Assessment Guidance
Assessment Guidance
Assessment Guidance
Including additional guidance due to the particular
needs of the child or specialist detail required for
the assessment
April 2014
This guidance has been put together to support practitioners when carrying out an
assessment of a child or young person.
The Child and Family Assessment is the assessment tool for all assessments on
Guidance is provided throughout the assessment on Frameworki using the
? buttons.
Some of the guidance provided, was introduced as part of the assessment training which
was delivered in summer / autumn of 2013 in advance of the introduction of the Child and
Family Assessment and Frameworki.
Within this pack there is additional information for where the practitioner is carrying out an
assessment and more guidance is required, due to the particular needs of the child or the
specialist detail required for the assessment for example.
What is the reason for the referral, the assessment should address any concerns
Objectives and legal framework
Theoretical basis
Who needs to be seen, where and how often?
Every assessment will include each child being seen and listened to on their own,
or social work observations if assessing babies.
If consent has been overridden, the reasons why and how this is addressed.
Full assessments will include direct work with children. This would normally require
seeing the child on a number of occasions.
Consider whether any additional expert involvement is required e.g. Psychological
assessment; AIM assessment
Consider any additional needs of any family members (parents with learning
difficulties may benefit from a PAMS assessment)
After Childrens Social Work Service has been contacted about the family, a social worker
will make a brief first Child and Family Assessment that should take no more than 10
working days. If they already have a Common Assessment we shall use this information to
start with. At this point the team manager will make a decision about any further
assessment needed which will take up to a further 35 working days. A Team Manager
could decide that the family needs a full assessment (up to 45 working days) from the
outset. If the child or the family require help immediately and cant wait for the assessment
to be completed, we will try to provide this help before the assessment is finished.
Once the full Assessment is finished, a plan will be drawn up setting out what help and
support will be provided and by whom.
Using the chronology identify themes and patterns including Child Protection or
other social work involvement
What works well in this family, parental and extended family strengths?
All Parent/carers views of the assessments, wishes and feelings.
Overview of each parent/carers own history, childhood, experience of being
parented, Health / patterns in the family e.g. illness, disability; where do they fit in
their family, impact of diversity issues for parent and on parenting.
Parent/carer current and historical relationships, how long together, how did they
meet, strengths, conflict, Drug and alcohol misuse, offending, anti-social behaviour,
domestic abuse and views on these.
Summary of current and historic education/ work/training of parents and significant
Own opinion/understanding of how they are parenting including providing basic
care/safety, guidance and boundaries; capacity to change.
Who is seen as part of the family/support network, information about their
siblings/extended family/friendships/ relationships with neighbours.
Views of previous involvement with social care and other professionals.
Domestic violence and abuse, what are each involved persons views and
understanding of the violence / abuse and control factors.
Grey Areas identify any areas that are unclear or may be of potential concern for
the child(ren) but need further time, clarity, or assessment.
Previous and current involvement of social work, other professionals and services
Check with the family which other agencies may have worked with them
What does all of the information gathered tell you (and the family) about the childs
situation and what needs to change?
Identify the childs needs and how these can be better met and by whom, including
family, wider networks and other professionals.
Where there are protection risks what needs to change to minimise these risks.
Identify any specific risks to or from either parent and how they relate to the safety
of the child(ren).
Complete this section for each child.
Grey areas, identify any areas that are unclear or may be of potential concern for
the child(ren) but need further time, clarity, or assessment.
Explore concerns identified within the referral and how these are being addressed.
Parent/carer strengths
Ability and willingness to change
Identify areas of unmet needs Risks - what must change and why, what is nonnegotiable
Grey areas, identify any areas that are unclear or may be of potential concern for
the child(ren) but need further time, clarity, or assessment
(Broadhurst et al 2010,
Type of Assessment
tasks and responsibilities
Who needs to be involved and how
About all the possibilities
explore the reason for those hypotheses and consider how to seek to
confirm/disconfirm them
Gather Information
Checklists Pro forma
Other Agencies
Test Information
Review hypotheses
Are new ones emerging
What evidence is there to confirm or disconfirm hypotheses
Analyse Information
Use supervision
But also think about the original concerns, new concerns, motivation, capacity and
engagement, likelihood etc.
