Maintenance Guide: Things To Look For
Maintenance Guide: Things To Look For
Maintenance Guide: Things To Look For
4. Check that the Center Pin is concentric with the stripper insert and
that the pin tip protrudes beyond the core face and has the proper
edge radius when the mold is assembled.
Mold Set-Up
1. Care must be taken when the mold is set and dry cycled so that the
proper mold sequence is followed: Mold opens, ejector & stripper
plates move forward together the entire ejection stroke, the stripper
plate is pushed forward and then returned, the ejector plate and
stripper plate return together.
2. Heat the mold evenly to maintain bore alignment.
Avoid looping water from one end of the mold to the other.
3. Lightly lubricate the tapered end of the Center Pin during new
mold break-in.
4. Be aware of any short shots. Remove any from the cores prior to
closing the mold.
Closing on parts is the No.1 cause of C-Core damage.