Policy Guide PDF
Policy Guide PDF
Policy Guide PDF
Electric Utility Customers
A Concise Guidebook
for the Design, Implementation
and Monitoring of Competitive
Power Supply Solicitations
Prepared For:
Electric Power Supply Association
1401 New York Avenue, NW, 11th Floor
Washington, D.C. 20005
Telephone: (202) 628-8200
Fax: (202) 628-8260
Web site: www.epsa.org
Prepared By:
Boston Pacific Company, Inc.
1100 New York Avenue, NW, Suite 490 East
Washington, D.C. 20005
Telephone: (202) 296-5520
Fax: (202) 296-5531
Web site: www.bostonpacific.com
TABLE of Contents
FOREWORD BY EPSA ...............................................................................................................................................................iv
FOREWORD BY BOSTON PACIFIC COMPANY, INC. ......................................................................................iv
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY..............................................................................................................................................................v
A. A Tool For Modernizing State Prudence Review ..........................................................................2
B. Allaying Concerns About Affiliate Bias ................................................................................................3
C. Overview Of This Report ..............................................................................................................................4
A. Collaborative Process.....................................................................................................................................5
B. Independent, Third-Party Monitor ...........................................................................................................7
A. Requests for Proposals (RFPs).................................................................................................................9
B. Price-Only Auctions .......................................................................................................................................11
A. Comparability ....................................................................................................................................................13
B. Transmission Assessments .....................................................................................................................14
C. Cost-Plus Offers ..............................................................................................................................................15
D. Unequal Lives....................................................................................................................................................16
E. Creditworthiness Concerns .....................................................................................................................17
F. Balance Sheet Penalty .................................................................................................................................18
A. Example of an RFP for Unit Contingent Power
B. Example of a Price-Only Auction (New Jersey Basic Generation Services Auction)
C. Hypothetical Example of the Balance Sheet Penalty
The Electric Power Supply Association (EPSA) is the national trade association
representing competitive power suppliers, including generators and marketers.
These suppliers, who account for nearly 40 percent of the installed generating capacity in the United States, provide reliable and competitively priced
electricity from environmentally responsible facilities serving global power
markets. EPSA seeks to bring the benefits of competition to all power
customers. EPSA supports the continued formation of regional transmission
organizations (RTOs), including essential features such as independent
administration of the transmission system, real-time and day-ahead energy
markets, and capacity markets. In addition, but not as a substitute for RTO
markets, EPSA believes that all parties, and customers in particular, benefit
from competitive solicitations for longer-term power purchases that are
designed to be fair, accurate, and transparent. As such, it is useful to establish
guidelines for the proper conduct of competitive solicitations, particularly in
areas where RTOs have yet to be formed. This reference document is intended
to assist policy-makers in establishing guidelines to ensure that competitive
solicitations provide the best possible deal for electricity consumers.
Although federal regulators have rightfully focused much of their effort in
recent years on properly structuring shorter-term spot markets for energy
and capacity under the auspices of independent regional transmission
organizations (RTOs), the design of longer-term bilateral markets is equally
important. Longer-term markets, in which power is procured on a multimonth, yearly, or multi-year basis, could and in some
regions do satisfy 85 percent to 90 percent of
power needs. Along with shorter-term mar-
Consumers benefit
Short-term markets such as day-ahead and real-time spot markets also use bid-based competitive solicitation formats; however, the focus of the guidebook is on longer-term competitive
Within a competitive solicitation, there are at least six key issues that need
to be addressed to fairly and accurately evaluate bids:
the principle of comparability means that all proposals should meet
the same requirements and be evaluated under the same standards;
transmission assessments for bidders during a solicitation should
include an opportunity for any bidder to receive a timely and fair
estimate of what it would take to become a network resource;
when assessing cost-plus offers, the evaluation should explicitly
take into account the greater risk that these offers impose on
customers as compared to pay-for-performance bids;
financial theory supports using the annuity method when comparing
offers of unequal lives, and this should be at least one approach
used during any bid evaluation;
creditworthiness is a legitimate concern; however, collateral
requirements must be set comparably and fairly for all parties, and
contractual alternatives to collateral must be considered; and,
in determining whether to assess a balance sheet penalty, regulators
should take the perspective of the utility customer, ask for evidence
that a balance sheet effect actually occurred, and if the penalty is
assessed, then ensure it is accurately calculated.
alternatives offered.
