ADIG Human Synchronizer
ADIG Human Synchronizer
ADIG Human Synchronizer
ADIG Invention AS
Table of Contents
Basic Synchronizing
System Requirements
Getting Started
Connect to AUDIO
Connect to Midi
Demo version and Registering
Assigning Midi Controls
How to use Midi Controllers
To assign devices
User Controls
How to play
Calibrate Button
Slide Back
Options Menu
Mode Menu
Studio Menu
Working with tempo
Record and Play
Tempo Send
TAP behaviour
Countoff click sound
Remote Channels
Play Channels
Activate Menu
Help Menu
Knobs and Selectors
Assign to Midi
Tempo Wheel
Slowest and Fastest knobs
Tempo Crossfade
+ - Function Select
Send Adj.
Click Mode
ADIG Invention AS
+ and Start/Stop
Using Presets
Assigning and Restoring presets
Using Audio as input
Reading tempo from audio
Using a Sequencer like Ableton Live
Human Synchronizer
Vista and Windows 7
Other questions
Keyboard Shortcuts
Revision History
ADIG Invention AS
ADIG Invention AS
Basic Synchronizing
In the good old days when classical music ruled the world, we had conductors waving their
arms giving the tempo to the performing musicians. Today, when we work with machines,
there are several possible conductors. Let's take a look at how the ADIG HUMAN
SYNCHRONIZER gives you control as the conductor.
The musician working with delays
In this setup, we would like the delay to follow the tempo of the musician's playing. This is a
very musical way of using a delay, having the tempo of the delay synched to the performer.
Clearly, in this case the musician is the conductor.
In the ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER, the BEAT DETECT mode is for this purpose. The ADIG
HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER will read the tempo of the musician, however, needing to
distinguish the values of the notes, (8ths, quarternotes, etc.). This is done by defining a
starting tempo.
We have made some practical ways of working with delays:
1. Set the upper and lower values of the BEAT RANGE for your song. This will avoid false
double or half tempo detects.
2. Tap the tempo as you start playing.
Guitar, drums and delay
ADIG Invention AS
In any group setting where you have a drummer, you need to play with him and not against
So, why not let him control the tempo of your delays and filters? Simply put a microphone to
the drummer and let the ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER read the tempo of the drums, and
the delays will follow.
Working with a sequencer or looper
The TEMPO TRACK mode in the ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER is made especially with
loopers and sequencers in mind. If you are ahead of the beat in your playing, the ADIG
HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER will tell the looper or sequencer to speed up. If you are behind the
beat, it will tell them to slow down.
Subtile tempo fluctuations are taken care of automatically. For more dramatic changes of
tempo, use the tap pad.
A conductor suggest a change of tempo by conducting ahead or behind the beat. That's what
you as a musician have to do, too. From your playing, you instruct the ADIG HUMAN
SYNCHRONIZER to alter the tempo by playing ahead or behind the beat. For narrow tempo
changes, this works fine. However, to change tempo from mer playing, you will have to be
out of synch to what the sequencer or looper is performing during the actual tempochange.
For drastic changes it is therefore, from a musical point of view, advisable to manually tap
the new tempo.
Different tempos can be stored in presets. Adjust the crossfade between two tempos stored to
ADIG Invention AS
ADIG Invention AS
System Requirements
The ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER software runs on the following platforms
- Windows XP
- MAC OS X 10.4 and later.
- Vista
The ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER has not been tested with Windows 7.
ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER sends a high precision Midi Clock signal to be used as the
Master Synchronizing Clock for other MIDI hardware or software. This clock has sub
millisecond accuracy, a task that is very hard for operating systems like MAC OSX and
This high precision clock might be disturbed by other software on the machine being used,
causing hick-ups and problems running at high BPMs. We advise you to test the demo version
on your setup before purchasing ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER.
ADIG Invention AS
Getting Started
Connect to AUDIO
It is possible to use the internal, build-in microphone and speakers of your computer.
