Autonomous Indoor Helicopter Flight Using A Single Onboard Camera

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Autonomous Indoor Helicopter Flight using a Single Onboard Camera

Sai Prashanth Soundararaj and Arvind K. Sujeeth

Electrical Engineering Department
Stanford University, USA

Ashutosh Saxena
Computer Science Department
Cornell University, USA


Abstract We consider the problem of autonomously flying a

helicopter in indoor environments. Navigation in indoor settings
poses two major challenges. First, real-time perception and
response is crucial because of the high presence of obstacles.
Second, the limited free space in such a setting places severe
restrictions on the size of the aerial vehicle, resulting in a frugal
payload budget.
We autonomously fly a miniature RC helicopter in small
known environments using an on-board light-weight camera as
the only sensor. We use an algorithm that combines data-driven
image classification with optical flow techniques on the images
captured by the camera to achieve real-time 3D localization
and navigation. We perform successful autonomous test flights
along trajectories in two different indoor settings. Our results
demonstrate that our method is capable of autonomous flight
even in narrow indoor spaces with sharp corners.

Unmanned aerial vehicles have several indispensable applications in surveillance, intelligence and search and rescue
(SAR) operations. We address the problem of autonomous
flights in indoor environments, which often have only limited
free space and may contain a number of obstacles. These
constraints limit the potential size of the aerial vehicle.
Miniature radio controlled helicopters are particularly
suited for indoor navigation due to their low-speed flight
and in-place hovering capabilities. However, their small size
places a frugal payload restriction on weight and power
supply. Miniature cameras are an attractive option because
they are small, passive sensors with low power requirements.
In comparison, other sensors such as lasers (an active sensing
method, e.g., Hokuyo [11]) are heavy (450g) and have high
power requirements (500mA). In our work, therefore, we use
a miniature light-weight camera (Fig. 1) as the sensor.
Related work on autonomous helicopter flight in outdoor
settings such as [1], [8], [9], [5] have led to terrific control
algorithms capable of performing extreme aerobatic maneuvers. However, navigation in indoor environments pose
complementary challenges both in the perception and control

Indoor navigation is more of an accurate perception and

navigation problem than a control problem; it is crucial
to be able to navigate within close quarters of obstacles
in real-time.
The smaller RC helicopters are limited in their payload
capacities (less than 70g). This allows only light-weight
sensors (such as small cameras) to be used.

Fig. 1.
Our miniature indoor helicopter (13.6in rotor diameter, 227g
weight). Inset on the right shows the miniature wireless camera used.

Images from the on-board video capture are subject to

severe vibrations due to helicopter motion.

To address these issues, we develop a purely vision-based

system, where we fly the helicopter autonomously using
only images from a single on-board camera. We consider
the following scenario: there is a ground robot that moves
around the environment, takes images and builds a map of
the environment (e.g., [22]). For example, we earlier used our
STanford AI Robot (STAIR) to navigate and take pictures in
our building [13]. Now, our miniature helicopter can take
the images from an on-board camera and fly autonomously
in these environments using this database in real-time. We
present an algorithm which uses a non-parametric learning
algorithm (K-nearest neighbor with cover trees implementation, see Section IV-B for perception). The output of
this algorithm is used in a PD (proportional differential)
controller to control the helicopter.
Our algorithm and controller framework are capable of
autonomously maintaining stable in-place hover of the helicopter, as well as following user-defined trajectories in
environments with limited free space. It is also capable of
correcting for drifts in motion, enabling it to maneuver in
narrow regions without crashing into boundaries.
We test our algorithm in two different environments. One
of them has sharp corners and obstacles along the sides of
a confined space and the robot has to correct for drift to
remain in the free space. The other has free space but few

