code.
Philippines within five (5) days after the close of
examination: Provided, however, That for each examination "(b) Whoever shall obtain or receive any money or check
the GSIS shall pay the office of the Insurance Commissioner invoking any provision of this Act or any agreement
an amount equal to the actual expenses incurred by the said thereunder, without being entitled thereto with the intent
office in the conduct of the examination, including the to defraud any member, any employer, the GSIS, or any
salaries of the examiners and of the actuary of such third party, shall be punished by a fine of not less than Five
examination for the actual time spent. thousand pesos (P5,000.00) nor more than Twenty
thousand pesos (P20,000.00) or by imprisonment of not
"H. GENERAL PROVISIONS less than six (6) years and one (1) day to twelve (12) years,
or both, at the discretion of the court.
"SECTION 49. Dispensation of Social Insurance Benefits.
(a) The GSIS shall pay the retirement benefits to the "(c) Whoever fails or refuses to comply with the provisions
employee on his last day of service in the government: of this Act or with the rules and regulations adopted by the
Provided, That all requirements are submitted to the GSIS GSIS shall be punished by a fine of not less than Five
within a reasonable period prior to the effective date of the thousand pesos (P5,000.00) nor more than Twenty
retirement; thousand pesos (P20,000.00), or by imprisonment of not
less than six (6) years and one (1) day to twelve (12) years,
"(b) The GSIS shall discontinue the processing and or both, at the discretion of the court.
adjudication of retirement claims under R.A. No. 1616
except refund of retirement premium and R.A. No. 910. "(d) The treasurer, finance officer, cashier, disbursing
Instead, all agencies concerned shall process and pay the officer, budget officer or other official or employee who fails
gratuities of their employees. The Board shall adopt the to include in the annual budget the amount corresponding
proper rules and procedures for the implementation of this to the employer and employee contributions, or who fails or
provision. refuses or delays by more than thirty (30) days from the
time such amount becomes due and demandable, or to
"SECTION 50. Development and disposition of Acquired deduct the monthly contributions of the employee shall,
Assets. The GSIS shall have the right to develop and upon conviction by final judgment, suffer the penalties of
dispose of its acquired assets obtained in the ordinary imprisonment from six (6) months and one (1) day to six
course of its business. To add value to, improve profitability (6) years, and a fine of not less than Three thousand pesos
on, and/or enhance the marketability of an acquired asset, (P3,000.00) but not more than Six thousand pesos
the GSIS may further develop/renovate the same either (P6,000.00), and in addition shall suffer absolute perpetual
with its own capital or through a joint venture arrangement disqualification from holding public office and from
with private companies or individuals. practicing any profession or calling licensed by the
"The GSIS may sell its acquired assets in accordance with
existing Commission on Audit (COA) rules and regulations "(e) Any employee or member who receives or keeps fund
for an amount not lower than the current market value of or property belonging, payable or deliverable to the GSIS
the property. For this purpose, the GSIS shall conduct an and appropriates the same, or takes or misappropriates or
annual appraisal of its property or acquired assets to uses the same to any purpose other than that authorized by
determine its current market value. All notices of sale shall this Act, or permits another person to take, misappropriate
be published in newspapers of general circulation. or use said fund or property by expressly consenting
thereto, or through abandonment or negligence, or is
"No injunction or restraining order issued by any court, otherwise guilty of the misappropriation of said fund or
commission, tribunal or office shall bar, impede or delay the property, in whole or in part, shall suffer the penalties
sale and disposition by the GSIS of its acquired assets except provided in Article 217 of the Revised Penal Code, and in
on questions of ownership and national or public interest. addition shall suffer absolute perpetual disqualification
from holding public office and from practicing any
"SECTION 51. Government Assistance to the GSIS. The profession or calling licensed by the government.
GSIS may call upon any employer for such assistance as may
be necessary in the discharge of its duties and functions.
