CFAST Sample
CFAST Sample
CFAST Sample
March 2013
The U. S. Department of Commerce makes no warranty, expressed or implied, to users of
CFAST and associated computer programs, and accepts no responsibility for its use. Users of
CFAST assume sole responsibility under Federal law for determining the appropriateness of its
use in any particular application; for any conclusions drawn from the results of its use; and for
any actions taken or not taken as a result of analyses performed using these tools. CFAST is
intended for use only by those competent in the field of fire safety and is intended only to
supplement the informed judgment of a qualified user. The software package is a computer
model which may or may not have predictive value when applied to a specific set of factual
circumstances. Lack of accurate predictions by the model could lead to erroneous conclusions
with regard to fire safety. All results should be evaluated by an informed user.
Continuing support for CFAST is via internal funding at NIST. In addition, support is provided
by other agencies of the U.S. Federal Government, most notably the Nuclear Regulatory
Commission Office of Research and the U.S. Department of Energy. The U.S. NRC Office of
Research has funded key validation experiments, the preparation of the CFAST manuals, and the
continuing development of sub-models that are of importance in the area of nuclear power plant
safety. Special thanks to Mark Salley and Jason Dreisbach for their efforts and support. Support
to refine the software development and quality assurance process for CFAST has been provided
by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). The assistance of Subir Sen and Debra Sparkman in
DOE software quality assurance programs and the application of the process to CFAST is
gratefully acknowledged. Thanks are also due to Allan Coutts, Washington Safety Management
Solutions for his insight into the application of fire models to nuclear safety applications and
detailed review of the CFAST document updates for DOE.
CHAPTER 1 BACKGROUND.................................................................................................... 1
Overview ...................................................................................................................................... 17
Associating Fire Objects with One or More Instances of the Fire in the Compartments of the
Simulation ................................................................................................................................. 52
Filtering ..................................................................................................................................... 66
Overview ...................................................................................................................................... 68
Error Messages............................................................................................................................ 85
REFERENCES............................................................................................................................ 90
1 Background
CFAST is a two-zone fire model used to calculate the evolving distribution of smoke, fire gases and
temperature throughout compartments of a building during a fire. These can range from very small
containment vessels, on the order of 1 m3 to large spaces on the order of 1000 m3. This guide
describes how to obtain the model, verify its correct installation, create input data in an appropriate
form, and analyze of the output of a simulation.
The modeling equations used in CFAST take the mathematical form of an initial value problem for a
system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs). These equations are derived using the
conservation of mass, the conservation of energy (equivalently the first law of thermodynamics), the
ideal gas law and relations for density and internal energy. These equations predict as functions of
time quantities such as pressure, layer height and temperatures given the accumulation of mass and
enthalpy in the two layers. The CFAST model then consists of a set of ODEs to compute the
environment in each compartment and a collection of algorithms to compute the mass and enthalpy
source terms required by the ODEs. The formulation of the equations, their solution, and discussion
of validation and verification of the code are presented in a companion document1.
All of the data to run the model is contained in a primary data file, together with databases for
objects, thermophysical properties of boundaries, and sample prescribed fire descriptions2. These
files contain information about the building geometry (compartment sizes, materials of construction,
and material properties), connections between compartments (horizontal flow openings such as
doors, windows, vertical flow openings in floors and ceilings, and mechanical ventilation
connections), fire properties (fire size and species production rates as a function of time), and
specifications for detectors, sprinklers, and targets (position, size, heat transfer characteristics, and
flow characteristics for sprinklers). Materials are defined by their thermal conductivity, specific heat,
density, thickness, and burning behavior. Throughout the discussion on the model inputs, notes are
included to provide additional insight on the models operation.
The outputs of CFAST are the sensible variables that are needed for assessing the environment in a
building subjected to a fire. These include temperatures of the upper and lower gas layers within
each compartment, the ceiling/wall/floor temperatures within each compartment, the visible smoke
and gas species concentrations within each layer, target temperatures and sprinkler activation time.
Many of the outputs from the CFAST model are relatively insensitive to uncertainty in the inputs for
a broad range of scenarios. However, the more precisely the scenario is defined, the more accurate
the results will be. Not surprisingly, the heat release rate is the most important variable, because it
provides the driving force for fire-driven flows. Other variables related to compartment geometry
such as compartment height or vent sizes, while important for the model results, are typically more
easily defined for specific design scenarios than fire related inputs.
The first public release of CFAST was version 1.0 in June of 1990. This version was restructured
from FAST3 to incorporate the "lessons learned" from the zone model CCFM4, namely that
modifications and additions to the model are easier and more robust if the components such as the
physical routines are separated from the solver code used by the model. Version 2 was released as a
component of Hazard 1.2 in 19945. The first of the 3.x series was released in 1995 and included a
vertical flame spread algorithm, ceiling jets and non-uniform heat loss to the ceiling, spot targets,
and heating and burning of multiple objects in addition to multiple prescribed fires. Ignition was
assigned based on a critical heat flux, a critical temperature, or a critical time input by the user. As
CFAST evolved over the next five years, version 3 included smoke and heat detectors, suppression
through heat release reduction, better characterization of flow through doors and windows, vertical
heat conduction through ceiling/floor boundaries, and non-rectangular compartments. In 2000,
version 4 was released and included horizontal heat conduction through walls, and horizontal smoke
flow in corridors. Version 5 improved the combustion chemistry. Version 6 includes a new user
interface written for Windows and revisions to the input file and model. The current version is 6.1
2 Getting Started
This case checks several attributes of the installation including the presence of the database files (see
auxiliary files in the section on building input files). Additional explanation of the results of this run
is described in Chapter 5.
A detailed process to insure that the model is installed correctly is given in Appendix B of this
CFAST Users Guide.
3 Running CFAST
Running CFAST is relatively simple. All of the parameters that describe a given fire scenario are
entered into a text file that is referred to as the "data" or "input" file. In this document, the data file is
designated as, where "filename" stands for any character string that helps to identify the
simulation. All of the output files associated with the calculation would typically have this common
prefix. In addition to the input file, there are often several external files containing input parameters
for the simulation. These files are referred to as "database" files, which contain parameters
describing common materials and fuels.
The CFAST distribution includes a Windows-based input editor called CEdit that allows the user to
enter details of a simulation in a standard Windows format, save the data file to disk, and run the
simulation with CFAST from within the program. Typically, all simulations would be developed
and run from within CEdit. For numerous, similar or lengthy simulations, the fire model CFAST
can be run from a command prompt window.
It is suggested that a new user start with an existing data file, run it as is, and then make the
appropriate changes to the input file for the desired scenario. By running a sample case, the user
becomes familiar with the procedure and ensures that his/her computer is up to the task before
embarking on learning how to create new input files.
For example, compartment geometry is described by a set of lines (keyword COMPA) that define
the width, depth, and height of each compartment. A description of the input parameters can be
found in Chapter 4.
Typically, the input data file will be created with the input editor, CEdit, included with the CFAST
distribution. A shortcut to the input editor is placed on the start menu during installation. To run,
select Start, Program Files, and CFAST. Details of the program and its inputs are described in
chapter 4.
to only run through initialization. The resulting geometry can be viewed with the
Simulation Visualization, Smokeview menu item, below.
Model Simulation, CFAST: runs the current input data file specification with the fire
model CFAST. The input data file is saved, if necessary, and CFAST is run to
completion. Additional details are described below in the section on starting a CFAST
calculation. In order to visualize the results of the simulation with the program
smokeview, the Smokeview Output Interval must be set to a non-zero value on the
simulation Environment page. This is described in more detail in chapter 4.
Simulation Visualization, Smokeview: runs the program smokeview with the
previously defined smokeview geometry file. This allows the user to see the compartment
geometry and connections or view the results of the simulation visually. Additional
details on the use of smokeview are included in the users guide for smokeview7.
Total Mass Output File: If checked, this menu item directs the CFAST model to replace
the flow output with total mass flow through (mechanical) vents rather than the default
flow rate values.
Net Heat Flux: If checked, this menu item directs the CFAST model to calculate heat
flux to targets as a net heat flux to the target with the target at ambient temperature rather
than at the calculated temperature. This output is particularly useful to compare
predictions to heat flux measurement using water cooled heat flux gauges.
Show CFAST Window: If checked, this menu item allows the user to see the windows
command prompt that is used to execute the CFAST model when the Model Simulation,
CFAST menu item is used. By default, this is not checked. Normally, this can be left
unchecked. For troubleshooting, this can be selected to see additional details of the
calculation as it progresses.
CFAST Validation Output: If checked, this menu item directs the CFAST model to
output target fluxes at net heat flux and to output an abbreviated heading for spreadsheet
columns that are better for automated processing of the data.
Edit Thermal Properties: Heat transfer through compartment surfaces, to secondary fire
objects, or other targets that may be specified depends on user-specified thermal
properties for the materials. These may be viewed or changed by the user as desired. It
is important to note that these are global parameters that are not tied to any particular
simulation. Thus, if values are changed, the changed values will affect all future
simulations or repeated runs of earlier simulations.
Materials properties include thermal conductivity, specific heat, density, thickness, and
emissivity. Materials included in the database provided with the program are textbook
values of common building and furnishing materials.
In addition, a series of constants that define the absorption of HCl on compartment surfaces
can be specified. Values for gypsum wallboard are included in the database supplied with the
Edit Fire Objects: Fires in CFAST are defined with one or more selected fire objects
that define the heat release rate, pyrolysis rate, and species yields as a function of time for
each fire. These may include the default set of fire objects included with the software or
additional or modified objects created by the model user. They may be viewed or
changed by the user as desired. It is important to note that these are global parameters
that are not tied to any particular simulation or individual instance of a fire in a
simulation. Thus, if values are changed, the changed values will affect all future
simulations or repeated runs of earlier simulations.
Details of fire objects and parameters included on the fire objects window are included in the
section on object fires in the next chapter.
Select Engineering Units: The CFAST model uses input values and provides output in
S.I. units. Within the input editor, CEdit, the user may select engineering units of choice
for input and output. These values are saved in the windows registry and may be
changed at any time. By default, most outputs are in S.I. units, with temperature in
The View menu allows the user to view and / or print the input data
file, output file (if the simulation has been run and a text output file
generated) and the log file of the simulation.
The Help menu accesses the online version of this users guide, the
CFAST web site, or an about dialog box that displays the user license
and version of the program.
the simulation, and 6) a series of spreadsheet files of important output variables. Documentation of
the input data file is included as chapter 4 of this users guide. The format of the configuration file,
thermal database, and object databases are detailed in the appendices.
In CFAST, simulations are arranged as projects with all the files associated with a single simulation
sharing a common base file name. For a simulation with a base file name of project, the built-in
naming conventions would identify the files of the simulation as follows:
text output file: project.out
spreadsheet output files: (Normal output) project.n.csv, (Species output) project.s.csv,
(Flow output) project.f.csv, (Wall surface temperatures, targets and sprinklers)
smokeview geometry file: project.smv
smokeview plot file: project.plt
binary output file: project.hi
There may be additional files associated with a specific simulation. Any fires defined for the
simulation (fire object files are defined with a .o extension) and customized thermal properties may
be included in a revised thermal.csv file. These must be in the same directory as the input file for the
model to run.
This opens a window that shows the progress of the simulation, with information on the environment
in each compartment of the simulation. Several buttons are also available as follows:
The close button is disabled while the model is running. Once the simulation is complete
(stopped by the user with the stop button), the close button closes the window and returns to the
main input editor.
The stop button halts execution of the simulation, but leaves the simulation window on
the screen. The stop button is available only when the simulation is in progress.
Normally, model outputs are displayed and updated only at any of the time intervals
specified on the environment page. For complex calculations, there may be a significant time period
between display updates. The update button allows the user to see the current state of the calculation
at any time. The update button is only available when the simulation is in progress.
t replace the flow output with total flow through (mechanical) vents.
v validation output
All of the inputs to the model are discussed in this chapter. Following the discussion that details
each input, their engineering units and default values, notes are included that provided additional
guidance or frequently addressed problems that may be encountered by the user. These notes take
the form of a bulleted list such as:
The inputs may be integers (a simulation time of 1800 s), real numbers (a mass
loss rate of 0.0082 kg/s), or text (a floor material of CONCRETE), as appropriate.
The input file is a comma-separated ASCII text file and may be edited with a
spreadsheet program or any text editor. It is possible to use a word processor but it
is important to save the file in ASCII text format and not in a word processing
format. Note that some word processors will save punctuation and other
characters incorrectly for the simple ASCII text file used by CFAST. It is
recommended that the input files be created with the input editor, CEdit, provided
as part of the CFAST distribution. In addition to checking the input data for
errors, it includes recommended limits for input values to assist in appropriate use
of the model.
Numeric format for inputs to CFAST and the input editor CEdit assume a period
is used to separate the integer and fractional parts of the number. No separator is
used to group digits in the integer part of numbers.
