Anexo II Da NR 30 in English
Anexo II Da NR 30 in English
Anexo II Da NR 30 in English
3.1 Workers are entitled to:
I. suspend work, if convinced, based on their training and experience, that there is serious and imminent
risk to their health and safety or to those of third parties, and immediately report the fact to their
supervisors in order that all appropriate corrective measures be taken; and
II. be informed about the risks in the workplace that may affect their health and safety.
4. Pre-Inspection
4.1 The provisions of the Regulatory Standard No. 2 (NR-2) apply to platforms, including the
amendments herein.
4.2 The Concession operator or the Unit operator shall require the Ministry of Labor and Employment,
according to NR-2, to pre-inspect the platform which will operate in waters under Brazilian jurisdiction.
4.3 In addition to the provisions in Subitem I of Item 2.1, and Subitem III of Item 2.2 hereof, the Unit
operator or the Concession operator may submit, to the Competent Authority of the Regional Ministry of
Labor and Employment an Offshore Unit Certificate, according to the model set out in Table I, certifying
that its facilities meet the requirements hereof.
4.3.1 Such Certificate will be accepted for inspections purposes only if it is not possible to perform preinspection prior to platform or support units start up their activities.
4.3.2 In case of drilling units, such Certificate must be submitted to the Regional Ministry of Labor and
Employment within ninety days prior to the start of drilling operations in waters under Brazilian
4.3.3 In case of production units, such Certificate must be submitted to the regional office of the Ministry
of Labor and Employment within one hundred eighty days:
I. prior to the end of docking operation at the operation site, in case of floating units, and
II. prior to the end of assembly operation at the operation site, in case of fixed installations.
4.3.4 In case the above deadlines cannot be met, the unit operator may submit justification to the regional
office of the Ministry of Labor and Employment, which will consider accepting the documentation
within an expanded term. In this case, the start of operations is conditioned upon pre-inspection of the
4.4 The documentation referred to in item 4.3 must be delivered to the headquarters of the registry office
of the Brazilian Regional Department of Labor and Employment (SRTE) corresponding to the State
where the given business is established.
4.5 In case of offshore drilling units, the unit operator shall report the Change of the Concession operator
- its customer to the regional office of the Ministry of Labour and Employment.
4.5.1 The situation provided for in item 4.5 does not imply the need for further inspection or re-issuance
of the Offshore Unit Certificate.
5.1 The Unit operator and service companies on board the platform shall scale their Specialized Services
for Safety Engineering and Occupational Health - SESMT in accordance with the provisions of
Regulatory Standard No. 4 (NR-4), and shall meet, in addition, the following requirements:
I. For each platform containing above twenty-five workers on board, the unit operator shall provide
Occupational Safety Technicians on site, at a ratio of one per group of fifty workers or fraction thereof,
considering the total number of workers on board, and
II. Service companies aboard platforms that keep on board more than fifty workers shall provide
Occupational Safety Technicians on site, at a ratio of one per group of fifty employees or fraction thereof,
during the service.
5.1.1 The Occupational Safety Technicians who provide services on board each platform must be
considered for the SESMT composition of the unit operator or service company. The Occupational Safety Technicians referred to in Subitem II of Item 5.1 shall be deemed for the
purposes of compliance with the Subitem I of Item 5.1.
5.1.2 In case of platforms linked by permanent or temporary interconnection bridges, these platforms as a
whole must be considered in the calculation of the number of Occupational Safety Technicians required
on board.
5.1.3 Wherever there may be risk operations, notwithstanding the number of workers on board, at least
one Occupational Safety Technician must be on board, without prejudice to the presence of other
occupational safety professionals who may be assigned to the service.
5.1.4 The calculation of the amount of Occupational Safety Technicians on board is based on the average
number of workers on board, in the quarter preceding the calculation date.
6.1 Companies responsible for unit operation and service companies on board the platforms shall estimate
CIPAs necessary to comply with specific rules in this Annex and, in addition, to the extent that may be
applicable to the provisions of Regulatory Standard No. 5 (NR-5), as well as conventions or collective
bargaining agreements.
6.2 Each unit operator must provide one CIPA on board the platform for which it is deemed responsible,
whenever the number of employees assigned to it is equal to or higher than twenty.
6.3 The composition of CIPA, referred to in item 6.2, must be in accordance with the following rules:
I. Employers must be represented by workers who occupy the positions or perform the functions specified
a) manager of platform or master of the vessel, or equivalent designation;
b) employee who occupies the highest hierarchical position within the target activity of the unit (drilling,
production, support), and
c) Occupational Safety Technician or occupational safety and health professional on board.
II. Employees must be represented by elected members of the unit operator.
6.4 CIPAs Election Committee at the platform will comprise the President and Vice-President of CIPA
attending the meeting in which the electoral process is started;
6.4.1 Companies responsible for unit operation that have more than one platform in the same oil
producing basin are entitled to appoint one single Election Committee. The President and the Vice-President of the Committee referred to in Item 6.4.1 shall appoint the
Election Committee responsible for conducting election procedures of all the platforms included in their
operational base.
6.5 The election of employee representatives of the unit operator for the CIPA on board must be
conducted as follows:
I. each on-board group or team of platform operator shall elect a representative from among its
II. the top three most voted - one from each on-board group or team - will be the principal representatives
and, the others, alternate representatives, and
III. the quorum required for validation of the electoral process will be formed by the number of
employees present in each on-board group or team. If less than fifty percent of the employees from an onboard group or team participate in the electoral process, there will be no counting of votes and the
Electoral Committee shall organize another election on the following embarkation of the same group.
