CTRLPSB32-IGBT Phase Fuse Part Number Change PDF
CTRLPSB32-IGBT Phase Fuse Part Number Change PDF
CTRLPSB32-IGBT Phase Fuse Part Number Change PDF
Murtada B. Tunis
These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment or to provide for every possible contingency to be met in connection with
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ACPSB32 Rev. 0
Nov.-07, 2007
Murtada B. Tunis
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Type P3
ACPSB32 Rev. 0
Nov.-07, 2007
Murtada B. Tunis
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This service bulletin is designed to clarify the part number changes that have taken place with the
IGBT Phase Fuses. The goal is to ensure that the correct part numbers are ordered in the correct
quantities and to explain the apparent changes in rating identification on the fuses.
The phase fuses connect the positive side of the DC Link to the IGBT side of the phase module. They
serve to isolate an inverter phase after a short circuit failure.
Originally, there was IGBT Phase fuse 41A296321BSP1. This fuse came as a pair of two in parallel
with each other with a legibly marked current rating of 600amps. If for any reason one of the P1
types is replaced, they must be replaced as a matched pair.
The original 41A296321BSP1 fuse pair has been superseded by two of 41A296321BSP2 IGBT fuses.
This fuse, 41A296321BSP2, is a single fuse that is legibly marked with a current rating of 300amps.
The new requirement is that a quantity two 41A296321BSP2 should replace one 41A296321BSP1.
The new 41A296321BSP2s are controlled so that the need to have matched pairs is no longer
required. Additionally, a pair of these 41A296321BSP2s can be applied to an inverter phase even if
other phases of that inverter have the 41A296321BSP1 type fuses. If, however, for any reason one of
the P2s 300 amp fuses is blown, they must be removed as a pair as in P1 above.
Type P3
A new part number was also developed, 41A296321BSP3, to supersede the 41A296321BSP1. When
ordering 41A296321BSP3, you will receive quantity two of 41A296321BSP2 fuses.
ACPSB32 Rev. 0
Nov.-07, 2007
Murtada B. Tunis
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Can 300amp (BSP2) pairs of fuses be used in an inverter phase when other
phases have 600amp (BSP1)?
Can one replace a single blown 600A fuse of the type P1 only?
In the unlikely event that only a single fuse blows out of a fuse pair, both fuses
should be replaced regardless of whether the fuses are 41A296321BSP1 or
No. The 300A and the 600A fuse should not be mixed in one phase.
Since two BSP2 Fuses replace each BSP1 Fuse, is it advisable to therefore
double BOM on these parts?
Since the BSP1 was superseded to the BSP3, which in turn was superseded to
the BSP2, does that mean the BSP3 cannot be ordered?
The BSP3 is still a real part and is orderable. 41A296321BSP3 simply calls for
quantity 2 of 41A296321BSP2 fuses.
ACPSB32 Rev. 0
Nov.-07, 2007
Murtada B. Tunis
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