However, for best result and convenience, we recommend a dedicated sound card or audio
interface. It is important to prevent the ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER from synchronizing
to its own audio, or other audio software, running on the same computer.
Connect the audio signal, of which you want to extract beat from, to the input of your audio
interface. In the ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER Audio and Midi Settings, activate the
corresponding inputs.
If you want to hear the metronome click, activate the output channel that you want to assign
it to.
In this case (picture above) we us a TC konnekt24D for both audio in and out. Input channel
1 through 4 are activated, as output channels 1 and 2 are. Output is activated because we
want to listen to the metronome click-sound from the ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER.
ADIG Invention AS
Connect to Midi
How is tempo-information transmitted to your devices? Most machines read the tempo from a
Midi Clock. This clock needs to be transmitted on a midi cable to the gear you use. If your
gear is virtual, inside your computer, you will need to do a virtual hookup. Some software
look for control changes.
To connect to a midi cable, you will typically need to buy a Midi Interface. This is an
inexpensive device that makes your computer able to send and receive midi. For an example,
see the MOTU Fastlane Midi Interfaces.
Alternatives to actual cables, are virtual midi cables. On MAC this is the built in IAC driver in
the Applications Utility folder.
ADIG Invention AS
On the PC, you will have to get a Virtual Midi Cable software from a third party manufacturer.
An option we have tested, is the Maple Virtual Midi Cable, a free software found on the
All your Midi device will automatically be listed in the ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER Audio
and Midi Settings window, found under the OPTIONS menu. Activate the Midi ports that you
plan to use.
For use with software that do not read the Midi Clock, like ProTools, Sonar and Logic, you
ADIG Invention AS
need to import a MIDI tempo map into the session. Use ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER to
record this map as you play or by listening back to a pre-recorded sound file. For more
information, please refer to the STUDIO chapter (working with tempo).
Examples of software that accept the Midi clock input to control the tempo, are Ableton Live,
Reason and Cubase. Ableton even allows live time stretching of recorded audio. Cubase will
work perfectly with midi tracks.
Keep in mind that all connected gear and/or software must be set to receive on the same
you can independently assign remote controls to a different MIDI-channel than the play
Midi input signals on enabled mid channels are automatically sent to all enabled midi output
ports. This Midi Thru functionallity can be very practical when hooking up Midi controllers to
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ADIG Invention AS
To assign devices
Press the Learn button. The LEARN-button will turn green when in learn mode.
To assign, activate by clicking on the knob or pad you want to assign, it will turn red.
Press or turn the Midi controller device to be used for controlling this function. When
successfully assigned, the button colour will turn yellow.
Repeat the procedure for each function you want to assign to an external midi controller.
Pressing the LEARN button again, exits the learn mode.
Next time you enter the learn mode, all previously assigned buttons will be shown in yellow.
All assignments will be remembered by the ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER.
ADIG Invention AS
User Controls
How to play
To easily get some playing into the ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER, point your mouse to the
ADIG logo and hit the left mouse button. You should see the POS indicator move telling you
where your playing is compared to the beat.
You can make the ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER speed up or slow down by playing early or
late on the beat. It is essential for the result and feel that your setup is in sync with you. This
is made easy by pressing the calibrate button.
To adjust your timing and latency in your system to the ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER, use
the Calibrate button. Play as precise as possible to the audible click sound.
Play about 10 beats, then press Calibrate again to deactivate the calibration function.
The Nudge adjustment is an easy way of keeping the ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER in sync
with your playing style. If your timing is laid-back, behind the beat, as in jazz styles,
compensate by adjusting the nudge value ahead of the beat (to the right of the centre in the
display). Opposite, if you are an energetic rocker, you may find yourself ahead of the beat.
Compensate by nudging behind the beat (to the left of centre).
The ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER needs to know your intitial tempo, or else it will be
impossible to track you.
