Classification of Emergency Situations
Classification of Emergency Situations
Classification of Emergency Situations
The classification is not only important for science, but it is also one of the basic components of
the common sense thinking. It is used in the process that goes from identification1 to comparison, as
a logical action. In order to be feasible, the classification needs to be supported by a derived description of the subject of consideration, i.e. of the research.
The researches that have been conducted so far, being predominantly focused on the classification
of emergencies, are very rare. Moreover, scientific endeavours tackling description and explanation of
certain subjects of research concerning emergencies or the research as a whole, where these researches
partly relate to the classification of emergencies, are far more present. It means that classifications of
emergencies, partly or as a whole, are present, but only as side contents of descriptive and explanatory
researches in the field of emergency issues. At the same time, it is a part of research relating to the emergencies that is most often implemented on a low-profile basis. This can be argumented by the absence of
the analysis of derived classifications of emergencies from the aspect of their validity. As a consequence,
there is a confusion in the meaning of certain terms that are of importance for the understanding of the
concept of emergency situations, their main attributes, their transformation into criteria (division principles), as the contents of classification, i.e. members of these classifications relating to certain types of
emergencies. The mentioned facts indicate the necessity of researching the classification of emergency
situations, to which this paper has been actually dedicated.
All the classifications, including the one relating to emergencies, consist of three constituents:
subject of division, criteria and members. It should be however noted that requirements concerning the validity of classification represent the theoretical and logical conditions that should be met
by the classification so that it could be classified as a scientific classification. Therefore, given the
abovementioned, the subject of research of classification of emergencies refers to the following: 1)
defining the emergencies, 2) examining validity of selection criteria and 3) members of the division
of emergencies, in relation to the requirements of classification validity.2
1 Identification and transfer of important features or characteristics of a certain category of objects or events. This
actually indicates the statement that a descriptive research has elements of a classifying nature(Fitzgerald J.D, Fox M.S:
Methodology of Research in Criminal Sciences, translated from English by: Bakic I, Muratbegovic E, Faculty of Criminal
Sciences, Sarajevo, 2001, p. 269.).
2 In principle, researches of classifying contents should contain three parts: (1) theory determination of the subject of
division, (2) identification of the division criteria and (3) identification of the members of division (, : Researches
of classifying contents in the field of safety, Vojno delo, No 1 (2009), pp. 227-241.
In order to make a classification (typology) of all the subjects of division, and of emergencies,
too, researches of the classifying contents should be prepared, organized and implemented. The objective of such researches is a valid classification (typology) of the subject of division. It means that
classification of emergencies should be logical and theory based, but also beneficial. More precisely,
derived classification should be made by a verification of hypothesis based on statements relating
to the similarities and differences of criteria that have been used for the classification and of the
members they contain. Moreover, the indicators of such hypotheses should align with the review
of validity of criteria (historicity and structurality criteria) and of members (consistency, completeness, exhaustiveness, non-interference of members and discriminativity). Apart from the mentioned theory qualities, the classification should have a pragmatic-teleological qualities relating to
its ability of practical implementation in terms of facilitating the undertaking of proactive measures
for the prevention of occurrence of an emergency or measures for reaction, i.e. confrontation with
already occurred emergencies. Also, the classification is useful if it allows for the implementation of
the same or similar proactive or reactive measures in cases of same or similar types of emergencies.
Finally, future classifications should be pragmatic in terms of manageability of the number of types
of emergencies. Differences between them should be wide enough to ensure avoidance of classifications that have exclusively a scientific implementation, i.e. a theory importance.
Law on Emergency Situations, Official Gazette of RS, No. 111/2009, 92/2011 and 93/2012.
Features of
a valid definition
Validity statement
... and other hazards...
