Loose Parts Reggio Emilia

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Creativity is for the gifted few: the rest of us are compelled to live in environments

constructed by the gifted few, listen to the gifted few's music, use gifted few's inventions
and art, and read the poems, fantasies and plays by the gifted few.
This is what our education and culture conditions us to believe, and this is a culturally
induced and perpetuated lie.
Building upon this lie, the dominant cultural elite tell us that the planning, design and
building of any part of the environment is so difficult and so special that only the gifted
few - those with degrees and certificates in planning, engineering, architecture, art,
education, behavioural psychology, and so on - can properly solve environmental
The result is that the vast majority of people are not allowed (and worse - feel that
they are incompetent) to experiment with the components of building and construction,
whether in environmental studies, the abstract arts, literature or science: the creativity the playing around with the components and variables of the world in order to make
experiments and discover new things and form new concepts - has been explicitly stated
as the domain of the creative few, and the rest of the community has been deprived of a
crucial part of their lives and life-style. This is particularly true of young children who
find the world incredibly restricted - a world where they cannot play with building and
making things, or play with fluids, water, fire or living objects, and all the things that
satisfy one's curiosity and give us the pleasure that results from discovery and invention:
experiments with alternatives, such as People's Park, Berkeley, have been crushed or
quashed by public authoritiei>.
The simple facts are these:

There is no evidence, except in special cases of mental disability, that some young
babies are born creative and inventive, and others not.


There is evidence that all children love to interact with variables, such as materials
and shapes; smells and other physical phenomena, such as electricity, magnetism
and gravity; media such as gases and fluids; sounds, music, motion; chemical
interactions, cooking and fire; and other humans, and animals, plants, words,
concepts and ideas. With all these things all children love to play, experiment
discover and invent and have fun.
All these things have one thing in common, which is vairables or 'loose parts'. The
theory of loose parts says, quite simply, the following:

'In any environment, both the degree of inventiveness and creativity, and the
possibility of discovery, are directly proportional to the number and kind of
variables in it. '
It does not require much imagination to realise that most environments that do not
work (i.e. do not work in terms of human interaction and involvement in the sense
described) such as schools, playgrounds, hospitals, day-care centres, international airports,
art galleries and museums, do not do so because they do not meet the 'loose parts'
requirement; instead, they are clean, static and impossible to play around with. What has
happened is that adults - in the form of professional artists, architects, landscape
architects and planners - have had all the fun playing with their own materials, concepts
and planning-alternatives,
and then builders have had all the fun building the
environments out of real materials; and thus has all the fun and creativity been stolen:
and adults and the community
have been grossly cheated and the
educational-cultural system makes sure that they hold the belief that this is 'right'~ How
many schools have there been with a chain-link and black-top playground where there has
been a spontaneous revolution by students to dig it up and produce a human environment
instead of a prison?
If we look for a moment at this theory of loose parts, we find that some interesting
work supports it and in particular that there has been a considerable amount of
outstanding recent research by people not in the traditional fields of art, architecture and
planning. Much of this research fits into the following five categories:

Ten years ago, a special issue of the magazine Anarchy was published in which nearly
all the fundamental
and community
advantages of
adventure-playground environments were described, including the relationship between
experiment and play, community involvement, the catalytic value of play-leaders, the
relationship between accidents and the environment, and indeed the whole concept of a
'free society in miniature'. Later, in 1967, the facts on adventure playgrounds and
play-parks were taken and discussed in the context of the architecture and planning
professions in an article in Interbuild/Arena
(3) Although the implications of the
concepts and facts outlined in these researches are only now being widely disseminated, the
process of community involvement has evolved very fast in both Europe and the United
States. Outstanding among these have been some of the educational facilities 'charettes'
such as those in East New York,(4) and the Shelter Neighbourhood Action Project
(SNAP) in Granby, Liverpool, recently described in an unusual article in the RIBA
The interesting aspect of the evolution of community involvement - in the area of
recreation in particular - is that the really meaningful programmes soon appear to leave
play, parks, and recreation by the wayside and become social organisations for
community action in all aspects of the environment. Pat Smythe, for example, a pioneer
in this field, worked for nine years on adventure playgrounds and then became fully

Example of an exhibition with few loose parts. Visitors could only interact in a minimal way, (even
visually) and most people passed right through the gallery to high-interaction exhibits beyond. Even
the attendant's job does not involve interaction with his environment, except in emergency.

involved in the revolutionary Neighbourhood Council project in Golborne. In terms of

loose parts we can discern a natural evolution from crestive play and participation with
wood, hammers, ropes, nails and fire, to creative play and participation with the total
process of design and planning of regions in cities.