Each line of input consists of a label followed by one or more alphanumeric
parameters associated with that input label, separated by commas. The label must
always begin in the first space of the line and be in capital letters. Following the
label, the values may start in any column, and all values must be separated by a
comma. Values may contain decimal points if needed or desired. They are not
Inputs are in standard SI units. The maximum line length is 1024 characters, so
all data for each keyword must fit in this number of characters.
The installation program creates a shortcut to the input editor on the Windows start menu labeled
CFAST that points to the input editor. Once started, the user is presented with a series of tabbedpages for the various inputs in a CFAST input data file.
These tabbed-pages organize the inputs for CFAST simulations into several categories:
Simulation Environment includes simulation time, specification of model
outputs, and ambient conditions. Also included on the page are a constantly
updated list of errors, warnings, and messages about the input file specification or
model simulation.
Compartment Geometry defines the size, construction characteristics, and
position of the compartments in a simulation.
Horizontal Flow Vents, Vertical Flow Vents, and Mechanical Flow Vents
allows the user to connect compartments with doors and windows, ceiling and
floor vents, or forced air ventilation systems.
Fires include user specification of the initial fire source and any additional
burning objects in one or more of the compartments of the simulation.
Detection / Suppression defines any heat alarms and sprinklers in the
compartments of the simulation.
Targets provide the ability calculate the temperature and net heat flux to objects
placed and oriented arbitrarily in the structure.
Surface Connections allows for more detailed description of the connections
between compartments in the simulation to better simulate the transfer of heat
from compartment to compartment in the simulation.
Each of these tabbed-pages is described in more detail below. In addition, a series of menus allow
the user to open and save files; run the simulation, or access help and program information.
Simulation Environment
The Simulation Environment page defines the initial conditions and simulation time for the CFAST
input file.
Title: The title is optional and may consist of letters, numbers, and/or symbols and may be up to 50
characters. It permits the user to label each run.
Simulation Time (default units: s, default value, 900 s): The length of time over which the
simulation takes place. This is a required input which should be entered even if all other
fields are not included. The maximum value for this input is 86400 s (1 day).
Text Output Interval (default units: s, default value, 50 s): The print interval is the time interval
between each printing of the output values. If omitted or less than or equal to zero, no output
values will occur.
Binary Output Interval (default units: s, default value: no output): CFAST can store all of the
results of the model simulation in a binary-formatted file which can be saved for later
analysis or output using utility programs that come with the CFAST software. This input
defines the time interval between outputs of the model results in binary format.
Spreadsheet Output Interval (default units: s, default value, 10 s): CFAST can output a subset of
the results of the model simulation in a comma-delimited alphanumeric format which can be
read by most spreadsheet software. This is designed to be imported into a spreadsheet for
further analysis or graphing of the results of the simulation. This input defines the time
interval between outputs of the model results in a spreadsheet-compatible format. A value
greater than zero must be used if the spreadsheet file is to be used.
Smokeview Output Interval (default units: s, default value: 10 s): CFAST can output a subset of
the results in a format compatible with the visualization program smokeview. This input
defines the time interval between outputs of the model results in a smokeview-compatible
format. A value greater than zero must be used if the spreadsheet output is desired.
In addition to the input data file created specifically for a CFAST simulation, there are a number
files that CFAST uses to define default values and other input information, and to output the results
of the simulation for later analysis. They include 1) a thermal properties file, 2) files of predefined
fire objects, 3) a binary history file, and 4) a spreadsheet-compatible output file.
The thermal properties file contains material properties for compartment surfaces, target objects that
may be placed in compartments in the simulation to monitor surface temperature and heat flux to the
objects, and fire objects, in addition to the main fire in the simulation that may ignite based on their
surface temperature or incident flux onto the surface of the object. The predefined fire objects files
contain definitions for a number of reference fires from the literature or developed by the user that
may be included in a simulation. The thermal properties and fire objects files may be modified by
the user. Details of the files are included in the appendices. There are default files included in the
CFAST distribution.
Thermal Properties File: The name specifies a file from which the program reads data for names
specified in the compartment, target, and object fire specifications. The default name is
thermal.csv which is included with the CFAST distribution. The format of this file is detailed
in the appendix.
Ambient Conditions
Ambient conditions define the environment at which the scenario begins. This allows the user to
specify the temperature, pressure, and station elevation of the ambient atmosphere, as well as the
absolute wind pressure to which the structure is subjected. Pressure interior to a structure is
calculated simply as a lapse rate (related to the height above sea level) based on the NOAA/NASA
tables8. This modification is applied to the vents which connect to the exterior ambient. The
calculated pressure change is modified by the wind coefficient for each vent. This coefficient, which
can vary from -1.0 to +1.0, nominally from -0.8 to +0.8, determines whether the vent is facing away
from or into the wind. The pressure change is multiplied by the vent wind coefficient and added to
the external ambient for each vent which is connected to the outside. There is an ambient for the
interior and for the exterior of the structure. Three keywords define the ambient conditions: TAMB
for the interior of the structure, EAMB for the exterior of the structure is EAMB, and WIND for the
wind information.
Ambient Temperature (default units: C, default value: 20 C): Initial ambient temperature inside
(for TAMB) or outside (For EAMB) the structure at the station elevation.
Ambient Pressure (default units: Pa, default value: 101300 Pa): Initial values for ambient
atmospheric pressure inside (for TAMB) and outside (for EAMB) the structure at the station
elevation. Default value is standard atmospheric pressure at sea level (0 m elevation) of
101.3 kPa. Input units are in Pa. These values define standard conditions as defined in
Standard Atmosphere as noted in the Handbook of Chemistry and Physics9 . There is a set of
numerical approximations in the CFAST code which duplicate the
pressure/temperature/altitude relationships in the handbook.
Elevation (defaults units: m, default value: 0 m): The height where the ambient pressure and
temperature were specified. This is the reference datum for calculating the density of the
atmosphere as well as the temperature and pressure inside and outside of the structure as a
function of height.
Relative humidity (default units % RH, default value: 50 %): The initial relative humidity in the
system, only specified for the interior with the TAMB command. This is converted to
kilograms of water per cubic meter.
The wind speed, scale height, and power law are used to calculate the wind coefficient for each vent
connected to the outside. The wind velocity is specified at some reference height. The power law
then provides a lapse rate for the wind speed. An assumption is that the wind speed is zero at the
surface. The formula used to calculate the wind speed at the height of any vent is show below. The
wind is applied to each external opening as a change in pressure outside of the vent.
Wind Speed (default units: m/s, default value 0 m/s): Wind speed at the reference elevation.
Scale Height: (default units: m, default value: 0 m)): Reference height at which the reference wind
speed is measured.
Power Law Coefficient (default units: dimensionless, default value 0.16): The power law used to
calculate the wind speed as a function of height. Default value is 0.16. Using the notation that
VW, is the wind speed at the reference height HW, and PW is the power law, the exterior
pressure is modified by P CW V 2 and V VW H i H W W where Hi is the position of the
In order to see the effect of wind, the corresponding parameter for the ventilation keyword
must be specified. The default for the wind vector is 0, which turns off wind effects. Please
see the HVENT command, below.
The choice for station elevation, temperature and pressure must be consistent. Outside of
that limitation, the choice is arbitrary. It is often convenient to choose the base of a structure
to be at zero height and then reference the height of the structure with respect to that height.
The temperature and pressure must then be measured at that position. Another possible
choice would be the pressure and temperature at sea level, with the structure elevations then
given with respect to mean sea level. This is also acceptable, but somewhat more tedious in
specifying the construction of a structure. Either of these choices works though, so long as
they are consistent. Usually, the station elevation is set to zero and the pressure to ambient.
The effect of changing these values is small for small changes. There will be an effect for
places at altitude such as Denver, Colorado, but even there the effect is not pronounced. Note
that the equations implemented in the model are not designed to handle negative elevations
and altitudes. It is suggested that the defaults be used.
These three parameters are optional. If they are not included in the input file, default values
are used.
Compartment Geometry
The Compartment Geometry page defines the size, position, materials of construction, and flow
characteristics for the compartments in the simulation. Initially, only the simulation environment
page and the Add button on the compartment geometry page is enabled; all other pages are not
available to the user for detailed inputs until a compartment has been added to the simulation.
Most of the tabbed pages in the program are of similar design, with a summary of the defined items
in table form at the top of the page, a series of buttons to add, remove, or modify the item
highlighted in the summary table, and a number of individual inputs below which details all of the
inputs for the item selected in the summary table. The buttons included on the compartment
geometry page are as follows:
Use the Add button to create a new compartment with default values for all entries.
Use the Duplicate button to create a copy of the compartment currently selected in the
summary table at the top of the page. The new compartment is added to the end of the list
with the named changed to indicate it is a copy of the selected item.
Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to change the order of the list of
compartments in the summary table. This simply changes the automatically assigned
compartment numbers for the compartments. Compartments can be ordered as desired.
Use the Remove button to delete the selected compartment from the list of compartments
in the summary table. Other compartments are renumbered once the compartment is deleted.
Compartment Name: Compartments are identified by a unique alphanumeric name. This may be a
simple as a single character or number, or a description of the compartment.
In order to model a fire scenario, the size and elevation of each compartment in the structure must be
specified. For a compartment, the width, depth, compartment height and height of the floor of the
compartment provide this specification. The maximum number of compartments for version 6 is
thirty. The usual assumption is that compartments are rectangular parallelepipeds. However, the
CFAST model can accommodate odd shapes as equivalent floor area parallelepipeds or with a crosssectional area that varies with height.
At least one compartment must be specified in the input file. There are no defaults for compartment
size. There are defaults for absolute positioning (0,0,0). The fully mixed (single zone) and corridor
models are turned off by default.
Compartments in CFAST are most typically
defined by a width, depth, and height. If
desired, compartments can be prescribed by
the cross-sectional area of the compartment as
a function of height from floor to ceiling for
other shapes. The absolute position of the
compartment with respect to a single structure
reference point can be defined to ease
visualization or to allow exact placement of
vents and surfaces relative to other
compartments in a detailed calculation. This
specification is important for utilizing the
corridor flow algorithm with the HALL command and for positioning the compartments for
visualization in SMOKEVIEW.
The relevant CFAST keywords are COMPA to define the compartment size and materials, HALL or
ONEZ to define flow characteristics in the compartment, and ROOMA / ROOMH to define a
variable cross-sectional area for the compartment. The COMPA command is required for each
compartment as a basic definition for the compartment, even if there are subsequent modifications
by the HALL, ONEZ, ROOMA, or ROOMH keywords which follow. Details of the CFAST
keywords are included in Appendix A.
Width: specifies the width of the compartment as measured on the X axis from the origin (0,0,0) of
the compartment.
Depth: specifies the depth of the compartment as measured on the Y axis from the origin (0,0,0) of
the compartment.
Height: specifies the height of the compartment as measured on the Z axis from the origin (0,0,0) of
the compartment.
Absolute Width Position: specifies the absolute x coordinate of the lower, left, front corner of the
Absolute Depth Position: specifies the absolute y coordinate of the lower, left, front corner of the
To calculate heat loss through the ceiling, walls, and floor of a compartment, the properties of the
bounding surfaces must be known. This includes the thermophysical properties of the surfaces and
the arrangement of adjacent compartments if calculation of intercompartment heat transfer is to be
The thermophysical properties of the surfaces which define compartments are described by
specifying the thermal conductivity, specific heat, emissivity, density, and thickness of the enclosing
surfaces for each material and then assigning the material to the ceiling, walls, and floor of a
compartment. Currently, thermal properties for materials are read from a thermal data file unique to
CFAST. The thermophysical properties are specified at one condition of temperature, humidity, etc.
In CFAST version 6, there can only a single layer per boundary (previous versions allowed up to
three). See the explanation in the section on auxiliary files for additional details.
The default name for the thermal properties database is thermal.csv. Another name can be used
using the keyword THRMF in the input data file for the scenario of interest. This thermal data file is
also used for targets and other objects
The bounding surfaces are the ceilings, walls and floors that define a compartment. These are
referred to as thermophysical boundaries, since each participates in conduction and radiation as well
as defining the compartments, unless these phenomena are explicitly turned off.
Ceiling Material (default value: Gypsum Board): material name from the thermal properties data
file used for the ceiling surface of the compartment.
Wall Material (default value: Gypsum Board): material name from the thermal properties data file
used for the wall surfaces of the compartment.
Floor Material (default value: Off): material name from the thermal properties data file used for the
floor surface of the compartment.
If the thermophysical properties of the enclosing surfaces are not included, CFAST will treat
them as adiabatic (no heat transfer).
If a name is used which is not in the database, the model should stop with an error message.
The keyword in the data file simply gives a name (such as CONCRETE) which refers to the
properties for that material in the thermal data file (see section 4.2.3 and Appendix A for
details on the thermophysical database).
