Chuma Contract Law Notes
Chuma Contract Law Notes
Chuma Contract Law Notes
contract is a legal agreement between two or more entities,
enforcing an obligigation to do something or to retrain from doing
certain things. But all legal agreements are not contracts.
Any agreement is to be considered legally binding and becomes a
contract when three becomes a contract when three conditions
are met. The condition are offer and Acceptance, intention to
create relation and consideration. If any of these conditions are
not met then contract is not legally binding and it cannot be
enforced on the other party.
An agreement refers to meeting of minds at a certain point.
Agreements may be form a business commercial or domestic
view. If the agreement is not legally binding it cannot be enforced
by law.
An agreement becomes a contract when it is made legally
binding and on meeting the three conditions
When partners enter into an agreement, terms and conditions are
agreed among themselves, where as in some specific contracts,
terms and conditions are implemented by law.
The remedies for breach of contract and of an agreement are
totally different.
Find the source of the law of contract.
It is actually a body of many laws emanating from many sources.
These sources of law include:1.) Common
What is contract?
requiring written evidence, they
must be
evidenced by some note or memorandum, the memorandum
must describe the parties effectively and also describe the
subject matter, consideration and may also contain
signatures of the involved parties.
Binding- its one that the court will enforce if one of the
parties contract defaults, An agreement is not binding on the
parties unless the parties intended to create legal relations.
Void contracts :It does not have legal effect ie not a contract
such an agreement does not confer legal rights on the
A contract comes into existence when a definite offer has been
unconditionally accepted, the party making the offer is called the
offer or, the party accepting it is the offence.
An offer is an intimation by words or conduct of a willingness to
enter into a legally binding contract specifying the terms of the
terms of the agreement which will be formed, should the offer be
accepted by the party to whom it is addressed.
Rules governing offer.
An offer may be made orally, writing or by conduct
Merely giving information does not constitute to an offer.
Harvey Vs Facey (1873) the plaintiff telegraphed will you sell
bumper hail pen? Telegraph the lowest price. The defendant
replied by stating lowest price is $ 900)
The plaintiff telegraphed stating we agree to buy bumper hall
pen at $ 900 started by you please send the title deed
The offer may attach any condition to the offer but they
must have been communicated to the offered before they
bind him b y the acceptance of the offer. The offeree cannot
bind the other party without his consent eg writing to
someone saying if I dont hear from you within a week I will
consider the house is mine for a million shillings.
Display of goods
to attend a court rearing to give evidence
on the defendants behalf and he later alleged that the
had promised to pay him 6 guinea for his trouble it
If the promises is already under a public duty there is no
consideration. In Shil Vs Myrie [1809] the captain of a ship
promised the crew if they shared the work between them the
work of two sea men who deserted the wages of the deserter will
be shared between them, it was held the promise was not binding
because the sea men were given no consideration and were
contractually bound to do extra work to complete the voyage
The excephons to this rule,
children. It was
held that bluett had not provided any
consideration for such a promise but his father he was under no
legal duty to retrain-from complaining and his forbearance
could not amount to consideration.
Hamer Vs Sidway [1891] an under promised his nephew
5000 dollars if the nephew would retrain from drinking lequior,
using tobacco, swearing and playing cards or billiards for
money until he should become 21years of age. The nephew
complied but the unders executors refused to make payment
sufficient consideration to claim. It was held that the
consideration by restricting his lawful freedom of action.
3. consideration must be legal e.g a promise given in
consideration of
an agreement to rob a bank would be void because the
consideation itself is illegal.
4. consideration must move from the promise, Tweddle Vs
Alkinson [1861] it was firmly established that a stranger to a
consideration cannot sue to a contract only parties to a contract
have obligation under it.
There must be
a clear and unequivocal promise or
representation that existing legal rights will not be fully
Woodhouse AC Israel Cowa Ltd Nigerian Produce
Marketing company [1972] a sale contract provided for
payment in Nigerian pounds in lagos. The buyer had asked
if the seller would be prepared to accept sterling in lagos
the seller replied n 30th September 1967.
The pound sterling was devalued that it was worth 15%
less than the Nigerian pound. The buyer agued that the
seller letter that they make payment insterlina in lagos for
the seller were stopped from going back it was held to find
a promissory stopped it had to be clear and unequivocal
(to be understood the way required) the seller
representation was not sufficiently precise to amount to
the venation of a contract or to find an stopped.