Decide on Care Plan
Based on clearly identified needs and a holistic view of the child
Source: Barry Raynes in Assessment in Child Care Using and Developing Frameworks
for Practice
Editors: Marin C. Calder and Simon Hackett. Publisher: Russell House Publishing
Contents summary:
Factors to Consider
Is the child expected to get themselves up?
Is there a regular routine or does it depend on the
motivation of the carer?
Does the child have to take responsibility for
carers and/or siblings in the morning?
Is an alarm clock/mobile phone used to make
sure child is up in time for school/play school etc?
Do you
to eat?
if you are
going to
if its the
or school
Factors to Consider
Are they collected from school and if so on time?
Do they stay for after-school activities?
Are they responsible for other children?
Do they have friends that they see?
What is the journey home from school like?
(consider opportunities for bullying, etc)
Is there anyone at home when they arrive back?
What happens when they get home?
Do they have any caring responsibilities?
Is food available when the child gets home from
in the
Taken from
Child Neglect - Identification & Assessment
Jan Howarth. (Palgrove 2007)
role. The coordinator for sexually harmful behaviour will offer supervision throughout the
process and will quality assure the final assessment report.
The coordinator for sexually harmful behaviour is able to co-assess cases with trained
workers if they feel they require a higher level of mentoring in completing their first AIM
If it is felt an AIM assessment is required, discussion with the locality team manager and
then coordinator for sexually harmful behaviour services should be sought in the first
Court Assessment
The assessments required for court are no different to the assessments completed for all
children and their families.
However if the matter is in the court arena you should ensure that the following guidance
is applied to current assessments already completed that require updating, or
assessments that are commencing:
Limit the information in the assessment to that which is relevant to the concerns in
the case, and to the welfare checklist. Avoid long descriptions of events or issues
that are not directly relevant to the concerns or useful from an evidentiary
Ensure all sections are focused and analytical by always relating what the
information means to the child.
The Court always finds full genograms very helpful, and if they are undertaken
comprehensively at the beginning of SW involvement, it can lead to early
identification of potential kinship carers and avoid late presentation of family
Do not be scared about using accepted research to underpin your analysis and
recommendation. There is much current research that is accepted by the Court as
the most up-to date thinking on particular aspects of our work.
Ensure that your recommendation reflects your professional opinion, and be explicit
about what evidence that opinion is based on.
Remember the Court now considers that the Social Worker is the expert in the
majority of instances, and will want the Social Worker to give their expert opinion
wherever possible. If you wish to request the instruction of another expert, you
must be clear about why you (or anyone in the department) do not have the skills,
knowledge or experience to give an opinion on that specific aspect of a case.
Factors to consider
Truanting. Regular non-school attendance. Excluded, behaviour problems
Comes in late, Stays out overnight without permission, Persistently
reported as missing from home or care. Missing for short periods of time
on a regular basis.
Inappropriate dress/ change in physical appearance. Meeting unknown
adults / Getting into unknown cars Internet used to meet adults. Older
partner ( + 5 years)
Unaccounted for money, expensive items such as new mobile phone,
Associating with other known sexually exploited children and / or unknown
adults. Extensive use of mobile phone. Accessing unknown premises
(homes) or known risky areas. Evidence of sexual bullying and/or
vulnerability through the internet and/or social networking sites.
Reported limited /reduced contact with friends, family or in placement.
Disclosure of physical /sexual assault (later withdrawn) Physical injuries.
Childs whereabouts is unknown/ estranged from family.
Sexual Health
Risk identification
The CSE Risk Identification Tool should be completed to aid identification of the level of
risk to the child or young person
The Information Report should be completed and forwarded to the CSE and Missing
Vulnerability and Risk should form an essential part of the childs plan
This relates to things such as the following:
how the child or young person is able to communicate speech, noises, behaviour,
movement, BSL, Makaton
how confident they are in communicating
how they structure their speech
about naming and identifying objects, people and things in their life
This relates to things such as the following:
how they express themselves to others
how they play with others
how they are in small and large groups
what they are like with peer groups in school or nursery
about social behaviour such as knowing about sex and sexuality and about
friendships and keeping safe
This should look at how people involve the child or young person in decision making about
the things in his or her life. Also how the young person feels they are included in decision
making. They may be asked but do they feel that their views opinions and wishes are
heard or even valued.
