10 Tma History Overview Surtees

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A Concise History of Astrology

by Kelly Surtees

Editors Note: A version of this article

first appeared in the Australian publication, WellBeing Magazine, April 2007.

What Is Astrology?

Astrology is an ancient body of
knowledge originally developed as a
timing system. Shepherds in the Near
East plotted the daily motion of the
Sun and Moon to keep track of time.
Through the ages, astrology has both
flirted with fate and danced with death,
undergoing a number of reincarnations
to find itself where it is today.

Astrology has a mixed reputation
in todays world. As a practice, astrol
ogy involves first determining where the
planets and stars are in the heavens at
any given moment and then interpreting
these placements. Charts were originally
calculated by hand, until computers
took care of the complex mathematical
calculations. A modern birth (or natal)
chart looks like a round cake with twelve
uneven slices. Around the outside of
the circle lie the twelve zodiac constel
lations (the ecliptic). These constella
tions were chosen by observers over the
centuries because, like a great cosmic
train track, they mark the path of the
Sun and planets as they move through
the sky. The twelve sections inside the
circle are known as the houses. The
Sun, Moon, and planets are arrayed in a
unique order within the houses, accord
ing to the time, date, and place of birth.

Astrology is like a guide for the soul.
A birth chart, which is created using the
symbols of the sky, details the promise
of a life set in motion at the moment of
birth. Your birth chart is a map of the

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Student Section

sky at the precise time you were born,

looking up from the place on Earth
where you arrived. Countries, kingships,
diseases, and business ventures all have
a moment when they begin. When a
birth chart is carefully interpreted by a
trained astrologer, it provides answers to
questions about the fate of the entity the
chart represents.

Ancient Sky:
Primordial Philosophy

Humans have, for millennia,
searched the natural world for signs of
the state of the Earth and indications
of what is to come. Observations of the
sky are no different from the works of
shamans, East Indian elders, and indig
enous peoples across the globe. The
premise that what happens in the nat
ural world reflects what is happening
in an individuals inner world is cap
tured in the following quote from The
Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus: That which is Below corresponds
to that which is Above, and that which
is Above corresponds to that which is
Below, to accomplish the miracles of the
One Thing. Commonly reduced to As
above, so below, this ancient philoso
phy underpinned the work of the great
minds of the past, such as Plato, Aris
totle,1 Pythagoras, and Ptolemy.2

The planets and stars were thought
to be gods alphabet, and those who
could read the sky were able to inter
pret his messages to the people. Ancient
cultures (Babylonian and Egyptian)
believed that the Sun spent the hours
of darkness in the Underworld, only to
emerge at dawn. The Sun was the heav

enly body linked to light and dark. The

Moon was used to mark out short cycles
of time. Through these simple obser
vations, the ancients noted that some
celestial lights did not move and some
did (the word planet comes from a
Greek term meaning wanderer). The
Moon was the most obvious moving
light appearing Full like a brilliant
white disc against the backdrop of the
star-filled night once every 28 days.

Stone structures (like Stonehenge)
were built to capture the Suns light at
its highest or lowest (solstice) points.
Temples were created to mark the pre
dawn rise of certain stars at special times
of the year. Most famously watched for
was Sirius, the dog star, whose helia
cal rising (just before the Sun) was used
to time the annual flooding of the Nile
and the arrival of the hottest months of
the Egyptian year.

From these daily, monthly, and
annual observations of the heavens,
specific events came to be linked with
the appearance or disappearance of
certain stars and planets. Over thou
sands of years of observation, a body
of knowledge emerged that incor
porated the experience and work of
ancient Chaldean, Babylonian, Per
sian, Roman, Greek, Indian, and Egyp
tian priests, stargazers and astrologers,
scientists, theologians, scholars, and

Astrologys Origins

Astrology began in the area now
known as Iraq (historically, Mesopota
mia and Chaldea). Lunar phases were
first recorded in 15,000 b.c.e. The ear

liest fragments of astrological tablets are

dated to 2300 b.c.e. in Mesopotamia.
The Venus Tablet of Amisdaqa, circa
1600 b.c.e., contains detailed informa
tion about the movement of Venus in
the heavens (changing from evening to
morning star via a three-day disappear
ance from the sky) and predictions for
her return.

Astrology has moved in and out of
favour throughout history, but only dur
ing the past 200 years, in its most recent
reinvention, has it incorporated per
sonal spirituality and psychology. Pre
viously, astrology was a divine science
known only to the wise men or priests.
Calculations by mathematicians and sci
entists assisted in specific astronomical
discoveries, so planetary motions and
distances from the Earth could be pre
dicted, and specific maps of the heavens
could be drawn.

Astrology was considered one of
the three most important sciences (along
with astronomy and mathematics) by
all major cultures from the 6th century
b.c.e. to around 400 c.e. Develop
ments in one field invariably led to new
understandings in other primary fields.
In time, this would play a part in astrol
ogys downfall, as scientific advances
seemed to disprove some of the funda
mental principles of astrology.