Parallel with the development of community involvement there has been a growth in
behavioural planning, i.e.: the study of human requirements and needs as the basis for the
design of the man-made parts of the environment. A recent example outlining this
approach to design is Constance Perin's in her book Man in Mind. Another example where
the use of behavioural data is being used as a design determinant is the 'pattern-language'
at present being developed at the Centre for Environmental Structure, Berkeley.
The relationship of behavioural planning to the theory of loose parts is a direct one
since the theory itself derives from it: however, one of the problems of loose parts is that
. the range of possible human interaction is an exceptionally wide one and many
behavioural studies have only gone so far as to state very broad and general requirements
(such as the statement, for example, that 'children like caves') and have not explicitly
described the more subtle forms of behaviour that may occur - to use an analogy 'inside the caves'. The behavioural generalisations of the 1970s often resemble the
generalities or 'laws' of the pioneers of social anthropology and merely state what we
already know to be true.
The process of community involvement is actually inseparable from the study of
human interaction and behaviour: for example, to carry the previous analogy further, the
study of children and cave-type environments only becomes meaningful when we
consider children not only being in a given cave but also when children have the
to play with space-forming materials in order that they may invent,
construct, evaluate and modify their own caves. When this happens we have a perfect
example of variables and loose parts in action and - more important - we find that a
behavioural methodology of design, related to this example, has existed for some years:
the methodology - involving what is called the 'discovery method', has been developed
by a unique group of researchers working in curriculum innovation for elementary
schools. The obvious pattern of behaviour that can be identified here is a
self-instructional pattern - namely - that children learn most readily and easily in a
laboratory-type environment where they can experiment, enjoy and find out things for
themselves. (7)
The I mpact of Curriculum Development
The principle of variables and loose parts has been acknowledged by most educators
since the 1960s: when Mathematics in Primary Schools was first published in 1966 by
H.M.S.a., to quote the Advisory Centre for Education, 'It was a bombshell'. The
discovery method that it described has since then been wonderfully exemplified by the
Nuffield Foundation, the Elementary Science Study, and several other organisations. (8)

The E.S.S., for example, has now produced thirty of the most imaginative
curriculum units ever devised: their format (as is that of the Nuffield Mathematics
Programme) is almost totally interdisciplinary, and concerns visual art and music, as much
as mathematics and the natural sciences. But this is not all, for another characteristic of
these programmes is that they break down the distinction between indoors and outdoors,
a feature that had hitherto been experimented with mostly in the progressive schools of
the 1930s.
By allowing learning to take place outdoors, and fun and games to occur indoors, the
distinction between education and recreation began to disappear.
The introduction of the.discovery method has been accompanied by intense research
into the documentation of human interaction and involvement; what did children do with
the loose parts? What did they discover or re-discover; What concepts were involved? Did
they carry their ideas back into the community and their family? Out of all possible
materials that could be provided, which ones were the most fun to play with and the
most capable of stimulating the cognitive, social and physical learning processes?
It was educational evaluation that provided the missing element in the design process
and completed a system which is a perfect methodology for designers, and which
pre-dated the recent application of behavioural studies to urban planning - while the
emphasis on real-life problems, frequently outdoor and off the school premises, was the
beginning of a natural trend towards de-schooling and environmental education.

It is hard to talk about environmental education without mentioning that the whole
educational system, from pre-school through university, is on the verge of changing: for
who needs these institutions in their present form? The prototype for education systems
of the future are almost certainly those facilities that take children and adults out into
the community and, conversely, allow all members of the community access to the
There are several groups in the U.S. which have been experimenting with this process
with children - by far the most comprehensive being the Environmental Science Centre
in Minnesota (9): a detailed bibliography of publications and environmental curriculum
materials has recently been compiled for a new course at the University of California,
Davis (10)
Environmental education, (as opposed to conservation education, or the understanding
of preservation of the non-man-made environment) means the total study of the
ecosystem, i.e.: man, his institutions, and his structural, chemical, etc., additions,
included. The subject of human ecology, our values and concepts, the environmental
alternatives and choices open to us - in the fullest sense - has recently become a
dominant factor in some education programmes. To express this in the simplest possible
terms, there is a growing awareness that the most interesting and vital loose parts are
those that we have around us every day in the wilderness, the countryside, the city and
the ghetto.