The easy way to do it :
ADIG Invention AS
- TAP'n
- Play
Controls available for customizing the ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER to your playing style,
- Beat
- Smooth
- Sensitivity
- Slide Back
ADIG Invention AS
Calibrate Button
To adjust your timing to the ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER, use the Calibrate button and
play as precise as possible quarter notes together with the audible output click. This is
essential for a good feel and correct response.
After playing 10-20 beats, press Calibrate again to deactivate the calibration function.
ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER is now tuned to be in synch with you as performer!
ADIG Invention AS
Set the Beat selector to even if the song to be played has a eight note subdivision. If the
subdivision of the song has a triplet subdivision, set it to Triplets.
Adjust the Swing knob if the song has a swing feel to it.
ADIG Invention AS
The Nudge control is used as an easy way of keeping the ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER in
sync with the musician.
The amount of nudge is controlled by using the + and - pads and setting the Function Select
in Nudge mode.
A positive nudge will make it easier for the ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER to increase
A negative nudge will make it easier for the ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER to decrease
If your timing is laid-back, behind the beat, as in jazz styles, compensate by adjusting the
nudge value ahead of the beat (to the right of the centre in the display). Opposite, if you are
an energetic rocker, you may find yourself ahead of the beat. Compensate by nudging behind
the beat (to the left of centre).
ADIG Invention AS
The smooth control sets the time period used for averaging when playing together with the
- A narrow setting will make tempo changes at a faster rate
- A wider setting will make tempo changes at a slower rate
ADIG Invention AS
The Sensitivity knob controls how accurate the musician is expected to be when playing
together with the ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER :
- Sloppy : The musician can play more sloppily without the ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER
changing tempo.
- Precise : The musician can more easily make the ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER change
ADIG Invention AS
Slide Back
The Slide Back knob makes a musical addition to tempo controlling, by allowing the ADIG
HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER to slide back towards the originally set tempo when the musician
stops playing.
The function is turned off by setting the control to the 0 position.
ADIG Invention AS
Options Menu
The options menu is made up off
The Multiband Onset Detector translates the Audio input into rythmic events called onsets.
Window size relates to the buffer size used when calculating the onsets. More melodic music
requires longer windows while rythmic audio suffices with a length of 512.
It is possible to fine tune the onset detector to the music also by selecting the frequency band
containing the rytmic information. We have set up 3 frequency bands for this purpose : low,
mid and high.
For each of the 3 bands, there is also a threshold setting.
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ADIG Invention AS
Mode Menu
The ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER operates in one of two possible modes.
Tempo Tracking
The tempo tracking mode is made especially for use with loopers and sequencers. When the
musician plays behind the beat, the ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER will slow down the beat.
Similarly, when in front of the beat, ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER will speed up the tempo.
This algorithm is very robust since and is designed for the musician to play tightly together
with the machine. Whatever the musician will desire do, it will never upset the machine
giving sudden tempo changes.
Beat Detect
The beat detect algorithm is made especially for machines following "machines" and for use
with delays. This mode will read the input tempo without the musician being required to hear
any click, or other rythmic information to relate to.
This algorithm will follow sudden tempo deviations to a greater degree than the tempo
tracking mode.
Typical uses for the beat detect m ode is reading tempo from pre recorded audio or use with a
guitar players delay with audio input from a mike placed at the drums.
Both modes work by having an initial tempo setting given by the musician, either by tapping
the tempo, or having pre programmed tempos in the presets.
ADIG Invention AS
Studio Menu
Working with tempo
ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER makes it easy to get your tempo into your favourite DAW or
When recording the drum track, setting ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER in record mode will
store all your important tempo nuances for later use. The tempo map is stored in a midi file
that can be imported by most DAWs like ProTools, Cubase, Logic, Nuendo and others. This
midi file will act as the master tempo template saving you lots of time not having to drag
markers around to every other beat in your song.
Of course, the ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER can also play back the stored tempo. Editing
the tempo changes in the DAW are easy since the file is a standard midi file.
ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER can also record a tempo map of any prerecorded audio track.
