Reasons For Orientalists' Hostility Towards Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
Reasons For Orientalists' Hostility Towards Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
Reasons For Orientalists' Hostility Towards Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
Muhammad (SAW)
Zafar Ali Qureshi
There is an unbridgeable gulf between the viewpoints of Christians and Muslims about the
personality of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). For Muslims, he is the Prophet par excellence, an exponent of
strict monotheism, a sublime and superb model of virtues - honesty, purity, and uprighteousness. For
Christians, he is the target of most hostile, bitter, and venomous attacks on various counts.
For knowing this differential evaluation of the character and personality of the Prophet (SAW), a
knowledge of the background and perspective of history is called for, in order to clarify and elucidate as to
how far the Christians are justified in their subjective approach to the personality of the Prophet (SAW) and
how much biased, prejudiced and wholly topsy-turvy their approach is in this matter.
The first point to be noted is that it was the Christians who first started fighting against the
Muslims, and it is they who are still carrying their Crusade mentality in all its bitterness and vehemence,
with all its sordid and ignoble motives, devoid of all historical reality and objectivity. We touch upon the
subject briefly.
In accordance with the universality of the message of Islam, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) sent one
of his envoys, Harith Ibn Umair Azdi (RAA), to the governor of Busra, inviting him to Islam. On the way,
a Christian chief - Shurahbil Ibn Amr - intercepted and murdered the Prophet's envoy. With a view to
avenge the foul murder, the Prophet (SAW)) dispatched a small army of some 3,000 men under the
command of Zayd Ibn Haritha (RAA). The Muslims were confronted by a formidable host of regular
Byzantine troops aided by their Arab auxiliaries. Not daunted by the formidable number of the enemy, the
Muslims gave fight at the battle of Mutah but suffered grievous hurt. The position was retrieved with great
difficulty by Khalid Ibn Walid (RAA), who took over the command after he previous commanders had
fallen fighting.
Before his death, the Prophet (SAW) had given orders to avenge the disaster of Mutah. After his
death, the Christians began to fish in troubled waters and wanted to unsettle the nascent Muslim state.
Perforce Caliph Abu Bakr (RAA) took up the gauntlet and war against the Christians was taken up and
carried on by Umar the Great (RAA), the Umayyads and their successors.
The capture by the Muslims of the fairest provinces of the Byzantine Empire like Syria, Palestine,
and Egypt, which were the strongholds of the Eastern Church, the conquest of North Africa, Sicily, and
Spain by the Arabs, and their victorious advances up to the gates of Rome, the rise of the Turks, their
brilliant conquests in Eastern and Central Europe, their knocking at the very heart of Christendom, the
launching of the Crusades by the West and their dismal failure, the new phase of Western imperialism, its
onward march, rout and retrogression, the hopeless failure of the Christian missionaries in evangelizing the
Middle East - all these have combined together to engender, foster, and leave behind a legacy of bitterness,
hatred, and enmity in the hearts of the people of the West against Islam and its Prophet (SAW).