If they need equipment to communicate or use a method to help them such as Intensive
Interaction this needs stating here so that anyone possibly caring for them can see if they
need any training or support to do this to enable the child or young person to feel
comfortable and able to communicate to the best of their ability.
From your observations at home and at school (and maybe within respite settings) you will
be able to note and reflect on how the child or young persons communication may differ in
these settings.
If the parents struggle with communicating with the child or young person then who could
help them with this if they see that they need help?
Reason for Undertaking this Assessment / Presenting Issues
Is this assessment being completed to assess a Child in Need, for a child to access short
breaks or due to safeguarding concerns?
Any team working with a disabled child have universal and targeted services been
accessed / notified if so what services are involved and what services were unable to
meet the needs of the child. Has a CAF been completed?
Reason for undertaking this assessment Regional Specialist Team only
Is the child being assessed due to their health condition and subsequent treatment plan?
Childs Profile
Dont just talk to the parents talk to the child / young person what do they see are their
strengths and weaknesses and how do they feel about undertaking things away from the
family home. How are they affected emotionally if they receive respite do they like it do
they look forward to it. How do they feel about going to activities away from home?
Would they like to do more dont assume anyone has ever asked a disabled child the
same questions as one without health needs or a disability they may desperately want to
go to scouts or brownies but the parent or carer may not be aware you can get help to
enable them to do this !
If you are observing the child in home and at school or at a placement make sure you state
this and reflect on what is said and what you observe. Do they have an understanding of
their disability / health needs and how do they feel about themselves?
Family History
This should look at how the parent/s care givers are trying to work to help the child or
young person feel valued and loved within the family home or care setting.
How do the family work as a unit to support the child or young person through change or
challenging situations which may affect the whole family?
Environmental Factors
If the child or young person is at an age where they want more independence or they need
more privacy how will this be accommodated within their current home or care settings?
What sort of help does the young person want in relation to getting independence?
If the child has a shared care arrangement are there adaptations and equipment
available in all care giving settings which safely and appropriately meet the needs of the
child or the young person and the people providing care for them?
If the young person has medication or incontinence pads or equipment where is this
Is it safe in relation to other young people or children within the home?
Things to consider in relation to safe care within an environment which need noting here
Does the child or young person wander at night and if so how safe are they?
How independent is the young person within the home or care setting?
Do they turn taps on?
Do they try to get out of the house? If so how are they kept safe is an alarm needed
on doors and windows to alert care givers within the home or care setting to this?
Does the young person have access to the kitchen area and is this safe?
Is there a ramp to the entrance and exit to the property which is safe for the young
person and anyone moving them to use?
If there are stairs in the property is the child or young person safe to use them?
If the child or young person is in a wheelchair are they able to get through the
If the child or young person is in a wheelchair are they able to be safely taken up
and downstairs?
Is the child or young person able to use the toilet safely? Is there a toilet for them
downstairs or do they have to be lifted upstairs if they need to toilet or do they have
a commode?
How does the child or young person wash or bathe do they have a special bath or
adapted bathroom if not how are they bathed and is this safe for the person
helping them?
If the child or young person has oxygen how is this transported within the home?
If the child or young person needs lifting is there tracking and a hoist which is safe
and suitable for his or her needs?
If the family have financial concerns ensure that they are signposted appropriately for
benefits advice, DLA etc. Can charitable support be accessed to offer support?
This section should include any issues about how the family and the child or young person
are able to access facilities and sports and leisure activities within their community. Would
they like to do more dont assume anyone has ever asked a disabled child the same
questions as one without health needs or a disability they may desperately want to go to
scouts or brownies but the parent or carer may not be aware you can get help to enable
them to do this!
Are there any resources within the area that the child or young person can access and are
the family or care givers able to support them in doing this or would they benefit from
someone independent to do this?
What amenities like doctor, dentist shops etc. are available within the neighbourhood?
Does the family have to travel to get to these and is this a problem for them in taking the
child or the young person if he or she has equipment such as a wheelchair or medical
equipment to take with them?
If the young person has a condition such as an Autistic Spectrum Condition are they able
to cope with the noise and business of social and leisure activities and events? If not how
could they be helped to access these more happily or comfortably?
What does the young person want to do in relation to social and leisure activities?
How do they feel emotionally about what they can and cannot access in relation to social
and leisure activities?