6.6 The president of CIPA of the platform shall be the platform manager or the Master of the
6.7 The vice-president of CIPA of the platform shall be the employees representative with the longest
boarding period at that time.
6.8 The Meetings of CIPA of the platform must be held on board.
6.8.1 Regular meetings must:
I. be held on a monthly basis, and
II. be scheduled so as to ensure the attendance of at least two employees representatives. Where possible, extraordinary meetings will be scheduled according to this same rule.
6.9 The elected or appointed member for the CIPA of the service company on board may attend
the meeting.
6.9.1 The participation of the member referred to in Item 6.9 will count as present at the CIPA meeting of
the company to which they belong.
6.10 If there is no consensus about a subject discussed by platforms CIPA, and an electoral process is
required, it must be done by voting parity among the representatives of both employer and employees
6.11 The decisions taken at CIPA Meeting that cannot be implemented only by mean of resources
available on board must be included in the minutes so that, later on, the unit operator can take appropriate
6.12 The employees representatives from CIPA of the service company aboard the platform must be
composed of the sum of two different parts:
I. The first, called the offshore portion of CIPA, will be formed by all of its employees on board each
platform on which the company acts as service provider, and
II. the second, called the onshore part, will be formed by the number of employees assigned to the
onshore base of the company that administratively controls the provision of services on board.
6.13 The employers representatives at the CIPA referred to in item 6.12 must be appointed, at discretion
of the company, at a proportion that ensures parity between elected and appointed members.
6.14 All decisions taken at the CIPA meeting of the Unit operator, which are somehow related with any
service company, must be included in the minutes of CIPA meeting of the said company so that it takes
appropriate action.
9.1.9 Lilac The lilac color must be used to identify pipes containing alkali.
9.1.10 Gray The light gray must be used to identify channels that operate under vacuum. The dark gray must be used to identify electric conduits.
9.1.11 Aluminum The aluminum color must be used on board to identify pipes containing oil, oily mixtures,
flammable liquids, liquefied gases and liquid fuels.
9.1.12 Brown The brown color may be adopted at the discretion of the unit operator to identify any fluid that is
not identifiable by other colors.
9.2 The environments, the body of machines and mechanical equipment in general must be painted in
light colors, at discretion of the unit operator, in order to provide greater safety, improved ergonomics,
ease of operation, inspection and maintenance works, and greater power and light efficiency.
9.2.1 With the exception of green, white and black, the other standard colors in this Annex must not be
used in the painting of machines bodies.
10.1 General Provisions
10.1.1 The toilets, locker rooms, mess rooms, galleys, cabins, temporary housing and leisure facilities
must be designed, considering:
I. the compliance with workers safety and health, and
II. the adequate living conditions for the comfort of the workers on board.
10.1.2 Every platform, except for those intended solely for operation in the tropical zone, must be
provided with a heating system suitable for the living space of workers. radiators and other heating equipment must be installed so as to avoid danger or discomfort to
the occupants of the living spaces.
10.2 Sanitary facilities.
10.2.1 The common sanitary facilities must have an area of one square meter (1m2) for each toilet, per
every 15 workers on duty, or fraction thereof, being not allowed for the area in
front of the toilet to have less than 800mm x 600mm.
10.2.2 The sanitary facilities of the cabins must have an area of one square meter (1m2) for each toilet,
per up to 4 workers, being not allowed for the area in
front of the toilet to have less than 800mm x 600mm.
10.2.3 The collective use of sanitary facilities must be separated by gender.
10.2.4 Sanitary facilities must be kept in hygienic and sanitary conditions.
10.2.5 The toilets must be siphoned or have other mechanisms that prevent the return of odors, besides
flushing device and lidded seats.
10.2.6 The showers must be provided with sieve and made of durable material.
10.2.7 The urinals must be made of impermeable, smooth material, equipped with caused or automatic
flushing, providing ease of draining and cleaning and may be trough or tank shaped.
10.2.8 In the trough-type urinal for collective use, each segment, of at least 0.60m, will be a tank-type
10.2.9 The lavatories may be metal gutters with manual or automatic taps made of heavy-duty material,
distant 0.60m (sixty centimeters) from each other.
10.2.10 The lavatory must be provided with material for hands cleaning and drying, and towels of
common use are prohibited.
10.2.11 the sanitary facilities, except for toilets and urinals, must be supplied with treated water for the
purposes of personal hygiene.
10.2.12 The shower stalls must:
I. provide hot and cold water;
II. have doors to prevent access or be built in order to keep convenient privacy;
III. have non-slip floor and walls coated with resilient, smooth, waterproof and washable material;
IV. have rounded corners to prevent accidents, and
V. have support handles.
10.2.13 defective, dangerous or leaking sanitary fixtures will not be permitted.
10.2.14 systems that convey organic waste and wastewater must be arranged and maintained so as to
ensure the quality of treated or potable water, avoiding cross-contamination between these systems.
10.2.15 The organic waste and wastewater coming from the sanitary fixtures must be disposed in
accordance with the standards of the competent authorities.
10.2.16 The floors of the toilets must not have bumps and dips and must be waterproof, washable, nonslip finished, leaning towards drains fitted with hydraulic siphons.
10.2.17 Sanitary facilities must be equipped with a lighting network, whose wiring must be protected by
electric conduits and fixtures provided in order to maintain a general and diffuse luminance of at least 150
10.2.18 There shall be sixty liters of water a day per worker for consumption in the sanitary premises.
10.2.19 The sanitary facilities must have piped water and sewers connected to waste or wastewater
disposal system of the platform, with interposition of hydraulic siphons and:
I. must not have direct communication with the workplace, or with the meal premises, and
II. must be kept in good state of cleanliness and hygiene.
10.2.20 Communication between cabins and toilets outside the houses must be made through covered
walkways. Temporary sanitary facilities located in the operational areas are exempt from this requirement.
