Brice Arndt Platform

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8 = Back Cover Personal Note

1 = Front Cover



Thank you for taking some time to learn about my candidacy for
the Pennsylvania Senate. I hope that you have been able to learn
who I am, what I believe and my goals for driving change in our
historic Commonwealth.
I am a father, husband, dentist and a 25-year small business owner
right here in Cumberland County, Pennsylvania. As a local business
owner, I know the value of creating quality jobs in Pennsylvania to
ensure a strong economy for our future generations.
Throughout my career as a job creator, I have made tough
decisions, balanced budgets, taken risks and surrounded myself
with quality people. As a State Senator, I will be committed to
bringing my knowledge and experience as a small business owner
and a healthcare provider to Harrisburg.
I thank you for your interest as I look to earn your vote in April
2016. I appreciate your consideration and your support.
Respectfully yours,


Brice D. Arndt


Paid for by Friends of Brice Arndt


Post Office Box 1141 H Camp Hill, PA 17001


Brice Arndt




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2 = About Brice

About Brice

7 = Healthcare


As a young man, Brice balanced education

with athletic achievement and a strong
work ethic. Whether it was by landscaping,
being a camp counselor or working at
Oscar Mayer, Brice learned the value of
hard work, carrying multiple jobs to pay
his way through school. As an Eagle Scout,
those ideals have been a guide as Brice
begins a new chapter of public service.

As a healthcare provider who

serves patients in the Greater
Harrisburg area, I am exposed
on a daily basis to the challenges
that exist relating to the health of
our Commonwealth. Committed
to both quality and affordable
healthcare, I will look to ensure the
citizens of Pennsylvania, regardless
of age, receive the care they
deserve. Access to care is a serious
problem that needs commonsense solutions for the well-being
of all Pennsylvanians.

Following graduation from dental school

and completion of his residency, Brice and
his wife Kristi established their home in
South Central Pennsylvania. It was there
they raised their three children: Ryan,
Sara and Emily. Starting in 1986 with one
employee, Brice created jobs and grew
Camp Hill Dentist to over 5,000 patients
while learning firsthand the value that
small businesses bring to a community.

We must start by promoting

healthier lifestyle choices and
an increasing physical activity
in our schools. The youth of
Pennsylvania are our future, and
it is our duty to ensure they have a
healthier tomorrow.

Brice has served on the Board of Directors

of the Big 33 Scholarship Foundation,
the Fredricksen Library, the Harrisburg
Area Dental Society, West Shore Country
Club and Cumberland-Perry Vocational
Technical School.

Our Military
& Veterans

As a dentist, Brice has been part of

performing over a million dollars worth of free dental work locally and throughout the world as part of
medical mission trips. He is a founder of Free Dental Day for children of Adams County and a leader of Free
Dental Day in South Central Pennsylvania.
In addition to several professional memberships, Brice is a member of the Trinity Evangelical Lutheran
Church in Camp Hill.

Veterans are responsible for the

very freedom that we enjoy, and
we have thousands living in our
31st Senatorial District. All of our
veterans are owed a tremendous
debt of gratitude. Additionally,
we owe it to them to ensure

Brice and Kristi have called Camp Hill their home for 30 years. An avid sportsman and outdoorsman, Brice
can be found on local golf courses as well as tennis courts. Though you may see him hiking on any given
Saturday, he believes that a Pennsylvania day shines best after a country ride on his Harley!

that all veterans have access

to care, and that they receive
workforce development training
as they transition back into the
workforce. Part of my plan to
grow Pennsylvania jobs is through
incentivizing businesses to hire
our veterans.


Brice Arndt




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6 = Job Creation

3 = Education

Job Growth


Job growth is important not only in our district,

but throughout the Commonwealth...

Every child in Pennsylvania is entitled to an

exceptional public education...

I am dedicated to bringing local,

homegrown businesses back
to Pennsylvania. By supporting
programs like PA Preferred, we
can address the issue of both jobs
and the economy. If we can be
committed to supporting our local
businesses, the Legislature can
help ensure that Pennsylvanias
economy will continue to grow.

Funding early childhood education

programs is the first priority in
order to ensure a solid foundation
for our students.

For years and years, Pennsylvania

businesses have been taxed and
regulated to the point that they
have to leave or lay off workers.
Instead of rewarding those who
create quality jobs, politicians in
Harrisburg have responded by
raising taxes and fees while they
continue to spend. As a strong
fiscal conservative, I will fight to
ensure that every employer has

By fighting for
lower taxes on
small businesses,
bringing an end to
excessive regulation
and incentivizing
I believe a promising
future is ahead of us.

a friend in Harrisburg to defend

their interests and their tax dollars.
By fighting for lower taxes on
small business, bringing an end
to excessive regulation and
incentivizing entrepreneurship, I
believe a promising future is ahead
of us. My plan is to work to reduce
our corporate net income tax,
which is currently second highest
in the nation.

