Dan Savage - Social 10 Unit Plan - Industrial Revolution
Dan Savage - Social 10 Unit Plan - Industrial Revolution
Dan Savage - Social 10 Unit Plan - Industrial Revolution
Unit Plan:
The Industrial Revolution
Dan Savage
September 2009
Table of Contents:
Social Studies 10: Industrial Revolution Unit Overview
! This unit will introduce students to the massive changes that occurred in all
facets of life because of the Industrial Revolution. This great change in the way goods
were produced had far reaching consequences, and is still effecting us today. Students
will explore the inventions and innovations that drove this revolution in economic
organization, and the positive and negative results in the social and political realm
! The plan includes some lecture and discussion, but also chances for students to
think and produce in order to expand and demonstrate their understanding. Students
will be employing research and presentation skills at the start and end of the unit. They
will also complete a number of smaller portfolio assignments along the way.
! The activities in this unit will give students a good grasp on the basics of the
industrial revolution and will allow them to put themselves in the place of the people who
lived through this momentous change in the way our societies are arranged.
! In addition to the specific objectives listed under individual topics, the lessons in
Assessment Outline
! !
! ! Exam! ! ! ! ! -! 15%
Note: Students will be familiar with the types of assessment and marking schemes
described here because they are very similar to those employed in the previous unit.
Portfolio Assignments: These will consist of many small assignments that will be
completed and handed in to be marked. Some will simply need to be completed, and
others will be marked out of a certain number of points. Most of the portfolio
improve their assignment for higher marks. This is a great way to encourage students to
look back at assignments, and to pay attention to comments and suggestions for
improvement. It will help them to become more self aware (knowing what they know and
what they may need to improve on), and more able to edit their own work. There will
also be formative quizzes included in the portfolios. These will also help students to
understand what they know and donʼt know, and also let students know what
information the teacher considers to be important (helpful for studying for exams).
Inventions Group Presentations: Students will be working in groups to research and
present information on important inventions of the industrial revolution. This will occur
first thing in the unit, and the information provided by groups will be referred back to as
we work through the unit. Presentations will be evaluated based on the studentsʼ
abilities to work in groups, their presentations, and any products they create to help
them inform their peers (e.g. pictures, diagrams, handouts, powerpoint presentations).
Notes Check: Students will be working on larger projects during the unit. This will give
the teacher the chance to look over studentsʼ notes, and ensure that they are decently
complete and organized. Students will receive a mark out of 5 each for Completeness
Unit Final Projects: Students will be completing projects based on the information
covered in this unit. They will be given choice from a number of possible projects. Each
student will complete more than one final project. This will help encourage students to
do something that may be out of their comfort zone. The projects will be exhibited to
peers and potentially other students and parents. We also have the option to set up an
online exhibition, but this will depend on the regulations for publishing studentsʼ work
Unit Exam: Students will also complete an exam on the information and concepts from
the unit. This will also allow for evaluation of value and skill objectives, not just
Social Studies Unit 2: ! ! Dan Savage! September ʼ09
! !
The Industrial Revolution
Social Studies 10 Unit Plan: The Industrial Revolution (IR)" " " " "
Social Studies 10 Unit Plan: The Industrial Revolution (IR)" " " " "
Social Studies 10 Unit Plan: The Industrial Revolution (IR)" " " " "
Social Studies 10 Unit Plan: The Industrial Revolution (IR)" " " " "
Social Studies 10 Unit Plan: The Industrial Revolution (IR)" " " " "
Social Studies 10 Unit Plan: The Industrial Revolution (IR)" " " " "
Social Studies 10 Unit Plan: The Industrial Revolution (IR)" " " " "
Social Studies 10 Unit Plan: The Industrial Revolution (IR)" " " " "
Social Studies 10 Unit Plan: The Industrial Revolution (IR)" " " " "
Social Studies 10 Unit Plan: The Industrial Revolution (IR)" " " " "
Total Time: 27 Note: This is not a conservative estimate. Will run over-time if anything. Not
Hours expecting to go over 35 hours.
Unit Concept Maps and Reflection Assignment
Students will complete concept maps on the first day based on their current
understanding of the main concepts of the unit. The main concepts will be provided as a
starter. The format for the maps will be demonstrated so the students understand what
will be required. Students will be asked to provide nodes with concepts, and connect
them with lines, on which are words or phrases that explain the connection between the
connected nodes. An example of this is shown below.
The maps from the first day will be saved, and after the unit material has been studied,
students will complete another concept map. They will then be asked to analyze their
two maps to determine what has changed over the intervening time period. They will
write up a short reflection on this. The reflection and the second map that the students
make will be marked. The initial map will not be marked.