10.2.21 The sanitary cabinets must:
II. be installed in individual, separate compartments except when located in the sanitary facilities of the
III. be equipped with an exhaust system, whose output is located so as not to allow the return of gases into
the houses;
IV. when located in common sanitary facilities, cabinets must:
a) have partition walls with a minimum height of 2.10 m (two meters and ten centimeters), and the lower
edge with a maximum of 0.15 m (fifteen centimeters) above the floor, and
b) be independent doors, equipped with locks to prevent access.
V. be kept in good state of cleanliness and hygiene, and
VI. Have lidded trash can, with pedal.
10.2.22 Common facilities must ensure the privacy of their users in relation to the external environment.
10.3 Mess Rooms.
10.3.1 In inhabited platforms, there shall be mess rooms for workers, since they are not allowed to have
their main meal elsewhere in the platform.
10.3.2 The mess room must meet the following requirements:
I. it must have an area of one and a half square meter (1.50 m2) per user, housing, at a time, 1/3 (one
third) of the total of employees per shift, this shift being that with the greatest number of employees.
II. a main circulation area with a minimum width of seventy-five centimeters (0.75 m), and circulation
area between seats and walls must have a minimum width of fifty-five centimeters (0.55 m);
III. it must have a lighting network, whose wiring be protected by electric conduit to maintain a general
and diffuse luminance of at least 150 lux;
IV. It must have a waterproof flooring covered with material that allows its cleaning and disinfection;
V. it must have bulkheads coated with smooth, resistant, waterproof material that allows its cleaning and
VI. It must be provided with ventilation, exhaust or air conditioning to ensure comfort, and kept in a clean
and sanitary condition;
VII. it must provide drinking water, in a clean and sanitary condition, within the potability standards;
VIII. It must have water fountains situated in locations that prevent their contamination, and
IX. It must be provided with fixable tables fitted with smooth tops, made of impermeable, easy-to-clean
material, and must be permanently kept clean. There shall be lavatories located near the entrance to the mess room, providing material for
hands cleaning. Hands drying towels of common use are prohibited; In floating platforms, tables must have tops with raised edges, as well as benches or chairs with
clamping device.
10.3.3 The mess room must be installed in an appropriate place and it must not have direct
communication with workplaces, sanitary facilities and unhealthy or dangerous locations.
10.3.4 The use of the mess room as a storage room is prohibited, even provisionally.
10.3.5 In uninhabited platforms workers must be provided with sufficient comfort during
their meals and meet the following minimum requirements:
I. suitable location, isolated from workplace;
II. floor and bulkheads suitable for cleaning and disinfection;
III. good ventilation and lighting;
IV. tables and seats in adequate numbers;
V. lavatories nearby;
VI. supply of drinking water in accordance with prevailing standards of potability, and
VII. equipment for heating meals.
10.4 Galley
10.4.1 The galley must be adjacent to the mess rooms and connected to them through two independent
passages, one for the installation of a ramp for meals and the other for the returning of
10.4.2 The areas planned for the galley, storage of dry foodstuffs and food cooling equipment
shall be compatible with the daily number of meals served and the amount of provisions to
be stored, also considering an emergency reserve.
10.4.3 The galley bulkheads shall be made of material suitable for cleaning and disinfection.
10.4.4 The galley flooring must be of material suitable for cleaning and disinfection, leaned towards
drains for ease of water runoff.
10.4.5 The galley doors shall be coated with smooth material for ease of cleaning and disinfection.
10.4.6 The lighting network must be protected by conduits, and provide general and diffuse luminance of
at least 200 lux.
10.4.7 The galley must have:
I. a lavatory for use by food service workers, equipped with automatically driven running water, liquid
soap, hand drying device and, where appropriate, a place suitable for disposal of the material used in
II. worktops, sinks for washing utensils and ramp to the service of meals, made of stainless steel;
III. exhaust system to capture fumes, vapors and odors, equipped with stainless steel hood;
IV. location for installation of auxiliary equipment for washing utensils and food preparation;
V. location for installation of device for cooling food;
VI. location for storage of utensils;
VII. separate areas for preparing meat, fish, poultry and salads;
VIII. cooking area;
IX. pasta handling area, and
X. area for food washing.
10.4.8 There shall be a grinding system for organic waste and garbage disposal in accordance with the
standards of maritime and health authorities.
10.5 Cabins, Provisional Cabins and Temporary Accommodation Modules
10.5.1 General Conditions The cabins, provisional cabins and temporary accommodation modules must:
I. be separated by gender;
II. be sufficiently large and equipped in order to provide comfort and facilitate their cleaning and
III. have a bed for each worker on board, at all times, having the same inner dimensions of
at least 1.98 m x 0.80 m;
IV. have furniture made of smooth material, without sharp corners, highly durable and kept in good
use conditions.
V. have artificial lighting system to maintain a minimum level of general and diffuse luminance of
100 lux, and
VI. be provided with ventilation or air conditioning exhaust, to ensure thermal comfort and keep
hygienic and sanitary conditions. The cabin must not accommodate more than four people and the available must not be less than
3.6m per person. Single or double cabins shall have an area available for occupants of at least 7.5m. Cabins, Provisional Cabins and Temporary accommodation modules must not accommodate
more than four people, in this case, the available area must not be less than 3m per person. technical measures must be taken to obtain noise levels not exceeding 60 dB (A), and
preventive measures must be taken from 55 dB (A). The materials used to build internal bulkheads, linings and ceilings, floors and joints must be
appropriate to their purpose and conducive to a healthy environment. Each bed must be provided with an individual lamp. If any accommodation is used by workers carrying infectious disease, the
site must be sterilized. The bunk beds must be placed at a horizontal distance from one another, so that it allows
access to them without going over the other. The top bed must be provided with side protection and fixed ladder. In floating platforms, bottom
beds must be fitted with side protection. Bunk beds must not be composed of more than two beds. Beds must not be placed less than thirty centimeters (0.30 m) above the floor. The density of mattresses being used shall be of at least thirty-three or equivalent, and must be
kept in satisfactory clean and sanitary conditions. The provision, maintenance and cleaning of linen is the responsibility of the employer. The steam, exhaust gases pipes and the like shall not pass through the interior of
accommodations, or of hallways leading to them. If, for technical reasons, these pipes pass through
such hallways, they must be isolated and protected.
10.5.2 Specific Conditions of Cabins With respect to the particular requirements of cabins on platforms and support units
the following minimum requirements must be observed:
I. for each occupant, the furniture must include a wardrobe fitted with drawers, shelves and hangers, with
minimum volume of 0.5m, and ease of locking.
II. each cabin shall have a table or desk, which may be of top fixed, folding
or sliding type, provided with seats.
III. sanitary facilities for the exclusive use of their occupants, containing cabinet, mirror, towel dryer and
handle support;
IV. a mirror, which can be installed inside the cabinet;
V. a small cabinet for articles used in personal grooming, which may be located in the sanitary facilities;
VI. a shelf for books, and
VII. a container for trash. The circulation area for access to the cabins shall have a minimum width of 1.20 meters (four
feet cm). If bunk beds are used, the free height of cabins must not be less than 2.40m (two meters and forty
centimeters). If bunk beds are not used, the free height of cabins must not be less than 2.20 m (two meters
and twenty centimeters). Cabins must be properly isolated and must not have any direct openings to the engine room,
cargo compartment, galley, storeroom, laundry or toilet facilities of common use. There shall be bulkheads separating the cabin from outside areas for the processing of oil and
gas. These external bulkheads shall be water and gastight and made of steel or other approved material.
10.5.3 Provisional Cabins The temporary cabins must meet the requirements listed in Item 10.5.1 (General Conditions) and
their design must be approved by the Regional Ministry of Labor and Employment, after hearing the
parties in tripartite negotiation procedure when necessary.
10.5.4 Temporary accommodation modules The unit operator must observe the technical specification set out in Table II of this Annex, when
it is necessary to install temporary accommodation rooms on board. Any changes that offer conditions equivalent to those provided in this specification must be
negotiated with the regional office of the Ministry of Labor and Employment, after hearing the parties in
tripartite negotiation, when necessary.
10.5.5 Laundry All platforms and support units must have facilities for washing and drying
work clothes. The laundry facilities must be provided with fresh water. Work clothes, personal effects and bedding must be washed separately.
10.5.6 On-board Leisure Services Platforms must be equipped with means and facilities for workers leisure
on board, and they may, where compatible with the technical and operational characteristics, include:
I. gym center equipped with apparatuses for physical exercise;
II. screening room for films and videos with appropriate, varied assortment, renewed at regular intervals;
III. music and TV room for TV programs and radio, including apparatuses for table games;
IV. reading room with a library containing professional books and otherwise, in sufficient quantity
and renewed at reasonable intervals;
V. multipurpose courts for sports;
VI. pool for swimming and relaxation;
VII. sauna for relaxation, and
VIII. Internet recreation room with private access to e-mails. Platforms shall have phone booths for communication between the platform and land, unless
technically impossible, and reasonably priced and feasible for the workers on board.
11.1 The Regulatory Standard No. 10 (NR-10) applies to platforms, to the extent possible, and
specifically for
13.1.1 Prior notice is required for construction, maintenance or repair activities on board that imply an
increase in the population of the platform higher than established in the population capacity certificate
approved by the Maritime Authority, or a sharp increase in risk is evaluated by a Preliminary Risk
Analysis - PRA or similar risk analysis methodology.
13.1.2 The unit operator must forward the notice referred to in item 13.1.1 to the Regional Office of the
Ministry of Labor and Employment.
13.1.3 The notice referred to in item 13.1.1 must contain the following information:
I. identification of the platform where the construction, maintenance or repair activity will occur;
II. addresses and qualifications of contractors with the Brazilian Ministry of Social Security (MPS) and
with the Ministry of Finance (MF) (CNPJ);
III. description of activities;
IV. dates of start and completion of the activity;
V. expected maximum number of workers in the activity, and
VI. PRA or similar risk analysis methodology, as requested.
13.1.4 Along with prior notice provided for in section 13.1.1, Program and Conditions
for Work in Construction Industry (PCMAT) must be submitted, with the following minimum content:
I. descriptive memorandum of activities;
II. identification of risks and measures to their control;
III. educational program covering the issue of accidents and illnesses.
13.1.5 The living areas for employees working in construction, maintenance or repair activities must meet
the requirements of this Annex.
13.1.6 Construction, maintenance or repairs activities carried out by means of floating equipment must be
approved by the Platform Manager or Master of the Vessel Commander, or designated employee
responsible for it, and the activities must comply with the Law of Maritime Traffic Safety and follow the
rules of the Maritime Authority.