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"(f) Any employee, who after deducting the monthly provisions of this Act shall be adopted and promulgated by
contribution or loan amortization from a member's the GSIS not later than ninety (90) days after the approval
compensation, fails to remit the same to the GSIS within of this Act.
thirty (30) days from the date they should have been
remitted under Section 6(a) shall be presumed to have "SECTION 54. Non-impairment of Benefits, Powers,
misappropriated such contribution or loan amortization Jurisdiction, Rights, Privileges, Functions and Activities.
and shall suffer the penalties provided in Article 315 of the Nothing in this Act shall be construed to repeal, amend or
Revised Penal Code, and in addition shall suffer absolute limit any provision of existing laws. Presidential Decrees
perpetual disqualification from holding public office and and Letters of Instructions, not otherwise specifically
from practicing any profession or calling licensed by the inconsistent with the provisions of this Act.
"SECTION 55. Exclusiveness of Benefits. Whenever other
"(g) The heads of the offices of the national government, its laws provide similar benefits for the same contingencies
political subdivisions, branches, agencies and covered by this Act, the member who qualifies to the
instrumentalities, including government-owned or benefits shall have the option to choose which benefits will
controlled corporations and government financial be paid to him. However, if the benefits provided by the law
institutions, and the personnel of such offices who are chosen are less than the benefits provided under this Act,
involved in the collection of premium contributions, loan the GSIS shall pay only the difference.
amortization and other accounts due the GSIS who shall fail,
refuse or delay the payment, turnover, remittance or "SECTION 56. Appropriations. The amount necessary to
delivery of such accounts to the GSIS within thirty (30) days carry out the provisions of this Act shall be included in the
from the time that the same shall have been due and respective budgets of the agencies in the national
demandable shall, upon conviction by final judgment, suffer government obligation program of the year following its
the penalties of imprisonment of not less than one (1) year enactment into law and thereafter."
nor more than five (5) years and a fine of not less than Ten
thousand pesos (P10,000.00) nor more than Twenty
thousand pesos (P20,000.00), and in addition shall suffer SECTION 2. Separability Clause. Should any provision of
absolute perpetual disqualification from holding public this Act or any part thereof be declared invalid, the other
office and from practicing any profession or calling licensed provisions, so far as they are separable from the invalid
by the government. ones, shall remain in force and effect.
"(h) The officers and/or personnel referred to in paragraph SECTION 3. Repealing Clause. All laws and any other law
(g) of this section shall be liable not only criminally but also or parts of law specifically inconsistent herewith are hereby
civilly to the GSIS or to the employee or member concerned repealed or modified accordingly: Provided, That the rights
in the form of damages, including surcharges and interests. under existing laws, rules and regulations vested upon or
acquired by an employee who is already in the service as of
the effectivity of this Act shall remain in force and effect:
"(i) For the charges or complaints referred to in paragraph Provided, further, That subsequent to the effectivity of this
(g) of this Section, the liabilities therein set forth shall be Act, a new employee or an employee who has previously
construed as waiver of the State of its immunity from suit, retired or separated and is reemployed in the service shall
hence, the above-mentioned officials and/or personnel may be covered by the provisions of this Act.
not invoke the defense of non-suability of the State.
SECTION 4. Effectivity. This Act shall take effect fifteen
"(j) Failure of the Members of the GSIS Board, including the (15) days after its publication in the Official Gazette or in at
chairman and the vice-chairman, to comply with the least two (2) newspapers of general circulation.
provisions of paragraph (w) of Section 41 hereof, shall
subject them to imprisonment of not less than six (6)
months nor more than one (1) year or a fine of not less than Approved: May 30, 1997
Five thousand pesos (P5,000.00) nor more than Ten
thousand pesos (P10,000.00) without prejudice to any civil Published in Malaya, The Philippine Star, Philippine Daily
or administrative liability which may also arise therefrom. Inquirer, and the Manila Bulletin on June 9, 1997. July 28,
"Criminal actions arising from violations of the provisions
of this Act may be commenced by the GSIS or by the Published in the Official Gazette, Vol. 93 No. 29 page 4360
aggrieved member, either under this Act or, in appropriate on July 21, 1997.
cases, under the Revised Penal Code.
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