Mindfulness in 10 Easy Steps
Mindfulness in 10 Easy Steps
Mindfulness in 10 Easy Steps
Learn to meditate
The best way to more easily
cultivate mindfulness in everyday
life is to formally train in
meditation, an ancient form of
mindfulness training said to be at
least 4000 years old.
Assume a comfortable
position either sitting
cross-legged or in a chair.
Let the eyes drop down so
theyre unfocused, but not
closed. If we close our
eyes we tend to get caught
up in fantasies.
Start by focusing on the
breath and giving full
attention to the breath as it
flows in and out.
You can also bring
attention to your belly and
notice your abdomen rising
and falling with each
When your mind begins to
wander, simply notice and
bring your attention back
to the breath.
Just breathe!
You dont have to be sitting on a
meditation cushion in order to
breathe mindfully. In fact, you
can be anywhere and decide to
stop for five to 10 minutes to
pay attention to your breathing.
Get inspired
What better way to motivate
yourself to make mindfulness
and meditation a part of your life
than to read what other people
have said on the subject:
As we encounter new
experiences with a
mindful and wise
attention, we discover
that one of three things
will happen to our new
experience: it will go
away, it will stay the
same, or it will get more
intense. Whatever
happens does not
really matter.
Jack Kornfield
Mindfulness meditation
doesn't change life. Life
remains as fragile and
unpredictable as ever.
Meditation changes the
heart's capacity to
accept life as it is. It
teaches the heart to be
more accommodating;
not by beating it into
submission, but by
making it clear that
accommodation is a
gratifying choice.
Sylvia Boorstein
While its important to maintain
mindfulness during formal
meditation, its even more
important once you get up from
your cushion at the end of the
session to stay mindful in your
everyday life. And it doesnt
matter what youre doing:
chatting, driving, working or
Take eating; many of us are so
busy and distracted we bolt
down our food without even
noticing what or how much
were putting into our mouth.
Wheres the joy in that?
Mindful eating, on the other
hand, involves first sitting down
at a table solely to eat, without
engaging in any other activities
such as reading, watching TV,
chatting or playing with your
Dont stress
Whatever impacts on the mind
impacts on the body. Whenever
we worry or relive traumatic
past events, we activate the
bodys stress response which
causes psychological wear and
tear and predisposes us to
chronic illness. The medical
term for this is increasing our
allostatic load.
The good news is that just
being mindful can dramatically
ease a pressured state of mind.
Talking here about the practice
of mindfulness and how it can
help alleviate stress is
Shamash Alidina, one of the
UKs most well-known
mindfulness coaches and
presenter at Mind & Its
Potential in October this year.
You can read the blog here.
Do less
Some people wear their
busyness like a badge of
honour. Yet theres nothing
cool about filling up your days
with endless appointments,
jobs and social engagements,
especially if youre trying to be
more mindful in your life. What
happens instead is you just
end up getting frazzled as you
rush from one commitment to
the next, unable to focus on
what youre doing and
probably not really enjoying
Its also more likely that under
these circumstances youll be
tempted to multi-task, a no-no
(see no. 7) if youre trying to
be mindful.