Puppy Training
Puppy Training
Puppy Training
• Obedience Training
Darr Houssen’s Dog
Obedience School
Welcome to the fun, fantastic, thrilling and Included in this puppy manual are such topics as:
challenging world of puppy rearing. From very • How to pick out the right puppy for you.
personal experiences I can vouch for all of the • Pre-preparations before the puppy comes home.
above emotions plus a few more as well. You are • Puppy proofing your home.
in for what could be one of the most rewarding • Housebreaking.
experiences of your life. Within this publication, I • Biting or nipping.
hope to offer you some simple, down to earth • Proper and appropriate “Toys.”
methods and techniques to help you along in • How to make these “Toys” work as teaching tools.
your journey. Some ideas you may have heard • Accurate corrections
of before, some you may not. Remember, there • Discipline.
may be more than one answer or solution for any • Energy burn off
one particular question or problem that arises. • Training equipment.
Consideration has to be given to your puppy’s
breed, personality, purpose of that particular and of course.......OBEDIENCE TRAINING .........so
breed, physical size and body structure when your puppy learns at a very early age to be an accept-
applying a method. I will give you as many able member of the family and reliable companion dog.
options as I can in the various topics following
this introduction section. You must keep an open mind when dealing with your
new puppy. Patience is crucial but you must also think
We stick to “Mother Nature’s” methods of correc- about the method that will best work for your specific
tion and praise when dealing with puppies or puppy’s personality. Just as all people are different in
dogs since this is the language they will immedi- character, so are puppies. What works with one pup
ately understand, comprehend and respect. may need to be adjusted a bit to suit your own puppy.
Mother Nature’s way as we have seen fit to term The important thing to remember is to discipline the
it, works for all breeds. The intensity of this puppy for an inappropriate behavior and love them to
method will vary from dog to dog. You will learn pieces the moment the behavior is altered.
more about this unique method we have studied Just as the human child goes through various stages of
as we progress. Why Mother Nature’s method? development, so does a puppy as it matures towards
Simply, there has been over the years as many adulthood. (ie. infant, toddler, elementary, adoles-
methods developed by different trainers as there cence, puberty and finally adulthood.) Good luck, have
are fads from the Beatles of the 60’s to disco of fun with your new puppy. The first five months will go
the early 80’s. We are not saying that these by very quickly so start as soon as possible down that
methods don’t work but we choose to use the road of mutual “RESPECT” between you and your
most natural of all. puppy.
Picking The Right Puppy For You Darr Houssen’s Dog
Obedience School
First and foremost, it’s a great idea to research Once you have your puppy home, you will start to
develop its personality the way you want. If you know
the various breeds you are interested in. The
which sex you want, ask the breeder to put the other
general look that interests you is a good place to
sex away to give you time to observe all the males or
start. For example, if you prefer a breed with
all the females. Don’t pick a particular puppy just
stand up, perky ears, then you should eliminate
because it is the cutest! There are easy tests you can
the floppy eared and cropped ear breeds. Then
do yourself to help you determine the best choice for
you must decide for what purpose are you acquir-
you. Watch them to see which puppy is watching you,
ing a dog. Will it be a house dog when mature,
making direct eye contact with you. Take a couple
laying at the foot of your bed, or on your bed, or
steps backwards away from the puppies and look
out on the doorstep being a guardian? Will you
closely at who moves with you. Next, take a few more
have the extra time if the breed requires extra
steps from the group and clap your hands, snap your
recreational playtime? Are you willing to put the
fingers or verbally call to encourage the puppies to fol-
time into grooming that some dogs require, espe-
cially the ones with the long hair? Once you’ve
Open your arms in a wide fashion and call to the pup-
narrowed the choices down, your next job is to
pies in a higher pitched voice. Again, observe the fol-
locate a reliable breeder. One good breeder
lowers. These pups would be the ones interested in
resource is to contact a few kennel clubs in your
human beings, thus making good companion dogs.
area. Ask them for a breeder referral list for the
Narrow your choices down to 2 or 3 from those couple
breed of your choice. Contact by telephone is
of little tests. Next, take each puppy in your hands.
more courteous and can give you a valuable and
Balance it’s weight by supporting it under the rear and
non threatened first impression than dropping in
on the chest. Observe the pup’s reactions at this point.
on the person or facility unexpected. These
Is the pup struggling to break free, growling or showing
should be good, reliable breeders but don’t be
it’s teeth. These are negative signs in inexperienced
afraid to ask for names of previous buyers.
hands and definitely need to be corrected very early in
Remember, any good breeder will check out their
the pup’s life. If the pup is comfortable and relaxed,
potential puppy purchasers before releasing a
maybe even licking your face or hands, then those are
pup into their hands. This is a very common
positive signs and those of a more submissive puppy.
practice. Next, set up an appointment to go to
see the litter and if possible both parents. They
Another quick test is the “rollover test” where you gen-
will give you a general idea of what you can
tly roll the pup over in your arms into a cradle position.
expect from the puppy as an adult as far as the
Again the pup should be calm and relaxed. If not, try a
looks and size go. The breeders facility should
simple growl correction to test the pups submission
be clean but keep in mind if you are going to see
level. If it quickly freezes in a still position, that means
a litter of 10 German Shepherd puppies, you may
the pup will probably accept human discipline easily.
see an unscheduled poop spot or pee puddle.