Dr. Speer avers dogmatically that Christ is absolute and final Savior. There can be no revelation
displacing or supplementing the revelation in Him.4
Islam came challenging three claims of Christianity. Sir Hamilton Gibb puts it as follows:
Thus Islam appeared not as a new religion but a revival of pure Abrahmic monotheism, purified at once of
the accretions of Judaism and Christianity and superseding them as a final revelation.5
Rev. T. P. Huges gives vent to Christian animosity to the advent of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) in these
In forming the estimate of Muhammad's prophetical pretensions it must be remembered that he did not claim
to be the founder of a new religion, but merely of a new covenant. He is the last and greatest of God's
prophets. He is sent to convert the world to the one true religion which God had before revealed to the five
great law-givers - Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus! It is here that we take our stand! We give
Muhammad credit as a warrior, as a legislator, as a poet, as a man of uncommon genius, raising himself
amidst great opposition to a pinnacle of renown; we admit he is, without doubt, one of the great heroes the
world has ever seen; but when we consider his claim to supersede the mission of the Divine Jesus, we strip
him of his borrowed plumes, and reduce him to the condition of an impostor!... He has attempted to rob
Christianity of every distinctive truth it possesses... its Divine Saviour, its Heavenly Comforter...6
Sephen Neill acknowledges that Christian approaches to the Muslims, with certain notable
exceptions, have been carried out on the basis and in the spirit of polemic.8
So this clash of arms and onslaught of words on polemic grounds, and the consequent legacy of
hatred, spite, and rancor, inherited by the modern West from their forbears of the Middle Ages, has
conditioned, warped and clouded the thinking of Western scholars in their writings about Islam in general
and the Prophet of Islam (SAW) in particular. And, according to the conscious or unconscious working of
their minds, it is the Prophet of Islam (SAW) who is to be blamed primarily - nay, wholly and solely - for
the debacle of Christendom in the East, and hence to be held up to obloquy and derision, and to be blamed
for all the sins of omission or commission of Muslims in their dealings with the West through the ages.
And in spite of their vociferous protestations of "objective historiography", they have miserably failed to
judge and evaluate the Prophet of Islam (SAW) in an objective, impartial, and realistic manner, free from
pre-conceived biases.
The terrible destruction of the Eastern Churches, once so glorious and flourishing, by the sudden spreading of
Mohammedanism, and the great success of its professors against the Christians, necessarily inspire a horror
of that religion to those to whom it has been so fatal, and, no wonder, if they endeavour to set the character of
the founder and its doctrines in the most infamous light.9
Sale makes out as if the Eastern Churches were annihilated by the early Arab victories and Islam
spread therein at the cost of Christianity at the point of the sword, as the story runs in the West.
The story of these Eastern Churches as unfolded by history is quite different from that made out
by Sale. The Greek Orthodox Church, which had the full backing of the Byzantine Government, tyrannized
over the Churches belonging to other Christian denominations, and left no stone unturned to harm them to
their heart's content. The Arab conquerors were, therefore, hailed as "liberators" by these persecuted
Christians and others.
We touch upon the subject very briefly.
In his History of the Byzantine Empire, George Finlay has made the following pertinent
observations which bring out the role of Arab conquerors as "liberators':
In almost every case in which the Saracens conquered Christian nations, history unfortunately reveals that
they owed their success chiefly to the favour with which their progress was regarded by the masses of the
people. To the disgrace of most Christian governments, it will be found that their administration was more
oppressive than that of the Arabian conquerors... The inhabitants of Syria welcomed the first followers of
Mahomet; the Copts of Egypt contributed to place their country under the domination of the Arabs; the
Christian Berbers aided in the conquest of Africa. All these nations were induced, by the hatred of the
government at Constantinople, to place themselves under the sway of the Mohammedans. The treachery of
the nobles and the indifference of the people made the south of France an easy prey to the Saracens. The
conquest of Crete and Sicily must be traced to the same causes..."10
The authors of The History of Western Civilization corroborate these views when they write:
... there were thousands of Roman Byzantine subjects in Egypt, Syria, and Palestine - Jews and heretical
Christians especially - who were only too glad to exchange Byzantine masters for Mohammedans. For the
latter promised them religious tolerance and imposed upon them a smaller tribute than the Byzantine tax.
