Physician'S: Rhodes, (Edin.), Director, Hygiene, Virologist

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TEXTBOOK OF VIROLOGY-For Students and Practitioners of Medicine-Third Edition- A. H. Rhodes, M.D.,

F.P.C.P. (Edin.), F.R.S.C. Director, School of Hygiene,
University of Toronto; Professor of Microbiology, School
of Hygiene, University of Toronto; and Virologist, The
Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto; and C. E. Van
Rooyen, M.D., D.Sc. (Edin.) M.R.C.P. (Lond.) F.R.C.P.
(C), Professor of Bacteriology, Dalhousie University,
Halifax, Nova Scotia; Associate Director, Nova Scotia
Public Health Laboratory, and Honorary Consultant in
Virus Diseases, The Royal Canadian Naval Hospital,
Halifax. Williams and Wilkins Co., Mt. Royal and Guilford Ave., Baltimore 2, Maryland, 1958. 642 pages, $10.00.

Only two texts are available that are entirely suitable as

source material for medical students and physicians in their
study of virus disease. This one, now available in the third
edition, has seemed to the reviewer to be the most satisfactory. Frequent revisions have been necessary since the study
of filterable viruses and disease caused by them is the fastest moving field in microbiology. Any text will, of necessity,
be out of date by the time it appears but the authors of this
one have included sufficient information so that the student
will at least be aware of the beginnings of many current
and exciting developments.
The practical details of the laboratory diagnosis of virus
diseases are scattered through the book in relationship to
the various agents under consideration. A single chapter
which would describe, for the student, the basic principles
of isolation and identification of viruses and the serological
recognition of infection would be helpful, particularly if it
categorized the methods used and agents to be expected in
the study of disease of the various organ systems. Such
orientation has become increasingly important as the diagnosis of virus disease has passed out of the realm of the
research institute into that of the clinical laboratory.
It would also be desirable in future editions to rearrange
the sections of the text to give added information about the
emphasis to those viral diseases that are quantitatively most
important. All of the respiratory viruses discussed in this
edition receive only twice the space allotted to smallpox, a
disease of more historical than immediate clinical significance.
Medical students and physicians will enjoy this book
which should be in their libraries. It is highly recommended.


Vector Approach-Robert P. Grant, M.D., National Heart
Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda. The
Blakiston Division, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.,
New York, 1957. 225 pages, $7.50.

This book is a provocative account of Dr. Grant's attempt to interrelate conventional electrocardiography with
the spatial vector approach to interpretation. Dr. Grant has
been an exponent of the spatial vector approach for many
years and has made original contributions in this field. The
book is clearly written, simplifies the vector concept and
shows electrocardiograms from which the vector was derived.
The book is a highly personal account, and statements are


made which, in the reviewer's opinion, could be disputed.

Nevertheless, Dr. Grant marshals a good deal of support
for them and gives one considerable food for thought. His
analysis of left axis deviation, for example, is most interesting, and he supports his concept that left axis deviation is
due to anterolateral myocardial infarction with peri-infarction block.
One of the major advantages of Grant's book is the emphasis he places on visualizing the electrocardiogram from
an electrophysiological point of view rather than an empirical
point of view. His account of electrophysiology as it pertains to the use of the vector in understanding the clinical
electrocardiograph is readable and understandable.
The sections on arrhythmias and congenital heart disease
are barely adequate and could, with profit, be expanded.
The book is highly recommended as a thoughtful approach to clinical electrocardiography, but the reviewer is
not certain whether the book is desirable for a beginner or
whether for the physician who is competent in conventional
electrocardiography and wishes to learn more about the
vector electrocardiology.

Alexander, R.N., B.S., M.A., Director of Nursing Service
and Principal of the School of Nursing, Lutheran Medical
Center, Brooklyn, N. Y. The C. V. Mosby Company, St.
Louis, 1958. 840 pages, with 555 illustrations, including 5
in color, $12.75.

The large field indicated by the title of the book is well

covered. It is written primarily for surgical nurses and
should prove a good book of reference for them. The first
chapter tells how to plan a new operating room and acquaints one with the myriads of details involved in this
work. Chapter two deals with sterile equipment and safety
factors for patient and personnel. Chapters three, four and
five cover skin disinfection, gowning and gloving procedures, standard nursing procedures and suturing techniques.
Procedures are well described in steps with word and
picture. We are told that the first step in scrubbing is to
turn on the faucet and bring the water to a suitable temperature and finally to turn the faucets off. The steps in
between are fully outlined. Scrubbing time is governed by
the degree of contamination but just how this is determined
is not stated. Chapters six to seventeen describe operating
room procedures involved in the special surgical fields, but
surgery of the eye is omitted. Important anatomical features
are simply illustrated and instruments are pictured and
named. The volume should be of value to everyone concerned in operating a surgical unit. It is highly recommended.
The cliche of the importance of teamwork is mentioned.
The reviewer wishes only that the efficient, silent, indispensable work and skill of the operating room nurse could
be put in adequate words of appreciation.

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