Condition, hazards, consequences,
protected values, measures, forces,
means, work regime
Term that is being defined
situation) is not
mentioned in the text of the
... their occurrence or consequences
can not be prevented or eliminated
by a regular action from the part of
authorities and services in charge,
due to which ...5
The analysis of the mentioned definition of emergency situations shows that it is mostly valid
theory-wise, whereas it is not its purpose. This is due to its doctrinary sense, i.e. the normative-legal
character, given the fact that the legal, but not theory determination, is in question. The purpose
of this analysis is in pointing out that the definition of the same term can be different and that can
occur, for example, by removing its theory shortcomings. Thus the basic features of the term emergency situation, used for expressing its sense, would be somehow different, which would bring about
the change of the classification criteria, and consequently the types of emergency situations.
The Russian and American doctrinary definitions of emergency situations belong to the group
of more important definitions. The first reads as follows: According to the Law on Protecting the
Population and Territories from Emergency Situations of Natural and Technogenic Character, an
emergency situation is understood to be the situation characterized by disruption of normal living and working conditions of people, endangerment of their lives and health, making damage to
the property of the population, national industry and environment, as a result of the occurrence
of causes of emergency situations in facilities, territories or aqua-territories.6 On the other hand,
according to the Manual of the American Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), an
emergency situation is defined as: A non-planned situation that can provoke considerable injuries
of employees, users or wider population and make damage to a great extent to the natural and material goods, as well as the possibility of having an impact on the companys reputation and deteriorating its financial condition.7 By generalizing the mentioned features of emergency situations from
the previous two definitions, one can notice their common characteristic. It refers to the disruption
of normal living and working conditions of people, but not to the intensity of hazards and response
to them, as it is the case in the definition from the Law on Emergency Situations of the Republic of
Serbia. However, one should bear in mind that the disruption of normal living is somehow culturally determined. For example, in the most developed countries, the disruption of normal living
5 It is the problem of assessing the adequacy of measures, particularity of forces, etc. which will be discussed in more details
in the text below.
6 21.12.1994 N 68- (. 01.04.2012) ,,
7 Federal Emergency Management Agency, s Mitigation Directorate Fact Sheet, FEMA Website,
can be a consequence of the absence of Internet, while the lack of water would be an example for
the same in the poorest countries. So, the syntagm disruption of normal living is rather indefinite,
and is no suitable for a definiens, i.e. for the term that is in the function of the unambiguous term of
definiendum (the term that is being defined).
Apart from the precise and unambiguous determination of the term that is subject to division
(in this case this is the emergency situation), this part of the work highlights the dialectical unity
of the definition and classification (typologization)8. Thus the methodological statement has been
accepted saying that imperfect definitions encourage the making of valid classifications (typologizations) and vice versa (imperfect classifications represent the cause of the more valid defining).
Finally, an unambiguous determination of emergency situations brings about conditions for their
Quarantelli (1985, 2006) defines the disasters in the context of requirements and possibilities of
the community to fight against the extreme incident and define it as a crisis opportunity where the
requirements have exceeded the possibilities, offering the following division related to the intensity
and resources of the community: 1. Crisis: Abilities (possibilities) exceed the needs, 2. Emergency
situation: Abilities satisfy or exceed the needs to a certain extent, 3. Disasters: The needs exceed the
abilities (possibilities), 4. A big disaster: The needs fight over (surpass) the abilities completely. Various influences of extreme natural events with various intensities are shown in the table 2.
Table 2 Comparison of event magnitude (Source: McEntire (2007), p. 3.)
Emergency/disaster Calamity/catastrophe
Geographic impact
Availability of resources
Number of responders
Time to recover
A valid distribution of a subject to division is the one that satisfies the theory and logical requirements of the classification. Mentioned requirements belong to the ones that relate to the criteria
(theory) and those relating to the members (logical) of divisions. The requirements concerning
valid classification that relate to the criteria are historicity and structurality.11 Thus the conditions for
the analysis of validity of classification criteria of emergency situations deriving from the definition
of emergency situations contained in the Law on Emergency Situations have been provided.
