UserManual rvsEVO

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Version 5.04

User Manual

rvsEVO User Manual

The products listed in this manual are protected by copyright.

Version 5.04
User Manual
2013 by T-Systems International GmbH
Holzhauser Strae 4 - 8
13509 Berlin
This manual is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. No part of this
book may be used or reproduced in any form or by any means including
photocopies, microfilm or any other means or stored in a database or
retrieval system without obtaining prior permission from T-Systems.
Rights are also reserved as far as lectures, radio and television is
We reserve the right to make changes to the content of this manual
without giving prior notice. T-Systems is not liable for technical or printing
errors or defects in this manual. Moreover, T-Systems shall not be liable
for damage which is directly or indirectly caused by delivery, performance
and use of this material.


Introduction .....................................................................................................................9

Installation .....................................................................................................................15

System requirements .........................................................................................15

Obtaining a license .............................................................................................15
Network Requirements .......................................................................................16
Fresh installation of rvsEVO ...............................................................................17
Graphical User Interface (brief description): ......................................................26
How to start rvsEVO? .........................................................................................27
How to stop rvsEVO? .........................................................................................28
rvsEVO as Windows service ..............................................................................29
rvsEVO update installation .................................................................................30
Migration from rvs portable to rvsEVO ............................................................30
Displaying license key information .....................................................................33
Uninstall rvsEVO ................................................................................................34

Configuration ...............................................................................................................37

Short description of the system ............................................................................9

rvsEVO Tiny Edition ...........................................................................................11
rvsEVO Light Edition ..........................................................................................12
rvsEVO Standard Edition ...................................................................................12
rvsEVO Enterprise Edition .................................................................................13
Representation means .......................................................................................14
Target group .......................................................................................................14

Customizing the global rvsEVO parameters ......................................................37

rvsEVO Environment ..........................................................................................38
Notification (SNMP) ............................................................................................42
Observer ............................................................................................................43
Resource Check .................................................................................................45
Customizing the station configuration ................................................................49
Customizing stations via GUI .............................................................................49
Configurating a local station ...............................................................................50
Setting up of a neighbour station .......................................................................58
Setting up a routed station .................................................................................65
Setting up a virtual station ..................................................................................66
How to configure a TLS receiver? ......................................................................66
Customizing stations via XML configuration file .................................................71
Customizing the JobStarts .................................................................................75
Customizing via GUI ..........................................................................................75
Customizing via XML configuration file rvsJobstart.xml ......... 79

Working with rvsEVO ....................................................................................................89


Starting the rvsEVO server ................................................................................89

Stopping the rvsEVO server ...............................................................................89
Displaying messages .........................................................................................90
Displaying Monitor messages ............................................................................90
Messages from rvsEVO Server ..........................................................................94
Messages from command prompt and rvsEVO clients ......................................94
Activating a station .............................................................................................95

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rvsEVO User Manual


Backing Up and Recovering rvsEVO Data ............................................................... 133



Basics .............................................................................................................. 147

rvs OFTP Proxy Architecture ........................................................................ 147
Configure Bastion Instance in rvsEVO ............................................................ 149

File Service Module .................................................................................................... 151


Introduction: basics .......................................................................................... 137

System requirements ....................................................................................... 137
Principle and sequence of rvsEVO encryption ................................................ 138
How do I create an own key pair? ................................................................... 140
How to import and export a certificate ............................................................. 141
How to import and export ComSecure public keys .......................................... 142
How to create a CSR (Certificate Signing Request) and import the CA certifcates
How to receive files without decryption ............................................................ 144
How to delete a key entry .............................................................................. 145

rvs OFTP Proxy ........................................................................................................ 147


Backup ............................................................................................................. 133

What is backed up? ......................................................................................... 134
Redo Log ......................................................................................................... 134
Recovering the rvsEVO data ........................................................................... 135

Encrypted transmission with rvsEVO ....................................................................... 137


Sending a file ..................................................................................................... 95

States for Send Jobs and Receive Jobs .......................................................... 104
Synchronization of Send Jobs ......................................................................... 106
Active Panel ..................................................................................................... 111
Listing of all receive and send jobs .................................................................. 112
Deleting or releasing EERPs ........................................................................... 119
Create an Info File for an External JobID ........................................................ 120
Archiving the entries of processed send or receive jobs in the revision log .... 126
Delivering a certificate ..................................................................................... 126
Requesting a Certificate .................................................................................. 127
Replacing a certificate ..................................................................................... 128
Display a certificate list .................................................................................... 129
Open the keystore file ...................................................................................... 129
Import a CRL ................................................................................................... 129
Import a TSL .................................................................................................... 130
Terminate a Session ........................................................................................ 131
Create and send a journal ............................................................................... 131
Doing character set conversion ....................................................................... 132
Command line tools for internal use ................................................................ 132

Basics .............................................................................................................. 151

Architecture of File Service Module ................................................................. 151
Setting up of a Neighbourstation with File Service Module ............................. 152

Remote GUI ................................................................................................................ 155



User Management .......................................................................................................159



Introduction ......................................................................................................171
Command Tools of the Central Administration ................................................172
How to work with the central administration features? .....................................174
How to exchange a license key file? ................................................................175
How to change a station parameter? ...............................................................176
How to make an update of rvsEVO? ...............................................................178

rvsbat Batch Interface ...............................................................................................181



Derby ................................................................................................................167
Oracle ...............................................................................................................167
How to Drop and Create the Database Tables? ..............................................169
How to view job data from a database? ...........................................................170

rvsEVO Central Administration .................................................................................171



Introduction ......................................................................................................161
Configuration ....................................................................................................161
Configuration of stations ..................................................................................161
PKI configuration file ........................................................................................162

rvsEVO Database ........................................................................................................167



User Administration ..........................................................................................159

Add user ...........................................................................................................159
Delete a user ....................................................................................................160
Edit a user .......................................................................................................160

PKI Bindung .................................................................................................................161



Starting the GUI from the remote computer .....................................................155

Features of the remote GUI .............................................................................156

Starting rvsbat ..................................................................................................181

Create a Send Job with SEND Command. ......................................................182
Managing Jobstarts via rvsbat .........................................................................185
The RESENTR command ................................................................................185
The SENDJOB Command ...............................................................................186
The FAILURE Command .................................................................................187
Jobstart Parameters .........................................................................................187

Appendix ......................................................................................................................191

ODETTE Protocol ............................................................................................191

Index ............................................................................................................................................1

rvsEVO User Manual / Rev. 04.02.13

T-Systems / rvs Systems

rvsEVO User Manual

Change History
The follwing changes of User Manuel were made:
Version 5.04
New parameters for SEND command (rvsbat): INITTIME, TSTAMP,
additional functionality of rvsbat: managing jobstarts
new environment varibles for parameterHandling=ENV:
new start/stop scripts for installations on UNIX systems
default settings for creating new transmissions
revision files are configurable via MaxRevisionLogSize and
MaxRevisionLogCount paramters
installation of rvsEVO with default values
stationlist as table configurable
new chapter about setting up a virtual station
saving Monitor Messages in Oracle database
key management reachable via tab Key
new chapter about the functionality connection pooling
new depiction command tools: rvsbat, restartJob,
convertFile, getCertificateList, sendJournal,
description of working with CA certificates
description of batch files in $RVS_HOME\bin\jobstart directory
minor updates
Version 5.03
Update of chapter Customizing the JobStarts
JobStart configuration in case of failed jobs.
new JobStart parameters
update of chapter Displaying Monitor Messages
configuration of display of Log Messages
after new start of the GUI: displaying of the last 25 Log Messages
new chapter about license key details
minor updates
Version 5.02
Update of installation chapter:

rvsEVO User Manual / Rev. 04.02.13

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rvsEVO User Manual

selection between Derby database and Oracle database with

Enterprise Edition
selection between Standard- and Client-Installation
setting up of a neighlour station after installation
new chapter about User Management
new chapter about Remote GUI
new chapter about receipt of files without decryption
new components for createSendJob and convertAndSend
new command tools: getJobInfoList, deliverCertificate,
requestCertificate, replaceCertificate, importCRL,
importTSL, terminateSession, updateStationList,
holdJob, releaseJob, deleteJob
Observer: using original filename in place of VDSN
restart of send entries which were changed to SP_failed status
minor updates



In this chapter you will find a short description of rvs and rvsEVO as
well as an explanation of typographic conventions used in the present

Short description of the system

What is rvs
rvs = RechnerVerbund-System

The abbreviation rvs stands for the German word Rechner-VerbundSystem. The rvs computer communication system is a well established
base service for electronic data interchange, EDI.
rvs serves to ensure transmission of electronic data between
heterogeneous computer platforms using different network protocols.
To do so, rvs implements a universal network model, which you can
configure in each network node.
rvs provides an efficient and reliable transport service for both
standardized EDI message types and files of any format or contents. You
can receive only such files that are explicitly destined for rvs. This
means that rvs does not allow any unauthorized access to remote or to
own data files.
The system was originally developed by Volkswagen AG and has been
used in the German and European automobile industries for a number of
years but also by banks, insurances and industry worldwide.
rvs uses the OFTP protocol.
What rvs is not
rvs is not an online system. It neither supports direct terminal-like
access to other sites, nor does it provide a communication pipe from
application to application on a data record level. You cannot directly
execute transfers in your own application. You rather can place send
orders from within you application to rvs which will be handled
rvs is not a job scheduling system.
rvs does not care about the contents of the files it is transporting. It only
acts as a transparent transport medium and performs no semantic
interpretation of the data it carries.
rvs is not an EDI converter. You can, however, purchase additional
components for converting between specific message formats (e.g. VDA,
ODETTE, EDIFACT, XML) using rvs as transport service from
T-Systems GmbH.
rvs is not a network control or monitoring tool.

rvsEVO User Manual / Rev. 04.02.13

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rvsEVO User Manual

What is rvsEVO
available features

rvsEVO is a communication software with a graphical user interface

based, like rvs, on the OFTP protocol.
The following features are available in rvsEVO 5.04:
graphical user interface
sending files to neighbour or to routed stations
receiving files from neighbour or from routed stations
receiving files on virtual stations; sending files from virtual stations
activating neighbour stations
support of the OFTP version 1.3, 1.4 and 2.0
viewing information about receive, send, failed and ended jobs
displaying monitor messages
log files for tracing the monitor activities and for troubleshooting
deleting or releasing EERPs (End-to-End-Response) if necessary
archiving information about the send or receive jobs in the revision log
code conversion with various code conversion tables
format conversion
defining job filters and actions when sending or receiving files
compression and encryption
backup and recovery
No limit for largness of transmitted files
Support of Central Journal functions (for more information see the
Central Journal User Manual)
Support of SNMP Monitoring (for more information see the rvs SNMP
Agent User Manual)
Remote access to rvsEVO-GUI (Remote GUI)
Oracle database connection
PKI connection

rvsEVO is implemented in Java. There exist four options of rvsEVO:

rvsEVO Enterprise Edition, rvsEVO Standard Edition, rvsEVO Light
Edition, rvsEVO Tiny Edition. Please see chapter 1.2 to 1.5 for
rvsEVO uses a batch interface and the file system to communicate with
the application. If capable to do so, the linked application can indicate
successful processing and have successful dispatch indicated.



At present, rvsEVO supports the following networks: TCP/IP, TLS, ISDN

(only for Windows), XOT, Proxy TCP/IP and Proxy TLS.
For more information on supported platforms please refer to the
$RVS_HOME\doku\readme.txt release notes.
Note: Please read the chapter 1.6 for the explanation of $RVS_HOME.


rvsEVO Tiny Edition

The Tiny Edition supports the communication with only one neighbour
station: rvs center. The number of partner station is restricted to 1. Other
stations can be reached via routing. Therefore rvsEVO Tiny Edition is
particularly suitable for star topology.

rvs Tiny

rvs Tiny

rvs Tiny

rvs center

rvs Tiny

rvs Tiny


rvs Tiny

rvs Tiny

Features of rvsEVO Tiny Edition (subject to modifications):

1 partner station
1 neighbour station (rvs center)
1 Session
max. 4 routing partner
communication component TCP/IP
encryption and compression
Central Journal
SNMP Agent
code conversion (PC-Mainframe)

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rvsEVO User Manual

central administration


rvsEVO Light Edition

Features of rvsEVO Light Edition (subject to modifications):

max. 5 partner stations (direct or routing partner)
no limit of parallel connections (sessions)
routing functionality
communication component TCP/IP
encryption and compression
Derby database embedded
Central Journal
SNMP Agent
code conversion (PC-Mainframe)
central administration
Additional the follwing components can be linked:
communication components ISDN (for Windows) and XOT


rvsEVO Standard Edition

Features of rvsEVO Standard Edition (subject to modifications):

no limit of partner stations (direct or routing partner)
no limit of parallel connections (sessions)
routing functionality
communication component TCP/IP
encryption and compression
Derby database embedded
Central Journal
SNMP Agent
code conversion (PC-Mainframe)
central administration
remote GUI (5 users)
one virtual station
Additional the follwing components can be linked:
communication components ISDN (for Windows) and XOT



File Service Proxy

further virtual stations


rvsEVO Enterprise Edition

rvsEVO Enterprise Edition provides all the basic requirements for secure
data transfer with a simultaneous continuous performance even at high
loads. rvsEVO Enterprise Edition includes an automatic adjustment of the
processing capacity and uses a professional external database.
Features of rvsEVO Enterprise Edition (subject to modifications):
no limit of partner stations (direct or routing partner)
no limit of parallel connections (sessions)
routing functionality
all communication components
encryption and compression
Derby database embedded
Oracle database connection
Central Journal
SNMP Agent
code conversion (PC-Mainframe)
central administration
PKI connection
File Service Proxy
remote GUI (10 users)
one virtual station
Additional the follwing components can be linked:
rvs OFTP Proxy for OFTP2
further virtual stations
The available features are limited by the license key.
For more Information on rvsEVO Editions please contact your sales partner (Phone: +375 606 19 902; E-Mail:

rvsEVO User Manual / Rev. 04.02.13

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rvsEVO User Manual


Representation means

This chapter describes the typographic conventions used in this manual

and explains the meaning of specially highlighted expressions.
Typographic conventions
Instructions begin with a bullet.
Other lists begin with the en dash.
Character styles


Commands, menu commands, file names,

path names, programs, examples, scripts,
options, qualifiers, data sets, fields, modes,
window names, dialog boxes and statuses



Parameters, environment variables, variables

Inverted commas

Links to other manuals, sections and

chapters, literature


Important terms, names of operating systems,

proper names, buttons, function keys.



As user directories are found on different locations for the different

operating systems we use the variable $RVS_HOME in this manual.
Default values are:
C:\Programs\rvsEVO for Windows XP and Windows 2000
Substitute the variable with your correct path.


Target group

This manual is meant for regular users of rvsEVO as well as

administrators. It provides an overview of the basic rvsEVO functions.

The following skills are required to be able to use rvsEVO:

good knowledge of the current operating system
knowledge of the communications techniques in use
TCP/IP, TLS, ISDN, XOT, Proxy TCP/IP or Proxy TLS.
Before starting to work with rvsEVO it is advisable to have read this book.




The present chapter describes the system requirements as well as the

rvsEVO installation procedure.

System requirements

To successfully operate rvsEVO 5.2 you need the following software:


Operating system: Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows 2003,

Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, UNIX (AIX, Solaris/SunOS,
HP-UX, Linux) or OpenVMS.
Java runtime environment (JRE 1.5._XX or Java Software
Development Kit 1.5_XX).
Please make sure a Java runtime environment is present on your
system prior to installing rvsEVO. The software is freely available for
download from
Hint: on Windows and Linux-Systems Java runtime environment can
be installed with rvsEVO installer.
Communication line based on ISDN (only for Windows), TCP/IP, TLS,
XOT, Proxy TCP/IP and Proxy TLS.
Initially, you need at least 200 MB free space on your hard disk.
Depending on the amount of usage, the retention period for old entries,
and the time between database cleanups, the space requirement may be
considerably larger.
You can download rvsEVO from the following web page: https://
If that is not possible for you, please contact your sales partner
(telephone: +49 30 3497-1165; Fax: +49 (0) 1805 33 44 90 46 35; Email: We can send the software also on DVD to


Obtaining a license

You need a license key to work with rvsEVO.

rvs after-sales

Please contact the rvs Service Support Center to receive a license key.
phone from Germany: 0800 664 77 45
phone from other countries: +375 606 19 902
To receive a license key:
Please send the hostname and the Odette ID to the rvs Service
Support Center. You get the hostname as typing hostname in the
command prompt window (Run -> cmd). You can request the Odette

rvsEVO User Manual / Rev. 04.02.13

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rvsEVO User Manual

ID with the VAD (

You will be sent your licensekey file by email.
Save the license key file in the $RVS_HOME\conf\ directory as
Note: For more information about the ODETTE-ID see chapter
3.2.2 "Configurating a local station".
Please read the chapter 1.6 for the explanation of $RVS_HOME.

For receiving a testlicense, please contact the rvs Service Support

Center too. In this case you must not inform the rvs Service Support
Center about your hostname and the Odette ID.

ISDN connection

Network Requirements

Important Note: ISDN is only for Windows platform available. For Unix
platforms XOT should be used.
If you want to use rvsEVO to exchange data via the ISDN network you
need the following equipment:
ISDN type telephone connection with s0 bus having at least two data
channels (B-channel) and one control channel (D-channel)
ISDN adapter
CAPI 2.0 driver software for operation of the ISDN card under
Windows XP.
This is how you install the ISDN interface:
Install the ISDN card into your computer and attach the ISDN card to
the ISDN connection.
Make sure that the ISDN card works properly.
Note: Many card manufacturers supply suitable software for a selftest, such as a call from one data channel to another. Restart your
computer after installation and the test in order to make the CAPI 2.0
driver available for other applications.

ISDN router


If you use an external ISDN router with remote CAPI Interface (e.g.
BinTec Brick), you do not need an internal ISDN card. In this
configuration, several applications can share the same Brick router. The
Brick router supports the "Remote CAPI" interface. This means that every
computer in your LAN uses the Brick router as if it were a local ISDN card
in the computer.


Note: T-Systems has successfully tested the following ISDN devices for
use with rvsEVO:










Longshine LCS-8051A Longshine,
Funkwerk EC,
-XL, -XM, X4100,
X4300, R1200, R4100,

rvs Service Support Center will provide you with the current list of
tested devices:
phone from Germany: 0800 664 77 45
phone from other countries: +375 606 19 902
XOT connection

To use the XOT functionality in rvsEVO you need an IP connection to the

XOT-capable router e.g. CISCO 801, CISCO 2600 or BINTEC X4300,
R1200, R4100 and R4300. On demand we shall send you a separate
document with examples how to configure CISCO or BinTec router for

Installation steps

Fresh installation of rvsEVO

This chapter describes the installation of rvsEVO. Please read the

chapter 2.1 System requirements before installing.
First we describe how to perform installation on Windows systems. Then
we briefly cover installation on UNIX systems because installation is
identical on both operating systems.
Hint: rvsEVO can be installed without input of any data. You only have to
press the return button. In this case the configuration will done with the
default values. Exception: this procedure cannot be executed in german
language on console.
Installation on Windows Systems
Start Windows and log in as a Windows user with administrator rights.

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rvsEVO User Manual

Start the rvsEVO_X.X_setup.exe installer (where X.X indicates

the rvsEVO version number) by double-clicking or using the Windows
command: Start -> Run.
Choose the installation language (German, English) in the first dialog.
Click <OK> to go to the next installation step.

With the next two dialogs you get information on installation and the
version of rvsEVO.
If there is already an rvsEVO installation on your machine, you have to
decide whether you would like to install a new version or to update
your current rvsEVO.

If you decide for installing a new version you will be asked whether
you wish to delete previous rvsEVO.
Next you have to choose between a Server installation and a Client
installation (see chapter 9 "Remote GUI").



In the next dialog you can indicate the rvsEVO destination directory.
This directory may not contain another rvsEVO installation.

If you choose an existing directory the following warning appears:

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rvsEVO User Manual

Press the Continue button for going on.

Define the program group to install rvsEVO icons in the following

Client Installation


The next two dialogs relate to the Client installation only. Please
indicate the IP address (or hostname) and the RMI port (Standard:


3755) of the rvsEVO server.

The last screen display informs you of the sucessful installation of

rvsEVO Client.
Server Installation

The follwing dialogs describe the Standard installation only. Define

the Java runtime environment for rvsEVO operation in the next dialog.
You can choose between the Java Virtual Machine, which will be
installed by the installation routine especially for rvsEVO or Java
Virtual Machine, which is already installed on your system. The
installer searches for installed components and proposes the versions
found in a dialog. rvsEVO has been released for use from version

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rvsEVO User Manual

1.5._X onwards.

Hint: If you choose to install the Java Virtual Machine especially for
rvsEVO, you have to answer the next question Install JCE Files with
Yes (We recommend this).
Due to import control restrictions of some countries, the JCE
jurisdiction policy files shipped with the Java 2 SDK, v 1.5 allow
"strong" but limited cryptography to be used. rvsEVO uses an
extension of the Java runtime environment - JCE (Java Cryptography
Extension) of Sun Microsystems, Inc - to implement the cryptographic
features. It is necessary to install these extension of the Java runtime
environment to use unlimited cryptographic strengths. This is available
for most countries.
Hint: If you do not allow the installation routine to install this
component (i.e. you answer the question Install JCE Files with No), or
if you choose to use a JVM already existing on your system, you have
to install the JCE files belated.
If you try to transfer encrypted files and you did not install JCE, youll
get the following message: invalid key length.
For more information about JCE files read the $RVS_HOME/docu/
readme.txt file.
Subsequent please define the username and the password of the
default user with administrator rights as well as the IP address or
hostname (default: hostname of your machine) and the RMI port
(standard: 3755).
Hint: Due to the special role of the default user concerning the local
Client Server communication you cannot change his data in the User




With the installation of rvsEVO Enterprise Edition in the next dialog

you can choose in which database your job data should be stored. The
derby database is the part of rvsEVO installation and will be installed
in the directory $RVS_HOME/db.

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rvsEVO User Manual

The following three dialogs are related to Oracle database only. You
can ignore them if you decided for a Derby database yourself. Please
set your database connection parameters:
jdbc.url: has the following syntax:

server is the name or IP address of the machine where Oracle
server is installed.
Default port for Oracle is 1521.
service_name is Oracle service name.
jdbc.user is the user setting up on Oracle database
jdbc.password is his passwordNet Service Name: name of the
Oracle network service
For more information see chapter 12.2 "Oracle".

Subsequent you where asked whether you wish to search through

your system for an existing rvs portable installation. Than you can
import the settings from rvs portable. Please see chapter
2.10 "Migration from rvs portable to rvsEVO" in case of migration.



If you will not import the settings, the following dialog deals with the
settings of the local station. Please read the chapter 3.2 for more
information about setting station parameter (e.g. how to obtain the
ODETTE ID). The neighbour station will be configured after installation
via GUI. (Please read 3.2.3Setting up of a neighbour
station page 58)

In the next dialog you are given a brief overview of selections you
have made (installation directory, link directory). The required and the
currently available disk space is also indicated. Press the Install
button to start installation and to copy the installation files into the
directories you specified.
The last dialogs informs you of the successful installation of rvsEVO.
UNIX Systems

Installation on UNIX Systems

As mentioned earlier in this chapter, installation on UNIX systems runs
analog to an installation on Windows systems. The installation file is
named rvsEVO_X.X.X_setup.bin and can be started as a windowbased installation under the X-Server.
The installation on UNIX systems can be done in different modes: awt,
swing, console or silent.
For graphical modes (awt and swing) the UNIX environment variable
DISPLAY for the X-Server should be set.
export DISPLAY=<IP address of X Server>:0.0
Note: Make sure to call the installation file as a shell script when you
perform installation. Default mode is the console mode.

rvsEVO User Manual / Rev. 04.02.13

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rvsEVO User Manual

Example (command line):

sh ./rvsEVO_501_00_SE_setup.bin -i swing
The installation prompts are identical in both modes (see section Installation on Windows systems).
There are minor differences for particular UNIX platforms mentioned in
the release notes for the respective version
($RVS_HOME\doku\readme.txt document).
Please notice the hint about JCE files in chapter Installation on
Windows Systems.The JCE files have to be installed for encrypted
data exchange.



Graphical User Interface (brief description):

By using the GUI you need not much practise for working with rvsEVO.
The picture below indicates the GUI in the Send file window:

In the title bar the name of the program and the stationID of the local user
is shown. Thereunder you can find the menu bar and the function bar.



With a click on one of the symbols (Send file, Transfer, Stations, Admin,
Help and Exit) you can open the special menu item or terminate the GUI.
The middle part is composed in a navigation range and a work range.
At the bottom of the GUI the log messages were displayed. Thereunder
the status line is arranged and gives information of rvsEVO installation:
number of stations, user name, role of user, IP address / host name and
port of rvsEVO server, service name, version of rvsEVO and extended
version of rvsEVO.
The rvsEVO version can also be shown via the
$RVS_HOME\tools\rvsver.bat command tool.

How to start rvsEVO?

Windows: Start rvsEVO by choosing Start -> Programs ->

rvsEVO -> startGUI (or the Start menu command you specified
during installation) in the Start menu.
Unix: Start rvsEVO by starting the shell script
This menu item (Program) first starts the user interface, which then starts
the rvsEVO server.