However, if the struggle continues, be prepared for
First observe the puppies while standing back
some headstrong behaviors in the future. After social-
from the whelping box or kennel area. Watch to
izing with each puppy a few minutes, place it back
see which ones are pushy with their litter mates
down on the floor and repeat the “walk away and follow
and which ones are content to observe from the
me test”. Observe the pups for the quickest reaction to
corner. Which ones roughhouse play? Who
your leaving them. The quickest one to follow you
makes the others cry by biting too hard in play?
could be the strongest bonding potential puppy from
This puppy could be the tough guy or gal of the
your choices. Repeat the procedures as a double
litter...or the ALPHA puppy. This would not be a
checking system. If you’re happy with the results and
great choice for a family with small children or
the pup is attractive to you, then that’s the one for you.
first time puppy owners as it could want to control
the family household and members. Ask the
breeders if they could isolate the alpha puppy so
you could observe the rest in a more fair environ-
ment. Now you are at the stage of deciding:
Male or Female.
PUPPY PROOFING Darr Houssen’s Dog
Obedience School
For the first couple days when you first bring your new puppy home, it probably won’t
get into too many dangerous situations, but once he feels a bit at home, brace yourself,
the curiosity level will start to overcome your sweet little puppy. Therefore, some prepa-
rations around your home need to be taken to insure safety for the pup and your belong-
ings. Usually, a veterinary clinic can provide a list of poisonous house plants. Certain
ones can be deadly to your puppy. The movement of the leaves of the plant is very moti-
vating to your puppy, so it’s a best bet to move all plants out of his reach, especially in the
rooms where the pup would be unsupervised. Also, Place all breakable or valuable orna-
ments or treasures up out of his reach. Removing the items eliminates the possibility of
frustration and destruction of these articles, however if you choose to leave them within
reach, you must be prepared to make the appropriate corrections when the pup investi-
gates. For correcting the pup for handling inappropriate household articles, I have found
that sound and voice corrections work the best. When you see your pup interested or
involved with an off limits item, stomp your foot, or clap your hands and use a very stern
and growly “NO” command. The pup almost always will immediately stop the behavior
and look at you providing you do the correction properly. If he’s not leaving the item, then
you must go to him and remove him from it. Urgent tones in your voice are usually
enough to distract the pup from his own curiosity interests. However, if you’re short on
training time or patience, perhaps the prevention method would be best for the early
stages of the pup’s home life.
Puppy Proofing That would be the best guideline anyone could give
Soft clothing articles like sneakers, leather you. Decide where you would like the puppy’s bed to
be. If you choose the mat beside your bed, that’s fine.
shoes, socks and other assorted undergarments If the laundry room is your choice, that’s OK too. The
simulate soft animal like objects that are irre- important thing is to have a plan before the pup comes
sistible to your puppy. To a puppy, these are play home. Gather a few old blankets or large towels
items that if left laying around, are there for his or together so that you have a reserve stockpile to pull
her enjoyment, so prepare the family members to from. Don’t choose your next to best linens (to honor
keep things off the floor as they are fair game to the new arrival), as the puppy will probably eat them or
the pup. Now remember we are talking about a at least chew interesting patterns in them. All puppies
puppy. As the dog gets older and starts bonding, chew. It’s nature’s way of reducing painful cutting and
these items begin to replace your presence growing of baby teeth. They also chew to relieve stress
when you are not home due to a stronger human from built-up energies within themselves or from simple
scent that accompanies these items. Of course, boredom. Depending on the breed you choose, pup-
there are many, many household items that need pies will chew anything, from toilet paper to gyp rock or
to be removed from the puppy’s reach. Items wallboard. Preventative measures are the best
such as pin cushions, sewing needles, household method of correcting the problem, which leads us into
cleaners, soaps, candy dishes, pens, pencils, the next topic of toys.
thumb tacks, paper clips, yarn, paint, modeling
clay, crayons and the list goes on and on. Puppy
proof your home for your new puppy in the same
way as you would for a toddler aged child.
Proper and Darr Houssen’s Dog
Obedience School
Appropriate Toys
various shapes are available on the market as well.
