Rubber Nursery Establishment
Rubber Nursery Establishment
Rubber Nursery Establishment
November 2007
Maintenance of the Nursery
A. Watering - Water the plants regularly. The availability of the constant supply is important both ground and polybag nurseries.
Germination Stages of Rubber Seedling
1. Ungerminated Seed
2. Stage A A radicle has just emerged
3. Stage B Seed have develop spider root
4. Stage C - (needle like) Fully
system but still without leaves
5. Stage D - It has leaves
6. Stage E - Seedling with cotyledon
the lower cut going upward using 0.2 mm plastic budding tape with 23 cm width. Make sure that the edges of the tapes overlap each other.
7. Open the tape after 21 days. A green bud patch which can be seen
through the tape indicates successful
budding. It is not successful
when patch becomes black.
F. Cutting Back
1. Cut back successfully budded plants at 3-5 cm from the bud eye (slide
cutting) three weeks after budding.
2. Apply paint to the newly cut seedlings.
3. The bud often bear shoots at 7-10 days.
4. Second storey of growth will begin 6 weeks later.
5. A 6-8 week old budded seedlings (3 leaf storey) are ready for transplanting to the field.
Budwood Multiplication Nursery Establishment
Generally, the purpose of establishing a budwood nursery is for the multiplication of budwood for production of quality rubber planting materials.
A. Site selection
1. The land should be chosen in the same way as that of the seedling
2. Preferably flat with a loose friable fertilized soil.
3. Near to water source.
4. Well drained with a water table of 1/2 m.
B. Land Preparation
The land should be cleared of all stumps, large roots and stones.
Cultivate to a depth of 60 cm and prepare beds which allow 4 rows
spaced 1 meter apart, leaving a 60 cm margin on both sides.
C. Distance of Planting
1. Prepare beds/blocks with 4 rows spaced 1 meter at 120 cm apart between blocks.
2. The rows are spaced 1 meter apart and the planting points marked 120
cm apart preferably on the quincunx system. Such system may facilitate point to point attention and budwood cutting.
3. In case of a temporary nursery for a single crop of budwood, a distance
of 30 cm x 30 cm or 60 cm x 60 cm according to the area available
can be adapted.
4. Wherever necessary a 30 cm wide drainage canal can also be provided adjacent the 60 cm margin.
D. Planting
1. Planting the budwood nursery should be undertaken during the
months of July-October.
2. Budded stumps/high stumps or sprouted seeds can be used as planting materials.
3. It is highly essential that the budwood from the nursery should be
certified planting materials.
4. Important precautions to be undertaken.
a. Only certified materials should be used for the
initial introduction of a clonal material of the
budwood nursery.
b. Blocks of each clonal material are demarcated with
the display of permanent boards showing the
correct nomenclature of the clone.
c. It is also necessary to prepare plan of the
nursery with the planting points of each clone
correctly numbered and keep safely for
future reference.
E. After Care of Bud Graft
1. If the nursery is planted with germinated seeds for later
budding, the young seedlings in the nursery should be
cared until the plants are ready for budding.
2. All shoots emerging from the stocks should be pinch-off
while still in a tender stage.
3. Pinched off lateral shoots up to height of 2 meters.
4. Maintenance of soil fertility by adequate manuring and
protection of the plants from pests and diseases are the
most important cultural operations required in budwood
F. Fertilization
1. The aim of manuring budwood nurseries is to develop the
maximum quality of good budwood per plant during the period of 10-20 months.
2. For young rubber trees (3-12 months after transplanting),
the use of 65 grams of complete fertilizer (14-14-14) is
3. During the 2nd year, use 125 grams of 14-14-14 applied
every 6 months or 2-3 months after cutting back of the
4. Apply fertilizer on the soil layer within 7.5 cm depth at 1540 cm from the base depending on the age and size of the
G. Weed Control
1. Clean-weed the budwood nursery at regular intervals in
order to avoid competition between the plants and weeds.
2. Mulch the nursery with dried cutting weeds and other dry
plant materials after every round weeding.
H. Pests and Diseases Control
No pests or diseases of serious nature requiring control
Rubber Nursery Establishment brochureDA RFU 9 Zamboanga Peninzula