Are they currently attending activities which are either way below or way above their
capacity or understanding? If so what could you find in the Short Breaks Guidance and
Directory or on the Intranet which may be more suitable and how could the child or young
person get the most suitable and appropriate help to enable them to access this and build
better and safe social relationships?
Regional Specialist Team only
How far is the family home from their treatment hospital?
Is the family home a safe environment for them to be discharged to from hospital?
Social Workers Analysis
In this section there needs to be a clear analysis on what additional needs the child has
due to their disability or health condition.
What part of these needs are the parents able to meet and how?
What do you analyse is unmet need and the risk it raises to the child?
This section should look at issues such as the following:
if the young person is able to engage in group play
if the young person plays more with older or younger children/young people
This section should look at issues such as the following:
this should show what the child or the young person chooses to engage in for
stimulation such as games preferred activities preferred
This section should look at issues such as the following:
how the young person deals with social and leisure activities whether they can cope
with noisy environments
what their behaviour is like when they are in busy social situations
what activities or groups they may like to attend or do attend
What is the risk to the childs lifespan and / or safety due to their disability or health
condition? Is there any risk associated with treatment?
Is an additional assessment required e.g. under the continuing care criteria, O.T.
Family Strengths and Protective Factors
This part of the assessment you will need to look at not only if the parents or carers are
able to care safely for the child or young person but if they have the equipment they need
to do this within their home/s.
Has a parent / carer assessment been offered and what was the outcome?
Talk to the parent/s or carer/s about how it feels to care for the child or young person and
the parent carer assessment may inform more information about this and you may be able
to reflect back to them what you feel are their strengths which can be very valuable if a
parent or carer is at the stage of feeling very frustrated or exasperated due to their caring
responsibilities or what they feel could be a significant lack of support.
Consider from whom the child accesses / receives emotional support.
This should report on what you have observed during your visits to the child/young
person during your visits to the home or care setting.
What are the levels of attachment like between the mother and the child or young
Describe the relationship mother and child/young person have been observed to
What are the levels of attachment like between a father/step father or partner if
there is one within the household?
Describe the relationship father/step father or partner and child/young person have
been observed to have.
If there is shared care arrangements how does the child or young person relate to
the other adult care givers within the other care setting?
Is there a clear difference between the roles of the parents/adult caregivers within
the home?
How do the parent/s/adult care givers react to any challenging behaviour from the
child/young person?
How do the parents meet the differing needs of their children especially if a single
How do the parents support each other / work together in relation to the childs
disability / health condition?
Here you should comment on what you have observed during your visits to the home or
care setting in relation to siblings or step siblings.
How does the child/young person interact with their siblings/step siblings?
What is their opinion of them?
How do the siblings/step siblings react to the child/young person?
What is their opinion of their brother or sister?
Is the child/young person able to respect the privacy of their siblings/step siblings
If the child or young person has much younger siblings should they ever be left
alone with them what is their awareness of safety?
Is the need in the home, out of the home, in relation to care, independence or
leisure activities?
Does the childs needs meet the criteria for Short Break provision?
Does the analysis of need concur with the reasons for undertaking this
This section will be reviewed when the Education Health and Care Plan is introduced in
September 2014.
Domestic Violence
1. Are you concerned that there is domestic violence in a family you are working
Common indicators include physical injuries; anxiety and distress; frequent
appointments and missed appointments; reluctance to go home; mental ill health;
alcohol and substance misuse, self-harm and attempted suicide. The woman may
appear vague, frightened, anxious, depressed and/or distressed.
Is there a history? Check any available records. A victim may have been to your
agency previously and presented with some of the common indicators mentioned
above. Many women experience repeat incidents of violence and harassment before
disclosing to anyone. The frequency and severity of DV incidents often increases over
time. Check if tagged as MARAC case.
Common indicators for children include: anxiety and distress, sudden changes in
behaviour, withdrawing, acting aggressively, difficulty separating, increase in stress
related illnesses, bedwetting, school absences etc.
2. How to approach the issue
See the victim alone and in private.
Ask direct questions sensitively. This forms part of routine enquiry so all women are
If she is accompanied, do not insist on seeing her alone. Arrange an alternative, safer
Be honest about why you are asking.
Explain your confidentiality procedures.
Use a registered interpreter if required.
If violence is denied record that she has been asked and her response.
Explain that you may ask her again at future meetings.