These come in all shapes and sizes and make super
You will find it very handy and convenient to entertainers. Of course, no toy box is complete without
a ball of some sort in it. Tennis balls, the orange ball
have a toy box or basket in each room that the hockey balls, soccer balls, footballs and big soft base-
pup spends the majority of it’s time in. (i.e. Living balls seem to be favorites to the medium to large size
room, family room, kitchen, bedroom, or the room sized breeds. For the smaller breeds, squash balls and
where the pup sleeps.) One of these entertain- tennis balls seem to be their favorites. Certain breeds
ment boxes may not be needed in all rooms, but like border collies, labrador and golden retrievers, etc.
certainly the most frequently used rooms do. seem to enjoy Frisbees as toys. This is not necessarily
Four or five articles in each basket is a good plan. a favorite of all pups. Without access to the items men-
The puppy needs a variety of textures and sizes tioned above, your puppy will find his own toys amongst
to vent out different areas of canine instinct. For the families belongings. This could include slippers,
example, soft , plush type toys simulate small mats, shoes, cushions, couches, chair legs, cushion
mammals to your puppy.Remove the toys eyes & flooring, woodwork, etc. We have all heard the horror
noses for safety. If the pup was still with it’s moth- stories of people coming home to find that “FIDO” ate
er instead of with you, she would be teaching it through their living room sofa. Why?? Because he had
how to stalk, hunt and even perhaps ingest small free access to it, plus a reserve of energy that needed to
mammals to survive. Those instincts are still be burnt off and no toys were left out for him to devour
active even though we humans provide them with while mom and dad were at work.
an expensive, balanced diet. Therefore by
allowing them to have access to furry, little stuffed
toys it enables them to vent this natural instinct.
You may see your puppy stalk or sneak up on this
type of toy, then pounce on it, play with it by toss-
ing it around the floor or through the air then
pounce on it again. They can spend several min-
utes on this procedure at one time and literally be
having a ball. They will mouth the object and
may even shred it pretending to eat it. If this hap- How to use these toys as
pens, remove the article and give him another.
Certain breeds of dogs will exhibit this behavior Teaching Tools
much more than others, so experiment a bit with
your individual puppy. Most puppies tend to go
through several of these stuffed toys during the
Try to keep in mind during your interactive playtimes
teething months so I suggest picking up several with the pup, that every action, word or command car-
from garage sales, yard sales or second hand ried out can become a valuable part of the pup’s
locations to keep the costs down. Rawhides are schooling and education. For example, simply tossing
a good pacifier until the puppy starts eating them a toy for the pup actually has the potential to teach your
like candy sticks. When the puppy is under 6 puppy to retrieve on command, recall or return to you
months he probably will use them up slowly, but on command, sit on return to you and give up the arti-
once the adult teeth come in, cut back on the cle without a struggle or fight. All of these situations are
amount you’re allowing him, as this could lead to basic, meaning that the pup will use these commands
digestive problems. Rubber toys in over and over again all through its life. The earlier you
start to focus the pup on these commands, the easier
you and puppy will slide through the puppy months.
Breaking Down The Segments Darr Houssen’s Dog
Obedience School
Of The Retrieving Exercise:
1. Have a flat leather or nylon collar on your pup pressure on one of your fingers while teaching him the
for this type of session. You also need a 30 to 40 command “GIVE“.
foot energy burn off rope, (if playing outdoors) and
attached to his collar (See energy burn off in topic 6. On the release of the article, instantly give tons of
#5). This is crucial to insure a safe playtime and “verbal and hands on praise”. Repeat the process a
accurate training session s well. few more times gradually adding a bit more distance
for the recall each time.
2. Next, get the puppy excited over the toy or arti-
cle. Toss it out a couple of feet from where you are 7. Depending on the breed that you have will deter-
to warm the puppy up. Command to the puppy mine the number of repetitions you need to do in a
“Take It”, (while it is still moving), using a fun and session. (i.e. a border collie can go on endlessly,
energetic voice. As soon as he takes the article, where as a laid back personality may only tolerate 2
turn and start running from him so that he has to or 3 reps at one time.) The most important thing to
run to catch you. Start off by making these catch- remember is to keep this playtime fun for both you and
up distances quite short, about 10 to 20 feet. As your puppy. Stop when either of you have had enough
he’s closing in on you, turn and face him, calling out so that neither party sours on the activities. There is
his name and the command “COME“. Coach him nothing wrong with teaching the puppy the “ENOUGH”
with lots of “GOOD PUPPY“ praise. command. This is another verbal, growl type of com-
mand that your pup is familiar with as he has heard it
3. When he’s almost to you, bend down to his level from his mother at very early stage. When she had
with open arms. Remember, if the pup gets too “ENOUGH“ of the puppy silliness, she would growl in
silly or out of control at any time, the long line is a disciplinary tone that basically told the puppy to back
there to reinforce your commands. Should he off and entertain itself for awhile. Hence the reason for
refuse to come to you, simply reel him in like a fish the growling tone.
