DCH Complaint Against Tedi Hedstrom
DCH Complaint Against Tedi Hedstrom
DCH Complaint Against Tedi Hedstrom
A, CompainReviow
Trish Mccrary - There was an entry dated for only one day, August 21,
2001, which shows "ln-Service,48 hours". There are no documentsol
trainingmaterialsto ve ry the length of training,what topics the employee
was trainedon or that this trainingoccurred.This is a violationof Rules65C-
and65C-15.018(2), FloridaAdministrativeCode.
B. HutchosonRoview
The As File
The A's allegeTBA failedto protectlheir confidentiality. Releasingan adoptiva
parents identitywithouttheir written consentis a violationof section63.162(4)'
FloridaStatutes,and Rule65C-013,FloridaAdministrative Code
The L's File
This file indicatedthat the adoptivefamily arrivedback in the UnitedStateswith
childrenfrom Moldovain January2001. There were no post plac€mentreports
in the file. Failingto conductpost placementreviewsfor these adoptionsis a
violationof section63.125(5), FloridaStatutes,and Rule65C-16.010(4), Florida
Administrative Code.
Upori arrivaiat ttte agencythe ExecutiveDirectorfor TBA was given a list of
ctientfiles that neededto be reviewed.The K and H fileswere both requestedat
' that time. the ExecutiveDireciorfor TBA siated that neitherthe K's nor the H's
were clientsof TBA. I asked her to describeTBAS relationshipto the families.
She statedthat she had no relationshipwiih these families,.andexplainedthai
they were clientsof a differentagency,New Arrivals. She.statedthat TBA and
New Arrivals shared the same facilitator in Vietnam' and she sometimes
receivedmailforthese familiesbv mistake. She statedthat her only involvement'
was to foMard this mail to New Anivals adoptionagency. I specificallyasked
her if she had any clieniflles or had receivedany moneyfrom eitherfamily. She
statedthat the answerto bothquestionswas
20. JM is an adoptive parent who alleges that TBA offered her adopted
Vietnamesedaughter to another person for adoption,This is a violation of
21. JM allegesthat a websiteowned by TBA known as
usedto solicitdonationsusingfabricatedstoriesabout childrenbeingabusedor
and Rule65C-15.0'13,
sick. Thisis a violationof 63.212(2Xa)1.,
FloridaAdministrative Code.
22. SG and LG, are formerTBA clientswho allegethat TBA referreda child
for them to adopt,who had alreadybeen referredto anothercouple,and was no
longer availableto be adopted. This is a violationof seclion 63.212(2Xa)1.,
23. TA and DA are TBA clients who allege that TBA referredto them six
severely develoBmentallydisabled children who, when they had indjq-ateda
willingnessto adopt a child with mild behaviorproblems.This is a violationof
section63.212(2Xa)1.. FloridaStatutes
24. The A's further allegethat TBA advisedthem there was a healthychild
availablefor adoptionand that for $7000, the child would be held for them.
However,after payingthe addiiionalmoney,TBA allowedthe childto be adopted
by anothercouple. This is a violationof section63.212(2Xa)1.,
Thisdecisionconstitutes finalagencyactionunlessa personwhois substantially
afiectedby it submitsa wriftenrequestfor a hearingthat is receivedwithin
twenty-one daysfromthe date on whichhe or she receivesthis noiice. This
requestfor hearingmustalsomeetthe reqlirements of section120.562,Florida
Statutes,and eitherRula28-106.2O1 or Rule28-106.301, FloridaAdministrative
Code,or else it will be dismissedas requiredby section120.569(2)(c),
That law and thoserulesrequirethe wriftenrequestfor hearingto includelhe
1. Thenameandaddressof eachagenoyaffectedandeachagency's fileor
numberif known;
2. Thename,addressandtelephone humberof the personwhois askingfor
the hearing(thepetitioner);
3. The name and, address and telephonenumber of the petitioner's
representative, if any;
4. An exDlanation of howthe Detitioner's
substantialinterestsare or will be
atfectedbythe agencydecision;
5. A statementof whenand howthe petitioner receivednoticeof theagency
6. A statementeitherthat the oetitionerdoes not disputethe facts upon
whichthe districtreliedin makingits decisionOR a statementthat the
petitionerdoesdisputethosefactsalongwitha listof thefactsin dispute;
7. lf factsare in dispute,a statementof thefactsas the petitioner
themto be:
8. A statementof the specificrulesor statutesthat the petitionerbelieves
requiretheagencyto reverseor modifyitsdecision; and
L A statementsayingwhatactlonthe petitioner wantsthe agencyio takein
the matter.
Failureto requesta hearingin writingandwithinthe timeframesrequiredin this
noticeor failure to providethe informationrequiredby the law and rules
govemingrequestsfor Chapter120 Hearingsconslitutes a completewaiverof
any right that a substantiallyaffectedpersonmay have to challengethis
decision,and will result in the entry of a Final Order affirming this
The requestfor hearingmust be receivedby the followingpersonat the fo owing
adclresseson or before twenty-one(21) days on which this notice was first
receuedby the personrqquestingthe hearing: