Hufschmid, Eric - Painful Questions

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This is a sample from Painful Questions, by Eric Hufschmid

Note: This is the first chapter of the book Painful

Questions, An Analysis of the September 11th Attack,
The photos are in CYMK for printing,, and they are
JPG'ed to make the PDF file smaller, so they look
crummy on a computer.

I wish I had more time to

inspect steel structure and
save more pieces before
the steel was recycled.
Professor Astaneh-Asl of
Berkeley, at the Committee
on Science hearing, March
6, 2002

An analogy:
Imagine clean-up crews
arriving immediately after a
murder. When detectives
arrive the most important
bullets have been sold to
recyclers; the dead body has
been buried; and most of the
blood has been washed
Also imagine that the
cleanup crews have more
authority than the detectives,
so the detectives must ask
permission to take photos
and retain evidence.

The Various

The Science Committee of the House of Representatives held a

meeting March 6, 2002 to discuss the investigation of the World Trade
Center collapse. Their report concluded that the investigation was
hampered. One problem was that clean-up crews arrived the same
day and immediately began disposing of the rubble. The result was:

Some of the critical pieces of steel ... were gone before

the first [investigator] ever reached the site.
When investigators finally arrived at the site they discovered they
were subservient to the clean-up crews:

...the lack of authority of investigators to impound pieces

of steel for examination before they were recycled led to
the loss of important pieces of evidence...
Why was the investigation given such a low priority? Or should that
question be phrased: Why was the disposal of rubble given first priority?
Were New York residents simply too shocked by the attack and too
concerned about finding survivors to care about saving the rubble for
According to an article on December 25, 2001, the New York
Times asked city officials about the destruction of the rubble:

Officials in the mayors office declined to reply to written

and oral requests for comment over a three-day period
about who decided to recycle the steel and the concern
that the decision might be handicapping the investigation.
Their silence provides support for one of Congressman Boehlerts

Courtesy of The CoStar Group, Inc.

I must say that the current investigation ... seems to be

shrouded in excessive secrecy.

Building 4 of the World Trade Center

With thousands of missing people, and with statistics showing that

many would die within 24 hours, rescuers were under a lot of pressure
on September 11th to find survivors quickly. Neither the emotionally
charged rescuers nor the families of the missing people had time to
carefully document the rubble. Rather, rescuers tore through the
rubble as soon as the dust had settled, and they worked throughout the
night. There were so many rescuers and they worked so fast that by the
next morning Mayor Rudy Giuliani announced that they had disposed
of 120 dump trucks of rubble.

This is a sample from Painful Questions, by Eric Hufschmid

Destroying rubble was understandable during the first few days of
the rescue. However, some portions of the rubble were smoking
because of the high temperatures, and those piles of hot rubble should
have been left alone. The only sensible place to look for survivors was
in the cool areas. Consequently, all of the hot piles of rubble should
have been untouched when the investigators arrived.
By the seventh day it was extremely unlikely that people were still
alive in the rubble. After one month looking for survivors was
ridiculous. However, the frantic destruction of rubble continued month
after month, regardless of the possibility of finding survivors.
Furthermore, Building 7 had been evacuated many hours before it
collapsed, so there was no reason to look in that pile of rubble.
By April of 2002 virtually all of the rubble had been removed. It
appears as if these cleanup crews were so incapable of thinking that
after having received orders to search for survivors, they continued to
do so even when it made no sense. They also searched areas where
nobody could possibly be found. Who was supervising this situation?
Perhaps the words of Congressman Boehlert in the report of the
Committee on Science are more accurate than we want to believe:

...there are no clear lines of authority ....

... there are no clear lines of

authority .... No one is in
I must say that the current
investigation some would
argue that review is the
more appropriate word
seems to be shrouded in
excessive secrecy.
...valuable evidence has
been lost irretrievably, and
blueprints were unavailable
for months.
Congressman Boehlert,
Chairman, Committee on
Science, from the hearing on
March 6, 2002

No one is in charge...
Was the New York City government simply incapable of dealing
with such an unusual and extreme disaster?

On January 25, 2002 vice-president Cheney called Senator

Daschle on the phone and asked him to limit the scope and the
overall review of what happened. Cheney did not bother to explain
his intentions to the American people, but we have Daschles remark
to CNN reporters:

The vice president expressed the concern that a review of

what happened on September 11 would take resources
and personnel away from the effort in the war on
Daschle was not convinced that there was a shortage of resources
or personnel, so four days later President Bush had a private meeting
with him and asked him again to limit the investigation.
Was the Bush administration correct that investigating the
September 11th attack would hamper the war on terrorism? Consider
that the investigation of the September 11th attack is actually two,
separate studies:

The technical investigation.

An analysis of the rubble by scientists to determine the
cause of the collapses would not interfere with an
investigation of terrorism.

...we are staffing the

[investigation] with part-time
engineers and scientists on a
shoestring budget.
The building performance
assessment currently being
conducted of the World Trade
Center collapse is just that: an
assessment, not an
In addition, the [group of
investigators] studying the
collapse has apparently been
hampered in accessing
building construction

Professor Corbett, John Jay

College of Criminal Justice, at
the Committee on Science
hearing, March 6, 2002

This is a sample from Painful Questions, by Eric Hufschmid

Do you realize how serious
this is? This man wants training
on a 747. A 747 fully loaded
with fuel could be used as a
A Minneapolis flight instructor
complaining to the FBI about the
suspicious request of Zacarias


The analysis of the terrorists.

This would be an analysis of where the terrorists lived,
how they financed their operation, where they learned
to fly, and how they took four airplanes off course
without the FAA or military doing anything about it. The
FBI and CIA would be involved in this analysis. Since the
FBI and CIA also investigate terrorism, Bush could claim
that there were not enough agents to carry on regular
business and investigate the September 11th attack.

An FBI agent sent a memo about suspicious foreigners to both FBI

headquarters and to a New York FBI unit that was looking for Osama
bin Laden. As the New York Times explained it:
Imagine if you were to find this
in the LA Times:
Correction, Sept 12, 2001.
A September 11th article
reported that Osama bin Laden
was responsible for the 9/11
attack. However, Osama flatly
denied the accusation.
The Times has since learned that
the accusation was based on a
British newspaper report, not
reputable sources. The Times
regrets the mistake. Osama is

An F.B.I. agent in Phoenix told counterterrorism officials

at the bureaus headquarters last July that he had
detected an alarming pattern of Arab men with possible
ties to terrorism taking aviation-related training, and
urged a nationwide review of the trend.
No action was taken by the FBI. Were Bush and Cheney trying to
protect the FBI, FAA, CIA, military, and/or the Bush administration from
accusations of incompetence?

On September 20th the Los Angeles Times reported that Israel had
warned the FBI and CIA a month before the attack that terrorists were
slipping into America to conduct a major assault. The next day the
Times printed a brief correction that claimed the accusation was false.
The proof that the original report was false was explained as:

...the CIA flatly denied the story, and FBI officials said
they knew of no such advisory.
This situation is as silly as a court dismissing charges against a
person on the grounds that he flatly denied the accusations.
The Times also offered this statement as proof that the original
report was false:

Courtesy of The CoStar Group, Inc.

The Times has since learned that the [accusation] was

based on a British newspaper report, not on independent

Building 5 of the World Trade Center

Apparently British newspapers cannot be trusted. Does that mean

we can trust American newspapers? If so, an American newspaper
reported that a flight instructor in Minneapolis phoned the FBI to
complain that a possible terrorist wanted to learn how to fly a
commercial jet. I suppose the FBI would flatly deny that report, but
perhaps the FBI and CIA are simply trying to suppress the evidence
they dislike.
Perhaps US government officials wanted to stop the investigation
because they feared investigators would conclude that there were so
many warnings and clues that even a troop of Girl Scouts would have
been able to stop the terrorists.

This is a sample from Painful Questions, by Eric Hufschmid

On September 18, 2001 the Chicago Board Options Exchange

announced that they were investigating the possibility that terrorists
had profited from the attack. Officials said there was an unusually high
volume of suspicious activity in which investors were betting that the
price of United Airlines and American Airlines stock would drop. These
suspicious trades occurred on each of the three business days prior to
the September 11th attack, implying that some people learned of the
attack a few days before it occurred. The Securities and Exchange
Commission also began an investigation of these trades. (Incidently,
nobody is denying that these investments took place.)
The San Francisco Chronicle reported that 2.5 million dollars in
profits were never collected by the investors. Were the investors afraid
of getting caught if they asked for their profit?
Nearly a year has passed since the attack, and we are still waiting
for the results of the SEC investigation. Who were those investors?
Were they friends and family members of the terrorists or Osama bin
Laden? Did the investors disguise themselves so well that one year is
not enough time to identify them? If so, why didnt they collect their
2.5 million dollars in profit?
There may be a sensible explanation for the investments and the
inability to identify the investors, but the silence surrounding this issue
is suspicious and fueling accusations. For example, some people accuse
CIA officials as being the investors. If those accusations are correct,
those officials decided to take advantage of the attack rather than try to
prevent the attack.

The earths oil supplies are dwindling, and no large pools have
been discovered for years. The worlds last remaining source of oil is in
the Caspian Sea area. Since no nation has yet shown an interest in
developing alternatives to oil, all nations will need access to that
Caspian oil as the Mideast oil wells run dry during the next few
decades. The Caspian Sea could soon become the worlds most
important piece of land.
If the Russians get control of Caspian oil, they could create
economic hardship for other nations beyond anything OPEC could get
away with. Not surprisingly, American and British oil companies have
been trying for years to put oil pipelines to the Caspian sea through
Afghanistan. Unfortunately, the Taliban had refused to agree to any of
the proposals, perhaps because they were waiting for a higher fee.
Oil could be one possible reason that some people allowed this
terrorist act to take place. Perhaps the CIA, the Bush family, or British
government officials wanted to let the attack occur so they could
accuse the Taliban of allowing Osama to operate terrorist camps in
Afghanistan, then use that as an excuse to destroy the Taliban.
The September 11th attack was devastating, but perhaps the CIA
did not expect such damage. Perhaps they expected the planes to
merely punch a small hole in the side of the towers, as an airplane did
to the Empire State Building in 1945 when it crashed into it. Or
perhaps the CIA assumed the military would intercept the airplanes. Or
perhaps they were under the impression that only one or two planes
would be hijacked.