line and praise heavily with voice and hands when Now a good tug of war game is lots of fun for your
he gets to you. puppy, However there is a right and wrong way to play
the game. You can play tug of war type games with
4. Once within arms reach, command “SIT“ to the your puppy, if the article is a doggy type article. Not the
pup. If he’s facing you, lean forward over him while towel off the kitchen stove. You see, you must win at
he’s still in the we are having fun frame of mind. If the game and the trick to success is to force the pup
he still resists, just apply a bit of pressure on the to release the article to you with the “GIVE“ command,
indent spots near his hips. (Feel along the pups then toss it away and allow him to retrieve the article
backbone and just before the hip bones you will himself. If you were to give in and release the article
feel 2 indent areas. Place your thumb in one and to the pup in the heat of the game, then you are teach-
your middle finger in the other, on the opposite ing him that he is stronger than you, both physically
side. These I refer to as the indent spots). Do not and mentally. This is a terrible foundation to start the
press straight down or firmly. Your puppies bones training process from. He would already disrespect
are growing and you don’t want to put unnecessary you as a strong leader in his eyes. If you choose to
pressure that could perhaps contribute to future play this game, ensure your winning then return the
problems. Rather then pressing, guide the puppies article to the pup for his use and amusement.
rear end back and down in a 45 degree manner Otherwise, avoid the game altogether.
towards the floor, into a sit position.
Darr Houssen’s Dog
Obedience School
Darr Houssen’s Dog
...continued from previous page Obedience School
Try to not allow the puppy to have access to the He may move onto a grassy area near the papers.
whole house as this is just too much territory for That’s super, that’s the goal. Encourage him with the
him to be able to handle in the early stages. This key phrase that you want to use every time as “Hurry
only reinforces long term housebreaking. up”. Whatever term you use, just be consistent. Do not
Gradually over the first 4 months, after you have praise with Good boy/girl until the pup is completely fin-
brought him into your home, can you start allow- ished, then lay on the praise and continue on your way.
ing him access to other areas unsupervised. Use this procedure after a playtime, meal, nap, con-
When you catch the puppy in the act, but missing finement or first thing in the morning and last thing at
the papers, gather him up in your arms, scold him night. Keeping a pair of slip on shoes by the door will
with a growling BAD PUPPY, OUTDOORS, take make an emergency exit more effective for you and the
him outside to the designated bathroom area. Do pup.
this quickly. Move quickly so your body language
give the right message to the puppy as a sense of 2. Keep your puppy on a feeding and watering sched-
urgency. Set him down on the ground and repeat ule. The best method for puppies 6 weeks to 4 months
in a command voice “Hurry up!” “Hurry up!” You is to feed 3 times a day if possible. Early morning, late
could use other words rather than hurry up, words noon, and again in early evening (6 to 7). Allow him
of your personal choice, but hurry up sounds bet- access to water during feeding times but restrict the
ter than “pee pee”. Especially if your in a public amount so he does not intake too much and become
place. When the puppy has done it’s duty, and stuffed or bloated. This could lead to a serious intesti-
only then, start to praise. “Good boy/girl!”, nal situation, requiring veterinary help. What he leaves
Outdoors -this is spoken in a praising tone. Even in his food bowl, pick it up and place it out of his reach.
if the puppy has finished inside the house, praise About 1/2 bowl of water could be left with the pup for
him anyway. You are relaying to the pup that drinking between meals. His body will adjust to a feed-
messing in the house is bad, messing outside is ing schedule very quickly, therefore making house-
good. If your puppy doesn’t t do anything after 5 breaking very predictable. Simply realize that the
minutes, pick him back up and bring him back puppy will have to relieve himself within 5 minutes after
inside with you. Supervised housebreaking with he eats so be prepared to make the trip outside to his
proper correction and praise will be much more spot. Be consistent with the scheduling and the task of
effective then if puppy is left outside alone after housebreaking will be much quicker. If you need to
an in-house accident has occurred. With puppy change the puppy’s food type, it is very important that
out of sight, clean up the mess with paper towels you do it gradually slowly adding the new type to the
to remove the access and then deodorize the old, small amounts at a time. Your pup could become
area with an a neutralizer cleaner available at ill if the change is made too quickly.
most veterinary clinics or pet stores. If the puppy
is present during the cleanup, he will sense your 3. Crate training or room confinement of your pup while
hostility again and become confused. The posi- you can t be there will greatly help your goal of house-
tive reinforcement with praise outside could be breaking. At first you may feel this is a mean gesture
lost. on your part but it actually can be the opposite for your
puppy. He actually regards the crate as a den or his pri-
Helpful Hints to make vate territory. Two to 3 hours at a time is a long enough
time span. Once accustomed to it, puppies will often
the task easier: retreat to their special den for a nap time even when
you are at home. Do not feed or water the pup in his
crate, however, do leave several small toys in there for
1. When your puppy wakes up from a nap, even entertainment and companionship. Most puppies will
a 5 minute snooze, almost every time he will have not eliminate in their sleeping quarters so they learn to
to relieve himself. Gather him up in your arms and hold on until they are taken out side. If a crate is not in
take him outside to his spot. Repeat the word your budget, use a small room like a laundry room,
OUTDOORS to him as your on route to the spot. washroom or barricaded off den or kitchen. A whole
Place him on the newspapers or prepared area house is just to much for puppy to respect in the early
and wait.