discriminative features. We show that using our image-based

algorithm, our helicopter is able to fly successfully within
user-defined trajectories in both these environments.
There is a long and distinguished list of prior work on
autonomous helicopters in outdoor environments. We refer
the reader to a few papers ([1], [8], [9], [5]) because our
problem of indoor flight addresses different issues.
Several researchers have previously performed indoor
flight experiments. However, these are usually conducted in
uncluttered open spaces and using the more stable quad-rotor
helicopter models. For example, Tournier et al. [25] used
known patterns (Moire patterns) pasted in the environment
to estimate the attitude and position of quad-rotor vehicles.
He et al. [10] flew a quad-rotor in GPS denied indoor
environments, using a Hokuyo laser (a device that gives
3D depth). Roberts et al. [20] used infra-red and ultrasonic
sensors to fly a quad-rotor indoor in a large (7 6m) room,
while [12] used vision to make a quad-rotor hover stably
in an indoor environment. Quad-rotors, however, have larger
dimensions (e.g., 730mm in span for [3], 550mm for [20])
that make it harder for them to navigate in constrained
Mejias et al. [14] used vision to land a helicopter while
avoiding power lines. Nicoud and Zufferey [17] discussed the
tradeoffs of designing indoor helicopters while D. Schafroth
et al. [21] designed various test benches for micro helicopters
and designed a dual-rotor single-axis helicopter with an
omnidirectional camera. Mori et al. [16] used markers to
stably hover a co-axial helicopter and go from one marker
to another.
In other related work, Michels et al. [15] used an onboard camera for autonomous obstacle avoidance in a small
RC car driving at high speeds. They compute image features
by convolving the image with a number of filters, and used
linear regression to predict distances to obstacles.
One can also build a map of the environment using Visual
SLAM (e.g., [27], [6], [22]), in which the map is built
using images captured from a camera. Ribnick et al. [19]
estimate positions and velocities from monocular views.
Such methods for estimating position/location from visual
landmarks have been used in many robots which navigate
on 2D ground.
In comparison to ground vehicles, aerial vehicles have
additional challenges posed by their 3D movement and
the additional degrees of freedom in helicopter orientation.
Furthermore, in the case of aerial navigation in highly
constrained spaces, we require very fast response times;
additional computation (e.g. feature computation) can prohibitively increase the latency of the controller.
Our method of using images captured from a miniature
camera could be applied to autonomous flights of other small
aerial robots as well. For example, extremely small robots
such as 25mm long micro-mechanical flying insects [7] can
use miniature cameras.

Fig. 2. The controller setup showing the wireless image receiver, the laptop
and the wireless transmitter.


Our test platform is based on the E-flite Blade CX2 and
Blade CX3 coaxial helicopters (Fig. 1). These are cheap,
ready-to-fly micro helicopters. Each helicopters rotor diameter is 0.36m (with the landing gear in place) this enables
it to fly even in confined spaces. However, its total weight
is 227g and allows a payload with a maximum weight of
only 70g. We chose the coaxial model because it provides
stable flight and is considerably easier to control than its
dual rotor counterparts. A Swan EagleEye wireless camera is
mounted on-board (Fig. 1 inset) to stream images in real-time
to the control algorithm. The camera is small (22 24 27
mm), light-weight (14g), and has low power consumption
(100 mA). It relays back images of 640 x 480 resolution
at 30 frames per second. This camera is our only perception
source for the helicopter control we do not even use inertial
sensors in our algorithm.
A wireless receiver attached to the laptop is used to
receive the streaming frames. We use a commercial interface,
Endurances PCTx, to link the transmitter to the USB port
of the laptop, via the trainer port (see Fig. 2). This enables
the helicopter to be controlled via the PC using our control
algorithm. We use the Spektrum DX6i 2.4 GHz transmitter,
which is capable of translating PPM input to DSM signals
that are broadcast to the helicopter.
There are various methods one can use for visual perception, such as using SIFT features or dense 3D reconstruction.
While SIFT features can provide additional robustness, it
comes at the expense of increased computation time. In our
real-time application, any elaborate computation is unsustainable. Furthermore, since SIFT features tend to be specific,
they have little hope of generalizing to similar but unknown
environments. With these limitations in mind, we chose a
simpler strategy that can still provide efficient and robust