The potential prize in oil and

gas riches in the Caspian sea,
valued up to $4 trillion, would
give Russia both wealth and
strategic dominance.
Central Asian resources may
revert back to the control of
Russia or to a Russian led
alliance. This would be a
nightmare situation.
We had all better wake up to
the dangers...
From an article in 1999 by
Mortimer Zuckerman, the editor
of U.S. News and World Report.
He advocated getting control of
the Caspian oil before the
Russians get it.
How many people in the U.S.
Government would be tempted to
take advantage of a terrorist attack
to justify going after Caspian oil?
Would any members of the British
government be tempted to let the
attack occur?
Does OPEC frighten you? How
would you feel with Russia in
control of the worlds last
remaining oil supplies?

[the oil companies]...cannot

begin construction [of a
pipeline] until an internationally
recognized Afghanistan
government is in place.
From the testimony of John
Maresca, VP of Unocal
Corporation at the House
Committee On International
Relations, February 1998.
He is an example of people in
the oil business who wanted the
Taliban out of power. Would
these people be tempted to
allow the attack to take place?

This is a sample from Painful Questions, by Eric Hufschmid

Compare the investigation of
Clinton to that of the 9/11

Ken Starr spent 40 million tax

dollars investigating Clintons
sexual activities. By
comparison, there was so little
money for the 9-11
investigation that some
scientists volunteered to work
for free on weekends.
Perhaps half the population
did not want to investigate
Clintons sexual activities, but
Republicans pushed for an
investigation anyway. By
comparison, most people want
an investigation of the 9-11
attacks, but Bush has pushed
to limit the investigation.
Most people tolerate lies and
secrecy in regards to sex, but
Republicans demanded
Clinton be honest about his
sexual activities anyway. By
comparison, most people do
not consider lies or secrecy
acceptable in terrorist attacks,
fires, or building collapses, but
our government is secretive
and interfering with the
investigation anyway.

Courtesy of The CoStar Group, Inc.

The FBI laboratory analyzed

the stains in Monica Lewinskys
dress. By comparison, NIST
does not want to analyze the
remains of Building 7.

When the CIA saw how destructive the attack was, they may have
panicked and put pressure on the government to suppress all
investigations. Perhaps the unclaimed 2.5 million dollars in investment
profits belongs to American citizens who became so upset over the
incident that they wished they had never invested.

Most people blame the collapse of the two towers on fire, not the
airplane crashes. Building 7 collapsed also, and since it was not hit by an
airplane its collapse has been blamed on fire. How did fire cause three,
steel-framed buildings to collapse? No fire had ever caused a steel
building to crumble, but on that day a fire did to three buildings what
no fire had done before. Are there other office buildings, apartment
buildings, or shopping malls that could also collapse from a fire? How
should we design future buildings to resist fires?
NIST is one of the government agencies that investigated the
collapse of the towers. However, Dr. Bement, the director of NIST, did
not seem interested in investigating Building 7. As he explained to the
Committee on Science:

...[NIST] would possibly consider examining WTC

Building 7, which collapsed later in the day.
Notice that Bement did not say he would possibly investigate;
rather, he said he would possibly consider investigating.
Furthermore, Bement made this remark at a meeting in March of
2002. This was nearly six months after the building had collapsed, and
most of the rubble had already been removed. How many more
months would have to pass before he would possibly consider
investigating? Was he waiting for all rubble to be removed so he could
avoid dealing with the issue? Or was he simply following President
Bushs suggestion to limit the investigation?
If another agency had conducted a thorough investigation of
Building 7, or if the rubble had been saved until more personnel and
resources were available, then Dr. Bements lack of interest would be
understandable. However, no agency thoroughly investigated any of
the buildings that collapsed and, more importantly, no agency made an
attempt to save the rubble.
Unless we figure out how fire caused these buildings to collapse,
we will never know how to determine if a building is susceptible to
collapsing from a fire. An investigation would also help us determine
whether our building codes need revision. Unfortunately, the rubble
was never properly analyzed. Rather, within hours of the collapse the
crews began hauling the large pieces of steel to scrap yards and
dumping the rest into landfills. Not only was this destruction of rubble
irresponsible but, according to the editor-in-chief of Fire Engineering
magazine, it was an illegal destruction of evidence:

