Victorian Period

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The beginning of the Victorian Period is dated sometimes as 1832 (the passage of the first Reform
Bill) and sometimes as 1837 (the accession of Queen Victoria). It extends to the death of Victoria in
1901. But when we refer the history book of W. J. Long and literary terms of M. H. Abraham, we find
that the period between 1850 -1900 is regarded as the Victorian Period, which is also known as the
Age of Compromise and the Age of Peace and Prosperity.
When Victoria came on the throne of England in 1837, English literature seemed to have entered into a
period of lean years. Only sweet memories and poetic fruitfulness by the Romantic poets were
remained, while the poets had passed away. It seemed that no writer was there in England to fulfill
their place. But later on we find that Alfred Tennyson and Robert Browning have tried to fulfill that
empty place. The main characteristics of this Age are:
The progress of democracy
Peace and prosperity
The slaved had been freed
Social unrest
Spread of education
Industrial revolution
Humanistic approach
Age of compromise
This Period was marked by freedom from wars and internal strife. The calmness of the Age made the
people lovers of tradition rather them those longing for revolution or any radical changes. It was the
time of the advancement of science and the development of a scientific temper of mind. But it brought
a challenge to the old values of life and the Christian way of life, values, assurance regarding
redemption and salvation, like genesis etc. began to be looked upon with an element of doubt.
Commerce and trade had greatly progressed because of the Industrial Revolution, but finally it resulted
into social and economic revolution, rise of new class of factory and mill owners, class division etc.
The factory and mill owners got wealth never dreamt of it before and another class was of that workers
and laborers. This started the business of exploitation of the poor class.

This Period is known as the Age of Compromise because; during 18 century religion was in the
center. The rules regarding religion and church were strictly followed. The church authority was very
powerful. While during the Victorian Period the science was developing. Gallilio had proved that it is
earth that revolves round the sun, not the sun. On the one hand 50% of the English were the believer of
the Christianity and the Bible and the other 50% of the English were under the influence of the
advancement of Science. Science had challenged the old order of living the life and Christian way of
life, values, the assurance regarding redemption and salvation were being challenge and looked with
the element of doubt. That is why this Age is called the Age of Compromise which was between the
religion and the science.
The year 1870 is often used to divide Victorian andMuchlatewritingof
theVictorianperiod,whetheritis.imaginative or didactic, in verse or in prose, reflected current, social,
economic, and intellectual problems. For example, the industrial revolution and its effects on the
economic and social structure; rapid

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urbanization and the deterioration of rural England; massive poverty, growing class tension, and pressures toward
political and social reform; and the impact on philosophy and religious fundamentalism of the theory of evolution. It
was the Age of immense and self critical literary activity. We find the references of all these things in the literature
of this particular Age.
Literary Trends of the Victorian novel:
Lose Plots (Fieldings tradition of writing n
A mixture of strength and weakness
Entertainment value
Panoramic value
Immense variety
Imaginative rendering of reality
Lack of high artistic standard
The Victorian Writers:
The Victorian Novelists
1. Charles Dickens (1812-1870)
His famous novels are The Pickwick Papers (1837), Oliver Twist (1838, was first
published with the title Oliver Twist with a subtitle, The Parish boys),Nicholas Progres
Nickleby (1839), The Old Curiosity Shop (1841), Barnaby Rudge (1841), Martin Chuzzlewit, Dombey and Son
(1844), David Copperfield (1850) , Bleak House (1853), Hard Times (1854), Little Dorrit (1857), A Tale of Two
Cities (1859), Great Expectations (1861), Our Mutual Friend (1865), The Mystery of Edwin Drood (unfinished,
1870). Apart from these he has also written many short stories, essays and travel books. Dickens has given his many
literary contributions Boswith the pen name
2. Thomas Hardy (1840-1928)
His well-known novels are The Desperate Remedies (1871, first novel), Under the Greenwood Tree (1872, first
Wessex novel), Far from the Madding Crowd (1874), The Return
of the Native (1878), The Mayor of the Casterbridge (1886), Tess of the(1891),DUrbervi
Jude the Obscure (1895, last novel). Apart from these he has also written poems and short stories.
Willliam Makepeace Thackeray
He is mainly famous for his novel Vanity Fail.
Charlotte Bronte
Her pen name is Currer. She is famous for her three novels, The Professor, Jane Eyre, Shirley, and Vilette.