4. When your puppy does get into a mess or does p9
an undesirable behavior, no matter how cute he is Darr Houssen’s Dog
in the situation, DO NOT LAUGH AT HIM. This Obedience School
biting or mouthing during a play-
will encourage him to do it again because he may time. This is not to be tolerated as it too becomes part
interpret it as a positive attention getting action. of the play. The scruff of neck correction works well on
Discipline the puppy first then afterwards when most puppies, although very persistent pups may need
you are sure the puppy has an understanding that a slightly stronger type of discipline. Using your fin-
what ever happened wasn’t a good thing, you can gertips, apply slight pressure to the top of the muzzle
gently and slowly give soft pats and gentle hugs. with a strong growl NO. This again is a mothers cor-
As if to say, “I still love you but don’t do it again”. rection, therefore communicating clearly to the pup the
Don’t get real excited and have too happy a face error of his behavior. Some high energy pups respond
or the puppy may not get the feelings of your true very well to a high pitched OUCH sound. Its the shock-
emotions. Remember your puppy is reading body ing sound of the squeal type of voice that makes the
language as well as the tone of your voice and pup take notice. They initially learn these sounds with
even perhaps the few words he is starting to catch their liter mates and mother and what they mean.
on to. They do learn quick and what you wish to Biting, mouthing and nipping all take time to stop com-
accomplish here is a level of understanding and pletely. This is a learning process your pup needs to
respect on the learning puppy’s part. work through and it will take repetitions before he catch-
es on. One of the above methods may work or you may
5. If your puppy is frantically struggling with you, have to apply all of them. It depends on your pup and
perhaps he needs a break from the play or train- his response. Be patient but remember, persistence
ing, so a trip outside to his spot is in order. removes resistance. If you were really fortunate, you
picked up your puppy at an age of 10 weeks old direct-
ly from the mother’s home or kennel. And, if the pups
mother was a good mother like most, she would have
Biting or Nipping taught the pup that pressing hard with it’s teeth hurts.
Usually, this kind of puppy, will mouth your hands gen-
Almost all puppies want to bite, chew or nip at tly in play knowing through it’s liter mates that mouthing
hard hurts. Now if you have a puppy that you pur-
their owners hands while they re being handled.
chased at a pet store and it’s 6 weeks old, chances are
This would be a normal behavior if still with his lit-
that the puppy may have been 4 weeks old once it left
ter mates because this is part of the process of
it’s mother so your job is a little more important because
determining the pack leader within the litter. It is
you have to replace some of those “mother nature”
now up to you as the puppy’s new master to
instincts normally taught to a puppy...naturally. We try
become the pack leader in his eyes. This will not
to emphasis on this mother nature method everywhere
happen by accident. You must begin at a very
we can throughout this publication. Even if your puppy
early age to establish the order of the pack within
arrived at your home over 10 weeks old this only means
your own household. When your puppy growls at
that your training job will be a little easier.
you or grabs your hands or fingers, immediately
give him a scruff of the neck correction and a very
stern growling command, “NO”. The scruff of
neck correction is taking the back of the pups
neck in your hand, give a stern shake and sus-
pend the puppy 1 or 2 inches off his front feet for
a few seconds, then gently easing him back to 4
feet on to the floor. Calmly praise him as the
nasty behavior subsides. This method imitates
what the mother would do to her puppy to settle a
bratty behavior. Her reward would be to lick the
puppy’s face sweetly as the behavior settled.
Do not allow anyone to play aggressively in a
rough house manner. This only reinforces
aggressive behavior towards people. Also, blow-
ing in a pup s face will produce a snappy biter.
Instead, teach the pup to play with toys such as
balls, rawhide toys and other puppy articles.
Often puppies will resort to
Obedience School
Darr Houssen’s Dog
Obedience School
7. Body language is strongly used by dogs to p12
communicate with each other, therefore our Darr Houssen’s Dog
body language and posture are as important as Obedience School
our voice commands. Your pup will quickly learn
to read your movements, signals and voice 8. The training is scheduled into 4 sessions. The sug-
tones. One common mistake made is people gested time frame for each session is 1 to 2 weeks.
sometimes laugh at their puppies disobedience This may vary greatly by the breed of dog you have or
because they are so cute. Don’t laugh or even the availability of time, so adjust the schedule to suit
have a big smile on your face when your puppy your pup and your lifestyle.
isn’t obeying as even that smile can be read by
your puppy as a positive gesture.
Step One: The Leash “Warm-up”: Make this as pleasant an experience as possible.
Attach the leash to the puppy’s collar and you Some puppies will just sit there and refuse to move.
remain in place. If the pup is rambling and out This usually means they are confused and just
of control, then you need to apply this little need an excited voice to get them motivated.