I have combed through our national standard for fire

investigation, NFPA 921, but nowhere in it does one find
an exemption allowing the destruction of evidence for
buildings over 10 stories tall.
Building 6 of the World Trade Center

This is a sample from Painful Questions, by Eric Hufschmid

There are two main reasons that we have laws demanding
preservation of evidence. First, a proper analysis takes more than a few
glances of the evidence by one person; it may require days or months
of inspections and experiments, and individuals at different laboratories
may be needed. Second, unless the evidence is preserved, we cannot
perform further analyses if we have doubts about the original analysis,
or if other questions arise in the future. So why did our government
violate our laws? Furthermore, why are they allowed to get away with
violating our laws? Why are they allowed to interfere with the
investigation? Why are so few people in Congress complaining about
these violations? Compare this tolerance of law-breaking with the
frequent public condemnation of Clinton for violating our laws in
regards to Monica Lewinsky.
By January, 2002 the editor-in-chief of Fire Engineering magazine
reached his limit of tolerance. He published an article that month
accusing the investigation of being a half baked farce. He also
demanded: The destruction and removal of evidence must stop
immediately. In support, other firemen wrote an article in which they
pleaded with readers to send e-mails to our government to hold a real
Unfortunately, everybody who complained about the pathetic
investigation or the destruction of evidence was ignored (or worse;
some were insulted as unpatriotic or conspiracy nuts). By April,
2002 virtually all of the rubble had been destroyed. Now, with no
evidence, determining how the fires caused those buildings to collapse
is impossible.

The American government responded to the terrorist acts by

violating our laws and conducting a pathetic investigation. This
atrocious behavior opened America up to accusations of corruption,
incompetence, paranoia, stupidity, and conspiracies. One accusation
came from the government itself. In the report from the March 6, 2002
hearing at the Committee On Science:

The building owners, designers and insurers, prevented

independent researchers from gaining access and delayed
the [investigators] in gaining access to pertinent building
documents largely because of liability concerns.
Should we accuse the Committee On Science of being a group of
conspiracy nuts? Before you answer that question, lets look at a
previous FEMA investigation.

On February 23, 1991 a fire started on the 22nd floor of a 38 story

office building at One Meridian Plaza in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Although the fire was initially small, it spread to eight floors of the
building, burned for 19 hours, and caused the deaths of three
firefighters. FEMA investigated the fire and produced a detailed report
of explanations, recommendations, and photos. They determined that

Should we demand that Bush

follow the law, as millions of
people demanded of Clinton
during the Clinton / Lewinsky
investigation? Here are a few of
the remarks from back then:

We elect a President to
enforce these laws.
From Sen. Michael DeWines
impeachment of Clinton
statement, February 12, 1999

The President cannot be

judged on a different standard
than anyone else simply
because he is the President.
Statement of Rep. Cass Ballenger
on Impeaching Clinton,
December 18, 1998

We are a nation of laws....

Millions of people made that

...the Office of Independent

Counsel (OIC) hereby submits
substantial and credible
information that President
Clinton obstructed justice...
From the report produced by
Ken Starr, in the section
Grounds for Impeachment

On April 24, 2002, Federal

Reserve Bank of New York
estimated the cleaning and
rebuilding to cost up to $29
If $29 billion is not serious
enough for a full investigation,
at what price point is a full
investigation granted?

This is a sample from Painful Questions, by Eric Hufschmid

the fire started in a pile of rags that contained linseed oil, and that
negligence allowed it to spread. Improperly maintained smoke
detectors and improperly set pressure valves on water lines were cited
as examples of negligence. The fire was finally extinguished when it
reached a floor where the sprinkler system functioned properly. The
report on the Meridian Plaza fire provides two interesting points:

This is one of several drawings of

pressure valves in the report
FEMA produced about the fire at
One Meridian Plaza in 1991.
This report was so detailed that it
explained how these valves work
and how to use them properly.
Obviously, in 1991 FEMA was
capable of producing serious
reports. Why couldnt they do
the same with the World Trade

First, the report proves that in 1991 FEMA was capable of

properly investigating fires. Therefore, their pathetic
investigation of the World Trade Center is either a deliberate
refusal to investigate, or changes in our government have
resulted in FEMA becoming an incompetent or ineffective

Second, the report estimated $4 billion in civil damage

claims as a result of the fire. Now consider the financial
ramifications if three deaths and the destruction of eight
floors of a building result in $4 billion in damage claims in
1991. How many billions are likely in 2001 when fires at the
World Trade Center kill thousands, destroy the entire
complex, damage the underground subway beneath the
complex, and damage neighboring buildings?

On December 13, 2001 the New York Times reported that the
fireproofing materials in the World Trade Center had been in need of
repairs for years, and that government officials insisted those
accusations were simply exaggerations of salesmen who were trying to
sell fireproofing material. While it is true that salesmen sometimes push
the truth to sell their product, those reports of faulty insulation would
be tempting to use as justification for a court case. Were landlords and
insurance companies worried about thousands of lawsuits?
The Committee On Science accuses landlords and insurance
companies of interfering with the investigation, but those people may
have done more than merely interfere. They may have pushed
government officials into destroying the rubble. Additionally, city
officials may have been worried about potential lawsuits. All of these
people may have pressured Bush and Cheney into requesting a limit to
the investigation.