5. Emile Bronte
Her pen name is Ellis. She is famous for her only great classic novel Wuthering Heights.
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6. Anne Bronte
Her pen name is Action Bell. Her famous novels are Agnes Grey and The Tenant of Wildfell Hall.
7. George Eliot (1819-1880)
She stands at the gateway between the old novel and the new, no unworthy heir to Thackeray and
Dickens and no unworthy forerunner of Hardy and Henery James. Her most talked about novels are
Adam Bede (1859), Mill on the Floss (1860, it is a spiritual autobiography), Silas Marner (1861),
Middlemarch (1872), Romola (1863) , etc. George Eliot is her pen name but her original name is Mary
Ann Evans.
8. Jane Austen (1775-1817)
We can say that Austen belongs to the later part of the Romantic Age; it means the earlier part of the
Victorian Period. Her greatest novels are Sense and Sensibility (1811), Pride and Prejudice (1813),
Mansfield Park (1814), Emma (1816), Northanger Abbey (1818), Persuasion (1818).

9. Mrs. Elizabeth Gaskell (1810-1865)

She has written her novels like Mary Barton (1948) and North and South (1865) as an instrument of
social reform.
Charles Reade (1814-1884)
Charles Kingsley (1819-1875)
Thomas Love Peacock (1785-1868)
Anthony Trollope (1815-82)
George Meredtith
He is the founder of the psychological novel. His chief novels are The Shaving of Shagpot, The Ordeal
of Richard Feverel, Evan Harringtion, Rhoda Fleming, The Egoist, Diana of the Crossways, etc.
To solve problems of the Age, there appeared renamed political economists like James
Mill, John Stuart Mill, Malthus Ricardo,Wealthof
Nation.Butlater on they, instead of coming to the rescue of the exploited section of society, sided with
the exploitative classes. As a reaction against them some saviors like Ruskin and Carlyle appeared.
They attacked science for its harmful effect on society. Carlyle was wrong in thinking about the
necessary of slavery and its benefit, but his was against the exploitation of the poor and the industrial
workers by the rich classes.
Dickens, very effectively revolts against such a new system in his literary style. In Oliver, he
Twistpresentstheseamy (immoral or sordid/ dishonest) side of children being exploited by the
underground world. The way Oliver demanded for more soup in the orphanage is perhaps the first
protest against the exploitative practices of the age. With the background of
industrial revolution Hardand utilitarianTimes,Dickensdirectlyopposes phi Jeremy Benthams and
Adam Smiths theory of ed
Matthew Arnold is a well-known critic of this Age. On one hand capitalism, industrialism and

materialism came in the existence which gave rise to poverty, class tensions and social insecurity. There
was loss of ideals and cultural values. At that time Arnold gives
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importance to the role of literary criticism of his Age against the Romantic Criticism. We can
see this in Thehis Functionessay, of Criticism.Here,heainlyintalks the Pres about his contemporary England. He
finds that the British society, specially the middle class is
materialized and brutalized. It has no cultural ideas and ideals are at a discount. He finds cultural anarchy
everywhere and his purpose is to put an end to this anarchy. And that is why he has mingled the cultural issues with
The Victorian Poets
When Victoria came on the throne of England in 1837, English literature seemed to have entered into a period of
lean years. Only sweet memories and poetic fruitfulness by the Romantic poets were remained, while the poets had
passed away. It seemed that no writer was there in England to fulfill their place. But later on we find that Alfred
Tennyson and Robert Browning have tried to fulfill that empty place. Let we have a little bit knowledge of the
Victorian poets.
1. Lord Alfred Tennyson (1808-1892)
Tennyson stood as the summit of poetry in England. For nearly half a century, he was not only a man, and a poet,
but the voice of all people, expressing their doubt and faith, grief and triumphs. In his poetry we find:
Dreaminess of Spenser
Majesty of Milton
The natural simplicity of Wordsworth
The fantasy of Blake and Coleridge
The melody of Keats and Shelley
Narrative vigor of Byron
Only the dramatic power of the Elizabethan Age was lacking. In Ulysses he has taken the subject of hunger heart
for the adventurous life. He writes,
And this gray spirit yearning in desire,

this gray spirit yearning in d


follow knowledge like a sinking

His poem Locksley Hall (1842) is full of the restless spirit of y faith in science, commerce, and the progress of
mankind. In The Princess the poet grapples with
one of the rising questions of the daythat of the higher education of women and their place in the fast changing
conditions of modern society. Maud deals with the patriotic passion of the time of the Crimean War and reflects the
mammon worship of the day. It is a mono-drama. Idylls of the King deals with medieval machinery. It carries 12
poems. Though he was from an aristocratic family, he was profoundly interested in common people and common
things which we find in his poems like The May Queen, Enoch Arden, Dora etc. Enoch Arden deals with his
theory of love after marriage. In Crossing the Bar we find the poets keen desire for the oneness with God where he

