Hufschmid, Eric - Painful Questions
Hufschmid, Eric - Painful Questions
Hufschmid, Eric - Painful Questions
An analogy:
Imagine clean-up crews
arriving immediately after a
murder. When detectives
arrive the most important
bullets have been sold to
recyclers; the dead body has
been buried; and most of the
blood has been washed
Also imagine that the
cleanup crews have more
authority than the detectives,
so the detectives must ask
permission to take photos
and retain evidence.
The Various
No one is in charge...
Was the New York City government simply incapable of dealing
with such an unusual and extreme disaster?
On September 20th the Los Angeles Times reported that Israel had
warned the FBI and CIA a month before the attack that terrorists were
slipping into America to conduct a major assault. The next day the
Times printed a brief correction that claimed the accusation was false.
The proof that the original report was false was explained as:
...the CIA flatly denied the story, and FBI officials said
they knew of no such advisory.
This situation is as silly as a court dismissing charges against a
person on the grounds that he flatly denied the accusations.
The Times also offered this statement as proof that the original
report was false:
The earths oil supplies are dwindling, and no large pools have
been discovered for years. The worlds last remaining source of oil is in
the Caspian Sea area. Since no nation has yet shown an interest in
developing alternatives to oil, all nations will need access to that
Caspian oil as the Mideast oil wells run dry during the next few
decades. The Caspian Sea could soon become the worlds most
important piece of land.
If the Russians get control of Caspian oil, they could create
economic hardship for other nations beyond anything OPEC could get
away with. Not surprisingly, American and British oil companies have
been trying for years to put oil pipelines to the Caspian sea through
Afghanistan. Unfortunately, the Taliban had refused to agree to any of
the proposals, perhaps because they were waiting for a higher fee.
Oil could be one possible reason that some people allowed this
terrorist act to take place. Perhaps the CIA, the Bush family, or British
government officials wanted to let the attack occur so they could
accuse the Taliban of allowing Osama to operate terrorist camps in
Afghanistan, then use that as an excuse to destroy the Taliban.
The September 11th attack was devastating, but perhaps the CIA
did not expect such damage. Perhaps they expected the planes to
merely punch a small hole in the side of the towers, as an airplane did
to the Empire State Building in 1945 when it crashed into it. Or
perhaps the CIA assumed the military would intercept the airplanes. Or
perhaps they were under the impression that only one or two planes
would be hijacked.
When the CIA saw how destructive the attack was, they may have
panicked and put pressure on the government to suppress all
investigations. Perhaps the unclaimed 2.5 million dollars in investment
profits belongs to American citizens who became so upset over the
incident that they wished they had never invested.
Most people blame the collapse of the two towers on fire, not the
airplane crashes. Building 7 collapsed also, and since it was not hit by an
airplane its collapse has been blamed on fire. How did fire cause three,
steel-framed buildings to collapse? No fire had ever caused a steel
building to crumble, but on that day a fire did to three buildings what
no fire had done before. Are there other office buildings, apartment
buildings, or shopping malls that could also collapse from a fire? How
should we design future buildings to resist fires?
NIST is one of the government agencies that investigated the
collapse of the towers. However, Dr. Bement, the director of NIST, did
not seem interested in investigating Building 7. As he explained to the
Committee on Science:
We elect a President to
enforce these laws.
From Sen. Michael DeWines
impeachment of Clinton
statement, February 12, 1999
On December 13, 2001 the New York Times reported that the
fireproofing materials in the World Trade Center had been in need of
repairs for years, and that government officials insisted those
accusations were simply exaggerations of salesmen who were trying to
sell fireproofing material. While it is true that salesmen sometimes push
the truth to sell their product, those reports of faulty insulation would
be tempting to use as justification for a court case. Were landlords and
insurance companies worried about thousands of lawsuits?
The Committee On Science accuses landlords and insurance
companies of interfering with the investigation, but those people may
have done more than merely interfere. They may have pushed
government officials into destroying the rubble. Additionally, city
officials may have been worried about potential lawsuits. All of these
people may have pressured Bush and Cheney into requesting a limit to
the investigation.
FEMA published their report in May, 2002. The title is World Trade
Center Building Performance Study. It is report #403. The report
contains a lot of interesting information about the buildings, but it does
not explain their collapse. For example, on why the towers collapsed:
The airplanes caused the towers to shake a bit upon impact, but
after a few seconds the towers settled down and appeared to have
survived. From a structural perspective, there were no signs that the
towers were unstable; i.e., no noises from the building; no cracks
developing, and no pieces falling off.
As a result of the stable appearance, hundreds of firemen ran into
the towers without fear, just as they had run into other steel buildings
on fire. Their thoughts were to extinguish the fires and help people get
out of the buildings, not whether the buildings would crumble. A short
time later, without warning, the towers crumbled.
In addition to the firemen, several photographers were injured, and
at least one died. Were these photographers foolish to get so close to
the towers? No. As with the firemen, the photographers had no reason
to worry about the structural stability of the towers. Neither the
photographers nor the firemen were fools; rather, they were victims of
the worlds most bizarre building collapses. How could such a strange
event not justify a serious investigation?
Mirko Balke
since the U.S. has used [the 9-11 attack] as one of their
arguments to launch an attack against Afghanistan and
has asked the whole world to stand at its side in the war,
this is no longer a purely American affair.
** unknown**
Figure 1-1
The courtyard of the World Trade Center
James R.Tourtellotte
Figure 1-2
The blue arrows point to two deep holes in Building 6. Did falling debris create those holes?
Or were those holes blown open to release the high pressure in the basement?