FEMA published their report in May, 2002. The title is World Trade
Center Building Performance Study. It is report #403. The report
contains a lot of interesting information about the buildings, but it does

not explain their collapse. For example, on why the towers collapsed:

With the information and time available, the sequence of

events leading to the collapse of each tower could not be
definitively determined.

The courtyard. Building 5 is on the left,

Building 4 along the right.

In that sentence they imply that they are innocent investigators

who simply did not have enough information. They neglect to explain
that the reason there is so little information is because the rubble was
destroyed and the investigators were hampered.

This is a sample from Painful Questions, by Eric Hufschmid

On why Building 7 collapsed the report mentions:

The specifics of the fires in WTC 7 and how they caused

the building to collapse remain unknown at this time.
Further research, investigation, and analyses are
needed to resolve this issue.
Again they imply they are innocent investigators who need to do
further research. However, by the time they published the report (May
2002), all of the rubble had been destroyed. Therefore, it was
impossible for them to do further research. If FEMA had truly been
interested in researching Building 7, they would have done the
research before the rubble was destroyed, or they would have put aside
some of the rubble for a later analysis.
One of the excuses FEMA gives for their inability to explain the
collapse is that the collapse was a unique event:

As with any first-time event, difficulties were encountered

at the beginning of the relationship between the volunteer
engineering community and the local government
Many disasters can be referred to as a first-time event. Rarely
does an earthquake, fire, hurricane, tornado, airplane accident,
chemical spill, or train derailment happen exactly like a previous
disaster. FEMA is simply making excuses for their lousy investigation.
Furthermore, why were they using a volunteer engineering
community to investigate the collapse? At a meeting on 24 October
2001, Edward DePaola announced that SEAoNY was looking for
volunteers to help collect data. Why were they looking for volunteers
near the end of October rather than in September? More amazing,
why didnt anybody ask the US Government for money to hire
scientists and engineers to work full time? Is it possible that the
management at FEMA, SEAoNY, NIST, and other agencies truly
believed that 200,000 tons of rubble could be properly investigated
with volunteers on a tiny budget?
I doubt that anybody in management could be as naive as the
people in control of the WTC investigation make themselves appear. I
think these agencies either had no intention of investigating, or they
were under pressure to limit the investigation. The FEMA report even
supports the accusation that the investigators were hampered:

Also, because there was no identification system in place

for the first few days, it took up to 3 hours for SEAoNY
volunteers to get to the command center from the outer
perimeter of the site, a distance of less than six blocks.
The area around the World Trade Center was blocked off to keep
out the public, and checkpoints were set up at several entrances. The
people who were destroying the rubble quickly passed through the
checkpoints, but the investigators were often delayed for hours. Why
would the lack of an identification system cause only the investigators
to be delayed? Why wouldnt all people be delayed equally? And why
would the delays be so long?

Some of the engineers are

volunteering their time, and
others are being paid. The
Federal Emergency
Management Agency is
financing the effort, which will
cost about $600,000
...[the engineers]
communicate mostly by phone
as they continue to hold their
regular jobs

Compare their budget to the $40

million spent by Ken Starr during
his investigation of Clintons
sexual activities. Starr had full
time help, not weekend
From an Associated Press article
in January, 2002 describing
engineers who were inspecting
the rubble.

These pieces were

accidentally processed in
salvage yard operations before
being documented.
A remark from the May 2002
FEMA report on the WTC.
Some investigators wandered
through the scrap yards in the
hope of finding steel beams that
would help explain the collapse.
They marked the beams they
wanted for the investigation with
paint. However some of those
beams were accidently

Since our government cannot

properly investigate the collapse
of three buildings, can we trust
them to deal with our economy,
city planning, health care, or

This is a sample from Painful Questions, by Eric Hufschmid

The airplanes caused the towers to shake a bit upon impact, but
after a few seconds the towers settled down and appeared to have
survived. From a structural perspective, there were no signs that the
towers were unstable; i.e., no noises from the building; no cracks
developing, and no pieces falling off.
As a result of the stable appearance, hundreds of firemen ran into
the towers without fear, just as they had run into other steel buildings
on fire. Their thoughts were to extinguish the fires and help people get
out of the buildings, not whether the buildings would crumble. A short
time later, without warning, the towers crumbled.
In addition to the firemen, several photographers were injured, and
at least one died. Were these photographers foolish to get so close to
the towers? No. As with the firemen, the photographers had no reason
to worry about the structural stability of the towers. Neither the
photographers nor the firemen were fools; rather, they were victims of
the worlds most bizarre building collapses. How could such a strange
event not justify a serious investigation?

Courtesy of The CoStar Group, Inc.

A view of Building 7 from the top of

the North Tower.