Regardless of the solicitation format used,
the product types solicited, or the approach to
evaluation chosen, all decisions for the solicitation should be guided by one
goal: to obtain the best possible deal for customers by credibly evaluating
the full range of resource alternatives offered in the wholesale power market.
Because a significant
For example, a long-term procurement decision that had substantial consequences in terms of cost, risk, and environmental performance was the
construction of nuclear and other large baseload power plants during the 1970s
and 1980s. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) reported that,
expensive large baseload plants for which there was
little or no demand, came onto the market or were in the
process of being constructed. Accordingly, between 1970
and 1985, average residential electricity prices more than
tripled in nominal terms, and increased by 25 percent after
adjusting for general inflation. Moreover, average electricity prices for industrial customers more than quadrupled in
nominal terms over the same period and increased 86 percent after adjusting for inflation.2
Again, the potential for significant, adverse consequences from poorly made
procurement decisions make it especially important that long-term markets
be properly designed. To many, the design of longer-term markets is synonymous with the design of competitive solicitations, which range from
price-only auctions to more extensive requests for proposals (RFPs) that
evaluate bids with respect to a long list of price and non-price criteria. This
guidebook is based on lessons learned from hands-on experience and is
meant to be a useful resource for all those charged with designing, implementing, and monitoring competitive solicitations.
At the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, a properly designed competitive solicitation can play a central role in allaying concerns about affiliate
bias. In Boston Edison Company Re: Edgar Electric Energy Company 55
FERC f 61,382 (1991), FERC set forth three non-exclusive ways a utility
could demonstrate the lack of affiliate abuse. One way is to offer evidence
of direct head-to-head competition, which means the utility uses some
See Boston Edison Company Re: Edgar Electric Energy Company 55 FERC f 61,382 (1991)
Collaborative Process
Preparation of legitimate bids for long-term supplies typically cost $50,000-$75,000 to prepare,
and competitive suppliers take these costs into consideration when deciding whether to bid.
In addition to facilitating the collaborative process, an independent, thirdparty monitor also can add credibility by overseeing the entire solicitation
process to ensure that there is no bias. For example, the monitor may perform
an independent evaluation of the bids and monitor the communication
between the utility and its affiliate.
Staff Report on Track B: Competitive Solicitation in Docket Nos. E-00000A-02-0051 et. al.,
(October 25, 2002) at p. 9.
owned generation.
to-head comparison between a utility built power plant and one built by a
competitive power supplier. Note, too, that competitive power suppliers
who are marketers can provide unit-contingent power. Consumers benefit
because the competition drives the utility and competitors to offer better,
tangible deals in terms of lower price, lower risk, higher reliability and
superior environmental performance. An added benefit is that suppliers can
bid generation that is not yet on-line so that the number of competitors and
the intensity of competition are increased.
A downside to unit-contingent RFPs is that they increase the difficulty of
comparing proposals due to the differences in the bidders offers. This may
potentially lead to less transparent comparisons by allowing the evaluating
party more discretion in the methods used to compare different aspects such
as term lengths, availability guarantees, capacity sizes and timing. More discretion means more opportunity for bias. However, the lack of transparency
can be mitigated during the collaborative process by deciding on the criteria
and evaluation methodology to be used in the RFP beforehand and by
employing an independent, third-party monitor. For a more detailed
description of an RFP for unit-contingent power, see Appendix A.
However, RFPs also can be used to solicit standardized products (in addition to unit-contingent power) and can do so in a very transparent manner.
For example, Marylands four investor-owned electric utilities (Allegheny
Power, Baltimore Gas and Electric Co., Delmarva Power & Light Co., and
Potomac Electric Power Co.) issued a price-only RFP to meet their standard
offer service (SOS) obligations. The RFP requested proposals from suppliers
to provide shares of full requirements wholesale supply service as defined
by the PJM RTO.11
The RFP process and the model contract to be used was the result of a
lengthy settlement effort involving the Maryland Public Service Commission
(MPSC), the utilities and market participants. Key aspects of the RFP
process and the RFP itself include: (a) the use of a technical consultant by
the MPSC, who in conjunction with the MPSC Staff, monitors the entire
RFP process from the flow of information to the actual evaluation procedures;
(b) resolution of all non-price factors and contract terms prior to the solici-
Full requirements wholesale supply service consists of capacity, energy, ancillary services and
transmission losses.
tation via a collaborative effort; and, (c) the transparent evaluation of all
bids based on a single discounted average price.
