A Listing of ANSI Device Numbers
A Listing of ANSI Device Numbers
A Listing of ANSI Device Numbers
A summary of some
common device numbers seen in digital relays is:
11 Multifunction Device
21 Impedance
24 Volts/Hz
25 Synchronizing
27 Under Voltage
32 Directional Power Element
46 Negative Sequence Current
40 Loss of Excitation
47 Negative Sequence Voltage
50 Instantaneous Overcurrent (N for neutral, G for ground current)
51 Inverse Time Overcurrent (N for neutral, G from ground current)
59 Over Voltage
62 Timer
64 Ground Fault (64F = Field Ground, 64G = Generator Ground)
67 Directional Over Current (typically controls a 50/51 element)
79 Reclosing Relay
81 Under/Over Frequency
86 Lockout Relay / Trip Circuit Supervision
87 Current Differential (87L=transmission line diff; 87T=transformer diff;
87G=generator diff)
ANSI device numbers
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In the design of electrical power systems, the ANSI standard device numbers
(ANSI /IEEE Standard C37.2 Standard for Electrical Power System Device Function
Numbers, Acronyms, and Contact Designations ) identifies the features of a
protective device such as a relay or circuit breaker. These types of devices protect
electrical systems and components from damage when an unwanted event occurs,
such as an electrical fault. Device numbers are used to identify the functions of
devices shown on a schematic diagram. Function descriptions are given in the
One physical device may correspond to one function number, for example "29
Isolating Switch", or a single physical device may have many function numbers
associated with it, such as a numerical protective relay. Suffix and prefix letters may
be added to further specify the purpose and function of a device.
ANSI/IEEE C37.2-2008 is one of a continuing series of revisions of the standard,
which originated in 1928.
List of device numbers and acronyms[edit]
1 Master Element
2 Time Delay Starting or Closing Relay
3 Checking or Interlocking Relay
4 Master Contactor
5 Stopping
6 Starting Circuit Breaker
7 Rate of Change Relay
8 Control Power Disconnecting Device
9 Reversing Device
10 Unit Sequence Switch
11 Multi-function Device
12 Overspeed Device
13 Synchronous-speed Device
14 Underspeed Device
15 Speed or Frequency, Matching Device
16 Data Communications Device
17 Shunting or Discharge Switch
89 Line Switch
90 Regulating Device
91 Voltage Directional Relay
92 Voltage and Power Directional Relay
93 Field Changing Contactor
94 Tripping or Trip-Free Relay
95 For specific applications where other numbers are not suitable
96 Busbar Trip Lockout relay
97 For specific applications where other numbers are not suitable
98 For specific applications where other numbers are not suitable
99 For specific applications where other numbers are not suitable
150 Earth Fault Indicator
AFD Arc Flash Detector
CLK Clock or Timing Source
DDR Dynamic Disturbance Recorder
DFR Digital Fault Recorder
DME Disturbance Monitor Equipment
ENV Environmental Data
HIZ High Impedance Fault Detector
HMI Human Machine Interface
HST Historian
LGC Scheme Logic
MET Substation Metering
PDC Phasor Data Concentrator
PMU Phasor Measurement Unit
PQM Power Quality Monitor