Aliers or non-citizens
Binding contracts
These are contracts for the supply on necessaries these are item
that are regarded necessary to the particular standard of the
living of the minor. This includes food, basks clothing and other
items depending on the minor modern status in life although the
minor is liable for the necessaries sold and supplied to him the on
us lies on the plaintiff to prove.
The minor actally needed the goods at the time of sell and
Corporation fall into two broad type,
The corporations can sue and be sued in their own names they
are liable to actions in tort. A corporation is also liable for torts
committed by its servants and agents. But is a servant of a
corporation commits a tort which is ultra vires (beyond the
power) then the corporations is not liable. Similarly, a corporation
is not liable for some torts of personal nature eg personal
defamation battery etc.
Trade Unions
The trade unions have capacity to sue in tort but actions against
them in tort are limited $23 of the trade union as cap. 223
provider that no action shall be brought against a trade union for
torts committed by its member of officials in respect of any act
done in contemplation or in furtherance of a trade dispute.
For example if a trade union calls a stroke it cannot be sued by an
employer for the tort of including a breach of contract.
A trade union can be sued for breach of contract. The members
and official of a trade union can be sued for action in tort
committed in their personal capacity.
Terms of a Contact
Terms of a contacts are its contents and this determine the extent
to which the parties are deemed to the agreement. According the
terms define the rights and obligations arising from the contract.
Contractual terms may be expressed or implies expressed terms
are statements are made by parties and by which they intend to
be bound.
Implied terms are implied by law either by provisions of a statute
or to give effect to the presumed intention of the parties. Each
The plaintiff went to park his car in the defendants automatic car
park. A notice at the entrance to the car park gave a notice that
all car were parked at owner at owners risk. When a car was
driven the machine dispensed a ticket, the plaintiff took the ticket
which stated on small print that it was issued subject to
conductions subject on the underlie (among other things) that the
defendant would not be liable for an injuries to customers which
accrued when the cars were in the premises. The plaintiff was
injured in the car park, the defendants relied on the exemption on
the ticket.
It was that the ticket came too late since the contract was
conclude when the motorist drove to the machine.
The ticket exemption was the only one wide enough exempt from
liability for personal injury but it couldnt be relied upon.
Effect of signatures
When a person puts his signature on a contractual document, he
is bound any exempting clauses held in it.
He cant rely
Lestrange Vs Graucop Ltd [1934]
The plaintiff bought an automatic cigarette vending machine from
the defendant. She signed an order form which contained the
following term in small print any expressed or implied condition
statement or warranty, statutory or otherwise not stated herein is
hereby excluded The D gave here a printed confirmation of this
order but when she was given the machine it didnt work
satisfactory. The P sort damager for breaches and the D relied on
the exemption . It was held that
the P had signed the written contract and was not induced by any
misrepresentation, she was bound by its terms it was wholly
immatenal that she had not read the contract of the document
she signed.
Curtis Vs chemical cleaning & Dyeing Co. [1951]
The P took her white .. wedding dress to the defendant
to be cleaned. The shop assist asked her to sign a receipt, which
infact contained a condition excluding the D liability for any
damage however arising. When the P asked why she had to sign
the assistant told her that the D would not accept liability to the
damage of the beads and sequin with which the dress was
twinned, the P sighed when the dress was returned it was stained
the D argued that the clause excluded their liability. It was held
that the D could not rely on the exemption clause because of the
assistants innocent misrepresentation which had mislead the P as
to the extent of the exemption and there by induced her to sign
the receipt.
Privity of Contract
The doctrine of probity of contract provider that only the parties
of a contract can enjoy the contract and burdens of the contract.
Consideration should more from the promise i.e A person cant
sue on a contract if consideration was provided by another even
where the contract was made for her benefit.
Tweddle Vs Alkonson
Jurtua Crompton said that consideration must more from the
party entitled to sue upon the contract it will be a monstrous
proportion to say that someone was a party to the contract for
purpose of suing upon it for his advantage and not a party to it for
the purpose of being sued
The doctrine of privities applies to present two persons from
encoring a contract
Complete stranger