3. Routine Questions
Research shows that women are more willing to disclose their experience of domestic
violence if they are specifically asked about it. It is therefore important to ask about
domestic abuse in a direct but non-threatening and sensitive manner. For example:
Many women experience violence and abuse from their partners so we ask all women
about this. Can you tell me about your relationship, do you ever feel frightened by your
Women should be told about why the questions are asked i.e. because of the extent of
domestic violence, the need to monitor it to ensure women receive adequate services,
to enable staff to refer women to appropriate agencies and provide her with useful
Recognise the links between abuse of women and abuse of children.
Ask if children are aware of, have witnessed, been involved in the violence.
Wherever possible, provide child friendly play areas/supervision and interview the
woman separately.
Never use children as interpreters.
Talk to the children about domestic violence where appropriate.
6. Safety/Risk assessment
Assess with the woman the current risk to herself, children or any vulnerable adults in
the household.
If applicable, use your agencys risk assessment tool.
Identify a place of safety if she is in immediate danger.
If there is no immediate danger, discuss short term and long term safety planning.
If appropriate undertake a DASH risk assessment and refer to MARAC.
Disabled women may face disability discrimination and often feel they are not listened
to or believed. They may be dependent on their carer who is also their abuser.
BME women may experience racism, honour based violence, be concerned about
immigration issues or have no recourse to public funds.
This is not an exhaustive list but provides some prompts on the additional issues that need
consideration. It is essential not to stereotype but to treat each woman as an individual
and listen to her specific issues and respond accordingly by providing relevant information
or referring to specialist services.
Action Planning
Assess the impact of the domestic violence on the children.
Identify with her any action she will take.
Identify any action you will take on her behalf.
Make arrangements for future support or follow-up meetings.
Make referrals with her consent.
Indicate any information which will be shared with colleagues to ensure consistent
Agree measures to ensure her safety e.g. how to contact her safely.
Refer to MARACs where appropriate.
10. Remember
She may have experienced abuse for many years.
She may not have access to money.
She will already have tried many ways to manage the violence.
She will want the violence to end but may still want the relationship.
A woman is most at risk at the point of leaving or when she has recently left a violent
You may be the first person she has told about the violence.
It is important that you give her the same level of respect and support whether she
stays with the abuser or not and how ever many times she comes back. Sustained
support is what helps women protect themselves and their children. Try not to rush her
into making decisions she is unsure about.
Encourage and support colleagues to adopt good practice.
Challenge or report bad practice.
Never give her details to anyone without her consent or careful consideration of the
level of risk. Do not agree to pass on messages between her and the abuser.
Do not insist on or suggest joint sessions with her partner. Mediation or counselling in
domestic violence situations can make women more vulnerable or put them at further
11. Responding to Perpetrators
Many male perpetrators will deny and minimise their actions due to feelings of shame.
This shame often flips into anger and aggression.
Be aware of your own and colleagues safety, particularly when denying information to
a perpetrator.
Never disclose any information about the woman.
Do not agree with any comments the perpetrator makes that could be seen as agreeing
with, or justifying, his actions.
Encourage him to seek help for himself.
At all times treat the perpetrator with respect. Dont allow your distaste for what he has
done lead to you dismissing him or disengaging with him. Your positive communication
with him could be the trigger to him seeking help.
Talk to someone from the Councils Domestic Violence Team if you are uncertain of
what to do.
Always have the appropriate telephone numbers available for you or him to seek
Know what services and support I can get. Help women to build trust in them or it
always be too hard to be open about your situation.
Don't gather evidence, but help us, help me be the best mother I can be. Be open
about what you are doing e.g. if you are watching the children
Help me explain to our children.
Don't judge.
Explain why you have to check my bedrooms. Or anything else you check.
Assessment and intervention with domestically abusive men
Six key factors that are significant in understanding domestic abuse and can form a
framework for your assessment:
1. Childhood attachments
Research suggests that a majority of court mandated interpersonally violent (IPV)
perpetrators, and a significant minority of IPV perpetrators found in general populations,
have a disorder of their personality, with the prominent disorders being borderline
personality disorder (BP) and anti-social personality disorder (ASPD).
Research also suggests there are a sub-group of batterers who were insecurely attached
to their partner, likely to experience depression, and have BP personality traits (i.e. an
intense fear of being abandoned). They will go to great lengths to prevent this, with
extreme reactions within relationships, including impulsivity and extreme displays of
emotions. Alcohol can play a part within this.