Finally there are groups of people experimenting with the theory of loose parts in art
galleries and the science museums. (A simple example leading to this interest was the
discovery that the most worn tiles on the floor of museums were usually adjacent those
exhibits involving the maximum amount of variables and human interaction). In 1970 the
first comprehensive exhibition of interaction-works entitled 'Play Orbit' was held at the
Institute of Contemporary Art in London. This was recently followed by an exhibition of
work (parts) by Robert Morris at the Tate Gallery: to quote a critic's review of the
exhibition, "the public got into the party spirit - a somewhat over-zealous participation.
They were jumping and screaming, swinging the weights around wildly - the middle aged
in particular. The children were the most sensible of all the visitors" (!) We are beginning
to realise that there are more ways to interact with art than to be solely contemplative
(i.e.: there exists the possibility of more loose parts and 'variables' than via visual
perception alone) and that although it is fine to allow scientists and artists to invent
things, how about allowing everybody else to be creative and inventive also?

The whole idea of loose parts raises some fundamental questions about the way we
design things: if you are an inventor or designer yourself, what parts or proportion of an
environment - or components for an environment - can you legitimately invent
yourself, and how much, for example, can children or adults in the community invent
and build? How are variables and loose parts introduced into the world of newly born
children, and what function do the variables have on cognition and perception? If
contemplation is merely one of the many possible forms of human interaction, what
exactly are the other ways we can interact with our environment? Is society content to
let only very few of its members realise their creative potential? It is the purpose of this
article to propose that it is not, and that if we know that creativity is not just a
characteristic of the gifted few, a crash programme of educational, recreational and
environmental improvement must be started. I would like to propose the following
four-part programme using the loose parts principle, whereby this could be achieved:

All children - and particularly many of the most needy such as those living in an
urban ghetto or who are disadvantaged - spend a lot of the most important time of their
lives in elementary schools, day-care, preschools and children's hospitals: these are the
environments that need immediate transformation. (11, 12) This holds true even in
innovative school districts that have extended or abolished the classroom walls - simply
give top priority to the environment of the new 'classroom' or 'playground', whether it be
a mobile unit, exploratory museum, ecological reserve or study centre, or wherever the.
children may be. Ten years of vest-pocket parks, concrete plazas and adventure

Institute for Contemporary Arts, London - an example of a high-interaction environment, with many
loose parts: the Magic Blower is an abstract cylindrical sculpture, in which travels a column of moving
air. The viewer may set it at any angle and can operate a solid-state power control attached to the
on-off switch: most important, the participant invents all of the materials and shapes that can be used
with the column. At full speed many shapes may spin and bounce above the end of the perspex
cylinder. How much of a sculpture does the artist invent, and how much does the public invent? Joey
Schlenhoff, a young boy who came to Play Orbit, went back home and invented his own. Could the
paintings in Fig. I generate the same degree of interest?

playgrounds have failed to do this: we must solve this problem. Even if a local
community is sold on the idea of a pocket-park or adventure-playground it is still better
to use the asphalt area of an elementary school for jt, for this is where the children are.

Children greatly enjoy playing a part in the design process: this includes the study of
the nature of the problem; thinking about their requirements and needs; considering
planning alternatives; measuring, drawing, model-making and mathematics; construction
and building; experiment, evaluation, modification and destruction. The process of
community involvement, once started, never stops: the environment and its parts is
always changing and there is no telling what it will look like. Contrary to traditional parks
and adventure playgrounds, the appearance of which is a foregone conclusion, the
possible kinds of environment determined by the discovery method and principle of loose
parts is limitless. The children in the neighbourhood will automatically involve all their
brothers, sisters and families: this is design through community involvement, but in the
total community the children are the most important. It is not enough to talk about a
design methodology - the methodology must be converted into three-dimensiona
action, or it is wortWess.

In early childhood there is no important difference between play and work, art and
science, recreation and education - the classifications normally applied by adults to a
child's environment: education is recreation, and vice versa (13). For professional
architects and landscape architects, this means a first-hand experience and knowledge of
children's behaviour and an understanding of their physical and social needs and cognitive
learning processes. The revolution in curriculum innovation, mentioned briefly above, was
undertaken by researchers acquainted with real human needs, not by researchers
employing behavioural consultants on the side: such an interdisciplinary approach is a
prerequisite to the solution of the problem.

We desperately need an international clearing-house for information on children's

environments, from maternity onwards. dealing with all aspects of their growth,
education, curricula and play, and - in particular - information on human interactions
and involvement with loose parts in the environment. The time-lapse for dissemination of
research and evaluation is at present about 5-10 years and should be reduced to the
The information should be available in the form of newsletter,
demand-printing, micro-film, audio- and video-cassette, and video-cassette systems linked
to CATV and satellite, and communicated to school districts all over the country, from
which it could be distributed, either free or by subscription, to members of the
community, elementary schools, day-care centres, and any other person or institution

needing it (14). Much of this evaluation, filming and videotaping can be experimented
with, recorded, photographed and played back by the children themselves.