The Rise and Fall of Astrology

The use of astrology in its cur
rent form creating a natal chart, with
houses (divisions of the sky) has
been around for more than 2,000 years
(the oldest known birth chart dates back
to 410 b.c.e.). Astrology was practised
for about 2,000 years before then, but
mostly for the exclusive use of king or

The constellations were first estab
lished around 3000 b.c.e. Even 1,000
years before this, Babylonians and Assyr
ians scanned the heavens for omens
of their fate and mapped the course of
planets; from their observations, they
began to make predictions about the
weather, the harvest, drought, famine,
war, peace, and the fates of kings.

The earliest recordings of mathe
matical astronomy (around 1500 b.c.e.)
paved the way for accurate star charts
centuries later. When Alexander the
Great brought Babylon under Greek

The first serious blow

to astrology came from
the Christian faith,
which would prove to
be astrologys nemesis
through the ages.
rule around 330 b.c.e., much knowl
edge was shared between Egyptian,
Babylonian, and Greek scholars.

It was in the sixth century b.c.e.
that the sky was first formally divided
into twelve sections, each linked with
the specific star rising at each consecu
tive Full Moon. This division was the
precursor to the twelve houses of the
birth chart still in use today. Astrologerkings, said to rule throughout Mesopo
tamia (circa 700 b.c.e.), drew on their
knowledge of the sky to foretell peri
ods of good fortune or famine for their
kingdoms. By the fourth century b.c.e.,
horoscopes expanded into the middle
class and were drawn up for ordinary
individuals, not just those in power.

Astrologys revered place in society
continued through the period of Christ,
with the first two systematic treatises on
astrology published by Vettius Valens
and Manilius in the first century c.e. By
the 900s, the Academy of Wisdom in
Baghdad had expanded to play an inte
gral part in the growth of Middle East
ern culture. Many ancient Greek texts
were translated into Arabic, spread
ing knowledge throughout the Islamic
world. In fact, the city of Baghdad was
founded in 762 c.e. at a time chosen by

Tiberius, Emperor of Rome (1437
c.e.), employed a secret police force of
astrologers to identify rivals. By his time,
the high esteem in which astrology was
held can be seen in the naming of the
days of the week after the seven plan
etary deities. Astrology thrived through
a golden age as humans lived strongly
connected to, aware of, and at the
mercy of the physical world.

The first serious blow to astrology
came from the Christian faith, which
would prove to be astrologys nemesis

through the ages. Roman Emperor Con

stantine officially endorsed Christianity in
312 c.e., plunging astrology and other
pagan practises into a thousand years of
darkness at least throughout Rome
and Greece. The vast body of knowl
edge already available to astrologers
was removed from public access, and
the general populace was encouraged
to convert to the Church. The rulers and
religious leaders from Constantines time
until the Middle Ages were in so much
fear of the knowledge and magic in the
study of the stars that astrology was
made a crime punishable by death. St.
Augustine (354430 c.e.) openly con
demned astrology as much of the West
ern world descended into the Dark Ages.

Although astrology (and its prac
titioners) was discredited throughout
the Roman empire, it began to flour
ish in the Islamic world. The first school
of astrology was opened in 777 c.e. in
Baghdad. During the European Renais
sance in the 12th century (a precursor to
the great Renaissance 300 years later),
astrology enjoyed a revival.3 The birth
chart for King Edward II (1284) survives
to this day.

In 1348, King Philip VI of France
received a response to his request
regarding the calamity of the Black
Plague: The medical faculty of the Uni
versity of Paris linked it to a conjunction
of Saturn, Mars, and Jupiter in Aquarius,
which was exacerbated by an eclipse.4

Astrology flourished during the
great Renaissance as numerous ancient
texts were translated from Greek into
Latin. (This practise had been blocked
by the Church more than 1,000 years
earlier.) Throughout the 15th and 16th
centuries, the study and practise of
astrology was revitalised and began to
be taught in universities across Europe.5
During the reigns of King James I to
Charles I (in the 1600s), horoscopes
were often cast at the beginning of Par
liament to determine how it would fare.

The medical applications of astrol
ogy were explored and helped to bring
this ancient practise back into contem
porary life. Astrology was particularly
important in diagnosing and treating
disease. Nicholas Culpeper followed
the advice of Hippocrates, the father
of medicine, and studied the art of
astrology. Culpepers seminal work,
Oct./Nov. 2008 TMA

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A Concise History
of Astrology
commonly know as Culpepers Herbal,
was first published in 1653 and has
been continually in print ever since.
A decumbiture chart (a birth chart for
medical purposes) was set for the time
a patient fell ill or had an accident. Spe
cific herbs and tonics were prescribed
according to whichever planets or signs
were determined to describe the illness.
This practise is still in use today.

The difficult relationship between
the Church and astrology continued,
but science now became astrologys
nemesis. The death knell came with the
confirmation by Galileo (in 1632) of
Copernicuss theory that the Earth and
planets moved around the Sun. Gali
leo himself supported astrology, draw
ing up charts of family and wealthy
clients; however, astronomers contin
ued to pursue scientific facts to prove
their work. Even though astrology was
based on thousands of years of empirical
observation, it could not pass the rigor

Jung did pioneering

work on archetypes and
the psyche which blended
astrology and psychology.
ous tests the scientific communities now

Over the course of about 200 years,
astrology slowly fell from a respected sis
ter science of astronomy into a tool that
few used with any great skill. It was rele
gated to fortune-telling status. The prac
tise of astrology was kept alive in the
spiritualist movements and among those
wise enough to perceive the narrowness
of science.