Settle Down exercise. Gather the leash up in Squatting down at the end of the leash, while
your right hand and use your left hand for the applying steady pressure on the collar towards you
corrective pop. Release the grip on the leash will help . Once he starts to move, get up and walk
and let the pup wonder away as far as the leash away from the spot. This will motivate him to keep
will permit (6 feet), just until it is snug. When moving.
you feel the slightest tension on the lead, give a This “LET’S GO” exercise can also be carried out
gentle pop on the collar using the leash. There on a long 20 to 30 foot light nylon rope. The long
really isn’t any reason to say anything to the line was mentioned previously in the energy burnoff
puppy at this stage as your puppy is learning all section. This long distance tool enables your
by itself that when it goes to the end of the puppy to have a safe and natural energy burn off
leash and pulls, you give a gentle pop on the time. He can be free to a certain extent, to explore
leash back towards you. The puppy may stop and play in normal puppy ways without the danger
and look at you. When he does, immediately of getting out of your reach, causing harm or injury.
praise in a calm voice “GOOD BOY/GIRL”. This will make him a better puppy in the house as
Repeat this procedure until the puppy has cre- well.
ated an invisible circle around you, not strug-
gling to push out past the 6 foot perimeter. Once
you are sure the puppy is starting to under-
stand, you can gather up three feet of the six
foot lead and repeat the same thing with a three
Step Three: “ L e t ’s Go” and “Recall”
foot lead. This helps prepare your puppy for
heel work where the puppy is on your left side (coming when called):
on a loose lead. When he reaches this calm- During the “LET’S GO” exercise, whether on your 6
ness, he is ready to carry on to the next step. foot leash or the long line, you have the perfect set
up to start the puppy on the recall exercise (come
back when called). Try to pick a moment when the
Step Two: The Let s Go Exercise: puppy is not watching you to practice this one. Call
With the puppy still on his leash and collar, you are out his name first in a happy tone then in a com-
ready to start out for a walk. Start walking forward, mand tone, “COME”. Give the pup a second or two
commanding “Let’s” Go as you start out and allow to respond by looking at you. “If there is no
the pup to have the full length of his leash to response, pop quickly on the leash or long line to
explore on. Of course, if you are not in an area to get his attention.” Repeat the command and start
do this at full length, i.e. a sidewalk, simply shorten backing away from his direction.This body language
the lead by folding it over in your right hand. movement is usually enough motivation for him to
recall back to you, however, if there is still resis-
tance, reel the pup into your reach.
This reinforces to the pup that he cannot win at p13
this recall game. Start praising the moment the Darr Houssen’s Dog
pup begins to move to you without resistance. Obedience School
After a few moments of praise and hugs, release give the verbal command. This signal is your arm
the pup with an enthusiastic “OK” and start off extended towards the puppy, wrist bent upwards slight-
again with “LET’S GO”. ly with your fingers angled towards the ceiling. This
By working the long distance recall, your pup signal visually resembles a STOP sign to the pup.
learns to come to you no matter what he is dis- Similar to the hand signal used by a policeman direct-
tracted by. ing traffic and asking you to stop. Hold the signal as
you quietly approach the puppy. This is a STEADYING
technique which helps the pup freeze in the position
until you can reach him. Use a gentle, calm praise
voice as you move closer to him. Once he’s in your
arms or on a leash return your voice to normal tones.
AN IMPORTANT NOTE: While your puppy is in With a young puppy, several repetitions a day would be
the early stages of training, use a long line or the a great bonus in training for control over a very high
6 foot leash every time the pup is outdoors. It only energy or potentially bratty type of personality. By
takes one chase game to end the pup’s life. using this technique, you can turn this tool into an obe-
Prevention is always better than correction. dience exercise. Start this practice as early as 8-10
weeks of age. Hopefully, your puppy stayed with it’s
mother until that time since there are so many natural
mother’s training skills that helps prepare the pup for
the real world. Certain high energy breeds such as
Step Four: “SIT” on Command:
Dalmatians, Border Collies, Beagles or most Terriers
Place your puppy on your left hand side. Place
should be set up in the situation with a leash and collar
your left hand on the puppy’s shoulders and your
on so that you can use them as STEADYING tools as
right hand on his chest. Quietly praise the pup if
well. This little exercise could very well save your dog
he accepts your hands without struggle or
s life someday. It may seem insignificant now but as
mouthing. Give the command “SIT” in an
your pup matures and you extend the distance between
assertive, matter-of-fact tone. As you command
the pup and yourself, the voice control will come.
the pup, slide your left hand down over his back,
tucking the hind legs under him, easing him into a
Step Five: Recall from a Sit Position:
A second application for the recall exercise is interact-
To STEADY your pup simply means to hold the
ed with the sit exercise. Place the puppy in a sit posi-
pup in the position that you have placed him into,
tion on your left leg as learned in Step 4. Keep your
using confident hands so he feels secure. Steady
right hand on his chest and command “WAIT”.. Swing
the pup for only 10 to 15 seconds at a time, dur-
yourself around to the front of the puppy so that you are
ing the first session of training and praise only
facing him straight on. If the pup tries to get up simply
with your voice while the pup is in the exercise.
steady him with 2 hands until he settles. Once calm,
Release him with an enthusiastic “OK” and then
say the puppy s name and the command “COME” in an
apply hands on praising and petting. This can be
assertive tone. Remove your right hand off his chest
repeated up to 4 or 5 times in a row but remem-
and lean back. Encourage him to come to you with
ber his attention span is very short at this age.