Simply TAP along to the audio track while it is running. The TAP behaviour needs to be set to
Studio mode.
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ADIG Invention AS
Tempo Send
The tempo sent from ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER is normally the Midi Clock. To activate
or deactivate Midi Clock sending use the Studio - Tempo Send - Midi Clock option.
Note that the Midi Out LED typically will light up when midi clock is sending.
Midi Clock will be disabled when the ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER is running in Demo
Tempo can also be sent as Control Changes so ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER can be used
by DAWs that does not support midi tempo files.
To use ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER sending Control Changes select the Studio - Tempo
Send - Control Changes option.
Example using Ableton Live :
- Connect a Pedal or other controller via Midi to ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER
- Use the Learn function so that the c ontroller turns the ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER
tempo wheel
- In Ableton, assign the same controller to the tempo indicator
- Open the tempo automation in Abletons Master track
- Set lower and upper controls as tight as possible to get good resolution (controllers only
have 127 levels)
- Set the same limits in Ableton Live
- Enable recording in Ableton
- Hit the Start/Stop button and off you go!
- Do as many recording runs as you like to get your tempo automation lane!
ADIG Invention AS
ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER always send the Midi start and stop commands when
pressing the Start/Stop button. However, not all sequencers and DAWs respons to this. To
make everybody happy, we have added :
- MMC (Midi Machine Command)
- Mackie Controller Emulation
These options are found under the Studio - Transport menu.
Just try the different options and go into your DAW menus to enable the corresponding
feature! Note that some virtual midi cables do not seem to be happy with MMC.
ADIG Invention AS
TAP behaviour
Normally, you would like the TAP function to act a little smart with some kind of averaging to
it. This is the normal way of TAP working in ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER.
But if tapping to an existing sound file so to make a Midi Tempo Master file, you want the
tapping to define where in the song all the beats are. So in this mode, the TAP must be
extremely precise and not try to act smart. If it was smart, things would never be able to
sync up.
TAP behaviour is found in the Studio - TAP menu.
ADIG Invention AS
ADIG Invention AS
Remote Channels
This is an option for advanced users.
Sometimes it is practical to specify which midi channels are used for Remote control of the
Set this option to all, if controller messages can come from any channel. Set this to specific
channels if so desired to avoid conflicts with controllers that send note on messages that can
be interpreted as playing.
ADIG Invention AS
Play Channels
This is an option for advanced users.
Sometimes it is practical to specify which m idi channels are used for Playing input to the
Set this option to all or specific midi channels to filter out midi on messages from other
ADIG Invention AS
Activate Menu
When the ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER software is started for the first time, the user will
get a Demo license from the ADIG license server. This demo license expires after 30 days.
The demo license is fully functional, except that sending of the Midi Clock is disabled.
After the demo license expires, the user will have to pay for the ADIG HUMAN
SYNCHRONIZER software on the ADIG web site. Secure payment transactions are with
Paying user will be able to activate their software by filling in their credentials used when
registering on the web site. Each user have the opportunity to activate the software on 3
machines. When the Acivation is performed, a working internet connection is required so that
a license file can be retrieved from the ADIG license server.
When the Activation procedure is completed, going to the Activate menu will show who the
software is registered to. An internet connection is then no longer required when using the
ADIG Invention AS
ADIG Invention AS
Help Menu
Show Help
The ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER software help is in the form of a .PDF file. Please install
the free Acrobat Reader from Adobe if the help will not open.
This meny choice gives contact inform ation for ADIG Invention AS and information about the
version of the ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER software installed.
ADIG Invention AS
The MIDI IN LED will light up whenever there is a MIDI signal present in the ADIG HUMAN
A Midi feedback loop or midi input overload is indicated by a Yellow light on the Midi LED.
The MIDI OUT LED will light up when there is a MIDI signal going out from the ADIG HUMAN
Audio input level is shown by the colors :
- green: weak
- yellow: best signal
- red: danger of signal overload
The NUDGE option is assigned to the + - PADS.
