First Baptist Church Lovejoy
First Baptist Church Lovejoy
First Baptist Church Lovejoy
(September, 2009 - August, 2010)
The names of the non-attending members have been left in this birthday list. Some have addresses
and some do not. If you find someone without an address, and you cannot send them a birthday
card because of this, please stop for a moment on their birthday and pray for them.
January March
Sammie Robinson 2
Bobby Cohran 3 Martha Edwards 12 Sheila McGuire 3
Brumback 5 Patrick Wardak 14 Kacy Lee Self, Sr. 5
Marcia West 8 Victor Johnson 17 Ed Perkins 6
Marie Peters 12 Joshua Place 24 Christopher Edwards 8
Frances McLendon 20 Christine Melvin 25 Debbie Chatham 8
Brenda Lewis 21 Mary E. Miller 25 Melvin Yokeley 9
Ashlee Hatcher 24 Larry Kirby 26 Jack Purcell 12
Kristen Yokeley 25 Dianna Carter 27 Fray Holland 14
Jimmy Livingston 26 Tom Higdon 27 Jerri Hill 15
Tiffany Self 28 Jason Parrott 15
-------------------- Peggy Wallace29 Rhonda Blalock 17
- Ed McMillan 17
-------------------- Martha Stone 18
- Stephen Gordon 21
Blake Yokeley 21
Connie Cline 22
Wynogene Hiett 22
Garrett Prince 24
Paul Stone 26
Brian Livingston 27
Catherine Hardin 27
Stephanie Harper 29
LeAnn McClure 30
First Baptist Church Lovejoy
2347 Talmadge Road
P. O. Box 579
Lovejoy, Georgia 30250-0579
(770) 478-8795
(September, 2009 - August, 2010)
The names of the non-attending members have been left in this birthday list. Some have addresses
and some do not. If you find someone without an address, and you cannot send them a birthday
card because of this, please stop for a moment on their birthday and pray for them.
(September, 2009 - August, 2010)
The names of the non-attending members have been left in this birthday list. Some have
addresses and some do not. If you find someone without an address, and you cannot send them a
birthday card because of this, please stop for a moment on their birthday and pray for them.
July -
August September
Jack Ballard 2
Ruby Grey 4 Danny Bramlett 2 September Maslanka 1
Candi Crittenden 8 Candace Brightwell 2 Sabrina Keck 6
Joyce Duncan 8 Kelly Akin 4 Dianne Atkinson 12
Claudene Ballard 9 Candice Herrington 7 Kyle McEver 12
Dale Walden 9 Kelli Scott 7 Walter Smyth 12
Nancy Walden 9 Joyce Maddox 8 Myrtle Dixon 13
Andy Steele 11 Peggy Banks 10 Marcellus Atkinson 15
J. W. Regan 12 Richard Fitzgerald 10 Larry Wallace 15
Robert Pass 13 Luci Higdon 11 Kelly Fisher 18
Kim Thompson 14 Calvin Edmiston 15 Ute Gonzalez 20
Elaine Place 17 Timothy McClure 16 Dixie Underdown 21
Robert Hinton 18 Kevin Livingston 17 Jimmie Dowdy 23
Gloria Goodman 18 Perry Livingston 20 Tonya Bellavance 23
Wanda Bramlett 20 Abram Place 24 Jonathon D. Hardin 25
Nancy Johnson 22 Janice Cohran 26 Kathy Yokeley27
Raymond Cline 26 Brooke Shedd 26 Patsy Cuson 30
Peggy Parrott 28 Phyllis Adkins 27 ---------------------
Stella Chappell 31 Tifany Edwards 29
Richard Harris29
-------------------- ---------------------
First Baptist Church Lovejoy
2347 Talmadge Road
P. O. Box 579
Lovejoy, Georgia 30250-0579
(770) 478-8795
(September, 2009 - August, 2010)
The names of the non-attending members have been left in this birthday list. Some have addresses
and some do not. If you find someone without an address, and you cannot send them a birthday
card because of this, please stop for a moment on their birthday and pray for them.