13.1.7 The construction, maintenance or repair activities on board must:
I. have their provisional support wiring installation subject to the approval of the Platform Manager
or Master of the vessel or an employee appointed by him;
II. be carried under Work Permit (PT) with the adoption of protective measures
to the location and actions taken;
III. have signs and, as appropriate, be isolated according to the technical guidelines and recommendations
from the Platform Manager or Master of the vessel or an employee appointed by him;
IV. be performed only by workers provided with the safety and salvage training
required for the type of activity to be performed, and
V. have their waste treated according to relevant legal provisions.
14.1 The Regulatory Standard No. 13 (NR-13) applies to platforms, to the extent possible, as well as
the provisions of this Item, specifically for the design, installation and operation purposes.
14.1.1 NR-13 does not apply to pressure vessels belonging to navigation and propulsion systems of ships
converted into platforms, provided that:
I. these ships have updated class certificate issued by Classification Societies
recognized by the Brazilian government, and
II. The above mentioned pressure vessels are not integrated to the platform processing plant;
14.1.2 The provisions of section 14.1.1 do not apply to the boilers of the ship, even if certified by
Classification Societies.
14.2 On platforms whose boilers and pressure vessels operators are foreigners, the Safety records
drawn in another language may be kept, provided that there are copies filed of equal content translated
into Portuguese.
14.3 The engine room may be understood as a boiler house.
14.4 To boiler installations the following requirements do not apply:
I. separate building to house the boiler and engine room;
II. permanent ventilation that must not be blocked, and
III. banning the use of boiler house (engine room) for other purposes.
14.5 For platforms where there are foreign boiler operators and professionals provided with "Safety
Training in
Operation of Process Units, operation manuals for boilers and process units
referred to in items 13.3.1 and 13.8.1 of the NR-13 may be written in a foreign language, and there must
be copies of equal content in Portuguese.
14.6 Foreign professionals who received training and education program abroad may be considered
alternatively as boiler operators or professionals provided with "Safety Training in
Operation of Process Units, whose content is similar to that provided for in NR-13, provided that such
training and education program be recognized by a company or professional responsible for Safety
Training in Boiler Operation or
Safety Training in Operation of Process Units, respectively.
14.7 The unit operator shall keep on board documents evidencing the qualification and training of boiler
operators and professionals with Safety Training in Operation of Process Units.
14.8 Boiler operators and professionals with "Safety Training in Operation of Process Units",
from foreign flag facilities, trained abroad, which demonstrate experience greater than two
years, are exempt from the practical training provided by recognized professional or company responsible
for Safety Training in Boiler Operation and Safety Training in Operation of Process Units, respectively.
14.9 The following requirements shall not apply to boilers and pressure vessels installed in platforms and
enclosed areas:
I. permanent ventilation with air intakes that must not be blocked, and
II. constitute a separate building, constructed of fire resistant material.
14.10 Pressure vessels must be submitted to manufacturer inspection in order to ensure that
all the planned design features and relevant legislation and standards are followed.
14.11 The manufacturing tests and inspections performed on the premises of the pressure vessel
manufacturer are not considered its initial on-site inspection, with exception of hydrostatic test when it is
supervised and authorized by a qualified employee who works for the Own Service Inspection for
Equipment - SPIE of the unit operator premises.
14.12 For the purposes of initial inspection on the platforms a permanent location for installation is that
where the pressure vessel is definitively linked to the process, as established in the design.
14.12.1 In the case of platforms, where the process unit is built in linkable modules, the initial inspection
of pressure vessels may be made with the equipment assembled and connected to the module, before this
module be raised and linked to other modules in a definite way on deck, provided that such inspections
are conducted and signed by a qualified professional who works for the Own Service Inspection for
Equipment - SPIE of the unit operator premises. In this case, the deadline for final interconnection of the modules containing the pressure
vessels to the deck of the vessel or the jacket is one year. If the deadline stipulated in Section is exceeded, the initial inspection must be
14.12.2 Lifting and interconnection of the modules in question must follow specific procedures to ensure
the physical integrity of pressure vessels and other facilities mounted on these, and this
operation must be supervised by a qualified professional who works for the Own Service Inspection for
Equipment - SPIE of the unit operator premises.
14.12.3 The Qualified Professional, an employee of SPIE, shall conduct an extraordinary external
inspection of the pressure vessel and its interconnections after the end of the lifting operations and
interconnection of modules, obligatorily with a leak test.
14.13 The safety inspections of boilers and pressure vessels must be performed as provided for in the NR13.
14.14 The deadline for dismantling and bench calibration of safety valves for pressure vessels
must be equivalent to the maximum term for internal examination of the vessel protected by them.
14.14.1 When the safety valve protect more than one pressure vessel, the maximum
internal examination of the most critical vessel must be considered.
14.15 Pressure Vessels manufactured in accordance with transportable vessel design codes and that are
permanently connected to facilities, not suffering any movement during the
operation, must meet the requirements of NR-13.
14.16 The pressure control valve (PCV) which have a mechanism for regulating the pressure relief
installed in pressure vessels that are part of packages of rotating machinery such as filters,
pulsation dampers, oil coolers, may be considered as overpressure protection device.
14.17 All piping systems for interconnection between boilers and pressure vessels installed on board
platforms must be identified and submitted periodically to external safety inspection or
hydrostatic testing, at intervals established by a qualified professional, who works for the Own Service
Inspection for Equipment - SPIE of the unit operator premises, meeting the technical criteria established
in the relevant regulations or relevant international standards.
15.1 General
15.1.1 The Regulatory Standard No. 23 (NR-23) applies to platforms, to the extent possible, as well as
the provisions of this Item, specifically for the design, installation and operation purposes.
15.1.2 The fire protection on the platforms must be developed through a structured approach
15.9.2 The fire alarm must emit a sound that must not be confused with any other existing sound or
another sound used on the platform.
15.9.3 Pushbutton control to activate the manual fire alarm, such as "Break the glass and press the button"
must be installed and flagged red in all areas of the platform.
