Instructions Foleadership Write-Up

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Leadership write-up template

Data Collection
Clear and Connected Goals
Steps to follow
1. List one of your goals, say GU1. Pick 1 for which you are able to do the other steps (as listed
2. Identify your managers goal (M1) that your goal derives from say GM1
3. Identify a goal that one of your peers has that derives from same GP1
4. If you have people reporting to you, identify 1 goal each for 2 of your reports which derive from
GU1, say GR1 and GR2
5. List GU1, GP1, GM1, GR1, GR2 in the template provided and provide evidence about how
SMART they are.
6. For GU1 (your goal), create a new phrasing, say GU2, that is more SMART than GU1. Show the
7. Do the same for the other goals (GR1, GR2, GP1, GM1)
Capture these goals in the excel template provided (Goals tab)

Work Assignment
Steps to follow
1. Identify 10-15 people (the more the better) in your team reports, peers, extended team, etc.
2. Ask them 3 questions (see below) and note their answer in the attached excel template (Work
assignment tab). Before starting, define High/Medium/Low for yourself, and share your
definition with your interviewees before asking them the questions:
a. What is your skill level in the work you are doing these days? (High/Medium/Low)
b. What is your interest level in the work you are doing these days? (High/Medium/Low)
c. What is the level of challenge your work offers to you? (High/Medium/Low)

Receiving Feedback
Steps to follow
1. List 2-3 recent meetings where you interacted with someone much more than others. Identify 2
persons from each meeting one, the person with whom you interacted more, and another
who is likely to have observed two of you interacting (and wasnt busy on his mobile/laptop
during meeting!)
2. Spend 10-15 minutes with each person, and get answers to the following questions, noting their
response in the attached template:

a. What was 1 thing you thought I was doing well? What was good about that?
b. What was 1 thing you thought I should have done differently?
c. If you were in my situation, how would you have done it?
3. People may not open up, esp. if they have something critical to say, so you may have to offer
them coffee, plead with them, tell them this is their homework from school, anything that will
make them trust you so that they can be candid. You should also evaluate if the person is being
honest and candid.

Once you have this data collected, submit a write-up to report your finding during the above exercise
and what you plan to do as a leader to positively impact the current state. Write 1 paragraph each on
the state of your organization in terms of goal-setting, work assignment, and feedback, and a final
paragraph on what you would do as a leader to positively impact the current state.
Make this no more than 300 words.
Think of the following questions when creating your write-up.

Does everyone in your organization have clear and connected goals? Why/Why not?
Are your goals SMART? Why/Why not?
How well are skill levels and challenge levels matched in your org? Why is this the case?
How well do interest levels match the jobs? Why is this the case?
How hard is it to find good feedback given within your organization? How honest do you think
the feedback is that you got? Why is this the case?

Final Submissions
1. Excel template filled with outputs of your exercise
2. Word document with your write-up

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