Building 7 of the World Trade Center

Photos of Building 7 show an apparently conventional office

building, but inside was a giant cavity that took up most of the first five
floors. Two of the citys electrical substations were inside the cavity,
with a total of ten giant transformers, each 35 feet tall and 40 feet wide.
The transformer inputs were 13,800 volts. The reason this strange
situation came about is that the substations were already on the land.
Due to the lack of vacant land in Manhattan, Building 7 was designed
to sit on top of the substations and completely enclose them.
To make the structure stranger (and more dangerous), the tenants
of the building installed tanks of diesel fuel to power emergency
generators in case the electric power to the city was cut off. American
Express had a 275 gallon tank for their backup generator; Mayor
Giuliani had a 6,000-gallon tank to supply three 500 kW generators for
his Emergency Command Center; the investment firm Salomon Smith
Barney had two 6,000 gallon tanks for their nine 1.725 MW
generators, and the landlord installed two 12,000 gallon tanks for two
900 kW generators. If the FEMA report is correct, the building had the
capacity to hold 42,000 gallons of diesel fuel, and the generators had a
total capacity of about 20 megawatts of electricity. Not surprisingly, the
New York fire department complained more than once that the
situation was risky.
The diesel tank and generator used by American Express were so
small that they were placed together on the 8th floor. However, the
other tanks and generators were gigantic, so they were separated from
each other. The large tanks were near the ground floor, except for the
Mayors 6,000 gallon tank, which was on the 2nd floor. The generators
were on the 5th, 7th, and 9th floors. Pumps and pipelines carried the
fuel from the large tanks up to small tanks that fed the generators. As
you can imagine, if any of those pipelines were to leak, fuel could drip
down as many as nine floors, and out into the street.
Is the electric power supply in New York City so unreliable that
office buildings truly need this much backup power capacity?


This is a sample from Painful Questions, by Eric Hufschmid

Apparently so; the FEMA report implies that Building 7 was a normal
office building:

An array of fuels typically associated with offices was

distributed throughout much of the building.
Do you know of any typical office buildings that have several
pipelines to carry 42,000 gallons of diesel fuel to 15 or more generators
with a combined capacity of 20 megawatts? Was something going on
in Building 7 that nobody wants to admit to?
Building 7 belongs in an industrial zone where people are casting
metal objects or firing pottery. Why did the city allow such a hazardous
situation in a public office building? Perhaps Mayor Giuliani, Salomon
Smith Barney, and the landlord wanted the rubble destroyed to
prevent investigators from blaming the collapse of Building 7 on their
giant fuel tanks and network of pipelines.
Part of the secrecy with Building 7 may be due to the CIA,
Department of Defense, and Secret Service, all of which had offices in
that building. The FEMA report claims that two 12,000 gallon tanks of
diesel fuel belonged to the landlord, but the landlord does not show up
as a tenant in the building, so it appears as if the landlord provided the
fuel to his tenants. The FEMA report mentions that both the Mayor and
the Secret Service took fuel from the landlords 12,000 gallon tanks,
but the landlord may have supplied fuel and backup generators for
some of his other tenants, also, such as the CIA and Department of
Defense. Perhaps all the people involved with these diesel tanks
pushed for the destruction of the rubble so that nobody would accuse
them of being the reason the building collapsed. This would also
prevent lawsuits against the CIA and other agencies.

Almost everyone in the world was sympathetic towards the USA on

September 11th. Unfortunately, during the ensuing months, the
strange response from the US Government has caused some of that
sympathy to be replaced with suspicion and anger.
No sensible reason exists to limit the investigation of the World
Trade Center collapse or to depend on volunteers to investigate;
America has enough money and manpower to do the job properly.
Secrecy about Building 7 cannot be justified, either; our government
should not hide irresponsible and/or illegal behavior of landlords, the
CIA, or the mayor of New York City. Additionally, there is no sensible
explanation for why the Securities and Exchange Commission cannot
identify the suspicious investors of airline options.
The behavior of the US government leads me to conclude that
some government officials are hiding something. I doubt that President
Bush is so naive that he truly believes America has a shortage of
investigators; certainly he has some other reason to interfere with the
investigation. I also suspect that FEMA officials knew that destroying the
rubble was both illegal and irresponsible; that FEMA deliberately
allowed our laws to be violated. Something is going on, and it is not
likely to be legal.

How much is 42,000 gallons of

It would provide about 330,000
kilowatt hours of electricity. I use
100 to 300 kilowatt hours per
month, so it would provide
electricity for me for at least 90
How many decades could
Building 7 provide you with

You probably heard about

Zacarias Moussaoui, the 9-11
terrorist, asking to learn how to
fly a plane, but not take off or
land a plane.
The American Free Press
reported on 3 June 2002 that the
New York Times had a small
article in which Norman Mineta,
the Transportation Secretary,
testified to the Senate
Commerce Committee that
Moussaoui never made such a
Who is telling the truth?

some individuals are put at

risk for the benefit of the
greater good.
From The Final Report of the
Advisory Committee on Human
Radiation Experiments, by the
Department of Energy, 1994.
The DOE is justifying the secret
experiments the US government
conducted on American citizens.
A more honest remark would
have been:
While it was immoral for Nazis
to use people in medical
experiments, it is righteous for
Americans to do so.

