Chick Size Matters: Chick Weight and Length
Chick Size Matters: Chick Weight and Length
Chick Size Matters: Chick Weight and Length
Quantity or quality?
Traditionally, the performance of the
hatchery is judged by the number of
chicks it produces from the setting of fertile eggs. Increasingly, that judgement is
further consolidated by factoring in the
cost price per chick hatched. Although
quantity and cost price are important issues, they fall short of fully describing
the influence that the hatchery can have
in determining results throughout the
Table 1 Average weight and length of chick parameters per group of chick length 30
Influence of length
As we increase our knowledge about the
influence the length and development of
a day old chick subsequently has on the
birds performance, many questions are
raised and many of the consequences
are currently under investigation:
Research has shown that there is a positive correlation between chick length
at moment of hatch and broiler performance at six weeks of age.
It has also been observed that the
length of the intestinal tract increases
with chick length, which may indicate
a more developed gut system.
The yolk contains the maternal antibodies that mother hen passes on to
her offspring to protect them against
the disease challenges she is experiencing. If there is a difference in utilisation of the yolk during incubation, it is
feasible that a day-old chick that has
not absorbed more yolk may also not 31