The PRESET option is assigned to the + - PADS.
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ADIG Invention AS
ADIG Invention AS
Tempo Wheel
The Tempo Wheel will assign a tempo to the Midi Clock. Turn the Tempo Wheel by using the
mouse, or enter the desired tempo into the box below the Tempo Wheel. Or use the Up and
Down keys on the computer.
The Tempo Wheel can not be set outside the upper and lower limits set by the Slowest and
Fastest knobs.
ADIG Invention AS
When controlling the tempo of a song, it will often be desirable to stay within a tempo range.
The Slowest knob sets the lower tempo limit for the song, and the Fastest knob sets the
upper tempo limit for the song.
Limiting the tempo range will improve the feel when an expression pedal is assigned to the
tempo knob. This will also make it easier for the ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER to find the
correct tempo when the Beat Detect mode is activated.
ADIG Invention AS
Tempo Crossfade
The tempo crossfade control is designed for drummers and other instrumentalist that would
like easy tempo control while being busy with both arms and legs.
Example of how to use the Tempo Crossfade :
1. Set up the intial tempo and program it to Preset 1
2. Set the new tempo and a crossfade setting and program it to Preset 2.
Starting in Preset 1, hitting the + PAD can now be used for easy tempo transition to new
ADIG Invention AS
+ - Function Select
Set the selector for the function that you want to assign to the + and - pads :
- PRESET select
ADIG Invention AS
Send Adj.
The Send Adjust knob regulates the latency when sending the MIDI Start and Stop signals to
the Midi Output channel that are enabled.
This is required if ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER shall send Start and Stop commands to
Sequencers like Ableton Live or similar. Adjust this knob until the ADIG HUMAN
SYNCHRONIZER and sequencer runs in perfect synch.
The Send Adjust will not be able to adjust the latency while the sequencer is running. To test
the setting, stop the sequencer. Turn the Send Adj. knob and press Start/Stop again to check
if the internal click of the ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER and the sequencer lines up.
ADIG Invention AS
Click Mode
ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER generates an audible click that will be sent to the audio
device enabled in the Options - Audio and Midi options menu.
Click modes :
- off : no audible click is sent to the output.
- count-off : there will be 2 bars of 4 beats count offs when pressing the Start pad. Then,
click will turn off or continue depending on the Studio - Countoff Click menu setting.
- on : there will always be a audible click sent to the output.
ADIG Invention AS
The volume of the click sound sendt to the output is set with this knob.
You can use your favourite click sound by replacing the click.wav file in the Program Files ADIG folder. Make a short wave file with 16 bits, 44100 kHz, mono.
ADIG Invention AS
The input threshold of the audio input is set by this knob. Set the knob until the Audio In led
in average lights up in yellow color.
When adjusting the Threshold, it is a good idea to have a look at the POS indicator in the
display. Getting the POS to move about once for every beat will yield the best results.
Turn the threshold down if the POS will not move and the Audio In led does not light up.
Turn the threshold up if the POS moves constantly and the Audio In led shows red.
More detailed control of audio trigging can be achieved by adjusting the parameters in the
Onset Detector.
ADIG Invention AS
To adjust the timing of the musician to the ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER, use the Calibrate
button and play as precise as possible quarter notes together with the
audible output click.
After playing 10-20 beats, press Calibrate again to deactivate the calibration function.
ADIG Invention AS
This button is used for assigning Midi controllers to ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER functions
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ADIG Invention AS
+ and -
ADIG Invention AS
The Start/Stop Pad is used for sending Start and Stop Midi commands to an external
Pressing this pad the first time will send a Start Midi commmand. The second time it is
pressed a Stop Midi command is issued.'
If selected, MMC and Mackie controller commands are also being sent.
Keyboard shortcut - Space
ADIG Invention AS
At any time, the TAP Pad can be used for Tapping a new tempo.