For image-based localization, we use a non-parametric

learning algorithm (nearest-neighbors implemented with
cover trees, described below). It gives us a global prediction of the state (location and orientation) of the
helicopter. We will also use a scoring function for taking into
account helicopter dynamics while predicting the location.
Finally, we obtain velocity estimates using optical flowi. Our
PD controller combines the two predictions (global location
estimate and velocity estimate) to generate commands for
the helicopter.
For the purposes of flying a robot indoors, its (x, y)
location, its height z and the angle (yaw) to which
the helicopter points are sufficient to describe a hovering
location. The other two orientations of the helicopter
(pitch) and (roll) are close to zero in the stable state of the
helicopter, and become non-zero only when the helicopter is
controlled to move to a new location. Therefore, we describe
the state of the helicopter as = (x, y, z, ).
A. Image database using Cover Trees
A cover tree [2] is a computationally-efficient data structure for performing nearest neighbor lookups from a large
database. (There are many other implementations for fast
nearest neighbor lookups, e.g. KD trees [18]; cover trees are
most suited for our purpose because they are not as limited
by the number of dimensions.) It represents the data points
in a tree structure with storage size linear in the number of
data points. This enables one to store visual maps of a large
scale environment, such as a building.
Database retrieval can be performed using a number of
methods. Cummins and Newmann [6] used interest points
on small image patches as the basis of representation. This
method is useful for recognizing a specific image feature in
the database. Since our images contain extensive motion blur
due to helicopter motion, it is harder to recognize individual
features. Therefore, we use the whole image as the basis of
the representation.
In the field of computer vision, Torralba [24] presented
the idea of tiny images for large databases. They started with
80 million images from the Internet, and despite projecting
it down to only a few dimensions, they were still able
to recognize objects given a new image. Motivated by
[24] and [26], we reduce the dimension of a full image
from our camera from 307200 pixels to 32 using Principal
Components Analysis (PCA) (See Fig. 3). This significantly
reduces the storage and computational requirements. Each
vector q R32 for a frame is stored as a point in the
cover tree C. This allows us to perform fast classification
of an incoming test frame by searching for the K-Nearest
Neighbors using its PCA projection. We chose the K-Nearest
Neighbors (kNN) algorithm to classify a frame with respect
to its position and attitude because it is a fast, data-driven
B. Prediction with spatial proximity
Visually, two images corresponding to different locations
often look very similar even if they are of two spatially

Fig. 3.

Image frames before and after Principal Component Analysis.

distinct areas. For example, one hallway would look exactly

the same as another. In order to disambiguate, we maintain
a history H of the past few states (five in our experiments)
of the helicopter. Since we know that the helicopter cannot
change its location drastically in a short interval, we can
use this memory of past states to improve the estimation
of the helicopters location. In detail, when a new frame is
received from the helicopters camera, we extract the K nearest neighbors (n1 , n2 , . . . , nK , with labels 1 , 2 , . . . , K
ordered from closest to farthest) from its PCA projection
using cover trees. We compute the score J for each of the
i = 1, 2, ..., K nearest neighbors.
J(i ) =
||i Hj ||2

where Hj represents the j image in the image history. We

then define the i with the lowest (best) score J as
= arg min J(i )


to be the current prediction (with corresponding nearest

neighbor n ).1
However, in many cases, our image-based classification is
not unimodal in that it needs to maintain multiple beliefs
about its state. For example, consider a helicopter flying
in a hallway and facing a wall; turning either left or right
would result in a similar visual appearance. An algorithm
that uses Kalman filters also suffers from this problem when
the belief about the state is not unimodal. Particle filters [23]
provide a nice method to address this issue; however, they
are computationally intensive. As a simplification of these
methods, we account for the case where the helicopter has
high confidence in its state due to a location with a visually
discriminative feature. We therefore estimate the state as
= arg min(||n q||2 , ||n1 q||2 )


where q is the query point and is a coefficient between

0 and 1 indicating the confidence in the closest point, i.e.,
a parameter describing the relative confidence of the values
1 In practice, we take three neighbors (i = 1, 2, 3) with lowest score J,
and define the expected state as
0 =
wi i ,


i wi = 1. Using instead of mitigates a number of errors
caused by noise.