Successful start:

A successful start is indicated as follows:

rvsEVO User Manual / Rev. 04.02.13

T-Systems / rvs Systems


rvsEVO User Manual


Use the startGUI program to start the user interfase.


startGUI [-local -console -reset

-help -?]
Mgliche Parameter:


local start of rvsEVO


starts the GUI with console output


resets the GUI settings during startup


Requests help information


Requestshelp information

To start the rvsEVO server, use the startService or startServer

script on Windows systems and startServer on UNIX systems.
These scripts are located in the $RVS_HOME/bin/ directory (on
Windows systems as batch files, on UNIX systems as shell scripts.
Windows: By default, rvsEVO starts as a service on Windows systems.
You can configure this in the $RVS_HOME/conf/rvsConfig.xml file
using the RvsStartScript parameter (see also chapter 3.1).
As an alternative you can also start rvsEVO at the command prompt by
defining the $RVS_HOME/bin/startServer.bat program as the
RvsStartScript program.
Unix: By default, the $RVS_HOME/bin/ shell script is
used as the RvsStartScript on Unix systems.
The $RVS_HOME\tools\scripts\Linux and
$RVS_HOME\tools\scripts\Solaris directories contain scripts that
enable the automatic start and stop of rvsEVO together with the
operation system. In the same directories you can find text files, in which
the script installation steps are described.

How to stop rvsEVO?

Windows: Stopt rvsEVO by choosing Start -> Programs ->

rvsEVO -> stop Server (or the Start menu command you specified
during installation) in the Start menu.
As an alternative you can also stop rvsEVO at the command prompt by
the $RVS_HOME/bin/stopServer.bat program.



Unix: Stop rvsEVO by starting the shell script



rvsEVO as Windows service

Per default is rvsEVO installed as a Windows service.

Note: The term Service means a program that can be started from the
operating system and works in the background.
This is possible starting the batch script rvsservice.bat out of the
directory $RVS_HOME\bin.
rvsservice <parameters> [options]
The possible parameters are:

starts rvsEVO on console


installs rvsEVO as service


removes rvsEVO as service


starts rvsEVO as service




With the command rvsservice -c rvsEVO Server was started on the

command line (console).
With the command rvsservice -i rvsEVO was installed as system
(Windows) service.
Now you can find rvsEVO as a service in the list of system services
(Start - > Control Panel -> Administrative Tools ->
Services). If you want to start rvsEVO every time the system starts, you
can set the startup type to Automatic by choosing Automatic from the
combo box in the Startup type area.
Example (Windows XP german version):

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rvsEVO update installation

An rvsEVO update installation is almost identical to a normal installation

(see chapter 2.4 "Fresh installation of rvsEVO").

The system variable RVS_HOME is to be set for the logged on user (the
value of RVS_HOME is the installation directory of rvsEVO). Set
RVS_HOME by choosing Start -> Control Panel -> System ->
Advanced -> Environment Variables
Note: During the update installation a new $RVS_HOME/conf/ file is added. Please take over the
configurations of your old file to the new one
and rename in
Please read chapter 13 to learn how you can use the Central
Administration to update other rvsEVO installations.

2.10 Migration from rvs portable to rvsEVO


For migration of settings from rvs portable you have to consider the
following requirements:
an executable rvs portable must be installed on your system
migration should only be started if the absence of communication has
been assured (no file reception/transmission and no encryption/
the system variable RVSENV is to be set for logged on user. Set
RVSENV by choosing Start -> Control Panel -> System ->
Advanced -> Environment Variables
The following steps need to be done for migration from rvs portable to
Install rvsEVO on the same machine where rvsXP / rvsX is installed
and follow below instructions:



If you are asked whether you wish to search through your system for
an existing rvs portable installation, press the Yes button.

If you are asked whether you wish to import the settings from rvs
portable, press the Yes button.

Only with encrypted transmission: import your own key pair with the
program importComSecureKeyPair (see below).
Only with encrypted transmission: import the public keys of your
partners (see chapter 6.6 "How to import and export ComSecure
public keys").
Create the users which were defined in rvs portable. They will not be
created automatically.

Use the program

$RVS_HOME\tools\csi\importComSecureKeyPair to import a
ComSecure key pair from rvsXP / rvsX.
importComSecureKeyPair -k <keystore1> [-k <keystore2>]
-pri <private key> -pub <public key> -x509 <x509
filename> -s <sid> [-help] [-?]>
Required parameters:
-k <keystore>

Name and path of rvsEVO keystore file, where

the key pair is to be saved (it is possible to indicate several files).

-pri <private key>

Name and path of private ComSecure key.

-pub <public key>

Name and path of public ComSecure key (see

also parameter -x509).

-s <sid>

StationID of the station, the key pair belongs to.

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-x509 <x509 filename>

Name and path of public key (instead of -pub, if

the certificate is in X.509 format).

Optional parameters:

Requests help information.


Requests help information.

Important: If the public key is not existent in format X.509 you have to
insert the additional information in the file
Sample file (certificate-properties.xml):
- <!-- common-name -->
<entry key="">rvsEVO-comsecure-j</entry>
- <!-- organisastion-unit -->
<entry key="subject.ou">rvs</entry>
- <!-- organisastion -->
<entry key="subject.o">T-Systems International GmbH</
- <!-- locality -->
<entry key="subject.l">Berlin</entry>
- <!-- state -->
<entry key="">Berlin</entry>
- <!-- country-code -->
<entry key="subject.c">de</entry>
- <!-- email -->
<entry key=""></

The following values are set in above example:

common name = rvsEVO-comsecure-j

organisation unit = rvs
organisation = T-Systems International GmbH
locality = Berlin
state = Berlin
contry code = de
email =

The other elements of certificate-properties.xml must not be

Note: Use the following command tools for importing the settings into an
existing rvsEVO:
$RVS_HOME\tools\portable2jobstart.bat and




2.11 Displaying license key information

To display information about the license key open the Administration
window and select the item License Key in the Administration tree on
the left hand side.

The following table describes the parameters:




Name of the company or Testinstallation


licensed components (see note below the table)


expiration date of the key (format yyddd) and



see Key


max. number of direct neighbour stations


max. number of partner stations (neighbour and

routing stations)


number of licensed rvs OFTP Proxy stations


max. number of routing partner

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max. number of parallel connections


number of users


number of licensed virtual stations

Note: The following components are available:

F: File transfer
A: server of central administration
I: client of central administration
D: external database
E: EDI converter
S: encryption
C: compression
J: Central Journal
M: SNMP Traps
W: administrative GUI over JMX (only rvsProxy)
Y: File Service Proxy
K: PKI connection
O: certificate validation with OCSP
B: certificate validation with CRL
R: Remote GUI (not for Tiny Edition)
T: Testkey

2.12 Uninstall rvsEVO

In order to uninstall rvsEVO, please follow the procedure given below:
Windows: start the program Uninstall rvsEVO_StandardEdition.exe in
the directory $RVS_HOME\UninstallerData with double-click and
follow the dialog.
Unix: use the shell-script $RVS_HOME/UninstallerData/Uninstall
Uninstall procedure on UNIX-systems can be executed analogous to
rvsEVO installation. Following modes are available: awt, swing,
silent und console. For the graphical modes (awt and swing), the
system environment variable DISPLAY must be set for the X server (see
example in chapter 2.3). The uninstall routine is executed in the console
mode by default. The uninstall queries are same in all the modes.
Select <uninstall> in order to remove rvsEVO from your server.



In the next dialog, you can decide, whether you would also like to
delete the created or changed directories and files after the
installation. We do not recommend this, since you would thus delete
all the received files and archived file. The program has been
In the following window, it is displayed, which components have not
been deleted. Click on <done> in order to end the uninstall program.

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3 Configuration
The present chapter describes how to customize rvsEVO via the GUI or
via the XML configuration files.


Customizing the global rvsEVO parameters

The rvsConfig file contains the rvsEVO parameters which are

configurable via
the graphical user interface GUI (Admin -> Parameter)

or in the XML configuration file $RVS_HOME/conf/rvsConfig.xml

There are five following parameter groups:
rvsEVO Environment: general parameters, which are important for
the rvsEVO environment
Notification (SNMP): this group refers to the feature rvs-SNMPAgent
Observer: feature for automatically scanning of directories to find
send entries. It is similar to the feature rvsjs in rvs portable.
Resource Check: error handling relating to resource check and
expiring certificates
Proxy: parameters for the Bastion Instance of rvs OFTP Proxy. A
table of the parameters you can find in chapter 7.3 "Configure Bastion
Instance in rvsEVO".

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These parameter groups are to be found:

in GUI as subentries of parameter item in the Adminstration tree
or as separate XML blocks in the file rvsConfig.xml.


rvsEVO Environment

In the following table you will find the parameters, which refers to the
rvsEVO environment.





Archive directory where archive files and backup files are

stored. Default: $RVS_HOME\archive.
RevisionLog.xml files contain the entries of processed
send or receive jobs (please see chapter 4.11).
.jar files contain the backup data and RedoLog files
contain any dynamic data from backup time on (see
chapter 5).


You can use this parameter to specify an automatic

back-up to be performed each time you start
rvsEVO. Possible values: Y (Yes); N (No): The default is
Y. See chapter 5.1 for more information.


Name of browser, e.g. explorer


The rvs destination station that is to receive the Journal

files. This station must be present in the rvsEVO station


Specify days for archiving of completed or failed jobs.

The archiveJobs program will save any jobs older
than the time specified in this parameter to the RevisionLog.xml file (see chapter 4.11, see also the
PersistenceArchive parameter).
Default: 7 days
Note: You can set only one of cleanup parameters:
cleanupdays or cleanuptime.


Time interval in minutes between two archiving cycles.

This parameter has no relation to the other two cleanup
parameters: cleanupdays or cleanuptime.


Specify time in the format HHmmss for archiving of completed and failed jobs. The archiveJobs program will
save any jobs older than the time specified in this parameter to the RevisionLog.xml file (see chapter 4.11,
see also the PersistenceArchive parameter).
Note: You can set only one of cleanup parameters:
cleanupdays or cleanuptime.





Time in milliseconds rvsEVO waits after a connection

failed to be established before rvsEVO tries to establish
the connection again.


Obsolete. Job Data are now written in a database.

Please see the chapter 12 "rvsEVO Database" for more
In the versions 4.0 and under it the meaning of this
parameter is the following:
Directory for job administration with the ENDED,
FAILED, RCV and SND subdirectories. The RCV and
SND subdirectories are used to store temporary, not
fully processed jobs. The FAILED directory holds the
failed, the ENDED directory the completed jobs. These
directories are also visible in the GUI (Transfer window,


Free text


Configuration file for the modul ENGDAT. Not in use at



Language of GUI. Values: de (German), en (English)

In addition parameter FirstLanguage in $RVS_HOME/
conf/rvsEvoClient.prefs file must be aligned. The
following example shows how to set English as GUI
language: <entry
Please restart rvsEVO after changing.


Path of help file


Configuration file containing DNS names or IP

addresses of hosts that may send rvsEVO commands to
the rvsEVO server.


Configuration file containing DNS names or IP

addresses of hosts that may not send rvsEVO
commands to the rvsEVO server.


Directory where completely received files are stored.

JobstartConfigFile Configuration file for job start.


The prefix for the Journal file name: default TINY.


Directory for both log files: startServer.log and



ID of the station via which the loop test (transmission of

a file to the own local station) is performed. The file is to
be transmitted to the own station, and rvsEVO sends this
file via a neighbour station back to the local station.

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MailLocalAddress E-mail address of the originator of warnings. (Please see

also parameter Mail and Send e-mail if certificate
expires/expired in Chapter 3.1.4 "Resource Check")


Hostname or IP address of the mail server of the originator of warnings. (Please see also parameter Mail and
Send e-mail if certificate expires/expired in Chapter
3.1.4 "Resource Check")

ManagementCon- Name of the configuration file for the central administration (see chapter about the central administration in this

MaxMonLogCount without function


without function


Number of RevisionLog.xml revision files that can

be generated. Refer to chapter 4.11 to find out how to
generate a revision file.
Default:: 100.


Maximum file size of the RevisionLog.xml revision

file in lines (1 line has maximal 10 kbytes).
Default: 1.000.000


Maximum number of simultaneously running receiving

processes for TCP/IP communication. Default: 2; maximum number is restricted by system resources.

MonlogStylesheet without function


Time-out in milliseconds at ODETTE level;

default: 30 000, no maximum.


Temporary directory for files to be sent.


Name of the file with the transfer data (statistic file).

Default: $RVS_HOME/archive/RevisionLog.xml.
See chapter 4.11 for more information.


This parameter defines, if a redolog file will be written or

not. Possible values:
N (Default): redolog file will not be written

Y Redolog file will be written.

See chapter 5.2 for more information.



Host Name in the RMI registry. Default: localhost. RMI

(Remote Method Invocation) is a protokoll for the internal process communication in Java


Name of the rvsEVO service in the RMI registry. Default:






Port numberfor the communication in the RMI registry.

Default: 3755


Path of the script staring rvsEVO; default:

or as Windows service:

SendJournalInter- Time interval in seconds between sending of two Journal
files to the rvs destination station (defined by the Cenval

tralJournalInstance parameter). No Journal

file will be sent if no value or 0 is specified here.


Time in milliseconds to consider a connection active;

default 600 000, no maximum.


SessionWaitTime is the time in milliseconds the OFTP

session between the sender and the receiver

station will be kept alive after an ended
transmission for waiting for an other send job;
default: 0
StationsConfigFile Station configuration file: Comprises the configuration
parameters for the local station, the neighbour station,
and routed stations.

Directory for temporary use.


Defines whether or not a file receives a time stamp in its

name when it is received. Possible values:
N (default) Time stamp is added only if the file name
already exists;
Y File name always receives the TransmissionID as
time stamp.

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Parameter that enables tracing. The following values

are possible:
O: for Odette level,
N: not active (default)
Trace output is written to a file which name is composed
as follows: StationID and _ and SessionID and
.trc extension. The file is saved in the $RVS_HOME/
log/trace/odette directory. The output can be
restricted to specific stations (in the follwing example
SID1,SID2 und SID3). This function is controlled by the
properties file
$RVS_HOME/conf/ with
the following definition:
SID1,SID2,SID3. Enable the definition
true in order to write the network data into the trace

TransmissionFail- Time in milliseconds for a transmission restart after a



Notification (SNMP)

In this table are the parameters, which refer to the feature rvs SNMP
rvs SNMP Agent is an application that can respond to Network
management systems (NMS) queries and send rvsEVO status
information to NMS.
You can find the installer of rvs SNMP Agent in the $RVS_HOME/
SNMP_Agent directory. For more information about this feature, please

read the rvs SNMP Agent User Manual. After installation of rvs SNMP
Agent the manual is stored in C:\Programme\rvsSNMPAgent\doc
directory by default.

You must edit the following parameters in rvsEVO to be able to work with
rvs SNMP Agent:





This parameter defines whether or not rvs SNMP

Agent is enabled or disabled: Default: Y (Yes).
Possible values: Y (Yes) or N (No).




This parameter defines the interval (in seconds) at

which rvsEVO sends a Heartbeat message to the Agent
<AgentHeartbeatInterval> UDP address (AgentHostname + AgentPort).

IP address

Agent computer name (or IP address). Default:



Agent IP port. Default: 3744.

This parameter defines whether or not rvsEVO sends

<AgentLogLevel> log messages to the Agent. Possible values: 0, 1, 2, 3.
0: no log messages are sent
1: error messages are sent
2: warnings and error messages are sent
3: warnings, information and error messages are send



The feature Observer (Admin -> Parameter -> Observer)

generates send entries for files, which are in a configurated directory. The
observer checks in regular time intervals a directory for the specified file
names (mask). If such files are found, the send entry will be created. The
options for send entry can be configurated, too.
A right klick on the Observer symbol opens a context menu with the
possibility to add a new observer.
Note: You can configure few observers for scanning few different
directories, if necessary.
In the following example the directory c:\docs will be scanned every 60
seconds for sending all files, which file name begins with test to the

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station EVO5410D2

In the following table are the observer parameters described.





directory, which should be scanned.


The regular expression, which should be applied. Example: MKL* means, that the observer checks for files
beginning with MKL. If it findes them, it will create a
send entry.


This parameter defines, if the feature observer active is

or not. Possible values: ENABLED and DISABLED.


Time interval between two checks. Default: 30 seconds.


All other parameters from an Observer panel are for the sending a file.
These are: SID of Originator, SID of Destination, VDSN,
Output Format, Record Length, Record Mode, Code Table,
Serialization, Disposition, Label, Security feature
set, Compression, Encryption, Encryption algorithm,
File signature and Request signed EERP/NERP.
To which values these parameters can be set, please read in the chapter
4.5. The program createSendJob or GUI are using the same
parameters, when sending a file.
Note: You can also use the original filename as file description. This
function is controlled by the properties file $RVS_HOME/conf/ with the definition


Resource Check

This parameter group refers to resource check of rvsEVO directories and

checking the expiration dates of certificates . This functionality allows the
operator to react early enough to lack of free disk space and expiring
Ressource Check

All active directories of rvsEVO will be checked (these are the directories,
which are configured in the file $RVS_HOME/conf/rvsConfig.xml
for the following variables: <DB>, <TEMP>, <INPUT>, <OUTPUT>,
In case of the low disk space you can see in the Monitor Log a message,
that informs you in which rvsEVO directories is not enough disk space. At
the same time an E-mail to the responsible administrator can be sent.
There are three levels of resource lack:
first level: a warning will be dispayed.
second level: all receivers will be stopped, so that no file transfer will
be possible
third level: all processes and rvsEVO itself will be ended.
For all 3 levels a message in the log file will be issued and the
responsible administrator can be informed.

certificate check

Checking of expirationdates of you own keypairs and the certificates of

your partners. If a certificate expires in preset time a message will be
issued in the Monitor Log. At the same time an E-mail to the responsible
administrator can be sent.

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Number of kilobytes, that has to be free in every checking rvsEVO directory, before a warning in Monitor Log
will be issued. If the disk space is less than given in this
parameter also an e-mail can be sent to the address
defined in Mail parameter.
Default: 150 000.

Error certificate

If certificate expiration is reached in less days than

defined in this parameter an error message will be
issued in Monitor Log and an e-mail can be sent to the
address defined in parameter Send e-mail if certificate expires/expired.
Default: 7


E-mail address for sending warnings if the number of

free kilobytes is less than given in DiskSpace parameter. An other e-mail is sent after the time given in parameter Time. Please see also parameter
MailLocalAddress and MailSMTPHost in chapter
3.1.1 "rvsEVO Environment"


Number of kilobytes, that has to be free in every checking rvsEVO directory, before a warning in Monitor Log
will be issued. If the number of free kilobytes is less than
a value of this parameter all rvsEVO receiver processes
will be stopped. No file transfer will be possible.
Default: 120 000

rvsEVO server
stop disk space

Number of kilobytes, that has to be free in every checking rvsEVO directory. With this parameter the critical
limit for the resource deficit should be configured. If the
number of free kilobytes is less than a value of this
parameter all rvsEVO processes and the rvsEVO server
will be stopped. You have a possibility to start a script
(see parameter System in this table).
Default: 100 000.

Send e-mail if cer- E-mail address for sending warnings if the certificate
tificate expires/ex- expiration is reached in less days than defined in
parameter Warning certificate expiration and error

messages if the expiration is reached in less days than

defined in parameter Error certificate expiration.
Please see also parameter Mail Local Address and
Mail SMTP Host in chapter 3.1.1 "rvsEVO Environment"



Time between recourse checks after the value given in

RcvStopDiskSpace parameter was underrun.


a script, which should be executed, if the critical limit

(level) is reached. See CriticalDiskSpace in this





Time in seconds between two resource checks. Default:


Warning certifcate If certificate expiration is reached in less days than

defined in this parameter a warning will be issued in
Monitor Log and an e-mail can be sent to the address
defined in parameter Send e-mail if certificate
Default: 30

XML configuration file rvsConfig.xml

In this section we give some notes about the structure of the XML
configuration file rvsConfig.xml.
The parameters in this file must be specified in the respective XML
element. The file itself must be a valid XML file.

### Excerpt from rvsConfig.xml #################


########## rvsConfig.xml ##################

You can define and edit the paths for the TEMP, INBOX, OUTBOX,
LOGDIR and ARCDIR elements.

You are free to choose the names for the rvsJobstart and
rvsStationlist files; the only requirement is that they are specified
in the respective XML element, are valid XML files and are located in the
conf directory. The same also applies to HostAllowFile and
HostDenyFile. (Please see parameters of rvsEVO Environment).

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The stations.xml file is a station list in XML format containing the

required rvsEVO parameters (see chapter 3.2) and is located in the
rvsEVO conf directory.
The entries for RMISeviceName and RMIServiceHost are for
internal communication and must not be changed.




Customizing the station configuration

During installation you set up a local station.

For further customization of stations (creation of new stations and their
modification or deletion) you can use:
the Graphical User Interface (GUI) or
configuration file $RVS_HOME\conf\rvsStationlist.xml in
XML format (see chapter 3.2.7 "Customizing stations via XML
configuration file").
command tool updateStationList (see page 74)
The obligatory parameters for the local station have already been polled
during installation, and the

station configuration file has been appropriately adapted. This
configuration is also visible in the GUI. In Chapter 3.2.3 "Setting up of a
neighbour station" (page 58) you can read how to set up a neighbour
station, in chapter 3.2.4 "Setting up a routed station" you can read how to
set up a routed station and in chapter 3.2.5 "Setting up a virtual station"
you can read how to set up a virtual station.

Customizing stations via GUI

To open the station window, select the Stations icon in the function bar.

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On the left side of the stations window you will see the station tree; to the
right is a station parameter table.
Alternative to the station tree the stations can be shown as a list. This
functionality is to configure in $RVS_HOME/conf/
rvsEvoClient.prefs file with hte following defintion:
<entry key="client.stationlist.stationtree.enabled"
The station tree/list depicts all of the stations which exist in rvsEVO (e.g.
your local station, the virtual stations, the neighbour station and the
routing station) as well as the connection type of the local station and the
neighbour station (TCP/IP, TLS, ISDN , XOT, Proxy TCP/IP and Proxy
TLS). With a click on the small button below the local station you can
show or hide the neighbour stations and the virtual stations. The small
button below a neighbour station blends or masks out the routing
The station table on the right-hand side of the window displays all of the
parameters for the station currently selected. With the aid of the various
station tabs (OFTP, TCP/IP, ISDN, XOT, Proxy TCP/IP and Proxy TLS)
you can configure various parameter groups.
Grayed fields indicate that these parameters cannot be edited.
The parameters which are obligatory for station configuration are marked
in the column Re.. (Required) with the symbol .

Example: Odette Id is obligatory in the OFTP tab.

On the right-hand side of the window beneath the station parameter table
is a series of buttons: Save, Cancel, Undo, Undo All. These allow you to
save changes (Save), discard them (Cancel) or reverse them (Undo,
Undo All).


Configurating a local station

Normally the local station parameters are already set during the installation. In this chapter you will find the explanation of all for local station
possible parameters.
As mentioned above the configuration of the stations are possible via
GUI or via XML configuration files. Thus you will find in the parameter
table the name of the parameter from the XML file in <>.
The possible tabs for the local station configuration are: Local Station,
Key, OFTP (Odette parameters), and network tabs for TCP/IP, TLS,
ISDN, XOT, Proxy TCP/IP or Proxy TLS. A right click on the local station
opens a context menu with the possibility to add a new receiver: TCP/IP,
TLS, ISDN, XOT, Proxy TCP/IP or Proxy TLS. A TLS receiver is needed,
if you want to encrypt all data over the network connection.



Local Station: the mandatory parameters in this tab is SID and the
network. The parameter SID is locally unique station ID which can
consist of up to sixteen characters. It is a strictly local definition;
remote stations do not have access to these names; they only know
the ODETTE IDs. The parameter network was assigned during
rvsEVO installation, while setting TCP/IP parameters. The rest
parameters are optional and are contact data.
OFTP (ODETTE Parameters): For the local station it is necessary only
to set the ODETTE ID. ODETTE ID is a worldwide unique identification of all nodes using the ODETTE file transfer protocol (OFTP). This
25 character name consists of
the letter O,
an 18 character organization identifier provided by the ODETTE
codification group, and
a 6 character computer sub address that is administrated by each
Note: If you communicate within your own closed network only, the
ODETTE ID may be freely chosen as long as it remains unique in your
Key (key administration): Please look at chapter 6 "Encrypted
transmission with rvsEVO" for further information.

In the next table you will find the description of the TCP/IP parameters:
TCP/IP parameters




This parameter defines whether or not the TCP/

IP listener is enabled or disabled: Default: Y
Possible values: Y (Yes) or N (No).

IP Address

IP address or DNS name of the own station. If

you own station has only one IP address, you can
left this field empty.

max. incoming

Maximal number of simultaneously active receipt

processes on the same channel.
Maximum: 100


Port on which a TCP/IP listener is to be started;

3305 by default

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Receiver Number

Number for differentiating the various receiving

channels through which the local station can be
reached. Each number has a tab with a set of
TCP/IP parameters. rvsEVO automatically
assigns and manages this number. Default: 1

restart timeout

Time interval in seconds for the restart of a

new TCP/IP listener.


Time Out in seconds after which the communication program the connection closes, if the partner
station does not answers.

The TLS parameters are necessary for the encrypted communication
with a partner. TLS (Transport Layer Security) is an encryption protokol
for data transmission in an internet. It provides an encryption during the
communication way, on the session level.
In the following table the most parameters are the same as for the TCP/IP
network; added are some parameters important for the encryption.
Please read the chapter 3.2.6 "How to configure a TLS receiver?" for
configuration of the TLS receiver (listener).



TLS parameters



client authentication

Sometimes is for the TLS connection necessary, that a client (in this case a partner, from
whom you receive data) should be authenticated. With this parameter you can choose, if
this is:
NONE (no authentication)
Note: The authentication should be done with
the X.509 certificates.

This parameter defines whether or not the TLS listener is enabled or disabled: Default: Y (Yes).
Possible values: Y (Yes) or N (No)

IP Address

IP address or DNS name of the own station for the

TLS connection.