Since most of the heat conduction is through the ceiling, and since the conduction calculation
takes a significant fraction of the computation time, it is recommended that initial
calculations be made using the ceiling only. Adding the walls generally has a small effect on
the results, and the floor contribution is usually negligible. Clearly, there are cases where the
above generalization does not hold, but it may prove to be a useful screening technique. A
caveat in including floor properties is that the set of equations describing heat transfer
becomes difficult to solve once the thermal wave from the compartments reaches the
unexposed side of a floor. The back surfaces of compartments are assumed to be exposed to
ambient conditions unless specifically specified (see the section on Surface Connections) to
specify heat transfer connections between compartments).
Compartment Connections
Flow through vents can be natural flow through doors, windows, or openings in ceilings and floors;
or forced flow in a mechanical ventilation system. Natural flow comes in two varieties. The first is
referred to as horizontal flow. It is the flow which is normally thought of in discussing fires. It
encompasses flow through doors, windows and so on. The other is vertical flow and can occur if
there is a hole in the ceiling or floor of a compartment. This latter phenomena is useful in some
scenarios such as in a ship where openings in floors and ceilings through scuttles are common and in
buildings with manual or automatic heat and smoke venting.
Flow through normal vents is governed by the pressure difference across a vent. There are two
situations which give rise to flow through vents. The first is flow of air or smoke driven from a
compartment by buoyancy. The second type of flow is due to expansion which is particularly
important when conditions in the fire environment are changing rapidly. Rather than depending
entirely on density differences between the two gases, the flow is forced by volumetric expansion.
In addition to natural flow, forced flow from mechanical ventilation can affect a fire as well. More
important than affecting the fire, however, is the dispersal of the smoke and toxic gases from the fire
to adjacent spaces, if ventilation continues to operate after a fire starts.
Atmospheric pressure is about 100 000 Pa. Fires produce pressure changes from 1 Pa to 1000 Pa and
mechanical ventilation systems typically involve pressure differentials of about 1 Pa to 100 Pa. In
order to address pressure-induced flow, pressure differences of about 0.1 Pa out of 100 000 Pa for
the overall problem or 10-4 Pa for adjacent compartments must be tracked.
The keywords which describe the various flow regimes are:
Windows and doors (horizontal flow through vertical vents): HVENT, specifies vent
which connect compartments horizontally
Holes in a ceiling/floor (vertical flow through horizontal vents: VVENT, specifies a vent
which connects compartments vertically
HVAC specification: MVENT specifies a vent which connects compartments with a
forced flow
For all three types of vents the size of the vent opening (expressed as a fraction of the original
opening) may be changed:
EVENT change the opening fraction of the specified vent at a chosen time.
Horizontal flow connections may include doors between compartments or to the outdoors as well as
windows in the compartments. These specifications do not necessarily correspond to physically
connecting the walls between specified compartments. Rather, lack of an opening simply prevents
flow between the compartments. Horizontal flow connections may also be used to account for
leakage between compartments or to the outdoors.
Horizontal connections can only be created between compartments that physically overlap in
elevation at some point. These may include doors between compartments or windows in the
compartments (between compartments or to the outdoors). Openings to the outside are included as
openings to a compartment with a number one greater than the number of compartments described in
the geometry section. The relevant CFAST keyword is HVENT. Details of the CFAST keywords
are included in the appendix.
Most of the tabbed pages in the program are of similar design, with a summary of the defined items
in table form at the top of the page, a series of buttons to add, remove, or modify the item
highlighted in the summary table, and a number of individual inputs below which details all of the
inputs for the item selected in the summary table. The buttons included on the horizontal flow vents
page are as follows.
Use the Add button to create a new horizontal flow vent with default values for all
Use the Duplicate button to create a copy of the horizontal flow vent currently selected in
the summary table at the top of the page. The new vent is added to the end of the list with the
named changed to indicate it is a copy of the selected item.
Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to change the order of the list of
horizontal flow vents in the summary table. This simply changes the automatically assigned
vent numbers for the vents. Vents can be ordered as desired.
Use the Remove button to delete the selected horizontal flow vent from the list of
horizontal flow vents in the summary table. Other vents are renumbered once the
compartment is deleted.
First Compartment: First of the two compartments to be connected by a horizontal flow vent.
Compartments are numbered automatically by the input editor and by the model in the order
they are read from the input data file and/or the order they appear in the summary table on
the compartment geometry page. Compartment numbers begin with 1, so the first
compartment is number 1, the second 2, and so forth.
Second Compartment: Second of the two compartments to be connected by a horizontal flow vent.
Compartments are numbered automatically by the input editor and by the model in the order
they are read from the input data file and/or the order they appear in the summary table on
the compartment geometry page. Compartment numbers begin with 1, so the first
compartment is number 1, the second 2, and so forth.
Vent Number: It is possible to define a total of 25 horizontal flow connections between any pair of
compartments. A number from 1 to 25 uniquely identifies the connection. Normally, this
number is automatically assigned by the input editor based on the order they appear in the
summary table on the horizontal flow vents page.
Sill (default units: m, default value: none): Sill height is the height of the bottom of the opening
relative to the floor of the compartment selected as the first compartment.
Soffit (default units: m, default value: none): Position of the top of the opening relative to the floor
of the compartment selected as the first compartment.
Width (default units: m, default value: none): The width of the opening.
Horizontal flow vents may be opened or closed during the fire. The relevant CFAST keyword is
EVENT. The initial format of EVENT is similar to HVENT specifying the connecting compartments
and vent number. Each EVENT line in the input file details the open/close time dependent
characteristics for one horizontal flow vent by specifying a fractional value and a time. The default
is 1.0 which is a fully open vent. A value of 0.5 would specify a vent which is halfway open.
Initial Opening Fraction: Flow through horizontal vents is calculated based on the area of the vent.
Normally, the vent is fully open. If desired, the user may specify a fraction between 0 and 1
that allows the vent to be partially or fully closed at the beginning of the simulation. In the
model calculation, the vent width is multiplied by this fraction. The opening fraction may be
changed at any time in the simulation through the use of the EVENT command.
Change Opening Fraction At Time: Time during the simulation at which to change the opening
Final Opening Fraction: for horizontal flow vents, the fraction specifies the fractional width
opening of the vent. Fractional values must be between 0 and 1.
Wind: The wind coefficient is the cosine of the angle between the wind vector and the vent opening.
This applies only to vents which connect to the outside. The range of values is -1.0 to 1.0
with a default value of zero. In the input editor, this is specified as the angle between the
face of the vent and the wind direction.
There are also two parameters which are used to locate the compartments relative to each other.
These are used to incorporate additional three dimensional information of the relative location of the
vents with respect to each other. In the compartment view of CFAST, the orientation is that the
rotation/translation point of the compartment is the back/bottom/left. In this view, both parameters
would be with respect to the left hand side of the respective compartments. This allows the corridor
filling model to incorporate a delay time for filling based on the separation between the vents. These
parameters are needed only if the HALL command is used.
First Compartment Offset: Horizontal distance between the centerline of this vent and the
reference point in the first compartment.
Second Compartment Offset: Horizontal distance between the centerline of this vent and the
reference point in the second compartment.
The soffit and sill specifications are with respect to the first compartment specified and is not
necessarily symmetric since the elevation of the second compartment may be different than
the first. Reversing the order of the compartment designations does make a difference.
This section of the input data file describes these vertical flow openings. Examples of these openings
are scuddles in a ship, or a hole in the roof of a residence. Combined buoyancy- and pressure-driven
(i.e., forced) flow through a vertical flow vent is possible when the connected spaces adjacent to the
vent are filled with gases of different density in an unstable configuration, with the density of the top
space larger than that of the bottom space. With a moderate cross-vent pressure difference, the
instability leads to a bi-directional flow between the two spaces. For relatively large cross-vent
pressure difference the flow through the vent is unidirectional, from the high- to the low-pressure
Connections can exist between compartments or between a compartment and the outdoors. Openings
to the outside are included as openings to a compartment with a number one greater than the number
of compartments defined in the scenario. These connections are described by the VVENT keyword.
Each VVENT line in the input file describes one vertical vent. There are four parameters which
include each of the connected compartments, the shape of the opening, and the effective area of the
Most of the tabbed pages in the program are of similar design, with a summary of the defined items
in table form at the top of the page, a series of buttons to add, remove, or modify the item
highlighted in the summary table, and a number of individual inputs below which details all of the
inputs for the item selected in the summary table. The buttons included on the vertical flow vents
page are as follows.
Use the Add button to create a new vertical flow vent with default values for all entries.
Use the Duplicate button to create a copy of the vertical flow vent currently selected in
the summary table at the top of the page. The new vent is added to the end of the list with the
named changed to indicate it is a copy of the selected item.
Use the Remove button to delete the selected vertical flow vent from the list of vertical
flow vents in the summary table. Other vents are renumbered once the compartment is
Top Compartment: The top or first of the two compartments to be connected by a vertical flow
vent. The vent is through the floor of this compartment. Compartments are numbered
automatically by the input editor and by the model in the order that they are read from the
input data file and/or the order they appear in the summary table on the compartment
geometry page. Compartment numbers begin with 1, so the first compartment is number 1,
the second 2, and so forth.
Bottom Compartment: The bottom or second of the two compartments to be connected by a
horizontal flow vent. The vent is through the ceiling of this compartment. Compartments are
numbered automatically by the input editor and by the model in the order they are read from
the input data file and/or the order they appear in the summary table on the compartment
geometry page. Compartment numbers begin with 1, so the first compartment is number 1,
the second 2, and so forth.
Cross-sectional Area (default units: m2, default value: none): specifies the cross-sectional area of
the vent connecting the two compartments.
Shape: The shape factor is 1 for circular openings and 2 for square openings.
Initial Opening Fraction: Flow through vertical vents is calculated based on the area of the vent.
Normally, the vent is fully open. If desired, the user may specify a fraction between 0 and 1
that allows the vent to be partially or fully closed at the beginning of the simulation. In the
model calculation, the vent area is multiplied by this fraction. The opening fraction may be
changed at any time in the simulation through the use of the EVENT command.
Change Opening Fraction At Time (default units: s, default value: none): Time during the
simulation at which to change the opening fraction.
Final Opening Fraction: for vertical flow vents, the fraction specifies the fractional cross-sectional
area of the vent. Fractional values must be between 0 and 1.
Although obvious, note that the top or first compartment must be the compartment on top of
the bottom or second compartment.
CFAST allows only a single connection between any pair of compartments included in a
simulation. This limitation is based on the implementation of the vertical flow algorithm in
CFAST and on the validation efforts for the original algorithm development10 which only
studied a single opening between connected compartments.
Vertical connections can only be created between compartments that could be physically
stacked based on specified floor and ceiling elevations for the compartments. Some overlap
between the absolute floor height of one compartment and the absolute ceiling height of
another compartment is allowed. However, whether the compartments are stacked or overlap
somewhat, the ceiling/floor absolute elevations must be within 0.01 m of each other. The
check is not done when the connection is to the outside.
Fan-duct systems are commonly used in buildings for heating, ventilation, air conditioning,
pressurization, and exhaust. Generally, systems that maintain comfortable conditions have either one
or two fans. Residences often have a systems with a single fan. Further information about these
systems is presented in Klote and Milke11 and the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and
Air Conditioning Engineers12.
The model for mechanical ventilation used in CFAST is based on the theory of networks and is
based on the model developed by Klote13 This is a simplified form of Kirchoff's law which says that
flow into a node must be balanced by flow out of the node. The equations used describe the
relationship between the pressure drop across a duct, the resistance of a duct, and the mass flow.
The pressure can be changed by conditions in a compartment, or a fan in line in the duct system.
Resistance arises from the finite size of ducts, roughness on duct surfaces, bends and joints. In
CFAST, default values are used for the duct properties, and thus mechanical ventilation connections
are simply described by the connections to the two compartments and a fan whose throughput is a
constant volumetric flow up to a user-specified pressure drop across the fan, dropping to zero at high
backwards pressure on the fan.
Most of the tabbed pages in the program are of similar design, with a summary of the defined items
in table form at the top of the page, a series of buttons to add, remove, or modify the item
highlighted in the summary table, and a number of individual inputs below which details all of the
inputs for the item selected in the summary table. The buttons included on the mechanical flow vents
page are as follows.
Use the Add button to create a new mechanical flow vent with default values for all
Use the Duplicate button to create a copy of the mechanical flow vent currently selected
in the summary table at the top of the page. The new vent is added to the end of the list with
the named changed to indicate it is a copy of the selected item.
Use the Remove button to delete the selected mechanical flow vent from the list of
mechanical flow vents in the summary table. Other vents are renumbered once the
compartment is deleted.
From Compartment: The first compartment to which the mechanical ventilation system diffuser is
connected. Fan flow is from this compartment. Compartments are numbered automatically
by the input editor and by the model in the order they are read from the input data file and/or
the order they appear in the summary table on the compartment geometry page.
Compartment numbers begin with 1, so the first compartment is number 1, the second 2, and
so forth.
