Pragmatics - Notes
Pragmatics - Notes
Pragmatics - Notes
Pragmatics is the study of language in its social context. It assumes that words have
different meanings in different contexts.
Other possible definitions:
a/ pragmatics is the study of language usage
b/ pragmatics is the study of those relations between language and context that are
grammaticalized, or encoded in the structure of a language
c/ pragmatics is the study of all those aspects of the meaning not captured in a semantic theory
(pragmatics = meaning + truth conditions)
d/ pragmatics is the study of the relations between language and context that are basic to an
account of language understanding
e/ pragmatics is the study of the ability of language users to pair sentences with the contexts in
which they would be appropriate
f/ pragmatics is the study of deixis (at least in part), implicature, presupposition, speech act
and aspects of discourse structure
g/ pragmatics is the study of the relationships between linguistic forms and the users of those
h/ pragmatics is the study of the conditions of human language uses as these are determined
by the context of society
i.pragmatics is the study of the use of language to structure reality as meaningful
film critic: I looked at my watch after two hours and realized that only twenty minutes have
There must therefore be a very good case for not allowing anyone to proceed to Year 3
Headline: Bin Laden paid for Bali bombing
and students please
use swipecards
Visitors please
use intercom
Once you have experienced a meal at IBIS, youll never want to eat anywhere else
A concrete plan to revive the worlds dwindling coral reefs
We look forward to seeing you soon
Speech act
Situational context - what speakers know about what they can see around them (physical copresence, situation taking place at the moment of speaking)
Background knowledge context what they know about each other (interpersonal
knowledge) and the world (cultural knowledge communities of practice)
Co-textual context what they know about what they have been saying
Her: How are you?
Him: OK.
Her: Did you have friends in and get a video last night?
Him: Oh, I had friends in, but we just watched a little TV.
Her: Ah right.
Him: That was great. How do you feel?
Her: OK.
Grammatical cohesion:
exophoric reference dependent on the context outside the text
No, she said. not to me. It was chrysanthemums when I married him, and chrysanthemums
when you were born, and the first time they ever brought him home drunk, hed got brown
chrysanthemums in his button-hole.
When 80 mice escaped on a Saudi domestic flight the squeaks of panic drowned out the roar
of the engines. The rodents had escaped from a bag on the overhead luggage rack.
Authorities detained the owner of the bag and the aircraft landed in Tabuk, in the north west
of the country.
The candle-light glittered on the luster-glasses, on the two vases that held some of the pink
chrysanthemums, and on the dark mahogany. There was a cold, deathly smell of
chrysanthemums in the room. Elisabeth stood looking at the flowers.
General words: thing, stuff, place, person, woman, man.
And so he went off to Wolverhampton Ply which he selected for, you know, all the usual
reasons, reasonable place
Newspaper headlines
Editors urge end to press gag
Rail chief reshuffled after big losses
Dead envoy riddle: Yard baffled
Index one of three semiotic sign types in the system of Pierce (apart from icons and
Indexicality property of language which enables us to identify referents particular to the
context (indexicals, e.g. I, here, now)
Deictics the lexical items which encode context in this way (a closed class of semantic
deficient items)
Deictic use vs non-deictic use of indexicals (depending on the need to be present at the time
of the utterance to identify a referent)
Deictic uses
Symbolic (without accompanying gesture)
Non-deictic uses
Fuzzy cases:
Person deixis
first and second person indexical, while third person either indexical or anaphoric
honorific use referring, rather than addressing (Ich danke Ihnen, dziekuj Pastwu,
Voulez vous entrer?); we address our equals and refer to our superiors (Shall we do
this? We could do this)
English you two, you-all
Addressee-inclusive vs addressee-exclusive use (Im going to ask sb to help us; vs
Excuse me, can you help us?) grammaticalized in some languages
Place deixis
Demonstrative noun phrases (this way, those people)
Demonstrative adverbial expressions (here, there, where, up, down, behind, ahead, on your
Proximal/distal demonstratives in English - this/these, that/those (some lgs have three
degrees of proximity, some distinguish proximity to speaker and addressee)
Verbs encoding location or direction come, go, bring, take
Archaic indexicals hither, hence, thither, thence, whither, whence, yonder
Come/go Im coming/going to London on Friday. vs Are you coming/going to Newcastle at
the weekend?