This is a sample from Painful Questions, by Eric Hufschmid

Some government officials and

private citizens advocate
allowing the FBI to torture
These Americans are responding
to a terrorist attack by advocating
we get rid of some of the
freedoms that America was
created to provide.

Our forefathers act of civil

disobedience created
Rick Stanley, in his statement
January 9, 2002, encourages
citizens to do ...your very own
personal act of civil
disobedience, to make our
country better.

Stanley is one of many people

who suggests resisting the
attempts by the government to
get dictatorial control of the

The hotel (Building 3) at left, rear. The North

tower is in the center, and the South Tower
is at the extreme left edge.

Judging by the number of accusations and complaints on the

Internet, I am just one of thousands of people who suspect something
is seriously wrong. Some of these people are angry, and some are
encouraging rebellion.

Each act of civil disobedience will create a better

That quote from Rick Stanleys statement on January 9, 2002
reflects the attitude of many citizens. As of May 2002, Stanley was a
Libertarian candidate for the US Senate in Colorado. Stanley and
others complain about a variety of issues that revolve around the
terrorist attack on September 11th, such as The Patriot Act; the
proposal to allow the FBI to use torture; and the destruction of the
World Trade Center rubble.
Thousands of citizens are angry with the government. Ignoring
them on the grounds that they are conspiracy nuts or wackos does
not solve any problems.

We should learn from Marie Antoinette that a government should

deal with angry citizens, not laugh at or ignore them. Unfortunately,
the only people who understand this concept are successful managers
in private companies. A successful manager would not ignore anger
among employees; rather, the best managers observe the attitudes
among employees. They strive to keep the employees happy and their
morale high. Compare that to the American government officials who
not only ignore discontent, they also have no concern about the
morale of the citizens.

The September 11th attack is a serious problem that our

government should acknowledge and deal with. The Internet, some
books, and a few paper publications are full of accusations, calls for
rebellion, and conspiracy theories. The angry and suspicious people
are spreading anger and suspicion to other citizens. Ignoring these
people is not the way to create a healthy nation.
In response to the charges of corruption and conspiracies, other
citizens claim the nation is full of conspiracy nuts and idiots.
However, these accusations only reinforce and divide the citizens. This
fighting will hurt the morale of America, and that will hurt all of us.
The more shocking conspiracy theories claim that the rubble was
destroyed to hide evidence that explosives were used to assist in the
collapse of the buildings. An example of this type of conspiracy theory
speculates that the CIA, Bush family, and others decided to fake the
attack in an attempt to make the world angry at the Taliban, providing
us with an excuse to destroy them so that we could try installing a
government that would give us access to Caspian oil.
The US military action in Afghanistan is as suspicious as the
superficial investigation of the World Trade Center collapse, thereby
fueling conspiracy theories. Our government claimed that we bombed
Afghanistan to search for Osama and his terrorist camps, but how do
we locate Osama by flying high above the clouds and dropping bombs


This is a sample from Painful Questions, by Eric Hufschmid

on people who had nothing to do with the September 11th attack? All
we did with our bombs was kill innocent people and destroy some of
the worlds most primitive villages. The goal of US military appears to
be the removal of the Taliban rather than locating Osama and his
training camps.
After destroying the Taliban, the US military essentially gave
Afghanistan to the Northern Alliance. There was no attempt to help the
citizens of Afghanistan develop a sensible government. The suspicious
aspect of our friendship with the Northern Alliance is that during the
1980s our government gave billions of dollars in weapons and other
aid to Osama and his terrorists to help them defeat the Northern
Alliance and the Russians. Osama was not a terrorist back then,
however. Rather, when President Reagan welcomed some of Osamas
Mujahadeen allies to the White House, he referred to them as, the
moral equivalent of our founding fathers.
The Russians supported the Northern Alliance then, and they still
support them today. So why in 2002 did we give Afghanistan to the
Northern Alliance? Are we trying to become their new best friend?
The Taliban, not Osama, has been the focus of the US military
campaign. The US military never showed much interest in searching for
Osama or his terrorist camps. Perhaps the US government believes the
Northern Alliance will be so grateful to us that they will grant us access
to Caspian oil.

Americans are not the only people complaining about the US

government. For example, in March of 2002 a Frenchman named
Thierry Meyssan published the book The Frightening Fraud (or The
Appalling Deception, depending on who translates it from French) in
which he accused the US military of faking the crash of Flight 77 on
September 11th. A remark by Thierry Meyssan in a recent interview
could be an indication that the US government is creating enemies
rather than impressing the world:

Mirko Balke


View of a tower, from the ground.