15.10 Operational Safety
15.10.1 In order to protect workers, the following must be considered during operations in the platforms,
including regarding the inspection and maintenance activities:
I. existence of operational procedures to consider fire prevention, updated and available for all workers
involved in the operations performed on the platform, with clear and specific instructions for carrying out
the activities safely, in accordance with the operation characteristics;
II. training of employees in the work procedures in which they are engaged, as well as the raise of their
awareness of the need for compliance with procedures;
III. appropriate forms of supervision and management of workers, and
IV. existence of plans and procedures for inspection, testing and maintenance of equipment in order to
maintain the integrity of fire protection systems and equipment containing liquid or gaseous
16.1.1 The unit operator shall prepare and substantiate the risk analysis of the operations or activities on
the platforms.
16.1.2 The risk analysis of the platform must be structured based on appropriate methodologies,
selected on the basis of the purposes of analysis, characteristics and complexity of the installation.
16.1.3 The risk analysis must be developed by a multidisciplinary team with the participation of at least
one employee with knowledge of the risks and experience in installation that is the object of analysis.
16.1.4 The unit operator is responsible for assessing the recommendations resulting from risk analysis and
must set time limits and those responsible for implementing the recommendations.
16.2.1 The construction and assembly of platforms must comply with the regulatory standards, technical
standards and manuals of equipment and machines, with regard to:
I. the specifications in the design;
II. the inspections and tests documentation, and
III. the proper identification and marking of equipment and facilities of the platforms.
16.3.1 The unit operator shall develop and implement work and operational safety programs, in
accordance with design specifications of the facilities and the recommendations of the risk analysis of
activities and operations.
16.3.2 The work safety procedures existing in these programs must be reassessed
at least every two years, or in case of one of the following situations:
I. recommendations of risk assessments;
II. modifications, extensions and reform of the facility;
III. accidents and incidents at the facility, or even outside of it, that may have affected the normal
IV. SESMT and CIPA recommendations, and
V. Notifications from competent authorities.
16.4.1 The platforms facilities and equipment must have their inspection and maintenance plan properly
16.4.2 The inspection and maintenance plan must include at least:
I. equipment, machinery and installations subject to inspection and maintenance;
II. types of interventions;
III. inspection and maintenance procedures;
IV. schedule;
V. identification of those responsible;
VI. quantity, expertise and training of workers;
VII. safety procedures, and
VIII. systems and equipment for individual and collective protection.
16.4.3 The setting of the frequency of inspections and maintenance work must consider:
I. the provisions in the regulatory and technical standards;
II. the manufacturer's recommendations, especially those items critical to worker safety;
III. the recommendations of inspection reports, investigation of work accidents and incidents, prepared
16.9.1 The unit operator shall notify the Regional Office of the Ministry of Labor and Employment in
case of leakage, fire or explosion involving a serious danger to health and safety of
workers. The notice must be sent by the second business day following the occurrence and must contain:
I. platform name and location, date and time of occurrence;
II. description of the occurrence;
III. Name and status of casualties, if any;
IV. probable cause;
V. consequences, and
VI. emergency measures taken.
16.9.2 The unit operator must submit, within thirty days after occurrence of the accident, to the Regional
Office of the Ministry of Labor and Employment, investigation and analysis report on the accident,
describing the underlying causes and preventive measures adopted. The period set in Item 16.9.2 may be extended for a period of 30 days upon agreement with the
Regional Office of the Ministry of Labor and Employment. The period set in Section may be extended upon tripartite agreement.
16.9.3 The unit operator shall notify the competent health authority on board on the events that constitute
public health emergency as provided in specific regulations on the subject.
16.10 Security Report
16.10.1 The unit operator shall make safety reports available to workers, their representatives and
competent authorities, containing a brief description of the platform, the possible accidental scenarios ,
the contingency plan of the platform and, in addition, indications of specific location for access, in its
management systems, to information on:
I. project;
II. risk analysis;
III. inspection and maintenance plan;
IV. safety and health procedures;
V. plan for prevention and control of fires and explosions, and
VI. emergency plan.
17.1 For platforms with on-going project on the date of entry into force of this Annex, where the
application of its items generate the need for structural modifications technically incompatible with the
available areas or that may impact on the security of the platform, must be submitted by the unit operator
before the start of construction, technical design or alternative solution, with design justification, for the
appreciation and decision of competent authority.
Potable Water - Water whose physical, chemical and biological characteristics are in accordance with
current legislation.
Treated water: Water from which contaminants that may cause some risk to
human health were eliminated.
Waters under Brazilian jurisdiction: They include the inland and marine areas that extend to the
Exclusive Economic Zone - EEZ limit. In cases where the continental shelf extends beyond the limit of
the EEZ, overlying waters are considered under national jurisdiction with regard to the use of the
continental shelf.
Sanitary Facilities: equipment or parts for the use of water for hygienic purposes or for receiving
Concession Area: Geographical area established by the regulatory body and granted to the concessionaire
for exploration and production of oil and natural gas under concession agreement entered into between
the oil industry governing body and the concessionaire.
Provisional Cabin: Temporary accommodation created on exceptional circumstances due to increase in
the population on board by using an existing structure or compartment of houses used for another
Concessionaire: Holder of the exclusive right to perform all operations and activities in the concession
area, for the duration of the concession agreement with oil industry governing body.
SOLAS: International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, adopted by
International Maritime Organization - IMO (It is the version ratified by Brazil).
Sieve: Protector of water used in the shower.
Disinfection: A procedure used to eliminate or render inactive microorganisms on inanimate objects and
surfaces, with exception of bacterial spores by means of direct exposure to chemical or physical agents.