From Compartment Area (default units: m2, default value: none): Cross-sectional area of the
opening into the compartment. The area will be truncated if the midpoint (height) is set such
that the height plus or minus the effective length is above the compartment ceiling or below
the floor.
From Compartment Height (default units: m, default value: none): Height of the duct opening
above the floor of the compartment measured from the midpoint of the register.
From Compartment Orientation: The orientation of the diffuser relative to the floor of the
compartment. A horizontal diffuser implies vertical flow through the ceiling or floor of the
compartment. A vertical diffuser implies horizontal flow through a wall of the compartment.
To Compartment: The bottom or second of the two compartments to be connected by a horizontal
flow vent. The vent is through the ceiling of this compartment. Compartments are numbered
automatically by the input editor and by the model in the order they are read from the input
data file and/or the order they appear in the summary table on the compartment geometry
page. Compartment numbers begin with 1, so the first compartment is number 1, the second
2, and so forth.
To Compartment Area (default units: m2, default value: none): Cross-sectional area of the opening
into the compartment. The area will be truncated if the midpoint (height) is set such that the
height plus or minus the effective length is above the compartment ceiling or below the floor.
To Compartment Height (default units: m, default value: none): Height of the duct opening above
the floor of the compartment measured from the midpoint of the register.
To Compartment Orientation: The orientation of the diffuser relative to the floor of the
compartment. A horizontal diffuser implies vertical flow through the ceiling or floor of the
compartment. A vertical diffuser implies horizontal flow through a wall of the compartment.
Flow Rate (default units: m3/s, default value: none): Constant flow rate of the forced-air flow from
the first compartment to the second compartment.
Begin Drop Off Pressure (default units: Pa, default value: 200 Pa): The description of the fan
includes a drop off in flow beginning at a pressure specified by the user. Above this pressure
drop, the flow gradually drops to zero flow.
Zero Flow Pressure (default units: Pa, default value: 300 Pa): Specifies the pressure above which
the flow through the mechanical ventilation connection is zero.
Initial Opening Fraction: Flow through mechanical vents is calculated based on the area of the
vent. Normally, the vent is fully open. If desired, the user may specify a fraction between 0
and 1 that allows the vent to be partially or fully closed at the beginning of the simulation. In
the model calculation, the fan flow rate is multiplied by this fraction. The opening fraction
may be changed at any time in the simulation through the use of the EVENT command.
Change Opening Fraction At Time (default units: s, default value: none): Time during the
simulation at which to change the opening fraction.
Final Opening Fraction: for mechanical flow vents, the fraction specifies the fractional fan flow
rate for the vent. Fractional values must be between 0 and 1.
Filter Efficiency: (default units: %, default value: none): Flow through mechanical vents may
include filtering that removes a user-specified portion of soot and trace species mass from the
flow through the vent. By default, there is no filtering applied, that is all of the soot and trace
species mass in the vent flow is passed through the vent. Within the user interface, this is
specified as a filter efficiency of 0 %. If desired, the user may specify the fraction of the soot
and trace species mass to be removed as a percentage.
Begin Filtering At Time: (default units: s, default value: none): Time during the simulation at
which the mechanical vent filtering begins.
CFAST does not include provisions for reverse flow through a fan. Calibration for backward
flow is not provided by fan manufacturers, so the equations incorporated in CFAST do not
allow for such flow. The problem is simply that in this flow regime, the fan has stalled, and
likely will soon fail.
If the simulation includes mechanical ventilation filtering, care should be taken in choosing
trace species production rates to insure the production rate is small compared to the total
pyrolysis rate. This will allow appropriate conservation of mass in the solution of the system
of differential equation. For large production rates of trace species, scaling factors can be
used (e.g., divide by 1000) for the trace species production rate to reduce the relative
magnitude compared to the pyrolysis rate. For analysis, the resulting trace species in
compartments and filters can be converted back to original units multiplying by the scaling
factor used.
Prescribing Fires
A simulated fire in CFAST is implemented as a source of fuel mass which is released at a prescribed
rate (the pyrolysis rate). Energy is released by the fuel and combustion products are created as it
burns. In the fire, species production is calculated based on production yields prescribed by the user.
In addition, the pyrolysis rate and resulting energy and species generation may be limited by the
oxygen available for combustion. When sufficient oxygen is available for combustion, the heat
release rate for the constrained fire is the same as for the unconstrained fire.
The model can simulate multiple fires in one or more compartments of the building. These fires are
treated as totally separate entities, with no interaction of the plumes. These fires are generally
referred to as objects and can be ignited at a prescribed time, temperature or heat flux.
CFAST does not include a pyrolysis model to predict fire growth. Rather, pyrolysis rates for each
fire are prescribed by the user. While this approach does not directly account for increased pyrolysis
due to radiative feedback from the flame or compartment, in theory these effects could be prescribed
by the user as described in this section. In an actual fire, this is an important consideration, and the
specification used should consider the experimental conditions as closely as possible.
A fire releases energy based on the pyrolysis of fuel, but may be constrained by the oxygen available
for combustion depending on the compartment conditions. Complete burning will take place only
where there is sufficient oxygen. When insufficient oxygen is entrained into the fire plume,
unburned fuel will be transported from zone to zone until there is sufficient oxygen and a high
enough temperature to support combustion. In general, CFAST uses a simple definition of a
combustion reaction that includes major products of combustion for hydrocarbon fuels:
C n H o O p N q Cl r m1 O2 3.76 N 2 m 2 CO 2 m3CO m 4 H 2 O m5 HCl m6 HCN 3.76m1 N 2
Gaseous nitrogen is included, but only acts as a diluent. Production of hydrogen cyanide and
hydrogen chloride are tracked solely based on user prescribed yields.
The heat release rate for a constrained fire may be reduced below its prescribed value based upon the
oxygen available for combustion. For the constrained fire, the burning rate may be less than the
pyrolysis rate and cannot be simplified as in the case of the unconstrained fire. As fuel and oxygen
are consumed, heat is released and various products of combustion are formed.
Constraint on the Fire by Limiting Combustion by Available Oxygen (LOI)
For a constrained fire, the heat release rate is limited by available oxygen. This limit is applied in
three places: The first is burning in the portion of the plume which is in the lower layer of the room
of fire origin; the second is the portion of the plume in the upper layer, also in the room of origin; the
third is in the vent flow which entrains air from a lower layer into an upper layer in an adjacent
compartment. The unburned hydrocarbons are tracked in this model. Combustion of CO to CO2 is
not included in the model. Actual combustion chemistry is not considered in CFAST due to the
complexities associated with detailed kinetics and transport.
There are two calculations involving radiation in this model. One is for energy balance and is based
on broadband radiation absorption. The amount of radiation absorbed in sensitive to the species
present, specifically water vapor, soot and carbon dioxide.
The other is for visibility of egress signs. This calculation is based solely on the soot volume fraction
and is reported as optical depth (per meter). The conversion factor is based on the recent work by
Mulholland and Croarkin14. The value for converting mass density in kg/m3 to optical depth is 3817
m2/kg. The value reported is intended specifically for assessing the visibility of egress signs, based
on the work of Jin15. It is not applicable to the far blue or red regions of the spectrum and so should
not be used for assessing optical detection of fires through smoke.
Most of the tabbed pages in the program are of similar design, with a summary of the defined items
in table form at the top of the page, a series of buttons to add, remove, or modify the item
highlighted in the summary table, and a number of individual inputs below which details all of the
inputs for the item selected in the summary table. The buttons included on the fires page are as
Use the Add button to create a new fire with default values for all entries.
Use the Duplicate button to create a copy of the fire currently selected in the summary
table at the top of the page. The new fire is added to the end of the list with the named
changed to indicate it is a copy of the selected item.
Use the Remove button to delete the selected fire from the list of fires in the summary
Use the Edit button to edit the currently selected fire object. Fire Objects can also be
changed from the Tools menu. A separate window allows the user to view or change any of the
available fire objects.
Use the Add t2 button to create a new fire object with a heat release rate specified by the
user in the form of a t-squared fire. For a wide range of fires, the fire growth can be
accurately represented with a power law relation of the form q t 2 where q is the heat
release rate of the fire, is the fire intensity coefficient, and t is time17. A set of specific tsquared fires labeled slow, medium, and fast, with fire intensity coefficients () such that the
fires reached 1054 kW (1000 BTU/s) in 600 s, 300 s, and 150 s, respectively were proposed
for design of fire detection systems18. Later, these specific growth curves and a fourth called
"Ultra-fast" which reaches 1054 kW in 75 s, gained favor in general fire protection
applications19. Details of the inputs for a t-squared fire is included below.
Use the Add button to create a new fire object with default values for all entries. No
time-dependent values are included in the new fire.
Use the Duplicate button to create a copy of the fire object currently selected in the
summary table at the top of the page. The new fire object is added to the list with the named
changed to indicate it is a copy of the selected item.
Use the Remove button to delete the selected fire object from the list of fire objects in the
summary table.
Fire Object Name: The name from the collection of fire objects for the desired object. This
corresponds to the name of the fire object file, without the extension. Specifying a name not
found in the database causes CFAST to stop with an appropriate error message.
Material (default value: none): material name from the thermal properties data file used for the
object. The material properties are used to calculate heat transfer into the object from its
Length (default units: m, default value: none): specifies the length of the object. The choice of
dimension to be designated as length, width, or thickness is arbitrary. Heat flux to the object
surface is assumed to be incident to the surface defined by the length and width dimensions.
Width (default units: m, default value: none): specifies the width of the object.
Thickness (default units: m, default value: none): specifies the thickness of the object.
Molar Mass (default units kg/mol, default value: 0.016 kg/mol) This is the conversion factor from
mass density to molecular density for Total Unburned Hydrocarbon, the fuel vapor. It is
used only for conversion to parts-per-million and has no effect on the model itself.
Total Mass (default units: kg, default value: 10 000 kg): Total mass of the object.
Heat of Combustion (default units: J/kg, default value: 50 000 000 J/kg): The energy released per
kilogram of mass burned.
Heat of Gasification (default units: J/kg, default value: none): The sum of the sensible and latent
heat required to vaporize a unit mass of material.
Volatilization Temperature (default units: C, default value: ambient): The temperature of the
vapor as it is emitted from a fuel source. Typically, the initial fuel temperature is the same as
the ambient temperature specified on the ambient conditions window. This may not be true
if significant conductive or radiative heat transfer affects the fuel. This affects the enthalpy
since temperatures below the lower layer ambient cause the plume to cool. The effect is not
large, but it is noticeable.
Ignition Temperature (default units: C, default value: volatilization temperature plus 100 K): The
lower temperature limit on the burning of fuel in a gas layer. Since CFAST does not support
a combustion kinetics model, this is the algorithm used for fires out of vents.
Radiative Fraction: The fraction of the energy produced in combustion that is radiated from the fire
and plume. Within CFAST, the radiative fraction defaults to 0.3020; i.e., 30 % of the fires
energy is released via radiation. For other fuels, the work of Tewarson21, McCaffrey22, or
Koseki23 is available for reference. The typical range for the radiative fraction is from about
0.05 to 0.4.
T-squared fires: For a wide range of fires, the fire growth can be accurately represented with a
power law relation of the form Q t 2 where Q is the heat release rate of the fire, is the
fire intensity coefficient, and t is time17. Details of the inputs for a t-squared fire is included
Fire Growth Rate: A set of specific t-squared fires labeled slow, medium, and fast, with fire
intensity coefficients () such that the fires reached 1054 kW (1000 BTU/s) in 600 s, 300 s, and 150
s, respectively have been proposed for design of fire detection systems17. Later, these specific
growth curves and a fourth called "Ultra-fast" which reaches 1054 kW in 75 s, gained favor in
general fire protection applications18. Each of these growth rates (with corresponding decay rates)
can be selected. A fifth, custom, selection allows the user to define any growth or decay rate desired.
Time to 1 MW: (default units: s, default value: 300 s): The time for the fire to reach a fire size of
1054 kW (1000 BTU). For slow, medium, fast, and ultra-fast fires, this time would be 600 s, 300 s,
150 s, and 75 s.
Maximum HRR: (default units: kW, default value: 1054 kW): The peak heat release rate of the tsquared fire. Fire size is constant beginning at a time consistent with the time to reach 1 MW,
t Q peak 1054 t1MW
and continues at that value for the time specified in the steady burning
period, below.
Steady Burning Period: (default units: s, default value: 300 s): Duration of time that the fire
continues burning at the rate specified by the maximum HRR input, above.
Decay Period: (default units: s, default value, 300 s): Duration of time for the fire to decay back to a
zero value. Decay follows the inverse of the t-squared growth rate.
For t-squared fires, values are calculated for time dependent variables, including default values for
species generation. For all inputs, these values can be changed. All of the time dependent variables
depend on a predefined time line. The time input specifies a sequence of time points that define the
timing of the fire. An entry indicates a point on the time-line when the mass loss rate, fuel height
and other time dependent values are specified for the fire. This time is independent of the simulation
time which is specified by the TIMES line. If the simulation time is longer than the total duration of
the fire, the final values specified for the fire (mass loss rate, fuel height, fuel area, and species) are
continued until the end of the simulation.