There are a lot of suggestions and recommendations in this article. Maybe more than
can be acted upon at anyone time. But we need to act on all of them if we are to build a
society in which individuals and communities have greater control over the loose parts
with which their environment may be constructed - loose parts that are at present
controlled and fixed by an inflexible education system and cultural elite. The problem is
a critical one when we consider young children. Most of the existing design
methodologies do not take into account the theory of loose parts and thereby fail. The
4-part programme could act at least as a start toward solving the problem of cultural
availability of bits and pieces of the environment - in both the software and hardware
sense - and the extent to which a new generation will be able to invent new systems with
the parts.


Simon Nicholson: 'What do Playgrounds Teach?' The Planning and Design of the Recreation
Environment. University of California, Davis, 1970, pp.5-1 to 5-11.


Colin Ward: 'Adventure Playground - A Parable of Anarchy', Anarchy. Freedom Press,

England, Sept. 1961 pp.193-201. (entire issue on this subject)


'United Kingdom - Whose Playgrounds?': in Interbuilt/Arena. Dec. 1967, pp12-19


John Darnton: 'Residents and Architects Plan Local Center in Brooklyn', The New York Times.
Wed. Jan. 61971


Roger Barnard:


Des Wilson: 'Democracy begins at Golborne', The Observer. London, 11th April, 1971


Simon Nicholson: 'Structures for Self-Instruction', Studio International Journal of Modern Art.
New York, June 1968, pp.290-292.


The Nuffield Foundation: I Do and I Understand. and curriculum materials, John Wiley and
Sons, New York, and Education Development Centre: Introduction to the Elementary Science
Study and curriculum materials, Newton, Mass.


Environmental Studies for the Elemtary School, and curriculum materials, Grades 3-6
Environmental Science Center Distributing Co., Golden Valley, Minnesota.


Simon Nicholson: Environmental Education Early Childhood .University of California, Davis,



The School Playground as an Outdoor Learning Environment - a Community Project to

Extend the Elementary School Curriculum to the Outdoor Playground. Office of Project
Planning and Development, Berkeley Unified School District, Berkeley, California, 6/23/70.



in Twilight







The first example of the low-cost conversion of an existing K-6 elementary school in N.
California took place at Valley Oak School in 1970: see Domain for Creative Play at Valley Oak
Playground, 'The Davis Enterprise', Davis, California, July 17, 1970.


Everett Interim Preliminary Report, Education/Recreation, General Analysis and Recommendations (Appendix 2), Lawrence Halprin and Associates: City of Everett, Washington.


The quickest way to get some preliminary information is at present Big Rock Candy Mountain:
Resources for our Education, Winter 1970, Portola Institute Inc., Menlo Park, California. For
information on communications see Radical Software, Raindance Corporation, New York:
Edition 1, pp.11-12; Edition 2, p16, and Edition 3, p6, Edition 4, Education Alternative
Programming, pp.14-16, and Michael Shamberg, Guerrilla Television, Holt Rinehart and
Winston, 1971

Apart from ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) which is academically oriented,
there have been few attempts to create a nation-wide system of environment-information,
especially in the area of early childhood, elementary and secondary education. Most of the
work at assembling data has been restricted to compiling book titles - a method which has
proven practically useless. Most people do not have the time to check off bibliographies. Some
examples are as follows:

David A. Sleet, Interdisciplinary Research Index on Play: a Guide to the Literature,

Department of Physical Education, The University of Toledo, Ohio, May 1971.


Fred. W. Martin, Bibliography of Leisure: 1965-1970, Program in Leisure Education,

Recreation and Related Community Service, Teachers College, Columbia University, January


A Bibliography of Open Education, Education Development Center and the 'Advisory for Open
Education', 55 Chapel Street, Newton, Mass., 1971. (primarily a list of EDC and EDC spin-off


Simon Nicholson, Environment Education - A Bibliography, Environmental Education in

Early Childhood, UNEX, University of California, Davis, California, 1971.
In addition to such lists, there are also some imaginative writings that may have more mearning
for the average citizen and community, for they are not merely literary. Such an example is:


The Last Whole Earth Catalog: Access to Tools, Portola Institute, 1971, distributed by Random
But the best interdisciplinary compendium so far, is the sum total of the issues, especially that
of September 1971 of:


Big Rock Candy Mountain, Portola Institute, Menlo Park, California.

(An earlier version of this contribution appeared in Landscape, Architecture


Quarterly, October,

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