Keystore file name


Name of the key store for the TLS connection. In

this file are stored your keys (private and public
key) for encrypted communication with TLS. We
recommend to use the default key store:

tlsKeyManagerKeyStore.p12 Please
read the chapter 3.2.6 for more information, which
steps are needed.

max. incoming sesions Maximal number of simultaneous active receipt

processes on the same channel.
Maximum: 100


Port for the TLS listener; default 6619

Receiver Number

Number for differentiating the various receiving

channels (listeners) through which the local
station can be reached. Each number has a tab
with a set of TLS parameters. rvsEVO
automatically assigns and manages this number.
Default: 1

restart timeout

Time interval in seconds for the restart of a new

TCP/IP listener.


Time Out in seconds after which the

communication program the connection closes, if
the partner station does not answer.

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trusted certs keystore

file name

Name of the key store for the trusted certificates

needed for the TLS connection. In this file you
should import X.509 certificates (public keys in
form of X.509 certificates) of your partner stations.
We recommend to use the default trusted
certificates keystore file $RVS_HOME/

Please read the chapter 3.2.6 for more
information, which steps are needed.

Proxy TCP/IP and Proxy TLS

The parameters of Proxy TCP/IP and Proxy TLS are almost identical with
those of TCP/IP and TLS. There is only one additional parameter:
Proxy Bastion: you can select the Bastion from a list of the Bastion
instances created in rvsEVO in which the receiver / listener should be
The ISDN parameters for a local station are described in the following
table. Please see the chapter 2.3 "Network Requirements" for ISDN
system requirements.
ISDN parameters



Card number <Device- Number of the ISDN card installed in the computer, beginning with "0"



This parameter defines whether or not the ISDN

listener is enabled or disabled: Default: Y (Yes).
Possible values: Y (Yes) or N (No)


An ISDN number of your local station. For the

1TR6 ISDN standard the single-digit
(EndSelectionNumber) (ESN) is assigned to the
local station.
Default: " "

ISDN Facilities

Special information or facilities of the ISDN transmission.


Specifies the ISDN standard used.

- 1TR6: German national standard
Standard: E-DSS1


ISDN Terminal

Only required for X.31: Terminal End

Default: 0 no TEI assigned

ISDN Userdata

User data for the ISDN transmission


Maximal number of simultaneous active receipt

processes on the same channel.
Maximum: 100


Number for differentiating the various receiving

channels through which the local station can be
reached. Each number has a tab with a set of
ISDN parameters. rvsEVO automatically assigns
and manages this number. Default: 1

RCV timeout

Only valid for the local station: Cancellation time

in seconds, after which the receiver interrupts the
waiting for incoming calls and reconnects to the
card driver.


Time Out in seconds after which the

communication program the connection closes, if
the partner station does not answers.

Type <DeviceCardNumber>

not configurable. Determines the type of

connection within your computer - CAPI2.
Default: CAPI2A
A = no Diehl/Eicon card

X.25 Address

15-digit X.25 DTE address of the local station.

This number is optional. It is however advisable
for an ISDN connection to enter the ISDN number
here, as some partners expect an X.25 address.

X.25 Closed User


ISDN and X.25 allow for the formation of a closed

user group. All members of such a group can
communicate with each other via the public
telecommunication network. Connection requests
to group members received from participants not
being a member of the closed user group will be
rejected by the switching exchange. The same
applies to connection requests from group
members to participants not being a member of
the closed user group. This service attribute is
called Closed User Group (CUG).

X.25 DBit

D-bit: Delivery Confirmation;an X.25 data packet

flag used to request end-to-end acknowledgment
for the packet.

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X.25 Facilities

Special information or facilities for an X.25 transmission; see the information of the X.25 service
in use

X.25 PacketSize

Size of data packets during data transmission

X.25 Userdata

User data for an X.25 transmission; see the information of the X.25 service in use.

X.25 Window Size


- window size 7 (recommended for ISDN);

- window size 2 (recommended for X.25 native)
Note: Window size in X.25/ISDN communication
is the number of packets that can be outstanding
without acknowledgment. The window size will be
negotiated during connection setup, but we
recommend you to use the correct window size
(depending on the partner network).

XOT (X.25 over TCP/IP) routers are able to route X.25 packets between
a TCP/IP network on one side and an X.25 or ISDN network on the other
System requirements:
Please read the chapter 2.3 "Network Requirements" for XOT system
requirements. On demand a separat document with an example
description of a XOT router configuration can be sent.
The XOT parameters for a local station are described in the following
XOT parameters





This parameter defines whether or not the XOT

listener is enabled or disabled: Default: Y (Yes).
Possible values: Y (Yes) or N (No)

Local IP address

Local station only (optional): own IP address. IP

addresses have the form "". If
you have not specified a value for the local station, you permit automatic definition of the IP
address. If your own station has only one IP
address, this field should be left empty.

Local port

Port of the local station

Default: 1998 for XOT communication.



Maximal number of simultaneous active receipt

processes on the same channel.
Maximum: 100


Number for differentiating the various receiving

channels through which the local station can be
reached. Each number has a tab with a set of
XOT parameters. rvsEVO automatically assigns
and manages this number. Default: 1

RCV timeout

Time interval in seconds for the restart of a new

XOT listener.

Router IP address

IP address of an XOT router. This parameter is

optional for the local station and mandatory for
the partner station

Router Port

Port of the XOT router

Default: 1998 for XOT communication


Time Out in seconds after which the

communication program the connection closes, if
the partner station does not answers.

X.25 Address

15-digit X.25 DTE address of the local station.

This number is optional. It is however advisable
for an ISDN connection to enter the ISDN number
here, as some partners expect an X.25 address.

X.25 DBit

D-bit: Delivery Confirmation; an X.25 data packet

flag used to request end-to-end acknowledgment
for the packet.

X.25 Facilities

Special information or facilities for an X.25 transmission; see the information of the X.25 service
in use

X.25 Modulo

In X.25 data transmission exist two modulo

operationg standards: Modulo 8 and Modulo 128.
Modulo 128 means, that you must select bigger
window size via parameter FACILITIES. The
standard window size for modulo 8 is 2.

X.25 PacketSize

Size of date packets during data transmission

X.25 Userdata

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User data for an X.25 transmission; see the information of the X.25 service in use


rvsEVO User Manual

X.25 Window Size



window size 7 (recommended for ISDN)

window size 2 (recommended for X.25 native)
Note: Window size in X.25/ISDN communication
is the number of packets that can be outstanding
without acknowledgment. The window size will be
negotiated during connection setup, but we
recommend you to use the correct window size
(depending on the partner network).

Setting up of a neighbour station

A right click on the local station opens a context menu with the possibility
to add a new neighbour station. You can choose one of the following
networks: TCP/IP, TLS, ISDN, XOT, Proxy TCP/IP or Proxy TLS. A TLS
receiver is needed, if you want to encrypt all data over the network
The possible tabs for the neighbour station are: Neigbour Station, Key,
OFTP (Odette parameters), Line Type and network tabs: TCP/IP, TLS,
ISDN, XOT, Proxy TCP/IP or Proxy TLS.
Neigbour Station: the mandatory parameters in this tab are SID and
the network. The parameter SID is locally unique station ID which can
consist of up to sixteen characters. A-Z, 0-9, -, _ and . are
possible characters. . may not rank first. SID is a strictly local definition; remote stations do not have access to these names; they only
know the ODETTE IDs. The network parameter was assigned during
adding a neigbour station. The rest parameters are optional and are
contact data.
Key (key administration): Please look at chapter 6 "Encrypted transmission with rvsEVO" for further information.
OFTP: In the following table you will find detailed explanation of
ODETTE group parameters.
OFTP parameters





authentification on ODETTE level at the beginning of the transmission. Possible values:

Yes (X.509 certificate has to be exchanged)

Exchange Buffer Size


Maximal size of ODETTE Exchange Buffer in

Possible values: 0 - 99999 (default: 10.000).
Attention: With ISDN connection the value
should not be over 4.000 bytes since otherwise
the transmission of large files can cause problems


Certificate Validation

please read chapter 11.2.1 "Configuration of



Send parameter on station level. Only available if

parameter File Service Proxy = EXTERNAL.
Please see table Send parameters on page 96
for detailed explanation.

Exchange Buffer

Maximal number of sent blocks (Exchange Buffer) without an acknowledgment.

Possible values: 0 - 999 (default: 999).

End to End Response


Procedure for receiving receipts (EERPs/

NORMAL: The transmission is successfully
terminated after receiving of EERP.
NEVER:no EERP is needed. The transmission
can be terminated without receiving a receipt.
Hint: some operator use EERP destination and
EERP originator in a different way. This causes
problems with the identification of EERPs. Set
the parameter

=true in
file to resolve this problem.

End to End Response


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Procedure for sending receipts (EERPs/NERPs).

NORMAL: Generation of a receipt after
successful file reception and immediate active
NEVER:no Generation of a receipt. The job is
changed to ENDED status.
HOLD: Generation of a receipt after successful
file reception. The receipt, however, is only sent
after having been released with the handleEERP program.
SYNC:The OFTP session between sender station and receiver station will be kept alive waiting
for an EERP, that should come from the receiver
ROUTING_SYNC: Hint: This parameter is
important only for a routing station. The OFTP
session between the router station and the sender station will be kept alive waiting for an EERP,
that should come from the receiver station. When
the EERP is arrived, it will be sent in the same
session to the sender.
Default: NORMAL
(see also parameter End to End Response in)


rvsEVO User Manual


Send parameter on station level. Only available if

parameter File Service Proxy = EXTERNAL.
Please see table Send parameters on page 96
for detailed explanation.

Encryption Algorithm

Send parameter on station level. Only available if

parameter File Service Proxy = EXTERNAL.
Please see table Send parameters on page 96
for detailed explanation.

OFTP Version

which OFTP version should be used. Possible

values: 1.3, 1.4 and 2.0

Odette ID

ODETTE ID is a worldwide unique identification

of all nodes using the ODETTE file transfer
protocol (OFTP). This 25 character name
consists of
the letter O,
an 18 character organization identifier
provided by the ODETTE codification group,
a 6 character computer sub address that is
administrated by each organization.

Receive Password

The password rvsEVO expects from the neighbour station.

Send Password

The password rvsEVO sends to the neighbour.

ODETTE password exchange between two
neighbour stations and verification always occurs
while a session is being established.


please read chapter 11.2.1 "Configuration of


File Service Proxy


Only for File Service Modul; possible values:

NON (default)

Please see chapter 8 "File Service Module" for
detailed explanation.



This parameter difines whether a restart is

allowed after an error message. Possible values:
true (default) or false:

Security Feature Set


Send parameter on station level. Only available if

parameter File Service Proxy = EXTERNAL.
Please see table Send parameters on page 96
for detailed explanation.



Defines whether or not encryption is to be used

during file transmission. Values:
Encryption is impossible. The job aborts with an
error message if a send job requires encryption.
Encryption possible as an option and can be
specified in the send job.
Encryption is compulsory. A warning is issued
and the send job is converted into an encrypted
job if a send job is scheduled without encryption.
Reception of the file is refused if the partner
station sends an unencrypted file.
A send job for station 'S' is processed according
to the SECURITY entry for station 'S', regardless
of whether 'S' is a neighbouring station or is
reached via routing.


Send parameter on station level. Only available if

parameter File Service Proxy = EXTERNAL.
Please see table Send parameters on page 96
for detailed explanation.

Sign ERP

Send parameter on station level. Only available if

parameter File Service Proxy = EXTERNAL.
Please see table Send parameters on page 96
for detailed explanation.

SFIDDESC as Filename

SFID (Start File ID) is used as filename (instead

of VDSN) for the transmisson.

VDSN charset

For receive jobs only: allowed character set for

VDSN. Possible values:
- ODETTE: ODDETTE character set is allowed
only (default).
ALL: all ASCII characters are allowed

Line Type: the only parameter in this tab is Active connection setup.
It is occasionally necessary for files to be made only available and not
to be sent immediately. On the contrary, the partner station is to
establish the connection and fetch the available files as and when
required. The partner bears the costs for the connection. Active
connection establishment must be switched off for this case.
TCP/IP and TLS: For the partner station it is necessary to set the IP
address and the port.

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The ISDN parameters for a partner station are described in the following
ISDN parameters


Card number

Number of the ISDN card installed in the computer, beginning with "0

Dial Retry Count

Count of dial retries, if the partner does not


Dial Retry Wait Time

Wait time between two dial retries, if the partner

does not answer

ISDN Address

An ISDN number of the partner station.

ISDN Facilities

Special information or facilities of the ISDN transmission.

ISDN Protocol

Specifies the ISDN standard used.

1TR6: German national standard

Standard: E-DSS1


ISDN Terminal

Only required for X.31: Terminal End

Default: 0 no TEI assigned

ISDN Userdata

User data for the ISDN transmission


Number for differentiating the various

receiving channels through which the local
station can be reached. Each number has a
tab with a set of ISDN parameters. rvsEVO
automatically assigns and manages this
number. Default: 1


Time Out in seconds after which the communication program the connection closes, if the
partner station does not answers.


not configurable: Determines the type of

connection within your computer - CAPI2.
Default: CAPI2A
A = no Diehl/Eicon card

X.25 Address

15-digit X.25 DTE address of the partner station.


X.25 Closed User


ISDN and X.25 allow for the formation of a closed

user group. All members of such a group can
communicate with each other via the public telecommunication network. Connection requests to
group members received from participants not
being a member of the closed user group will be
rejected by the switching exchange. The same
applies to connection requests from group
members to participants not being a member of
the closed user group. This service attribute is
called Closed User Group (CUG).

X.25 DBit

D-bit: Delivery Confirmation; an X.25 data packet

flag used to request end-to-end acknowledgment
for the packet.

X.25 Facilities

Special information or facilities for an X.25 transmission; see the information of the X.25 service in

X.25 PacketSize

Size of date packets during data transmission

X.25 Userdata

User data for an X.25 transmission; see the information of the X.25 service in use.

X.25 Window Size


window size 7 (recommended for ISDN)

window size 2 (recommended for X.25 native)
Note: Window size in X.25/ISDN communication
is the number of packets that can be outstanding
without acknowledgment. The window size will be
negotiated during connection setup, but we
recommend you to use the correct window size
(depending on the partner network).

Please read the chapter 2.3 "Network Requirements" for XOT system
requirements. If desired, it is possible to receive a separate document for
the configuration of an ISDN router.
The XOT parameters for a partner station are described in the following

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XOT parameters




Remote station only: Number for differentiating

the various receivers through which the local
station can be reached. Note: Each receiver
should be defined in one XOT tab of the local
station. rvsEVO automatically assigns and
manages this number. The first tab of the local
receiver has the number 1. Default: 1

Router IP address

IP address of an XOT router. This parameter is

optional for the local station and mandatory for the
partner station

Router Port

Port of the XOT router

Default: 1998


Time Out in seconds after which the communication program the connection closes, if the partner
station does not answers.

X.25 Address

15-digit X.25 DTE address of the local station.

This number is optional. It is however advisable
for an ISDN connection to enter the ISDN number
here, as some partners expect an X.25 address.

X.25 DBit

D-bit: Delivery Confirmation; applies only to Data

packets. It is used to ensure that acknowlodgment
of Data packet is end-to-end. When not set, a
local node can acknowledge the receipt of a Data
Packet before forwarding it on the next node.

X.25 Facilities

Special information or facilities for an X.25 transmission; see the information of the X.25 service in

X.25 Modulo

In X.25 data transmission exist two modulo operationg standards: Modulo 8 and Modulo 128.
Modulo 128 means, that you must select bigger
window size via parameter FACILITIES. The
standard window size for modulo 8 is 2.

X.25 PacketSize

Size of date packets during data transmission

X.25 Userdata


User data for an X.25 transmission; see the information of the X.25 service in use


X.25 Window Size


window size 7 (recommended for ISDN)

window size 2 (recommended for X.25 native)
Note: Window size in X.25/ISDN communication
is the number of packets that can be outstanding
without acknowledgment. The window size will be
negotiated during connection setup, but we
recommend you to use the correct window size
(depending on the partner network).

A right-click on the neighbour station opens the context menu, which

offers then the options Add routed station and Activate connection.
With the option Add routed station you can add a set of routed stations,
that are reachable via the neighbour station. Activate connection
activates the connection to the neighbour station.


Setting up a routed station

Pre-condition: You must already have set up a direct neighbouring node

via which you can reach the routed station.

Add routed stations

Set up a routed station by a right-click on the neighbour station and

selecting from the context menu the item Add routed station. For you,
the connection type (line type) by which this station is to be reached is of
no importance (this is dealt with by the direct neightbouring node). For
this reason, the connection type to the routed station is not shown.
The possible tabs for this type of station are: Routed Station, OFTP
(Odette parameters). Please refer to the section Setting up a neighbour
station for the explanation of the ODETTE parameters.
A routed station in rvsEVO can only be reached via the neighbour station.
This is shown by the parameter Routing Station in the GUI that is
equivalent to the parameter Gateway in the element (parameter group)
StationRouted of the XML station configuration file
Besides entering the freely selectable station name (SID) in the Routed
Station tab, you only have to enter the Odette ID in the Odette tab to
complete the station configuration of the routed station.
A right-click on the routed station opens the context menu, which offers
then an option Delete station.

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What are virtual

Setting up a virtual station

Virtual stations are used to represent stations outside the OFTP network
for the OFTP network. They allow files to be sent to destination stations
outside the OFTP network.
ODETTE-IDs uniquely define the stations in an OFTP network. Each
virtual station must also be assigned an own ODETTE ID. A virtual
station can also send and receive.

Add virtual stations

Click the local station with the right mouse button and choose Add
Virtual Station.
The possible tabs for this type of station are:
Virtual Station: the mandatory parameter in this tab is SID. The
parameter SID is a unique station ID which can consist of up to sixteen
characters. The other parameters are optional and are contact data.
OFTP (Odette parameters): the mandatory parameter in this tab is
Odette ID. Please refer to the section 3.2.2 "Configurating a local
station" for the explanation of the Odette ID. Please refer to the
section 11 "PKI Bindung" for the explanation of parameters PKI and
Certificate Validation Type.

Delete virtual

A right-click on the routed station opens the context menu, which offers
then an option Delete station.
Hint: In the station configuration on the partner side the virtual stations
should be configurates as routed stations.


How to configure a TLS receiver?

A right click on the local station opens a context menu with the possibility
to add a new TLS receiver (listener)
In this chapter we will describe how to configure an encrypted part of the
TLS connection. This applies to the two parameters in the receiver
configuration list: keystore file name and trusted certs
keystore file name. The other parameters are described in
chapter 3.2, table TLS for local station.
Hint: The encrypted part of the TLS connection cannot be configured via
Remote GUI.
Which steps are needed for the TLS communication?
The following steps need to be done before you start with the TLS
create an own key pair for the TLS communication
export an own public key in form of X.509 certificate
send you own public key to the partner with whom you should
communicate per TLS



The partner has to import your X.509 certificate (public key) and send
to you his X.509 certificate.
You have to import the partners X.509 certificate into your
TrustManager key file.
now try to activate the partner station and when OK send a test file
Hint: Do not forget to activate (enable) your TLS receiver.
Creating an own key pair
When adding a TLS receiver (listener) to you local station the first step is
to create a key pair for the encrypted TLS communication.
To create a key pair click on the value of the parameter key store file
name. In this line you will find two symbols: ... and -->.
The symbol ... opens a dialog to select an other key store file and not the
default one. Default is: $RVS_HOME/system/data/
tlsKeyManagerKeyStore.p12. We recommend to use the default
The symbol --> starts a program Portecle for the creation of a key pair.
The following steps are necessary:
Start Portecle with -->
To open the functionality Generate Key Pair, select the Tools icon in
the function bar.
In the window Generate Key Pair use as the Key Algorithm RSA and
as default key size 1024.
Press the button OK and the next window Generate Certificate
In the window Generate Certificate are the following fields to set:

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The Common Name parameter applies in case of a connection to an

existing PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) and this parameter is required for
the LDAP structure. This parameter is mandatory.
All other data concerns your organization. rvsEVO does not stipulate
how to complete the fields.
After pressing OK buttton, opens the next window

The field Entry Alias is only for your internal use, to distinguish the
certificates. It should only not be left empty. You can fill it with Common
Name as proposed or with your Station ID.
After pressing OK a key pair should be created successfully.
Export of the own public key as a certificate
Click again on the value of key store file name and then on symbol
-->. Porticle user interface appears.
Click on your key pair and press the right mause button. The context
menu appears with the function Export.
The following windows appears:



Use the default settings for the export: Export Type: Head
Certificate; Export Format: DER Encoded.
Confirm your settings with OK.
In the next window you should name your certificate and store it. We
recommed the file name with ending .cer or .crt. Hint: Make a
copy of your certificate on another computer.
Import of a partner X.509 certificate
Click on the value of trusted certs keystore file name and then on
symbol -->. Portecle user interface appears.
Select the Tools icon in the function bar and then the function Import
Trusted Certificate.
Select the certificate file in the next widow
The field Entry Alias is only for your internal use, to distinguish the
partners. It should only not be left empty. You can fill it with Common
Name as proposed or with the Station ID of the partner.
After you have done all steps mentioned at the beginning of this chapter
try to activate the partner station and send a test file.
Procedure with CA certificates
This chapter describes the procedure for working with CA certificates:
Generate CSR

Generate a key pair as described in this chapter.

A right click on your key pair (click keystore filename and symbol -->
for opening tlsKeyManagerKeyStore.p12 file) opens a context
menu with the possibility to generate a Certification Request. Define
name and directory where the request should be saved. By default the

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file is generated in PKCS#10 format.

Example of Certification Request:

Send the request to the TrustCenter (CA). With Odette CA you can
make your application online:
Please see
odette-ca-help.pdf for more information.
You receive your server certificate (your public key signed by CA), a CA
root- and a CA certificate if all entries of your certificate order are correct.
Import of own

You should import the certificates in a specific sequential arangement

into $RVS_HOME/system/data/tlsKeyManagerKeyStore.p12 file:
at first the CA root-, thereafter the CA certificate and at last the server
Start Portecle with keystore filename and -->.



Import the CA Root certificate via function Tools -> Import Trusted
Import the CA certificate via function Tools -> Import Trusted
At last import the server certificate via function Import CA Reply.
Highlight your key pair and after a right click on your key pair the
context menu offers the option Import CA Reply.
Save and close your keystore.
At least you must send your CA certificates to your partner and import
whose certificates:
Import certificate of

Open $RVS_HOME/system/data/tlsTrustManagerKeyStore.p12 keystore file via Portecle (trusted certs keystore file
Name and -->).
Import the CA Root certificate of your partner via function Tools ->
Import Trusted Certificate.
Import the CA certificate of your partner via function Tools -> Import
Trusted Certificate.
Save and close your keystore.
Hint: You must not import the server certificate. Server certificates are
exchanged during connection setup.


Customizing stations via XML configuration file

On the other hand the station configuration can be done editing the XML
station configuration file $RVS_HOME/conf/rvsStationlist.xml
rvsStationlist.xml. The StationLoc element in the
configuration file is equivalent to the Local Station in the GUI,
StationNeighbour is Neighbour Station, StationRouted is the
Routed Station and StationVirtual is the virtual station in the GUI.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <rvsStationConfig>

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<OdetteID>OFDST 001398XDSC</OdetteID>




Lines starting with (<!--) and ending with (-->) are interpreted as
Edit this file if you have to change mandatory parameters (ODETTE ID,
TCPIP_Basic) or if you wish to assign values to other optional
parameters such as Contact.
Use a text editor (e.g. Edit, TextPad) to do so. Please make sure to
save your XML files as valid XML documents after editing as rvsEVO
otherwise will not be able to read them and may fail to start correctly.
The changes in the GUI will be visible immediately (afer saving) in the
XML station configuration file; the changes in the XML station
configuration file will be visible in the GUI only after a new start of the
rvsEVO (command startGUI).

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Note: For correct TCP/IP communication you must ensure that the IP
ports for RMI (1099) and for Odette (e.g. 3305) are free.
For the description of the parameters in the rvsStationlist.xml
file please refer to the description of the GUI parameters.


Additionally you have the possibility to set up the stations with a

command tool at run-time. For this a XML file must be generated, which
contains all informations about the stations you would like to modify. The
content of this file is described in a XML pattern
($RVS_HOME/system/data/xsd/stationList.xsd). For each
station, an additional XML element (function) is necessary.
Possible values:
insert: add a new station
update: modify existing stations
delete: delete a station (the own station cannot be deleted)
This functionality is actuated with the following tool:
updateStationList -f <xml filename> -u <username> -p




Customizing the JobStarts

The JobStart configuration comprises rules that allow special programs to

be launched when appropriate files are being sent or received or when a
job is failed.
Hint: Dont save changed scripts and your own one in $RVS_HOME\bin
directory or subdirectories of $RVS_HOME\bin because these will be
overwritten during update installations.

If more than one jobFilter applies to the send job, receive job or failed job,
the job is started whose jobFilter applies most exactly (eg while using
wildcards: testdoc* is more exactly than testd*).
It is possible to customize JobStarts via the GUI or via the JobStart
configuration file.
Hint: Within rvsEVO installation already configurated jobstarts are saved
in $RVS_HOME\bin\jobstart directory. The description of the
Jobstart scripts can be found at the end of this chapter.

Customizing via GUI

At first you should open the Administration window selecting the Admin
icon in the function bar. Then select the item Jobstart in the
Administration tree on the left hand side. How to start GUI read please in
the chapter 2.6.
It is possible to choose between Jobstarts in receive direction, Jobstarts
in send direction and Jobstarts after failure. A Jobstart in receive direction
is equivalent to a resident receive entry in rvs. A Jobstart in send
direction is equivalent to a Jobstart after send attempt in rvs. From
version 5.3 onwards it is possible to choose Jobstarts after processing
A new Jobstart will be created with a right-click on a Jobstart after
receive, a Jobstart after send attempt or a Jobstart after fail in the
Administration tree (Add new entry). To select the already existing
Jobstart, double-click the appropriate line of the appropriate JobStart in
the right-hand window.
The following JobFilters entries are possible:
all JobStarts: Comment, Enabled, Sid of Originator, Sid of Destination,
VDSN, Process, Parameter Handling, Shell, Synchronized and
Timeout (Sync.)
JobStart after receive: New Filename, New Directory, Replace,
Timestamp, Timestamp Format, Conversion table and Recordhandling
JobStart after send attempts: Send Attempts
Please refer to the table of the JobFilters for a detailed description.

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Examples (GUI)

1st example: JobStart after receive

If rvsEVO receives a file with the virtual file name TEST_OFTP2 from a
routed station RO1 the program C:\resentr.bat will be started



2nd example: JobStart after send attempts:

If rvsEVO sends successfully (SendAttempts=0) a file with the virtual
file name test.888 to the neighbour station RVS, the program
C:\sendjob.bat will be started.

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3rd example: JobStart after fail:

If rvsEVO receives an error message after send attempt a file with the
virtual file name TEST to the neighbour station RVS, the program
C:\sendjob.bat will be started.

Note: A JobStart after fail is launched if a job was changed to FAILED

status or if active jobs were changed into an error status which requires
an operator intervention (e.g. Restart). A JobStart after fail is started
also after a NERP was received.
The following situations activate a JobStart after fail:
Send transmission:
preprocessing fails (status: SP_FAILED)
partner station is missing
JobStart after send attempts fails (ENDED_WITH_JS_ERROR)
SFNA (Start File Negative Answer) after connection establishment
(e.g. unencrypted file transmission while the neighbour station
demands encryption)
FATAL_ERROR after SFNA (e.g. the file does not exist)



JobStart fails after successful send attempt

EFNA error (End File Negative Answer) after transmission
receipt of NERP (Negative-End-to-End-Response)
Receive transmission:
dispatch of SFNA
dispatch of EFNA (e.g. the byte count of the received file is not
conform to the byte count of the transmitted file)
subsequent treatment fails; e.g. missing private key for decryption
JobStart after receive fails (ENDED_WITH_JS_ERROR)


Customizing via XML configuration file rvsJobstart.xml

Like most of the other rvsEVO configuration files this file is in the XML
format as well.

jobFilter elements
This file comprises any number of jobFilter elements. The table below
gives a detailed description of individual jobFilter sub elements.
jJobFilter elements



free text

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Conversion table

For ASCII(ANSI) - EBCDIC conversion the

following conversion tables are available:
For EBCDIC - ASCII(ANSI) conversion the
following conversion tables are available:
For using your own conversion table, please
read the note for conversion tables on page 85



Defines filter rules for the communication

direction. Possible values:
SND (when sending files), RCV (when receiving
files) and FAIL (after processing error).


With this parameter you decide whether the job

is to be started or not. Possible values:
true: to start the job (default)
false: the job is not started

New Filename

With this parameter you can save the received

file with an other name.

New Directory

With this parameter you can save the received

file in an other directory than Inbox directory.

Parameter Handling

With this parameter you can decide how to

transmit the job data to the process.
Possible values:
ARGS: job data are passed as arguments
ENV: job data are set as environment variables
REPLACE: for compatibility with rvs portable.
For further information see chapter Parameter
handling on page 82



Program to be started when all filter conditions

apply. A defined set of parameters is passed to
the programs.
1 JobId
2 Station ID (of sender or recipient)
3 File name of the file sent or received
5 Date of the job
6 Time of the job
7 Number of attempts to send.
8 Format of a file
9 Record length of a file
10 Transmitted Bytes
For explanation of parameters, when sending a
file see chapter 4.5. How these parameters
should be used in a script, see the example at
the end of this chapter
(file $RVS_HOME/bin/jobstart/
(not for Remote GUI; please see process

Process (Server)

only for Remote GUI (instead of process)

Record Handling

With this parameter you decide, whether each

line of a received file in F or V format is terminated by line feed. Possible values:
VFTXT:: Files in F or V format are saved in text
mode. Line feed is inserted at the end of each
record (default)
VTXT_FBIN: Files in V format are saved in text
mode; files in F format are saved in binary


With replace you decide how to handle receiving files which own the same name like existing files.
Possible values:
true (Yes): replace the existing file
false (No): create new data set with unique
name; timestamp is added (default)

Send Attempts

Number of failed attempts to send. Successful

file transmission is indicated by "0" here.


Command Shell for executions of the program

e.g. ksh, csh, ... on Unix systems

SID of Destination

Station ID of target station.

SID of Originator

Station ID of source station.

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Parameter handling


With setting true: the OFTP session between

sender station and receiver station will be kept
alive waiting until the process is finished.
Default: false

Timeout (Sync.)

If setting Synchronized = true: Time Out after

which the communication program the connection


With this parameter you define rules for

timestamp creation.
Possible values:
true (yes): timestamp is to be generated
false (No): timestamp is to be added only if
necessary (default)

Timestamp Format

Format of the timestamp.

Possible values:
TIME: time of creation of the job and counter;
format: hhmmssccc (default)
DATETIME: date and time of creation of the
job and counter; format: YYMMDDhhmmssccc
SFID_DATETIME: Odette timestamp of SFID;
date, time and counter in format
COUNTER: 000000 - 999999. If the counter
is not sequential, the gap is filled first before
the counter is counted up.


Virtual file name (regular expression as filter).

Hint: Subsequent you can find a detailed description of the alignment

parameterHandling=ENV and parameterHandling=REPLACE.
parameterHandling=ENV: job data are set as environment variables.
The following environment variables are specified (in angle brackets:
name in XML file, in brackets: GUI name):
RVS_COMPRESSION <compression> (Compression)
RVS_CONVERSION_TABLE <conversionTable> (Code table)
RVS_CREATED_AT <creationDate> (Created at)
RVS_DATE: Date of <creationDate>
RVS_DESCRIPTION: <fileDescription> (File desc.)
RVS_DIRECTION: <direction> (Direction)
RVS_DISPOSITION: <disposition> (Disposition)
RVS_ENCRYPTION: <encryption> (Encryption)
RVS_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM: <encryptionAlgorithm>
(Encryption Algorithm)
RVS_ERROR_ID: <errorID> (error number)



RVS_ERROR_TEXT: <errorText> (description)

RVS_EXTERNAL_JOBID: <externalJobId> (External JobID)
RVS_FILENAME: <filename> (Filename)
RVS_FILENAME_SRC: <filenameSrc> (Source file name)
RVS_JOB_ID: <jobNumber> (ID)
RVS_LABEL: <label> (Label)
RVS_LAST_CHANGE: <lastStateChange> (Last Change)
RVS_NERP_CREATOR_ODETTE_ID: <nerpCreatorOdetteID> (Nerp
Creator OdetteID)
RVS_NERP_REASON_CODE: <nerpReasonCode> (Nerp Reason
RVS_NERP_REASON_TEXT: <nerpReasonText> (Nerp Reason
RVS_RECORD_FORMAT: <recordFormat> (Format)
RVS_RECORD_LENGTH: <recordLength> (Record length)
RVS_RESTART_POSITION: <restartPos> (Restart Position)
RVS_SECURITY_FEATURE_SET: <securityFeatureSet> (Security
Feature Set)
RVS_SEND_ATTEMPTS: <sendAttempts> (Send attempts)
RVS_SERIALIZE: <serialisation> (Serialisation)
RVS_SID_DESTINATION: <sidDestination> (SID Destination)
RVS_SID_ORIGINATOR: <sidOriginator> (SID Originatior)
RVS_SIGNATURE: <sign> (File signature)
RVS_SIGNATURE_EERP: <signEERP> (request signed EERP/
RVS_STATUS: <status> (Status)
RVS_TIME: Time of <creationDate>
RVS_TIME_START_FILE: <timeStartFile> (Time Start File)
RVS_TRANSMITTED_BYTES: <transmittedBytes> (Bytes transmitted)
The table JobInfoList: Explanation of the job attributes: on page 121
shows the description of the environment variables.
parameterHandling=REPLACE: A copy of the stated file is created. The
placeholders of the scripts are substituted for job data. The placeholders
are encased by ? (e.g. "move ?DSN? /home/rvsevo/incomming"
becomes "move /home/rvsevo/rvsEVO/files/inbox/TEST.TXT /home/
Placeholder of all jobstarts:
?DSN?: name of local data set, where received information has been
?VDSN?: virtual data set name under which the data set was
?DTAVAIL?: date, when the data set was available for sending;
?FORMAT?: record format of data set

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?BYTES?: number of transmitted bytes

?RECORDS?: number of transmitted records for F and V format data
sets; always zero for T und U format data sets.
?DTRCV?: date, when data set was delivered to local user in format
?UID?: UserID
?SID?: StationsID
?DSNTEMP?: name of temp. data set
Placeholder of jobstart type SND:
?MAXRECL?: The meaning of this field depends upon the record
format of the transmitted data set:
- F format: length of each record
- V format: maximum length a record may have
- T und U format: alwsys 0 (zero)
?LABEL?: string if the send command contained a LABEL parameter.
Can be used to identify the send command.
?SECN?: rvsEVO JobID (number of send command SE in rvs
?SKCN?: rvsEVO JobID (number of send command SK in rvs
?SIDORIG?: StationID of originatior
?SENDATT?: number of unsuccessful attempts after which the
program is to be started
Placeholder of jobstart type RCV:
?MAXRECL?: The meaning of this field depends upon the record
format of the received data set:
- F format: length of each record
- V format: maximum length a record may have
- T und U format: alwsys 0 (zero)
?CNQS?: rvsEVO JobID (command number of EERP (End-to- EndResponse) for received file in rvs portable).
?CNIE?: rvsEVO JobID (command number of IE for received file in
rvs portable).
?CNIZ?: rvsEVO JobID (command number of IZ for received file in
rvs portable).
conversion tables

Note: The next section is a short explanation of the conversion tables,

that are offered by rvsEVO.
Text files are stored on most systems in one of two computer codes,
namely ASCII (American National Standard Code for Information
Interchange) or EBCDIC (Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange
ASCII is the standard code for UNIX and DOS/Windows systems.
EBCDIC was developed for IBM Mainframe computers.



ASCII: US-ASCII ISO 646; the ASCII character set defines 128
characters (0 to 127 decimal). This character set is a subset of many
other character sets with 256 characters, including the ANSI character
set of MS Windows.
ANSI: Windows ANSI, Values 0 to 127 are the same as in the ASCII
character set, values 128 to 255 are similar to the ISO Latin-1
character set.
EBCDIC 037: support characters, which are used in the following
countries: Australien, Brasilien, Kanada, Neuseeland, Portugal,
Sdafrika, USA.
EBCDIC 273: supports characters (especially umlauts), which are
used in the following countries: Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

How to add your own conversion table:

In order to use your own conversion table, please follow the procedure
given below:
create a new conversion table. The content of this file is described in
the following XML schema:
<conversiontable codein='ASCII ISO 646' codeout='Ebcdic 037'>
<description>Table to converts signs from US-ASCII ISO 646 to IBM037
(Ebcdic 037)</description>
<char value="0">0</char>
<char value="0">0</char>

Note: char value is equivalent to the source code and the value in
<> is equivalent to the target code.
store the XML file in the directory
to add your table to the list of conversion tables, edit the XML file
Next you find an abridged version of the file
<characterSetConverters coding="">
<!-- -->
<converter cid="ANSI-IBM037">conversion_ANSI_IBM037.xml</converter>
<converter cid="IBM273-ASCII">conversion_IBM273_ASCII.xml</

In the example above cid="ANSI-IBM037" (cid="IBM273ASCII") is the used name in rvsEVO and

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(conversion_IBM273_ASCII.xml) is the name of your XML file.
Please restart rvsEVO after your complement.
Scripts for Jobstarts:
The $RVS_HOME\bin\jobstart directory contains jobstart tools as
batch files, delivered by rvsEVO. You have the possibillity to conform the
files to your requirements or to generate new batch files.
This tool deletes a file after successful send attempt.
This Tool refers to Central Administartion. For further information please
read chapter 13 "rvsEVO Central Administration".
jobstart.bat and jobstart_detailed.bat
This tools write information about the sended file and transmission in
$RVS_HOME\log\jobstart.out file. With jobstart_detailed
the dump in jobstart.out is formatted, with jobstart the dump is
This script starts the sendJournal tool. sendJournal creates a
journal and sends this to CentralJoural.
Bentigter Parameter:
-f <filename>

Name of request file from CentralJournal.


For detailed information please see the user manual of CentralJournal..

This tool sends back the received file to the originator. A protocol of this
procedure is written in $RVS_HOME\log\jobstart.out file.

Jobstart after Aborted Send Attempts

It is possible to define a number of aborted send attempts after those a
job shall be startet. Therefor set the parameter Send attempt. If several
jobs are to be startet after a different number of send attempts this is
handled as follows.



Example: Program 1 (P1) shall be started after one send attempt and
program 2 (P2) shall be started after three send attempts, then:
1. send attempt -> P1
2. send attempt -> P1
3. send attempt -> P2
4. send attempt -> P1
5. send attempt -> P1
6. send attempt -> P2

Delete a Jobstart
If you want to delete a JobStart, select it at first with a double-click. Now
you can remove it with the Delete button.
Jobstart Processes
Jobstart scripts

With the installation of rvsEVO you get some examples of jobstart

processes. They are saved in the $RVS_HOME\bin\jobstart directory. You can use or edit this files or create new batch files for your
jobstarts. Please find in the following a short description of the scripts
delivered by rvsEVO.
This script can be launched in a jobstart after send attempt. After a
succcessful send attempt the sended file is deleted.
This script belongs to Central Administration. Please read chapter
13 "rvsEVO Central Administration" for more information.
jobstart.bat and jobstart_detailed.bat
These scripts can be lauched in a jobstart after send attempt or a jobstart
after receive. A protocol with information about the sended file and data
of the transfer is saved in $RVS_HOME\log\jobstart.out file. The
display of jobstart_detailed is formatted not so the display of
With this script the tool sendJournal is started. sendJournal creates
a journal and sends this to CentralJournal.

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Required parameters:
-f <filename>

Name of request file from CentralJournal.


Please read the user manual of CentralJournal for detailed information.

With this script the received file is to be sent back to the originator. The
settings are equal to the receiving transmission. Information about the file
and data of the transfer is saved in $RVS_HOME\log\jobstart.out


Working with rvsEVO

Batch files

Working with rvsEVO

The present chapter describes all programs available for everyday use of
rvsEVO. These programs are located as batch files in the
$RVS_HOME\bin directory or available via the rvsEVO GUI.
Note: To launch an rvsEVO program you must change to the

$RVS_HOME\bin directory.


Starting the rvsEVO server

Use the startServer program to start rvsEVO Server. rvsEVO Server

will be also started by the program startGUI. startGUI starts GUI
and then the rvsEVO server (please read the chapter 2.6).

It is not possible to specify any parameters.
A successful start is indicated as follows:

* rvs Server has started.
Note: The RMI port 1099 is necessary for the RMI registry, so if this port
is occupied, rvsEVO Server will not start successfully.



Stopping the rvsEVO server

Use the stopServer program to stop rvsEVO.


stopServer -m <mode> [-verbose]

All parameters are optional

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-m <mode>

Time for jobs to terminate before rvsEVO is

Possible values:

0 (default; 120 seconds),

1 (60 seconds), 2 (30 seconds),
3 (20 seconds),
4 (10 seconds),

Verbose message output.


Requests help information.


Requests help information.


Result: The server stops after 120 seconds.

stopServer -m 3
Result: The server stops after 20 seconds.

* rvs Server has stopped.

Displaying messages

rvsEVO messages and warnings are saved in the log files in directory
The monitor.log file contains the Monitor messages, the rvs.log
file contains the messages from rvsEVO Server and the
rvsClient.log file the messages from the command prompt and the
rvsEVO clients.

Displaying Monitor messages

Log Messages are normally displayed in the bottom of the GUI window.
You can view old Monitor messages via the GUI or via the program


Working with rvsEVO


The Monitor messages are saved in the file

$RVS_HOME\log\monitor.log. A new montor.log file is

generated daily and the old montor.log file is renamed in monitor.log
plus date pattern plus counter. Also a new file is generated if the
maximum file size is reached.
The maximum file size and maximum number of log files can be defined
in the element appender name="monlog" in the
$RVS_HOME\conf\rvsLogger.xml file.:
Maximum size: use the function MaxFileSize
Syntax: <param name="MaxFileSize" value="10MB"/>
Maximum number of log files: use the function MaxRollFileCount
Syntax: <param name="MaxRollFileCount" value="50"/>

Log messages

After a new start of the GUI the last 25 log messages are shown. Set the
parameter rvs_evo.monlog.initial_buffer_size in the file
$RVS_HOME/conf/ to change this setting.
Delete # at the beginning of the line, because otherwise the modification
will be ignored. In the following example the last 50 log messages are
shown after a new GUI start.

You can configure the display of the Monitor messages. This function is
controlled by the properties file
$RVS_HOME/conf/ with the following
definition: rvs_evo.monitorlog.client_layout.
rvs_evo.monitorlog.client_layout=%1$-11s * %3$-4s *
%4$-36s * %8$-s
Explanation of the example:
In the first term (%1$-11s * )1$ is the parameter, - means leftaligned (default is right-aligned), 11 is the column width and * is the
seperator. The last parameter has no column width. Each term begins
with % and ends with s.
The following table shows the possible parameters.


1$ (time)

Date and time of the entry (format yyyyMMddHHmmss)

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2$ (level)

Kind of message. Possible values:

INF: Information
WRN: Warning / importent hint

3$ (module)

Module of rvsEVO, which transmitted the

message. Possible values:
SRV: rvsEVO Server
CTRL: controller
NET: network
OFTP: ODETTE protocol
CONF: configration
PERS: persistence
ACX: automatic exchange of certificats
SP: Service Provider
OBSR: Observer

4$ (messageKey)

Message key

5$ (sessionID)

ID of OFTP session

6$ (stationID)

SID of neighbour station

7$ (jobID)

rvsEVO JobID

8$ (localized

Text message from message key (GUI)

or parameter for text message (Log-Datei)

Hint: Using an Orcle database, the Monitor Messages can be saved in

the operateor control position in MONITOR_MESSAGE table from
rvsEVO version 5.04 on. This functionality is to configure in
rvsLogger.xml file in $RVS_HOME/conf directory. Please delete <!-- at
the bginning of the batch and --> at the end for activiating this function.

History messages

You can also view old Monitor messages. Select the Admin icon in the
function bar of rvsEVO GUI. The Administration window opens with the
Admin tree and the sub-entry Log History Messages. How to start of
rvsEVO GUI please read the chapter 2.6.
Choose a log file in the selectbox on the right hand side of the window
and press the button Load log file for viewing the history messages.


Working with rvsEVO


Command Line
Use the showMonitorLog program to trace the current Monitor
messages and to analyze error messages.

showMonitorLog [-verbose]
Optional parameters:

Verbose message output.


Displays a description of the current command


Requests help information.

Optional remote parameters:

-su <user>

client user for remote login.

-sp <password>

password of the client

-sh <host:port>

host is the IP address or hostname of rvsEVOServer; port is the port of rvsEVO-Server

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The showMonitorLogFile program is similar to the

showMonitorLog program: use showMonitorLogFile to view a
Monitor log file.
showMonitorLogFile -i <filename>
Required parameter:
-i <filename>

Path and Name of the Monitor log file

Optional parameters:

Requests help information.


Displays a description of the current command


Monitor Log filename


Messages from rvsEVO Server

The error messages of rvsEVO Server are saved in

$RVS_HOME\log\rvs.log file.
The maximum file size and maximum number of log files can be defined
in the element appender name="rvslog" in the $RVS_HOME\conf\
rvsLogger.xml file.:
Maximum size: use the function maxFileSize
Syntax: <param name="maxFileSize" value="2097152"/>
Maximum number of log files: use the function maxBackupIndex
Syntax: <param name="maxBackupIndex" value="10"/>

Messages from command prompt and rvsEVO clients

The warnings and error messages of the command prompt and the
rvsEVO clients are saved in $RVS_HOME\log\rvsClient.log.
The maximum file size and maximum number of log files can be defined
in the element appender name="Standard" in the
$RVS_HOME\conf\rvsClientLogger.xml file.:
Maximum size: use the function maxFileSize
Syntax: <param name="maxFileSize" value="2097152"/>
Maximum number of log files: use the function maxBackupIndex
Syntax: <param name="maxBackupIndex" value="10"/>


Working with rvsEVO



Activating a station

Use the activateStation program to activate the neighbour station

in the command line. How to activate the neighbour station via the GUI,
please see chapter 3.2.3 "Setting up of a neighbour station".
Note: You cannot activate a routed station. You can activate only a direct
neighbouring node (neighbour station).

activateStation -s <sid> [-verbose]

Optional parameters:

Verbose message output.


Displays a description of the current



Requests help information.

Optional remote parameters:

-su <user>

client user for remote login.

-sp <password>

password of the client

-sh <host:port>

host is the IP address or hostname of rvsEVOServer; port is the port of rvsEVO-Server

Heed messages in the command prompt window starting with message

or error if a station activation fails (e.g. due to an incorrect IP address).
Correct the configuration file with the station table when the IP address is
incorrect. You must stop and restart rvsEVO each time you have saved
the configuration file.


Sending a file

It is possible to send a file via the GUI or via the command line. How to
start GUI, please read the chapter 2.6.
Select the icon Transfer in the function bar and thereafter the sub-entry
Create New Transmission in the Transfer tree. An other way to open the
Create New Transmission window is to select the Send file icon in the
function bar.
In the Create New Transmission window you can type or select the
send parameters and launch the sendjob with a click on the Send button.

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Use the Store as Default button to save the settings and the Default
values button to access the saved settings if required. By pressing the
Reset button you can reset the settings to system default.

Send parameters

Required parameters:
SID Destination

Recipient station ID.


File name of the file to be sent.


Virtual file name; the length of the file name

used for ODETTE transfer must not exceed 26

Optional send parameters:



Requests help information.

Working with rvsEVO

Conversion table

For ASCII - EBCDIC conversion the following

conversion tables are available : ASCIIIBM037, ASCII-IBM273, ANSI-IBM073, ANSIIBM273.
For EBCDIC - ASCII conversion the following
conversion tables are available : IBM037ASCII, IBM273-ASCII, IBM037-ANSI, IBM273ANSI.
For using your own conversion table, please
read the note for conversion tables on page 85


Disposition of local file after successful send

attempt. Possible values:

K (KEEP) file will not be deleted after

D (DELETE) fifile will not be deleted after
sendingle will be deleted after sending

File encryption; active only in connection with

Security Feature Set=2, 3 oder 4;

Y (Yes) file will be sent encrypted

N (No) file will be sent without encryption
Encryption Algorithm

active only in connection with OFTP 2.0 (CMS)

(see parameter Security Feature Set in this
table. The following algorithm are possible:

File description

comment, free text, available only in

connection with OFTP version 2. If you partner
does not support OFTP version 2, this field will
be ignored.

File signature

active only in connection with OFTP 2.0 (CMS)

(see parameter Security Feature Set in this
table. Possible values:
Y (yes): file will be signed.
N (no): file will not be signed


Format of the file to be sent:

T=text file; a stream of ASCII characters

U=unstructured (binary); byte stream
V=variable; variable record length
F=fixed; fixed record length

Please see also the parameter Record Mode.

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Name of group of serialized send jobs. User

specified (descriptive) label for this job. If you
do not specify this parameter the VDSN will be
user as a label


maximal record length for the files in format F

or V, please see also the parameter Record


With this paramter you can decide whether the

file which should be transmitted is to copy to
Outbox directory or not. Possible values:
true: no copy
false: copy is saved in Outbox dorectory
Note: not with format U and code conversion

Offline Compression

Compression; active only in connection with

Security Feature Set=2, 3 oder 4.

Y (Yes) ODETTE compression

N (No) no ODETTE compression
Record Mode

In this parameter you indicate the mode of files

in format 'F' or 'V'. Possible values:
TXT: textfile
BIN: binary file
Textfile in format F: If the record length
deviate from the specified one (Parameter
MaxRecl) the line will be filled with blanks or
will be cut up to defined value. Textfile in
format V: longer records will be cut up to
defined value.
Binary files: The length of all records is the
max. record size except the length of the last
one. Binary files in format F: If the size of the
last record is shorter than the specified one
the line will be filled to the defined value.


Working with rvsEVO

Request signed EERP

active only in connection with OFTP 2.0 (CMS)

(see parameter Security Feature Set in this
table). In OFTP 2.0 there is a possibility to
request the signature of the EERP or of the
NERP. Your partner must support OFTP 2.0 in
this case. Possible values:
Y (yes)
N (no)
In case that you request signed EERP or
NERP and you partner does not send it to you,
the rvsEVO job will end in the FAILED status.

Security Feature Set

This parameter applies to the format of

encryption. According to the selected kind of
the encryption, the groups of available parameters will be activated.
Following values are possible:

1 / None: no encryption
2 / ComSecure (V1)
3 / ComSecure (V2)
4 / OFTP 2.0 (CMS)

rvsEVO supports two formats of encryption:

ComSecure (an appropriate format) und CMS
(based on X.509 certificates).
CMS format is only in with OFTP version 2
possible (your partner has to support OFTP
version 2.0, too).
ComSecure (V1) means version 1 (supported
by the ComSecure product versions 1.1 and
1.2). ComSecure (V2) means version 2
(supported by the ComSecure product version
1.3). V2 is needed for the encryption of the
files bigger than 4 Gbyte. Your partner must
support this ComSecure version, too.

With this parameter you can decide, what time

the SendJob should be launched. The
following entry formats are possible:
<yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss> date and time
<yyyy-mm-dd> date: the job will be started at
zero oclock
<hh:mm:ss> time: the job will be started at
the same or the next day.
If the value is h the job is created with HOLD

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Y (Yes)/N (No). If you set Serialization=Y, the

files will be sent in the same order, as the send
jobs were created. The next job will only be
sent, if the previous is completely finished. All
send jobs for the serialization must have the
same LABEL. In the GUI the VDSN will be
used as label. That means, that all jobs for the
same serialization group must have the same
virtual data set name (VDSN).

