General Characiers of Viruses

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(1) Do not occur free in nature but act as obligate intracellular parasite.
(2) Extreme microscopic structure which can only be seen by electron microscope.
(3) Mainly the size ranges from 100-2000 millimicron.
(4) Cannot be filtered by bacterial filters.
(5) Genetic material is either DNA or RNA which occurs in the form of single molecule and can be single or double stranded.
(6) A single virus particle is known as virion which lacks functional autonomy.
(7) lack their own enzyme system but interact with the host enzyme system and synthesize new virus particles. Thus they have a
.master and slave relationship.
(8) Outer capsid of virus is proteinaceous and harmless and provide cellular specificity to the virus.
(9) They are intracellular obligate parasite and can't be cultured on artificial culture media.
(10) All animal and plant viruses have a narrow host range while others show a broad host range.
(11) They show replication.
(12) They are highly infectious and spread disease very quickly.
(13) They show special kind of pathogenicity i.e. they cause disease at particular temperature. Most of virus become inert at 56-69C
(for 30 minutes)
(14) They are haploid.
(15) They are unaffected by antibiotics.
(16) They show life between 5-9 pH.
(17) They remain active for a long time when kept in 50% glycerol solution.
(18) The extract of virus become inert at high pressure and high sound frequency.
(19) They get precipitated with ethyl alcohol and acetone.
(20) They can be inerted by treatment with ultraviolet rays, pyridine, urea and hydrogen peroxide.
(21) They can be crystallized.
(22) They show response toward temperature, radiation and chemical substances.
(23) They lack cell wall, nucleus, protoplasm and cell organelles.

How do Virus differ from Bacteria and Mycoplasmas?

Viruses differ from bacteria and mycoplasmas in:
(i) Not possessing any cellular organization.
(ii) Not growing on inanimate media.
(iii) Not multiply by binary fission.
(iv) Not possessing both DNA and RNA together.
(v) Not possessing ribosome.
(vi) Not showing any sensitivity to antibiotics.
(vii) Showing sensitivity to interferon.
The nature of viruses is still not clear, because it is not easy to define them within the accepted framework of living or non-living
organisms. Some virologist regard viruses as animate object (when present inside the host cell) whereas other consider them inanimate
(when present outside the host cell).
Viruses are living because:
(i) They show growth and multiplication (only inside the host cell).
(ii) They have genetic material i.e. DNA/RNA.
(iii) They can direct protein synthesis (though they use host machinery for it).
(iv) They show mutation.
(v) They can be transmitted from the diseased host to the healthy ones or possess the ability to infect.
(vi) They react to heat, chemicals and radiation and also shows irritability, a character of only living organisms.
(vii) They possess genetic continuity and have definite races/strains.
(viii) Similarity between nucleoproteins of viruses with the protein and nucleic acid of living organisms.
Viruses are non-living because:
(i) They can be crystallized (Stanley, 1935)
(ii) They behave as inert chemicals outside the host cell.
(iii) A cell wall or cell membrane of any type is absent in viruses.
(iv) They do not show functional autonomy.
(v) They do not respire or excrete or they do not show any sign of metabolism except reproduction.

(vi) They lack any energy producing enzyme system.


The occurrence of viruses in the cells of bacteria and higher plants and animals is well established.
Plant viruses: Most plant viruses have been found in angiosperm (flowering plants). Relatively few viruses are known in gymnosperm,
ferns, fungi or algae. Plant viruses are of great economic importance, since they cause plant diseases in a variety of crops.
Animal viruses: Virus diseases are known in a variety of vertebrates including fish, amphibian, birds and mammals. Important virus
diseases of humans include poliomyelitis, small pox, rabies, mumps, measles, yellow fever, influenza and encephalitis.
Bacteriophages: Viruses have been found in practically all groups of bacteria. The host range is confined within bacterial groups. A
bacteriophage may multiply only in
certain strains of E.coli.
Virus like particles have been observed in species of Protozoa, algae and fungi.
Protozoa: Viruses or virus like particles have been observed in several protozoa viz., leishmania, Entamoeba histolytica,
Plasmodium vivax, P. berghei, Paramecium aurelia, Carclzesill1ll polypinum and Acanthamoeba sp. A virus like particle has
been reported in Plasmodium berghei. Its structure is like that of a cytoplasmic Polyhedrosis virus, a dsRNA virus of insects.
Algae: Virus like particles have been reported in Aulacomonas subnzarina, Chara, Corralina, Oedogonium spp., Uronema
gigas. Bacteriophage like virus particles have been found in Chiorella and have been called chlorellophages.
Fungi: Killer phenotypes associated with the strains of Saccharomyces cerervisiae and Ustilago maydis have been shown to be
virus related. dsDNA viruses have been detected in cells of Penicillium moulds. dsRNA viruses are widely present in the higher
fungi. The bacilli form particles of Agaricus bisporous is the only fungal virus reported that contains ssRNA.