Holding down the TAP Pad, the ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER will detect the incoming
tempo and synchronize to it.
The TAP Pad will release the ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER from Hold mode.
ADIG Invention AS
Using Presets
Assigning and Restoring presets
Tempo Wheel
Slide Back
Tempo Crossfade
Slowest and Fastest
Send adj.
ADIG Invention AS
Using Audio as input
ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER will recognize tempo from the audio inputs that are
Connect the audio input to a channel that is activated in the Options - Audio and Midi options
You might need to activate the channel settings in the built in mixer of your sound card for
letting the audio signals through you computer.
Set the Thresh knob until the Audio In led in average lights up in yellow color.
Green means the signal is weak, Red means the signal is on the strong side.
All instruments can be used with audio input, ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER can even
detect tempo from the human voice!
Detailed settings for getting the optimum detection from the audio input is found in the Onset
Detector options.
ADIG Invention AS
The ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER will read the tempo from incoming Audio and synch to
this when the TAP pad is held down.
For getting the most reliable tempo detects, the Thresh and Onset Detector should be tuned
to the level of the audio and the type of music being inputted.
When the settings are good, it should take about 2 seconds before getting a correct tempo
detect from the external audio input.
ADIG Invention AS
In ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER Options menue - Audio and Midi Settings, make sure the
desired midi output port is set. Shown here is the MAC IAC-driver.
ADIG Invention AS
In Ableton Live Preferences, MIDI setup, select the corresponding midi port for the Sync
Press the EXT button on the upper left portion of the screen to activate external listening.
This should turn yellow when on.
There should be a LED blinking that indicates that the Midi Clock is coming from the ADIG
Ableton Live is very much about time stretching audio files. This means that pre-recorded
audio can be played back at varying tempos during a performance, without changing pitch.
ADIG Invention AS
Human Synchronizer
Answer : Now you are in charge of the tempo. No longer dictated by the machines setting
a static tempo for your performance. We now can make real music with machines
connected! By using controllers that you already have like foot pedals, knobs on your midi
controllers or keyboards. Or by playing together with the ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER
pushing or pulling that tempo your way.
2. Does the ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER come as a plug in
Answer : ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER is a stand alone software. The reason is that
plug ins are not allowed to control the tempo of the host. If this was techincally possible,
ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER could have been a plug in.
Answer : Tempo codes is transmitted by what is called a midi clock. These signals run on
an ordinary midi cable that you connect to the m idi in port of your equipment to be
controlled. The user interface is similar to the good old metronome, but with some extra
controls making it easy for you as a performer to be in charge as the tempo boss.
4. Why do I need the ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER as a Performer
Answer : You want your performances and your recordings to have that edge that some
rubatos and natural tempo variations can give. In popular music, the chorus will often
benefit for a slighter faster tempo than the verse. And you now easily can slow down the
tune to a super sensitive ending. In classical music, these tempo effects are so natural,
but taken away from us by stubborn machines refusing to run at other speeds than
punched into their screens. If you are a guitar player, you will now appreciate how easy it
is to synchronize your delays to your playing.
5. Why do I need the ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER in the Studio
Answer : It will make it easier to handle tempo in your DAW or Sequencer. When
recording your drum track together with ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER, you will have a
Tempo Master Track that makes aligning the tempo easy. Just import the midi file made
by ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER and the midi tracks will go in synch with the drums!
6. Why do I need the ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER as a Composer
Answer : Very often, composers and arrangers want to do an arragement of a song that
exists as a wave file. Getting this file to be in sync with Finale and Sibelius is no longer
difficult. Just record the tempo in ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER tapping along to the
audio file and open the midi tempo master file in your notation software.
ADIG Invention AS
1. Do I need an internet conncetion to use ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER.
Answer : No. The only time the internet connection is required is the first startup of the
program for getting the license from our license server.
2. ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER will not get my license.
Answer : There is a problem with the server connection when trying to get a licence. Port
56756 is used for communicating with the license server. This port need to be open in
firewalls and routers. Version 1.3 and later automatically gives error messages if there is
a communication problem.