obtained from the spatial proximity estimate n1 as compared

to the nearest neighbor value n . This estimate is then taken
to be the prediction of the current state of the helicopter.
C. Optical Flow
Self-created turbulence and random drifts are a common
occurrence when flying miniature RC helicopters. To help
stabilize the helicopter against these unwanted movements,
we use the optical flow across images to estimate the
helicopters current velocity and direction of motion. This
velocity estimate is then used by the control algorithm to
stabilize the helicopter as described in Section IV-D. The
main idea is to provide a counter-acting effect that helps
prevent the helicopter from turning or moving too drastically
in a short period, giving it additional stability.
Optical flow is implemented using 400 features and
OpenCVs implementation of the Pyramidal Lucas Kanade
(PLK) algorithm [4]. We calculate the total optical flow as
the mean over all the features for each frame (we additionally
apply a median filter in time to remove outliers). Fig. 4 shows
the calculated optical flow on an example frame, and the inset
shows the attitude estimated by kNN. We sum the horizontal
components of the optical flow in the horizontal direction to
get Orow , and sum in the vertical direction to get Ocol .

vision (current location from kNN and velocity estimate from

optical flow) to stabilize the helicopter as:
x = 1 (xdesired x
) + 1 x
y = 2 (ydesired y) + 2 yOF

z = 3 (zdesired z) + 3 zOF

= 4 desired + 4 OF


OF = Orow cos , yOF = Orow sin and zOF =

where x
Ocol are the velocity estimates calculated by optical flow
in x, y and z-directions, respectively. and are tunable
parameters, estimated through controlled experiments.
By varying the desired (or goal) values continuously, we
can make the helicopter follow trajectories and maintain
orientations in space. For example, when the helicopter is
at its desired location, the first term in each of the equations
would be close to zero, and the second optical flow term
would prevent the helicopter from moving due to a few
We can give four control commands to the helicopter
throttle T (mostly changes z), rudder R (mostly changes ),
elevator E (mostly moves the helicopter forward/backward)
and aileron A (mostly moves the helicopter left/right). We
write a control command as C = (A, E, T, R). Note that the
stable control commands are (0, 0, 0, 0), i.e., the state of
the helicopter with correct trim settings. A non-zero control
would give the helicopter a velocity in a particular direction.
We compute the commands to be given to the helicopter
from the desired velocity

C = M


where M R44 is the control mixing matrix.2

E. Data Collection

Fig. 4.

Optical flow computed from a typical image.

D. Control Algorithm
The inputs to our control algorithm are the image frames
relayed in real-time from the on-board wireless camera. Our
algorithm uses these to estimate the current position and
velocity of the helicopter and then outputs those estimates
to a PD controller.
We will first describe how we use the vision output to
generate desired velocity controls for the helicopter. Let the
current state of the helicopter be ; the noisy estimate of the

= (
state obtained using our kNN algorithm is
x, y, z, );
and the desired values (e.g. xdesired ) are the coordinates
that we want to move towards. We combine the output of

Our method uses a data-driven supervised learning algorithm for estimating the current state of the helicopter.
This necessitates a labeled training data set. Our training
data consists of videos taken along uniformly spaced points
in each environment. At each point, we take a training video
by rotating first clockwise and then counter-clockwise at
approximately uniform velocity, which provides a continuous
set of labels at a particular (x,y) coordinate. We also take
training videos at a fixed along a line of points in both x
and y directions at varying heights z.3 The data points are
then labeled assuming that the motion was uniform during
each training video.
To construct our final training datasets, we additionally
apply a Gaussian blur to each frame of the training videos
and add those to the training set along with the normal
2 M is mostly a diagonal matrix with the gains hand-tuned. Only a
few off-diagonal entries are non-zero, (i.e., the trim correlations), for
example, changing elevator mostly moves the helicopter forward/backward
but also slightly changes z. Finally, since our representation (x, y)
is in global coordinates, the first 2 2 components of M have
[cos , sin ; sin , cos ].
3 We use a combination of different initial orientations to reduce the
labeling error due to imprecision in the data collection process.

Fig. 5.