Thats not what militaries do

Remark by General Tommy
Franks to a group of international
reporters in April of 2002 when
asked about the failure to find
Osama bin Laden.
If our military is not searching for
Osama, what are they doing in
What do militaries do?

since the U.S. has used [the 9-11 attack] as one of their
arguments to launch an attack against Afghanistan and
has asked the whole world to stand at its side in the war,
this is no longer a purely American affair.

The US military refuses to release the video from the security

cameras that recorded Flight 77 crashing into the Pentagon on
September 11. We were practically forced to watch the airplanes hit
the North and South Towers over and over and over again, so why not
let us watch the video of the airplane hitting the Pentagon just one
The US military has the largest supply of advanced weapons on the
planet, but they claim to be afraid of a few terrorists with primitive
technology. The implication is that the terrorists might see something in
that video that will allow them to hurt America. Are the people in
control of the US military truly this foolish? Or, is The Frightening Fraud
correct that the military faked the airplane crash?

A book that should

have been written

This is a sample from Painful Questions, by Eric Hufschmid

Facts from the CIA on
Afghanistan (before the USA
bombed it). The US military
certainly studied these facts to
prepare for the incredible danger
they were facing:

The majority of the population

continues to suffer from
insufficient food
the country suffers from
enormous poverty, a
crumbling infrastructure
Population: 26,813,057
Telephones: 29,000
Internet Service Providers: 1
Military expenditures: $n/a
Literacy: 31.5%
the military does not exist on a
national basis
no functioning central
worlds largest illicit opium

Many people tell us that we either support the Bush administration

100% or we are a part of the Axis Of Evil. These people believe they
are helping to unify America by making such remarks, but they are
merely making themselves look like hypocrites. These people boast
about our Freedom of Speech and our right to question our
government, and at the same time they try to suppress both freedoms.
Furthermore, the attitude that obedience to President Bush will
create a unified nation is as ridiculous as one of your friends
announcing that the group of friends will become more unified if you
obey him without question. Obedience does not create unity, nor does
it create happier people. Rather, it sets up the people for abuse.
Citizens need to take an active role in their nation, not become
obedient soldiers.
Millions of Americans are appalled at the number of citizens who
mindlessly followed Hitler and Saddam Hussein. Nevertheless, take
note that Americans are behaving the same way if they refuse to look
critically at their own government. The patriots who chant USA! USA!
USA!, Support George Bush!, and You are either with us or against
us! should be chanting Think! Learn! Investigate!, Demand
competent politicians! and It is OK in the USA to question the

** unknown**

narcotics trafficking is a major

source of revenue.

Photos shows a plume of dust rising upwards near Buildings 5 and

6 as each tower collapsed (Figure 1-1). This dust shot upwards so
quickly that it passed the top of Building 7 (nearly 600 feet tall) within a
few seconds. The collapse of the towers would have pushed dust into
the underground shopping mall, parking lot, and passageways,
increasing the air pressure underground. These plumes of smoke might
be the result of the high pressure dust blowing open a hole in or near
Buildings 5 and 6, and then shooting upwards. Building 6 (Figure 1-2)
has two deep holes in it, and Building 5 has at least one mysterious
hole. Were those holes blown open to release the high pressure?

Figure 1-1
The courtyard of the World Trade Center

The red arrow points to a large cloud near Building

5, 6, and 7 as the South Tower collapsed. This cloud
shot upwards at very high speed.



This is a sample from Painful Questions, by Eric Hufschmid

The world improves when people discuss issues, not when patriots
give blind obedience to their government. Blind obedience would be
acceptable only if there were such a thing as a perfect government.
The US governments response to the September 11th attacks is
worse than an embarrassment considering the anger it stimulated
within America and internationally. Unless we deal with this issue we
are no better than the people we criticize. We need to work together
for beneficial causes, not fight with other. So lets stop promoting the
idea that patriotism requires blind obedience to President Bush. Lets
look closely at the attack and the collapse of the buildings.
There are a lot of mysterious aspects surrounding the events on
September 11th. If the US government had cooperated with an
investigation, sensible explanations for everything might have been
discovered. However, the governments strange response to the attack
is evidence that some people are trying to hide something. But hide
what? And who wants to hide it?
This book will explain some of the mysterious aspects of the World
Trade Center attack that are providing fuel for various conspiracy
theories. Those of you who do not believe anything illegal occurred
should look for explanations for these mysteries. The inability to
properly explain the attack is simply more evidence that we are
witnessing an incredible scam.

The September 11th attack

devastated America. If two
dozen terrorists with razors
could orchestrate that attack,
what would happen if 5,000
terrorists with advanced
technology attacked us?
We should hope that 9-11 was a
scam, and that thousands of
people and many years of
preparation were needed. The
more difficult this scam was, the
less likely it will be attempted a
second time.

James R.Tourtellotte

Figure 1-2

The blue arrows point to two deep holes in Building 6. Did falling debris create those holes?
Or were those holes blown open to release the high pressure in the basement?

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