3. How many machines can be registered for 1 licence
Answer : 3 machines can be registered for each user
4. Ive lost my password
Answer : Fill in your email address and press the lost password button on the web page to get a new password sent by email
5. How long is the evaluation period
Answer : Evaluation period is 30 days. After this period, purchase and activation of a paid
license must be performed.
6. How do I activate a paid license
Answer : Open the Activation dialog in the menu bar and fill in your details used when
purchasing ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER. Activation requires an internet connection.
7. How do the full version differ from the demo version
Answer : The ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER software will run in Demo mode until a paid
license is activated. The sending of the Midi Clock is disabled in demo mode.
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ADIG Invention AS
Other questions
1. The software seems to go "bananas" or act sluggish
Answer : You have probably a feedback loop. Please check the Input Midi Channel. Do not
activate the Input IAC driver on the MAC or the Input Maple Midi driver on the PC. This
will result in the midi messages sent in an feedback loop. A Midi feedback loop is indicated
by a Yellow light on the Midi LED.
Audio feedback is also possible. The laptop microphone is a typical source for this effect.
The feedback is interpreted as tempo inputs and ADIG HUMAN SYNCHRONIZER will
change tempo accordingly. This might happen if both inputs and outputs are activated in
the Options Audio and Midi Options menu and the output is routed to the input in the
internal Windows or Mac mixer. Another source of feedback might be the internal
microphone of the computer. An indication of a audio feedback loop is if the Audio In LED
flashes in time with the beat. Uncheck the active input channels option in the Audio
Settings menu to see if there is a problem with an audio loop. Solve the problem by
opening the Windows/Mac mixer and disable the audio loop or lower the microphone
input. For instance, in the Realtek mixer this option is found in the Record section as
Stereo Mix or Mic input.
2. How to change the click sound
Answer : You can use your favourite click sound by replacing the click.wav file in the
Program Files - ADIG folder. Make a short wave file with 16 bits, 44100 kHz, mono.
3. The click does not seem stable in time
Answer : There is some problem with the amount of CPU available usually caused by
other software that runs with high priority. The Human Synchronizer is a real time
application that can be challenged by other software running on the computer. The
software can not be expected to work on older machines and it can also be a challenge
running Vista on higher beat settings. Before doing a purchase, check that the software
runs satisfactory in demo mode on your hardware.
4. The software will not start or quits unexpectedly
Answer : There might be a problem with the license. Check that the license.dat file is
present in the Program Files/ADIG folder. Starting the software for the first time, an
internet connection is required for collecting the license file from the ADIG server.
If the demo time has expired for your machine, you will need to purchase a license from and perform the activation procedure. See license part of FAQ for
more information.
ADIG Invention AS
Keyboard Shortcuts
P - Simulate Play
R - Toggle Midi File Record Mode
H - Hold PAD
Return - Tap PAD
Space - Start/stop PAD
Up - Increase BPM
Down - Decrease BPM
Left - Minus PAD
Right - Plus PAD
ADIG Invention AS
Revision History
New Configurable Onset detect algorithm presented at NAMM show 2010, to be used with any
New Beat Detect Mode!
Beat Detect any tempo holding down TAP
All knobs and pads now MIDI assignable!
Tempo presets crossfade sliding
Audio Tapping
Improved tempo tracking
Improved controller handling
Support of both midi controller and pitch wheel for tempo
Midi channel filtering
Now stores latency so no need for recalibration
Alert window if server connectivity problems with license information
Release presented at the Musikkmesse Frankfurt 2009
Studio menu added
Tempo midi file recording and playback
Support for MMC and Mackie Control Emulation Start/Stop
Studio TAP function for assigning tempo to pre-existing audio and video files.
Tempo Send automation for easy recording of tempo automation in DAWs that do not support
midi tempo files
First official release presented at the NAMM show 2009
Focus on Live use and functionality