Egyptian Coptic monks, for example, sang chants of rejoicing at the downfall of Byzantine "heretics."11
Referring to the early Muslims and their brilliant conquests, the Italian orientalist Leone Caetani writes
ruefully in his noted Annali dell' Islam:
Who were these warriors? Who urged them out of their barren deserts to conquer the world? Why were the
advantages they gained in a few years so great and complete that thirteen centuries of struggle and powerful
weapons of our superior civilization have not availed to beat back the great enemy of faith and civilization? Is
it that we lack something where our enemies possess some undeniable superiority, so lasting and stalwart,
that with all our progress we have been unable to neutralize it?12
It will be seen from these scurrilous remarks of Caetani that he considers Islam to be "the great
enemy" of Christianity and Western Civilization, and with this attitude of mind and pre-conceived notions
and ideas no objective approach to the personality of the Prophet (SAW) and Islam can be expected from
such persons. And Caetani has done his worst to present a highly distorted picture of the life and teachings
of Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
The irony of the situation is that, as against the scurrilous and obnoxious fulmination and
vituperations of the Jews against the character and person of Prophet Isa (AS) and his mother Maryum
(SA), which we have not the heart to reproduce, the Holy Qur'an refuted the wild allegations of the Jews in
this respect and restored the fair names and characters of these two august and sublime personalities. But,
in return, the Christendom, instead of expressing any sense of gratitude for righting the wrong done to Jesus
Christ and Mary, have opened the flood-gates of baseless, hostile, and venomous propaganda campaign
against Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and Islam, and is still continuing this crusade of the pen with full fury
and zeal. Et tu Brutus!
Posing the question "What would have meant for the Arabs and the world at large if Muhammad
had died by the sword of the Quraysh?", R. Bosworth Smith replies to it himself and brings out the impact
of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) on the world in these words:
The practices that Muhammad forbade and not forbade only but abolished human sacrifices and the murder
of female infants, and blood feuds, and unlimited polygamy, and wanton cruelty to slaves, and drunkenness,
and gambling would have gone on unchecked in Arabia and the adjoining countries... The dark ages of
Europe would have been doubly, nay trebly, dark; for the Arabs who alone by their art and sciences, by their
agriculture, their philosophy, and their virtues, shone out amidst the universal gloom of ignorance and crime,
who gave to Spain and to Europe an Averroes and an Avicenna, the Alhambra and the Al-Kazr, would have
been wandering over their native deserts. As to religion, a Christianity which, in the East, had long become a
corrupt superstition, would have become yet more corrupt, and would have sunk to the condition in which it
is in Abyssinia now. Over a seventh part of the earth's surface the Star-worshippers might have been
worshipping stars, and the Fetish-worshippers Fetishes to this very day...13
At the advent of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) darkness held sway all around and ignorance
pervaded the world. By the force of his personality and the message of the Qur'an, Prophet Muhammad
(SAW) broke the spell of darkness and brought humanity from the depths of darkness and ignorance to the
light of knowledge and mastery over the forces of nature. In the Qur'an, he has been called "the Luminous
Lamp" (33:46) whose role is to bring people out of the depths of darkness into light with the aid of Divine
guidance. (Al-Talaq 65:11)
The most significant aspect of the influence of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) on human history is
the launching of a revolution in thought and letters, and, through the momentum created by him, Muslims
became the torch-bearers of knowledge in the world, and remained so for a number of centuries. Indeed, all
the achievements of modern science and rationalism - the twin pillars of Western civilization - owe their
origin and growth to the personality and teaching of Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
His voice quickened the dead into life, revived the dying, and made the pulse of humanity beat with the
accumulated force of ages. The exodus of the Saracens under this mighty impulse, its magnitude and far-
reaching effects, form the most marvelous phenomenon of modern times. They issued from their desert
fastness as the preceptors of humanity.14
But for the Prophet (SAW) and Muslims there would have been no Renaissance, no Reformation,
no Rationalism, and no Enlightenment in the West. The German scholar Deutsch enthusiastically declares:
But it was again - "a Book by the aid of which the Arabs conquered a world greater than that of Alexander
the Great, greater than that of Rome, and in as many tens of years as the latter had wanted hundreds to
accomplish her conquests; by the aid of which they alone of all the Shemites came to Europe as kings,
whither the Phoenicians had come as tradesmen, and the Jews as fugitives or captives; came to Europe to
hold up, together with these fugitives, the light to humanity; - they alone, while darkness lay around, to raise