This sub-group are also likely to have a criminal record for non-violent offences and
substance use problems. Those men who score highest on BP traits also used the most
physical aggression and controlling and emotionally abusive behaviours. The cause of this
behaviour is usually related to early experiences of childhood abuse, separations, losses
and disruptions which lead to poor adult emotional regulation and a fragile sense of self.
There is also a connection between Anti-Social Personality Disorder (ASPD) and
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), substance use and domestic abuse. Many people
with ASPD and BPD misuse substances
Additional Note: Therapeutic Alliance and IPV Treatment
Research on client reactance suggests that approaches that are perceived as reducing
freedom to make choices are particularly counterproductive with clients who show a
defensive, dominant, autonomous and non-affiliative personality style, such as those with
ASPD or psychopathy.
2. Anger Management:
There has been a lot of discussion in the area of domestic abuse around the role of anger
in explaining why some men are violent and abusive. It has been thought that mens
abusive behaviour is generally premeditated and this is certainly the case for some men to
varying degrees. For other men however, their violence in particular is not premeditated
and they need to learn anger management techniques to keep their partner physically
Men who have anger management problems will typically self report loosing their temper
and having verbal and physically violent outbursts in a variety of settings. Most importantly
their violence will not be solely directed towards their partner. These men are also likely to
have criminal convictions for reactive violence.
It should be noted at the same time that men who have anger management issues may
also have difficulties with premeditated, controlling behaviour. Typically, the controlling
behaviour does not include physical violence but will be expressed through bullying and
intimidation, in an attempt to stop their partner doing something, or alternatively make their
partner do something. Where there is pre-meditated use of violence in a relationship a
weapon may have been used and there may also be evidence of stalking or persistent
Pre-meditated violence and controlling behaviour is likely to be linked to the perpetrators
damaged attachment style.
Culture and religious views are complicated and varied. They are not homogonous and
vary according to where we live and who we associate with. There is evidence that that
cross-culturally womens empowerment is related to their victimisation and the perpetration
of violence and abuse. Historically a patriarchal culture predominated within western
society although this is now much less the case. We need to be clear therefore in our
assessments exactly how cultural and religious beliefs have impacted on the perpetrator.
We need to assess whether the perpetrators beliefs about women, relationships and the
use of violence have an impact on his behaviour towards his partner. As with substance
use and IPV we need to decide whether culture ( whether it be on a micro or macro level)
and religious beliefs are:
Unrelated to IPV: In this scenario the man does not have oppressive or concerning
beliefs about women, relationships or violence.
Used to rationalise IPV use: In this scenario there is not a connection between his
beliefs and abusive behaviour but he uses cultural justifications for his abuse. These
justifications mask deeper issues in his life.
A direct cause of IPV: Beliefs about women, relationships and violence are deeply
engrained in the perpetrators thinking and will be evident through the way he talks
about these issues in everyday life.
An additive effect: There are other significant factors behind his abusive behaviours but
his beliefs about women, relationships and violence contribute to his abusive
Both alcohol and some drugs are associated with an increased risk of reactive or
emotionally driven aggression. There is also a connection with the severity of violence.
However, the connection is complicated and we need to assess whether the substance
use and IPV is:
Unrelated. In this scenario the man would be violent /abusive whether he used
substances or not. Evidence: The man is as likely to be abusive when not using
substances as when he is using substances :
Used to rationalise IPV use: In this scenario there is not a connection between his
substance use and abusive behaviour but he uses s/u as a justification for his abuse.
A direct cause of IPV: In this scenario, s/u is the primary cause of his abuse. Evidence:
Both parties report positive, non-abusive behaviour when sober and abuse when using.
An additive effect: Substance use makes violence and abuse, and also the severity in
many cases, more likely.
A cause of conflict: The mans s/u causes arguments due to the financial and social
impact of his s/u. The conflict then results in abusive behaviour.