hope toFaceseetoface Whenmy I pilothavecrosthe Bar

His other poems include The Lady of Shalott, Break, Break, Break. However is mainly famous for his In
Memoriam. It is a collection of 131 poems. It deals with the great conflict of the age between doubt and faith. It is
an elegy composed to many short lyrics. It also laments on
death of his closest friend Arthur Henry Hallam. He had been awarded with
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Medal for his poem Timbuctoo at university. In 1850, he became poet-laureate to succeed
Wordsworth. His oft quoted line is from Ulysses ,
To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield.
2. Robert Browning (1812-1889)
He was the lover of music. His famous poems are A Toccato of Galuppi, The Last Rider Together, My
Last Duchess, Rabbi Ben Ezpa, Fra Lippo Lippa, A Death to the Desert, Men and Women (a
collection of poems) etc. He was the supreme master of the Dramatic Mononlogue. He was an undying
optimist, who said,
God isHeaven,in h

right with the world

(Pippa Passes)
3. Matthew Arnold (1822-1883)
He is a poet cum critic. His famous poems are Rugby Chapel, Thyrsis, Scholar Gypsy,
Dover Beach, Soharab and Rustam, Shakespeare (it is a sonnet), etc. Thyrsis is a great pastoral elegy
and in this poem he mourns the death of his friend, Arthur Clough. Rugby Chapel is also his elegy in
which he mourns the death of his father. However, he is mainly famous for his essay (critical works)
like, Culture and Anarchy, Literature and Dogma.
4. Arthur Hugh Clough (1819-1961)
He is famous for his poem The City of Dreadful Night. It deals with the note of insomnia and
nightmarish pessimism. He believed that the appearance of progress was a mere illusion.
5. Edward Fitzgerald (1809-1888)
He is mainly famous for his verse translation of the Persian Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. His
pessimism was inherent in his Hisacce pessimism was the cause of his epictureanism. Wine, women
and music were the chief objects
of his pleasure in the life as he believed that the life was sort and may end at any moment.
6. The Pre-Raphaelite Poets
The Pre-Raphaelite was a movement. It was begun in 1848 by three painters in England including
Dante Gabriel Rossetti. It aimed at a return to older principles in painting, but as Rossetti and other
followers like William Morris and Suinburne were also gifted writers, they aimed to bring about a
change in literary manner as well.
The Victorian Essay and Pross Writers
This period is also famous for essays and prose works. The famous prose writers of this age are:

R. L. Stevenson (1850-1894)

An Inland Vovage, Travels with a Donkey, Familiar Stuties of Men and Books,
Memories and Portraits, etc. are his finest collections of essays.

Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881)

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He is famous for his works like Hero and Hero-Worship, Oliver Cromwells,
Speeches, Past and Present, Life of Frederick, etc. He worked as teacher and prophet as well,
therefore theSagewasofChelseacalled.

John Ruskin (1819-1900)

He is known for his short works like Seven lamps of Architecture (1849), The Stones of Venice, Unto the Last (it
contains 4 essays), The Crown of Wild Olive and Sesame and Lilies.

Lord Babingtin Macaulay (1800-59)

He is mainly famous for his work History of England. It is written in 5 volumes. He is also famous for his Essays
on Milton.
The Victorian Playwrights:
1 George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)
His first comedy is Widowers Houses (1893). Then he gave a series of plays like The
Philanderer, Arms and Superman, The Doctors,GettingDilemmaMarried,Fannys First Play, Androcles and the
Lion, Pygmalion, Heartbreak House, Back to Methuselah, Saint
Joan (for this, he received the Nobel Prize in 1925), The Apple Cart, Too True to be Good,

John Galsworthy (1867-1933)

His novel The Man of Property has made him widely known. However, he is better known as a playwright than a
fiction writer. His famous for his problem plays. His famous plays are Strife (for this work hi received the Nobel
Prize for Literature), Justice (1910), Loyalties,
The Silver Box, Escape, etc.
The Victorian Pessimistic Writers:
Matthew Arnold, James Thompson, Edward Fitzgerland, Thomas Hardy, A. E. Housman, Davidson, Dowson, etc
are known as the pessimistic writers of the Age.
Thus, this period has given a great contribution to the English literature in the form of novels, essays, critical essays,
poetries and plays as well. However, it is the novels of this period that attracts the reader to read and re-read the
works of the great writers of the Age. No doubt that whenever novel as a literary term is thought about or talked
about, four wheels of novel would come first to our mind that remind the names of great novelist like, Samuel
Richardson, Lawrence Sterne, Tobias Smollett, and Henry Fielding. However, the reader would love more to read

the novels of the particular Victorian Period. We find a good chemistry between the reflection of the image of the
contemporary Age and the creative faculty of the writers with their free expression of the imagination and emotion
that touch the reader of all Ages and of all age.

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