Application of Decolourized and Partially Purified Polygalacturonase and A-Amylase in Apple Juice Clarification
Application of Decolourized and Partially Purified Polygalacturonase and A-Amylase in Apple Juice Clarification
Application of Decolourized and Partially Purified Polygalacturonase and A-Amylase in Apple Juice Clarification
ISSN 1678-4405
Research Paper
Polygalacturonase and a-amylase play vital role in fruit juice industry. In the present study,
polygalacturonase was produced by Aspergillus awamori Nakazawa MTCC 6652 utilizing apple
pomace and mosambi orange (Citrus sinensis var mosambi) peels as solid substrate whereas, a-amylase was produced from A. oryzae (IFO-30103) using wheat bran by solid state fermentation (SSF)
process. These carbohydrases were decolourized and purified 8.6-fold, 34.8-fold and 3.5-fold, respectively by activated charcoal powder in a single step with 65.1%, 69.8% and 60% recoveries, respectively. Apple juice was clarified by these decolourized and partially purified enzymes. In
presence of 1% polygalacturonase from mosambi peels (9.87 U/mL) and 0.4% a-amylase
(899 U/mL), maximum clarity (%T660nm = 97.0%) of juice was attained after 2 h of incubation at
50 C in presence of 10 mM CaCl2. Total phenolic content of juice was reduced by 19.8% after clarification, yet with slightly higher %DPPH radical scavenging property.
Key words: polygalacturonase, a-amylase, activated charcoal, decolourization, apple juice clarification.
Clarified apple juice is one of the most consumed
fruit juices in the world next only to orange juice (Ceci and
Lozano, 1998; Kahle et al., 2005). Raw apple juice obtained after pressing apples is turbid, brown in colour, very
viscous and tends to settle during storage, so it must be clarified prior to its commercialization. Polysaccharides (pectin, cellulose, hemicellulose and starch), proteins, tannins,
metals and microorganisms are mainly responsible for the
apple juice turbidity. Conventional clarification processes
aim to eliminate the insoluble solids and destroy pectic substances by degrading pectin and starch with specific enzymes, flocculating cloudiness with clarifying agents (bentonite, gelatine and/or silicasol) (Grampp, 1977) and
filtering through plate and frame or vacuum Oliver-type filters. Pectin is the main substance responsible for cloudiness
of apple juice. The process of depectinisation involves the
Send correspondence to T.B. Dey. Lignocellulose Biotechnology Laboratory, Department of Microbiology, University of Delhi South Campus, Benito
Juarez Road, 110021 New Delhi, India. E-mail:,
Starch content was analyzed using iodine-starch reaction following the method of Carrin et al. (2004). Iodine solution (126.9 mg/L) was prepared by mixing same volume
of 0.1 M iodine and 5% potassium iodide. An aliquot of
5 mL appropriately diluted sample was mixed with 2.5 mL
of cold iodine solution and after 10 min at 25 C the absorbance was read at 615 nm with the Spectrophotometer. Results were compared with a calibration curve made with
corn starch solutions of different concentrations.
on a-amylase and polygalacturonase purification by exploiting activated charcoal. In the present study, purification fold and enzyme recovery were significantly high in
this single step purification process.
Apple juice clarification by charcoal purified
Polygalacturonase treatment
It was observed that in presence of 1% (v/v) polygalacturonase from mosambi peel (9.87 U/mL), maximum
clarity (%T660 nm = 96.4) of juice was attained after 2 h of incubation at 50 C. After 3 h of incubation, %T660 nm remained constant. Although the polygalacturonase activity
was lower in case of mosambi peel fermented product, it
was most effective compared to polygalacturonase from
apple pomace. Similarly, Nakkeeran et al. (2011) found
that high activity polygalacturonase did not result in good
juice clarity. Hence, 1% polygalacturonase from mosambi
peel (9.87 U/mL) was taken as optimum concentration for
apple juice clarification. Results are presented in Table 1.
Upon enzymatic treatment, polygalacturonase broke down
the pectin molecules of apple juice, which facilitated the
formation of pectin-protein flocs leaving a clear supernatant and significantly removing the colloidal part of the
juice (Yusof and Nurzarina, 1994; Alvarez et al., 1998). In
general, enzyme concentration is the most important factor
influencing the enzyme clarification. Increase in polygalacturonase concentration increased the %T660 nm or rate of
clarification (Table 1) by exposing part of the positively
charged protein beneath, thus reducing electrostatic repulsion between cloud particles which cause these particles to
aggregate to larger particles and eventually settle out. Ishii
and Yokotsuka (1972) found a slight stimulation by 0.7%
CaCl2 in experiments on the clarification of Golden delicious apple juice by pectinlyase. Szajer and Szajer (1982)
observed that enzymatic clarification of apple juice was
stimulated by Ca2+ ions in a concentration of 10-2 M by
pectinlyase from Penicillium paxilii. Pectinlyase needs this
ion as a cofactor. In the present study, there was no significant effect of 10 mM CaCl2 on polygalacturonase treatment.