SID Originator

station ID of originator; local station (default) or

virtual station

Command Line


Use the createSendJob program to send a file to the partner station

via the command line.

createSendJob -d <filename> -s <receiver sid>

-v <vdsn>
[-t <conversion table>] [-F <format>] [-M
<length>] [-S <serialisation> -l <label>] [-desc
<description>] [-D <disposition>] [-C] [-Y] [-sfs
<set-id>] [-sif] [-rsr]
[-Yalg <encryption algorithmen>] [-Ycin <issuer
name>] [-Ycsn <serial no>] [-sifcin <issuer
name>] [-Ycsn <serial no>] [-h?]
[-verbose] [-Sd <init date>] [-St <init time>]
[-Sh] [-idf <filename2>] [-xid <external job id>]
[-so <originator sid> -rm <record mode>] [-su
<user> -sp <password> -sh <host:port>]
Required parameters:
-d <filename>

File name of the file to be sent.

-s <receiver sid>

Recipient station ID.

-v <vdsn>

Virtual file name; the length of the file name

used for ODETTE transfer must not exceed 26

Optional send parameters:

-C <compression>


ODETTE compression

Working with rvsEVO

-D <disposition>

K (KEEP) file will not be deleted after

D (DELETE) file will be deleted after

-desc <description>

comment, free text; see the description of the

parameter Description for GUI.

-F <format>

Format of the file to be sent:

T=text file; a stream of ASCII characters

U=unstructured (binary); byte stream
V (variable); variable record length
F (fixed); fixed record length.

Please see also the parameter -rm <record


Requests help information


Requests help information

-idf <filename2>

rvsEVO-JobID, which rvsEVO writes in a file

(filename) after the file was sended
successfully (return code = 0).

-j <start job>

without function

-l <label>

Name of group of serialized send jobs. User

specified (descriptive) label for this job. If you
do not specify this parameter the VDSN will be
user as a label.

-M <length>

maximal record length for the files in format F

or V. Please see also the parameter -rm
<record mode>.


By default with creating a send entry the files

to be send are copied to Outbox directory of
rvsEVO. With option -nocp the original file will
be deleted after transmission was successfull.
(Not if the format of the file to be send is U

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-rm <record mode>

In this parameter you indicate the mode of files

in format 'F' or 'V'. Possible values:
TXT: textfile
BIN: binary file
Textfile in format F: If the record length
deviates from the specified one (Parameter M <length>) the line will be filled with blanks
or will be cut up to defined value. Textfile in
format V: longer records will be cut up to
defined value.
Binary files: The length of all records is the
max. record size except the length of the last
one. Binary files in format F: If the size of the
last record is shorter than the specified one
the line will be filled to the defined value.


See the description of the parameter Request

signed EERP for GUI.

-S <serialize>

Y (Yes)/N (No). If you set the option -S=Y, the

files will be sent in the same order as the send
jobs were created. The next job will only be
sent, if the previous is completely finished. All
send jobs for the serialization must have the
same LABEL. In the GUI the VDSN will be
used as label. In the command line you can
specify your own label.

-Sd <init date>

Date, at which the transmission is to be

Format: <yyyy-mm-dd>

-sfs <set-id>

See the description of the parameter Security

Feature set for GUI; the possible values are
1-4, too.


Create a send entry with status HOLD


See the description of the parameter File

signature for GUI.

-sifcin <issuer name>

certificate issuer name for file signature (only

for sfs 4)

-sifcsn <serial number> certificate serial number for file signature (only
for sfs 4)


-so <originator sid>

station ID of originator

-St <init time>

Time, at which the transmission is to be

Format: <hh-mm-ss>

Working with rvsEVO

-t <conversion table>

name of your own conversion table: For

For EBCDIC - ASCII(ANSI) conversion:
For using your own conversion table, please
read the note for conversion tables on page 85


Verbose message output.

-xid <external job id>

Parameter for an external JobID, which can

refer to several rvsEVO-JobIDs. The external
JobID is a string of alphanumeric characters.

-Y <encryption>

file will be sent encrypted

-Yalg <encryption

See the description of the parameter

Encryption Algorithm for GUI. Possible
values: 3DES, AES.

-Ycin <issuer name>

certificate issuer name for encryption (only for

sfs 4)

-Ycsn <serial number> certificate serial number for encryption (only

for sfs 4)

Requests help information.

Optional remote parameters

-rd <file name>

remote file name of the file to be sent. The file

must be in the Outbox directory

-su <user>

client user for remote login.

-sp <password>

password of the client

-sh <host:port>

host is the IP address or hostname of rvsEVOServer; port is the port of rvsEVO-Server


createSendJob -d C:\text.txt -s RVS -v test

In this example the C:\text.txt file is sent to the station RVS with a
virtual name test33. The virtual file name parameter (option -v) is

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createSendJob -d C:\text.txt -s RVS -v OFTP_TEST

-F F -M 80
In this example the C:\text.txt file is sent to the station RVS with a
virtual name OFTP_TEST, this file is a text file of whicheach line has a
length of 80 characters without CR/LF (-F F -M 80).

createSendJob -d C:\TEMP\part.txt -s RVS -v PART

-S Y -l AUTO
In this example the C:\TEMP\part1.txt file is sent to station RVS
with a virtual name PART, this file belongs to the serialized group of files
with the label (for the whole group) AUTO.
createSendJob -d C:\text.txt -s RVS -v test -sfs 4 -C
-Y -rsr -sif
In this example the C:\text.txt file is send to station RVS with a
virtual name test, this file is encrypted with CMS format, compressed,
signed and the signature of EERP/NERP is requested.
The message createSendJob exited with return code 0
appears when a send job was successfully created.
If the jobs are successfully terminated (e.g. after an EERP has been
received) they will be in status ENDED directory. The FAILED directory
holds jobs that could not be successfully processed.


States for Send Jobs and Receive Jobs

This chapter prvides an overview of the possible States.

States for Send Jobs and Receive Jobs:
RESTART (wait after interruption of transmission to send file again)
SP_PROCESSING (Service provider is processing job)
SP_ENDED (Service provider has processed job successfully)
SP_FAILED (Service provider failed during processing of job)
ENDED (Job has successfully ended)
ENDED_WITH_JS_ERROR (Job run into error during call of jobstart)
FATAL_ERROR (Job run into fatal error)
DELETED (Job got deleted)


Working with rvsEVO

States for Send Jobs:

CREATED (Job was created, but not sent)
WF_SFID_ANSWER (Sendjob waits for answer to already sended
WF_CDT (Sendjob waits for credit renewal)
WF_EFID_ANSWER (Sendjob waits for answer to already sended
WF_EERP (Sendjob waits for EERP)
WF_EERP_ROUTING (Wait for EERP during Routing)
SYNCHRONIZE_ERROR (Sendjob run into synchronize error)
HELD (Sendjob got holded)
RELEASED (Sendjob got released)
States for Receive Jobs:
RESTART_AFTER_EFNA (Transmission with error; EFNA send;
waiting for retransmission)
RESTART_AFTER_EFPA_FAILURE (File already delivered but
EFPA failed; assuming partner will send file again)
RECEIVING (Receiving file data after EFPA)
EERP_HELD (File was completely received; EERP is on hold and
needs to get released)
EERP_RELEASED (User released EERP, but it is still not send)
EERP_DELETED (User deleted EERP; job will stop)
NERP_RELEASED (User released NERP, but it is still not send)
NERP_RELEASED_JS (NERP released by JS, but it is still not send)
FAILED_WITHOUT_NERP (transmission failed; no NERP received)
ROUTING_HELD_DURING_SHUTDOWN (Couldn't create routing send
job, because of shutdown)
invalid signature)
invalid signature)

Note: Please see chapter 15.1 "ODETTE Protocol" for ODETTE protocol
sequences (such as EFNA, SFID, EFID, EERP, ...).

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Synchronization of Send Jobs

The Odette file transfer is asynchronous. That means: If you create a

send job, a file will be only provided to be sent. The sending of the file will
not possible, only after a connection to a partner station has been
In automated business with a lot of processes is desirable to react
directly, if the sending of a file was not successfilly in a certain period of
As a solution for this problem rvsEVO offers on client-side a functionality
for synchronized file transfer. This program remains active, until the
transfer is successfully finished or an error occurs. It is possible to define
the number of send attempts or the time in which a file fransfer has to be
successfully done, or the whole transfer will be count as an error.
Note: A transfer is regarded as having been successfully completed
when the ODETTE acknowledgement EERP (End-to-End Response) for
this transfer has been received.
The convertAndSend program offers you the synchronization of send
jobs functionality. It is similar to the createSendJob program: it has
additionally the options for the synchronized file transfer and for the
conversion of an EDI message with the EDI converter WEDIConv (see
WEDIConv User Manual).

convertAndSend -d <filename> -s <receiver sid>

-v <vdsn>
[-t <conversion table>] [-j <start job>] [-F
<format>] [-M <length>] [-S <serialisation> -l
<label>] [-za <attempts>] [-zt <timeout>]
[converter parms] [-h?][-verbose]
[-Sd <init date>][-St <init time>] -[Sh]
[-idf <filename2>] [-xid <external job id>]
[-so <originator sid> -rm <record mode>]
Required parameters:
-d <filename>

File name of the file to be sent.

-s <receiver sid>

Recipient station ID.

-v <vdsn>

Virtual file name; the length of the file name

used for ODETTE transfer must not exceed 26

Optional send parameters:



Requests help information

Working with rvsEVO

-F <format>

Format of the file to be sent:

T=text file; a stream of ASCII characters

U=unstructured (binary); byte stream
V (variable); variable record length
F (fixed); fixed record length.

Please see also the parameter -rm <record


Requests help information

-idf <filename2>

rvsEVO-JobID, which rvsEVO writes in a file

(filename) after the file was sended
successfully (return code = 0).

-l <label>

Name of group of serialized send jobs. User

specified (descriptive) label for this job. If you
do not specify this parameter the VDSN will be
used as a label.

-M <length>

maximal record length for the files in format F

or V. Please see also the parameter -rm
<record mode>.

-rm <record mode>

In this parameter you indicate the mode of files

in format 'F' or 'V'. Possible values:
TXT: textfile
BIN: binary file
Textfile in format F: If the record length
deviates from the specified one (Parameter M <length>) the line will be filled with blanks
or will be cut up to defined value. Textfile in
format V: longer records will be cut up to
defined value.
Binary files: The length of all records is the
max. record size except the length of the last
one. Binary files in format F: If the size of the
last record is shorter than the specified one
the line will be filled to the defined value.

-S <serialize>

rvsEVO User Manual / Rev. 04.02.13

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Y (Yes)/N (No). If you set the option -S=Y, the

files will be sent in the same order as the send
jobs were created. The next job will only be
sent, if the previous is completely finished. All
send jobs for the serialization must have the
same LABEL. In the GUI the VDSN will be
used as label. In the command line you can
specify your own label.


rvsEVO User Manual

-Sd <init date>

Date, at which the transmission is to be

Format: <yyyy-mm-dd>


Create a send entry with status HOLD

-so <originator sid>

station ID of originator

-St <init time>

Time, at which the transmission is to be

Format: <hh-mm-ss>

-t <conversion table>

name of your own conversion table: For

For EBCDIC - ASCII(ANSI) conversion:
For using your own conversion table, please
read the note for conversion tables on page 85


Verbose message output.

-xid <external job id>

Parameter for an external JobID, which can

refer to several rvsEVO-JobIDs.The external
JobID is a string of alphanumeric characters.

-za <attempts>

count of send attempts for synchronized


-zt <timeout>

time-out for synchronized transmission in


Optional convert parameters:



format description for converter step 1


format description for converter step 2



stylesheet for converter step 1, optional


converter direction for converter step 1,

default: EDI2XML


converter direction for converter step 2,

default: XML2EDI.


log level for converter, default: 0

Working with rvsEVO


line feed behaviour for the EDI-message

0 - no LF as segment separator,
1 - LF as segment separator (default).


identation for XML output;

0 - no identation; 1 - identation on (default).


encoding for the XML output; default: UTF-8.

Optional remote parameters

-su <user>

client user for remote login.

-sp <password>

password of the client

-sh <host:port>

host is the IP address or hostname of rvsEVOServer; port is the port of rvsEVO-Server


convertAndSend -d C:\teil56.txt -s RVS -v TEILE

-za 4
In this example the C:\teil56.txt file is sent to the station RVS with
a virtual name TEILE, count of send attempts is limited to 4.

-d C:\INTEGRATION\test.txt -s RVS -v TEST
-cf C:\rvsET\system\fmtDesc\fw.kanban.ineas.xml
-ct C:\rvsET\system\stylesheets\ineas2deljit.xslt
-cf2 C:\rvsET\system\fmtDesc\edifact.97.orig.xml
In this example the C:\INTEGRATION\test.txt file is sent to the
station RVS with a virtual name TEST. The test.txt file was also
converted with the EDI converter WEDIConv (installed in the directory
C:\rvsET\); first from the inhouse format test.txt to the XML
format (fw.kanban.ineas.xml) and then to the EDIFACT message
(edifact.97.orig.xml). In the first step was used a stylesheet
ineas2deljit.xslt for the special presentation.
Note: If you use convertAndSend to send files, you must pay
attention to the fact, that with this feature a new send job after an occured
error can cause a double transmission (e.g. if the file is already
transmitted, but the in the -zt parameter defined time out period passed
without receiving the EERP. The transmission can be still active
independent from the own local station. In this case, the new sending of
the file can cause double transmission. The application above rvs must

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rvsEVO User Manual

be able to handle this particular situation. A possible solution is: the file
name must be unique or it must get a unique counter (a counter stamp)).


Working with rvsEVO


Active Panel

This tool gives you the additional details of the status of an active
In the GUI, you reach the active panel using the symbol transfer.
The following information is available in the active panel:

End session



- Neighbour

station-ID of the neighbouring station

- State

Initiator (own station is an active side of

the communication process);
Responder (own station is the passive side of
the communication process)

- Command

Create Session: creation of session

Start File: beginning of the transfer
Transmit File: transfer of the file
End File:end of the transfer

- Originator

SID of the originator

- Destination

SID of the destination

- Direction


- File Name

virtual file name

- Progress

percentage closed content of the transfer

- Line Speed

transfer rate in kB/sec

- Start File

time of the beginning of the file-transfer

- SessionID

is automatically signed for each transfer

- Start Session

Time of the session start

- Line Type

network type

Using the button filter in the area of the window below, it is possible to
restrict the display of the transfer status to particular networks.
In order to cancel the current transfer, mark the corresponding session
and press the button Terminate Session.

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rvsEVO User Manual


Listing of all receive and send jobs

The most important information about the send and receive jobs can be
shown via the GUI or via the command line. How to start rvsEVO, please
read the chapter 2.6.
Select the icon Transfer in the function bar. The Transfer window opens
with the sub-entry Transmissions in the Transfer tree. Now you can
select between the Active Receive/Send Transmissions, Ended
Transmission and Failed Transmissions.

Note: A transfer is regarded as having been successfully completed

when the ODETTE acknowledgement EERP (End-to-End Response) for
this transfer has been received.
Single-click on selected job sub-ordner gives you an overview of all jobs
in this ordner in the right-hand window.


Working with rvsEVO

By double-clicking on a job line in the right-hand section of the window

you can obtain a detailed view of the relevant job.

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rvsEVO User Manual

Active Receive Transmissions: If you click on the line Active Receive

Transmissions and then double-click on a particular job line, you will see
all details about the particular receive job in transmission. The buttons on
the right-hand side of the window allow several activities:
Release EERP

The Button Release EERP releases the EERP_OUT in status HOLD


Release NERP

The Button Release NERP releases the NERP_OUT in status HOLD


Delete EERP

The Button Delete EERP deletes the EERP_OUT.

The same functionalities are available by the program handleEERP
(see chapter 4.9).


With a click on the Show button the content of the received file is shown.


A click on the button Back shows you again the overview of Active
Receive Transmissions.
Hint: Operations can also be activated by a right click on a particular job
line. A context menu opens and the following functions can be choosen:
Release EERP, Delete EERP, Release NERP Restart SP or Delete
forced (allows to delete a current transfer. The originator gets the
information that the job was cancled and the file is transmitted again with
a new jobID but the same timestamp).
Active Send Transmissions: If you click on the line Active Send
Transmissions and then double-click on a particular job line, you will see
all details about the particular send job in transmission. The buttons on
the right-hand side of the window allow several activities:


Use the button marked Hold to pause the active job. The same
functionality is available by the program holdJob.
The button Release releases a job in status HOLD. The same
functionality is available by the program releaseJob.
The button Delete deletes a job. If the job is active, you must pause it
first. The same functionality is available by the program deleteJob.
A click on the button Back shows you again the overview of Active Send
Hint: Operations can also be activated by a right click on a particular job
line. A context menu opens and the following functions can be choosen:
Hold Transmission, Release Transmission, Delete Transmission, Restart
SP or Delete forced (allows to delete an active job without pausing it
The following information is for encrypted transmission only:
Jobs which can not be decrypted or encrypted by the Service Provider
were changed to the SP_FAILED status. Use the button Error to display
the error number and the description. After bug fixing you can activate the
job with a click on button Restart SP.


Working with rvsEVO

With Ended Transmissions the following functionalities are available:

Show File, Show Error and Recreate (recreates a transmission - only
for Send Transmissions)

With Failed Transmissions the following functionalities are available:

Show Error and Recreate (recreates a transmission after a NERP was
received - only for Send Transmissions)
Command Line

Use holdJob to pause the job.

holdJob -n [-su <user> -sp <password> -sh <host:port>]
Reqired parameters:

the jobID of the job to be held

Optional parameters:

prints help


Verbose message output.


Requests help information.

Optional remote parameters:


-su <user>

client user for remote login.

-sp <password>

password of the client

-sh <host:port>

host is the IP address or hostname of rvsEVOServer; port is the port of rvsEVO-Server

Use deleteJob to delete the job

deleteJob -n<jobID> [-f] [-su <user> -sp <password>
-sh <host:port>]
Reqired parameters:

rvsEVO User Manual / Rev. 04.02.13

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the jobID of the job to be deleted


rvsEVO User Manual

Optional parameters:

this parameter allows to delete active jobs without

pausing the jobs before


prints help


Verbose message output.


Requests help information.

Optional remote parameters:




-su <user>

client user for remote login.

-sp <password>

password of the client

-sh <host:port>

host is the IP address or hostname of rvsEVOServer; port is the port of rvsEVO-Server

Use releaseJob to release a job in status HOLD

releaseJob -n [-su <user> -sp <password> -sh
Reqired parameters:

the JobID to be released

Optional parameters:

prints help


Verbose message output


Requests help information

Optional remote parameters:


-su <user>

client user for remote login

-sp <password>

password of the client

-sh <host:port>

host is the IP address or hostname of rvsEVOServer; port is the port of rvsEVO-Server

Use restartJob to restart a job in FAILED_WITH_SFNA status or

SP_FAILED status.


Working with rvsEVO

restartJob -n [-su <user> -sp <password> -sh

Reqired parameters:

the JobID to be restarted

Optional parameters:

prints help


Verbose message output


Requests help information

Optional remote parameters:


-su <user>

client user for remote login

-sp <password>

password of the client

-sh <host:port>

host is the IP address or hostname of rvsEVOServer; port is the port of rvsEVO-Server

Use the getJobList program to list all jobs.


getJobList [-a][-e][-f][-verbose]
Optional parameters:

Detailed information on jobs currently being

processed (in addition display of creation date,
SID of neighbour station, and VDSN).

-ac S

additional information on original filename


Information on terminated jobs.


Information on failed jobs.


Requests help information.


Verbose message output.


Requests help information.

Optional remote parameters:

-su <user>

client user for remote login.

-sp <password>

password of the client

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rvsEVO User Manual

-sh <host:port>

host is the IP address or hostname of rvsEVOServer; port is the port of rvsEVO-Server

If you call getJobList without parameter the display contains a list of all
jobs currently being processed.

getJobList -e

getJobList -a

Information on a job entry


Use the getJob program to retrieve information on a particular send or

receive job.

getJob -n <jobid> [-a] [-verbose]

Required parameters:
-n <jobid>

Information on a send or receive job with ID


Optional parameters:



All available job information is given.


Requests help information.


Verbose message output.

Working with rvsEVO


Requests help information.

Optional remote parameters:

-su <user>

client user for remote login.

-sp <password>

password of the client

-sh <host:port>

host is the IP address or hostname of rvsEVOServer; port is the port of rvsEVO-Server


getJob -n 040329173456000
Result: job 040329173456000 (RCV): state: ENDED



Deleting or releasing EERPs

Use the program handleEERP to delete or release receipts

(EERP_OUT). It is also possible to delete or release EERPs via the GUI
(Please see the chapter 4.8).

handleEERP -r|-d <num> [-verbose]

Required parameters:

-d <num>

ID of the job for which the EERP is to be deleted.

-n <num>

ID of the job for which the NERP (Negativ-End-toEnd-Response) is to be send.

-r <num>

ID of the job for which the EERP is to be released.

Optional parameters:

Requests help information.


Verbose message output.


Requests help information.

Optional remote parameters:

-su <user>

client user for remote login.

-sp <password>

password of the client

-sh <host:port>

host is the IP address or hostname of rvsEVOServer; port is the port of rvsEVO-Server

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rvsEVO User Manual

4.10 Create an Info File for an External JobID


Use the program getJobInfoList to create an XML-file for an

external JobID. The detailed information of all jobs which refer to the
external JobID are stored in this file.
getJobInfoList -xid <external JobID> [-f <filename>]
[-su <user>] -sp <password> -sh <host:port>]
Required parameters:

-xid <external JobID>

ID of the external job. The ID can be stated with

creating a transmission. (See chapter 4.5 "Sending
a file")

Optional parameters:
-f <filename>


Optional remote parameters:

-su <user>

client user for remote login.

-sp <password>

password of the client

-sh <host:port>

host is the IP address or hostname of rvsEVOServer; port is the port of rvsEVO-Server

The XML schema JobInfoList.xsd is stored in the directory $RVS_HOME/



Working with rvsEVO

JobInfoList: Explanation of the job attributes:


Compressing; possible values: true(yes) or false(no). Standard: false


path to conversion table


Date and time (from SFID) of creating a dispatch

order in the form DD.MM.YY HH:MM:SS.


This parameter gives information as to whether

deleting a job is dependent on its status. Possible
values: true (Ja) oder false (Nein). Standard: false


Direction; possible values SND (sending) or



Whereabouts: This parameter decides whether

the file to be sent remains as it is, or is deleted locally after sending. Possible values: K (Keep): File
remains as it is, after sending;


Encoding; possible values: true(yes) or false(no).

Standard: false.


Encoding algorithm; possible values: blank (no algorithm), DES_EDE3_CBC (3DES) or



Publisher name of the certificate.

A value is displayed, if a certificate is indicated for
use explicit. It is not displayed which certificate is
used in fact.


Serial number of the certificate.

A value is displayed, if a certificate is indicated for
use explicit. It is not displayed which certificate is
used in fact.


If the error type is transmission, these error codes

are identical with the ones from ESID, EFNA,
SFNA of the Odette-log.


If the error type is transmission, these error texts

are identical with the ones from ESID, EFNA,
SFNA of the Odette-log.


Type of error; possible values: Internal, Transmission, MissingReceipt, Undefined.


JobID for external applikation


File-description. Text comment, possible after the

OFTP version 2. If your destination device is not
OFTP 2.0, this field is ignored.

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The entire path of the file, which is sent from the

rvs-EVO-outbox-directory. While sending, the file
is copied initially from the original-directory to the
outbox-directory and then it is sent.


The entire path of the original file; this file is copied

in the rvsEVO-outbox-directory.


Number of the read bytes of the dispatch file.


This parameter gives information as to whether

the stopping a job, depending on the status, is allowed. Possible values: true(yes) or false(no).




Label for serialization. All the files which have

been sent in the same group, should have the
same ID (label). If this parameter in case of serialization=Y(true) is not set, VDSN is used as a lable


Value of the last read byte of a file to be sent in decimal representation as a character string. Standard: -1.


Value of the last sent byte of a file to be sent, in decimal representation, as a character string. Standard: -1


Time of the last change in the job status in the format DD.MM.YY HH:MM:SS.


Length of the original file while sending in bytes,

before processing through the service provider.
This parameter is set to 0 in case of receiving.


OdetteID of the target station.


OdetteID of the neighboring station.


OdetteID of the sending station (Originator)


Number of the data records sent (records).


Format of the file to be transferred: T (Text): a consequence of ASCII-characters, F (Fixed): fixed record length, V (variable): variable record length, U
(unstructured): binary file.


Maximum record length.


This parameter gives information as to whether

releasing a jobs depending on the status is allowed. Possible values: true(yes) or false(no). Standard: false.

Working with rvsEVO


restart position, in case of which a new transfer of

the file should be started..


Planned time for the job start in the form



Sicherheitsmerkmale; mgliche Werte: 1 (keine),

2 (ComSecure V1), 3 (ComSecure V2) oder 4
(OFTP 2.0)


Number of faulty dispatch attempts. If there is a

"0", it means that this is a successful file dispatch.


This option means that your files are there in a serial order. All the files which should be sent in the
same group, should have the same ID (Label).
Possible values: true(yes) or false(no). Standard
value: false


sequential counter from SFID, if several send

jobs were created at the same time.


SID depending on the direction:

While sending: SID of the recipient;
While receiving: SID of the Originator station.


SID of the target station


SID of source station


Signature; possible values: true(yes) or false(no).

Standard: false.


Publisher name of the signature

A value is displayed, if a certificate is indicated for
use explicit. It is not displayed which certificate is
used in fact.


Serial number of the signature

A value is displayed, if a certificate is indicated for
use explicit. It is not displayed which certificate is
used in fact.


Requesting signed EERP; possible values:

true(yes) or false(no). Standard: false.


Job status. For possible status values, please see

the rvsEVO-user manual (chapter 4.5 dispatching
a file).


Time of the transfer receipt (system time in milliseconds)


Sending: Size of the file to be sent. Sending: Size

of the file to be sent.

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Number of the actually transferred bytes


Number of the actually transferred bytes


Virtual file name for Odette-transfer.


For future applications.

Time in milliseconds, for a new start of transfer, af(TransmissionFailWaitTi- ter a failure (TransmissionFailWaitTime). Should
be set in case of an SFNA(Start File Negative
Answer) or EFNA (End File Negative Answer)..

<creationDate>22.12.09 13:22:18</creationDate>
<lastStateChange>22.12.09 13:22:20</lastStateChange>


Working with rvsEVO


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4.11 Archiving the entries of processed send or receive jobs in the

revision log
During the archiving process terminated and failed jobs are deleted from
the rvsEVO database and the data is written into the
RevisionLog.xml file in the $RVS_HOME\archive directory. The
name of revision file constists of RevisionLog., timestamp and a
sequential counter initiating with 0000. (Format:
RevisionLog.xml.yyMMddHHmmss_cccc). Use the rvsEVO environment
parameters MaxRevisionLogSize and MaxRevisionLogCount to
indicate maximal size and maximal number of revision file. By default
every 24 hours any jobs older than 7 days will be saved. This
configuration can be set up via the parameters CleanupDays,
CleanupInterval and CleanupTime (please see chapter 3.1.1 "rvsEVO
You can also launch the archiving via the menu bar (Admin ->
Archiving) under specification of the age of the send and receive jobs.

As an alternative you can also start this function by launching the script
archiveJobs at the command prompt.

archiveJobs -d <date> [-r][-verbose][-help][-?]

Reqired parameter:
-d <date>

This option needs a date in the following form:

yyMMddHHmmss or yyMMdd. The jobs,
which are older than a date will be archived.

Optional parameters:

remote, availables the archiving, during rvsEVO is



Displays a description of the current command.


Verbose message output.


Requests help information.

4.12 Delivering a certificate

With this tool, a certain certificate for file encryption (from
$RVS_HOME\system\data\keystore.p12) can be delivered to a
partner station and imported to the key management. Virtual file name for


Working with rvsEVO

deliverCertificate -s <stationID>
[-i <keyIndex>]-r <stationID>
[-su <user> -sp <password> -sh <host:port>][-help]
[-?] [-verbose|-v]
Reqired parameters:
-r <stationID>

StationID of the partner-station, to which the

certificate should be sent.

-s <stationID>

StationID of the station, whose certificate

should be sent

Optional parameters:
-i <keyIndex>

Index of the certificate, which should be sent, if

several certificates are available for a station.
If this parameter is not set, all the available
certificates are sent.


Verbose message output.


Requests help information.

Optional remote parameters:

-su <user>

client user for remote login.

-sp <password>

password of the client

-sh <host:port>

host is the IP address or hostname of rvsEVOServer; port is the port of rvsEVO-Server

4.13 Requesting a Certificate

With this tool, a certificate for file encryption (from

$RVS_HOME\system\data\keystore.p12) can be requested

from a partner station.Virtual file name for ODETTE transfer is
requestCertificate -s <stationID>
[-su <user> -sp <password> -sh <host:port>][-help]
[-?] [-verbose|-v]
Reqired parameters:
-s <stationID>

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StationID of the station, from which the certificate

should be requested.


rvsEVO User Manual

Optional parameters:

Displays a description of the current command.


Verbose message output.


Requests help information.

Optional remote parameters:

-su <user>

client user for remote login.

-sp <password>

password of the client

-sh <host:port>

host is the IP address or hostname of rvsEVOServer; port is the port of rvsEVO-Server

4.14 Replacing a certificate

With this tool, a certificate for file encryption (from $RVS_HOME\system\data\keystore.p12) can be sent to a partner station and
replace an already existing certificate in this station. Virtual file name for
replaceCertificate -s <stationID>
[-i <keyIndex>]-r <stationID>
[-su <user> -sp <password> -sh <host:port>][-help]
[-?] [-verbose|-v]
Reqired parameters:
-s <stationID>

StationID of the individual station, whose certificate should be sent and replaced.

-r <stationID>

StationID of the partner-station, to which the separate certificate (certificates) are sent. The old
(belonging to the individual station in case of the
partner) certificate (certificates) are replaced and
are cancelled.

Optional parameters:


-i <keyIndex>

Index of the certificate, which should be sent and

replaced. If this parameter is not sent, all the
available certificates are sent. Finally, in case of the
partner, all the old certificates are replaced by new


Displays a description of the current command.


Verbose message output.

Working with rvsEVO


Requests help information.

Optional remote parameters:

-su <user>

client user for remote login.

-sp <password>

password of the client

-sh <host:port>

host is the IP address or hostname of rvsEVOServer; port is the port of rvsEVO-Server

4.15 Display a certificate list

The tool getCertificateList shows the certificate list of a special
getCertificateList -sid <stationID> [-help] [-?]
Reqired parameters:
-sid <stationID>

StationID of which the certificates are to be shown

Optional parameters:

Displays a description of the current command.


Requests help information..

4.16 Open the keystore file

The program startKeyMgn opens the keystore file. Please read
Chapter 6.4 for more information about the keystore file.
startKeyMgn [-h] [-?]
Optional Parameter:

Displays a description of the current command


Requests help information.

4.17 Import a CRL

With this tool, a CRL (Certificate Revocation List) can be imported for a
certain partner station.

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Preconditions: The certificate of the partner station must be issued by a

CA (Certifcation Authority). The path where to store the CRL must be
written in the parameter location of the PKI configuration file:
$RVS_HOME/conf/PkiParameter.xml. The tool importCRL
downloads the CRL (the internet address is stored in the certificate) and
saves the CRL. (For more information please see chapter 11.2.2 "PKI
configuration file").
importCRL -s <stationID> [-i <keyIndex>]
[-help] [-?] [-verbose|-v]
Reqired parameters:
-s <stationID>

StationID of the partner-station, whose CRL

should be imported.

Optional parameters:
-i <keyIndex>

Index of the certificate, if several certificates are

available for a station. If this parameter is not set, a
CRL is imported for all the available certificates of
the partner station.


Displays a description of the current command.


Verbose message output.


Requests help information.

Hint: Set your Proxy alignments in $RVS_HOME/conf/ file with the following definitions:
http.proxyHost: IP address or hostname of Proxy-Server
http.proxyPort: Port of Proxy-Server
http.nonProxyHosts: Hosts which should be connected directly
and not through the proxy server
http.proxyUser: Username
http.proxyPassword: Password of user
4.18 Import a TSL
With this tool, a TSL (Trust Service Status List) can be imported into the
keystore file (keystore).
importTSL -f <TSL filename> -k <keystore filename>
[-help] [-?] [-verbose|-v]


Working with rvsEVO

Reqired parameters:
-f <TSL Filename>

path of the file which includes the TSL.

-k <keystore filename>

path of the keystore file

Optional parameters:

Displays a description of the current command.


Verbose message output.


Requests help information.

4.19 Terminate a Session

With this tool, an active session can be terminated.
terminateSession -s <session_id>
[-su <user> -sp <password> -sh <host:port>]
[-help] [-?] [-verbose|-v]
Reqired parameters:
-s <session_id>

ID of the session which should be terminated.

Optional parameters:

Displays a description of the current command.


Verbose message output.


Requests help information.

4.20 Create and send a journal

With the tool sendJournal you can create a journal and send this to
sendJournal -d <date> -f <file name> [-su <user> -sp
<password>] [-sh <host:port>] [-verbose] [-help] [-?]
Reqired parameters:
-d <date>

Date in format yyMMddHHmm

-f <filename>

Name of request file from CentralJournal.


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Optional parameters:

Displays a description of the current command


Requests help information.

-verbose (-v)

Verbose message output

Optional remote parameters:

-su <user>

client user for remote login.

-sp <password>

password of the client

-sh <host:port>

host is the IP address or hostname of rvsEVOServer; port is the port of rvsEVO-Server

For detailed information please see the user manual of CentralJournal.

4.21 Doing character set conversion

With the tool convertFile you are able to do character set conversions
for files.
Reqired parameters:
-c <conversion reference>

The possible values are described in Conversion table parameter in the table jJobFilter elements on page 79.

-s <filename>

path and name of source file

-d <filename>

path and name of converted file

Optional parameter:

Requests help information.

4.22 Command line tools for internal use

The following programs are only for internal use:


Backing Up and Recovering rvsEVO Data

Backing Up and Recovering rvsEVO Data

rvsEVO lets you back up all relevant data and recover them if necessary.
This is particularly important when an error has occurred in rvsEVO and
the user wishes to revert to the old status prior to the error.



The backup function should only be launched if the rvsServer is started.

All active transmissions will be terminated before the backup. After the
backup process is finished the canceled transmissions will be activated
again. A restart of rvsEVO server is not required.
To perform the backup, choose Admin/Backup menu item in the
rvsEVO GUI window.

As an alternative you can also start this function by launching the script
createBackup at the command prompt.

createBackup [-d <dir>] [-verbose][-help][-?]

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All parameters are optional:

-d <dir>

Specifies the backup directory; without this

option the backup data will be written to the
$RVS_HOME/archive directory.


Displays detailed messages.


Requests help information.


Requests help information.

Note: You can use the BackupOnStartup parameter to specify an

automatic backup to be performed each time you start rvsEVO. Set this
parameter in the graphical user interface (Admin window) or in the
rvsConfig.xml configuration file. Default value is Y (Yes).


What is backed up?

Backup covers the following files or directories:

The entire $RVS_HOME/conf directory containing the rvsEVO configuration files.
backup of job data from rvsEVO database in the $RVS_HOME/jobs
files from the $RVS_HOME/system/data directory.
The backup data is written to a <BackupTime>.jar file. BackupTime
is an automatically assigned file name, generated according to the
YYMMDDHHMMSS format and featuring an additional 3-digit counter.
Example: The 051010112417000.jar is the backup file generated on
2005-10-10 at 11:24:17. At this time, there were no other backup files,
resulting in the additional counter value of 000.


Redo Log

Starting at the backup time, any dynamic data is logged in a continuous

log (Redo Log).
Dynamic data refers to information on send and receive jobs. This data
is written in order to be able to recover incomplete transmission jobs at a
later time.
The Redo Log is assigned the same time stamp as the pertaining backup
file, bearing the Redo_ prefix and the .log extension and can thus be
clearly assigned to a backup. Like the backup file, this file is written to the
$RVS_HOME/archive directory.


Backing Up and Recovering rvsEVO Data

In addition to the 051010112417000.jar backup file the pertaining

Redo_051010112417000.log Redo Log file was generated.
A pertaining Redo Log file is generated as soon as a new backup was
made. The .log extensions of all existing Redo Log files will be replaced
by .old.
The Redo Log file is a text file. Each line comprises a <Job> XML
element with all relevant job information such as ID, FileName, VDSN,


Recovering the rvsEVO data

To recover rvsEVO data, choose the Admin/Recovery menu item in

the rvsEVO GUI window. In the dialog that opens, you can specify the
names for the backup file and the Redo Log. Backup file and Redo Log
will be searched for in the $RVS_HOME/archive directory when no path
has been specified.

As an alternative you can start this function by typing $RVS_HOME/bin/

doRecover.bat at the command prompt.

doRecover -b <dir> -r <name> [-d <name>]

-d <dir>

Mandatory parameters: Name of the backup

file; you can specify the complete path with
directory or just the file name without directory.
In the latter case the backup file is expected in
the $RVS_HOME/archive directory.


Name of Redo Log file. You can specify the

complete path with directory or just the file
name without directory. In the latter case the
Redo Log file is expected in the $RVS_HOME/
archive directory.

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Displays detailed messages.


Requests help information.


Requests help information.

Note: Any send/receive processes as well as the Service Provider

(encryption/compression) have to be terminated prior to recovery start.
Redo Log recovery is logged in the $RVS_HOME/log/monlog.log file.
Please restart rvsEVO after the recover function.


Encrypted transmission with rvsEVO

Encrypted transmission with rvsEVO

The present chapter describes the basics of encrypted transmission and

key administration with rvsEVO.

Introduction: basics

rvsEVO offers two encryption formats: ComSecure and CMS.

Com-Secure is an appropriate format, which is used for rvs portable,
too. CMS (Cryptographic Message Syntax) is an Internet Standard (rfc
2630) for the syntax of an encrypted message. This standard is in the
OFTP version 2 implemented.
encryption formats

The encryption in rvsEVO (for both formats: ComSecure and CMS)

combines the benefits of symmetrical and asymmetrical techniques: the
high speed of the symmetrical and the security level of the asymmetrical
technique. rvsEVO uses the following techniques:
3DES for ComSecure as symmetrical technique (length: 3x56 bits =
168 bits),
3DES and AES for CMS
RSA as asymmetrical technique for ComSecure and CMS (length:
768 to 2048 bits),

Electronic signature

For increased security, the encryption component uses an electronic

signature. The signature ensures that data do not undergo any unnoticed
changes during transmission.
OFTP version 2 enables the electronic signature also for the End-To-EndResponse (EERP) and for the Negative-End-to-End-Response (NERP).
Note: In rvsEVO with OFTP version 2 features for the encryption on the
session level the TLS (Transport Layer Security) will be used. Please
read the chapter 3.2 "Customizing the station configuration" and the
chapter 3.2.6 "How to configure a TLS receiver?", for information how to
configure rvsEVO for TLS. The principles (public keys, private key) of the
key management are the same for CMS, TLS and ComSecure.


System requirements

Hint: In rvsEVO 5.0 the following steps for installing JPS are done by the
installation procedure (see the chapter 2).
Please note the following system requirements if using offline encryption
and compression:
Using Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files:
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------rvsEVO uses the JCE (Java Cryptography Extension) of Sun Microsystems, Inc to implement the cryptographic features. Due to import control

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rvsEVO User Manual

restrictions of some countries, the JCE jurisdiction policy files shipped

with the Java 2 SDK, v 1.5 allow "strong" but limited cryptography to be
used. An "unlimited strength" version of these files indicating no restrictions on cryptographic strengths is available for those living in eligible
countries (which is most countries). You can download this version and
replace the strong cryptography versions supplied with the Java 2 SDK,
v 1.5 with the unlimited ones.
Therefore you have to carry out the following steps:
Download the JCE Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files from
this site:

Install the JCE Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files

Extract the contents of the downloaded archive file and copy it into
the directory $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security.
Hint: If you use Java 2 SDK, v1.5 from IBM you need to install the
unrestricted policy files from IBM. Which could be downloaded using the
following URL.

Principle and sequence of rvsEVO encryption

The principles of the encryption, which will be explained in the following

part, are the same for the all encryption formats, mentioned in this
Each participant in encrypted communication locally creates a key pair,
comprising the public key and the private key.
Distributing the
public key / safely
storing the private

He provides the public key to each partner he expects files from. This
allows the data to be exactly encrypted for the partner who sent this
public key. You can safely distribute the public key since this key alone is
not sufficient for decryption.
Each participant keeps his private key and stores it safely.
Three keys are required for decryption (the own key pair and the
partners public key). It will no longer be possible to decrypt files sent by
the partner if one of the three necessary keys is lost.
For the key management you should open the GUI and choose the tab
Key on the right side of the stations window.
The following window appears:


Encrypted transmission with rvsEVO

The following functions are available (symbols for some of them are
visible as icons on the bottom of the key management window; and
others are available with the context menu):
Get Key and Certificate List
Generate Key Pair
Import Certificate
Export Certificate (not available via Remote GUI)
Export Certificate to ComSecure (not available via Remote GUI)
Import ComSecure Public Key (not available via Remote GUI)
Create a new Keystore
Delete key
Create Certification Request
In the next chapters we will describe the functions of the key management for the file encryption.
The following steps are necessary to perform, if you want to send
encrypted files with rvsEVO:
create an own key pair for encryption of files
export an own public key in form of X.509 certificate
send your own public key to the partner with whom you should
exchange encrypted files (by E-Mail or rvsEVO)

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The partner has to import your X.509 certificate (public key) and send
to you his X.509 certificate.
You have to import the partners X.509 certificate into your
TrustManager key file.
now try to activate the partner station and when OK send a test file
with option Encryption Y.
How to send a file, please read in chapter 4.5 "Sending a file"


How do I create an own key pair?

Click on the botton Generate Key Pair

in the key management window.

Select RSA as Key Algorithm and the default of 1024 as Key Size
in the Generate Key Pair window.
Select SHA1withRSA as Signature Algorithm in the dialog that
appears next. Validity (days) indicates the number of days the
keys are valid.
The Common Name parameter applies in case of a connection to an
existing PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) and if this parameter is required
for the LDAP structure. This parameter is mandatory.
All other data concerns your organization. rvsEVO does not stipulate
how to complete the fields.
Hint: In $RVS_HOME\conf\ file via the definitions rvs_evo.certificate.odette-id.include=LOC (SID for
ODETTE-ID) and (DNS name) you have the
possibility to insert the ODETTE-ID and DSN name into the certificate.
This values are displayd in detailed information of the exported certificate
in field Subject Alternativ Names.

Administration of own (private and public) and of partner keys (only

public) occurs in a keystore file.
You must set the path to the keystore file to be used in the $RVS_HOME/
conf/cryptoParameter.xml configuration file (XML element:
keyStoreParameter; subelement: fileName). The default is:
Note: The extension .p12 indicates that this keystore file is in the PKCS
#12 format.


Encrypted transmission with rvsEVO


If you hold several own key pairs, please edit xml file $RVS_HOME/
conf/CertificateUsageDefinition for assigning activities to the
private keys . The following activities can be choosen:
F-ERP-SIGN => EERP/NERP signature (OFTP2)
F-SIGN => file signature (OFTP2)
F-COMSECURE-SIGN => file signature (ComSecure)
1st example:
Key with serial number 4D623B3B is to be used for file signature
(OFTP2) by locale station LOCALSTATION.
2nd example:
Key with serial number 4D623B3B is to be used for EERP/NERP
signature by virtual station VIRTUALSTATION.


How to import and export a certificate

rvsEVO enables to import trusted certifcates from partners into the key
management and to export already imported certificates from the key
management into a file.
To import an X.509 cetificate into a key management, press on the
Import Certificate botton:

In the next dialog Import Trusted Certificate you can select a file, which
should be imported. Normally the certificate file has an ending .cer.
After the acknowledgement with OK the certificate will be visible with the
following symbol in the key management.
In the another direction it is also possible to export an certificate from the
key management into a file. A right click on the marked line with the certificate symbol

opens a context menu with the function Export Certificate. It will be

exported to the file with an ending .cer.

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How to import and export ComSecure public keys

rvsEVO supports an appropriate format for the encryption, so it is

necessary to convert a ComSecure public key into a X.509 certificate
bevor importing it into the key management. X.509 is a standard format
for digital certificates; certificate files end normally with .cer.
For the function you use the botton: Import ComSecure Public Key

This function enables the import of a public key in a ComSecure format

(normally a file with ending pub) as a X.509 certificate.
The second function Export Certificate to ComSecure supports the
another direction: a X.509 certificate (*.cer) from the key management
will be exported as a ComSecure public key (*.pub). A right click on the
marked line with the certificate symbol opens a context menu with the
function Export Certificate to ComSecure.


How to create a CSR (Certificate Signing Request) and import

the CA certifcates

This chapter describes the procedure for working with CA (Certificate

Authority) certificates:
Generate CSR

Generate a key pair as described in chapter 6.4 "How do I create an

own key pair?"
A right click on your key pair opens a context menu with the possibility
to generate a Certification Request. Define name and directory where
the request should be saved. By default the file is generated in
PKCS#10 format.


Encrypted transmission with rvsEVO

Example of Certification Request:

Send the request to the TrustCenter (CA). With Odette CA you can
make your application online:
Please see
odette-ca-help.pdf for more information.
You receive your server certificate (your public key signed by CA), a CA
root- and a CA certificate if all entries of your certificate order are correct.
Import of own

You should import the certificates in a specific sequential arangement

into $RVS_HOME/system/data/keystore.p12 file: at first the CA
root-, thereafter the CA certificate and at last the server certificate.
Launch the startKeyMgn program (see also chapter 4.16 "Open the
keystore file"). The Portecle tool will open the $RVS_HOME/system/
data/keystore.p12 keystore file.
Import the CA-Root certificate via function Tools -> Import Trusted
Import the CA certificate via function Tools -> Import Trusted
At last import the server certificate via function Import CA Reply.
Highlight your key pair and after a right click the context menu offers

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the option Import CA Reply.

You cannot see the CA certificates in the user interface of

keystore.p12 file but in the certificate details of your key pair
(Certificate 1 of 3).
(Example: Key pair of RF3 -> right click -> Certificate Details)
Save and close your keystore
At least you must send your CA certificates to your partner and import
whose certificates.
Import certificates of

The procedure depends on the setting of Certificate Validation Type

parameter. If Certificate Validation Type = CERT_PATH, please follow
the procedure given below:
Launch the startKeyMgn program (see also chapter 4.16 "Open the
keystore file").
Import the CA root certificate first, therafter the CA certificate and at
last the server certificate of your partner via function Tools -> Import
Trusted Certificate in keystore.p12 file.
Save and close your keystore
With an other setting of Certificate Validation Type parameter you have
to import the server certificate only. In this case, please follow the
procedure given in chapter 6.5 "How to import and export a certificate".
Hint: For more information about certificate validation, please see
chapter 11 "PKI Bindung".

How to receive files without decryption

Files, encrypted with ComSecure can be received decryted and decompressed or encrypted and compressed.
This function is controlled by the properties file
$RVS_HOME/conf/ with the following definition:


Encrypted transmission with rvsEVO

false = off (no decryption/no decompression)
true = default / on (decryption / decpmpression)
After receipt not decrypted / decompressed files are stored in the
directory $RVS_HOME/files/inbox.


How to delete a key entry

A right klick on the key or cetrificate line opens a a context menu with the
function Delete a Key Entry. This function deletes a key pair and a
appropriate certificate from the key management.

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rvs OFTP Proxy

rvs OFTP Proxy

This chapter describes the configuration and the functionality of rvs

OFTP Proxy implementation in rvsEVO.


Internet is increasingly used also for transferring the commercial and

business-critical data of the content. Such advantages are deciding
factors for this, such as its wide distribution, enormous available
bandwidths and the reasonable transfer costs.
These advantages are accompanied by the risks to be considered
seriously: in internet all data are susceptible to the attacks of their
confidentiality and integrity. Their authentication is also not ensured
without further ado. This may result into that the data is repudiated by its
obvious sender. Such risk is encountered with suitable protocols, such as
TLS and HTTPS. For CAD data and also for EDI and any other data,
OFTP version 2 has been standardized as a secured internet-protocol.
Any further risk arises through malware, which is spread widely and
automatically in internet. Virus, worms, Trojan and other harmful
programs can damage the IT-infrastructure of the company considerably.
In order to minimize this risk, network areas are developed which are
separated from the corporate networks through the firewalls (also
referred to as demilitarized Zone - DMZ). For example, http-proxies are
set in DMZ, which transport the user data without allowing direct
connections between internet and intranet. rvs OFTP Proxy offers the
similar solution, which can be implemented in DMZ in order to transfer
the controlled data of OFTP protocol version 1 and 2 between intranet
and internet.

rvs OFTP Proxy Architecture

The rvs OFTP Proxy is run with two instances: bastion instance and
connection instance, which is integrated in rvsEVO. Following figure
should illustrate these facts:

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The connections are received from the external network using bastion
instance. These external connections are forwarded to rvsEVO.
The other way round rvsEVO uses the bastion instance for establishing a
connection to the OFTP station in the external network.
Communication between rvsEVO and bastion instance is executed exclusively through the connections built by rvsEVO. Communication is restricted to one port, the configurable RMI-port of the bastion instance.
Proxy Listener

For beeing accessible for the external stations one or more Proxy listener
are launched by rvsEVO. rvsEVO uses this Proxy listener to establish a
connection to the partner station.
Altogether, all functional configurations, keys and certificates required for
TLS communication are stored exclusively in rvsEVO.
The Bastion Instance is installed with the program rvs OFTP Proxy. You
can download rvs OFTP Proxy using the following website:

If it is not possible for you, please contact your sales partner:

phone from Germany: 0800 664 77 45
phone from other countries: +375 606 19 902
We will send you the software also on a DVD.
Carry out the installation of the Bastion Instance, as explained in User
Manual rvs OFTP Proxy.


rvs OFTP Proxy


Configure Bastion Instance in rvsEVO

In order to be able to create a connection with the Bastion Instance, it is

required to store the parameter in rvsEVO and to configure a proxy
listener. A list of already created Bastion Instances can be displayed to
you on the graphical user interface (Admin --> Parameter --> Proxy).
In order to add a Bastion Instance, right-click on the proxy and subsequently select add proxy. The parameters to be entered after that have
already been stored during the installation of Bastion Instance. If a
change in these values is required, e.g. after changing the hardware, it is
to be considered, that these parameters are customised in the start script
$RVS_HOME/bin/bastion.cmd ($RVS_HOME/bin/ as
well as in case of corresponding Bastion Instance in rvsEVO.
You can find an explanation of the individual parameters in the following

Configure Proxy




serial number, which is automatically assigned

by rvsEVO for each Bastion Instance.


directory, in which the Bastion Instance of rvs

OFTP proxy has been installed.


server name or IP-address of the server, on

which the Bastion Instance has been installed.


Name of the Bastion Service.

Standard: service


Port of the Bastion Instance for the RMI-communication, on which a listener is started.