Controller interface showing location estimate and control signal

unblurred frames. This helps account for varying amounts of

motion blur (which depends on the velocity of the helicopter)
in the in-flight video stream.
We often encountered significant problems with radio
frequency interference in the wireless receiver for the onboard camera. To mitigate this, we used a fast and reasonably
accurate filter based on the histogram of an images edges.
We applied the noise filter to both the training sets and the
incoming frames in real-time.
A. Controller Interface
The interface was designed to provide us flexibility in
running experiments, having a smooth control of navigation
and effective realtime feedback. We use Endurances low
level PCTx driver for communicating through the radiocontroller interface. Fig. 5 shows a screenshot of the controller during an actual flight. The display presents several
pertinent real-time results to the user: the video stream from
the helicopters wireless camera, and displays showing the
current kNN estimates for location and orientation, optical
flow value and command signals generated by the control
B. Simulator
We implemented a simple simulator of helicopter behavior
to test our vision algorithm (Fig. 5). The simulator builds a
database to model the spatial structure of the surroundings
based on a test video. It interacts with the vision and control
framework by accepting a control command, retrieving the
image frame that would have resulted if the command was
issued to the helicopter in the actual setting, and passing the
frame to the controller.4 The retrieval is done by searching
for the image in the test video closest to the estimated
state. We also simulate the latency of the helicopter response
due to communication/processing delays and physical effects
such as inertia. The simulator enables us to both verify
classification accuracy along trajectories and visualize the
controllers dynamics.
4 The

resulting image frame is an approximation, since it is constrained

to be a frame present in the test video.

Fig. 6.

An image showing our test environment E1.

We tested our algorithm in two different locations. Our
first environment (E1) is a relatively feature-less open rectangular space (4.8 4.8m). This environment provides few
obstacles for the helicopter, but poses a challenging localization problem. Conversely, our second environment (E2)
is in a constrained space (1.8 3.6m) with narrow corridors
(1.3m wide) and a sharp turn, where even minor deviations
in flight can cause a crash. We collected 28306 and 31559
training frames in E1 and E2 respectively. After projecting
to 32 dimensions using the PCA model, storing the training
model required only 9.51 MB and 12.5 MB. Figures 6 and 10
provide a view of each respective test environment.

Fig. 7. An overhead view showing the trajectory the helicopter has to

follow in E2. Note that this map only shows two degrees of freedom out
of a possible four for our helicopter.

(a) x-component
Fig. 8.

(c) -component

(b) y-component

A square trajectory in environment E1. Blue shows the ground-truth and red shows the predicted location. (Best viewed in color)

(a) x-component
Fig. 9.

(c) -component

(b) y-component

A trajectory in environment E2. Blue shows the ground-truth and red shows the predicted location. (Best viewed in color)


E1 ( RAND )
E2 ( RAND )

( MEAN )


( MEAN )






A. Simulator Results
We collected six test videos in E1 and four in E2. The
test videos were collected along various trajectories. Fig. 8
a,b shows the x and y classification results on a typical test
video in E1; this video was taken along a square-path where
the helicopter was pointing along the direction of movement.
Fig. 8c shows another trajectory in which x and y are kept
constant, but is panned.
We tested our framework on a significantly harder trajectory in E2 which consists of a narrow corridor with obstacles
on either sides followed by a sharp turn around a corner
and into a second section of the corridor (see Fig. 7). Fig. 9
shows the simulated results of this trajectory. The constrained
nature of this path makes accurate classification especially
important for robust traversal. We see that the predicted
results follow the ground truth trajectory quite closely. As
shown in Fig. 7 and 10, the trajectory consists of two laps.
In the first part, x and remain mostly constant and y
increases as we move forward in a nearly straight line while
maintaining a safe distance from the sides. In the second part,

( MEAN )


the helicopter turns (thus changing to a different value)

and follows the second corridor in which both x and y are
Table I shows the average and median error for x, y
and . We get good results for predicting the position and
orientation estimates in both environments for instance, a
mean error of only 12.9 (with random baseline of 90 )5 for
the estimate. Because of a few errors in the prediction,
our mean errors increase significantly. Its is also worth
noting that the classification error is low even in E1, despite
the environment being virtually featureless. Additionally,
our controller can handle a few misclassifications without
jeopardizing the flight because it would correct itself in
consecutive frames.6 Therefore, we also report median errors.
These trajectories show typical results and are a reasonable
test case for our classification algorithm; however, in reality
5 Random means that we randomly predict the orientation drawn uniformly from all possible locations
6 Furthermore, the classifier only provides a global location estimate; local
position is well stabilized by the optical flow.