5. Lack of Empathy
Developing empathy might, quite rightly, be considered another relationship skill but it has
been separated because of its key influence in reducing physical violence. The more we
are able to appreciate are partners perspectives the less we are likely to behave in an
abusive manner. There are some simple exercises that can be used with men to start this
6. Relationship Skills
Many of the people that we work with have been raised in dysfunctional families. This does
not mean that they have been traumatised by their experiences, but they may not have
observed the many and varied skills that are required to keep a relationship functioning in
a positive progressive way. They may love their partners and genuinely want the best for
them but at the same time, have never learnt how to have an argument without behaving
in an abusive or controlling manner. Similarly they may never have been taught to listen to
their partners, or respect their feelings, particularly anger. They may be too passive or
aggressive and have never fully grasped how to be assertive. There are numerous skills
that men can be taught to help them behave in a more respectful way towards their
In reality, all of us have areas in our relationship where we could do better. Teaching
relationship skills is likely therefore to be necessary with all the men we work with and is
likely to be in addition to some of the other categories noted above. The worker needs to
identify which of the skills the man is most likely to benefit from learning and should be
done in an order that prioritises the womens safety.
You dont need to challenge everything he says. (Even if you dont agree!)
Occasionally emphasise, this is his perspective without being judgemental. So, from
your perspective This enables him to tell his story without him thinking you agree
with him!
Encourage the person to consider his partners perspective, how would your
partner describe the incident? Listen to whether they can actually do this, this is an
important indicator for the readiness and ability to change.
It doesnt really matter if they deny the index assault as long as they admit
elements of abusive behaviour. The more time has elapsed since the behaviour, the
more likely we are to admit it, its quite normal! If he says he hit her 3 weeks ago but
not last night, work with what he is giving you. Whilst his denial really disrespects his
partners experience, by working with where he is at you can reduce the risk for the
future, which is probably what his partner wants the most.
Agree they should not expect their partner to be interested in the discussion. If
you do some work with a man they will often say that they are going to go home and
discuss the work with their partner. Their motives for this could be very mixed. Warn
them against this, it may cause an argument and it is quite likely she is not interested.
Similarly, if you set homework this should not be done by or with his partner.
Making Safe Scheme run by Foundation Housing offers support to men in finding
alternative accommodation for men motivated to leave an abusive relationship.
Safer Leeds Perpetrator Scheme offers assessments on men to children social care
clients where DV has been identified as an issue in the risk management plan, and to
MARAC men. These men can also receive up to 12 hours intervention work from
qualified workers
Court reports
As the PAMs assessment process is a recognised report within Court; some Judges are
already asking if workers are qualified to complete them, for some cases they can reduce
the need for psychological assessments or Independent Social Work assessments which
are between 1,500 and 3,500 per report.
However PAMs assessments should not be carried during court proceedings as they can
take a long time and are very much focused upon observations; this can be difficult if
children are not in the care of their parents and would have to rely upon observations of
contact which is not always appropriate or feasible. The PAMs assessment should be
carried out prior to Court proceedings
There has also been some criticism of the PAMS model as it does not always accurately
assess risk and is more focused upon teaching methods. PAM is not a psychometric test
and there are no cut-off criteria for good enough parenting. The tool is not a substitute for
professional judgement or experience. Other approaches should also be used.
What does it cover?
It covers:
child care and development
behaviour management
independent living skills
safety and hygiene
parents health
relationships and support
and the impact of the environment and community on parenting
Data tables
Report Summary
Worksheet Profile
Worksheet Summaries
Observation Graph
Targeted Worksheet Skills
Pre-birth Assessment
1. Introduction
There are a range of circumstances where social workers may undertake pre-birth
The pre-birth assessment will be completed using the Child and Family Assessment
format and be completed within 45 working days (9 working weeks).
2. Planning
Multi-agency planning commences as soon as possible after the pregnancy is confirmed to
plan the assessment.
It needs to be established who will undertake the assessment. It is good practice for
assessments to be co-worked. Other relevant agencies will contribute to the assessment.
The assessment should take place as soon as possible to enable decisions to be made in
good time.
The impact of parental difficulties should be informed by professional advice and
understanding form relevant agencies such as addiction services, disability services and
mental health services etc., who should be involved in the planning of the assessment.
Where English is not the first language, or there are literacy or communication issues this
should be taken into account in the planning stage. The use of an interpreter or advocate
should be considered. Workers need to be aware of any risks to their own safety during
the assessment and these may need to be addressed in supervision.
3. Purpose and Aims of the Assessment
The purpose and aims of the assessment are to undertake a thorough assessment of
individual and family functioning and home circumstances. It is to identify the previous and
current concerns in a family and the familys perception of these.