Simplified forms of astrology
evolved in modern times as the masses
began to embrace this magical informa
tion. The advent of specialised software
programmes means that anyone can now
calculate a natal chart with the press of a
few buttons. This has led to the growth
of fairground astrology, which refers
to making simple statements about a

persons life based on their birth chart

the kind of delineation that might be
offered in an astrology reading at a fair
or festival, rather than the comprehen
sive analysis made by a professional
astrologer who has taken the time to
work through the layers of the chart. In
fairground astrology, one makes simplis
tic judgments by eyeballing a birth chart
(e.g., you have three planets in your 7th
house; therefore you will have three mar
riages). Due to the general publics easy
access to natal charts, interpretations can
be and are made by those who perhaps
have only a passing interest in astrology
and havent completed formal study.
These interpretations, while based on
astrological data, dont take into consid
eration the subtle complexities of chart
delineation and perhaps do astrology
more disservice than good.

Astrology in Modern Society

Astrology has reinvented itself once
again and is now being taught at univer
sities across the world, from Kepler Col
lege in the United States to Bath Spa
University in the United Kingdom. The


The power and beauty of the birth chart wheel

engraved on each of these unique gifts.

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Student Section

spiritualist church, the theosophists, and

Alan Leo all helped to keep astrology
close to the surface of humanitys aware
ness during the 19th century. Carl Jungs
correspondence with Sigmund Freud,
around the start of the 20th century,
expressed his fascination and experience
with astrology. Jung did pioneering work
on archetypes and the psyche which
blended astrology and psychology into a
cohesive, practical philosophy. This has
set a place for astrology in the study of
the psyche, and many counselling and
therapeutic phrases are now incorpo
rated into the modern language of astro
logical interpretation. This also reflects
the shift from a fated human philosophy
(of the ancient cultures) to our modern
belief in our ability to transform our fate
or lot in life.

No one can predict where astrol
ogy will go from here. It has struggled
to regain its originally revered status,
but the question must be asked: Is this
struggle the fault of astrologys limita
tions, or those of the modern mind? In
our pursuit of scientific proof, we have
lost touch with the unexplainable yet
observable magic in our natural world.
As humanity collectively embraces an
increasingly holistic consciousness,
where the interconnectedness of life is
given due respect, it is no surprise to see
astrology once more climbing the ladder
of mainstream respectability. Astrology
reflects the connection between the

heavens and the Earth, and humanity

again turns to the heavens for divine
connection while we begin to more fully
understand our impact on, and our ties
to, the physical planet beneath our feet.

and for devising the house system that bears

his name.


Brady, Bernadette, and Darrelyn Gunzburg.

Astro Logos Astrology at Work Workbook.

1. In the work, On Generation and Corruption, Aristotle wrote: The earth is bound up in
some necessary way with the local motions of
the heavens, so that all power that resides in this
world is governed by that above.
2. Ptolemy wrote the Tetrabiblos in the 2nd cen
tury c.e. This is considered the major treatise on
astrology in classical times and is available in
English translation. While working in the great
library in Alexandria, Ptolemy devised pre
dictive mathematical models to observe the
motion of the planets, not just the Sun and
Moon. He also mapped the longitude (sky posi
tion) of more than a thousand stars. Tetrabiblos
was a summary of all major astronomical and
astrological techniques in practise at that time.
3. Saint Thomas Aquinas, a 13th-century
scholar who was a recognised influence in the
Catholic Church, believed that astrology and
the Christian faith could co-exist. In the Summa
Theologica, he acknowledged the influence of
the planets on human affairs and attempted to
reconcile astrology with the Christian doctrine
of free will.
4. In 14th-century England, poet Geoffrey
Chaucer was a high court official to Edward III.
Besides the famous Canterbury Tales, Chaucer
wrote the Treatise on the Astrolabe, which set
out the basics of astrology at that time.
5. Regiomontanus (14361476) was a profes
sor of both astrology and astronomy at the Uni
versity of Vienna; he was responsible for the
compilation of some of the early ephemerides

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Bobrick, Benson. The Fated Sky. Simon &

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Hamilton, Sudha. WellBeing Astrology Guide

2008 Kelly Surtees all rights reserved

Kelly Surtees is passionate about astrology

and respected for her knowledge and insight. A
professional astrologer and writer since 2002,
she offers private readings to clients around the
globe. Kelly has lectured internationally and is
known for her informative and inspiring teaching style. Her astrology articles and columns
regularly appear in a variety of international
media. Kelly holds the Practitioners Diploma
in Astrology (Prac. Dip.) from the Federation
of Australian Astrologers (FAA). Her Web site
is: www.kellysurtees.com

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Oct./Nov. 2008 TMA

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