The units for species (HCR, etc.) are kilograms per kilogram. However, the meaning is different for
fuel properties and species production rates. The input for CT is the kilograms of "toxic" combustion
products produced per kilogram of fuel pyrolyzed. Input for HCR is the mass ratio of hydrogen to
carbon ratio in the fuel. Input for O2 is the mass ratio of oxygen to carbon as it becomes available
from the fuel. Input the ratio of the mass of carbon to carbon dioxide produced by the oxidation of
the fuel for OD. The input for CO is the ratio of the mass of carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide
produced by the oxidation of the fuel.
Time (default units: s, default values: none): specify a sequence of time points that define the timing
of the main fire. An entry indicates a point on the time-line when the mass loss rate, fuel
height and other time dependent values are specified for the fire.
Pyrolysis Rate (Mdot) (default units: kg/s, default values: none): Pyrolysis rate of the fire as a
series of time points consistent with the time specification.
Heat Release Rate (Qdot) (default units: W, default values: none): Heat release rate of the fire as a
series of time points consistent with the time specification.
Fire Height (default units: m, default values: none): Time-based values for height of the base of the
fire. Actual height of the base of the fire is the sum of the value specified by MAINF for the
main fire or OBJECT for object fires and this height specification for a particular time in the
fire development.
Area of the Base of the Fire (default units: m2, default values: none): Cross-sectional area of the
base of the fire.
CO/CO2 (default units: kg/kg, default values: none): species yields of carbon monoxide expressed
as ratios of carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide produced in the pyrolysis of the fuel.
C/CO2 (default units kg/kg, default values: none): species yields of soot expressed as ratios of
carbon to carbon dioxide produced by the pyrolysis of the fuel.
H/C (default units: kg/kg, default values: none): the hydrogen component of the pyrolyzed fuel. This
is the ratio of hydrogen to carbon produced in the pyrolysis of the fuel.
O/C (default units: kg/kg, default values: none): Oxygen component of the pyrolyzed fuel. O2 is the
ratio of oxygen to carbon produced in the pyrolysis of the fuel. The O2 input thus represents
excess oxygen available from the fuel for combustion. For normal fuels, this input should be
set to zero.
HCN (default units: kg/kg, default values: none): Yield of hydrogen cyanide per mass of fuel
produced in the pyrolysis of the fuel.
HCl (default units: kg/kg, default values: none): Yield of hydrogen chloride per mass of fuel
produced in the pyrolysis of the fuel.
Ct (default units: kg/kg, default values: none): Yield of a fictitious toxic species per mass of fuel
produced in the pyrolysis of the fuel.
TS (default units: kg/kg, default values: none): Yield of user-defined trace species per mass of fuel
produced in the pyrolysis of the fuel.
With the three parameters, heat of combustion (HOC), the pyrolysis and heat release rate are
over specified. The model uses the last two of the three to obtain the HOC parameter.
By default, the fire is placed in the center of the compartment on the floor. If values for any
of the three variables are invalid (i.e., less than zero or greater than the compartment
dimension in the appropriate direction), the location for that direction defaults to the center of
the appropriate direction.
For normally toxic materials, Ct takes a value of 1 and is typically changed by an order of
magnitude for particularly toxic or non-toxic materials. It is not part of the mass balance for
the fuel and system, but it just carried along as a transported species in flow through the
structure. Ct is used as a measure of toxicity of a material. Typically the integrated Ct versus
time product is calculated. For normal materials, a concentration-time product of 900 mg
min/m3 is an indication of incapacitation.
The trace species is transported along with fire gases, but is assumed not to take part in the
combustion reaction and is assumed not to be a significant source of overall mass for the
system mass balance calculated by the model. This implies that the production rate of trace
species specified should be much smaller than the total specified pyrolysis rate. If necessary,
the trace species can be scaled to a smaller value (e.g., divided by 1000) for the simulation
and converted back for analysis (e.g., multiplied by 1000).
In the input editor, time-dependent data are entered in a simple spreadsheet. Normal windows
copy (Ctrl-C), cut (Ctrl-X), and paste (Ctrl-V) keyboard shortcuts are available for data
editing. In addition, Alt-Ins will insert a complete row above the currently-selected row in the
spreadsheet and Alt-Del will delete the current row in the spreadsheet.
Associating Fire Objects with One or More Instances of the Fire in the
Compartments of the Simulation
Fire objects are placed in defined positions within a compartment of a simulation and oriented with a
normal vector to the surface of the object. Ignition of an object may be at a specified time, a
specified net incident heat flux on the surface of the object, or at a specified surface temperature of
the object. The relevant CFAST keywords are MAINF for a simple point-source fire, OBJECT for a
complex fire object, and HEATF for a heat source.
The OBJECT keyword allows the specification of additional objects to be burned in the fire
scenario. Positioning of the object within a compartment is specified in the same manner as for the
main fire.
Compartment of Fire Origin: specifies the compartment that contains the main fire for the
simulation. Any compartment defined is valid.
Type: At present, only a constrained file is allowed. For a constrained fire, species are tracked and
heat release rate is limited by the oxygen available for combustion.
Position X: (default units: m, default value: compartment width / 2): Position of the center of the
base of the fire measured in the x direction from the front lower left corner of the
compartment origin (0,0,0) in the compartment of fire origin.
Position Y: (default units: m, default value: compartment depth / 2): Position of the center of the
base of the fire measured in the y direction from the front lower left corner of the
compartment origin (0,0,0) in the compartment of fire origin.
Position Z: (default units: m, default value: 0 m): Position of the center of the base of the fire
measured in the z direction from the front lower left corner of the compartment origin (0,0,0)
in the compartment of fire origin. Actual height of the base of the fire is the sum of the value
specified by FPOS and by FHIGH for a particular time in the fire development.
Normal Vector X Component: specifies a vector of unit length perpendicular to the exposed
surface of the object. (Depth) component is in the direction from the rear wall of the object
compartment. Default value is a horizontal, upward facing object, unit vector = (0,0,1)
Normal Vector Y Component: specifies a vector of unit length perpendicular to the exposed
surface of the object. (Breadth) component is in the direction from the left wall of the object
compartment. Default value is a horizontal, upward facing object, unit vector = (0,0,1)
Normal Vector Z Component: specifies a vector of unit length perpendicular to the exposed
surface of the object. (Breadth) component is in the direction from the floor of the object
compartment. Default value is a horizontal, upward facing object, unit vector = (0,0,1)
Plume: specifies the algorithm used to calculate entrainment of air into the plume. At
present, a plume based on the work of McCaffrey or the work of Heskestad is
allowed. By default, the McCaffrey plume is used.
Ignition Criterion Type: The type of ignition condition specified by the Ignition
Criterion Value. Acceptable values are 1 for time, 2 for object surface
temperature, and 3 for incident flux to object surface.
Ignition Criterion Value: The numerical value at which ignition will occur. If it is less than or
equal to zero, the default is taken. For constrained and heat source fires, the default is and
ignition at time of zero.
Object fires are used to include additional burning objects in a simulation. For
additional details, see the CFAST technical reference guide1,or Babrauskas and
Special Features
Sprinklers and Detectors
Sprinklers and detectors are both considered detection devices by the CFAST model and are handled
using the same input keywords. Detection is based upon heat transfer to the detector. Fire
suppression by a user-specified water spray begins once the associated detection device is activated.
A maximum of 20 sprinklers or detectors can be included for any input file and model run. These
can be in one compartment or scattered throughout the structure. The DETEC keyword is used for
both detectors and sprinklers. The first three parameters are required. The next three have defaults.
The last three must be specified if this is a heat detector or sprinkler.
spray on gas temperatures and velocities are not modeled, calculated times of activation of
secondary sprinklers and / or detectors after the first sprinkler is activated should be not be
modeled since the impact of the first sprinkler on the activation of additional sprinklers is not
included in the CFAST model.
Defining Targets
CFAST can track and report calculations of the net heat flux striking arbitrarily positioned and
oriented targets and the temperature of these targets. The relevant keyword used to specify targets is
In addition to any user-defined targets, there are always two targets that are automatically placed in
any compartment containing a fire. Both are included for reporting purposes. The first is an ambient
target and is intended to represent the net flux to a human body. This is used for the flux in the
hazard calculation for tenability. The assumption is that the target will remain at ambient
temperature, which is a surrogate for body temperature. The second determines the net flux to a
horizontal target on the floor whose temperature is assumed to be the same as the floor surface. The
calculation can be used to estimate the ignition of combustibles on the floor as a surrogate for
estimating time to flashover, typically taken to be 20 kW/m2. Thus if one of the target keywords is
used, it will be in addition to these two predefined targets.
For all targets, heat flux is calculated to the surface specified by the user (with the normal vector).
Conduction into the target is assumed to occur only from this surface.
Normal Vector Y Component: specifies a vector of unit length perpendicular to the exposed
surface of the target. (Depth) component in the direction from the front wall of the target
compartment. A value of 1 defines a vertical target facing to the right, unit vector = (0,1,0).
Normal Vector Z Component: specifies a vector of unit length perpendicular to the exposed
surface of the target. (Height) component in the direction from the floor of the target
compartment. Default value is a horizontal, upward facing target, unit vector = (0,0,1).
Material: Used to specify the wall material of the target. Any material from the thermal database
used to represent wall materials may be used here. Since the transient heat conduction
problem is not solved now for the target this parameter is not used.
Target Type: If the solution method is not STEADY, this parameter further indicates the solutions
equations. Specifiy Thermally Thick, Thermally Thin, or Cylindrical. For thermally thin
materials, CFAST uses ordinary differential equations; for thermally thick materials, partial
differential equations, and for cylindrical targets, cylindrical corrdinates.
Solution Method: Optional parameter that indicates the solution method. STEADY for steady state
solution, EXPLICIT for explicit solution, IMPLICIT for implicit solution.
The TARGE keyword performs a heat transfer calculation between the compartment and the
target. The steady state option assumes that the target material reacts instantly to changing
conditions and computes the target temperature that would result in a balance of incoming
and outgoing heat (i.e., a steady state). If a transient target temperature is modeled, then one
can either assume that there is a temperature variation within the target or assume that the
target is thin and can be modeled using only one temperature. If the target is assumed to be
thin then the ODE option should be used set since this is how the equations are solved. If the
target is assumed to be thick then the PDE option should set. Finally, if one of the two
transient options are set (ODE or PDE), the numerical solution can be solved using an
explicit or an implicit method. Typically, the implicit method will work in all cases. The
explicit method is recommended only when the implicit method fails to come to a solution.
For tall compartments or those removed from the room of fire origin, the compartment may be
modeled as a single, well-mixed zone rather than the default two-zone assumption. A single zone
approximation is appropriate for smoke flow far from a fire source, where the two-zone layer
stratification is less pronounced than in compartments near the fire. This is used in situations where
the stratification does not occur. Examples are elevators, shafts, complex stairwells, and
compartments far from the fire.
For long hallways or corridors, there can be a significant delay time for the initial hot gas layer to
travel along the ceiling to the far end of the compartment. By estimating the time required for a
ceiling jet to travel in a corridor and the temperature distribution along the corridor, CFAST can
delay flow into compartments connected to corridors until the ceiling jet has passed the connections
to these compartments.
50 % Decay Velocity: ceiling jet velocity at the distance from the reference point where the
temperature falls off by 50 %. Default velocity and depth are calculated by the program
based on the vent size, flow and layer thickness in the horizontal vent from which flow first
enters the hallway, and on the width of the hallway1.
50 % Decay Depth: ceiling jet depth at the distance from the reference point where the temperature
falls off by 50 %.
50 % Decay Distance: distance from the reference point where the temperature falls off by 50 %.
Since the algorithm depends on the flow into the hallway to determine default ceiling jet
velocity and depth, the main fire compartment should not be specified as a hallway. In the
main fire compartment, a stable layer will build before flow into the compartment through
horizontal vents.
The zone model concept best applies for an enclosure in which the width and length are not
too different. If the horizontal dimensions of the room differ too much (i.e., the room looks
like a corridor), the flow pattern in the room may become asymmetrical. If the enclosure is
too shallow, the temperature may have significant radial differences. The width of the plume
may at some height become equal to the width of the room and the model assumptions may
fail in a tall and narrow enclosure. Therefore, the user should recognize approximate limits
on the ratio of the length (L), width (W), and height (H) of the compartment.
If the aspect ratio (the maximum of length/width or width/length) is greater than about 5, the
corridor flow algorithm should be used to provide the appropriate filling time. By contrast, a
single zone approximation is more appropriate for tall shafts (elevators and stairways). This
is due to interaction of the plume, lower layer, and shaft walls that leads to complete mixing.