“Good Boy/Girl”. Smile and allow the pup to come
directly to you. If he is distracted or sluggish, repeat
FREEZE STAY: Most puppies really want to
“COME” and use the leash to guide the pup to you,
please their masters, once they start to under-
keep praising. Release with the magic word “OK” and
stand and respect the handler. We use a special
set him up in another sit position for repetition. Four or
technique to help settle the unruly puppy or one
five of these are enough for one session.
who may be a bit frightened or even high energy.
If the pup starts to back off or leave the scene
when you reach out to pick it up, give an assertive
verbal command, “STAY”. Not a yelling voice, but
an assertive no nonsense tone. Use the “STAY”
hand signal at the same time as you
SESSION TWO Darr Houssen’s Dog
Obedience School
Step One: “LET’S GO”,advance to “Heel”: Step Four: “Recall” from the “Sit”:
The commands for this exercise are the same as Place the puppy in a “SIT” position on your left leg and give
in Session One, but with 2 significant changes in
the command “WAIT”. This time when you leave to swing
the positioning of the puppy. to the front, leave on your right foot first and take a big step
so that there is a distance of about 3 feet between the pup
First: Keep the puppy on your left hand side so and you. Recall him to you using the pup’s name first and
that he no longer can cross over in front or behind “COME”. As you are giving the commands, bend down to
you. This can be managed by placing the leash in
puppy’s level so that he has a target to come to. Now here
2 hands and extending your arms straight down to is another “Mother Nature” trick. Open your arms out wide
your sides. Should the pup try to cross over, in and touch the floor as your calling your puppy . Call your
your corrective tone say “Heel”, and praise once puppy by it’s name in a happy higher pitched tone. At least
you have his attention. This is the starting point higher than your normal voice. Why do this? When a puppy
for heelwork.
initiates play or wants to send a message to other puppies
or dogs that is friendly and is accepting that other dog, what
Secondly: Only give him 1/2 the length of the 6 does it do? More often than not, it will bend the front part of
foot leash. This will help control where he is it’s body towards the ground and spread out it’s front legs
going. and perhaps bark in a higher pitched voice than normal to
the dog or person it wants to play with. Now, when you use
Step Two: Long Distance “LET’S GO”: body language that the puppy instinctively understands, and
Continue to use your long line (as in session one) use words from your language, your puppy will read this as
for energy burn off and long distance Recalls. a friendly inviting command. Once the pup is sure that the
This needs to be a part of everyday routine if pos- word “COME” used with these body motions is friendly, your
sible. The difference will be obvious in your puppy will start to move quickly towards you. Try it! When
puppy. done properly it will work within 5 minutes....or less! You can
speed up this process to even less than a minute if you start
Step Three: “Sit-Stay”: to go backwards as you call your puppy. If there is any hes-
Place the puppy in the “SIT” position as in session itation start to reel your puppy in on the leash the first cou-
1 and give this hand signal: Place your right hand ple of times.
about 6 to 8 inches in front of the puppy’s face
then spread your fingers a bit. Don t hold the sig-
nal too long, just a couple seconds is enough time
to get the pup to focus his attention and concen-
trate on listening. As you are giving the signal,
command “STAY” at the same time. Steady the
pup by resting your left hand on his shoulders if
he’s edgy or insecure and slowly rise into an
upright standing position. If the puppy breaks,
quickly replace him in the “SIT” position. Practice
this for about 5 repetitions in a row for 10 to 15
seconds each time. When you give the hand sig-
nal compare it to shaking hands with someone. If IMPORTANT: Keep the leash on for accuracy,
the person’s hand that is in your hand is weak and safety and encouragement. If he does not have the
limp does that not make you feel like you are in leash on and makes an error, how can you correct the
control. situation.
If the hand is firm and has an “I am in charge” kind
of shake, isn’t the message sent to you saying this
hand is more powerful then the weak handshake? Step Five: The “Down” Exercise:
So, when you put your hand in front of the puppy, Place the puppy in a “SIT” on your left leg. Rest your
don’t be weak, have a firm movement with your Left hand on his shoulder blades and slide your right
voice command. In a firm voice say “SIT” then hand behind both front legs. Say the pup’s name and
“STAY” then slowly rise to an upright position with command “DOWN”. At the same moment, sweep both
a confidence that your puppy will feel from you. front legs gently out from under the puppy.
under the puppy. The pup should slide automat- p15
ically into a laying position. To “Steady” him, just Darr Houssen’s Dog
apply a bit of pressure to the front and hind ends Obedience School
of the pup. If he struggles, “tremble your hands”
a bit while touching the pup and command temperament. If you have a shy soft puppy be careful
“STAY”. Hold the position “Down” for about 10 you don’t over correct. On the other hand if you have
seconds to start then release with “OK” and let an huge strong German Shepherd that is too powerful
him up with lots of praise. for you, a choke chain may be required. When used
properly your dog will learn to respond to the sound of
Step Six: The “Stand For Examination”: the links as they touch each other when you are about
to make a correction not after you make the correction.