the results can vary due to imperfect modeling of helicopter

dynamics. Therefore, we test our algorithm with actual flights
in the two test locations.
B. Real Test Flights: System Details
Real-time perception, processing and response is crucial
for our algorithm. We therefore performed several optimizations to meet these constraints. Table II shows the execution
time of key components of our system when using different
dimensions for the PCA projection. The data was collected
on a Dell XPS 1330 laptop with a 2.4 GHz Core 2 Duo
processor. The on-board video camera captures at 30 frames
per second (fps). Using the 32 dimension PCA model in
our experiments, we were able to to achieve nearly real-time
response by dropping every other frame. Fast response is
extremely important for flying the helicopter successfully;
therefore, we trade-off a slight degradation in classification
accuracy for an order of magnitude improvement in processing time.

32- DIM
64- DIM
256- DIM

PCA ( MS )

K NN ( MS )




running into the walls or the chairs. This is a significant

challenge in this narrow area, where even a small drift or
gust of turbulence can cause the helicopter to hit a wall
very quickly. In this case, our algorithm corrects for both
lateral and panning drift to avoid nearby obstacles. When
the helicopter reaches the end of the corridor, it successfully
turns and traverses the corridor again.
In the more challenging trajectory in E2 (shown in Fig. 7
and 10), the helicopter flies through the corridor and autonomously turns around a corner to go to the second part
of the corridor. This trajectory was even more constrained
than the first. The helicopter had to pass through narrow
areas (only 1.30m wide) multiple timeswith the diameter
of the helicopter (and the landing gear) as 0.36m, this left
only 0.47m free space on each side of the helicopter. In this
small space, the helicopter must automatically turn around
the corner while continuing to maintain a safe distance from
the walls and the obstacles. Our attached videos shows a
few typical clips out of the many experiments we did in this
There are a few limitations of the current system. The
throttle controls are very sensitive and we found it hard to
automatically maintain the desired height accurately. This
causes the helicopter to drift up and down, potentially
resulting in a few additional misclassifications. We plan to
improve this to fly the helicopter more robustly.

C. Real Test Flights: Results and Discussion

We performed several experiments in the two environments along various trajectories.7 We ran experiments using
both the Blade CX2 and the CX3 helicopters with no changes
to the algorithm. We have the videos available at (some
of the clips are also shown in the video attached with the
We used our algorithm to perform several hovering and
panning trajectories. Our algorithm is robust in maintaining
orientation. In E1, the open space is nearly symmetric, so
several locations (e.g. the hallways) have unusually high rates
of misclassification. Despite this, our algorithm is still able
to autonomously pan to a desired orientation and maintain
stable hovering; the combined update equation allows it to
pass through less stable positions until it fixes on the desired
Next, we perform a number of trajectories in different
environments - for example, an L-shaped trajectory in E1
(not shown in the video). In one trajectory in E2 (see Fig. 10),
the helicopter has to fly from one end of the room to another
back and forth (including turning automatically) without
7 Test flight procedure: Landing and taking-off of the helicopter was
done manually. After taking-off, the control was handed over to our vision
algorithm. The sub-trims of the helicopter control were also set manually
before the flighta standard procedure for human helicopter pilots.

We presented a control algorithm for indoor helicopter

navigation based on fast nearest neighbors classification for
3D localization and optical flow for velocity estimation.
Our algorithm was successfully able to fly a miniature RC
helicopter autonomously in known but constrained indoor
spaces. The algorithm requires only a single light-weight
camera for visual perception and control. Our approach
extends the approaches of past work (e.g. 2D ground and
pattern-based image localization) to the more difficult problem of 3D flight with a miniature helicopter in multiple challenging environments. We believe that our results
demonstrate that in the future, even miniature aerial robots
could fly autonomously using only a single camera as the
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