This is the inverse of the corridor problem, and occurs at an aspect ratio (the maximum of
height/width or height/length) of about 5. Recommended guidance is as follows: If the width
to length aspect ratio (the maximum of length/width or width/length) is greater than 5, use of
the corridor flow algorithm is appropriate. If the width to length aspect ratio is greater than 3
but less than 5, the corridor flow algorithm may or may not be appropriate; consider the
results from a simulation with and without the algorithm to assess its appropriateness. If the
room is not a corridor and the height aspect ratio (the maximum height/width or
height/length) is greater than 5, the single zone approximation is appropriate.
Height Value(s) (default units: m, default values: none): Values of height for the corresponding
cross-sectional area values measured from the floor of the compartment. The values for the
compartment correspond to cross-sectional area values included for the same compartment
on the ROOMA command.
Area Value(s) (default units m2, default values: none): Values of cross-sectional area of the
compartment as a function of height measured from the floor of the compartment. The values
for the compartment correspond to height values included for the same compartment on the
ROOMH command.
Surface Connections
The Surface Connections page allows the user to define heat transfer between compartments in a
simulation. These may define vertical conduction through floors or ceilings or horizontal conduction
through connecting wall surfaces.
There are two keywords that define physical connections which affect heat conduction between
compartments. They are:
HHEAT heat transfer between connected compartment walls (horizontal heat flow)
Energy can be transferred from compartment to compartment through solid boundaries (walls,
ceilings and floors) by means of conduction. The heat transfer between connected compartments is
modeled by merging the connected surfaces for the ceiling and floor compartments or for the
connected horizontal compartments. The heat conduction problem is solved for the merged walls
using a temperature boundary condition for both the near and far wall. As before, temperatures are
determined by the solver so that the heat flux striking the wall surface (both interior and exterior) is
consistent with the temperature gradient at that surface. This option is implemented with the
VHEAT (for vertical heat transfer) and the HHEAT (for horizontal heat transfer) keywords.
Vertical Heat Transfer: Heat transfer between the ceiling and floor of specified
compartments is included with the VHEAT keyword. Ceiling to floor heat transfer occurs
between interior compartments of the structure or between an interior compartment and the
outdoors. The model checks to make sure that the ceiling and floor are reasonably contiguous
(within 0.01 m). The assumption is made that this is true for the entire ceiling and floor.
Horizontal Heat Transfer: Horizontal conduction between specified compartments is
included with the HHEAT keyword. Conduction through vertical partitions (walls) occurs
between interior compartments of the structure or between an interior compartment and the
First Compartment: First of the connected compartments. Order of the inputs is not important.
Second Compartment: Second of the connected compartments. Order of the inputs is not
Fraction: Specifies the fraction of the vertical surface areas of the compartments which are
connected can be specified. The fraction specifies the fraction of the vertical surface area
connecting the first and second compartment pair.
Top Compartment: The top or first of the two compartments to be connected by a vertical heat
transfer connection. The connection is through the floor of this compartment.
Bottom Compartment: The bottom or second of the two compartments to be connected by a
vertical heat transfer connection. The connection is through the ceiling of this compartment.
Typically, zone models incorporate two zones in each compartment, one for the upper layer and one
for the lower layer. A plume from a fire then pumps energy from the fire and lower layer into the
upper layer. However, it has been observed that the heat loss from the upper layer to the ceiling and
walls is higher than this paradigm would indicate. The cause is that a plume does not truly mix with
the upper layer initially as indicated in the figure
This leads to higher convective heat transfer than the mixed model would indicate. CFAST has
incorporated a model of this additional heat loss based on the work of Cooper . Heat loss by this
mechanism to the ceiling is well established, the loss to walls is somewhat more uncertain due to the
uncertainty of how far the plume descends below the ceiling.
To include ceiling jet effects in the calculation of the surface temperature of the
ceiling, wall, or both surfaces, the CJET keyword is used. In the input editor, CEdit, this is included
on the fires page. The ceiling jet calculation can be used for the ceiling, walls, or all surfaces. At
present, this keyword effects only the calculation of the convective heating boundary condition for
the conduction routines. If a particular surface is on, the ceiling jet algorithm is used to determine
the convective heating of the surface. If the ceiling jet is off, the bulk temperature of the upper layer
determines the convective heating.
Using this option affects all fires and it is suggested that this option be turned on and set to
For mechanical vents, there are two species that can be filtered out of the gas flow: soot and the userdefined trace species. Filters are applied only to fan openings. The fan must have been defined
before the filter can be applied. Initially filtering is off. It is turned on with the EVENT key word,
defined in the input editor with a Filter Efficiency and Begin File At time. The relevant CFAST
keyword is EVENT.
If the simulation includes mechanical ventilation filtering, care should be taken in choosing
trace species production rates to insure the production rate is small compared to the total
pyrolysis rate. This will allow appropriate conservation of mass in the solution of the system
of differential equation. For large production rates of trace species, scaling factors can be
used (e.g., divide by 1000) for the trace species production rate to reduce the relative
magnitude compared to the pyrolysis rate. For analysis, the resulting trace species in
compartments and filters can be converted back to original units multiplying by the scaling
factor used.
86 400
Maximum number of fires which can be included in a single test case (including the main fire)
Maximum number of fire definitions which can be included in a single fire database file
Maximum number of data points for a single main or secondary object fire
Maximum number of material thermal property definitions which can be included in a single thermal
database file
Maximum number of slabs in a single surface material in the thermal database file. It should be noted that
the GUI input editor does not support multi-layered materials. Only a single value is allowed in CFAST
version 6.
Total number of ducts in all mechanical ventilation systems which can be included in a single test case
Maximum total number of connections between compartments and mechanical ventilation systems which
can be included in a single test case
Maximum number of independent mechanical ventilation systems which can be included in a single test
Maximum number of targets which can be included in a single test case. In addition, the CFAST model
includes a target on the floor of each compartment in the simulation and one for each object fire in
5 Output
The output of CFAST are the sensible variables that are needed for assessing the environment in a
building subjected to a fire. These include temperatures of the upper and lower gas layers within
each compartment, the ceiling/wall/floor temperatures within each compartment, the visible smoke
and gas species concentrations within each layer, target temperatures and sprinkler activation time.
The amount of information can be very large, especially for complex geometries and long
The default output to the console is called the compact form, and shows the basic information about
a scenario, including layer temperatures and the size of fires. Default text output provides a simple
overview for the user to make sure the case runs as expected.
The compact output for each compartment is listed across the screen and the compartments are listed
down the screen starting with compartment one and ending with the outside. The example below
shows the initial and final conditions for a calculation:
Time =
0.0 seconds.
Compartment Upper
1.400E-03 2.530E+04
Time =
200.0 seconds.
Compartment Upper
The first column contains the compartment number. On each row with its compartment number
from left to right is the upper layer temperature, lower layer temperature, the height of the interface
between the two layers, the total pyrolysis rate, and finally the total fire size. The only value given
for the outside is the total heat release rate of fires venting to the outside.
Detailed Outputs
The following sections describe each of the outputs from the model. Each section refers to a specific
part of the print out and appears in the order the output appears. A description of each option
Doors, ...
MV Connects
Ambient Conditions: This section, like the overview section, needs little elaboration. It gives the
starting atmospheric conditions for the simulation both for outside and inside the structure. Data for
these outputs come from the TAMB and EAMB inputs. Temperatures are in K, pressure in Pa,
elevations in m, and wind speed in m/s. Wind Power is the dimensionless power law coefficient
from the WIND input.
Temperature Pressure
Temperature Pressure
Ref. Height Power
Compartments: The compartments section gives a summary of the geometry for the simulation. A
simple table summarizes the geometry with compartments running down the page in numerical
order. The various dimensions for each compartment are on the row with its compartment number.
Two columns need explanation. The second to last column "Ceiling Height" gives the height of the
ceiling relative to the station height in the Ambient Conditions section. Similarly the "Floor Height"
refers to the height of the floor above the station height.
Ceiling Floor
Values for width, depth, height, and floor height come directly from the WIDTH,
DEPTH, HEIGH, and HI/F specifications in the input data file.
Area is calculated as width x depth in m2.
Volume is calculated as width x depth x height in m3.
Floor height is the absolute elevation of the ceiling of the compartment and is just station
elevation (from the ambient conditions section) + compartment height in m.
Vent Connections: Vent connections further divides into three distinct parts. Each part has its own
sub heading. A description of each follows.
Horizontal Natural Ventilation is the first table in the vent connections sections. Each row in the
table characterizes one vent. The first two columns contain the two compartments connected by the
vent. Each vent is ordered first by the lower number of the two compartments and then the numeric
order of the second compartment. The third column gives the vent number. Column four is the
width of the vent. The next two columns report the sill and soffit height for the vent relative to the
floor of the first compartment. The seventh and eighth columns have a second listing of the sill and
soffit height, this time relative to the station height. Area of the vent is in the last column.
Horizontal Natural Flow Connections (Doors, Windows, ...)
Soffit Abs.
Compartment Number
Height Height Sill
From compartment, to compartment, vent number, width, sill height, and soffit height all
come directly from the HVENT specifications in the input data file.
Absolute sill height and absolute soffit height is the station elevation + compartment floor
height + sill height. Absolute soffit height and absolute soffit height is the station
elevation + compartment floor height + soffit height
Vertical Natural Ventilation prints out in a similarly simple table. Again each vent is one row of the
table. The first column is the upper compartment. The upper compartment is the compartment
where the vent opens into the floor. The second column is the lower compartment where the vent is
in the ceiling. The third column describes the shape of the vent, which can be either round or square.
The fourth column gives the area of the vent. The last two columns are the height of the vent,
relative to the floor of the lower room and relative to the station height respectively.
This is the output from STANDARD.IN
This is an alternate example that includes a vertical flow connection from TESTVVENT.IN (not
included in the distribution).
Relative Absolute
Top compartment, bottom compartment, shape, and area come from the VVENT
Relative height is the height of the vent above the floor of the bottom compartment and
absolute height is the height of the vent above the station elevation.
Mechanical Flow Connections uses two tables. The first table lists all the connections to compart
ments and ducts. Each row is either a connection or duct. The first column tells to which system the
duct or connection belongs. A system is a set of continuously linked connections, ducts and fans.
The example contains only one system. If a second system had been part of the file, a line would
have been skipped before starting into the second system. The second and fourth columns give both
ends of either the connection or duct. The words "comp" or "node" proceeds the numbers in these
two columns. "Comp" means a compartment number. Rows with a compartment number in either
the "from" or "to" columns are connections to compartments, which are basically vents. The rest of
the rows define ducts. The third and fifth columns give the elevations of the proceeding columns.
The sixth column is the length which only applies to ducts. Connections do not have a length so the
column is left blank. Next comes the cross sectional area. The last column tells the absolute
roughness. This value is the resistance the duct provides to the flow of air. Like the length, this
value only has meaning for a duct so it is blank for a connection. Air flows both ways though
connections and ducts. The headers "from" and "to" say nothing about the direction of air flow. The
headers only provide a convenient way of listing both ends of a duct or connection.
Comp 1
Node 1
Node 1
Node 2
The second table lists the fans. The first five columns in the fan table appear almost the same as the
connections and ducts table. The table lists, in order, the number of the system the fan is a part, the
"from" node and its height, the "to" node and its height. A fan actually draws air from the first or
"from" node and pushes it to the second or "to" node. In the second table, the headers give the
direction of the flow of air. The sixth column is the fan number as defined in CEdit. The next two
columns are the minimum and maximum pressures at which the fan curve is defined. The rest of the
row is made up of the two to five fan curve coefficients in the input file.
Minimum Maximum
Fan Curve
Node 2
Node 3
Node 3
Thermal Properties The thermal properties section brakes into two parts. The first part is a table that
lists the material for each surface of each compartment. The compartments appear as rows down the
page in numerical order. From left to right next to the compartment number comes the material for
the ceiling, wall and floor. The second part lists the entries in the thermal data base. The first line
gives the database file used. Next comes a listing of each material used. In addition to materials for
compartment surfaces, any materials specified for targets are also listed. For each listing of a
material, the name is followed by the conductivity, specific heat, density, thickness and emissivity.
Additionally, the HCl constants used to calculate the HCl deposition for the surface are displayed.
Thermal data base used: THERMAL.CSV
Conductivity Specific heat
HCL B's (1->5)
0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00
0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00
0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00
Material choices of the ceiling, walls, and floors come from the CEILI, WALLS, and
Materials properties for the chosen materials come from the specified thermal properties file.
Units for thermal properties are standard S.I. units. For thermal conductivity, W/m K; for
specific heat, J/kg K; for density, kg/m3; for thickness, m; emissivity is dimensionless.
Targets: The entry for targets shows the orientation of additional targets specified in the data file.
Note that the first two are always present. The third one is the target specified in the data file. Each
target is numbered based on the order of the target specifications in the input data file. The
compartment number, position of the target within the compartment, direction of the front face of the
target object expressed as a normal unit vector to the surface, and object material.
