1.1 Pmta
1.1 Pmta
1.1 Pmta
(e) The official rated capacity, or the certified flow resistance and minimum net flow area, of a pressure relief device shall be that which is stamped on the device and
guaranteed by the Manufacturer.
(f) T h e r a t e d p r e s s u r e r e l i e v i n g c a p a c i t y o f a
pressure relief valve for other than steam or air shall be
determined by the method of conversion given in
Mandatory Appendix 11.
(g) The relieving capacity of a pressure relief device for
compressible fluids may be prorated at any relieving pressure greater than 1.10p , as permitted under UG-125, by
applying a multiplier to the official relieving capacity as
(SI Units)
P = relieving pressure, psig (kPa gage)
p = set pressure, psig (kPa gage)
For steam pressures above 1,500 psig (10 MPa gage),
the above multiplier is not applicable. For steam valves
with relieving pressures greater than 1,500 psig
(10 MPa gage) and less than or equal to 3,200 psig
(22.1 MPa gage), the capacity at relieving pressures greater than 1.10p shall be determined using the equation for
steam and the correction factor for high pressure steam
in UG-131(e)(2) with the permitted absolute relieving
pressure and the coefficient K for that valve design.
(h) When sizing and selecting valves, the restricted lift
nameplate capacity shall be determined by multiplying
the capacity at full rated lift as defined in UG-131(e)(3)
by the ratio of the restricted lift to the full rated lift.
(a) Except as permitted in (b) below, the aggregate capacity of the pressure relief devices connected to any vessel or system of vessels for the release of a liquid, air,
steam, or other vapor shall be sufficient to carry off the
maximum quantity that can be generated or supplied to
the attached equipment without permitting a rise in pressure within the vessel of more than 16% above the maximum allowable working pressure when the pressure relief
devices are blowing.
(b) P r e s s u r e r e l i e f d e v i c e s a s p e r m i t t e d i n
UG-125(c)(2), as protection against excessive pressure
caused by exposure to fire or other sources of external
heat, shall have a relieving capacity sufficient to prevent
the pressure from rising more than 21% above the maximum allowable working pressure of the vessel when all
pressure relief devices are blowing.
(c) Vessels connected together by a system of adequate
piping not containing valves which can isolate any vessel,
and those containing valves in compliance w ith
Nonmandatory Appendix M, M-5, may be considered as
one unit in figuring the required relieving capacity of pressure relief devices to be furnished.
(d) Heat exchangers and similar vessels shall be protected with a pressure relief device of sufficient capacity
to avoid overpressure in case of an internal failure.
(a) Pressure relief devices intended for relief of compressible fluids shall be connected to the vessel in the vapor space above any contained liquid or to piping
connected to the vapor space in the vessel which is to be
protected. Pressure relief devices intended for relief of liquids shall be connected below the liquid level. Alternative connection locations are permitted, depending on
the potential vessel overpressure scenarios and the type
of relief device selected, provided the requirements of
UG-125(a)(2) and UG-125(c) are met.
(b) See below:
(1) The opening through all pipe, fittings, and nonreclosing pressure relief devices (if installed) between a
pressure vessel and its pressure relief valve shall have at
least the area of the pressure relief valve inlet. The characteristics of this upstream system shall be such that the
pressure drop will not reduce the relieving capacity below
that required or adversely affect the proper operation of
the pressure relief valve.
(2) The opening in the vessel wall shall be designed to
provide unobstructed flow between the vessel and its
pressure relief device (see Nonmandatory Appendix M).62