A further aim is to identify the strengths and positives within the family. The assessment
will assess the potential and ability to maintain changes; identify support networks and
identify risk to the child post birth and other children in the family.
The outcome of the assessment will identify the course of action, for example child in need
plan, child protection plan or legal action.
A referral should be made to the Family Group Conference service at the start of the
assessment process. This is to identify the support network for the child post birth, and
identify any alternative carers in the event that parent(s) cannot provide care.
Additionally, there should also be an early referral to the local childrens centre.
4. Working Agreement
It is good practice to draw up a written agreement between the Childrens Social Work
Service and parents. The agreement should outline the reason for the assessment, its
purpose and aims, how the assessment will be carried out. This should be agreed at the
multi-agency planning meeting at the start of the assessment:
Dates, times, venues of sessions and who will attend each session
How the assessment will be shared and with whom
Expectations of those participating in the assessment
What parents can expect of the Assessor(s)
Parents should be seen alone and as a couple. Extended family members may need to be
contacted. Assessment sessions will normally take place at the family home and local area
office. One of the sessions in the family home should assess the home environment and
preparations made for the baby's arrival.
It should be clearly stated that part of the process will be to liaise with other agencies.
5. Area to be covered
Assessment should follow the guidelines set out for completion of a child and family
In addition the following areas should also be addressed:
This conference should take place 6-8 weeks prior to the estimated due date of the child.
If a decision is taken not to hold a conference then the Team Manager should convene a
meeting to discuss the outcome of the assessment and any future planning, based upon
the family group conference plan where available.
Where the identified risk is deemed to be high and seeking legal advice is recommended,
the case needs to be presented to the Head of Service Decision and Review Panel
(HOSDAR) for consideration. A Local Authority solicitor will be allocated if HOSDAR
agree that the Public Law Outline process is required or care proceedings should be
initiated at birth.
It is the responsibility of the allocated workers to ensure the family, the hospital and all
other professionals are fully aware of the plan for the child post birth, and it is clearly
recorded on Frameworki should the birth happen outside office hours, with unambiguous
If removal at birth is planned the Team Manager should convene a planning meeting with
appropriate hospital staff and police to plan management of the birth and subsequent
Background - this area needs to explore the persons own background, any events or
experiences that in particular may increase their vulnerability.
Relationship history - Explore the current relationship with the offender as well as all
previous relationships. Consider for any emerging patterns.
Childcare history - It is important to explore the persons parenting history. This might
be different for each child if more than one child in the family. Consider attachment in
relation to all the children.
Attitude towards the offence and child protection concerns explore the persons
understanding of the offence and what their view of any associated risk may be. It is
helpful to ascertain their views on child abuse and ability to recognise signs and
indicators of abuse.
Emotional resilience - does the partner have the emotional tools and strength to
protect the child. The strain on the person cannot be ignored. Often they are expected
to supervise all contact between children and the perpetrator and this can cause
additional emotional stress on the family. Their ability to deal with and manage this is
crucial as provides insight into their emotional resilience both now and in the future.
Context of the assessment - explain the reason and purpose of the assessment
clearly top all parties. An assessment agreement is helpful that clearly sets out the
reason, purpose, areas to be covered and expectations.
Relationship and sexual history - this is a vital part of the process and needs to
include all relationships and patterns of behaviour.
Relationship(s) with his children, the abused child and the childrens needs this
is particularly helpful when looking at risk where the abused child is not the
perpetrators own child or when internet offences is a factor.
the offence and thought processes and what happened after. Is there denial, remorse,
insight displayed by the offender?
Joint interview this is often a very difficult meeting as involves the offender and the
partner/non- abusing parent. It allows for an open discussion about the offence and
observation of responses in the presence of partners. It also allows assessors to
observe dynamics in the relationship and if there is any oppression or controlling
Any recommendations
Some literature can be dated and not easy to interpret into assessments however Child
Sexual Abuse and the Internet: Tackling the New Frontier by Martin Calder provides a
clear focus on the issues and guidance for assessments.
There are also many other publications which can be helpful and the Lucy Faithful
Foundation have an extensive reading list.
In relation to internet offending/accessing child abuse images, in addition to the above
guidance social work assessments need to:
Establish if there is any risk of viewing offender becoming a contact offender. This is
referred to as crossover.
Establish if the offender has used the internet for the purposes of grooming or gaining
access to children.