The analysis of the mentioned definition offers the conclusion that the next of kin is the condition, and the typological difference: the risks and threats or consequences of catastrophes, extraordinary incidents and other hazards threatening the population, environment and material goods
are of such a volume and intensity that their occurrence or consequences can not be prevented or
eliminated by a regular action from the part of authorities and services in charge, due to which it is
necessary to deploy special measures, forces and means together with the enhanced work regime,
in order to mitigate or eliminate them. By analyzing the typological difference, it can be concluded
that hazards threatening the population, environment and material goods are of such a volume and intensity deploy special measures, forces and means together with the enhanced work
regime constitute its essence. So, the intensity of hazards and intensity of deployment make the
essence of the emergency situations, i.e. their main feature. This characteristic (intensity) of emergency situations exceeding the available response capacities is actually the attribute that is suitable
for the transformation into a classification criterion.
Therefore, emergency situations per intensity criterion can be divided into emergency situations
of low, medium and high intensity. Such a division is symmetrical to the division of conflicts, they
being particular emergency situations per intensity (conflicts of low, medium and high intensity are
well known). However, the problem of measuring the mentioned intensity becomes evident in the
process of classifying emergencies, as well as the problem of its historicity (as it does not indicate the
occurrence and development of emergency situations), and also of its structurality (as it does not
indicate a substantial structural feature of emergency situations). Division of emergency situations
that is derived from the intensity as a criterion of division of emergencies refers to the members such
as: minimum, small, moderate, severe and catastrophic emergency situations.12
The intensity can be a classification criterion in emergency typologies. For example, emergency
situations are classified by using intercrossing criteria (and classifications that result from their application) relating to the penetration and intensity in the typologies of the scientists from Russia 13
and the USA14 (tables 3 and 4).
Table 3: Typology of emergency situations by using penetration and intensity criteria
Indicators and values of intensity of emergency situations
Emergency Number of
of people with Scope of material Boundaries of
casualties in Number
living and
damage in relation the emergency
penetration emergency
working conditions
to MCR*
situation zones
situation zone
does not stretch
Up to 10
Up to 100
out of the borders
of the objects
11 For further details see: , : Researches of classifying contents in the field of safety, Vojno delo, No 1 (2009), pp.
12 Guidelines concerning the methodology for the making of the assessment of hazards and protection and rescue plans in
emergency situations, Official Gazette of RS, number 96/12.
13 Source: / . . .. .
. .: , 2006.
14 Bimal Kanti Paul: Environmental Hazards and Disasters: Contexts, Perspectives and Management focuses; Publisher:
Wiley; 1 edition (2011), 334 pages
big adversity, great hazard, causing the internal political instability, multitude of internal political
events, increase of the inter-national tension, prominent international insecurity); 4. economic
(description: substantial economic detriments and endangered financial and material resources,
disruption of the regular traffic system, necessity of important material expenses and compensation and fund raising, necessity of using a large quantity of techniques for preventing situations and
eliminating consequences); 5. organizational-managerial (description: unpredictable situations,
complexity of the prognosis of the course of event and selection of solutions, necessity of securing
big quantities of different expertise and organizations, unpredictability of the scale of evacuation
and rescue services).15 It can be concluded from the mentioned description of criteria that the intensity as a main feature of emergency situations is implicitly represented through the features such
as: the speed of emergency development, mass destruction of the cattle fund, use of the considerable quantity of natural resources, big adversity, great hazard, considerable economic detriments
and disruption of financial and material resources, necessity of substantial material expenses and
compensations and fund raising, necessity of using a large quantity of techniques for preventing
situations and eliminating consequences, necessity of securing big quantities of various expertise
and organizations, which is mentioned in the descriptive features of certain criteria.
Classification of emergency situations that has been derived on the basis of the intensity criterion is mainly of theory character, rather than of pragmatic-teleological (useful-targeted) character. It enables a classification of emergency situations in a way that satisfies theory requirements
concerning validity of historicity and structurality of classification criteria, on one hand, and an
appropriate intensity of engagement of protection and rescue forces depending on the intensity of
the emergency situation, on the other hand. However, the intensity is not a sufficient criteria for the
classification of emergency situations, as, for example, a 10 Richters degree earthquake in an unsettled area is more intense than the eight degree earthquake in a (densely) populated area. It means
that the consequence criterion should be added to the intensity criterion. This leads to a complex
typology of emergency situations which represents a more valid classifying method of this complex
subject of division.16
Purely pragmatic-teleological classification criteria and therefore the division of emergency
situations as a whole include those divisions that have been derived from the criterion of penetration of the territory encompassed by the emergency situation. Such classifications include classifications that contain the members: local, municipal, regional, national, federal, inter-state and global
transnational17, i.e. derived by the criterion of the size of the emergency situation: level I object,
facility; level II object, facility, compound; level III (level of the local self-government unit); level
IV national level; level V international level.18 Such classifications are similar to the classifications
of documents, i.e. administrative acts as a whole, where their archiving, use, distribution, etc. have
been made possible.