Target Compartment
Position (x, y, z)
Direction (x, y, z)
1.00 CONCRETE Floor, compartment 1
All of the inputs for targets come from the TARGE command in the input data file. Direction
is specified as a unit vector as described in the section on target input.
Units for position and direction are all in m.
Fires: The fire section lists all the information about the main fire and any object fires that might
exist. All the information for each fire is listed separately. If there is a main fire, it comes first.
Each fire listing has the same form. First is the name of the fire followed by a list of general
information. Listed left to right is the compartment the fire is in, the type of fire, the x, y, z position,
the relative humidity, the lower oxygen limit, and finally the pyrolysis temperature. A table of time
history curves for the fire follows. The table contains all the time history curves for the fire. Each
row on the table is a specific time given in the left most column. The rest of the columns give the
values at that particular time. The column headers are keywords used in the datafile. The keyword
meanings are: fmass is pyrolysis rate; hcomb is heat of combustion; fqdot is heat release rate; fhigh
is height of fire; C/CO2 is carbon to carbon dioxide ratio; CO/CO2 is the carbon monoxide to carbon
dioxide ratio; H/C is the hydrogen to carbon ratio; O/C is the oxygen to carbon ratio; HCN is the
hydrogen cyanide production rate; and HCl is the hydrogen chloride production rate.
Position (x,y,z)
Compartment 1 Constrained
Lower O2
(kg/kg) (kg/kg) (kg/kg) (kg/kg) (kg/kg) (kg/kg) (kg/kg) (kg/kg)
5.00E+07 0.0
5.00E-02 0.16
2.00E-03 5.00E+07 1.00E+05 0.0
6.00E-02 0.16
3.00E-03 5.00E+07 1.50E+05 0.0
7.00E-02 0.16
4.00E-03 5.00E+07 2.00E+05 0.0
6.00E-02 0.16
3.00E-03 5.00E+07 1.50E+05 0.0
5.00E-02 0.16
2.50E-03 5.00E+07 1.25E+05 0.0
4.00E-02 0.16
2.00E-03 5.00E+07 1.00E+05 0.0
3.00E-02 0.16
1.80E-03 5.00E+07 9.00E+04 0.0
2.00E-02 0.16
1.60E-03 5.00E+07 8.00E+04 0.0
1.00E-02 0.16
1.50E-03 5.00E+07 7.50E+04 0.0
1.00E-02 0.16
1.50E-03 5.00E+07 7.50E+04 0.0
1.00E-02 0.16
All of the inputs for the main fire come from the fire specifications in the input data file.
Data for the object fire comes from the object data file included with the CFAST
Units for most values are included in the output. Fire position is in m, relative humidity
is in %, lower oxygen limit is in volume percent, and pyrolysis temperature is in K.
1800.0 seconds.
Compartment Upper
1.43E+02( 69%) 9.771E-02 1.000E-02 -0.604
1.343E+04 1.323E+04
The second table of the normal print out has information about the fires. In essence it is two tables
joined. The first part lists information by fire. It starts with the main fire, if there is one, and then
the object fires down the page. The fires are listed in the second column followed by the plume flow
rate, the pyrolysis rate and the fire size. The next three columns are then skipped. The next column
with information is the amount of heat given off by each fire convectively, followed by the amount
of heat given off radiantly. The second part starts after all the fires have been individually listed. It
gives the totals for all fires in each compartment. The first column has the compartment number.
The compartments start at one and are listed down the page in order. The third to fifth columns are
the same as the first part except the values are totals for the compartment and not just for one fire.
The sixth column has the total heat release rate that occurs in the upper layer. The next column has
the same total in the lower layer. The eighth column has the total size of vent fires in the
compartment. Two columns of the table gives the convective and radiative parts of the fire heat
release. The last two columns give the total mass pyrolized and the amount of trace species
Fire in Fire in Vent
Convec. Radiat. Pyrolosate Trace
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------bunsen 0.483
1.500E-03 7.498E+04 1.02
5.024E+04 2.474E+04 3.13
Wood_Wal 0.502
1.238E-02 2.240E+05 0.410
1.501E+05 7.393E+04 11.1
1.388E-02 2.990E+05
2.990E+05 0.00
Flame height is calculated from the work of Heskestad28 Valid for a wide range of
H 1.02 0.23Q 2f / 5
where H is the average flame height and Qf is the fire size. The mean flame height is defined
as the distance from the fuel source to the top of the visible flame where the intermittency is
0.5. A flame intermittency of 0.5 means that the visible flame is above the mean 50 % of the
time and below the mean 50 % of the time.
Up wall
Low wall Floor
Flux To
1.1023E+04 116.4
The second table provides information about heat detectors and sprinklers included in the input data
file. For each output time, the output includes the sensor temperature, whether the sensor
temperature has exceeded its specified activation temperature, and the temperature and velocity of
the gas adjacent to the sensor. For sensors placed near the ceiling of a compartment with a fire, the
temperature and velocity are those of the ceiling jet; for other compartments, it is the upper layer
temperature and a default velocity of 0.1 m/s.
Number Compartment Type Temp (C) Activated
Temp (C) Vel (M/S)
HEAT 3.149E+02 YES
3.136E+02 4.152E-01
In all cases, the flux to/from a target is net radiation or net convection. That is, it is the
incoming minus the outgoing. So while a target or object is heating, the flux will be positive,
and once it starts to cool, the flux will be negative.
Values for radiation from fires (fire rad.), radiation from surfaces (surface rad.), radiation
from the gas layers (gas rad.), and convection from surfaces (convect) are expressed as a
percentage of the net flux to target (flux to target). Positive values indicate heat gains by the
target and negative values indicate heat losses.
The report by species for nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen chloride and the total unburned
hydrocarbons (fuel vapor in the layer) are percent by volume. Carbon dioxide, carbon
monoxide and hydrogen cyanide are in parts per million, which is also a volume fraction.
Optical depth per meter is a measure of the visibility in the smoke. This is covered in detail
in the comment on visibility in the section on fires and species specification. The
concentration-time (CT) calculation is an integration of the species input for type CT (See
section for the input of CT) and is intended to represent a relative dose of toxic gas species29.
Trace species (TS) is the total kilograms of the trace species that is present in the
compartment. It is an absolute measure and not percent or density.
Hall Flow
Compartment Start Time
There are two forms for the vent flow. The first is flow through the vents as mass per second. The
alternative, obtained used the / T option, gives the total mass which has flowed through the vent(s)
and the relative mass of trace species divided by the total mass of trace species produced up this
The section for vent flow is titled "Flow Through Vents (kg/s)." Because flow is always given in
positive values, each vent is listed twice. Once for flow going from compartment A to compartment
B and a second time for flow from B to A. As the example below shows, the first column lists the
compartment. The second column specifies the vent, including the type of vent (an H in this
column stands for horizontal flow, such as through a doorway or window; a V here would mean
vertical flow, such as through an opening in the ceiling, and an M stands for a mechanical
ventilation connection) and the compartment from which the flow comes. Up to six additional
columns detail the flow at this vent. Flow into and out of the compartment through the vent in the
upper and lower layers are included, along with mixing between layers at the vent into the upper
layer and into the lower layer.
H Comp 1 #1
6.416E-02 0.401
The mass balance is the sum of the flow in minus the flow out. (Note that this is an extended
run to achieve results close to steady state.) For any compartment, this is just (Upper Layer
Inflow + Lower Layer Inflow + Pyrol Rate) ((Upper Layer Outflow + Lower Layer
Outflow) with the inflow and outflow summed for each vent. Note that the mixing flows are
ignored since they are just exchanged between layers in the same compartment. For the
above example, the mass balance is:
(0.0 + 0.401 + 7.2x10-3 ) kg/s (0.344 + 6.4x10-2) kg/s = -0.002 kg/s
where the pyrolysis rate (from thenormal output) is 7.2x10-3 kg/s. The result is about the
right magnitude (about 0.5% of the mass flow into or out of the vent) for net mass loss. The
mass loss should still be slightly negative since the compartment continues to heat.
An alternative printout is provided by use of the t option. This shows total (mass) flow through
vents. At present this is confined to mechanical ventilation.
M Node 2
It applies only to vents which can be filtered, in this case mechanical ventilation. The last column is
obtained by summing the outflow/inflow for each vent and then dividing that sum by the total trace
species produced by all fires. For details on this value, see the section on output listing for fires.
Spreadsheet Output
A very important note for interpreting the spreadsheet output. These files capture a snap shot of the
modeling data at an instant of time. This instance is determined by the fourth entry on the TIMES
line of the data file. HOWEVER, there are events which can occur in between these reporting
periods. Examples are the ignition of objects and the activation of detectors or sprinklers. These are
NOT reported in these output files.
The second section is for fires. There are seven entries per fire. This information is displayed for
each fire (0 to numobjl)
Time C1
The units are O2 in %, CO2 in %, CO in ppm, HCN in ppm, HCL in ppm, H2O in %, OD in 1/m,
CT in g-min/m3, TS in kilograms.
First is the horizontal flow through vertical vents such as windows and doors. There are two types of
output, first to and from the outside, and second for interior compartments. The flow is broken down
to flow in and out of the compartments. For flow to and from the outside (compartment N) there are
two entries. For interior compartments, there are additional entries for entrainment into the upper and
lower layers. Please see the technical reference guide for a detailed description of these flow fields.
Second is the vertical flow through horizontal vents. There are two entries for each compartment,
showing the total flow into or out of the compartment.
Third is the mechanical ventilation. Once again, there will be an entry for each node/compartment
pair, showing the total flow into or out of the compartment through this node.
V Outflow from
to Out
MV Inflow to
The first line in the spreadsheet is the compartment name or detector number, followed by the
second line which is the measure being reported.
Following the compartment and target information is the detector output. The decoding for the type
is 1 for a smoke detector, 2 for heat detector and 3 for other. In the activation column, 1 is yes and 2
is no. There will be a set of 10 columns for each compartment following this format.
Error Messages
In some (hopefully rare) cases, a simulation will fail to complete. In those cases, an error message
provides guidance to the user on possible reasons for the failure. The message will contain an error
number which provides a reference to additional information from the table below. Most often, these
errors result from improper information in the input data files.
During initialization of the program for a simulation, CFAST may stop with an error message if the
simulation cannot be initialized due to a missing or incorrect file specification. The error codes are
as follows:
103 total file name length including path is more than 256 characters
104 one of the output files is not accessible (for example, if a cfast case with this name is
already running)
106 a system fault has occurred. Applies to all open/close pairs once the model is running
Error codes from 1 to 99 are from the routine which parses the input and will be reported in the .log
file. The first set indicates a command with the wrong number of arguments. These errors indicate
an error in a particular input command as follows:
The second set of errors related to parsing the input indicate specific errors with a command as
Exceed one of the array bounds, ierror=68 (external), 69 (internal) and 70 (fan)
Unsupported parameter
Errors from 200 to 299 are errors which occur during data initialization:
cannot find the mainfire.o file in either the data or executable directory
(read the thermophysical database) cannot find the thermophysical properties file
object name requested does not match the name in the object file
cannot find the object file in either the data or executable directory
normal vector cannot be zero
radiative fraction
Errors 400 and above are failures while the model is running. 610 through 685 are failures when
IDID<0 from DASSL/RESID. These are rarely seen, but typically an internal error in the model.
Jones, W.W., Peacock, R.D., Forney, G.P., and Reneke, P.A., CFAST Consolidated Model of
Fire Growth and Smoke Transport (Version 5), Technical Reference Guide, National
Institute of Standards and Technology, Spec. Pub. 1030 (2004).
Gross, D., Data Sources for Parameters Used for Predictive Modeling of Fire Growth and Smoke
Spread, National Institute of Standards and Technology, NISTIR 85-3223 (1985).
Jones, W.W. and Peacock, R.D., Technical Reference Guide for FAST Version 18, National
Institute of Standards and Technology, TN 1262 (1989).
Cooper L.Y. and Forney, G. P., The Consolidated Compartment Fire Model (CCFM) computer
application CCFM-VENTS part I: Physical reference guide, National Institute of
Standards and Technology, NISTIR 4342 (1990).
Peacock, R. D., Jones, W. W., Forney, G. P., Portier, R. W., Reneke, P. A., Bukowski, R. W., and
Klote, J. H., Update Guide for HAZARD I Version 1.2, National Institute of Standards and
Technology, NISTIR 5410 (1994).
ASTM Standard Guide for Evaluating the Predictive Capability of Deterministic Fire Models,
ASTM E1355-04, West Conshohocken, PA (2004).
Forney, G.P. and McGrattan, K.B., User's Guide for Smokeview Version 4: A Tool for
Visualizing Fire Dynamics Simulation Data. Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol., Spec. Pub. 1017
U.S. Standard Atmosphere, 1976, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1976.
The CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, David Lide, Editor, CRC Press, Boca Raton
Cooper, L.Y., Calculating Combined Buoyancy- and Pressure-Driven Flow Through a Shallow,
Horizontal, Circular Vent: Application to a Problem of Steady Burning in a Ceiling-Vented
Enclosure, Fire Safety J. 27, 23-35 (1996).