Bring/take, nearside of the car, stage-left/stage-right, left-hand-drive, at midnight (local time)
The location of the office: Just along the corridor on your left/right.
Time deixis
Demonstrative adverbial expressions
Tense markers (in relation to the time of utterance), e.g. this year
I hope this year is going to be good.
Ill see to it today/I have filled up with petrol today.
today, yesterday, tomorrow, and perhaps the day before yesterday, the day after tomorrow
privileged items in English (popojutrze, przedprzedwczoraj in Polish)
Deictic reference - These are on special offer in the supermarket at the moment (pointing to
one bottle of time standing on the table)
Deictic centre Buhlers origin the point of intersection of the main coordinates of the
here-now-I system. By default it is the speakers position at the time of utterance, but it can
shift with contextual hint as in: Just along the corridor on your left/right or without it as in
Im coming to London on Friday. The deictic centre can be updated in the co-text (as in
directions) or not (Back in ten minutes)
Speech Acts
Austin began by distinguishing between what he called constatives and performatives.
A constative is simply saying something true or false.
A performative is doing something by speaking; paradigmatically, one can get married by
saying "I do" (Austin, 1961).
Constatives are true or false, depending on their correspondence (or not) with the facts;
performatives are actions and, as such, are not true or false, but felicitous or infelicitous,
depending on whether or not they successfully perform the action in question. In particular,
performative utterances to be felicitous must invoke an existing convention and be invoked in
the right circumstances
Identifying performatives (vs constatives):
I promise to talk to you
Peter promises to talk to you
I will promise to talk to you
I bet you sixpence that it will rain tomorrow
I apologize
I (hereby) declare war on Zanzibar
I christen this ship the H.M.S. Queen Elizabeth
What do they have in common? the form of a statement, they have an effect of an action,
truth conditions do not apply
How can performative acts go wrong?
I christen this ship H.M..S. Queen Elizabeth
Felicity conditions
Direction of fit
Illocutionary Point
Words to the
Sincerity cond
Variable (fee
Declare a change
J. Searle
Searle proposes a framework with tree types of conditions:
S requests that H performs A
S believes that H can perform A
S does not believe that H will do A anyway(?)
S wants H to perform A
Counts as an attempt to get H to do A
S promises to perform A
S believes that S can perform A
S believes that A is good for H
Natural meaning
Non-natural meaning
Manchester United won
It scored at least one goal more than the other team (natural meaning- entailment)
It played particularly well; it played only modestly etc (non-natural meaning)
Quantity 1. Make your contribution as informative as is required (for the current purposes of
the exchange)
Some of the hijackers have been identified.
The plumber made a reasonable job of fitting our new boiler.
Quantity 2. Do not make your contribution more informative than is required
I dont drink.
Oxford won the rowing competition this year.
Try to make your contribution one that is true
Quality 1. Do not say what you believe to be false,
Quality 2. Do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence
Cigarettes are bad for you.
Are your married?
Relevance. Be relevant
What is the date today? It can't be 1 June.
Dont forget Mum on Mothers Day (outside of a pub)
Manner 1. Avoid obscurity of expression
2. Avoid ambiguity
3. Be brief
4. Be orderly
I went to the conference and gave a talk
No graffiti. Penalty 1000.(sign on a bridge support)
Increased threat to your security you can help by keeping your luggage and personal items
with you at all times.
Conversational implicatures (sth left implicit in actual language use and is implied
in conversation) arise because the addressee assumes the speaker is abiding by the
John has six credit cards -> John has at most six credit cards
Tim Berner-Lee invented the World Wide Web in 1989 -> The speaker believes that TBL
invented the World Wide Web in 1989 and has adequate evidence that he did
* ? TBL invented the WWW in 1989, but I dont believe he did
John: What is the time?