up the wisdom and knowledge of Hellas from the dead, to teach philosophy, medicine, astronomy and the
golden art of song to the West as to the East, to stand at the cradle of modern science, and to cause us late
epigoni for ever to weep over the day when Granada fell."15
The celebrated scholar, George Sarton, author of the monumental work Introduction to the History
of Science, has been so much impressed by the works of Muslim scholars that he declares enthusiastically:
The main task of mankind was accomplished by Muslims. The greatest philosopher, al-Farabi, was a Muslim;
the greatest mathematician, Abu-Kamil and Ibrahim Ibn Sinan, were Muslims; the greatest geographer and
encyclopaedist, al-Mas´udi, was a Muslim; the greatest historian, al-Tabari, was still a Muslim.16
It is due to the impact of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) on the intellectual advancement of Europe
and the World civilization that William Draper stated correctly:
Four years after the death of Justinian was born the man who, of all men, has exercised the greatest influence
upon the human race - Muhammad.17
W. Cantwell Smith writes in a similar strain in his work Islam in Modern History:
History has been such that the West's relations with the Islamic world have from the first radically different
from those with any other civilization. These two have throughout shared a common frontier, which has
meant that they have been constantly in conflict and often in open conflict. Europe has known Islam for
thirteen centuries mostly as an enemy and a threat... It is no wonder that Mohammad more than any other of
the world's great religious leaders has had a "poor press" in the West, and that Islam is the least appreciated
there of any of the world's outside faith. Until Karl Marx and the rise of Communism the Prophet organized
and launched the only serious challenge to Western civilization that it has faced in the whole history.19
The difficulty is that we are heirs of a deep seated prejudice which goes back to the war-propaganda of
medieval times. This is now to be widely acknowledged...From about the eighth century A.D., Christian
Europe began to be conscious of ISLAM, HER GREAT ENEMY, threatening her both in the military and
spiritual sphere. In deadly fear Christendom had to bolster confidence by placing the enemy in the most un-
favourable light possible, consistent with some genuine basis in fact. The image created in the twelfth and
thirteenth centuries continued to dominate European thinking about Islam, and even in the second half of the
twentieth century has some vestigial influence.22
Prof. Bernard Lewis speaks about persistent Western theological bias against Islam in these words:
The last traces of Western theological prejudice may still be discerned in the work of some modern scholars,
lurking behind footnotes of the academic apparatus. 23
Even a somewhat balanced writer like Sir Hamilton Gibb admits that it is almost impossible to avoid being
subjective in the matter of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and his work. He writes:
… Consequently there are almost as many theories about Muhammad as there are biographers. He has, for
example, been portrayed as an epileptic, as a social agitator, as a proto-Mormon. All such extreme subjective
views are generally repudiated by the main body of scholars, yet it remains almost impossible to avoid
importing some subjective element into any account of his life and work.24
The noted American historian, S. P. Scott, boldly lashes out at the willfully distorted picture of the
life and teachings of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) drawn by Christian writers and controversialists. He
As a result of inherited prejudices the principles of every religion always appear heterodox, false, and absurd
to sincere believers in other forms of faith. Of all the theological dogmas, none have suffered more from the
effects of ignorance and injustice than those of Islamism. The name of its founder has for thirteen centuries
been a synonym of impostor. His motives have been impugned, his sincerity denied. His character has been
branded with every vice which degrades or afflicts mankind. The greatest absurdities, the grossest
inhumanity, have been attributed to his teachings. Ecclesiastical malice has exhausted its resources to blacken
his memory. 25
Sydney Cave records:
No life has been so variously characterised as Muhammad's. The menace of Islam for long made Christian
writers ready to believe the worst about him, and to judge him not only harshly but unjustly. This man, who
endured ten years of hardships in the interests of his mission, was not a mere impostor. An entirely false man
could not have become the founder of a religion. Carlyle was right there. By his incommunicable genius, by
his religious fervour and his cool wisdom, he made a nation of severed tribes. His place in history is
It will be seen from the foregoing admissions of Western writers themselves that their approach to
the personality of the Holy Prophet (SAW) has been vitiated by prejudice, hatred, and bigotry, and they
have presented a highly distorted picture of his life and teachings to suit their vested interests. The late
Justice S. A. Rehman correctly wrote at one place:
... others blinded by religious bigotry or ingrained prejudice have been motivated by the partisan desire to
belittle the personality of the Prophet and his historical stature, and, consequently, they have subjected his life