Hopefully, the process of analyzing the current state of their knowledge and the change
that has occurred will be helpful in preparation for the unit exam. If students find that
they are missing information in certain areas, they can hopefully work to rectify those
before the exam.
The map and reflection will be marked using the rubric included below. It will be
provided to students before they complete their second maps and reflection.
Unit Concept Maps and Reflection Rubric1
Content Coverage map covers all map covers 20-27 map covers 13-19 map covers 12 or
(Nodes) provided 28 concepts and concepts and fewer concepts
30% concepts and vocabulary vocabulary and vocabulary
vocabulary, and
may include
Linking Words strongly relevant relevant linking linking words are linking words are
20% linking words words are provided between provided between
provided between provided between 50-74% of the less than 50% of
90-100% of the 75-89% of the nodes the nodes
nodes nodes
Reflection Write- includes all major includes at least 3 includes 1-2 does not include
up differences differences differences differences
20% between the pre- between pre- and between pre- and between the two
and post-maps. post-maps. may post- map. there maps
includes 2-3 include 1-2 are no comments
comments on comments on on changes in
changes in changes in knowledge
knowledge knowledge
Title and Map titles and map titles and legend titles and legend titles and legend
Legend (maps legend are are informative are present, but are absent
that include informative and not informative or
different types of easy to find logical
nodes should
include a legend)
Neatness and 90-100% of the 80-89% of the 70-79% of the less than 70% of
Spelling words are legible words are legible words are legible the words are
15% and spelled and spelled and spelled legible and
correctly correctly correctly spelled correctly
Industrial Revolutions Concept Map: Example of Potential Student Product (post-unit)
List of Portfolio Assignments
This list includes all the major portfolio assignments that students will complete over the
unit. They are in the order that they will be completed. One more formative quiz may be
added depending on how well students are doing on their portfolio assignments for the
last few topics. There are more portfolio assignments bunched at the end of the unit,
and these will provide assessment information on those topics, so a third quiz will not
likely be necessary. More details on these assignments can be found within the
Portfolio Assignments:
! -Concept Map Assignment - one at beginning and one at end of the unit
! -Population Graphing Exercise - brings some math into social studies (Topic 2)
List of Final Project Options
You will be completing 2 - 3 of the following projects. These are worth 20% of your mark
for this unit, so be sure to put your best work into them. The starred choices are worth 2,
so if you do it, you need only do one other choice. Otherwise, youʼll need to complete 3
separate choices.
1. Graph the increase in rail line in the U.S. in an aesthetically pleasing way. Answer the
following questions in a paragraph based on your graph and other knowledge youʼve
2. Create a newspaper article(s) describing the changes brought about by the industrial
youʼve created yourself) and one or more written stories related to the changes of the
industrial revolution. You can be very specific to a certain topic, or quite general.
3. Read “A Visit to the Cholera Districts” from the September 24th 1849 edition of the
Morning Chronicle. This letter describes a visit to a slum in London. Produce a summary
of the main points of the article including some of the evidence offered by the author. As
! - How has the media been used, in this case, to raise awareness about the living
! - How does the language used differ from article in todayʼs newspapers? Which
***4. Write a research paper using proper form, evidence, and citations.
! Possible Topics:
! ! - Specific Invention
! ! ! instruments?)
5. Draw a timeline of the industrial revolution with illustrations (or photos/clipart etc) and
short descriptions. Be sure to cover all of the important inventions and events of the
6. Create a new invention. Describe it, draw it, explain how it works, etc. How will this
invention change the world? Will it bring about a major change to how societies
7. Make a model of one of the inventions that we studied. Provide a description of the
history of the invention, what it does, and how it changed the lives of people during the
industrial revolution. How does your invention fit into the revolution? (i.e. when did it
appear relative to the rest of the revolution? How large was itʼs impact?)
8. Produce a video (in pairs if you want). Your video could be of a newscast set during
the industrial revolution (like HistoryBites: what if television had been around back
then?) or an educational video set in current day, but teaching about the past. Be sure
9. “Photography to Change the World” - Like Hine, use photographs to show people
what youʼd like to change about the world today. Include words, sentences, or
paragraphs to explain what you are trying to portray with your photos. You can make a
poster with them, produce a report including your photos, or some other way to present
considered unfair. (see Oxfamʼs website for information on these kinds of industries)
You will need to choose an industry and provide the following information about it:
-Ways this industry could be improved and the various organizations attempting
to promote change
-What we can do as students and citizens of a developed nations to affect
-You will also be required to draw comparisons between your industry and the
Industrial Revolution
Develop your information into paragraphs to create a report, or produce another product
to get your information across (a presentation, a video, a poster, etc). Be sure to use