A receiver/listener must be defined for each Bastion Instance. For this

purpose, please proceed, as described in chapter 3.2.2 "Configurating a
local station"
You also have to add a neighbour station with Proxy TCP/IP or Proxy TLS
network, for the communication via rvs OFTP Proxy. Please read
chapter 3.2.3 "Setting up of a neighbour station" for detailed information.

keep connektion

Hint: You can configure a time interval for sending heartbeats to prevent
the interrupt of connection if there is no transmission. This functionality is
to be set up in parameter listener.controller-thread.sleeptime and listener.controller-thread.keep-alive-counter
in $RVSPROXY_HOME\conf\ file of rvs OFTP Proxy program.

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Use the listener.controller-thread.sleep-time parameter to

set up the sleep time (in milliseconds) of the controller thread before it
checks next time for status of listener.
Use the listener.controller-thread.keep-alive-counter
parameter to define the number of checkups before the next heartbeat is


File Service Module

File Service Module



The internet is increasingly used also for exchanging commercial and

business critical data with any contents. The decisive factors for that are
the wide distribution, the tremendous spread and the well-priced costs of
These advantages are opposed by seriously taken risks: On the internet
all data are in danger for attacks on their confidentiality and integrity. As
well their authenticity is not simply assured. It can lead to the disavowal
of data by their evident sender (repudiation). These dangers are averting
by applicable protocols as TLS and HTTPS. OFTP Version 2 is
standardized for CAD data as much as EDI and any other data as a
secure internet protocol.
There is other risk by malware (malicious software) which is automatically
widespread on the internet. Viruses, worms, Trojans and other
destructive programs can cause serious damage at the IT infrastructure
of companies. To reduce the risk network arias are built separated from
corporate networks by firewalls (DMZ). In the DMZ such as http proxys
are implemented for transporting the reference data without permitting
direct connections between internet and intranet. A similar solution is
aspired for OFTP
The File Service Module was developed for increasing security of data
transfer on the internet. His task is as a OFTP router to de- and encrypt
files accordingly OFTP2 for stations which do not support OFTP2 be
itself. Also the File Service Proxy has to be able to proof files received
over the internet for viruses after encryption.
The File Service Module is working on the level of the file services of
OFTP and for that it needs the complete amount of features a "normal"
OFTP router is providing. Therefore the File Service Module is seen as a
rvsEVO installation which includes additional features.

Architecture of File Service Module

The File Service Proxy works as a OFTP router and de- and encrypted
files for internal stations substitutional before he forwards them.
The following image shows the File Service Module architecture.

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The following functions are available:

The File Service Proxy works as an OFTP router
Protocol alternation OFTP1 <-> OFTP2, all elements, even EERP
En- and decryption of files acting for stations
Virus scan of received files
Connection to the PKI for downloads of certificates, OCSP check,
download of CRL

Setting up of a Neighbourstation with File Service Module

In this chapter is described the adjustment of setting up of a

neighbourstation for the OFTP File Service Porxy. Please read chapter
3.2 "Customizing the station configuration" for detailed description of
station configuration.


File Service Module

The relevant parameters for File Service Module are:

File Service Proxy

This parameter enables the File Service Module.

Possible values:
NONE: File Service Module is not needed
INTERNAL: this partner station is an internal
station (located in the intranet). When
receiving an encrypted file which is routed to
an internal station the mechanism of encryption at the File Service Module is automatically
activated, depending on the encryption
component used by the sending partner
EXTERNAL: this partner station is marked as
an external station (located in the internet); for
this option all encryption and compression
features are available

The next parameters are only available if FileProxy Service = EXTERN.

The table Send parameters on page Seite 96 shows a description of the
Security Feature Set
Sign ERP
Encryption Algorithm
Hint: Both direct neighbour stations and routing stations can be marked
by File Service Module. Therewith the configured File Service Module
function is station wide fixed and can not be overwritten while ceating a
transmission. This corresponds with a forced encryption during activated
encryption (Security=FORCED).

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Remote GUI

Remote GUI

In rvsEVO, it is possible from version 5.2 onwards to log in with a distant

(remote) access to the rvsEVO GUI.

The following prerequisites should be fulfilled for a remote connection:

An rvsEVO client should be installed on the client-side (see chapter
2.4 "Fresh installation of rvsEVO").
The client user is to be set up as a user, on the server side (see
chapter 10.1.1 "Add user").
The server should be started


Starting the GUI from the remote computer

You can start rvsEVO with the help of the rvsEVO-program group:
Start -> All programs -> rvsEVO -> rvs GUI.
Alternatively, this function can be started in the command line, with the
script $RVS_HOME\bin\rvsGUI -r -u <user> -p <password>.
The following window is opened and one can log in to the server:

Required specifications:
rvs account: Login to rvsEVO (to the server) with the user set up in
the user management (user ID)
rvs password: Password of the user
middleware server: Name or IP-address of the remote computer
and port, to which the computer adheres to. The following syntax is to

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be considered thereby: <RMI Server>:<Port>. 3755 is to be taken as

a standard port.
middleware name: Standard rvsEVO, this parameter can be found in
the rvsEVO parameter-list, too (Admin -> Param).


Features of the remote GUI

The rvsEVO GUI on the client computer differentiates itself marginally

from the rvsEVO GUI on the server computer.
The following differences exist:
The functionalities Export Certficate, Export Certficate to
ComSecure and Import ComSecure Public Key are not available.
The encrypted part of the TLS connection cannot be configured.
In the transfer window, you have the choice of creating the dispatch
order remotely or locally. Thereby, the parameters for the file dispatch
remain the same.
Further, there is an option of uploading (transferring files to the server)
or downloading (fetching / transferring files from the server) of files.

In order to transfer a file to the server, you can select the menu item
uploading in the transfer tree.
You can select the file to be sent, on the left side. In the field File on the
right side, you can allocate a new name to the file. In the lower area, you
have the option of specifying the format of the file to be sent.
With execute, you confirm the entries and starts the transfer. The file is
stored on rvsEVO Server in the directory $RVS_HOME\files\outbox.
Hint: For the upload the server connects via a port, opened by the client.
The port can be set up by the definition <entry key=
"client.remotefileloader.port" value="3756" /> in the
$RVS_HOME/conf/rvsEvoClient.prefs file.


In order to receive a file from the server, you select the menu item
downloading in the transfer tree.
In the area on the right, the files provided on the server (in the directory
$RVS_HOME\files\inbox) for downloading are listed. One selects the
file which is to be downloaded. On the left side of the window, you can
select the directory, in which the file should be saved and in the field
File, the file should be allocated a new name.
With execute, you confirm the entries and starts the transfer.

Command Tools


The user ID and password of the user arranged with the user
administration should be specified for all the command line calls which
are started remotely.

Remote GUI

updateStationList -f <xml-filename> -u <user> -p <password>

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User Management


User Management

The functionality User Management is available starting from rvsEVO

version 5.2. You reach it from the function bar of rvsEVO GUI
(Admin -> User Managment).

10.1 User Administration

Press the icon for user management to get the following window.

The following operations are available:

Add: setup a new user
Delete: removing an existing user
Edit: editing an existing user
10.1.1 Add user
Press the button Add to add a new user.

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rvsEVO Benutzerhandbuch

In this template you can insert the following parameters:

Surname (of the user)
Name (of the user)
Role (Administrator, Operater or User can be chosen in the selectbox,
must be confirmed with Add assignment).
Press the button OK to setup the user.
Note: A basic User may use the rvsEVO program to send and receive
files. An Operator has user rights and may also execute operator
commands. A user with Administratorrights may in addition to this
configure the rvsEVO system.

10.1.2 Delete a user

Select the user to be removed. To remove the user select the icon Delete
and answer the query that appears with Yes.

10.1.3 Edit a user

Select a user to be edited. Execute the command Edit. Now you can edit
all of the user data parameters. For changing the role you have to delete
the active role first (highlight the role -> remove assignment -> OK).
Following you can select the new role. Confirm your entries with OK.
Caution: You cannot edit the user data of the default user!


PKI Bindung


PKI Bindung

In this chapter the configuration and the functionality of the rvsEVO PKI
binding will be described.
11.1 Introduction
In a PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) are stored public keys with their
certificates. The access to the PKI normally occurs via LDAP. rvsEVO
supports LDAP version 3.
Note: LDAP is a network protocol, which manages the communication
between a LDAP Client and a LDAP Directory Server. This protocol offers
the following features: login from client to the server, search queries for
the information stored in the directory and if necessary: modification of
information. This means relating to the PKI: in the LDAP Directory Server
the public keys and certificates are administrated.
Following features are available for rvsEVO PKI binding:
Access of public keys and certificates for a partner station via LDAP.
certificate validation with OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol),
CRT or CertPath.
Transfer of information from a OCSP server by HTTP.

11.2 Configuration
The following steps must be done to configure the PKI binding in rvsEVO:
configuration of stations, which should use PKI instead of a local key
management file (see chapter 11.2.1).
The configuration file $RVS_HOME/conf/PkiParameter.xml
with the access parameters for the PKI binding must exist.

11.2.1 Configuration of stations

The PKI binding should be configured in the station configuration file
$RVS_HOME/conf/rvsStationlist.xml with the XML element
<Pki>. The Element <Pki> should be located in the XML element
<StationNeighbour> and/or <LocalStation>.
Hint: Usually the PKI binding should be configured for a partner station
(<StationNeighbour>). For the local station it can be interesting,
only if you want to validate your own certificate.

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Example (rvsStationlist.xml):

For the XML element <Pki> are possible two sub-elements :

<PkiEnabled> and <CertficateValidationType>.


This XML element describes the type of the

certificate validation. The following 3 types are
supported: OCSP (Online Certificate Status
Protocol), CRL (Certificate Revocation List) and
The value None in this field means: No validation
will be done.


Possible values: true or false.

True: the PKI functionality with the LDAP access
will be used. In this case the XML configuration
file $RVS_HOME/conf/PkiParameter.xml
must have the valid LDAP access configuration.
False: the certificates will be taken from the
local key management file (Default: $RVS_HOME/



Hint: If you use as validation type OCSP or CRL, the configuration file
$RVS_HOME/conf/PkiParameter.xml with the valid configuration
must exist.
Which validation method will be used is depending on security standards
in the company. The strongest validation method is OCSP, then CRL
following by CERT_PATH.
If you use OCSP as validation method, the OCSP service must be
available (Internet, Intranet) and your station must be able to access it.
The validation with CRL can be done offline, too. The rvsEVO user/
administrator must provide the list of certificate (CRL) and store it
manually. The disadvantage of this way is, that certificate can expire
between two updates.
11.2.2 PKI configuration file
The PKI access parameters must be configured in the PKI configuration
file $RVS_HOME/conf/PkiParameter.xml.


PKI Bindung

<!-- ==================== -->
<!-LDAP Einstellungen -->
<!-- ========================== -->
<!-- ================ -->
<!-- ldap server info -->
<!-- ================ -->
<!-- server name or ip-address -->
<!-- ip-port -->
<!-- LDAP version to use -->
<!-- ================ -->
<!-- access info
<!-- ================ -->
<!-- ============================================================ -->
<!-- search pattern definition, how to retrieve X.509 Certificates -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!-- root node (distinguishedName) in the X.500 directory,
where search start from -->
<root>ou=Prozesse,o=Volkswagen AG,dc=VW,dc=vwg,dc=com</root>
<!-- common name pattern where to find the right certificate -->
<commonName>cn=VW_OFTP </commonName>
<!-- attribute which includes the X.509 certificate-->
<!-- ============================== -->

OCSP Einstellungen


<!-- ============================== -->

<!-- URI of the OCSP Service -->
<!-- ocspResponderDistinguishedName>CN=rvsRootCA,OU=rvs,O=tsystems
<!-- issuerDistinguishedName></issuerDistinguishedName-->
<!-- defines the handling of OCSP-failures -->
<!-- ignoreMissingServer Define: if it should be ignored, when OCSP server is
not reachable boolean value (true/false) if set to true, OCSP check returns
VALID, when certificate will be checked, but OCSP server could not be
connected -->
<!-- if set true, OCSP response signature and responder certificate will not be
verified -->
<!-- ==================== -->

CRL Einstellungen -->

<!-- ==================== -->

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<!-- directory where the actual used CRLs are stored -->
<!-- defines the handling of CRL-failures -->
<!--- if set true, CRL and CRL issuer are not verified -->

The parameters from the file $RVS_HOME/conf/

PkiParameter.xml are described in the following table:



URL of OCSP service.


Defines the attribute, in which the user certificate

is stored (e.g. userCertificate, userCertificate;binary).


Unique name, to distinguish between different

certificates in the root directory. In the first version
the ODETTE ID of the corresponding station will
be added to this value.
According to that, the DN has the following form:
<root> + <commonName> + <ODETTE ID>.


This parameter group decribes the handling if the

CRL validation fails.


This parameter group describes the parameters

for certificate validation through CRL.


decribes the handling, if the OCSP query

(request) fails.


Possible values: true or false.

True means, that if the error occurs during the
OCSP query, the certificate will be declared as
valid, even though the OCSP service is not available.
False: An error will occur, if the server is not


Optional. This parameter comprises the DN of

the certificate issuer. Normally the name of the
issuer should be declared in the certificate. For
special cases, it is possible to set an another
name in this field, however.

PKI Bindung


This parameter describes rules for the DN (distinguished name) structure of a certificate in the
LDAP directory.


In this group are described the parameters for the

access to the LDAP directory.


Parameters for the LDAP authentication (only

simple authentication will be supported). If these
elements are not defined, the authentication will
not be used (server must support ANONYMUS


IP configuration of the LDAP server.


The directory, where the CRLs are stored. The

CRLs must be up to date and maintained by the


IP address or DNS name of the LDAP server.


Defines parameters for certificate validation via



Optional. DN of the OCSP responder certificate.

The DN helps to find the OCSP responder certificate in the LDAP directory. This field is not
necessary, if the responder certificate is transmitted through the OCSP response. In another
case e.g. the OCSP response certificate will be
signed through the certificate issuer. The DN of
the certificate issuer is often part of the certificate.






IP port of the LDAP server.


defines the order of DN (default: true). For

some LDAP directories the cn (common name)
must be before or after the root. If the value of
this parameter is true, the following order
should be used: <commonName>+ODETTEID+<root>. If the value of this parameter is
false the following order has to be applied:


LDAP root directory, in which all certificates are to

be found.

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Possible values: true or false.

True: the validation of the CRL with its signature
does not take place.
False: the validation of the CRL with its
signature will be performed.
Hint: The validation of the signature includes the
validation of the CRL issuer certificates with


An OCSP response with the signature must be

validated.The validation of the signature means
also, the validation of the resonder certificate
through CERT_PATH. Possible values: true or
True: If this XML-Element has the value true,
the validation will be skipped.
False: The validation will not be skipped.


User name

rvsEVO Database


rvsEVO Database

From the rvsEVO version 5.0 the job data are written into a database and
not anymore into the directory $RVS_HOME/jobs with the subdirectories
Since version 5.02 also the data of user mangement are written into the
rvsEVO database.
The following databases are available:
Derby Embedded

12.1 Derby
Derby database is a free, java based relational database from Apache
If you select Derby Embedded during the installation procedure, a
database will be automatically (by rvsEVO) installed in the directory
The following Derby databases were tested:

12.2 Oracle
The following preconditions must be fulfilled if you decided yourself for an
Oracle database:
an Oracle database user was set up with the user rights connect,
resource, create session and create table.
your Oracle configuration is accurate. If an Oracle client is installed on
your machine, you can test the configuration with the following
sqlplus ORACLE-user@ORACLE-Network servername/password

sqlplus skk@RVS.TSYSTEMS.DE/skk
If this command could be executed successfilly (if a user exists and a
database is available), you can start the rvsEVO installation.
The following Oracle databases were tested:
Oracle 9i
Oracle 10g

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Oracle 11g
While installation of rvsEVO (see Chapter 2.4 "Fresh installation of
rvsEVO") the following Oracle connection parameters have to be set:
jdbc.user and jdbc.password
host connect string.

jdbc.url has the following syntax:


The default port for Oracle is 1521.
Note: If Oracle is running on an external computer, this computer must be
defined in the Oracle configuration file:

Example (tnsnames.ora):
#TNSNAMES.ORA Network Configuration File: /opt/oracle/product/8.1.7/
# Generated by Oracle configuration tools.

(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = rvsaix3)(PORT = 1521))

In this example RVS.TSYSTEMS.DE is an Oracle network service name

and rvs a service name. A network service name is needed to identify
an Oracle database in a network. This name should not be mixed up with
the global database name, although it has a similar syntax. The service
name identifies a database instance, because several instances can run
on the same computer.

jdbc.user is the Oracle user and jdbc.password is his password.

Note: The Oracle connection data from the installation window are stored
in the file $RVS_HOME/conf/
Connection Pooling
With Oracle database rvsEVO offers the functionality connection
pooling. That means there is a pool which contains connections to the
database. If a connection is needed, one connection of the pool can be


rvsEVO Database

used and it is not necessary to establish a connection for every access.

rvsEVO uses C3P0 (Hibernate) for connection pooling.
In order to counter firewall problems you should add C3P0 parameter to
the file $EVO_HOME/system/data/Oracle/hibernate.cfg.xml .
Example of configuration:
<property name="hibernate.c3p0.max_size">10</
<property name="hibernate.c3p0.min_size">0</property>
The most important parameter is
hibernate.c3p0.idle_test_period. With this parameter you
define the time interval (in seconds) for considering the connections of
the pool. The parameter max_size defines the maximum number of
connections to the database and min_size defines the initial number of
For further information please read the C3P0 documentation:

12.3 How to Drop and Create the Database Tables?

Note: rvsEVO must be stopped before execution of database operations.
The database table with the job data is named HIB_JOB_DATA. If the job
data are no longer needed, the database table HIB_JOB_DATA can be
dropped with the $RVS_HOME/system/DERBY/derby_drop for a
Derby database or $RVS_HOME/system/ORACLE/oracle_drop/
script for an Oracle database.
After the deletion the database tables must be created again. Use the
following scripts for the creation of the derby database tables:
and the following scripts for the creation of Oracle database tables

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12.4 How to view job data from a database?

With the following sql command you can view all data from a respective
database table:


To view all job data parameter from the rvsEVO database table
HIB_JOB_DATA the command wil be:


If you want to view a value of one job data parameter (e.g. JOBID) you
should use the following command:



rvsEVO Central Administration


rvsEVO Central Administration

This chapter describes the powerful feature of rvsEVO: how to remotely

administer other rvsEVO stations. It is essential for the network
administrator being able to remotely administer all rvsEVO installations.
13.1 Introduction
The rvsEVO Central Administration enables the configuration of
numerous rvsEVO installations by using special configuration files.
The configuration files will be sent from a rvsEVO station (we call it: Local
Configuration Instance LCI) to the station, that should be administrated
(we call it: Remote Controlled Instance RCI). The both instances are
located in the rvsEVO star network (Please see the following picture).











To distinguish the configuration files for the central administration from

the normal rvsEVO XML configuration files such as
rvsStationlist.xml, the files for the central administration will be
named configuration container files.
These are
cfg.req.jar for configuration requests, sent by LCI to RCI and
cfg.rsp.jar for configuration responses, sent by RCI to LCI.
The Local Configuration Instance LCI
Each rvsEVO installation can be used as LCI (please see the chapter 2.4
for the explanation how to install rvsEVO).
The LCI maintains a special directory where the configuration data of all
RCIs (rvsEVO stations, that are to be administrated) are stored - the
Configuration Repository CRep. The location of CRep is $RVS_HOME/

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management. Please refer to the chapter 1.6 for the explanation of

The entries of CRep ($RVSTINY_HOME/management) are:
This directory will be created only after a succesfull transmission and
response to the request for the configuration file of the RCI. Please
see the chapter 13.2 for the explanation how to make a configuration
$RVS_HOME/management/mgmt-log/activity-log This
log file contains protocols of all configuration actions. Each entry
comprises a timestamp, the type: configuration request or
configuration response respectively, the SID of the administrated
rvsEVO station (RCI) and a message text.
This directory contains templates for management actions. It is not
necessary to deal with this directory except for updates of the
administration software itself.
This directory stores configurations of RCIs for editing. It contains
subfolders, that are named after the RCIs SID (see the tool
prepareUpdateStation, chapter 13.2 for an example).
The Remote Controlled Instance RCI
The RCI is a is rvsEVO station, which should be administrated remotely.
When rvsEVO (RCI) receives a configuration request (a file

cfg.req.jar) a dedicated job will be launched. This job starts the

rvsEVO configuration process that handles the configuration request and
generates the configuration response. The configuration response is sent
back from the RCI to LCI as file cfg.rsp.jar.
13.2 Command Tools of the Central Administration
The whole process (all configuration and administration cases) is to be
done by the following command tools. These tools are located in the
directory $RVS_HOME\bin as batch files (please see the chapter 1.6
for the explanation of $RVS_HOME.), so you must change to this
directory to be able to execute them.


rvsEVO Central Administration

-s SID

fetches the configuration of an RCI and stores

it in CRep.

In this example TINYPW is the SID of RCI (of
the station, that should be administrated).
prepareUpdateStation.bat gets a RCI configuration copy out of CRep to
-s <SID>
the WorkDir in order to serve as starting point
for modifications.
Example for the WorkDir:
In the directory C:\rvsEVO

\management\mgmt-workspace the
following subdirectory will be created

This is a subdirectory for the TINYPW station;
the date of the creation is 2004-08-26, the time
of the creation is 11:44:18.
commitUpdateStation.bat sends a modified configuration from the
-s <SID> -d <WorkDir>
WorkDir (without out subdirectory) to an RCI
(RCI should be set with the option -s for

-d C:\rvsEVO\management\mgmtworkspace\TINYPW\UPDATE_STATION
Note: The name of the WorkDir directory consists of CRep (see 13.1);
RCISID (TINYPW in the table example), directory UPDATE_STATION
with the timestamp (consisting of date and time; in the table example
040826_114418) and the directory out.
WorkDir contains all essential rvsEVO directories and files: By changing
these files the following configuration actions for example are possible:
Modify station configuration by modifying $RVS_HOME/conf/
Modify jobstarts by modifying $RVS_HOME/conf/
Update the software by replacing .jar files in the directory
$RVS_HOME/lib .

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13.3 How to work with the central administration features?