Place the puppy in a “SIT” position on your left
leg. Keep your body straight beside the pup but Apply what is needed to regain control and settle the
in a kneeling position, at his level. Place the first
2 fingers of your right hand inside the collar, on
Remember to place the pup in a “SIT” position every
the side closest to you. In an assertive tone,
time you come to a halt and stop walking. Praise the
command “STAND”, lean forward a bit and touch
the belly of your pup with the back of your left pup and repeat the exercise.
hand. This is non threatening and is a “Steady”
technique for the pup. Hold the position for 10
seconds or so and then release with “OK” and
lots of praise.
Step Three: “Sit -Stay”, adding distance:
This is the time and exercise to introduce groom- Your puppy should be responding to the “SIT” com-
ing to your puppy. If the pup goes for the brush, mand on his own by Session 3. If not, coach and place
comb, nail clippers or your hands, give his collar him when needed. They still get easily distracted. Don’t
a shake with your right hand along with a strong get frustrated and above all remember this is a puppy.
growly “NO”. For the first few weeks, keep the
leash on for grooming so that you are prepared in When the puppy is in a “SIT” at your left leg, command
case of mischief. him to “STAY” and use the hand signal. When he is
calm, step out on your right foot taking 1 big step, turn
and face the pup. If he gets up, reach over him quick-
SESSION THREE ly and replace him in the “SIT”. Steady him with ” Stay”
and back away from him again. In the beginning, 10 to
20 seconds is long enough to hold the Stay. Make sure
Step one: “Let’s Go” -Using the Long you swing back beside your pup before you give the
Line: release word “OK”.
Continue using this exercise at the beginning of
every training session so that the pup has a Step Four: “Recall”, adding distance:
chance to burn some energies off. It is also a “SIT” the puppy on your leg. Command “WAIT”. With
good idea to end a session with “LET’S GO” as confidence, step out , right foot first and walk to the end
well so that the training session ends on a fun of the leash. Turn to face him and wait a few moments
note. then crouch down, calling his name and “COME” at the
Step Two: “Heel” On Leash: same time. Taking a few steps backwards will motivate
In this session, shorten the leash so that the him to come to you quicker. As he reaches you, com-
puppy is directly on your left leg. Place your arms mand “SIT” and apply steady tension upwards to the
in a relaxed position at your sides and hold the leash and collar. This forces his rear to the ground and
leash in two hands. Start off by saying the pup’s his body into an easy “SIT” in front of yourself. This
name and commanding “HEEL”, stepping out with needs to be trained from an early age so that the pup is
your left foot first. Your pup will learn to watch under control when he greets you (especially in wet or
your body language, even leg movements, if you dirty weather).
are consistent from the beginning. If the puppy is
trying to pull ahead, pop the lead sideways and
command “HEEL”. If necessary, stop moving for-
ward and get control of the pup by resitting him
and try again. The degree of correction depends
on the puppy’s pull as well as it’s
Step Five: “Down - Stay”: p16
Place your puppy in the “DOWN” position as Darr Houssen’s Dog
Obedience School
learned in session 2. Give the “STAY” signal
along with the verbal command Stay. Steady the
pup at first until he is calm and comfortable. This teaches the pup to adjust himself to your pace.
Slowly rise to an upright position beside the Sometimes, a pup will become distracted on the slow
puppy. If the puppy moves from the “DOWN” speed, because of boredom. To help the puppy along
position, quickly replace him again with a gentle just start chatting to him as he is getting used to this
sweeping motion. When he calms again, return to new idea.Use praise tones and convince him how great
the upright position. Hold the positions for 10 to he is.
20 seconds to start then release with ” OK” and
praise heavily. You need to mix all speeds in your daily heeling prac-
Step Six: “Stand for Examination”: . tice for a while until the puppy can read your body lan-
Place the puppy in a “STAND” position as you guage clearly and react on his own without instruction
learned in session 2. Once he is Steady, start from you.
to do an examination on your pup. Gently open
Step Three: “Sit - Stay”, adding the dis-
his mouth, look into his ears, lift the eyelids, run
your hand over the pup’s spine, then down the tance:
tail. Feel each leg down to the foot, touch the
belly, rib area and chest and the back to the head “SIT” the puppy on your left leg. Command “Stay” and
area again. Every once in a while go over the pup give the “Stay hand signal”. Step out, right foot first
with a cloth or towel so that he gets used to mate- and go to the end of the leash, turn and face the puppy.
rial touching his skin and of course, grooming is a If he breaks, lift upwards on the leash, commanding
natural part of the Stand for Examination too. If “SIT” as you do. This upward tension gently forces the
your pup is still insecure with the grooming part, pup’s rear to the floor. Once back in the “SIT” position,
have another person do the “Steadying” while command “STAY” and relax the leash. Hold the exer-
while you groom. This is temporary coaching. cise for about 20 to 30 seconds, then return to the
puppy, release with “OK” and lots of praise.