At the conclusion of the process, the technical consultant prepares a final
report for the MPSC, which details the process and assures the MPSC that
customers received the best possible deal.
Price-Only Auctions
An example of a different type of auction is the New York Independent System Operator
(NYISO) new Installed Capacity (ICAP) auction system, also known as the ICAP demand
curve. The auction determines the amount and price of ICAP each load-serving entity (LSE)
must obtain for the following month. The NYISO auction system uses a downward sloping
demand curve, which reflects the decreasing value of additional supply of capacity. The
demand curve is administratively determined by the NYISO and is based on the cost of new
entry and the decreasing value of installed capacity above the various locational ICAP
requirements within the NYISO. For example, the demand price is set equal to the annualized cost of a new peaking unit at a capacity of 118 percent of peak load in each of the
three areas: Long Island, New York City and the rest of New York State.
runs through multiple rounds of price bidding, but in the end, all winning
bids are paid a uniform price. In the price-only RFP described in the previous
section, bidders submit a price offer and winners are paid the price of each
bid (i.e., non-uniform prices are paid).
Some benefits of price-only auctions and RFPs include: (a) the transparency
of a price-only bid because all the non-price terms have been predetermined;
(b) the limitation on the utilities exposure to market risk by awarding
the supplier a percentage share of the utilities load rather than a fixed
megawatt supply; and, (c) the limitation on the suppliers exposure to
keeping bids open the turnaround time can be as short as a few days
before commission approval. Possible downsides to auctions include: (a)
a generally short-term length of purchase (i.e., one to two years for the
awarded contracts) and (b) that price-only bids mean that there is no
opportunity for suppliers to offer a lower price with less strict nonprice requirements.
More information on the aforementioned descending clock auction for
Basic Generation Service in New Jersey can be found in Appendix B.
Transmission Assessments
Cost-Plus Offers
receives to the estimates provided by the seller in its offer during the
solicitation. For example, if the seller offers the utility a cost-plus formula,
but estimates (for comparison of bids) that the capacity payment will be
roughly $95/kW-yr (again not guaranteed), then the commission should
limit all payments to the supplier to $95/kW-yr over the full term of the
contract. This would help protect customers by forcing cost-plus offers to
have a more realistic appraisal of the costs that will actually be incurred.
Another approach is to apply a risk premium to the cost-plus offer in the
evaluation of bids. The risk premium could be based on historical experience on cost pass-throughs with similar technologies. For example, if cost
pass-throughs raised rate base by 20 percent in the past, the capacity related
price in the cost-plus bid would be raised by 20 percent for purposes of
bid evaluation.
Unequal Lives
An annuity is an equal annual payment over the life of the investment that has the same
present value as the actual, unequal annual costs of the investment.
This method is recommended by financial textbooks for evaluating investments or purchases
of unequal lives because it is incorrect to directly compare the net present value of projects
that have unequal lives.
Creditworthiness Concerns
State commissions
obligations to utility
Both the nature of the risk being addressed and the full range of ways to
mitigate that risk should be discussed. For example, consider the risk that a
specific power plant will be available to run when a supplier is in financial
distress. To address this risk, participants in the collaboration could discuss a
model PPA that could include certain terms and conditions to protect
customers such as measures that could physically give customers comfort
by knowing that they can have access to the power plant in the event of
trouble or default.
Additional requirements for both asset-backed and financial (non-asset
backed) offers that can provide additional comfort include provisions for
the supplier to pay for the replacement cost of power. At the outset, it must
be confirmed that all bidders utility and non-utility alike face this
requirement. This is important, since traditional cost-plus rates do not
include the requirement to pay for replacement costs. A requirement to pay
for replacement will require an assessment of the bidders financial status
and may trigger collateral requirements. Again, comparable standards must
be applied to all bidders. The amount of collateral required may be tied to
(a) the buyers replacement cost exposure and (b) the suppliers financial
status in terms of bond rating and net worth. Collateral requirements can
be typically met by either (1) cash, (2) a parent guarantee, and/or (3) a letter of credit. These requirements, individually or as a combination, can be
used to mitigate risks to the customers.
Two questions then arise during the competitive solicitation process. First,
should the utility assess a balance sheet penalty to the third-party suppliers
when evaluating proposals? Second, if it is assessed, how should it be
calculated? The second question is answered in detail in Appendix C,
Hypothetical Example of the Calculation of the Balance Sheet Penalty. If a
penalty is imposed, it should be calculated fairly and accurately because it could
potentially add millions of dollars to the total cost of non-affiliate proposals
and bias the results of the competitive solicitation in favor of the utility.