The following steps will show you the typical configuration run. It may be
used as a basic example when a rvsEVO network administrator deals
with rvsEVO Central Administration. These steps are always necessary,
independent of the fact, whether you want to make an update, change
some rvsEVO parameter or exchange the license key file. More details
about the particular administation tasks, you will find in the chapters
13.3.1, 13.3.2 and 13.3.3.
Note: The following commands are available as batch files in the
$RVS_HOME\bin directory (please see the chapter 1.6 for the
explanation of $RVS_HOME.), so you must change to this directory to be
able to execute them.
at first, get the configuration of the RCI (of the rvsEVO station, that
should be administrated). Use the program orderConfiguration
for this step.
Example: If you would like to administer the configuration of the
rvsEVO station TINY11, launch the program
orderConfiguration in the command line with the following

orderConfiguration -s TINY11
This command generates a configuration request file cfg.req.jar
(see the chapter 13.1 for the explanation of the meaning of
cfg.req.jar) and sends it via OFTP to the station TINY11. The
transmission of the file cfg.req.jar may be watched in the
rvsEVO GUI (Admin window). When the RCI (TINY11) receives the
file cfg.req.jar the configuration process will be started. The
configuration process stops rvsEVO (station TINY11), archives the
actual configuration in a file cfg.rsp.jar, starts rvsEVO (TINY11)
again and sends the configuration container file cfg.rsp.jar back
to the LCI (rvsEVO station of the administrator). If this step was
successful, you will receive a message OrderConfiguration exited
with return code 0 in the console. All these steps are part of the
program orderConfiguration and will be executed
The next step is to get a copy of the RCIs configuration, that arrived
as the file cfg.rsp.jar. This should be done by the program
prepareUpdateStation on the command line. This program will
copy for you the arrived configuration file cfg.rsp.jar and store it
to the WorkDir (see chapter 13.2 for the explanation of WorkDir).

prepareUpdateStation.bat -s TINY11
Result: The directory C:\rvsEVO\management\mgmt-

\out with the complete configuration of the station TINY11 will be
created. If this action was successfull, you will find a corresponding


rvsEVO Central Administration

message in the file activity.log. This log file is stored in the

directory $RVS_HOME/management/mgmt-log.
Now you can administrate the configuration of the rvsEVO station (e.g.
TINY11). You can exchange a license key, modify the XML
configuration files or substitute the appropriate .jar files to make an
update of rvsEVO. Please read the chapters 13.3.1, 13.3.2 und 13.3.3
for more details about the particular configuration procedures.
Send the modified configuration to the RCI (TINY11). You have to
send the whole directory C:\rvsEVO\management\mgmt-

with the command:

commitUpdateStation.bat -s TINY11 -d
This command will store the whole modified directory and send it to
the RCI (TINY11) again as a file cfg.req.jar.
After successfully receiving a file cfg.req.jar at the RCI
(TINY11), rvsEVO will be stopped (it all happens with the process
commitUpdateStation, you do not have to do any particular
steps); the modified configuration will be updated; the update job
checks, if all was correct and sends back a response as a file
cfg.rsp.jar. The result of the update is again logged in the file
Note: In case of non success the old configuration will be activated again.
13.3.1 How to exchange a license key file?
This chapter describes the typical case in administrating rvsEVO, how to
exchange an invalid license key. In this example the station TINY01 will
administrate the station TINY02.
Prerequisites: The station TINY01 must have the station TINY02 in
the station table as a neighbour station (please read the chapter for the
explanation how to set up stations) and the station TINY02 must also
have station the TINY01 as a neighbour station.
To be able to replace a license key file of TINY02, TINY01 must at
first get the configuration of TINY02 with the command:

orderConfiguration -s TINY02
If this step was successful, you will receive a message
OrderConfiguration exited with return code 0 in the console and the
file cfg.rsp.jar will be received. (see in the Ended
Transmissions, Admin-window of the TINY01 GUI).
The next step ist to get a copy of the TINY02 configuration, that
arrived as the file cfg.rsp.jar. This must be done with the
following command:

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prepareUpdateStation.bat -s TINY02
Result: The directory C:\rvsEVO\management\mgmt-

\out with the complete configuration of the station TINY02 will be
created. If this action was successful, you will find the message in the
file activity.log. This log file is stored in the directory
Now you can rename the old license key from the directory

\out\conf to and copy the new
license key to the directory
\out\conf. How to obtain the new license key, please read the
chapter 2.2.
Send the modified configuration to TINY02 (you must send the whole
directory C:\rvsEVO\management\mgmt-

with the command

commitUpdateStation.bat -s TINY02 -d
This command will store the whole modified directory and send it to
the station TINY02 again as a file cfg.req.jar.
After successfully receiving the file cfg.req.jar at the station
TINY02, rvsEVO at TINY02 will be stopped (it happens all with the
process commitUpdateStation, you do not have to do any
particular steps); the modified configuration will be updated; the
update job checks, if all was correct and sends back a response as a
file cfg.rsp.jar. The result of the update is again logged in the file
Note: In case of non success the old configuration will be activated again.
13.3.2 How to change a station parameter?
This chapter describes a typical case in administrating rvsEVO, how to
change a rvsEVO parameter e.g. the ODETTE-ID. It is the same
procedure for changing any other rvsEVO parameter. In this example the
station TINY20 will administrate the station TINY22.
Prerequisites: The station TINY20 must have the station TINY22 in the
station table as a neighbour station (please read the chapter for
explanation how to set up stations) and the station TINY22 must also
have station TINY20 as a neighbour station.


rvsEVO Central Administration

To be able to modify an rvsEVO parameter TINY20 must at first get

the configuration of TINY22. it will be done with the following

orderConfiguration -s TINY22
If this step was successful, you will receive a message
OrderConfiguration exited with return code 0 in the console and the
file cfg.rsp.jar from the station TINY22 will be received as a
response of this request; please see in the Ended Transmissions,
Admin-window of the TINY20 GUI.
The next step ist to get a copy of the TINY22 configuration, that
arrived as the file cfg.rsp.jar to the WorkDir of TINY20. Please
see the chapter 13.2 for the explanation of the WorkDir.

prepareUpdateStation.bat -s TINY22
Result: The directory C:\rvsEVO\management\mgmtworkspace\TINY22\UPDATE_STATION_040829_133315
\out with the complete configuration of the station TINY22 will be
created. If this action was successful, you will find a corresponding
message in the file activity.log. This log file is stored in the
directory $RVS_HOME/management/mgmt-log.
Now you can edit the file rvsStationlist.xml from the directory

\out\conf and modify it e.g. parameter ODETTE_ID or TCP/IP
address (parameter IP_ADDR) for the local station of TINY22
(STATION_LOC) or other stations.
The next step is to send the modified configuration to TINY22 (you
must send the whole directory (but without out directory)

with the command

commitUpdateStation.bat -s TINY22 -d
This command will store the whole modified directory and send it to
station TINY22 again as a file cfg.req.jar.
After successfully receiving a file cfg.req.jar at the station
TINY22, rvsEVO at station TINY22 will be stopped (it all happens
with the process commitUpdateStation, you do not have to
make any particular steps) and the modified configuration will be
updated. Then the update job checks, if all was correct and sends
back a response to the station TINY20 as a file cfg.rsp.jar. The
result of the update is again logged in the file activity.log.
Note: In case of non success the old configuration will be activated again.

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13.3.3 How to make an update of rvsEVO?

This chapter describes a typical case in administrating rvsEVO, how to
make an update of an another rvsEVO station. In this example the station
TINY30 will administrate the station TINY33.
Prerequisites: The station TINY30 must have the station TINY33 in the
station table as a neighbour station (please read the chapter for
explanation how to set up stations) and the station TINY30 must also
have station TINY33 as a neighbour station.
To be able to make an update of rvsEVO at the station TINY30 you
must get at first the configuration of TINY33.

orderConfiguration -s TINY33
If this step was successful, you will receive a message
OrderConfiguration exited with return code 0 and the file
cfg.rsp.jar will be received, see in the Ended Transmissions,
Admin-window of the TINY30 GUI.
The next step ist to get a copy to the WorkDir of the TINY33
configuration, that arrived as the file cfg.rsp.jar. Type the
follwing command in the command line:

prepareUpdateStation.bat -s TINY33
Result: The directory C:\rvsEVO\management\mgmt-

\out with the complete configuration of the station TINY33 will be
created. If this action was successful, you will find a corresponding
message in the file activity.log.
Now you must rename the old .jar file rvs.jar from the directory

\out\lib to rvsOLD.jar and replace it with the new one. Please
contact us to receive the actual files for the update (E-Mail:; Tel. +49 30 39971 777).
Send the modified configuration to TINY33 station (you must send
the whole directory C:\rvsEVO\management\mgmtworkspace\TINY33\UPDATE_STATION_040830_113315)
with the command

commitUpdateStation.bat -s TINY33 -d
This command will store the whole modified directory and send it to
TINY33 again as a file cfg.req.jar.
After successfully receiving the file cfg.req.jar at the station
TINY33, rvsEVO of TINY33 will be stopped (it all happens with the
process commitUpdateStation, you do not have to do any


rvsEVO Central Administration

particular steps); the modified configuration will be updated; the

update job checks, if all was correct and sends back a response as a
file cfg.rsp.jar. The result of the update is again logged in the file
Note: In case of non success the old configuration will be activated again.

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rvsbat Batch Interface


rvsbat Batch Interface

rvsbat gives you an additional possibility for automated file transfer and
for managing jobstarts.
The following rvsbat commands are supported by rvsEVO:
SEND: create a send job
RESENTR: create, delete, modify jobstarts after receive (in rvs
portable: resident receive entries)
SENDJOB: create, delete, modify jobstarts after send attempt.
FAILURE: create, delete, modify jobstarts after failure.
14.1 Starting rvsbat
rvsbat is to be started via command line:
rvsbat [/c] [/i<input file>] [/l<language>] [/q]
The command line parameters have the following meaning:
/C: continue with rvsbat after an error occured during execution of a
utility command. By default, rvsbat will terminate after an error.
/I<filename>: read commands from cmdfile. The command input file
may contain the following elements:
- Comment lines (starting with *)
- Commands (may extend over several lines by specifying + as the
last character in the line to be continued)
/L<language>: use message language given by character language.
Values: E (english), D (german)
/Q execute user commands in quiet mode, i.e. do not echo them to
standard output; feedback about success or failure of the operation
will still be provided.
The rvsbat commands (SEND, RESENTR, SENDJOB und FAILURE)
can be imported via input file or written into the command prompt. In the
second case, rvsbat can be breaked by <STRG> C. In both cases, the
syntax of the command strings is identical.
SEND /C SIDORIG=LOC DSN=C:\docs\test.txt (SID=EVO54E
Import a command via input file:
Using the expamle of SEND command you see what steps are needed to
perform a send job by using an input file:

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provide the send file (example: test.txt)

provide the job file (contains send job parameters like address ID,
OFTP file name, ...)
Example for a job file (input.txt):
SEND /C SIDORIG=LOC DSN=C:\docs\test.txt (SID=EVO54E
In the above example a send job ist created for sending the file
C:\docs\test.txt from local station LOC to station EVO54E with
call the rvsbat command.
rvsbat /LE /Ic:\docs\input.txt
Starting rvsbat without input of a command file:
In the following you find a description of starting rvsbat in the
command prompt (expamle with SEND command):
Start rvsbat in the command prompt
Write the rvsbat commands in the cmd promt after a successful start
of rvsbat (message Command START /USER successfully
SEND /C SIDORIG=LOC DSN=C:\docs\test.txt (SID=EVO54E
14.2 Create a Send Job with SEND Command.
Additional to the GUI and the createSendJob program you can use the
SEND /CREATE (or SEND /C) command of rvsbat script, for sending
By rvsEVO supported CREATE /SEND parameters:
Required parameters:

path and name of local data set to be sent


station ID of receiver (enclosed in parentheses)

Optional parameters:


Code of local file (A=ASCII, E=EBCDIC)

Default: code of local system

rvsbat Batch Interface


Disposition of local file after successful send

attempt. Possible values:
K=file will not be deleted after sending (default)
(GUI name: Disposition)


Format of the file to be sent.

possible values:
T=textfile; a stream of ASCII characters
U= unstructured (binary); byte stream
F=fixed; fixed record length
V=variable; variable record length
Default: U


With this parameter you can decide, what time the

send job should be created. Possible values:
date and time in format
H or HOLD: job is created with HOLD status.
N or NOW: job is started immediately (default)
(GUI name: Schedule)


User label (up to 20 characters) used to serialize

on a proceeding send request (if SERIAL=Y) or
which can be used for serialization by a
subsequent send request


Max. record length for the files in format F or V.


Y (Yes)/N (No). If you set SERIAL=Y, the files will

be sent in the same order, as the send jobs were
created. The next job will only be sent, if the
previous is completely finished. All send jobs for
the serialization must have the same LABEL. In
the GUI the VDSN will be used as label. That
means, that all jobs for the same serialization
group must have the same virtual data set name
(GUI name: Serialization)


No Function; for compatibility with rvs

portable. Possible values:
Y / N (Default)


In this parameter you indicate the mode of files in

format 'F' or 'V'. Possible values:
X: textfile (record mode TXT in the GUI)
U: binary file (record mode BIN in the GUI)
Please see parameter Record Mode in chapter
4.5 for further information.
(GUI name: Record Mode)

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Optional parameters (enclosed in parentheses)



Active only in connection with OFTP 2.0 (CMS).

The following algorithms are possible:
(GUI name: Encryption Algorithm)


Desired code of data set at receiver; (A=ASCII,

send /c dsn=C:\test22.dat CODEIN=A


Defines the code table, which is to be used for the

code conversion (see Parameter Conversion
table in the table in chapter 4.5) . Indicate the
alias name of conversion table.
Example: send /c
test22.dat FORMAT=V(SID=RTT
(GUI name: Conversion table)


compression; active only in connection with

sfs=2, 3 oder 4. If Y (Yes) the file should be
compressed before sending. This parameter has
to be placed after SID parameter.
SEND /C DSN=\home\test\test11.txt
(GUI name: Offline Compression)


Virtual file name; the length of the file name

used for ODETTE transfer must not exceed 26
(GUI name: VDSN)


File encryption; active only in connection with

sfs=2, 3 oder 4; If Y (Yes) the file should be
encrypted before sending. This parameter has to
be placed after SID parameter.
SEND /C DSN=\home\test\test11.txt


File description, active only in connection with

(OFTP 2.0)
(GUI name: File description)

rvsbat Batch Interface


station ID of originator; local station (default) or

virtual station
(GUI name: SID Originator)


Security Feature Set; this parameter applies to the

format of encryption. Possible values:
1 (no encryption; default)
2 (ComSecure V1)
3 (ComSecure V2)
4 (OFTP 2.0 (CMS))
(GUI name: Security Feature Set)


File signature is activated. Active only in

connection with sfs=4 (OFTP 2.0).
(GUI name: File signature)


Request signed EERP/NERP. Active only in

connection with sfs=4 (OFTP 2.0).
(GUI name: Request signed EERP)


Parameter for an external JobID, which can refer

to several rvsEVO JobIDs. The external JobID is a
string of alphanumeric characters.

14.3 Managing Jobstarts via rvsbat

Jobstarts after receive (RESENTR command), after send attempt
(SENDJOB command) and after processing error (FAILURE command)
can be created, modified or deleted by rvsbat. Please read chapter
3.3 "Customizing the JobStarts" for further information about jobstarts.
14.3.1 The RESENTR command
Additional to the GUI and the XML configuration file rvsJobstart.xml
you can use the RESENTR command of rvsbat script, for managing
Jobstarts after receive (in accordance with resident receive entries in
rvs portable).
/CREATE or /C: create a jobstart after receive
/UPDATE or /U: edit a jobstart after receive
/DELETE or /D: delete a jobstart after receive

Hint: The commands can be added in abbreviated or long version and

with a blank or not. (RESENTR /DELETE DSN="*.TENNIS.*"
SID="*" is the same as

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RESENTR parameters:
Required parameters: DSN, SID
Parameters without function (for compatibility with rvs portable):
The table in chapter 14.3.4 shows the description of the parameters.
1. Expample:

After receiving files with the virtual file name "TENNIS" the Job
"C:\rvsTest\scripts\resentr.bat" is to be started. Existing files
which own the same name are not replaced, a timestamp is to be added
only if necessary. The parameters LUID, UID and DISP are without
2. Expample:
RESENTR /D DSN="Test.txt" SID="*"

Jobstarts which are to be launched after receiving the file Test.txt are
14.3.2 The SENDJOB Command
Use the SENDJOB command to create, edit or delete a jobstart after send
/CREATE or /C: create a jobstart after send attempt
/UPDATE or /U: edit a jobstart after send attempt
/DELETE or /D: delete a jobstart after send attempt
SENDJOB parameters:
Required parameters: SID (= SIDDEST), VDSN
The table in chapter 14.3.4 shows the description of the parameters.
1. Example:
SIDSENDER=LOC JOB="C:\rvsTest\scripts\sendjob.bat"


rvsbat Batch Interface

After sending the file "Test.txt" from station LOC to station RVS the job
"C:\rvsTest\scripts\sendjob.bat" is to be started. There is no code
conversion; the FLAGCOMP and FLAGCRYP parameters are without
2. Example:

Jobstarts which are to be launched after sending the file Test.txt to

station RVS are deleted.
14.3.3 The FAILURE Command
Use the FAILURE command to create, edit or delete a jobstart after
processing error.
/CREATE or /C: create a jobstart after processing error
/UPDATE or /U: edit a jobstart after processing error
/DELETE or /D: delete a jobstart after processing error
FAILURE parameters:
Required parameters: VDSN
Optional parameters: COMMENT, ENABLED, EXECSYNC,
The table in chapter 14.3.4 shows the description of the parameters.

After receiving an error massage after send attempt of "Test.txt" file

from station LOC to station RVS the job
"C:\rvsTest\scripts\failure.bat" is to be started.
14.3.4 Jobstart Parameters
The following table shows the description of the jobstart parameters.
Jobstart parameters

Required parameters:

(only RESENTR) Virtual file name. Allowed: SID

string and wildcard * at the end..
(GUI name: VDSN)


(only SENDJOB) Station ID of target station.

Allowed: SID string and wildcard * at the end.
(GUI name: SID of Destination)

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(only RESENTR) Station ID of source station.

Allowed: SID string and wildcard * at the end.
(GUI name: SID of Destination).


(SENDJOB and FAILURE) Path and name of the

local file to send. Allowed: SID string and wildcard
* at the end.

Optional parameters:



without function; for compability with rvs



Number of unsuccessful send attampts.

Successful file transmission is indicated by "0".
(GUI name: Send Attempts)


Alias of code table that is to be used if parameter

CODETRANS = T. See parameter Conversion
table in table jJobFilter elements on page 79
Example: RESENTR /C


Defines whether a code translation has to be

executed. Possible values:
no indication: no code translation
E: EBCDIC - ASCII conversion
A: ASCII - EBCDIC conversion
T: your own conversion table , that is indicated
in CODETABLE parameter. (Please see also
section How to add your own conversion
table: on page 85)


free text;


no function; for compatibility with rvs

portable, value: K


With this parameter you can save the received

file with an other name and path.
no indication: the file is saved with current
name in inbox directory
indication of new path and name: the file is
saved in the indicated directory with the new


With this parameter you decide whether the job is

to be started or not. Possible values:
Y (Yes): to start the job (default)
N (No): the job is not started

rvsbat Batch Interface


If EXECSYNC = Y (yes) the OFTP session is kept

alive until the process is finished. Default: N (No)
(GUI name: Synchronized)


If setting EXECSYNC = Y: Time Out after the

connection is closed by the communication
(GUI name: Timeout (Sync.))


no function; for compatibility with rvs

portable; Possible value: N / empty string


no function; for compatibility with rvs

portable; Possible value: N / empty string


Program to be started when all filter conditions

apply. A defined set of parameters is passed to
the programs.
(GUI name: Process)


no function; for compatibility with rvs

portable; Possible value: N / empty string


With this parameter you can save the received file

in an other directory than Inbox directory:
no indication: file is saved in Inbox
indication of new path: the file is saved in the
indicated directory
(GU name: New Directory)


With this parameter you can save the received

file with an other name.
no indication: VDSN is file name
indication of new name: the file is saved with
the new name
(GUI name: New Filename)


With this parameter you can decide how to

transmit the job data to the process.
Possible values:
ARGS: job data are passed as arguments
ENV: job data are set as environment variables
REPLACE: for compatibility with rvs portable.
For further information see chapter Parameter
handling on page 82.


With REPLACE parameter you decide how to

handle receiving files which own the same name
like existing files. Possible values:
R oder Y (yes): replace the existing file
N (no): create new data set with uniquename;
timestamp is added (default)
I: no function; for compatibility with rvs

rvsEVO Benutzerhandbuch / Rev. 04.02.13

T-Systems / rvs Systems


rvsEVO Benutzerhandbuch



Command Shell for executions of the program

e.g. ksh, csh, ... on Unix systems


Station ID of target station.

(GUI name: SID of Destination)


Station ID of source station (local or virtual

(GUI name: SID of Originator)


alternativ to SIDORIG


With this parameter you define rules for

timestamp creation. Possible values:
Y = timestamp is to be generated generally
N = timestamp is to be added only if necessary
(GUI name: Timestamp)


Format of the timestamp. Possible values:

TIME: time of creation of the job and counter;
format: hhmmssccc (default)
DATETIME: date and time of creation of the
job and counter; format: YYMMDDhhmmssccc
SFID_DATETIME: Odette timestamp of SFID;
date, time and counter in format
COUNTER: 000000 - 999999. If the counter is
not sequential, the gap is filled first before the
counter is counted up.
(GUI name: Timestamp format)


No function; for compatibility with rvs portable;

Possible value: empty string, *


In this parameter you indicate the mode of files in

format 'F' or 'V'. Possible values:
X: textfile (is equivalent to record mode TXT
in Create Send Job)
U: binary file (is equivalent to record mode
BIN in Create Send Job)
Please see Record Mode parameter in chapter
4.5 for further information.
(GUI name: Record Mode)




15.1 ODETTE Protocol

It is the purpose of the ODETTE File Transfer Protocol (OFTP) to ensure
the reliable transfer of a data set. The OFTP enters a protocol session
with the OFTP on the remote rvsEVO station which logically runs on top
of the linedriver connection.
After the OFTP session has started, both sides exchange their ODETTE
IDs and passwords, negotiate some parameters, like ODETTE exchange
buffer size, ODETTE credit value (the number of buffers the sending side
can send without waiting for a response), and exchange information
about name, approximate size and format of the data set to be
During transfer, a compression and decompression of data is performed.
After the data have been transferred, the byte count is checked between
both sides. After the data set has successfully been stored, a receipt is
sent to the sending station. If the transfer has been disrupted, for
example by a link failure, the OFTP protocol provides a mechanism that
allows to restart the transfer at the point of rupture.
'Change direction' feature allows the receiver to become sender and to
send acknowledgments and data sets.
For protocol details kindly refer to the publications of the ODETTE and
VDA groups: "ODETTE Specifications for File Transfer".
Shown below is the general but simplified message flow within an
ODETTE session. The sending side acts as initiator, the receiving side
as responder.
Initiator (sender)


Responder (receiver)
----- network
connect ----->
<----- SSRM -----

password, buffersize,

----- SSID ----->

<----- SSID ----StartFile ID (name, size,


T-Systems / rvs Systems

ODETTE ID, password


----- SFID ----->

<----- SFPA -----

rvsEVO User Manual / Rev. 04.02.13


StartFile Positive Answer


rvsEVO User Manual

n data records

----- DATA ----->

----- DATA ----->
----- DATA ----->
<----- CREDIT -----

send n data records

----- DATA ----->

----- DATA ----->

EndFile ID (byte count)

----- EFID ----->

<----- EFPA ----or
<----- EFNA -----

Change Direction

network disconnect


send credit value n

EndFile Positive Answer (if store successful

and byte count correct)/
EndFile Negative Answer

------ CD ------>
<----- EERP ----or
<----- NERP -----

End-to-End Response/
Negative End-to-End
Response (acknowledgment)

<----- ESID -----

End-Session ID
network disconnect


showMonitorLogFile 94
startKeyMgn 129
startServer 89
startService 28
stopServer 89
terminateSession 131
updateStationList 74
userManagerClient 132


Active Panel 111

bastion 147
Batch file 89

CA certifcate 69, 142
certificate-properties 32
CertificateUsageDefinition 141
Client 155
Command Tools
activateStation 95
archiveJobs 126

commitUpdateStation 173
convertAndSend 106
convertFile 132
createBackup 133
createSendJob 100
deleteJob 115
deliverCertificate 127
doRecover 135
getCertificateList 129
getJob 118
getJobInfoList 120
getJobList 117
handleEERP 119
holdJob 115
importCRL 130
importTSL 130
login 132
orderConfiguration 173
prepareUpdateStation 173
releaseJob 116
replaceCertificate 128
requestCertificate 127
restartJob 116
rvsEVOService 132
rvsservice 29
sendJournal 131
setclientcp 132
setcp 132
showMonitorLog 93

rvsEVO User Manual / Rev. 04.02.13

T-Systems GmbH / rvs Systems

Comment 79
Configuration files 79
Connection type
Customizing configuration files 37

delaftersend.bat 87
Derby 167


Electronic signature 137

encryption formats 137
principle and sequence 138
Environment Parameters
BackupStartup 38
Browser 38

CentralJournalInstance 38
Cleanupdays 38
Cleanupinterval 38
Cleanuptime 38
ConnSetupFailWaitTime 39
DB 39
Description 39
EngdatConfigFile 39
HelpFile 39
HostAllowFile 39
HostDenyFil 39
JobstartConfigFile 39
JournalFilenamePrefix 39
LooptestNeighbourSID 39

rvsEVO User Manual

ManagementConfigFile 40
MaxMonLogCount 40
MaxMonLogSize 40
MaxRevisionLogCount 40
MaxRevisionLogSize 40
MaxSessions 40
OFTPTimeout 40
PersistenceArchive 40
RedoLog 40
RMIServiceHost 40
RMIServiceName 40
RMIServicePort 41
RvsStartScript 41
SendJournalInterval 41
SessionAliveTimeout 41
SessionWaitTime 41
StationsConfigFile 41
Timestamp 41
TraceItem 42
TransmissionFailWaitTime 42

Record Handling 81
Replace 81
Send Attempts 81
sendAttempts 81
Shell 81
SID of Destination 81
SID of Originator 81
Synchronized 82
Timeout (Sync.) 82
Timestamp 82
Timestamp Format 82
jobstart.bat 87
jobstart_detailed.bat 87
JobstartConfigFile 43, 44
journal.bat 87

rvsbat 181
startGUI 28

Migration 30

GUI 26

network parameters

handleEERP 59
handleMangement.bat 87

importComSecureKeyPair 31
ISDN connection 16

jobFilter 75
JobStart 75
JobStart parameters

Conversion table 80
Direction 80
Enabled 80
New Directory 80
New Filename 80
Parameter Handling 80
Process 81
Processing Class 81
processingClass 81

Card number 54, 62

client authentication 53
Dial Retry Count 62
Dial Retry Wait Time 62
enabled 51, 53, 54, 56
IP Address 51, 53
ISDN Address 54, 62
ISDN Facilities 54, 62
ISDN Protocol 54, 62
ISDN Terminal Identifier 55, 62
ISDN Userdata 62
Keystore file name 53
Local IP address 56
Local port 56
max. incoming sesions 51, 53
max.incoming sessions 55, 57
OrdinalNumber 55, 57
Port 51, 53
RCV timeout 55, 57
Receiver Number 52, 53

rvsEVO User Manual

ReceiverNumber 62, 64
restart timeout 52, 53
Router IP address 57, 64
Router Port 57, 64
SDN Userdata 55
timeout 52, 53, 55, 57, 62, 64
trusted certs keystore file name 54
Type 55, 62
X.25 Address 55, 57, 62, 64
X.25 Closed User Group 55, 63
X.25 DBit 55, 57, 63, 64
X.25 Facilities 56, 57, 63, 64
X.25 Modulo 57, 64
X.25 PacketSize 56, 57, 63, 64
X.25 Userdata 56, 57, 63, 64
X.25 Window Size 56, 58, 63, 65

ODETTE parameters

Authentication 58
Certificate Validation Type 59
Compression 59
Encryption 60
Encryption Algorithm 60
End to End Response in 59
End to End Response Out 59
Exchange Buffer Credit 59
Exchange Buffer Size 58
File Service Proxy 60
Odette ID 60
OFTP Version 60
PKI 60
Receive Password 60
Restart 60
Security 61
Security Feature Set 60
Send Password 60
SFIDDESC as Filename 61
Sign 61
Sign ERP 61
VDSN charse 61
Odette port 74
OFTP Proxy 147, 151

Receive 60
Remote GUI 155
RMIServiceHost 48
RMISeviceName 48

CREATE /SEND parameters 182

FAILURE Command 187
Jobstart Parameters 187
RESENTR command 185
SEND Command 182
SENDJOB Command 186
rvsConfig.xml 47
rvsEVO version 27
rvsStationlist.xml 49

sendback.bat 88
SNMP parameters
Active 42
Interval 43
IP address 43
Log-Level 43
Port 43
StationsConfigFile 43, 44, 46

Typographic conventions 14

User Management 159

virtual station 66

What is rvs 9
What rvs is not 9

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