Klote, J.K. and Milke, J.A., Design of Smoke Management Systems, American Society of
Heating, Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers, Atlanta, GA (1992).
ASHRAE Handbook HVAC Systems and Equipment, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating
and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Atlanta, GA (1992).
Klote, J. H., A Computer Model of Smoke Movement by Air Conditioning Systems, NBSIR 87
3657 (1987).
Jin, T. , Evaluation of Fire Exit Signs in Smoke, Systems Approach to Fire Safety in Buildings.
Volume 2. Session 3. Active Systems Performance and Criteria: Smoke Control, Detection,
Sprinklers. Session 4. Passive Systems Performance and Criteria: Combustibles, Fire
Resistance. August 29-30, 1979, Tsukuba, Japan, III/73-78 pp, 1979.
Jones, W. W. and Peacock, R. D., Using CFAST to Estimate the Efficiency of Filtering
Particulates in a Building, Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol., NISTIR 7498 (2008).
Schifiliti, R. P. Meacham, B. J., and Custer, R. L. P., Design of Detection Systems Chapter 4-1
in The SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering, Second Edition, DiNenno, P.J., et.
al., editors, National Fire Protection Association, HFPE-95 (1995).
Heskestad, G., and Delichatsios, M. A., Environments of Fire DetectorsPhase 1: Effects of Fire
Size, Ceiling Height and Material, Volume I, Measurements (NBS-GCR-77-86), Volume
II, Analysis, National Bureau of Standards, NBS-GCR-77-95 (1977).
Stroup, D.W. and Evans, D.D., Use of Computer Models for Analyzing Thermal Detector
Spacing, Fire Safety Journal, 14, 33-45 (1988).
Drysdale, D., An Introduction to Fire Dynamics, John Wiley and Sons, New York, (1985).
McCaffrey, B.J., Entrainment and Heat Flux of Buoyant Diffusion Flames, National Bureau of
Standards (U. S.), NBS IR 82-2473 (1982).
Koseki, H., Combustion Properties of Large Liquid Pool Fires, Fire Technology 25, 241 (1989).
Babrauskas, V. and Grayson, S. J., Heat Release in Fires Elsevier Applied Science, London
Evans, D. D., Sprinkler Fire Suppression Algorithm for HAZARD, Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol.,
NISTIR 5254 (1993).
Davis, W. D. And Notarianni, K. A., NASA Fire Detector Study, Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol.,
NISTIR 5798 (1996).
Iqbal, N. and Salley, M. H., Fire Dynamics Tools (FDTs) Quantitative Fire Hazard Analysis
Methods for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Fire Protection Inspection Program
(NUREG-1805), U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NUREG-1805 (2004).
Heskestad, G., "Fire Plumes, Flame Height, and Air Entrainment" in The SFPE Handbook of Fire
Protection Engineering, 3rd Ed., National Fire Protection Association (2002).
Peacock, R. D., Jones, W. W., Bukowski, R. W., and Forney, C. L., Technical Reference Guide
for the HAZARD I Fire Hazard Assessment Method, Version 1.1, Natl. Inst. Stand.
Technol., Handbook 146 (1991).
CHEMI Lower_Oxygen_Limit Ignition_Temperature
This parameter is global and applies to all fires. The first entry sets the lower oxygen limit for
combustion in a layer. The second entry sets the ignition temperature for door-jet fires.
Please read the technical reference manual for the meaning an implication of modifying these
two parameters.
This key word replaces LIMO2 and DJIGN.
This sets the limiting oxygen index to 10% and the ignition temperature to 488 K. These are
the default values.
CJET Ceiling_Jet_Flag
This directive tells the model to calculate the effects of a ceiling jet in all compartments
containing a fire. The possible flags are OFF, CEILING, WALL, or ALL.
OFF - not calculate ceiling jets effect
CEILING - include calculations for ceiling surfaces only
COMPA Name Width Depth Internal_height Absolute_x_position Absolute_y_position
Floor_Height Ceiling_Material Floor_Material_Name Wall_Material_Name
The compartments are numbered internally as they are read in. The other key words which
refer to compartment numbers then refer to these ordinals. Compartments must be defined
before they are referenced by other commands.
DETEC Type Compartment Activation_Temperature Depth Width Height RTI Suppression
The DETEC keyword is used for both detectors and sprinklers. Sprinklers and detectors are
both considered detection devices and are handled using the same input keywords. Detection
is based upon heat transfer to the detector. Fire suppression by a user-specified water spray
begins once the associated detection device is activated.
For the type of detector, use 1 for smoke detector and 2 for heat detector or sprinklers. If
suppression is set to a value of 1, a sprinkler will quench the fire with the specified spray
density of water. If turned off (a value of 0), the device is handled as a heat or smoke detector
only values entered for activation temperature, RTI, and spray density are ignored.
The spray density is the amount of water dispersed by a water sprinkler. The units for spray
density are length/time. These units are derived by dividing the volumetric rate of water flow
by the area protected by the water spray. The suppression calculation is based upon an
experimental correlation by Evans, and depends upon the RTI, activation temperature, and
spray density to determine the behavior of the sprinkler.
DTCHE Minimum_Time Count
The purpose of DTCHE is to prevent excessive computation with a very small time step. This
often appears to users as a stalling condition, when it is simply the set of equations has
reached a point that requires a very small increment in time for the solver to converge. A
negative entry on DTCHECK turns off the time step checking algorithm.
EVENT V First_Compartment
Second_Compartment V_ID
EVENT M First_Compartment
Second_compartment MVENT_ID
EVENT F First_Compartment
Second_compartment MVENT_ID
Decay time is the duration of the event and the units are seconds.
The convention for vent fractions is the 1 is 100% open, and 0 is closed. For filtering, 0
indicates no filtering and 1 is a completely blocked vent.
Filtering applies only to trace species and particulate (smoke) and only to mechanical
ventilation vents.
HALL Compartment Velocity Depth Decay_Distance
This command invokes the corridor flow algorithm. For long hallways or corridors, there can
be a significant delay time for the initial hot gas layer to travel along the ceiling to the far end
of the compartment. By estimating the time required for a ceiling jet to travel in a corridor
and the temperature distribution along the corridor, CFAST can delay flow into
compartments connected to corridors until the ceiling jet has passed the connections to these
If the aspect ratio of a compartment (the maximum of length/width or width/length) is greater
than about five, this algorithm should be used.
For each of the Velocity, Depth and Decay, using a value of (-1) will bypass this setting. This
is so that, for example, the decay distance can be set while using default values for velocity
and depth.
HHEAT First_Compartment Number_of_Parts N pairs of {Second_Compartment, Fraction}
Used to allow heat conduction between pairs of compartments which have a contiguous
vertical partition between them. There are two forms of this command. The first uses only a
compartment number. In this case, the conduction connection
The first form is to use only a compartment number. In this case, CFAST will calculate the
conductive heat transfer to all compartments connected to this compartment by horizontal
convective flow. The second form specifies the compartments to be connected and what
fraction of the compartment is connected to an adjacent compartment. This latter is
particularly useful for rooms which are connected to adjacent rooms as well as hallways. The
user of the model is responsible for the consistency of these pairings. The model does not
check to insure that the specified compartment pairs are located next to one another.
specifies that compartment one has one connection to compartment two and the fraction of
wall surface through which heat is transferred is of the wall surface of compartment one.
HVENT First_Compartment Second_Compartment Vent_Number Width Soffit Sill
Wind_Coefficient First_Compartment_Offset Second_Compartment_Offset FACE
Vent which allows horizontal flow of gases, through vents such as doors and windows.
Compartment offsets are triplets from the compartment origin. FACE is an integer from 1 to
4 counterclockwise from the origin defining which wall face to place the vent on when
visualizing with Smokeview. It doesn't affect the dynamics of the calculation, just the way it
looks. The size of the opening can be modified by EVENT. This changes the
Opening_Fraction from the initial value (set above) to some other value. Typical use is to
start with the door open (Initial_Opening_Fraction = 1) and use EVENT to close the door
(Final_Fraction = 0).
INTER Initial_Interface_Height_1 Initial_Interface_Height_2 ... Initial_Interface_Height_N
This is used to set the initial interface height below the top of the compartment. A great deal
of care is needed to use this, as the model has only rudimentary checks for the limits imposed
(for example, the initial value must specify a height not greater than the compartment height.
This does change the nature of a zone in the context of a zone model.
A simple fire. The key word refers to the mainfire.o file. POS is the three dimensional
position vector, relative to the front, lower, left corner of the compartment.
MVENT From_Compartment To_Compartment ID_Number From_Opening_Orientation
From_Center_Height From_Opening_Area To_OpeningOrientation To_Center_Height
To_Opening_Area Flow Begin_Dropoff_Pressure Zero_Flow_Pressure initial_fraction
This replaces the more complex mechanical ventilation commands with a constant flow fan
connection. The original commands MVOPN MVFAN MVDCT and INELV are not
supported in this version. The command specifies a pair of openings connected by a constant
volume flow fan. The fan flow can be modified with the EVENT key word.
This key word places a fire (designated objects for version 6) into a compartment. The
NAME on the object line should match the name in the file. While the main fire (MAINF)
places a very simple fire in a compartment, mimicking a sand burner, OBJECTs are intended
to simulate real burning items and must have attributes such as an orientation. The format for
the fire objects is shown in V6 Fire Format.xls. A position vector of (-1,-1,-1) puts the
object in the center of the compartment on the floor. A pointing vector of (0,0,1) is facing
ONEZ Compartment
For tall compartments or those removed from the room of fire origin, the compartment may
be modeled as a single, well-mixed zone rather than the default two-zone assumption. A
single zone approximation is appropriate for smoke flow far from a fire source where the
two-zone layer stratification is less pronounced than in compartments near the fire. This is
used in situations where the stratification does not occur. Examples are elevators, shafts,
complex stairwells, and compartments far from the fire.
THRMF Thermophysical_Properties_File
By default, thermophysical properties are obtained from the thermal.csv which is located in
the directory where the model executables reside. This allows for another file to be used.
STPMAX Maximum_Time_Step
This specifies the largest time step that the model will take. The default value is one second.
In most cases, the numerical routines adjust the time step appropriately; however, for long
simulation times and slowly varying conditions, a larger value is appropriate. In cases where
the fire height and vent soffits interact, the time step may need to be smaller.
TARGE Compartment Width Depth Height Normal_Depth Normal_Breadth
Normal_Height) Material Method Equation_Type Internal_Location
CFAST can track and report calculations of the net heat flux striking arbitrarily positioned
and oriented targets and the temperature of these targets. A non-zero normal vector must be
specified as must a material from the thermophysical database. Method can be one of
STEADY for steady state solution, XPLICIT for explicit solution, and MPLICIT for an
implicit solution. Equation_Type can be one of ODE, PDE, or CYL.
TIMES Simulation_Time Print_Interval History_Interval Nornal_Output_Interval
WallandTarget_Output_Interval Vent_Flow_Output_Interval Species_Output_Interval.
Printed output will be on the screen or in a file named project.out. The binary history output
(for use with the DLL package) will be in project.hi. The four spreadsheet listings are in
project.{n.csv, w.csv, f.csv and s.csv}.
VERSN,version number, Title
The header is $$CF$$ and is case sensitive. The major version number from the file must
match the major version number kept internally (6 at the moment).
VHEAT First_Compartment Second_Compartment
Heat transfer between the ceiling and floor of specified compartments can be incorporated
with the VHEAT key word. Ceiling to floor heat transfer occurs between interior
compartments of the structure or between an interior compartment and the outdoors. The
model checks to make sure that the ceiling and floor are reasonably contiguous (within 0.01
m), and the assumption is made that this is true for the entire ceiling and floor.
The floor properties of the top compartment (1 in this case) and the ceiling properties of the
bottom compartment (2 in this case) must be defined by COMPA and included in the
thermophysical file.
VVENT from_compartment to_compartment area shape initial_fraction
Combined buoyancy and pressure driven (i.e., forced) flow through a horizontal vent
(vertical flow) is possible when the connected spaces are filled with gases of different density
in an unstable configuration, with the density of the top space larger than that of the bottom
space. This type of flow is inherently different from horizontal flow (vertical vent) in that
there is not layer to layer mixing from inverted plumes. This key word describes those
horizontal openings between the compartments through which this type of flow occurs. Each
VVENT line in the input file describes one horizontal vent. There are four parameters, the
connected compartments, the shape of the opening, and the effective area of the vent.
WIND Wind_Speed Scale_Height Power_Law_Coefficient
The wind speed, scale height, and power law are used to calculate the wind coefficient for
each vent connected to the outside. The wind velocity is specified at some reference height.
The power law then provides a lapse rate for the wind speed. An assumption is that the wind
speed is zero at the surface. This is the same format as in version 5. Please see the technical
reference guide on the formula used in this calculation.