In order to be able to compare the existing and proposed classification criteria (typologization)
of emergency situations, the historical-structural comparison framework must be previously determined. Considering the historicity as a unique approach and method of research, essential features
of the occurrence and development of emergency situations have been provided. The synthesis of
conclusions made by means of the research of historicity of emergency situations, makes possible
the expression of various manifestations (reflections) of his generic features by using appropriate
classification criteria (typologization). Thus the requirements of historicity of selected criteria, as the
constituents of classification of emergency situations have been met.
A generic feature of emergency situations is the so called hazard trigger, i.e. the cause which leads
to the hazards and which is used as a criterion of their classification. Namely, the Center for Research
on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED) has been striving for years for adoption of international
definitions and classifications of emergency situations.19 In 2006, by using analytical considerations of
15 Jakovljevi, V: The importance of the conflict against emergency situations, International scientific meeting Emergency
situations, published in the Collection of works from the international scientific conference on civil planning, 28/29. January
2009; Organizer Ministry of Defence Belgrade: 2009, pp. 20-28.
16 Mentioned typology is given in the table No. 2 of this paper.
17 ,
18 Guidelines concerning the methodology for the making of the assessment of hazards and protection and rescue plans in
emergency situations, Official Gazette of RS, number 96/12.
19 Center for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters, The OFDA/CRED International Disasters Database, available at: (accessed January 2003).
defined and selected sets of data on natural emergency situations and their impact, the Center started
a huge activity in the field of making conclusions on the international classification of emergency
situations.20 A great contribution and result in the area of international classification of emergency
situations has been achieved in the mutual cooperation of this organization and the MNICHRE.
As a result of their cooperation, the joint classification has been made and established through several
technical meetings that gathered together the CRED, MnichRe (Mnchener RckversicherungsGesellschaft Aktiengesellschaft in Mnchen), SwissRe (Swiss Reinsurance Company), ADRC (Asian
Disaster Reduction Center) and UNDP (United Nations Development Programme). This is at the
same time the first step in the development of the standardized international classification of emergency situations. Standardized classification that has been made at the mentioned technical meetings distinguishes two different generic categories: natural (can not be caused by human beings) and
technological emergency situations (can be caused by human beings, deliberately or accidentally).
The same criterion is used for classification of emergency situations by the International federation
of Red Cross and Red Crescent, as follows: hurricanes, tornadoes, typhoons, droughts, earthquakes,
epidemics, food privation (famine), floods, man-made emergency situations, migrations of population, volcanic eruptions and technological catastrophes; World Health Organization (natural and
technological)21, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) natural and technological22;
Damon Coppola in his book Introduction to International Disaster Mangment natural, technological and international, civil and political emergency situations terrorism, crime and war23; Canadian
database on emergency situations (available at the address
biological emergency situations, such as epidemics, geophysical, such as earthquakes, meteorological
and hydrological, such as droughts, emergency situations caused by human conflicts, such as terrorism, technological emergency situations, such as outflow of chemical matters,24 database on emergency situations (available at the address of the University of
Richmond emergency situations caused by conflicts, such as bombing, terrorist acts, emergency situations caused by failures of human systems, such as pulling down of damps, natural emergency situations, such as earthquake, Ibrahim Mohamed Shaluf natural emergency situations caused by men
and hybridcombined emergency situations,25 Hood purely natural, social and hybrid emergency
situations,26 Richardson socio-technological,27 Malaysian National Safety Council;28 in the Russian
lecturing books (conflict and non-conflict),29 Mikhail, Paenko and Suldin: technical-technological
(technogenic); 2. natural and 3. environmental,30 in the German bibliography: social, economic
emergency situations, emergencies, technical biological medical emergency situations and emergency situations caused by the mechanical or thermal energy,31 in the Chinese literature: astronomic,
meteorological, geological, geophysical, hydrological, biological, environmental emergency situa20 The organization had a clear objective that consisted of the comprehensive overview of global initiatives following the
formation of emergency databases, in order to record similarities and differences when defining and classifying emergency
situations. All the states possess certain databases which contain records of various catastrophic events. The problem lies in
the fact that national databases are different for the reason of classifying emergency situations into various categories. They
occur due to different 1. terminology, and 2. classification. Thus, for example, in one national database, a certain emergency
belongs to the natural disasters, while in the other national database, this emergency is classified in the category of social