Mary: The museum hasnt opened yet.
-> its at least before whenever the museum normally opens
John went to a McDonalds and bought two hamburgers
-> John first went to a Mc Donalds and then bought two hamburgers
-> John went to McDonalds in order to buy two hamburgers
Very special conversational implicatures arise when maxims are flouted (violated)
then the addressee assumes that the speaker is essentially cooperative and must intend
to convey an implied meaning.
War is war -> Terrible things always happen in war. Thats its nature and its no use
lamenting that particular tragedy
Chomsky is a great sociolinguist -> Chomsky is no sociolinguist at all
John: Susan can be such a cow sometimes!
Mary: Oh, what a lovely day today!
-> One shouldnt speak ill of people behind their back etc
John smiled.
The corners of Johns lips turned slightly upward -> John did not exactly smile
Well, its a university.
Implicatures can thus be calculated (via CP and maxims), they can also be
suspended, cancelled and reinforced:
John: This CD is eight euros, and I havent got any money on me.
Mary: Dont worry, I have got eight euros. (cancels ->Mary has got only eight euros)
Reinforcement of implicatures do not make them semantically redundant
The soup is warm ->The soup is not hot.
The soup is warm, but not hot. -> The soup is not hot.
Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking
about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we. (G.W. Bush)
Speakers can also opt out of the cooperative principle Im afraid I cannot give you that
Well Minister, if you asked me for a straight answer, then I shall say that, as far as we can
see, looking at it by and large, and taking one time with another, in terms of the averages
of departments, then, in the final analysis, it is probably true to say that, at the end of the
day, in general terms, you would probably find that, not to put too fine a point on it, there
probably wasnt very much in it one way or another, as far as one can see, at this stage.
Which maxims do these flout?
You can only afford to pay the number of people you can afford to pay.
Money doesnt grow on trees but it blossoms at our branches.
Now weve ALL been screwed by the Cabinet (Newspaper headline)
This ones a little hot. (about a red-hot cooker plate)
How many divisions has the Pope?
What a beautiful day! (when it rains)
The Wafer happiness (on a billboard beside a main road with an arrow pointing ahead)
Walter Wall Carpeting
BA better connected person
Acts on the spot (about an acne preparation)
natural meaning
non-natural meaning
politeness a means employed to show the awareness of another persons
Owing to unforeseen circumstances, one of our Doctors has not been able to
attend morning surgery. Consequently, the other partners are running late. We
apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you, and assure you that all
patients will be seen as quickly as possible.
In order to promote a better learning environment please do not bring food or
drink into this teaching room and remember to switch off your mobile telephone.
Thank you.
What we say encodes not just propositional content but also our understanding
of the relationship between us.
You couldnt let me have a bit of paper by any chance, could you?
Got the time, mate?
Excuse me, would you by any chance have the time?
Blue collar to white collar worker at the university: Excuse me you couldnt tell
me where Room 253 is possibly could you.
We are more likely to use redressive, and hence less economical, linguistic
formulas when we place demands on those we address, especially when we do
not know them well.
Face self esteem. In most encounters our face is put at risk. We use
redressive language to compensate for face-threatening behavior
A Model Person has two kinds of face: positive face (wish to be
understood, admired, treated as a friend) and negative face (wish not to
be imposed on and allowed to go about our business unimpeded)
negative politeness a Face Saving Act which is oriented to the negative
face shows deference, emphasizes the others time and concerns,
Could you lend me your pen?
I am sorry to bother you, but can I ask you for a pen or something.
positive politeness a FSA which is oriented to the positive face shows
solidarity, emphasizes that both speakers want the same, have common
Please note
Patients who are required to provide samples for analysis, are reminded
that they may only be accepted if they are presented in the appropriate
specimen bottle.