Host Range
The host range of a virus is the spectrum of host cells the virus can infect. There are viruses that infect
invertebrates, vertebrates, plants, protists, fungi, and bacteria. However, most viruses are able to infect
specific types of cells of only one host species. In rare cases, viruses cross the host-range barrier, thus
expanding their host range. An example is described in the box on pages 374375. In this chapter, we are
concerned mainly with viruses that infect either humans or bacteria. Viruses that infect bacteria are called
bacteriophages, or phages.
The particular host range of a virus is determined by the viruss requirements for its specific attachment to
the host cell and the availability within the potential host of cellular factors required for viral multiplication.
For the virus to infect the host cell, the outer surface of the virus must chemically interact with specific
receptor sites on the surface of the cell. The two complementary components are held together by weak
bonds, such as hydrogen bonds.
The combination of many attachment and receptor sites leads to a strong association between host cell
and virus. For some bacteriophages, the receptor site is part of the cell wall of the host; in other cases, it is
part of the fimbriae or flagella. For animal viruses, the receptor sites are on the plasma membranes of the
host cells.
The potential to use viruses to treat diseases is intriguing because of their narrow host range and their
ability to kill their host cells. The idea of phage therapyusing bacteriophages to treat bacterial infections
has been around for 100 years. Recent advances in our understanding of virus-host interactions have
fueled new studies in the field of phage therapy.
Experimentally induced viral infections in cancer patients during the 1920s suggested that viruses might
have antitumor activity.
These tumor-destroying, or oncolytic, viruses may selectively infect and kill tumor cells or cause an
immune response against tumor cells. Some viruses naturally infect tumor cells, and other viruses can be
genetically modified to infect tumor cells. At present several studies are underway to determine the killing
mechanism of oncolytic viruses and the safety of using viral therapy.


The size of viruses is variable. Most viruses are much smaller than bacteria. Their size ranges from 10 nm - 250 nm. The
size of viruses is determined by electron microscopy, ultra-centrifugation and by filtration through colloid ion membrane
of known pore diameter.
The smallest virus is coliphage F2 measuring about 2 nm.
The smallest plant virus is satellite tobacco necrosis virus measuring 17nm.
The longest known plant virus is citrus tristeza virus-rod shaped measuring 2000 x 12 nm.
Foot and mouth virus of cattle is the smallest animal virus measuring about 10 nm.
Pox viruses are the largest and most complex animal viruses.
Parrot fever virus measuring 400 nm.

Structure of Viruses
The intact virus unit or infectious particle is called the virion. Each virion consists
of a nucleic acid core surrounded by a protein coat (capsid) to form the nucleocapsid.
The nucleocapsid may be naked or may be surrounded by a loose membranous envelope.
It is composed of a number of subunits called capsomeres. The capsid protects the nucleic
acid core against the action of nucleases. Structurally viruses occur in three main shapes
viz. spherical or polyhedral, cylindrical or helical and the complex type.
The intact virus unit or infectious particle is called the virion. Each virion consist
of a nucleic acid core surrounded by a protein coat (capsid) to form the nucleocapsid.
Some icosahedral and helical animal viruses, plant viruses and bacteriophage are
surrounded by a membranous envelope 100-150 AO thick.
The envelop resembles the typical biological membrane in consisting of a
phospholipids bilayer in which are embedded proteins. It has spikes which are composed
of glycoproteins. Viral envelop contain host cell protein as well as protein specified by
the virus. Carbohydrate in enveloped virus are only found as glycoproteins but also
as glycolipids. Lipid in virus envelop are derived from the host cell. This is shown by
the fact that (i) virus rarely have lipids not found in host cells. (ii) when viruses are
grown in different host cells they show differences in their lipid pattern (iii) Radioactively
labelled cellular lipids are incorporated intavirions. The different lipid are phospholipid,
cholesterol, fatty acid etc.

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