21 World Health Organization: Emergency and humanitarian action: natural disaster profile, available at:
22 Federal Emergency Management Agency: Hazards, available at: hazards/earthquakes/.
23 Coppola, D: Introduction to International Disaster Management, Elsevier, Oxford, 2007, 130-140.
24 Kourosh, E, Richard, L: Disasters: lessons from the past 105 years, Disaster Prevention and Management, Vol. 17 Iss: 1,
2008, pp. 62 82.
25 Shaluf, M.: Disaster types, Disaster Prevention and Management, Vol. 16, Iss: 5, 2007, pp. 704-717.
26 Rautela, P: Redefining disaster: need for managing accidents as disasters, Disaster Prevention and Management, Vol.
15, Iss: 5, 2006, pp. 799-809.
27 Shaluf, M, Ahmadun, F.: Disasters types in Malaysia: an overview. Disaster Prevention and Management, Vol. 15, Iss:
2, 2006, pp.286-298.
28 Malaysian National Security Council. Directive 20: policy and mechanism of national disaster management and relief*,
available at: asp?NationCode = 458&lang = (accessed January 2003).
29 : , 2- . / . . .: , 2008.
30 , .., , .., , ., ,
, , , 1991, . 24-47.
31 Schenk, G.J; Engels, J. I. (Hrsg.): Historical Disaster Research. Concepts, Methods and Case Studies Disaster/
Historische Katastrophenforschung. Begriffe, Konzepte und Fallbeispiele. In: Historical Social Research/Historische
Sozialforschung. 32, Nr. 3, 2007 (Sonderausgabe).
The essence of these features of emergency situations can be of quantitative, qualitative and
quantitative-qualitative (mixed) nature. The features of the quantitative nature indicate the number
(for example, division of emergency situations according to the number of casualties, the amount
of material damage, etc.), frequency (most often earthquakes, road accidents; very often fires;
hazards with a moderate frequency accidents of communal systems, volcanoes; rarest epidemics, large scale environmental accidents),37 intensities (already mentioned), duration (for example,
explosive and gradual)38, i.e. short-term, mid-term and long-term or their permanent, occasional
and temporary (single) manifestations and other features, are taken as criteria. Qualitative features
indicate the quality, as the essential characteristic of emergency situations (types of consequences,
for example, permanent consequences detrimental to lives and health of the population, material
damage, damage to flora and fauna, and the environment as a whole). Qualitative-quantitative criteria represent the features of emergency situations that are used to denote their features where
the quantity means quality at the same time, or turns into it (for example, when the intensity of an
emergency situation is transferred into certain types of its consequences).
related emergency situations (air, road, rail and emergency situations at the sea and internal navigable roads), emergency situations at stadiums and public places (fire, collapse of civil engineering,
stampede of big groups of people), production (failure of computer systems, distribution of faulty
goods), wars conventional (war between two armies of different countries, riots, blockades), unconventional (nuclear, chemical, radiological and biological wars);
tHybrid combined (they are the result of the combination of human error and natural forces):
floods that devastate a community located at the known navigable plain, location of settlements,
factories, etc. at the foot of active volcanoes or in the areas of snow drifts.
