Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (Type 1 DM) : 1. Describe Patof Insulin PD DM
Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (Type 1 DM) : 1. Describe Patof Insulin PD DM
Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (Type 1 DM) : 1. Describe Patof Insulin PD DM
free fatty acids (lipotoxicity), which decrease skeletal muscle insulin sensitivity by
interfering with IRS signaling; and
(2) dysregulated secretion of cytokines produced in the fat tissue (adipokines), such
as the anti-diabetogenic hormone, leptin, which acts centrally to control satiety and
enhance insulin sensitivity.
Evidence also suggests a critical role for local inflammation in this process. For
example, tumor necrosis factor (TNF) secretion from hypertropic adipocytes and
macrophages attracted into the fat tissue by other inflammatory adipocyte secretory
products (eg, macrophage chemoattractant protein-1 [MCP-1]) is thought to block
peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPAR). PPAR, whose
activity is enhanced by the glitzaone class of diabetes drugs, is an adipose
transcription factor that decreases insulin resistance by altering adipokine secretion
and decreasing FFA release.
However, while all obese individuals are hyperinsulinemic and insulin resistant, most
do not develop diabetes. Therefore, alternatively or additionally, a primary
pancreatic -cell defect is also postulated in the pathogenesis of Type 2 DM. Betacell mass normally increases with obesity. However, in those who develop impaired
glucose tolerance and, later, frank diabetes, -cell apoptosis causes a decline in -cell
mass. Local deposition of amylin, a -cell product, is thought to contribute to this
process. Impairment of the acute release of insulin (first phase insulin release) that
precedes sustained insulin secretion in response to a meal occurs well before the onset
of frank diabetes. Chronic exposure to hyperglyemia and elevated free fatty acids also
contributes to the impairment of -cell insulin secretion (glucolipotoxicity).
autosomal dominant disorder accounts for 15% of cases of Type 2 DM and is
characterized by the onset of mild diabetes in lean individuals before the age
of 25 years. MODY is caused by mutations in one of six pancreatic genes,
glucokinase, the -cell glucose sensor, or five different transcription factors. In
contrast, the vast majority of cases of Type 2 DM are thought to be polygenic
in origin, due to the inheritance of an interacting set of susceptibility genes.
Mild deficiencies in insulin action are, therefore, manifested first by an inability of
insulin-sensitive tissues to clear glucose loads. Clinically, this results in postprandial
hyperglycemia. Such individuals, most commonly Type 2 diabetics with residual
insulin secretion but increased insulin resistance, will have abnormal oral glucose
tolerance test results. However, fasting glucose levels remain normal because
sufficient insulin action is present to counterbalance the glucagon-mediated hepatic
glucose output that maintains them. When a further loss of insulin action occurs,
glucagons effects on the liver are not sufficiently counter-balanced. Individuals,
therefore, have both postprandial hyperglycemia and fasting hyperglycemia.
2. Mekanisme insulin pada treatment DM
Insulin and Its Analogs
Insulin [IN-su-lin] is a polypeptide hormone consisting of two peptide chains that are
connected by disulfide bonds. It is synthesized as a precursor (pro-insulin) that
undergoes proteolytic cleavage to form insulin and C peptide, both of which are
secreted by the cells of the pancreas.4 [Note: Type 2 patients secrete high levels of
proinsulin. Because radioimmunoassays do not distinguish between proinsulin and
insulin, Type 2 patients may have lower levels of the active hormone than the assay
indicates. Thus, measurement of circulating C peptide provides a better index of
insulin levels.]
A. Insulin secretion
Insulin secretion is regulated not only by blood glucose levels but also by certain
amino acids, other hormones and autonomic mediators. Secretion is most commonly
triggered by high blood glucose, which is taken up by the glucose transporter into the
cells of the pancreas. There, it is phosphorylated by glucokinase, which acts as a
glucose sensor. The products of glucose metabolism enter the mitochondrial
respiratory chain and generate adenosine triphosphate (ATP). The rise in ATP levels
causes a block of K+ channels, leading to membrane depolarization and an influx of
Ca2+, which results in pulsatile insulin exocytosis. The sulfonylureas and meglitinides
owe their hypoglycemic effect to the inhibition of the K + channels. [Note: Glucose
given by injection has a weaker effect on insulin secretion than does glucose taken
orally, because when given orally, glucose stimulates production of digestive
hormones by the gut, which in turn stimulate insulin secretion by the pancreas.]
Insulin administration
Because insulin is a polypeptide, it is degraded in the gastrointestinal tract if taken
orally. It therefore is generally administered by subcutaneous injection. [Note: In a
hyperglycemic emergency, regular insulin is injected intravenously.] Continuous
subcutaneous insulin infusion has become popular, because it does not require
multiple daily injections. Insulin preparations vary primarily in their times of onset of
activity and in their durations of activity. This is due to
differences in the amino acid sequences of the
polypeptides. Dose, site of injection, blood supply,
temperature, and physical activity can affect the duration of
action of the various preparations. Insulin is inactivated by
insulin-degrading enzyme (also called insulin protease),
which is found mainly in the liver and kidney.
Adverse reactions to insulin
The symptoms of hypoglycemia are the most serious and
common adverse reactions to an overdose of insulin (Figure
24.6). Long-term diabetics often do not produce adequate
amounts of the counter-regulatory hormones (glucagon,
epinephrine, cortisol, and growth hormone), which
normally provide an effective defense against
hypoglycemia. Other adverse reactions include weight gain,
lipodystrophy (less common with human insulin), allergic
reactions, and local injection site reactions. Diabetics with
renal insufficiency may require adjustment of the insulin
A. Rapid-acting and short-acting insulin preparations
Four insulin preparations fall into this category: regular
insulin, insulin lispro, insulin aspart, and insulin glulisine.
Regular insulin is a short-acting, soluble, crystalline zinc
insulin. Regular insulin is usually given subcutaneously (or