and work to malicious carping criticism.27
1 Encycolpaedia Brittanica, 9th Edition, vol. XVI, p. 656; Encyclopaedia Americana, 1947 Edition, vol.
19, p. 294
2 Fisher, George., The Beginning of Christianity (New York: 1996) p. 25
3 Watt, W. Mongomery., The Cure for Human Ills (London: 1959) p. 37
4 Dewich, E.C., The Christian Attitude to Non-Christian Religions (Cambridge University Press, 1953) p.
149, quoting Dr. Speer's remarks at the Jerusalem Conference, 1928, Report No. 1, p. 343
5 Gibb, H. A. R., Mohammedanism (London: Oxford University Press, 1954) p. 47
6 Hughes, Rev. T. P., Notes on Mohammedanism (London: 1877) pp. 5-6
7 Clark, C. P. S., Short History of the Christian Church (London: 1948) p. 142; Andrae, Tor., Mohammed,
The Man and His Faith (London: George Allen and Unwin, 1956, Second Impression) p. 51
8 Neill, Stephen., Christian Faith and other Faiths. (London: Oxford University Press, 1977) p. 59
9 Wherry, Rev. E. M., A Comprehensive Commentary of the Qur'an comprising Sale's Translation and
Preliminary Discourse (London: 1896) vol. 1, pp. 70-71
10 Finlay, James., History of the Byzantine Empire (London: 1920)
11 Carlton, J. H., Hayes, etc., History of Western Civilization (New York: 1962) p.102
12 Caetani, Leone., Annali dell' Islam, vol. 1, para 1 of the introduction
13 Smith, R. Bosworth., Muhammad and Muhammadanism (Lahore reprint of second edition) pp. 87-88
14 Ali, Syed Ameer., The Spirit of Islam (London: 1949, Fifth Impression) p. 219
15 op.cit. p. 394
16 Sarton, George., Introduction to the History of Science (Baltimore: 1927) vol. 1, p. 624; Hitti, Philip K.,
The History of the Arabs (Macmillan, 1968, Ninth Edition) p. 392
17 Draper, William., History of the Intellectual Development of Europe (London: 1896) vol. 1, p. 329
18 Hitti, Philip K., Islam and the West (Princeton University Press, 1962) pp. 48-49
19 Smith, W. Cantwell., Islam in Modern History (Mentor Books, 1959) pp. 109-110
20 Saunders, J. J., A History of Medieval Islam (London: 1966, Second Impression) pp. 34-35
21 Southern, R. W., Western Views of Islam (Harvard University Press, 1962) p. 28
22 Watt, W. Montgomery., What is Islam? (London: 1968) pp. 1-2
23 Lewis, Bernard., The Arabs in History (London: 1964) pp. 47-48
24 Gibb, H. A. R., Mohammedanism, A Historical Survey (Oxford University Press, 1950) p. 23
25 Scott, S. P., History of the Mahometan Empire in Europe (Philadelphia: 1904) vol. 1, pp. 58-59
26 Cave, Sydney., An Introduction to the Study of Some Living Religions of the East (London: 1962) pp.
27 Rehman, S. A., Foreward to Khalifa Abdul Hakim's book The Prophet and his Message (Lahore)
The author is former Asstt. Professor (Islamic Studies) Islamia College, Civil Lines, Lahore. He is the
author of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and his Western Critics.