By verifying each of the members of the classification of the system of emergency situations at
lower levels of generality, conditions for verification of more general members (types of emergency
situations) than those already verified are being provided. Therefore, the mentioned verification of
hypotheses of the classifying contents, relating to the validity of concrete divisions, is implemented
in an inductive way. Complete verification of such members (types) of classification of emergency
situations occurs with the comparison in relation to the logical classifying requirements.40
The criterion used for the derivation of the thesis is also used for the derivation of antithesis. Apart
from that, all that has been mentioned for the verification of the thesis relates to the verification of
the antithesis, synthesis, etc. In order to do that, a proposed classification of emergency situations
should be compared with the classification validity requirements, i.e. in relation to the: consistency,
completeness, exhaustiveness, non-interference of members and discriminativity.
If the criterion of classification of emergency situations is the cause of their occurrence, then
they are divided into natural, man-made and hybrid combined emergency situations. Similar
to this are the divisions containing: natural, technical and combined emergency situations, then:
man-made emergency situations, occurred independently on people and combined; further on:
natural, technological and international, civil and political emergency situations terrorism, crime
and war, i.e.: purely natural, social and hybrid and socio-technological, and finally: emergency situations caused by conflicts, emergency situations caused by the failures of human systems and natural disasters. Mentioned members of classification of emergency situations have been derived in a
consistent manner, as each of them express the cause of their occurrence. All the classifications are
complete as they contain the thesis, antithesis and synthesis, with the exception of the last one that
does not contain the synthesis. Each of the mentioned classifications is exhaustive as it does not
contain residual groups of members, such as: etc, and other. Mentioned classifications contain the
members that do not interfere, i.e. are mutually exclusive. Finally, the members of the mentioned
classifications are discriminative, i.e. they are theoretically mutually indented sufficiently enough to
represent special types of emergency situations.
Classification of emergency situations used for the division of: biological, geophysical, meteorological and hydrological, emergency situations caused by human conflicts and technological emergency situations are also derived in a consistent manner, by using the criterion of cause. They are
also complete as they basically contain the thesis natural emergency situations (biological, geophysical, meteorological and hydrological), antithesis emergency situations caused by the human
action and synthesis technological emergency situations (action of the natural and human factor).
The Malaysian national security council divides emergency situations into: natural, industrious,
incidents that include: transport, supply and disposal of hazardous materials, collapse-destruction
of multi-store buildings and special structures, plane crashes, crashes of trains and derailment, fire
that encompasses a large area or high buildings or any other special structure with plenty of people
inside, damage of power-plants or reservoirs, nuclear and radiological accidents that involve nuclear
alloys or radioactive agents where the incident could extend and cause losses of human lives, damage to property or environmental pollution having an impact on local activities, release of the poisonous gas in a public area and mist-haze. This division has the elements of consistency in relation
to the criterion of cause. However, its completeness is disputable as it does not contain all the modes
of transport (only air and rail transports are present). The exhaustiveness of the classification has
also been satisfied. Achieving the criteria of non-interference of members and discriminativity is
not disputable either.
40 By using the feedback, deductive method, the conclusion regarding the validity of the members (types) of the most
valid classification of emergency situations also relates to the domain of all the members that have been contained therein.
As it has been already indicated, the Russian learning books contain the division of emergency
situations, they being conflict and non-conflict situations. This classification is dichotomous, as it
contains the thesis and antithesis; it is consistent, complete, exhaustive, but has not an interference
of the members and is discriminative.
A very important classification is of the same origin and relates to:
tThe character of hazard actually the cause of the emergency situation: technical, biological,
natural, environmental and social character;
tThe frequency rate (most often earthquakes, transport accidents; very often fires; hazards
of medium frequency accidents of communal systems, volcanoes; rarest: epidemics, large scale
environmental accidents);
tEncompassed territory (local, municipal, regional, national, federal, inter-state and global
The first classification is consistent, complete, exhaustive, but the members interfere and it is not
discriminative. Namely, naturally caused emergency situations are the ones of environmental,
i.e. biological character. The second classification (derived by means of the frequency rate) is consistent, incomplete, exhaustive, the members do not interfere and is discriminative. Namely, the
division of emergency situations per frequency rate that contain the members such as: most often,
very frequent; hazards with medium frequency and the rarest, lack rare emergency situations. Finally, according to the encompassed territory, a classification is derived and is constituent, complete,
exhaustive, its members do not interfere and is discriminative.
The next classification, also of Russian origin, contains emergency situations that are divided
into: technical-technological (technogenic); 2) natural and 3) environmental. All the members of
the classification have been made by the implementation of the criterion of cause, which means that
the classification is consistent. Also, it could be concluded that the classification is completely exhaustive. However, the interference of the members relating to the natural and environmental emergency situations is quite certain. This is at the same time the reason of its non-discriminativity. Such
divisions can be precisely stated, by developing a classification system which would offer additional
improvement in terms of non-interference of the members and their mutual discriminativity.41
Classification of emergency situations is present in the German literature and this classification
contains the following types: social, economic emergency situations, emergency situations of technical-technological-biological-medical nature and emergency situations caused by the mechanical and thermal energy. This classification has been consistently and completely derived, however,
likewise the previous classification, the interference of members and discriminativity have not been
provided (social and economic emergency situations are mixed up, without being sufficiently theoretically indented). The recommendation concerning its improvement is identical to the one that
relates to the previous classification.42
The Chinese literature avail of the division that relates to the: astronomic, meteorological, geological, geophysical, hydrological, biological emergency situations in the environment, fires, road
accidents, explosions, emergency situations in relation to the collapse-destruction of buildings,
emergency situations at work stations, emergency situations related to health issues, emergency
situations in mines, scientific and technological emergency situations. This division of emergency
situations has not been consistently derived, as all the members do not indicate the cause of the
emergency situation, but only the location of its occurrence (emergency situations at work stations,
i.e. emergency situations in mines). This classification is exhaustive as it does not contain residual
groups. It contains the interference of the members (for example, emergency situations at work stations and emergency situations in mines, as the mine is the work place of miners, to which fires and
explosions can be associated as well, as they can also occur at work stations and in mines). They are
not discriminative, i.e. theoretically indented to a sufficient extent. Accordingly, this classification is
not theoretically valid.43
41 . :
/ [. .
.]. - 3- ., . - : , 2008.
42 Gerrit Jasper Schenk, Jens Ivo Engels (Hrsg.): Historical Disaster Research. Concepts, Methods and Case Studies
Disaster/Historische Katastrophenforschung. Begriffe, Konzepte und Fallbeispiele. In: Historical Social Research/
Historische Sozialforschung. 32, Nr. 3, 2007 (Sonderausgabe).
43 Downloaded from the internet address:,
Classification of emergency situations is present in the Dutch literature and contains: natural,
anthropogenic, cultural and humanitarian emergency situations. This classification has not been
consistently derived as the cultural and humanitarian emergency situations are derived from the
criterion of consequence, but not from the criterion of cause. The classification itself is not complete, as it has not been expressed by the thesis-antithesis-synthesis logic. Finally, the classification
is exhaustive, but not immune to the interference of the members (anthropogenic, cultural and
humanitarian members interfere), nor it is discriminative.44
The division of emergency situations in the Republic of Serbia relates to the nature of their
occurrence: natural disasters, technical-technological accidents incidents, consequences of war
actions and consequences of terrorist acts,45 i.e.: earthquakes, rockslides, landslides and erosions,
floods, stormy winds, hail, blizzards, snow drifts and glaze, drought, epidemics, epizootia; fires and
explosions, technical-technological accidents and terrorist attacks and nuclear or radiation accidents.46 These classifications have been consistently derived; they are complete, exhaustive, provide
no interference of members and are discriminative.
The division of emergency situations according to the size47 is as follows: level I object, facility; level II object, facility, compound; level III (level of the local self-government unit); level
IV national level; level V international level. According to the consequences on people, animals,
economy and environmental protection, socio-political situation, emergency situations are divided
into48: minimum, small, medium, severe, catastrophic. Likewise previous divisions, the abovementioned divisions of emergency situations have been consistently derived and they are complete, exhaustive, provide no interference of the members and are discriminative.