As to whether the balance sheet penalty should be assessed, each market
participant may have its own viewpoint. However, the state commission
should take the viewpoint of the utilitys customers. Taking their viewpoint
is important because they, and not the utility stockholders and debt
investors, are the ones that will be paying for the power and for any
penalties applied.
From the customers perspective, if the penalty is imposed, they would ask
the commission why, if the utility or the affiliate loses in the competition to
supply power because its power is higher cost and/or higher risk, should the
commission reward the utility by increasing the amount of equity return it
receives? Stated more bluntly, as a reward for not offering the best deal to
customers, the utility is asking the commission to approve an increase in
rates so that its equity investors can earn more return on equity.
Also, from the customer viewpoint, the commission should ask what level
of debt obligation customers would prefer. If the utility had two options,
either (a) build a plant that requires $150 million in debt investment or (b)
enter into a PPA with a non-affiliated supplier with capacity payments that
have a present value of $150 million, which would the customer choose? To
put a fine point on this, just think of the consequences of the worst case
the power plant simply fails to work after it is brought into commercial
operation. With the pay-for-performance PPA, the customer owes nothing,
because if there is no performance, there is no payment. In sharp contrast,
with the utilitys self-build or lease option, directly or indirectly, the customer
is on the hook for $150 million. Again, the customer clearly would choose
the pay-for-performance option.
State commissions must see that S&P looks at this with the exclusive
perspective of that of the debt investor, not the customer perspective. S&Ps
intent is to alert the debt investor to the possible off-balance sheet obligations
of a company that could compete for payment with loan repayment at
times of financial distress for the utility. Rather than just passively going
along, utilities can work with S&P to understand the terms and conditions
of the PPA and that if determined to be prudent, the PPA payments will be
made and do not compete with debt repayment. This may sway S&P to
determine that no debt equivalent should be calculated.
Properly designed
of resources.
If the RFP solicits unit-contingent asset-backed offers, then the product
should include capacity and energy. Potential bidders would include unit
sales and system sales.
Asset-backed unit-contingent offers allow customers to receive
the benefits of dispatchable generation similar to the utilities
own generation.
System sales include bids that identify a system or portfolio of assets.
This does not require that a bidder have ownership of the asset(s);
instead it requires that a bidder show proof that it has control of
the asset(s), and that the asset(s) is deliverable.
All types of resources (i.e., generation, distributed generation, demand-side
management, renewables, portfolio bids, etc.) are allowed to submit bids
provided that their bid identifies an asset(s).
Bidders must demonstrate that they are able to provide the product
that is being solicited (i.e., demand-side bids will be accepted if they
can demonstrate that they are effective alternatives to peaking capacity).
The RFP should solicit a range of contract terms to develop a diversified
portfolio and protect customers.
The utility will file with the commission its portfolio-term preferences
for approval (e.g. the utility prefers 60 percent of the RFP capacity
procured under 10-year terms, 20 percent under 5-year terms, 10
percent under 3-year terms, and 10 percent under a 1-year term).
This preference will be made public as part of the collaborative
RFP process.
The commission should promote customer risk protection by
establishing an incentive system for load serving entities to better
manage price and volatility risk.
The RFP should include a model PPA to be used as a template for bids. This
PPA will detail all the required and/or preferred price and non-price terms.
The goal is to streamline the bid evaluation process by settling most contract
issues upfront. The following items are some specific features that should be
included in the model PPA to ensure that bids can be compared equally.
1. Dispatchability: Each generation asset is dispatchable based on its
energy price plus VO&M plus transmission losses. Each bid must
submit the necessary parameters for dispatch such as:
Minimum load level,
Ramp rates,
Minimum run times, and,
Start-up times.
2. No Regulatory-Out Clause
The RFP itself will be the prudence review, and, therefore there
is no need for an ongoing prudence review of the contract.
Since there is no risk of a disallowance, there is no need for a
regulatory-out clause.
3. Force Majeure will be defined using the industry standards for
events out of the control of the parties.
4. Security Deposit
Construction Period Security Deposit shall be in the form of a
letter of credit (or an acceptable substitute) for $30,000/MW
and be applicable from the date that the winning bidder(s)
signs the PPAs until the in-service date of the asset.
Operation Period Security Deposit shall be in the form of a
A separate analysis for load-pocket location for generation is required to
determine if, and only if, system reliability requires load-pocket location for
physical needs regardless of transmission capability.
If a load pocket is a result of insufficient transmission capability,
it is an economic decision captured in the transmission cost
analysis detailed above. That is, if the cost of (a) generation
outside the load pocket plus the cost of required system
Although many non-price factors are made comparable by the
Model PPA, the value of non-price factors in bid evaluation
must be made clear in the RFP evaluation process beforehand.
For example, some value can be assigned to having completed
construction or being in an advanced stage of construction.
Confidentiality: All bids are confidential. The PPAs from winning bids may be made public upon contract signature.
Dispute Resolution: Each bidder may be entitled to a post-bid
meeting with the Bid Evaluation Team if it is omitted from the
short-list, or it is not a winner after being on the short-list. If a
grievance remains, losing bidders (a) will agree to arbitration
on matters concerning the evaluation of its bid or (b) can
appeal to the commission for serious breaches of procedure
only. The entire RFP must be re-opened if procedural breaches
are found to benefit the utility or its affiliate.
Bid Fee: A non-refundable $8,000 fee per bidder (covering up
to three bid alternatives) will be assessed to defray the cost of
the independent monitor.
The length on contract terms in the auction is short term. The FP auction
awarded two-thirds of the tranches to 10-month contracts and one-third to
34-month contracts. The HEP auction awarded contracts for 10 months
of service.
Each tranche (or block of power) is actually slightly less than 100 MW for FP to make the
number of tranches a whole number. E.g. JCP&Ls peak load is 2,973 MW, but in order to
have 30 equal size tranches the megawatts must be reduced to 99.1 MW per tranche. (99.1
MW x 30 tranches = 2,973 MW)
Once the auction is closed, the prices are final. There are no negotiations
and suppliers are required to sign a predetermined contract. While the auction
price is final, the price actually realized by suppliers varies by season. Built
into the auction are seasonal factors (greater than one for summer, less than
one for winter) that are multiplied by the auction price to take into account
seasonal variability. The factors vary by EDC for the summer from 1.11 to
1.24 and for the winter from .92 to .96. For example, PSE&Gs 10-month
FP closing auction price was 5.386 cents/kWh. Its summer factor is 1.1423,
therefore the price charged during the summer months is 6.152 cents/kWh.
Each bidder must post a letter of credit or bid bond of
$500,000 per tranche for the FP service (translates into roughly
$5/kW) and $125,000 per tranche for the HEP product for the
number of tranches offered in the first round of bids.
Depending upon creditworthiness, an additional security
deposit could be required.
Each EDC submits a load cap on the number of tranches any
one bidder is allowed to serve. The goal is to prevent any one
bidder from influencing the auction and overexposing the EDC
to a single supplier.
There are minimum and maximum statewide starting prices.
The EDCs agreed upon two prices to give the auctioneer a
range of values to begin the solicitation.
The assumed discount rate is 11 percent and it is not forced to be equal to the cost of capital
for the hypothetical equity-debt swap.
Fourth, if $27 million in equity must be added, then the utility claims that
customers must pay the pre-tax return on equity for that added equity investment. The utility asserts that the pre-tax return is about 18.5 percent (an
after-tax rate of 12 percent grossed up for income taxes of 35 percent). In the
first year, the added return on equity would be $4.98 million ($27 million
multiplied by .185). The utility calculates this added return on equity for each
year of the PPA; the dollar amount of return declines each year because the
amount of equity is shown to decline each year due to depreciation.
Fifth, before the penalty is applied, the utility deducts from the penalty the
cost of debt, since in reality the utility is asking to simply swap equity for
debt. (Actual total capitalization does not change, since the PPA causes only
imaginary debt.) Thus, the net cost is the equity return less the debt return
that would have been paid.
Sixth, the utility calculates the present value of these added annual returns
on equity after deducting the cost of debt. This present value of annual
equity returns after deducting the cost of debt is the balance sheet equalization penalty that the utility assesses against the competitive power suppliers.
Assuming a 20-year straight-line depreciation, our example would lead to a
$20.4 million penalty. That is, the utility would treat the $20.4 million
penalty as if it were a cost of signing the PPA, thus giving the utilitys own
power plants an artificial cost advantage. In this example, that advantage
amounts to artificially increasing the competitors capacity cost by 13.6
percent on a present value basis ($20.3 million divided by $150 million).
Risk Factor:
Imputed Debt:
Amortization Factor:
Discount Rate:
Depreciation Life:
Return at
Payment at
6% ( c )