Deanna Laurette CV

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630 Fleddermouse
Novi, MI 48374
Cell: (734) 731-2289
My research interests are in the realm of disability studies and how people with disabilities create
and assert their identities. I am also interested in applying antiracist methods of research to
disabled populations, as well as utilizing ethnography to create an accurate and ethical research
project for my dissertation, which will focus on the communicative practices and motivations of
people with disabilities on online support groups.

My teaching is best explained in my teaching philosophy, which is available upon request.

However, I am interested in applying antiracist principles, welcoming student collaboration on
assessment materials and practices, as well as developing an open environment where I facilitate
learning. I try to make my classrooms a space where students can learn about their own
dispositions, enact recursive research and writing practices, and reflect on their learning



Doctor of Philosophy, English Composition and Rhetoric, In Progress
Concentration: Cultural Rhetorics, Composition Studies, Disability Studies
Dissertation: Currently in Prospectus
Committee: Richard Marback, Ellen Barton, Donnie Sackey, Jay Dolmage (external)


Master of Arts, English, May 2014


Bachelor of Arts, English; Minor, History, Cum Laude, December 2011

Awards and Honors:

Delta Alpha Pi International Honor Society, Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, Golden Key
International Honor Society, Sigma Tau Delta English Honor Society, Deans List, Presidents
List, Lamar University Toast to Leadership Award Fall 2010.


Wayne State University Department of English 2015-Present

Graduate Teaching Assistant
Instructor of record for 2 sections of first year composition in the Fall term and 1 section in the
winter term each year. This is an intermediate composition course with a focus in genre analysis
and critique, rhetorical analysis, research, and reflection. Students are required to read works of
composition theory such as Jonathan Swales The Concept of Discourse Community, James
Gees Literacy, Discourse, and Linguistics, and David Foster Wallaces Authority and
American Usage, as well as write a minimum of 30 pages throughout five different projects
during the semester. I continuously attend weekly pedagogical practicums, bimonthly teaching
reflection groups, and monthly workshops to regularly reflect on and refine higher education
teaching practices.

Wayne State University Department of English 2015-2016

Graduate Student Assistant
Provide writing consultation to undergraduate students, graduate students, and university faculty
in the WRT Zone. Give presentations to classes and other departments on topics related to
writing and research methods. Prepare learning materials for WRT Zone website and for student
use. Consult students in person and online via google hangouts. Provide research and technology

Wayne State University School of Social Work 2014-Present

Writing Tutor/Criterion Learning Community
Primarily tutor students in the MSW program who were conditionally admitted with lower
writing assessment scores. Assist with paper development, basic writing skills, grammar, editing,
proofreading and time management. Also tutor students in the BSW program, and social work
students who make walk in appointments. Assess mandated student weekly progress, collect and
assess writing samples at the beginning and end of mandate.

Washtenaw Intermediate School District 2012-2014

ELA Teacher
Taught high school level English, Reading Skills, and ESL classes. Effectively presented subject
matter in a manner that stimulates interest and enthusiasm. Managed the classroom effectively
and maintained a calm and patient demeanor under duress. Evaluated and reported on student
progress. Worked with high school juniors and seniors on test and college preparation.


Tutor/Teaching Assistant
Provided individual and group tutoring for college student athletes and at-risk students. Tutoring
for standing weekly and walk in appointments. Tutoring in composition, literature, social
sciences, math, communication, and business courses. Worked for STARS summer grant
programs as a teaching assistant for developmental level writing course, also led group
instruction for a group of 10 students, and individually tutored those 10 students during the
summer. Taught new tutors how to implement the centers TutorTrac software. Developed strong
ability to modify instruction based on the skills of my students. Received tutoring award in
Summer 2011 and Tutor of the Semester Award for Spring 2010.


Panel Presentation, Cultural Rhetorics and Sustaining Diversity in Composition Studies.
CWPA 2015, Boise, ID. July 2015

Panel Presentation, The Curated Identities: Representing Identities in Internet Support Groups
for People with Disabilities. Queer Stuff Symposium, Detroit, MI. February 2016.

Roundtable Presentation, Disability, Identity, and Representation: An Exploration of Internet

Support Groups for People with Disabilities. Junior Faculty and Graduate Student Research
Network, RSA 2016, Atlanta, GA. May 2016.

Panel Presentation, Curating Identities: Presentations of

the Disabled Body and the Disclosure of Disability in Online Support
Group. Cultural Rhetorics Conference 2016, East Lansing, MI. September, 2016.

Panel Presentation, How Can We Use the Identity Formation Practices of People with
Disabilities to Inform our Pedagogy? Wayne State Teaching of Writing Conference, Detroit,
MI. October, 2016.

Panel Presentation, Representing Disability on Social Media: Communication, Representation

and Disclosure on Internet Support Boards. Midwest Popular Culture Association Conference
2016, Chicago, IL. October, 2016.

Textbook Contribution- Literacy Narrative. The Wayne Writer. Forthcoming

Panel Presentation, Representations of Disability on Social Media-Communicating, Disclosing,

Curating on Internet Support Boards. Popular Culture Association/American Culture
Association 2017, San Diego, CA. April, 2017.

Co-Authored Article, Do Community Members Have an Effective Voice in the Ethical

Deliberation of a Behavioral Institutional Review Board? Journal of Business and Technical
Communication, Forthcoming.


WPA-Go Travel Awards Committee 2015-2016

WPA-Go Diversity Committee 2015-2016
Wayne State University Composition Curriculum Committee 2013-Present
Workshop Facilitator- Disability Issues in the Writing Classroom. November, 2016
Wayne English Graduate Organization- Secretary/Treasurer 2015-Present
WPA Go Antiracist Assessment Task Force 2016-2017
ENG 3010 Task Force 2016-2017
ENG 1010 Task Force 2014-2015
ENG 1020 Task Force 2016-2017

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