Apart from the classifications of doctrinary type that are prescribed in the law and by-laws of the
Republic of Serbia, classifications of emergency situations in theoretical literature are also present.
One of them is of particular interest as it actually represents a complex typology of emergency situations. The typology in question has been derived by the intercrossing of predictability criteria and
possibility of influence on an emergency situation (the following table).
Table 3: Complex typology of emergency situations
Possibility of influence on an emergency situation
Conventional emergency
Non-manageable emergency
Unpredictable Unexpected
Fundamental emergency
sponse difficult, as well as the preparedness for the emergency situation; or due to the conflict of interests surrounding the system that prevents the implementation of proactive countermeasures and
tFundamental emergency situation (represents the most dangerous type of extraordinary situations because they are unpredictable and it is not possible or hardly possible to have an influence
of them).
Mentioned typology of emergency situations has been consistently derived and it is complete,
exhaustive, provides no interference of the members and is discriminative.
The prerequisite for the classification of emergency situations is an unequivocal determination
of the mentioned subject of division. A newly created or analyzed classification of emergency situations should satisfy the conditions of the valid classification relating to the theory and logical requirements. According to this, validity requirements for classification relate to the criteria, on one
hand, and to the members of division, on the other hand.
Theoretical research of the classification of emergency situations that has been performed by the
analysis of various specialized materials published in Serbia and around the world represents an
attempt of a modest contribution to the identification of the universally accepted classification of
emergency situations. More concretely, during the research, a large number of various definitions
and classifications of emergency situations has been processed, despite the authors being aware that
some of the translations have not been done in the most professional way, in an appropriate context,
etc. Therefore, we are of the opinion that it will be worth elaborating some of the conclusions we
have reached.
Each emergency and its characreristics has its own causes of occurence, unique scenario,
influence on human beings and environment, scales and severity of consequences. It implies
that emergency situations can be classified on the basis of numerous features that take into
consideration these complex occurrences from different points of view. However, differences
between the classifications are a consequence of different definitions of emergency situations as a
subject to division. One of the reasons for that is that authors have translated foreign terms literally
and without criticism (disaster, catastrophe, emergency) and connect them with our terms, such
as emergency situation, catastrophe, crisis, state of emergency. Besides, numerous definitions of
emergency situations may have a national or culturological feature which makes difficult the standardization of the mentioned term. As far as the international classification is concerned, the most
accepted and most cited is the classification of emergency situations offered by CRED, i.e. the
organization for research of epidemiological disasters that has been longing for years to adopt the
international definitions and classifications of emergency situations. All this has as a consequence
the fact that numerous classifications of emergency situations express specificities of their countries of origin.
Although intensive efforts have been made by the international organizations, state bodies and
organizations, as well as by individuals to accept their proposed classifications of emergency situations as universal, the mentioned classifications of various authors, organizations and institutions
around the world unambiguously testify that this has not yet happened. Therefore, we can say that
there is no accepted (adopted) and universal classification of emergency situations.
Generally speaking, all emergency situations can be classified in three framework types: natural
emergency situations, emergency situations that are related (directly or indirectly) to the human
beings (they are called anthropogenic, technological, technical-technological, social) and hybrid
emergency situations (combination of acts of natural forces and the influence of human decisions).
Therefore, the mentioned classifications have been derived by means of the criterion of cause that
has a generic-structural characteristic, i.e. it fulfills logical requirements of classification. The common feature of all emergency situations regardless of the type is related to their consequences. By
combining the criteria of cause and consequence, intensity and consequences, etc. valid complex
typologies are being obtained. Besides, emergency situations are divided into groups, sub-groups
and incidents, i.e. the so called classifying systems.
When making a classification of emergency situations, researchers, organizations and institutions use various criteria, some of which have a theoretical or pragmatic-teleological importance.
Therefore, understanding of definitions and classifications of emergency situations serve to the researchers and organizations around the world as a good platform for research, database managing,
better analysis of them all and practical implementation of derived conclusions.
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