Eliminating this double tax will

actually encourage industrial
growth in the Keystone State,
bringing quality jobs into the
Commonwealth. I know that by
passing conservative policies
in Harrisburg, we can grow the
economy and create more jobs.
I cant wait to get started.

Finding incentives for students

who wish to attend vocational,
college and post-secondary
level schooling within the
Commonwealth is also a crucial
priority as we look to ensure that
our children have prosperous
futures. We must be committed to
allowing our children to shine and
become hardworking contributors
to our future society.
Ensuring proper funding and
adequate use of vocational
technical schools must also
be a priority right now in the
Commonwealth. Right now,
thousands of college graduates are
unemployed while our economy
needs skilled workers. Instead of
pushing all of our students into
college without an idea of their
career goals, vocational technical
schools need to be presented as
an alternative to the cookie-cutter
method of higher education.
Our children learn at different
speeds and often have unique
challenges in school, which makes
it crucial that Pennsylvania avoids
programs like Common Core

that take away from individualbased learning.

In some cases, programs such as
school choice and charter schools
can bring needed alternatives
to our student populations.
By allowing local leaders to
handle education spending and
make tough decisions in their
own districts, Harrisburg can
stay out of the way as we let our
most talented teachers prepare
students for careers in their
local economies.

Our children learn

at different speeds
and often have
unique challenges
in school, which
makes it crucial
that Pennsylvania
avoids programs like
Common Core...


Brice Arndt




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4 = Property Taxes

5 = Taxes and Infrastructure

Property Taxes
The thing that I hear most often from our constituency is that
property taxes are reducing quality of life for Pennsylvanians...
Institute a constitutional
amendment to cap
property taxes.

Many families who have lived in

their family home for almost 50
years are on the verge of having
to sell their home due to the
thousand dollar tax bills that
Harrisburg politicians are sending
their way. The last thing that our
senior citizens need is to be forced
from their homes in retirement.

This is the only way to ensure

Harrisburg politicians cannot raise
our property taxes to pay for
their spending.

Install my fair funding

formula, which accounts
for age, years of home
ownership, income: tax
differential and history
of tax payments.

I am introducing a new type

of property tax proposal that
will permanently cap how high
property taxes can rise and ensure
that those who need relief will
receive it.

Deliver societal dividends:

The property tax breaks
to both families with the
greatest need and those
who have earned during
their careers.

Pension Reform
In order to
emphasize being a
part of the solution,
I will not be accepting
the pension.
Every year, we see that the
Legislature refuses to address
the pension crisis and simply
adds to the tax burden of the
Commonwealths citizens. While
our retired public servants on

Taxes &

fixed-income state pensions are

entitled to the benefits that they
have earned, there is a need
to transition new employees
into a new plan. It is crucial that
Pennsylvanians look to the future
by transitioning all new state
employees to a 401(k)-style plan.
The private sector model for
pension funding and longterm growth includes a defined
contribution plan for both

employee and employer. The

pension funds should be managed
by professionals in Pennsylvania
with a stake in the long-term
health of pension funds.
If we can fully fund state
employee pensions, we reduce
our dependence on borrowing
and eliminate the possibility of
not being able to invest in crucial
projects here in Pennsylvania.

The politicians we
send to Harrisburg
do not have a money
problem; they have a
spending problem...
As a small business owner, I have
made every effort to run my
business as efficiently as possible.
This private-sector mentality has
been forgotten in Harrisburg,
where the proposed state budget
spending is over 30 billion dollars.
We must continue to promote
prosperity in Pennsylvania by
keeping taxes as low as possible.

Cutting wasteful spending will

allow Pennsylvanians to keep a
little more money in their pocket.

to fight for proper maintenance

and development of our current

If you send me to Harrisburg, I

will fight to ensure that taxpayer
dollars are spent in a fiscally
responsible manner to ensure
our economy is allowed to invest
in projects that secure our future.
Cumberland and York counties
have the potential to attract both
in-and out-of-state commerce
due to their ease of access in
transport. This fact emphasizes
the need to invest in programs
that will modernize our roads
and bridges while we continue

Pennsylvania commerce can

grow in a balanced way only
if infrastructure is in place to
support it. My goal is to ensure
that our district continues to have
the quality of life that drew us to
Central Pennsylvania and to assure
our citizens that our roads, bridges
and facilities receive the funding
that they need.


Brice Arndt




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