for the sake of huge profits. Further, adulteration of foodstuffs, edibles and drugs which causes irreparable damage to
public health is yet another white-collar crime common in
The complexity of tax-laws in India has provided sufficient
scope for the tax-payers to evade taxes. It is to be noted that
tax-evasion is illegal, but tax-avoidance not. Tax-evasion
implies non-payment of tax due to be paid, the taxavoidance signifies arranging the spread over of ones
income in such a way that it does not incur tax-liability
legally and lawfully. In the profession of medicine, most
common instances of white-collar criminality are illegal
abortions, false medical certificates and unnecessary
prolonged treatment in many cases. The usual legal and
professional violations committed by lawyers are : advising
organized criminals, aiding in performing false claims,
engaging professional witness, fabricating false evidence
etc. In the engineering profession, understand dealing with
contractors and suppliers, passing of sub-standard works and
materials and maintenance of bogus records of work.
Charged labour are some of the common examples of whitecollar crime.
Corruption is also a well known white-collar crime. It is not
limited to the concept of bribes of illegal gratification taken
by public servants.
In its wider sense, corruption includes all forms of dishonest
gains in cash, kind or position by persons in government and
those associated with public and political affairs. The two
government departments which have been traditionally
notorious for corruptions in the country are those of police
and public works.
Tax evasion