Dynamics AX 2009 Food and Beverage Solution

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Process Industries

Solutions for Food and Beverage Manufacturing

Process Industries for Microsoft Dynamics AX

BENEFITS Food and beverage manufacturers contend with fluctuating consumer

demand, strict government regulations, and raw material variability. With
• Balance production with demand for Process Industries for Microsoft Dynamics® AX, food and beverage
greater profitability. Use rebate and companies have the tools they need to plan for demand, help meet quality
promotion functionality to drive sales, and compliance standards, and manage their inventory while maintaining
compare sales against inventory status to excellent customer service.
adjust production as needed, and eliminate
waste by distributing inventory in optimal Process Industries for Microsoft Dynamics AX can help you optimize production
sequence using shelf-life tracking. processes, speed the flow of goods, and meet your delivery commitments. With
access to real-time inventory levels, you can adjust your forecasts and inventory to
• Help manage safety, quality, and
help ensure adequate supply for demand. Process Industries for Microsoft Dynamics
compliance requirements. Document
AX also provides lot tracking, specification management, and production statistics
standard processes and track operations to
reporting so you can detect and address problems early and consistently produce
meet detailed regulatory requirements of
high-quality products.
the U.S. Food and Drug Administration

• Manage inventory with precision.

Centrally manage co-products and by-
products in your formulas and recipes,
access inventory status for any item at any
time, and assign production and overhead
costs to co-products and by-products.

• Reduce manufacturing and labor costs.

Monitor operations at a detailed level by
keeping a close watch on yields and labor Take advantage of an easy way to create and manage formulas.
and tracking material usage, and plan
production shifts to maximize capacity while With robust planning and analysis tools in Process Industries for Microsoft Dynamics
maintaining your customer commitments. AX, you can model and manage an unlimited number of inputs and outputs through
• Maximize your IT investments. Tight a recipe and formula management system. The business intelligence it delivers helps
integration with other Microsoft® products you to make timely adjustments in response to changes in the market and commodity
extends Process Industries for Microsoft prices. By effectively managing processing of costly ingredients, you can minimize
Dynamics AX capabilities to help ensure a overruns and short runs to reduce waste and meet customer demand.
fast return on investment.

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Catch weight and recipe-based • Track and manage inventory simultaneously using two non-converted UOMs, such as
units of measure (UOMs) weight and area.
• Enter product volumes and weights based on actual measurements rather than through UOM
conversion routines to minimize material variances.
• Capture and use as-produced weight (catch weight) to help ensure accurate inventory
management and costing.

Input-driven recipe • Define all the production resources, including ingredients, co-products and by-products,
specification machines, labor, utilities, and quality assurance variables.

Attribute tracking and • Define and maintain an unlimited number of qualitative and quantitative attributes at the product
dynamic formula adjustment and lot levels.
• Adjust formulas based on predefined ratios and scaling.

Centralized quality control • Use integrated QC and lot traceability to link raw materials through the production process to
(QC) and regulatory support final delivery.
• Support U.S. Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) safety guidelines and
FDA requirements.

Promotional planning • Model demand at any level of the supply chain (product, product group, customer, and customer
group) while accounting for the anticipated effects of sales promotions and incentives.

Yield planning and tracking • Establish standards for yield using formulas, and then track and report actual yields against
those standards to quickly identify out-of-tolerance conditions, isolate the cause, and take
corrective actions.

Co-product/by-product • Analyze co-product and by-product attributes and costs, and credit their values to the
management appropriate finished goods.

Customizable item and • Define multiple inventory dimensions and gain insight into stocking practices, including
dimensionality structure packaging, main item variations, lot management, and inventory status.
• Conduct comprehensive “where-used” analysis, including alternate formula and recipe tracking.

Variable inventory and order • Monitor inventory using dual UOMs to manage total weight and packaging units.
tracking • Track order status using real-time updates on net purchasing, production, and
capacity requirements.

Integrated QC capabilities • Know the correct inventory status for any given item, including designations for QC testing,
QC failed, and downgrade of product.
• Manage quarantined products throughout the QC process and track their release.

Customized product and • Enable customers to request multiple quality specifications per product while maintaining
packaging capabilities inventory visibility.
• Support highly flexible configurations and packaging types while combining similar products in
production to improve machine utilization.

Detailed production costs • Analyze and monitor production costs and requirements for each component of a sales order
analysis using graphical representations of multi-level formulas and recipes.

Optimized picking • Pull inventory in optimal sequence, employing “best-before” management.

• Employ first expired/first out (FEFO) or first in/first out (FIFO) calculations for inventory picking,
reducing inventory, and eliminating waste.

Manufacturing process • Help streamline compliance with requirements from regulatory agencies by validating
validation manufacturing processes.

For more information about Process Industries for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009, visit

This document is for information purposes only.


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