a-Amylase treatment
a-Amylase, decolourized by 12.5% activated charcoal was utilized for apple juice clarification. Unclarified
juice contained 1.143 g/L starch. Figure 2 shows that in
presence of CaCl2, with 40 mL a-amylase i.e. 0.4% a-amylase concentration, starch content reduced to 0.33 g/L then
it remained constant. Therefore, 0.4% a-amylase was taken
as optimum concentration for starch degradation. On the
other hand, starch was not degraded in absence of CaCl2
as pH of the apple juice was 3.4 and incubated at 50 C for
2 h. In such a condition a-amylase activity of A. oryzae
should be very less (Sahnoun et al., 2012). Some amount of
Table 1 - Effects of incubation period and polygalacturonase concentration on apple juice clarification
Type of enzyme
% Transmittance at 660 nm
With 10 mM
Polygala-cturonase 0
from apple pomace
(14.3 U/mL)
Without 10 mM
With 10 mM
Without 0 mM
With 10 mM
Without 10 mM
42.6 0.5
44.0 0.7
43.0 0.9
44.5 0.8
44.0 0.5
44.5 0.6
47.2 0.6
48.9 0.8
83.3 0.7
83.4 0.4
84.1 0.7
84.5 0.7
50.9 0.3
50.5 0.3
86.7 0.6
87.6 0.5
87.9 0.6
88.0 0.6
52.0 0.5
52.1 0.5
86.8 0.7
87.8 0.5
89.9 0.4
90.1 0.4
52.3 0.5
53.7 0.8
89.3 0.8
88.7 0.4
90.3 0.4
91.0 0.8
52.4 0.6
53.7 0.9
89.6 0.6
88.9 0.9
91.0 0.3
91.8 0.5
Polygala-cturonase 0
from mosambi peel
(9.87 U/mL)
44.5 0.6
44.0 0.7
43.0 0.7
44.5 0.9
44.5 0.9
44.5 0.6
84.5 0.7
47.4 0.7
86.7 0.9
87.9 0.5
87.9 0.5
86.1 0.4
88.0 0.6
54.1 0.5
91.5 0.8
91.1 0.4
91.1 0.4
93.1 0.3
90.1 0.4
58.4 0.8
92.6 0.8
92.8 0.5
92.8 0.5
94.4 0.7
91.0 0.8
69.1 0.9
96.4 0.4
95.0 0.3
95.0 0.3
95.0 0.2
91.8 0.5
70.2 0.4
96.7 0.5
95.6 0.5
95.6 0.5
95.5 0.5
juice yields. In the present study, although the yield increased only 2%, it will be cost-effective for large-scale
juice production.
Table 2 shows that after clarification, the %T660 nm of
juice was 97%, without gelatin/bentonite treatment and
ultrafiltration. It was also observed that there was no difference of %T660 nm value of 10 mM CaCl2 treated and untreated unclarified juice. Hence, without enzymatic
treatment, CaCl2 was not participating in depectinization of
apple juice.
After enzyme treatment, the colour intensity of the
juice reduced (A440 nm = 0.280) and the viscosity came down
by 40%. The turbidity decreased from 31.6 to 3.9 NTU in
clarified juice and after two months of storage at 4 C it was
4.1 NTU. There was no difference in turbidity values be-
%T660 nm
Absorbance at 440 nm
Viscosity reduction
Turbidity (NTU)
Reducing sugar
102.6 mg/mL
103.0 mg/mL
110.8 mg/mL
1.26 mg/mL
1.25 mg/mL
1.01 mg/mL
a-Amylase and polygalacturonase were successfully
decolourized and purified by activated charcoal with significantly high purification fold and recovery. Hence, activated
charcoal having efficient adsorption power can be utilized
for cost-effective downstream processing of these enzymes.
The method can be easily applied in large scale purification
process for commercial use. Decolourized a-amylase and
polygalacturonase were utilized for the clarification of apple
juice fruitfully. The influence of calcium ions was remarkable as enzymatic clarification of the juice was stimulated by
Ca2+ ions. The clarification process was very simple, easy
and cost-effective and the clarified juice was stable above
two months. The clarified juice had less phenolic content,
however, with higher DPPH radical scavenging property. It
can be concluded that the calcium fortified antioxidant rich
apple juice would be a good health drink.
The authors are thankful to Late Prof. B.C. Bhattacharyya for providing the novel NB system designed by
him. The authors gratefully acknowledge the Department
of Biotechnology, Govt. of India, New Delhi for financial
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