Event constituting public health emergency: an extraordinary event that consists of a public health risk
due to the spread of disease or injury and that potentially require a coordinated response.
Sanitary Cabin: Location for installation of the toilet for physiological and hygienic purposes.
Personal Hygiene: A set of habits of cleanliness and hygiene in order to prevent disease and contribute to
the maintenance of good health.
Support installations: any inhabited offshore facilities to support implementation of activities in the
This concept does not include, among others, the marine support vessels, vessels for seismic survey and
vessels for diving operation.
Sanitary facilities: Unit aimed at personal hygiene, composed of a set of sanitary fixtures.
Lavatory: Fixture used exclusively to hand washing.
MARPOL: International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships.
Concession Operator: Company legally designated by the Concessionary to conduct and perform all
operations and activities in the concession area, in accordance with the provisions of the concession
agreement entered into between the regulator of the oil industry and the concessionary.
Unit Operator: Responsible for managing and executing all operations and activities of a
platform. It may be the concession operator or company designated by him.
Sink: sanitary piece preferably designed to wash utensils, but can also be used for hands washing.
Platform: fixed or mobile installation for oil drilling, production, storage or transfer, designed for the
activity directly related to the exploration, production or storage of oil and/or gas in the waters under
national jurisdiction. For purposes of this Annex, the term also covers support installations.
Platform under construction: The one whose agreement for construction or conversion of existing craft
has been signed before this Annex enters into force.
Existing platform: Whose coming into operation earlier than the date on which this Annex enters into
Classification Society - companies, entities or bodies recognized to act, on behalf of the
Brazilian Maritime Authority, in regulation, control and certification of vessels with regard of safety
aspects of navigation, protection of human life and the prevention of environmental pollution.
Locker room: area in which people change clothes and keep them.
Platform Name:
Company Name (of Concession Operator or Unit Operator):
CNPJ: (ditto)
__.___.___ / ____-__
Address: (of the management responsible for the platform)
Zip Code: (ditto) ___________ - ____ Phone:
(ditto )_____________________________
Main activity of the platform:
Platform Location:
Number of workers on board (planned):
Own Employees: _______
Contractor Employees: ________
Own Employees: _________
Contractor Employees: ________
Description of Facilities and Equipment (must be made in accordance with the provisions of Annex on
Platforms, NR-30. Use the opposite side of this page and attach additional sheets, if necessary).
General Plan
Plan of Living Areas
Equipment Location Plan, Firefighting and Salvage
Boilers and Pressure Vessels List
_____________________________________________________ (Printed Name CREA Registration
Number and signature of the Engineer Responsible for Occupational Safety
_____________________________________________________ (Name of the concession operator
/unit operator), as provided for NR-30, in the Platform Pre-Inspection Annex, requests the Ministry of
Labor and Employment to conduct Pre-Inspection in
___________________________________________ (Name of the platform), described above,
and inform that it is expected to come into operation on ___ / ___ / ___ (date).
We hereby request the granting of the above.
(Name and legible signature of the employer or representative)
Date: ____/____/ 20___.
Establish minimum standards of safety, health and comfort for Temporary Accommodation Modules to
be installed on the platforms in order to increase its accommodation capacity during the execution of
maintenance campaigns, construction projects and installation or commissioning of new units or systems.
I. Each Temporary Accommodation Module must consist of a dormitory for up to four users
with ensuite health facility for exclusive use.
II. The free height from floor to ceiling must be 2.40 m (two meters and forty centimeters) at least.
III. Bulkheads, floor and furniture must be constructed of materials that ensure perfect hygiene.
IV. All coating materials, bulkheads, ceilings, floors, upholstery, windows, doors, curtains and
sanitary facilities shall be specified by the rules and regulations involved. All
materials must preferably be of non-combustible or fire-retardant type, the
use of materials that produce toxic gases or particles when exposed to fire, such as acrylic,
polycarbonate or PVC are prohibited.
V. Bulkheads must be of A-0 type, externally, and B-15, internally, as defined in the
SOLAS. As alternative, a barrier may be accepted to slow the spread of fire made of
rock wool or similar material. The unit operator, at his sole discretion, may not agree with this
VI. Adaptations of facilities that have already been used for other purposes, especially for the
storage or handling of products hazardous to health (physical, chemical and biological risks) are not
3.1 General
I. there must be a minimum horizontal distance between the beds of at least 1.00 m (one meter).
II. the minimum area of the dormitory for four people must be 12.00 square meters (twelve square
III. sanitary facilities must be provided with piped water and sewers connected to the overall platform,
with interposition of hydraulic drains. In case of impossibility of interconnection to the platform network,
the installation of its own treatment system will be accepted, provided that it's not a chemical toilet
IV. Sanitary Installation (shower stalls, basin and toilet cabinet) must be isolated from the dormitory, with
minimum requirements as specified below.
3.2 Shower Stall
I. the shower stall must have a minimum area of 1.10 square meters (one and one tenth square meters) and
gaps of at least 0.80 m (eighty centimeters).
II. the shower must be supplied with hot and cold treated water.
III. the shower must be 2.10 m (two meters and ten centimeters) above the floor and be activated by metal
fixtures at half height on the wall.
IV. the floor must be fit to ensure the flow of water into the sewage system and be of non-slip material. Its
floor must be at least 0.05 m (5 centimeters) lower than the floor of the Sanitary Installation.
V. in the case of use of electric showers or heaters, these must have shielded-type resistance.
3.3 Sanitary Cabin
I. the Sanitary Cabin must have a minimum area of 1.00 square meters (one square meter), and frontal
area of the toilet must have at least 0.80 m (eighty centimeters) x 0.60 m (sixty centimeters).
II. It must allow for the installation, beside the toilet, of a lidded container for used toilet paper.
III. It must have toilet paper holder installed on the side opposite to the lidded container, and
a local cabinet for the storage of at least four additional rolls.
hinges made of material suitable for marine use, and equipped with anti-panic device.
3.8.2 Internal doors
I. Internal doors are those that connect the dormitory to the antechamber.
II. the door must be at least 2.10 m (two meters and ten centimeters) high x 0.80 m (eighty centimeters)
wide with hydraulic and air springs and fixture to adjust the level of internal noise to that
established in this specification.
III. the door must open outwards. If the dormitory has an antechamber, the door must be a slide-type
3.8.3 Doors of the Sanitary Facility and Sanitary Cabin
I. doors must be whole, with a minimum width of 0.60 m (sixty centimeters) and equipped with shutters
in lower third, to allow ventilation of these compartments.
II. the material to be used in their composition must have the following characteristics:
a) be resistant to continuous use;
b) be resistant to moisture, and
c) their drive mechanism must make them glide gently.
III. doors must have internal lock without, however, prevent its opening in case of emergency.
3.9 Windows
I. The installation of a window to allow natural lighting of the dormitory is recommended.
II. the window must be located preferably at half height and distant from the dormitory entrance.
III. the installation design of the modules must validate the location mentioned above, taking into account
the platform characteristics and location of hazardous areas.
IV. the glass to be installed in partitions, windows and door sight glasses must be laminated so as not to
produce shrapnel when subjected to mechanical impact or explosion overpressure. Alternative materials
may be used provided they have characteristics of low emission of toxic fumes.
V. all windows shall be of fixed type and welded to the bulkhead of the same material.
VI. all windows shall be of marine type and have thermal and acoustic insulation.
VII. windows must be fitted with curtains, made with hypoallergenic material so as to block light.
3.10 Floors and coatings
I. materials used on floors and walls must be durable, smooth, waterproof and washable.
II. all materials used must be hypoallergenic and have characteristics of low emission of toxic fumes.
III. floor and baseboards must have non-slip coating, without bumps or protrusions.
IV. floor and other coatings must keep out moisture and fumes in the living space.
V. the choice of floor, walls and ceiling coatings must include fire-resistant materials, with characteristics
of thermal-acoustic insulation, as well as architectural aspects for the purpose for which
they were manufactured.
3.11 Furniture
I. materials used in the furniture must be easy to clean, and easily found in the market.
II. all materials used in the manufacture of furniture must have features to not feed the spread of
III. all fabric must have fire-retardant characteristics and be easy to clean.
IV. all upholstery material must have fire-retardant characteristics, according to requirements set by
classification societies.
4.1 General
I. easiness must be provided for installation of TV, satellite and telephone set.
II. Premises must have a desk (and chair) with auxiliary lighting and power outlet.
4.2 Conservation and cleanliness
Materials that allow easy maintenance, cleaning and conservation must be applied to the furniture and
finishing of walls, floors and ceiling.
4.3 Air conditioning
I. The air intake must be monitored by gas detectors and insulated by dampers.
II. the ventilation design of the sanitary facility and sanitary cabin compartments must consider that
exhaust must be made to the exterior of the module so it does not contaminate the surrounding
III. air insufflations grids must have adjustable, directional fins.
4.4 Lighting
I. the lighting design must provide a minimum luminance level of 100 lux, measured as
established by technical standard in Brazil.
II. Emergency lighting in dormitories must be provided.
4.5 Smoke Detection
Smoke detectors that allow their interconnection to the fire and gas detection system of the
platform must be installed. Alternatives to the proposed interconnection will be accepted, provided that
the alarm recognition by the Control Room be maintained.
4.6 Alarms
I. Manual fire alarms that allow their interconnection to the fire and gas detection system of the platform
must be installed.
II. The Temporary Accommodation Module must have an audio system that allows the propagation of
alarms and dissemination of audible messages from the communication system to the audience on the
4.7 Electrical Installation
I. the electrical system design of the Temporary Accommodation Module must consider grounding and
protection against overload and short circuit for lighting and power circuits, as well as residual current
differential device (RCDs) provided for in technical standard in Brazil.
II. the electrical outlets must be of three-prong type, according to the Brazilian technical standard,
properly identified. The switch, the electrical switchboard for starting the electrical engines and electrical
panel for lighting must be identified.
III. Electrical conduits must be used in the installation of electrical circuits, even if the wiring is not
IV. the design must comply with the requirements of NR-10.
V. the switchboards must have internal bus with circuit breakers, doors with rubber seal and latch and
electrostatic powder paint. The electrical panels must be installed in an easily accessible location within
the Temporary Accommodation Module.
VI. Outlet voltage must be 127 volts.
VII. Circuits in the electrical distribution board must be marked.
VIII. Electrical installation must be designed and implemented so as to prevent the risk of electric shock,
fire and other accidents.
IX. The installation design must provide means for switching off the power supply to the
Temporary Accommodation Module by the Emergency Stop System of the platform.
4.8 Firefighting mobile systems
Portable fire extinguishers must be provided and installed according to the Brazilian technical standard.
4.9 Noise and vibration
I. Noise
Sound pressure levels up to 60 dB(A) are acceptable, but the lowest sound pressure level
possible must always be aimed at. Where sound pressure levels are found to exceed 55 dB(A), actions for
its effective reduction must be taken.
II. Vibration
The supporting structures of the Temporary Accommodation Modules must have resilient supports to
absorb noise and vibration, unless such supports are proven unnecessary by technical studies.